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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marknadsföring och reklam på Facebook : påtvingad marknadsföring vs tillståndsmarknadsföring / Marketing and advertising on Facebook : forced marketing vs permission marketing

Foss, Emma, Mikkelä, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
I takt med att användandet av sociala nätverk ökar så sker även en ökning av marknadsföring och reklam på dessa plattformar. Det största sociala nätverket idag är Facebook som har cirka 1,5 miljarder användare. Företag har börjat förstå vikten av att finnas på Facebook men de måste lära sig hur och vilken form av marknadsföring som är mest lämpad att använda på den plattformen.Syftet med denna studie är att försöka bringa klarhet i hur Facebookanvändare påverkas av de olika marknadsföringsformerna påtvingad marknadsföring och tillståndsmarknadsföring, samt hur de reagerar på reklam på Facebook och om det finns någon skillnad mellan män och kvinnor. För att besvara syftet genomfördes två fokusgrupper som bestod av både män och kvinnor och resultatet av dessa är att tillståndsmarknadsföring är den mest lämpade metoden för företag att använda men att det finns en förståelse för att båda former av marknadsföring finns. Utifrån studien har vi tagit fram 3 punkter som företag bör ha i åtanke vid marknadsföring på Facebook - 1) företag måste tänka över vilken marknadsföringsform de använder och varför, 2) segmentering av användare för att nå ut till rätt målgrupp för att effekten av reklamen ska bli så hög som möjligt och 3) för att reklam ska fånga användares uppmärksamhet är det viktigt att den innehåller intressant text med passande bilder. Resultaten av studien är inte generaliserbara och därför kan ytterligare studier om fenomenet behövas genomföras för att ge en mer rättvis bild. / As the use of social networks increases so does the use of marketing and advertising on these networks. The largest social network today is Facebook, which has about 1.5 billion users. Companies have begun to understand the importance of using Facebook, but they must learn how they should use Facebook as a marketing channel and which form of marketing that is most suitable to use on the platform.The purpose of this study is to try to clarify how Facebook users are affected by the different forms of marketing, forced marketing and permission marketing, and how they react to advertising on Facebook and if there is a difference between men and women. The purpose has been answered by putting together two focus groups consisting of both men and women. The results from these groups shows that permission marketing is the most suitable method for companies to use, but it also shows that there is an understanding that both forms of marketing exists. Based on this study, we have found 3 important things that companies should keep in mind when they use Facebook for marketing. 1) Companies must consider which form of marketing they should use and why, 2) segmentation of users to reach out to the right audience, to make the effect of advertising as high as possible, and 3) to capture users’ attention, it is important that the advertisement contains interesting text with suitable images. It’s not possible to generalize the results of the study and therefore further studies on the phenomenon are needed to provide a more accurate picture. This essay is written in Swedish.

Social Media and Negative Consumer Feedback

Sandell, Karl January 2012 (has links)
Social media have established themselves as a core part of our daily lives and the phenomenon keeps growing every day. They have become a platform for both businesses and people all over the world use to communicate thoughts and show off ideas. Using platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter marketing for businesses has become a must for capturing the public eye and making your brand attractive to consumers. This is an important subject and deserves focus so I have investigated how negative feedback on social media services such as Facebook and Twitter affect the company and its customers. The end goal is to understand how these businesses should use these services as mediums to effectively approach the problem. Using social mediums is complicated process and the formulation of your response is very important. Bringing the discussion offline is the best strategy for tackling the negative feedback. / Sociala medier har etablerat sig som väsentlig del av våra dagliga liv och fenomenet fortsätter att växa varje dag. Det har skapats en platform för både företag och människor över hela världen att kommunicera tankar och idéer till varandra. Användandet av sociala medier som Instagram, Facebook och Twitter i marknadsföring syfte har blivit ett måste för att fånga blicken från allmänheten. Detta leder mig till att vilja skriva om detta fenomen i denna uppsatts där jag undersöker hur negativ kritik via sociala medium som Facebook och Twitter påverkar ett företag och sina kunder. Målet är att förstå hur dessa företag borde använda dessa tjänster som ett medium för att bemöta kritiken. Att använda sig av sociala medier är en komplicerad process och formuleringen av ett svar är väldigt viktigt. Att driva diskussionen från sociala medier till en kommunikationsform som inte är publik är en strategi som rekommenderas.

I ett förhållande med Ving : En studie i relationsbyggande interaktion på Facebook

Samson, Julia, Hagström, Felicia January 2014 (has links)
Purpose: Social media is a global phenomenon that has developed from an opportunity of contact between people, into a platform for contact between organizations and people. This essay aims to investigate the public relation strategies of one organization on a popular social network.The main question that this study aims to answer is how the travel agency Ving chooses to create and preserve relationships to the public on Facebook in order to maintain a good reputation. Asub-question explores whether any patterns exist in Ving’s approach of interaction with its stakeholders. Method/Material: This study consists of a quantitative content analysis in which the interaction between the organization and the audience has been studied. Posts published by the public as well as replications from Ving have been categorized and then analyzed using two analytical models. The collected material consists of 513 posts published by the public and 457 answers published by Ving. The 56 posts that remained unanswered by Ving were also categorized and analyzed. Main results: One of the main findings of this study shows that Ving has a high frequency of responding to to their publics on their Facebook page. 89 % of the published posts have been responded by Ving with an informative answer and an answer that calls for further contact,suggesting that a will of Ving to interact with its followers and create a long-lasting and sustainable relationships will lead Ving to good relations among the followers. Good relationships creates a good reputation.

Tėvų vaidmuo elektroninių patyčių tarp paauglių problemos sprendime („Facebook“ atvejis) / Parents’ role in solving the problem of cyberbullying among adolescents (The “Facebook” case)

Šerėnas, Tadas 05 September 2014 (has links)
Modernioje visuomenėje patyčių reiškinys laikomas rimta socialine problema. Jos paplitimo mažėjimas tiesiogiai siejamas su visuomenės pažangos, raidos ir saugumo perspektyvomis. Patyčių fenomeno problemiškumas argumentuojamas jų aukštu paplitimu vaikystės ir paauglystės laikotarpiuose, tai savo ruožtu sukelia individų visapusiškos asmenybės formavimosi proceso sutrikimus. Šiuo metu pastebimas patyčių paplitimas elektroninėje erdvėje, kurioje jos išsivadavusios iš laiko ir vietos sąlygotumo būdingo tradicinėms patyčioms tampa greitesnėmis ir lankstesnėmis. Elektroninių patyčių savybės lemia didesnį jų paplitimo mąstą ir to pasėkoje dar labiau sustiprina šio reiškinio problemiškumą visuomenės ir individo atžvilgiu. Elektroninės patyčios plinta ten kur virtualybėje šiuo metu dažniausiai renkasi jaunimas. Šiuo metu fiksuojamas itin aukštas socialinio tinklapio „Facebook“ populiarumas santykyje su kitomis elektroninėmis erdvėmis. Ypač jauni asmenys naudojasi įvairiomis „Facebook“ tinklo paslaugomis ir funkcijomis, todėl ši elektroninė erdvė suprantama kaip palanki terpė plisti patyčioms tarp paauglių. Socialinių mokslų praktikoje dar nėra žinomas ugdymo institucijų vaidmuo šios problemos sprendime tame tarpe ir tėvų socialinės grupės santykis su paauglių elektroninėmis patyčiomis nėra išsamiai išnagrinėtas ugdymo sociologijos kontekste. Šio tyrimo tikslas siejamas su siekiu atskleisti tėvų vaidmenį elektroninių patyčių tarp paauglių problemos sprendime. Tyrime tėvų vaidmuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The phenomenon of bullying is considered to be a serious social problem in modern society. Its decrease in the prevalence is directly related to perspectives of social advancement, development and safety. The problem of the bullying phenomenon is being argued of its high prevalence during childhood and adolescence, which in turn causes disorders of individuals’ comprehensive personality formation process. Currently, the prevalence of bullying is noticed in cyberspace, where bullying, which escaped from time and conventionality of a place which is related to traditional bullying, became faster and more flexible. Features of cyberbullying lead to its higher prevalence and consequently reinforce the problem of the phenomenon in the case of a society or an individual. Cyberbullying prevail where currently youth usually choose in virtuality. Currently, a very high popularity of “Facebook” social network is being fixed in comparison with other cyberspaces. Especially young people use different “Facebook‘s” services and functions, therefore this cyberspace is understood as friendly environment for the prevalence of bullying among adolescents. The role of training institutions in solving the problem is still not known in social science practice. The parental relation of social group with cyberbullying of adolescents in educational sociology context is not examined in detail. The aim of the research is to reveal the role of parents in solving the problem of cyberbullying among... [to full text]

Lietuvos Respublikos savivaldybių komunikacija socialiniame tinkle „Facebook“ / Communication of Lithuania‘s municipalities on Facebook

Blinstrubas, Mantas 16 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos Respublikos savivaldybių komunikacija Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje populiariausiame socialiniame tinkle „Facebook“. Savivaldybė šio tyrimo rėmuose traktuojama kaip teritoriškai determinuota bendruomenė ir kaip vietos valdžios organas. Ataskaitoje pristatomo tyrimo problema išreiškiama klausimais „Kokia yra viešojo administravimo institucijų komunikacijos socialiniuose tinkluose specifika? Kokia yra Lietuvos Respublikos savivaldybių komunikacijos socialiniame tinkle „Facebook“ bendroji situacija, turinys, struktūra?“. Teorinėje darbo dalyje atskleidžiama socialinių medijų ir socialinių tinklų specifika, viešojo administravimo institucijų komunikacijos socialiniuose tinkluose tikslai. Daromi apibendrinimai, kad: viešojo administravimo institucijų komunikacija socialiniuose tinkluose turėtų būti paprasta ir aiški; pranešimai turėtų būti orientuoti į lakoniškumą, patrauklumą (vaizdais ir žodžiais), optimalų dažnumą; jeigu savivaldybė per soc. tinklus sugebėtų pati apimti didelę auditoriją, ji turėtų tinkamą įrankį įvaizdžio vadybai. Empiriniame tyrime taikytas kiekybinės-kokybinės turinio analizės metodas. Tam sukurtas tyrimo instrumentas, skirtas fiksuoti komunikacijos dažnumą, naudojamas priemones, nagrinėjamas temas. Duomenims apdoroti naudota deskriptyvinė statistika. Tyrimą sudaro 3 dalys. Pirmoje dalyje analizuojami Lietuvos savivaldybių „Facebook“ paskyrų (N=18) bendrieji bruožai, atsirenkamos tyrimui aktualios paskyros (N=12)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bachelor‘s thesis examines the communication of Lithuania‘s municipalities on Facebook – most popular social networking site in Lithuania and the world. Municipality in this research is handled as a territorially determined unit as well as a local government‘s body. The scientific problem of the thesis is expressed with these questions: „What is the particularity of communication on social networking sites in public administration institutions? What are general situation, content, structure of Lithuania‘s municipalities communication on Facebook?“. Theoretical part of the thesis reveals particularity of social media and social networking sites; reveals public administration institutions goals of communication on social networking sites. Summing-up that: public administration institutions communication on social networking sites should be plain and simple; posts should be oriented to laconism, attraction (visual and verbal), optimal frequency; if municipality itself were able to cover large audience on social networking sites, it would have suitable image management tool. Empirical research was implemented by using quantitative-qualitative content analysis. This was done by creating the research instrument, which measures frequency, tools and topics of communication. Data was processed by using descriptive statistics. Research consists of three parts. First part – general attributes of Lithuania‘s municipalities Facebook pages (n=18) were analysed; particular pages (n=12)... [to full text]

Modelling the factors that influence Generation Y students' attitudes towards advertising in the facebook environment / Hilda Bongazana Dondolo

Dondolo, Hilda Bongazana January 2014 (has links)
Previous research has provided insights into factors influencing attitudes toward advertising in general, and those factors influencing attitudes toward advertising in a particular medium. However, attitudes towards Facebook advertising, especially those of Generation Y, have received relatively little research attention, especially in the South African context. The Generation Y cohort (individuals born between 1986 and 2005) are heavy users of Facebook, and access the site on a daily basis. In South Africa, approximately 20 million of the country’s population of 52 982 000 fall into the Generation Y cohort; this makes them a salient market segment. Those engaged in tertiary education are of particular interest to marketers as a tertiary qualification is often an indication of higher future earning potential, and higher social status within a community. The purpose of this study was to propose and test a model of the possible determinants and inhibitors of Generation Y students‟ attitudes towards advertising, in the Facebook environment, within the South African context. The proposed model suggests that information value, entertainment value, credibility, self-brand congruity and trust in site are predictors of attitude towards advertising in the Facebook environment, while invasiveness of advertisements and time cost are inhibitors of attitude towards advertising in the Facebook environment. The study hypothesised that information value, entertainment value, credibility, self-brand congruity, trust in site, invasiveness of advertisements and time cost impact on Generation Y students‟ perceived value of advertisements on Facebook that in turn directly influence attitudes towards advertising on Facebook. The study followed a descriptive research design using a single cross-sectional sample and a self-administered survey questionnaire. A non-probability convenience sample of 450 students enrolled at three public higher education institutions (HEIs) of South Africa located in the Gauteng Province was drawn for the study. Lecturers at the three HEIs were contacted and asked if they would allow the questionnaire to be distributed to their students during class. Of the questionnaires completed, there were 306 usable self-administered questionnaires. Data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis, Pearson’s Product-Moment correlation analysis and structural equation modelling. Before testing and confirming the hypothesised construct paths, a measurement model was developed based on the exploratory factor analysis and correlation analysis. The results of the correlation analysis showed that invasiveness of advertisements and time cost did not have a significant relationship with the two endogenous constructs of value and attitude towards advertisements on Facebook. As such, the measurement model excluded these two constructs. The measurement model identified seven latent variables identifying attitudes towards advertisements in the Facebook environment as a seven-factor structure. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and the results confirmed the existence of convergent and discriminant validity. The measuring scale of this study also demonstrated composite reliability. The initial structural model (Structural Model A) hypothesised that information value, entertainment value, credibility, self-brand congruity and site trust directly influence perceived value, which, in turn, influences overall attitude towards advertising in the Facebook environment. Despite the fit indices indicating the overall fit of the hypothesised structural model as acceptable, the path between self-brand congruity and value, as well as the path between site trust and value, were negative and not significant. As such, a revised model based on the original measurement framework was tested. The revised structural model (Structural Model B) was tested to determine whether self-brand congruency and site trust have a direct positive influence on Generation Y students‟ overall attitude to advertising in the Facebook environment, rather than an indirect influence via their influence on perceived value. In Structural Model B, information value, entertainment value and credibility have a significant positive influence on Generation Y students‟ perceived value of advertisements on Facebook, and perceived value has a significant positive influence on attitudes towards advertisements on Facebook. Similar to the findings of previous studies, Structural Model B revealed that self-brand congruity and site trust have a significant positive and direct influence on Generation Y student‟ overall attitude towards advertising in the Facebook environment. Furthermore, the revised model (Structural Model B) appears to fit the data better than that of Structural Model B. This study contributes to the body of knowledge in the area of attitude towards advertising by empirically testing a model of factors influencing Generation Y‟s attitudes towards advertising in the Facebook environment, and ascertaining which factors act as antecedents to successful advertising on Facebook. It suggested that attitude towards advertising in the Facebook environment is a seven-factor structure composed of overall attitude, information value, entertainment value, credibility, self-brand congruity, trust in site and perceived value. The study also offers recommendations and guidance for marketers who seek to incorporate Facebook in their marketing communication mix. / PhD (Marketing Management), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014

Från Facebook till ”Fakebook”? : Facebooks inverkan på rekryteringsprocesser och dess eventuella påverkan på individens profilutformning

Appeldahl, Julia, Engvall Larsson, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Our purpose was to investigate when a specific phenomenon is taken out of context and used in a manner not originally intended for. Facebook is meant to be used in the private sphere as a way for individuals to communicate and keep in touch with family, friends and acquaintances. However, Facebook has begun to be used increasingly in the professional context like recruitment. We have through qualitative interviews explored how the respondents, professional recruiters and future job applicants, think about the use of Facebook in a recruitment process. By applying theories dealing with roles and lifestyles we have been able to pinpoint our empirical data. The results showed that the respondents agreed that Facebook is for private use and hence is Facebook a misleading assessment tool and can easily create false perceptions about an individual's suitability for a job. Although the recruiters showed a tendency to weigh in information from Facebook in some cases. Future job applicants said they did not adjust their Facebook profile for a possible review of recruiters. Our results indicate that this may be necessary to minimize the risk of being excluded in a recruiting process.

Os gêneros textuais digitais e o ensino da língua portuguesa: o facebook como ferramenta pedagógica para o desenvolvimento da escrita.

SILVA, Zenilda Ribeiro da. 02 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Denize Lourenço (biblicfp@cfp.ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-01-02T14:26:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ZENILDA RIBEIRO DA SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PROFLETRAS 2015.pdf: 3106562 bytes, checksum: 221256aeaa8e4b1afbdc9aa4fab93e04 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-02T14:26:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ZENILDA RIBEIRO DA SILVA - DISSERTAÇÃO PROFLETRAS 2015.pdf: 3106562 bytes, checksum: 221256aeaa8e4b1afbdc9aa4fab93e04 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-18 / Muitos são os trabalhos e publicações que têm buscado discutir as questões relacionadas ao ensino de língua portuguesa dentro dos moldes da atual sociedade, bem como as suas falhas, a exemplo de Antunes (2002), (2003) e (2009), Ferrarezi Jr. (2014), Gomes (2011), Lemos (2010), Marcuschi (2010), Moran (2014), Xavier (2011) e (2013), dentre outros. Grandes são as transformações palas quais a sociedade do século XXI vem passando, e dentre essas, vêm merecendo destaque as que são impulsionadas pelas TICs – Tecnologias da informação e da comunicação, cujos efeitos se fazem sentir também no dia-a-dia dos sujeitos e nos usos que estes fazem da linguagem. Autores como Lèvy (1993), (1999) e (2011), Primo (2011), Recuero (2014), apresentaram discussões sobre as novas formas de se comunicar e interagir por meio das redes sociais, como o Facebook, plataformas que vão além do entretenimento, mas também interferem nas formas como os jovens se relacionam e se expressam dentro dessa sociedade digital. Frente a todo esse efervescer de mudanças percebemos o ensino e a escola um tanto aquém desse movimento renovador e inovador. Tais constatações nos motivaram a empreender, nessa dissertação, um estudo voltado para o ensino-aprendizagem da escrita tendo os gêneros digitais, em especial o Facebook, como pano de fundo. Assim, nosso objetivo geral foi trabalhar as habilidades da escrita dos alunos do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental a partir dos gêneros digitais, especialmente o Facebook. Para alcançar o nosso intento, realizamos, de início, uma pesquisa bibliográfica em livros, periódicos e artigos que versavam sobre o ensino da língua portuguesa, bem como publicações recentes que abordam o cenário educacional dentro dessa nova configuração de sociedade na qual estamos inseridos. Para verificar a aceitação dos alunos em relação ao trabalho com a red social Facebook, escolhemos como corpus da pesquisa uma turma de 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental e aplicamos um questionário focando no uso das redes sociais e da escrita nessas plataformas de entretenimento, cujos resultados encontram-se mais adiante explicitados. Nesse aspecto, nossa pesquisa caracteriza-se como sendo qualitativa com procedimentos próprios da etnografia, mais precisamente da etnografia digital, conforme Severino (2007) e Klem (2013). Os resultados do nosso estudo confirmaram a existência do que Antunes (2003) chama de fosso, ou seja, distância entre o que se vem estudando e o que de fato vem acontecendo dentro das salas de aula no que tange ao ensino da língua materna. Apontou para a necessidade de se reestruturar as formas de trabalho com o ensino da escrita, considerando os seus novos formatos, suportes, objetivos e funções sociais. A partir dos resultados das discussões aqui apresentadas e como fruto do nosso empreendimento investigativo, finalizamos apresentando uma cartilha pedagógica para usos do Facebook como ferramenta pedagógica contendo, além de um passo-a-passo, uma sequência didática. / Son muchos los trabajos y publicaciones que han buscado discutir las questiones relacionadas a la enseñanza de lengua portuguesa dentro de los moldes da actual sociedad, bien como sus fallas, como senãlan, por ejemplo, Antunes (2002), (2003) e (2009), Ferrarezi Jr. (2014), Gomes (2011), Lemos (2010), Marcuschi (2010), Moran (2014), Xavier (2011) e (2013), entre otros. Grandes son las transformaciones que la sociedad ven sufriendo en el siglo XXI. Por ejemplo, aquellas impulsionadas por las TICs – Tecnologías de información y comunicación, cuyos efectos se dejan sentir también en el cotidiano de las personas y en los usos que están se haciendo de la lengua. Autores como Lévy (1993), (1999) e (2011), Primo (2011), Recuero (2014), presentan discusiones sobre las nuevas formas de comunicarse e interagir por médio de las redes sociales como el Facebook, plataformas que van más allá del entretenimiento, pero también interferen en las maneras como los juévenes se relacionan y se expresan dentro de la sociedad digital. Toda esa ebulición de câmbios deja claro que la enseñanza y la escuela no han estado a la altura de todo eso movimiento renovador e innovador. Esas constataciones nos han estimulado a emprender, en este trabajo, un estudio voltado para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la escritura tiendo los géneros digitales, en especial el Facebook, como un telón de fundo. Asi, nuestro objetivo general fue trabajar las habilidades de la escritura de los alumnos del 9º año de la Enseñanza Básica desde los géneros digitales, especialmente el Facebook. Para lograr alcanzar nuestro intento, realizamos, inicialmente, una investigación bibliográfica en libros, periódicos e artículos que versaban sobre la enseñanza del português, bien como publicaciones recentes que discuten el escenario educativo dentro de la nueva configuración de sociedad en la cual vivimos. Para verificar la aceitación de los alunos respecto al trabajo con la red social Facebook, se elligió como corpus de la investigación la turma del 9º año de la Enseñanza Básica y se aplicó un cuestionario focando el uso de las redes sociales y de la escritura en esas plataformas de entretenimiento,cuyos resultados son explicitados más adelante. En ese aspecto, nuestra investigación se caracteriza como siendo qualitativa con procedimientos propios de la etnografía, más precisamente de la etnografía digital, de acuerdo con Severino 2007) y Klem (2013). Los resultados de nuestro estudio confirnan la existência de lo que Antunes (2003) llamó de fosso, es decir, distancia entre o que se está estudiando y lo que de facto sucede dentro de las clases de aula en lo que concierne a la enseñanza de lengua materna. Él destacó la necesidad de reestructurar las formas de trabajo con la enseñanza de la escritura sin perder de vista sus nuevos formatos, suportes, objetivos y funciones sociales. Desde los resultados de las discusiones presentadas, y como fruto de nuestro empreendimento investigativo, finalizamos presentando una herramienta pedagógica contienendo, además de un manual paso a paso, una sequencia didáctica.

Un monde en mutation : jeunesse, internet et politique : les cas du mouvement étudiant MANE en Colombie et du mouvement Acampa Sampa Ocupa Sampa au Brésil : (2011) / A world in mutation : youth, internet and politics : the colombian student mouvement MANE and the Ocupa Sampa cases : (2011)

Galindo ramirez, Martha Liliana 09 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les transformations des pratiques politiques des jeunes liées à l’usage d’Internet, en particulier de Facebook, en 2011 dans le cas du mouvement pour l’éducation Mane -Mesa Amplia Nacional Estudiantil- en Colombie et du mouvement d’occupation Acampa Sampa Ocupa Sampa au Brésil. Ce travail intègre des entretiens, l’élaboration de bases de données issues des pages Facebook et l’étude des dynamiques en ligne et hors ligne en soulevant des singularités et des enjeux méthodologiques. Il examine des modalités d’appropriation de Facebook ainsi que le statut de la jeunesse, les rapports au politique et la place d’internet. Les entretiens en face-à-face et l’analyse des bases de données des pages Facebook ont permis d’établir les contenus des revendications, les appels des mouvements, la mise en évidence occasionnelle des mécontentements et des disputes, l’administration singulière et l’utilisation différenciée des divers outils numériques, les usages des réseaux sociaux qui ont eu une grande capacité de rassembler et qui ont aussi été au cœur des polémiques autour des intérêts personnels, partisans ou collectifs des mouvements. Les mouvements étudiés partagent des caractéristiques semblables tout en ayant des singularités par rapport à : leur mode d’émergence, leurs liens avec des mobilisations précédentes, leurs principes, leurs revendications, leurs modes d’organisation et d’appropriation d’Internet et du réseau Facebook et leurs relations à la rue et au web, à l’espace et au temps, à la visibilité et l’invisibilité. La question de « l’apartisanisme » est présente dès l’origine, que ce soit à travers l’activité des mouvements hors ligne ou en ligne. Elle est en partie la cause de conflits qui ont eu lieu à l’intérieur des mouvements. L’affirmation de « l’apartisanisme » a participé au succès des mouvements et elle explique également leur essoufflement. L’analyse de likes, de partages et de commentaires a permis de repérer : l’enthousiasme qui se manifeste au moment de leur essor, les moments de déclin, les rapports avec la police et les autorités locales, les échanges et débats internes, les appels « officiels » des administrateurs des pages et les réponses de sympathisants ou des personnes critiques à l’égard de certaines manières de décider et d’orienter les mouvements. L’approche de la jeunesse, en tant que catégorie construite et déterminée par son contexte, est bouleversée d’une part, par l’irruption du numérique et, d’autre part, par la remise en cause du moratoire social. En faisant le lien entre ces deux bouleversements, un troisième élément apparaît conduisant à un nouveau questionnement. La condition de jeunesse semble s’élargir (plus de temps et de conditions matérielles pour les loisirs et l’oisiveté) alors qu’elle se rétrécie avec les orientations économiques actuelles qui amplifient l’importance du marché et démantèlent peu à peu les politiques favorables au moratoire social. Dans ce contexte où l’accentuation des contraintes est allée de pair avec l’émergence de nouvelles possibilités d’action, ces mouvements sociaux ont eu comme objectif de dénoncer le fonctionnement restreint de la démocratie, de remettre en cause la concentration de la richesse et du pouvoir, d’expérimenter de nouvelles formes de protestation et de mobilisation en mettant en rapport les problèmes locaux avec des dynamiques internationales, en participant à une mouvance transnationale de contestation. Ce travail insiste sur la nécessité de surmonter l’opposition réel versus virtuel, d’éviter de traiter le numérique comme le miroir de l’univers non numérique ou de réduire chacune de ces dimensions l’une à l’autre. Il souligne la portée, les spécificités et les imbrications des ordres de réalité en ligne et hors ligne et constate une cohabitation entre des formes d’action différentes, avec à la fois des transformations et des continuités. / This thesis analyzes the transformations of political practices of youth related to Internet use, especially Facebook, in 2011 in the cases of the student movement Mane -Mesa Amplia Nacional Estudiantil- in Colombia and the Occupy movement Acampa Sampa Ocupa Sampa in Brazil. This work incorporates interviews, development of databases from Facebook pages and the study of the dynamics online and offline and discuss the singular methodological aspects. This study examines the appropriation modalities of Facebook as well as the status of youth, politics and internet.By face-to-face interviews and an analysis of databases from the Facebook pages, this research establishes the content of the claims, calls of the movements, the occasional disagreements and disputes, the singular administration and utilization of various digital tools, the uses of social networks who had a great capacity to gather and also to be at the heart of the controversy around personal, collective or partisan interests inside the movements.Studied movements share similar characteristics and reveal singularities relative to: their mode of emergence, their links with previous protests, their principles, their demands, their modes of organization and appropriation of the Internet and the Facebook network and their relationship to the street and the web, the space and the time, the visibility and the invisibility.The issue of "apartisanisme" is present from the beginning through the offline and online activity of the movements. It is partly the cause of conflicts that took place inside them. The affirmation of "the apartisanisme" participated in the success of the movements and it also explains their stagnation.Analysis of likes, shares and comments allowed to identify: the enthusiasm manifested at the rise period, the moments of decline, relations with the police and local authorities, exchanges and internal debates, 'official' calls from administrators of pages and responses to support and to criticize some ways to decide and guide movements.The approach on youth, as a category built and determined by its context, is altered, on the one hand, by the irruption of the digital and, on the other hand, by the questioning of the social moratorium. By making the link between these two changes, a third element emerges and suggests new questions. The condition of youth seems to expand (more time and material conditions for leisure) while it is reduced according to the current economic guidelines which amplify the importance of the market society and dismantle little by little the moratorium social policies.In this context where emphasis constraints and emergence of new possibilities for action go together these social movements’ objective was to denounce the democracy operation restricted, the concentration of wealth and power, to experiment new forms of protest and mobilization linking local problems with international dynamics by participating in a transnational protest movement.This work points out the need to surpass the opposition real versus virtual, to avoid treating digital world as the mirror of the non-digital world or reduce each of these dimensions to the other. It highlights the scope, the specificities, and the interweaving of the online and offline reality orders and it establishes coexistence between different forms of action, including the continuities and transformations.


Asadzadeh Esfahani, Laleh 01 August 2016 (has links)
Facebook is the largest and the most popular online social network that records the large amount of users’ behavior expressed in various activities such as Facebook Likes, status updates, posts, comments, photos, tags and shares. One of the major attractions of such a big data offered by Facebook relates to the predictability of individuals’ psychological traits from their digital footprints which helps researchers and service providers to improve personalized products and services. The goal of this research project is to investigate the predictability of Facebook users’ personality traits measured by BIG5 test as a function of their digital records of behavior such as Facebook Likes. This research is based on a dataset of 92,255 users who provided their Facebook Likes and the results of their BIG5 personality test. For preprocessing the Likes data including 600 attributes, the proposed model uses the R Package “fscaret” to automatically determine the importance level of the attributes as a function of the set of learning algorithms applied to this problem. Two supervised versions of the Multi-Layer Self-Organizing-Map (MLSOM) algorithm is used to visualize the data and predict the users’ personality profiles as a function of Facebook profiles. The model predicts Facebook users' BIG5 personality traits with mean squared error of at most 0.053 for neuroticism and correlation of at most 0.3 for openness.

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