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Alla människors rätt till jämlika möjligheter i samhället : En komparativ studie av länsstyrelserna i Kalmars, Östergötlands och Västra Götalands läns arbete med de mänskliga rättigheterna.Andersson, Helen January 2015 (has links)
It is a human right to be treated equally and fairly no matter whom you are, what you like or where you are from. The United Nations addressed the important aspects of equally treatment in their declaration of the human rights. It is each conventions state’s responsibility to fulfil all the rights in the declaration. This study focuses on three Swedish county administrative organizational works with the human rights from their annual reports from 2014. The purpose of this study was to clarify each county administrative work with the human rights from an implementation perspective, and educe improvement potentials. The method which is used in this essay is a comparative study of the three organizations with a text analysis of their annual reports and a national report. This means that they initially were analysed separately and then compared in the end of the analysis. Factors such as the integration of the human rights and methods are of great importance in the presentation of each county administrative work. It is the government who is ultimately responsible for the human rights and that they are observed and worked with. To facilitate the work on a regional basis, the government have delegated the responsibility to the county administrative. Their main task is to ensure that the human rights-perspective is anchored in the organisation and that they work with the rights externally as well. The analysis compared the county administrative for what they have accomplished during the year, regardless of their geographical size and population. The results show that there are several steps left for the county administrative to use in their future work with the implementation of the human rights.
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Integritet och skydd av persondata - en fallstudie av Uppsala kommun ur ett internationellt perspektivPersson, Jon, Jansson, Jesper January 2015 (has links)
Vår studie granskar personuppgiftshanteringen i Uppsala kommun och undersöker hur internationella dataskyddsriktlinjer påverkar deras arbete. Vår forskningsmetod är fallstudie och som datainsamlingsmetod utförde vi semistrukturerade intervjuer med personuppgiftsombudet på Uppsala kommun. Vi har sedan analyserat och diskuterat resultaten kvalitativt. De internationella riktlinjer vi studerat mest ingående är EU:s dataskyddsdirektiv, EU:s kommande dataskyddsförordning, OECD:s ”Privacy Framework” och FN:s ”Guidelines Concerning Computerized Personal Data Files”. Vi har även undersökt vilka svenska lagar som påverkar kommunens arbete, främst Personuppgiftslagen. Resultatet av studien är att Uppsala kommuns arbete påverkas i hög grad av EU: direktivet, och i framtiden kommer de påverkas ännu mer av EU: förordningen. Det är dock inte på eget bevåg de valt att följa EU:s riktlinjer, utan det är på grund av att den svenska lagstiftningen är baserad på EU:s regleringar. Personuppgiftslagen är Sveriges tolkning av EU: direktivet. På grund av detta är Uppsala kommun tvungen att anpassa sig efter EU:s riktlinjer.
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ICDP : Ett verktyg för att förverkliga FN: s barnkonvention?Pettersson Askling, Madelene January 2008 (has links)
The basic view on children has change radically in the swedish society during the last century. From beeing seen as ruled by internal evil powers that only church could help controling later on the children should be brought up as citizen well-behaved and capable of work with help of the state's control. Today we see the child as competent and equal, and through Swedens adoption of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in year 1990, Sweden as a country undertakes itself to always see to the child´s greatest in all decision-making process concerning the child and also vouch for that the rights stated in the convention are beeing fulfild. Working with the convention in a such way that it's intention becomes reality in educational activities requires instruments for the pedagogues. During the years between 1980 and 1990 a number of different methods and programmes were developed with staring-points in the interplay between the child and the adult. One of those programmes was ICDP (International Child Development Programmes) who are based on the four core principles in the convention; non-discimination, devotion to the best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development and respect for the views of the child. The aim of my study is to investigate if and in that case how ICDP can be an instrument to realize The Convention on the Rights of the Child in the daily work in some educational activities. On the basis of the aim three questions at issue are asked. Can ICDP be used as an instrument for realizing The Convention on the Rights of the Child in the daily work, and in that case how? Can ICDP prevent violations between adults and children, and in that case how? What are the benefits from, respectively the difficulties of working with ICDP? I have used as method qualitative interviews with pedagogues from different schools. All the pedagogues have training in ICDP and I wanted their descriptions of their practical work with ICDP. The interviewed pedagogues gives a image of ICDP as an instrument for putting focus on the adults attitude in relation to children and pupils. All pedagogues gave examples of how ICDP fulfil the thoughts in the convention in the way of seeing the child as competent and willing to develop. To have a keen ear and the ability of following the child´s initiative are according to the the interviewed pedagogues important qualities by the adult that ICDP are focusing on. Yhe pedagogues gives a number of examples of benefits from as well as the difficulties of working with ICDP. My conclusions of this study are that pedagogues need instruments to realize The Convention on the Rights of the Child in the daily work and that ICDP can be used as one. The most importent thing after all isn´t what method or programme who will be used. Instead the fact that the work with the adults attitudes in relation to the children, pupils, colleagues and parents are done in an active and consciously way are the main thing. Keywords: The view on children, The Convention on the Rights of the Child, The school and the convention, ICDP
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Barns kunskaper om miljö och hållbar utveckling i vardagenAndersson, Christina, Carlsson, Catharina January 2008 (has links)
Miljöproblemen uppmärksammas idag i hela världen. Dagligen hör vi att hoten mot miljön måste åtgärdas och att alla måste hjälpas åt. Riksdag, regering, och flera stora världsorganisationer arbetar hårt med att få in ett miljöperspektiv i all undervisning. Det här gäller från förskolan ända upp till vuxenutbildning. Syftet är att undersöka vad barn vet och kan om vardagliga handlingar som påverkar miljön och en hållbar utveckling på ett positivt sätt i förhållande till vad rapporter och styrdokument föreskriver. Vi genomförde studien med hjälp av kvalitativa gruppintervjuer med 36 barn i åldrarna fem till tio år. Intervjuerna genomfördes gruppvis då vi anser att ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv kan vara gynnsamt i samtal om ett så stort och komplext ämne som miljö och hållbar utveckling är. Vi använde frågor, bilder och konkret material som underlag när vi genomförde intervjuerna. Generellt anser de flesta barn att det är viktigt med en bra miljö, även om kunskaperna om hur vi åstadkommer detta är varierande. Skillnaden på kunskapen mellan förskolan och grundskolan visade sig vara större än vad vi förväntat oss. Vi kunde inte se att miljöundervisning har gett det resultat och haft den centrala roll som riksdag, regering och världsorganisationer som bland andra FN och OECD föreskrivit.
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”Dag Hammarskjöld var mannen med en mission” : En innehållsanalys av nyhetsrapporteringen kring Dag Hammarskjöld som människa och symbol vid dennes död i september 1961Nordlöf, Malte January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to show how the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet andDagens Nyheter reported on and described Dag Hammarskjöld as a man and a symbolat the time of his death in 1961. The method for the research has been a qualitativethematic analysis of the content in the articles published from the date ofHammarskjöld´s death to the day after the funeral. The study has been based on theoriesabout newspapers roles in the construction of imagined communities, the use of mythsand the objectifying of abstract ideas in news texts.I have found that the investigated newspapers described Dag Hammarskjöld assynonymous with the United Nations, the world peace and a hope for the future. He wasalso described as a link between the present and the past in the Swedish history at thesame time as he was described as a man of the people. He was representing“Swedishness” in an international context and the cosmopolitan. The Swedish peoplewere described as a silent anonymous group mourning a great man and a fellowcountryman.The study shows that Dag Hammarskjöld became a complex figure thatrepresented not only him self but also Swedish qualities and norms.
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Trender i rysk militär doktrinutveckling mellan 2000-2010Hedvall, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Vilka är trenderna i den ryska doktrinutvecklingen under 2000-talet och hur kan dessa karaktäriseras? De ryska doktrinerna vänder sig inte primärt till operativ verksamhet utan är deklaratoriska till innehåll och omfattning och ska tolkas som signaler till omvärlden. Rysslands doktrinutveckling påverkas i stor omfattning av omvärldshändelser där retoriken i början av decenniet indikerar en stor oro för ett försvagat FN, vilket härleds till bl.a. Nato intervenering i f.d. Jugoslavien utan FN- mandat. Rysslands geostrategiska läge indikerar ett dilemma då hoten mot Rysslands säkerhet får en omfattande beskrivning i doktrinerna. Rysslands syn på FN har under senare delen av 2000-talet försvagats till fördel för CSTO som vuxit fram som ett möjligt ryskt alternativ till FN men främst som motvikt till Nato. Idémaktsteorin möjliggör att identifiera bl.a. retoriken i de ryska doktrinerna, där teorins institutionaliserade idéer, i främst den ryska militära eliten, påvisar varför förhållningssätt och uttryck i militärdoktrinerna skiljer sig i jämförelse med Vitboken. I detta sammanhang indikerar studien även motsättningar mellan den ryska politiska och militära eliten.
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Multinationella militära insatser som part till väpnad konflikt / Multinational military operations involvement in armed conflict as party to itLovisa, Hellichius January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on UN-authorized multinational miltary operations and their involvement in armed conflict as a possible party to it. The aim of the research is to define the notion of "armed conflict" and "party to armed conflict" as well as to investigate under what circumstances multinational military operations, including peace operations, may become party to an armed conflict, both de facto and de jure.
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Hållbarhetsstrategi : Implementering och påverkan från FN:s Global Compact / Sustainability strategy : Implementation and Impact of the UN Global CompactBreding, Josefine, Hartmeier, Elin January 2018 (has links)
In 1972, the United Nations (UN) held its first international environmental conference in Stockholm with 113 participating countries and during the conference, participants agreed that the environmental issue is as important to humanity as peace and development. The concept of sustainable development arose in the 1980s and gained global spread in 1987 when the World Commission launched its report on environment and development and defined sustainable development as "A development that satisfies today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs." During the 2000s, the United Nations has highlighted the importance of companies taking responsibility for their activities and contributing to sustainable development through two initiatives. This has led to companies wanting to take responsibility for their business but do not know how to proceed. The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge of how sustainability strategy can be formulated using the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goal and how the Sustainability Strategy can be implemented. The theoretical framework is based primarily on a model that is clearly focused on implementing sustainability strategies, but also research that addresses difficulties with implementing sustainability strategies. The study also contains an attachment with important concepts. The method is based on qualitative interviews with employees at BillerudKorsnäs and is supplemented by a documentary study. The results of the interviews and the document study are described in the study section. The analysis connects results and theory to study how BillerudKorsnäs handled implementation of sustainability strategy and difficulties with this. The study shows that BillerudKorsnäs has dealt with the implementation of the sustainability strategy and has formulated a sustainability strategy that can clearly be linked to the UN Sustainable Development Initiative.
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Hotbild är lika med världsbild? : En studie av Förenta Nationernas generalsekreterares tal från två olika tidsperioder och deras sätt att gestalta världsordningenHult, Wivi-Anne January 2005 (has links)
Denna uppsats fokuserar FNs generalsekreterare Javier Perez de Cuellar, Boutros Boutros Ghali och Kofi Annans tal i generalförsamlingen. Detta i en studie som diskuterar vilken bild av världspolitiken eller världsordningen som presenteras i deras tal. Två tidsperioder fokuseras, tiden efter Kalla krigets slut och tiden efter den 11 september med syftet att diskutera dessa i en analys där modeller och begrepp rörande makt och internationella relationer lyfter talens innebörd till det större sammanhanget. Metod för detta är en textanalys med kritisk diskursanalys som vägledande verktyg. En viktig tyngdpunkt hamnar med denna metod på vem det är som talar/hörs i texten.Utifrån generalsekreterarnas tal diskuteras alltså vems bild/bilder av världen det är som kommer fram i de anförande som hålls inför generalsförsamlingen och därmed i viss mån riktar sig till världens hela befolkning. Västvärldens dominans, FN-systemets svagheter och USAs konstanta närvarande i form av maktbalanserande är några av de ämnen studien koncentrerar.
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FN:s roll i terrorismbekämpning : En kvalitativ studie om FN:s åtgärder för att bekämpa IS utifrån ett perspektiv om mänskliga rättigheter / The United Nations' efforts to combat terrorism : A qualitative study about the United Nations' measures to combat IS from a perspective of human rightsKjellin, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze how the United Nations as an organization has acted to combat IS between 2010 and 2015 from a perspective of human rights, and why the UN has not taken further action in this area. The second question is answered through three different perspectives: organizational theory, realism and liberalism and feminism. The essay is a case study, and it is based on primary sources such as literature and official websites concerning the UN and its work to combat terrorism. I have concluded that the UN has made extensive efforts to combat IS, through strategies, resolutions, institutions and sanctions. However, these efforts have sometimes represented violations of human rights and international law, which should form the basis for the UN's work against terrorism. The three perspectives provide different answers concerning why the UN has not made even more efforts to combat IS. The UN organization as a whole is emphasized, as well as the international system and male domination in the political arena.
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