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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Escola e redes sociais: diálogos possíveis, saberes e inversões / School and social networks: possible dialogues, knowledge and inversions

Alexandre Ramos dos Santos 09 November 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as possibilidades das redes sociais da Internet, a partir dos usos e aplicações feitos por alunos e professores. Partindo da observação e análise das relações e interações, desenvolvidas nos grupos virtuais das redes sociais Facebook e WhatsApp, buscou-se verificar se as redes sociais na Internet possibilitaria uma inversão da hierarquia do saber e, se a presença de professores e alunos nesses grupos possibilitaria aquilo que o educador Paulo Freire denominou de educação dialógica. Ao longo da pesquisa foram observados grupos no Facebook, criados por alunos ou professores. A partir disso, foram observados os diálogos, a quantidade e os tipos de postagens, além da participação dos atores sociais envolvidos. Em seguida, comparou-se os grupos do Facebook, com os usos do aplicativo WhatsApp no qual alunos do ensino médio criaram grupos específicos para elaboração de uma atividade da disciplina de sociologia. A pesquisa concluiu que, não é possível afirmar uma inversão da hierarquia do saber, mas, sobretudo, relações de troca, onde, por meio das interações via grupos do Facebook, alunos e professores compartilhavam, em sua maioria, questões ligadas ao cotidiano vivenciadas no dia a dia. Sobre as possibilidades de uma dialogia no sentido proposto por Paulo Freire, a pesquisa apontou que no caso da utilização do WhatsApp, para elaboração de um trabalho em grupo, algumas práticas se mostraram satisfatórias, apresentando caminhos possíveis, porém, a dialogia presente nas redes sociais da Internet, ainda depende do trabalho desenvolvido em sala de aula no espaço off-line / This study aimed to analyze the possibilities of social Internet networks, from the uses and applications made by students and teachers. Starting from the observation and analysis of the relationships and interactions developed in the virtual groups in social network Facebook and WhatsApp, it sought to verify that social networking sites would allow a reversal of the hierarchy of knowledge and the presence of teachers and students in these groups would allow what the educator Paulo Freire called the dialogic education. Throughout the study, we observed groups created on Facebook, created by students or teachers. From this, the dialogues were observed, as well as the amount and types of posts, as well as participation of social actors involved. Then he compared the Facebook groups, with the WhatsApp application uses in which high school students created specific groups for developing a sociology discipline activity. The research concluded that it is not possible to say that there is an inversion of the hierarchy of knowledge, but, above all, terms of trade, which, through the interactions via Facebook groups, students and teachers shared, mostly issues related to daily life the experienced on a daily basis. On the possibilities of a dialogical in the sense proposed by Paulo Freire, the survey found that in the case of using WhatsApp, for the preparation of a working group, some possibilities seem to be satisfactory, presenting options, however, dialogy present in social networks Internet, still depend on the work done in the classroom, in the offline space

Redes sociais no contexto escolar: a argumentação no Facebook / Social networks in the school contexto: the argumentation in the Facebook

Elisangela Pereira da Silva 23 February 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da argumentação que ocorre em face das interações via rede social, buscando detectar traços relacionados às estratégias argumentativas utilizadas por alunos da rede municipal em publicações no Facebook produzidas e postadas no contexto escolar. Para isso, atenta para o modo como essa rede favorece a interação e as intervenções do professor, contribuindo com o desenvolvimento da argumentação, seleção e uso de argumentos e com a construção da relação auditório/ethos em textos desses estudantes. Nessa perspectiva, o discurso é visto como resultado da interação e constituído a partir das relações dos interlocutores com o meio. Desse modo, a partir da Teoria da Argumentação inscrita na Nova Retórica, consideramos o estudo das técnicas discursivas que permitem suscitar a adesão às teses e observamos como elas desenvolvem-se nas redes, particularmente o Facebook, que tem por característica principal a ação colaborativa dos internautas. Além disso, a pesquisa volta-se para o ensino e, por consequência, para as habilidades descritas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (1998) e na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC 2017) apontadas como imprescindíveis nos processos de aprendizagem que envolvem textos da ordem do argumentar. A pesquisa insere-se no âmbito da Linguística Aplicada ao Ensino e, para alcançar os objetivos propostos, tomamos como embasamento os Estudos do Discurso, em que tratamos da Teoria da Argumentação, da Linguística de Texto e da Teoria Sociointeracionista da aprendizagem. O corpus constitui-se de publicações do Facebook, produzidas pelos estudantes e coletadas em três etapas: contexto escolar inicial, contexto escolar durante o projeto e após intervenção por meio de aplicação de sequência didática. / This research treats on the argumentation that occurs in the face of social network interactions, seeking to detect features related to argumentative strategies utilized by students of municipal schools in Facebook publications produced and posted in an educational context. For that purpose, it pays attention to the way this network favors the teacher\'s interaction and interventions, contributing with the argumentation development, selection and usage of arguments and with the construction of auditorium/ethos relation in these students\' texts. In this perspective, the speech is seen as a result of the interaction and constituted from the relations of the interlocutors with the environment. Thereby from the Theory of Argumentation inscribed in the New Rhetoric, we consider the study of discursive techniques that allow rouse the adherence to thesis and observe how they develop in the networks, particularly Facebook, which has as main characteristic internauts collaborative action. In addition, the research study point to teaching and by consequence to skills described in National Curriculum Parameters (1998) and in National Common Curricular Base (BNCC 2017) indicated as vital in learning processes that involve texts of the order of argument. The research inserts itself in the scope of Linguistic Applied to Teaching and to reach proposed objectives we took as the foundation the Discourse Studies, in which we discuss Argumentation Theory, Text-Linguistic and Sociointeractionist Theory of learning. The corpus is constituted of Facebook publications produced by students and collected in three phases: initial teaching context, teaching context during the project and after intervention by the means of didactic sequence application.

Estratégias da comunicação das marcas do setor financeiro brasileiro no facebook / Brand\'s communication strategies of brazilian financial sector in facebook

Marcos Shigueru Suzuki 01 December 2017 (has links)
A comunicação entre as marcas e seus consumidores ocorre de maneira cada vez mais fragmentada. Hoje são múltiplas as mídias nas quais o consumidor pode ser impactado e as mídias sociais são as mais recentes e as que tem maior potencial de crescimento entre as utilizadas pelas marcas para acessar o consumidor. E entre as várias formas de mídias sociais, as redes sociais são as que tem maior destaque nos dias atuais. O Facebook é a maior entre todas as redes sociais alcançando mais de 1,9 bilhão de pessoas no mundo em 2017. Assim se torna importante entender como as marcas estão se comunicando com seus consumidores. A comunicação é uma condição essencial para o estabelecimento de relacionamento entre pessoas e marcas. A partir da identificação dos elementos de comunicação mais utilizados pelas marcas é possível inferir quais são as estratégias utilizadas por elas e, se as estratégias são comuns ao setor pesquisado ou se há algumas diferenças entre elas. Escolheu-se para este estudo marcas do setor bancário que tivessem representatividade no Brasil. Os bancos foram escolhidos por pertencerem ao setor de serviços que representam mais de 60% do PIB do Brasil. Para a escolha das marcas se utilizou como critério o valor da marca através do ranking da consultoria Brand Finance das 500 marcas de bancos mais valiosas no mundo e a representatividade da marca no Facebook através da quantidade de fãs em sua brandpage e os Patrimônios Líquidos de acordo com dados do Banco Central do Brasil. / Communication between brands and their consumers is increasingly fragmented. Today there are multiple media in which the consumer can be impacted and social media are the latest and the ones that have the greatest growth potential among those used by brands to access the consumer. And among the various forms of social media, social networks are the most prominent these days. Facebook is the largest of all social networks reaching more than 1.9 billion people worldwide by 2017. So it becomes important to understand how brands are communicating with their consumers. Communication is an essential condition for establishing relationships between people and brands. From the identification of the communication elements most used by the brands it is possible to infer which are the strategies used by them and if the strategies are common to the researched sector or if there are some differences between them. We selected for this study brands of the banking sector that had representation in Brazil. Banks were chosen because they belong to the services sector, which represent more than 60% of Brazil\'s GDP. In order to choose the brands, the brand value was used as a criterion through the Brand Finance consulting ranking of the 500 most valuable brands of banks in the world and the brand\'s representation in Facebook through the number of fans in its brand page and the Net Equity according to data from Central Bank of Brazil.

Att engagera användare på Facebook : Uppdateringsrutiner och rekommendationer för Philips Sonicare / To engage Facebook users : Update routines and recommendations for Philips Sonicare

Garnås, Amelie January 2015 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med ett projekt som haft målet att skapa rutiner för Philips Sonicares Facebooksida, för att öka engagemanget hos deras följare. Två fokusgrupper har utförts och med hjälp av dessa och tidigare forskning skapades uppdateringsrutiner för Facebooksidan, dessa följdes sedan i tre veckor. Efter tre veckor sammanställdes resultatet för att se vilka rutiner som fungerat och vilka som kunde uppdateras ytterligare. Resultatet visade att inlägg med underhållande innehåll fick mer engagemang från följarna, inlägg med information hade större räckvidd. Bilder ökade engagemanget, de tidpunkter som var bäst att publicera var mitt på dagen eller tidigt på kvällen. / This report describes the process of a project with the sole purpose to create routines that will increase the user engagement for Philips Sonicares Facebook page. Two focus groups were held, with the help of those and previous research, routines could be created for the Facebook page and those were used for three weeks. After this period, the results were compiled to see which routines had worked, and which needed to be updated. The results showed that posts with entertaining content got more engagement from the followers and posts with information got bigger reach. Also, pictures increased engagement, and the best times to publish posts were midday or early evening.

Krisinformation i sociala medier : Kommuners användning av Facebook och Twitterför att sprida information till kommuninvånare

Pettersson, Ida January 2012 (has links)
Det blir allt vanligare att kommuner använder sociala medier i sitt kommunikationsarbete. I denna uppsats har det undersökts hur sociala medier används för spridning av krisinformation på kommunal nivå samt vilka faktorer som bidrar till att krisinformationen når kommuninvånarna. Vidare har det undersökts hur kommunernas delade krisinformation i sociala medier kan förtydligas genom aggregering till en annan plattform. Studien som innefattar intervjuer med tolv kommuner som är aktiva i sociala medier samt med tre i ämnet insatta personer visar på att sociala medier som kriskommunikationskanaler idag används i relativt liten utsträckning. Det beror, enligt kommunerna, främst på att få kriser drabbat kommunerna sedan användningen av sociala medier påbörjades. Arbetet innefattar också utvecklingen av en prototyp i vilken svenska kommuners krisinformationsflöde sammanställs på ett och samma ställe. / It is becoming increasingly common for municipalities using social media in their means of communication. This paper examines how social media is used for the dissemination of emergency information at the municipal level, also analysing the factors that contribute to that the crisis information reaches the target group.  Furthermore it's examined how the emergency information can be clarified through aggregation to a different platform. The study involves interviews with twelve social media active municipalities and three on the subject informed individuals wich shows that social media as crisis communications channels are currently used in relatively small extent. This is due to that few crises have affected the municipalities, since the use of social media begun. The work also include the development of a prototype, gathering the crisis information feed from Swedish municipalities.

Snälla gilla oss : En kvantitativ studie om samband mellan företags kommunikation på Facebook och deras förtroende hos allmänheten / Please like us : A quantitative study about the relationship between corporate communication on Facebook and public trust

Ström, Pontus, Olsson, Sanna January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka företags kommunikation på Facebook och deras förtroende hos allmänheten, och hur detta påverkar spridning och engagemang på Facebook (i form av gillamarkeringar, delningar och kommentarer). Den ska också undersöka om det finns skillnader i publiceringshastighet hos olika företag, och om detta har någon betydelse för allmänhetens förtroende. Det har inte varit möjligt att hitta tidigare forskning gällande sambanden mellan kommunikation och allmänhetens förtroende. Det finns liknande forskning om statliga institutioner, men det har inte gått att finna likande forskning gällande enskilda företag. Därför finns en lucka i forskningen att täcka in, vilket gör det mer intressant att undersöka detta samband. Följande frågeställningar kommer användas för att kunna besvara uppsatsens syfte: • Finns det skillnader gällande hur företag med olika högt förtroende hos allmänheten kommunicerar via Facebook, och hur ser dessa olikheter i så fall ut? • Finns det samband mellan företagets förtroende hos allmänheten och följarnas engagemang samt spridning av Facebookinlägg (i form av gillamarkeringar, kommentarer och delningar)? • Finns det samband mellan företags förtroende hos allmänheten och publiceringshastighet av Facebookinlägg? I denna uppsats kommer åtta företag att analyseras med hjälp av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Fyra företag som har ett högt förtroende och fyra företag som har ett lågt förtroende hos allmänheten valdes ut baserat på Förtroendebarometern 2017 och en undersökning utförd av Reputation Institute kallad Sweden RepTrak. Företagen som har ett högt förtroende är IKEA, Volvo, ICA och SAS. Företagen som har ett lågt förtroende är H&M, SJ, Tele2 och Nordea. Alla utvalda företag har grundats i Sverige. Resultatet visade att företagen som har ett högt förtroende hos allmänheten oftare gör reklam för sina egna produkter och svarar även mer på kommentarer. Företag som har ett lågt förtroende hos allmänheten använder sig mer av videoklipp och gifs i sina inlägg. Resultatet visade även att företag som har ett högt förtroende får fler gillamarkeringar i högre antal, samt fler gillamarkeringar totalt sätt. Många av de företag som har lågt förtroende får inga delningar alls på sina inlägg, till skillnad från de företag som har ett högt förtroende. Det finns en koppling mellan förtroende och publiceringshastigheten av Facebookinlägg. De företag som har ett högt förtroende publicerar sina inlägg tolv procent snabbare jämfört med de företag som har ett lågt förtroende. Sammanfattningsvis finns det en koppling mellan företags kommunikation på Facebook och förtroende. Det är inte allmänhetens förtroende som påverkar hur företag kommunicerar, det är kommunikationen som påverkar hur stort förtroende som ett företag har. / The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between corporate communication on Facebook and public trust, and how this affects the spread of content and involvement (likes, shares and comments) on Facebook. It has not been possible to find any previous research about the relationship between communication and the spread of content on Facebook. The aim of this study is to find a link between these factors and the amount of public trust. There is similar research on government institutions, but there is no such research that focuses on companies. There is therefore a research gap to adress, which makes it interesting to analyze whether there is any connection inbetween these factors. This essay addresses the following questions: • Are there any differences regarding how companies with a different amount of public trust communicate through Facebook, and in that case what does these differences look like? • Is there a connection between the amount of public trust, the followers' involvement, and the spread of Facebook posts (in the form of likes, comments and shares)? • Is there a connection between the amount of public trust and publishing speed of Facebook posts? This essay is a quantitative study, which is limited to eight companies. Four companies with a high amount of trust and four companies with a low amount of trust were selected. These companies were chosen based on the list Förtroendebarometern 2017 and the Reputation Institute's survey Sweden RepTrak 2017. The companies with a high level of trust were IKEA, Volvo, ICA and SAS. The companies with a low level of trust were H&M, SJ, Tele2 and Nordea. All selected companies originate in Sweden. The results showed that companies with a high level of trust advertise their own products and brands more often, they publish more pictures and reply more often to comments. Companies with a low level of trust use videos or gifs more often in their posts. The results also showed that companies with low trust get posts with fewer likes, while those with a high level of trust get more likes in total, and more posts with higher numbers of likes. Companies with a high level of trust also receive more comments on their posts, and they respond to comments more often. The companies with low trust have a large number of posts that have never been shared, in contrast to the companies with a high level of trust. There is also a link between trust and publishing speed of Facebook posts. Companies with a high level of trust publish their posts twelve percent faster than those with low trust. In conclusion, it can be stated that there is a clear connection between corporate communication on Facebook and the amount of public trust. It is not public trust that affects how companies communicate, it is communication that affects the level of trust.

Köper du så köper jag : Shoppinggrupper på Facebook och dess påverkan på modekonsumtion. / If you buy, I buy : Shopping Groups on Facebook and its impact on Fashion Consumption.

Norlander, Madelene, Edell Ahlström, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Vårt syfte med denna studie har varit att undersöka och analysera hur kommunikationen inom shoppinggrupper på Facebook påverkar kvinnliga medlemmarnas köpbeteende när det gäller modevaror samt i vilken del av köpbeslutsprocessen som kommunikationen i en shoppinggrupp verkar mest effektivt. Detta har vi sökt svar på genom enkätundersökningar samt intervjuer. Uppsatsen belyser även vilka kommunikativa faktorer inom en shoppinggrupp som stimulerar till köp av modeplagg. För att kunna analysera och diskutera och därefter komma fram till en slutsats har vi använt oss av tidigare forskning och köpbeslutsprocessen. Studien visar att shoppinggrupper har ett stort inflytande på konsumenter när det kommer till att genomföra köp av modeplagg. Konsumenter influeras av andra medlemmar genom bilder, kommentarer och rekommendationer i sin strävan efter att känna gemenskap och delaktighet i det sociala samspelet. Genom kommentarer, diskussion och kommunikation skapas samhörighet och gemenskap, vilket utgör kärnan i dessa grupper. När det kommer till konsumenternas köpbeteende framgår det utifrån resultatet att det är kommunikationen inom shoppinggrupperna som är den styrande faktorn i alla steg av köpbeslutsprocessen. / Our purpose of this study has been to investigate and analyze how communication within shopping groups on Facebook affects women's buying behavior in fashionable goods and in what part of the purchasing decision-making process that the communication in a shopping group seems most effective. We have sought this through questionnaires and interviews. The essay also highlights the communicative factors within a shopping group that stimulates the purchase of fashionable items. In order to analyze and discuss and then arrive at a conclusion, we have used the previous research and purchasing decision process. The study shows that shopping groups have a major influence on consumers when it comes to buying behavior in fashionable goods. Consumers are influenced by other members through pictures, comments and recommendations. In his quest to feel community and participation in social interaction. Through comments, discussion and communication, togetherness and community are created, which forms the core of these groups. When it comes to consumer purchasing behavior, it is apparent from the result that it is the communication within the shopping groups that is the guiding factor in all stages of the purchase decision process.

Kommuner & Facebook : Hur hanteras regelverket kring allmänna handlingar?

A. Hedqvist, Anja January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this one-year master thesis in archival science was to examine how municipalities take regulations concerning public records into account when they use Facebook. Another aim was to examine the involvement of archivists, registrars or similar staff in the management of the regulations. Since Swedish archival theory and practice has a close connection to the application of these regulations, such an examination was hopefully going to reveal tendencies of importance for archival science. The method used to collect information was a web questionnaire and the result was based on answers from 21 municipalities with an official Facebook page. The questionnaire showed that six of the municipalities regarded documents originating from their Facebook page as public records. Three did not, and a large group had not yet decided how to treat these documents. Only three municipalities did archive documents from Facebook. The involvement of archivists, registrars and similar personnel was generally very small, even though regulations concerning public records had more often been taken into account in the municipalities that had informed this personnel about the use of an official Facebook page. The difference in management between the municipalities was together with the demand for national guiding principles indicating difficulties in applying the regulations to social medias like Facebook. The fact that most of the municipalities that had taken the regulations into account had come to the conclusion that Facebook generated public records, together with the fact that national guiding principles presented during the work with this thesis had the same interpretation, indicated that documents originating from Facebook will be a part of Swedish public records in the future. The difference in management and the demand for guidance also indicated a need for better division of responsibilities and a more active approach in the future, to ensure that the regulations concerning public records are taken into account early and correctly when authorities starts to use new medias.

Jag såg det på Facebook : Unga människors självpresentationer på Facebook

Dreher, Nicole, Skoglund, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Title: I saw it on Facebook – Youth presentation of self on Facebook Authors: Nicole Dreher & Anders Skoglund Presented: 01.06.2010 Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to examine how the, in the study, participating youths make their presentation of self on their Facebook profiles. Methodology: The method used in the thesis was a social semiotic analysis focusing on the social semiotic concepts: semiotic resource, semiotic potential, affordance, denotation and connotation. A social semiotic analysis of composition was also used with the purpose to gain a deeper knowledge of the social semiotic affordances of Facebook’s composition. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical base of this thesis consists mainly of Erving Goffman’s theory on presentation of self in everyday life as well as relevant theories to youth culture in sociology and identity in social psychology. Conclusions: The results show that the youth’s presentations of selves mostly takes place in their profile picture, status updates, groups, fan pages and through their communication with other users on their wall. The borders between front and back stage on Facebook entirely depends on the norms that the reader expects the profile owner to uphold. The most frequent reason for impression management among the participating youths seemed to be to uphold a façade on front stage, i.e. Facebook, amongst their friends. Most of the participants’ use of Facebook confirms theories from previous research on the Internet generation – that they use it to communicate, network and to express opinions. The results also showed that the profile owner, through their status updates, can revise and reform their presentation of self at any time. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur de deltagande ungdomarna gör självpresentationer på sina Facebook- profiler. Detta kommer att undersökas genom en socialsemiotisk metod med fokus på begreppen semiotisk potential, affordance, konnotation, denotation. Det teoretiska ramverk som ligger till grund för uppsatsen är Goffmans dramaturgiska perspektiv som liknar livet vid en teater. Alla sociala interaktioner sker på en scen och individen har olika roller beroende på kontexten. Varje framträdande har, likt teatern, en bakre och främre region, där den främre är den roll du har vid uppträdandet och den bakre är den privata regionen. Goffmans perspektiv tar även upp intrycksstyrning vilket används för att styra det som släpps ut på scenen, den främre regionen. Det teoretiska ramverket innehåller även socialpsykologins identitetsbegrepp samt ett avsnitt om ungdomar, deras kultur och hur de förhåller sig till Internet. Uppsatsen undersöker även, med en socialsemiotiskmetod hur scenen Facebook är komponerat för att se vilka möjligheter av självpresentation det finns. Scenen Facebook är komponerat med tre olika spalter, där den mittersta är störst och har den primära funktionen. Den västra spalten innehåller profilbilden med kompletterande information, i syfte att påvisa vem profilägaren är. Mittenspalten har två olika innehåll, den ena är informationssidan som återger biografiska uppgifter om profilägaren samt vilka grupper och pages denne tillhör. Den andra är wall:en, Facebooks centrala del, här kartläggs de aktiviteter profilägaren gör, till exempel: skriva på någons wall, kommentera på bilder, lägga upp egna bilder eller bli taggad i bilder. Det undersökningen kom fram till var självpresentationen sker främst genom grupper och pages, statusuppdateringar, profilbild och kommunikation på wall:en samt att den varierar beroende på aktivitet. Vid hög aktivitet är det klarare vad som är menat att publicera och vad som regleras med intryckskontroll. Vid låg aktivitet var det ett problem att se vad som var intrycksstyrning och vad som var ett slentrianmässigt användande av Facebook. Det kom även fram att den profilbild som visas ofta är representativ utifrån materialet. Den som hade en humoristisk profilbild hade även en profil med ett humoristiskt tema. Humor var även det mest genomgående temat bland profilerna och ofta med subkultur kopplat till detta.

Facebook och relationer. En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas upplevelse av användning av Facebook beträffande relationer till sig själva och andra / Facebook and relationships. A qualitative study of young adult´s experience of Facebook-use regarding relationships to themselves and others

Eliasson, Jonas, Hansen, Martin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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