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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of violence towards educators in the selected high schools : a case study of South African Police Service

Moreroa, Matilu Christina January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Criminology and Criminal Justice)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / The purpose of this study was to analyse violence towards educators in the selected high schools in the Mankweng policing area. This was done by identifying factors contributing to school violence, assessing consequences of violence on victims of violence and determining measures that can be applied to effectively prevent, combat and investigate this scourge. This qualitative study applied the explanatory research design to recruit participants using non-probability sampling techniques, specifically purposive and snowball sampling respectively. Eighteen (18) participants were selected for this study, comprising of Six (06) educators from each of the Three (03) selected high schools of Mankweng policing area. Data were collected using semi-structured face-to-face interviews and documentary studies. Based on the transcribed data, themes were extracted and analysed using inductive Thematic Content Analysis (TCA). This study established that there are factors that contribute to the occurrence of school violence; victims are affected by school violence (I.e. Be it social, psychological and physical); and that there are measures that may reduce the occurrence of these violence. Findings of the research indicate that factors such as demographic location, substance abuse, peer pressure, gang groups are the causes of violence, leading to victims facing consequences such as depression, anxiety attacks and early retirement. For recommendations, this study provides that the community get involved in reducing school violence, the DBE should provide pro-active and re-active measures to combat violence, enforce a strong collaboration between stakeholders and enforce legislative framework implemented about workplace safety.

The Influence of Parents on Trajectories of Antisocial Behavior, Depressed Mood, and Child-to-Parent Abuse Across Adolescence and Young Adulthood

Johnson, Wendi L. 25 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Coping guidelines for women who have experienced the psychological impact of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Ehlanzeni District

Nyathi, Charmain Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Psychology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / The study investigated the phenomena of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in women in Ehlanzeni District, Mpumulanga, South Africa in order to develop coping guidelines. This is because, one in every four, or a quarter (25%) of all women in South Africa, are assaulted by their partners every week. The study adopted a qualitative approach utilising an exploratory, hermeneutic phenomenological research design. A non-probability sample of ten women, who were victims of IPV, was used. The theoretical framework for the study was Afrocentric theory. This framework was used so that the investigation was underpinned by truly African concepts. The study was conducted at Victim Empowerment Programmes in Mkhuhlu and Acornhoek, Ehlanzeni District in Mpumalanga Province. Semi-structured interviews were used as data collection instruments and analaysed using thematic analysis (TA). The following themes and sub-themes emerged out of the data: Theme 1: Understandings of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV); Theme 2: Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) experienced by participants; Theme 3: Reasons for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV); Sub-theme 3.1: Alcohol as a facilitator of IPV; Sub-theme 3.2: Early parenthood as a facilitator of IPV; Sub-theme 3.3: Poverty as a facilitator of IPV and Sub-theme 3.4: Observed behaviour as a facilitator for IPV; Theme 4: The role of lobola/culture in Intimate Partner Violence (IPV); Theme 5: What makes participants stay in abusive relationships (marriages) and Theme 6: Steps, or interventions, taken by participants in order to cope with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Based on these findings it was recommended that a study of male perceptions towards IPV, and a nationwide study or studies on IPV, be carried out under the auspices of the Department of Social Development (DoS) and/or the Department of Health (DoH) with the help of relevant non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Coping guidelines for women victims of IPV were developed out of the research findings.


JOANNA VIEIRA NORONHA 08 November 2010 (has links)
[pt] Essa dissertação busca analisar o papel da ação política centrada em uma identidade - aqui, o conceito mulher - para o acesso à esfera pública hegemônica e para utilizar o direito como ferramenta de paridade participatória e empoderamento. Tomando por base esses três conceitos-chave (identidade, ação política e direito) e suas interações, buscar-se-á explorar possibilidades e limites da ação política centrada em um conceito fechado de agente para garantir direitos ao grupo que se pretende representar. A partir da apresentação de importantes exclusões dadas dentro dos movimentos feministas, utiliza-se um recorte da obra da filósofa feminista Judith Butler para construir a lente teórica que guiará a análise. O processo de formulação e promulgação da lei Maria da Penha de 2006, que lida com a violência doméstica e familiar contra mulheres, assim como as exclusões que se pode enxergar no texto dessa lei, formam o contexto escolhido para ilustrar a análise, por fornecer tanto exemplos das possibilidades e dos limites tratados em teoria, como também para que se pudesse obter um recorte adequado do tema. / [en] This dissertation aims at analyzing the role of political action based on identity - here, the concept of women - to gain the hegemonic public sphere and use law as a tool for participation parity and empowerment. Using these three key concepts (identity, political action and law) and their interactions, this work hopes to show some possibilities and limits of a political action based on a closed concept of agent. Departing from the presentation of important exclusions occurred within feminist movements, a part of feminist philosopher Judith Butler is used to form a lens that will guide further analysis. The formulation and enactment process of the Maria da Penha statute, concerning domestic and familiar violence against women, alongside the exclusions one may notice in this statute, form the chosen context of analysis, for it provides examples of both possibilities and limits presented in theory. It also allowed for adequate framing of such a complex theme.

Психологические особенности женщин-жертв домашнего насилия : магистерская диссертация / Psychological characteristics of women who have suffered domestic violence

Кравчук, М. С., Kravchuk, M. S. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются психологические особенности женщин, подвергшихся насилию. Предметом исследования являются личностные особенности женщин-жертв насилия со стороны партнеров. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (68 источников, 6 из них на иностранном языке) и приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 68 страниц, на которых размещены 14 рисунков. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме домашнего насилия. Представлены разделы, посвященные исследованию насилия как психологического феномена, проблем его появления во взаимоотношениях партнеров, а также психологических предикторов женщин, ставших жертвами домашнего насилия. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: методика «Уровень субъективного контроля (УСК)» (Е.Ф. Бажин, Е.А. Голынкина, А.М. Эткинд, 1984); методика оценки склонности к виктимному поведению (О.О. Андронникова, 2005); шкала самоуважения Розенберга (М. Розенберг, 1965); методика Дембо-Рубинштейн (Т.В. Дембо, С.Я. Рубинштейн, 1970) в модификации А.М. Прихожан; авторская анкета,направленная на изучение условий в родительской семье, отношению к домашнему насилию, а также определению наличия факта домашнего насилия в жизни испытуемого и его видов. Также в главе представлен анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики. / The object matter of the study is the psychological characteristics of women who have been subjected to violence. The subject of the study is the personal characteristics of women victims of partner violence. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (68 sources, 6 of them in a foreign language) and an appendix that includes forms of the methods used. The volume of the master's thesis is 68 pages, which contain 14 figures. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problematics, the purpose and objectives of the research are set, the object and the subject of research are determined, the basic and additional hypotheses are formulated, the methods and the empirical base are specified, as well as the stages of the research, the scientific novelty, the theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes an overview of the domestic and foreign literature on the subject of domestic violence. Sections are presented devoted to the study of violence as a psychological phenomenon, the problems of its appearance in the relationship of partners, as well as psychological predictors of women who have become victims of domestic violence. Conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It provides a description of the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained using all the methods used: methodology "Level of subjective control (LSC)" (E.F. Bazhin, E.A. Golynkina, A.M. Etkind, 1984); methodology for assessing the propensity for victim behavior (O.O. Andronnikova, 2005); the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (M. Rosenberg, 1965); Dembo-Rubinshtein technique (T.V. Dembo, S.Ya. Rubinshtein, 1970) in the modification of A.M. Prihozhan; author's questionnaire aimed at studying the conditions in the parental family, attitudes towards domestic violence, as well as determining the presence of the fact of domestic violence in the life of the subject and its types. The chapter also presents an analysis of the results of the study. The findings of Chapter 2 are the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, brief results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are presented, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses. The practical significance of the study is substantiated and possible prospects for further development of the problematics are described.

Exposure to violence among urban late adolescents and young adults: the potential protective roles of extracurricular and civic engagement participation

Le, Mytien T. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Childhood Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Socioemotional Development from Early to Middle Childhood

Gordon, Diandra Renee 28 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Procedencia de aplicación de la ficha de valoración de riesgo por profesional especializado y valoración de riesgo severo

Bances Yzquierdo, Deyanira Lisset January 2024 (has links)
Desde el 2016, la Ley de violencia contra la mujer e integrantes del grupo familiar N° 30364, agrego entre su reglamento a la ficha de valoración de riesgo comprendida para medir el alcance de agresión en el que se encontraba la víctima, sin embargo, en la actualidad, debido a la pandemia la agresión contra los miembros más vulnerables de la familia ha ido en crecimiento; aumentando considerablemente las denuncias en todas comisarias a nivel nacional, Poder Judicial y Ministerio Publico, demostrando así falencias este medio probatorio limitando su rol de información en cuanto a la agresión sufrida por la víctima. Por tal razón, resulta imprescindible implantar mejoras en cuanto a su aplicación y resultado, expresándolo en una modificación de articulo, bajo el progreso de una investigación cualitativa documental sujeto a una indagación en consonancia con libros, revistas científicas, artículos jurídicos, jurisprudencia lo que conllevara a determinar mejoras para la prevención de la agresión en las familias dictando medidas de protección en base a un medio probatorio aplicado por profesionales y que servirán para incluso para dictaminar una culpa en el área penal. / Since 2016, the Law of violence against women and members of the family group No. 30364, added among its regulations to the risk assessment sheet included to measure the scope of aggression in which the victim was found, however, in Currently, due to the pandemic, aggression against the most vulnerable members of the family has been growing; Considerably increasing the complaints in all police stations at the national level, the Judiciary and the Public Ministry, thus demonstrating the shortcomings of this means of proof, limiting its role of information regarding the aggression suffered by the victim. For this reason, it is essential to implement improvements in terms of its application and result, expressing it in an article modification, under the progress of a documentary qualitative research subject to an inquiry in line with books, scientific journals, legal articles, jurisprudence, whatever it entails. to determine improvements for the prevention of aggression in families, issuing protection measures based on a means of evidence applied by professionals and that will even serve to determine guilt in the criminal area.

Bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld = Empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence

Olivier, Annelie 30 November 2005 (has links)
The research deals with the empowerment of adolescent victims of family violence. The purpose of the study was to give an account of the therapeutic intervention process of two case studies, by means of a descriptive, qualitative type of research. This research was executed via semi-structured interviews by the researcher. The population in the study was limited to adolescent victims between the age of twelve to eighteen years, who are victims of family violence. The sample in this study was two respondents. The children are students at a high school in Roodepoort. After completion of the empiric study it was concluded that the adolescent who is exposed to family violence, is empowered if a therapeutic process - like the one suggested by Oaklander (1994:289) which applies gestalt play therapeutic techniques - is followed. As clearly shown in the literature, the researcher came to the conclusion that family violence has a destructive effect on the adolescent and that he can be empowered by gestalt play therapy. OPSOMMING Die navorsing handel oor die bemagtiging van adolessente slagoffers van gesinsgeweld. Die doel van die studie was om deur middel van 'n beskrywende, kwalitatiewe tipe navorsing die terapeutiese intervensieproses van twee gevallestudies te beskryf. Hierdie navorsing het met behulp van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering geskied. Die populasie in die studie was begrens tot adolessente slagoffers tussen die ouderdom twaalf tot agtien jaar wat slagoffers van gesinsgeweld is. Die steekproef in hierdie studie was twee respondente. Die kinders is verbonde aan 'n hoërskool te Roodepoort. Daar is na afloop van die empiriese studie tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat indien 'n terapeutiese proses - soos wat deur Oaklander (1994:289) voorgestel word met die benutting van gestaltspelterapeutiese tegnieke - deurloop word, die adolessent wat aan gesinsgeweld blootgestel word, bemagtig word. Soos ook uit die literatuur duidelik blyk, het die navorser die afleiding gemaak dat gesinsgeweld vernietigend op die adolessent inwerk en dat hy deur gestaltspelterapie bemagtig kan word. / Social work / MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY)

South African policing in transition : evaluating the impact of the restructuring process on the family violence, child protection and sexual offences unit

Van Graan, Johannes Gerhardus 11 1900 (has links)
The primary goal of this study is to promote knowledge and understanding of the restructuring process of the Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences (FCS) unit in the South African Police Service (SAPS) through impact evaluation. Many evaluation programmes provide blueprints and methods to manage and help solve organisational transformation. They, however, lack dealing with the unique organisational transformation process characterised in the South African Police Service (SAPS). Given this importance, there appears to be potential value in evaluating the impact of the restructuring process in the FCS. During the research extensive panel studies and individual interviews were conducted in the West Rand policing district with FCS members, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) directly involved with family violence, child protection and sexual offences, Senior Public Prosecutors involved with cases concerning the FCS and researchers at a security research institute. Furthermore, a descriptive literature study was conducted to acquire relevant information and perspective from available national and international literature. Various objectives were fulfilled in this study: • The impact of the restructuring process in the FCS, to assess the internal and external climate on service delivery, was identified and described. • It was determined whether the restructuring process in the FCS is achieving its proposed objective. • Feedback to help improve the effectiveness of the restructuring process and improve future strategies was provided. Moreover, this study and its results provide a framework to the SAPS as an organisation that is currently going through an extensive transformation process. As a result, the management of the SAPS will receive first hand information on the areas to specifically focus on during the restructuring of the FCS, or utilised this impact evaluation as a learning curve and an opportunity to rectify shortcomings and also systematically be guided through this process in realisation thereof. Consequently, this impact evaluation could act as a management tool to support and further develop the transformation process in the SAPS. Finally, this study contributes to the baseline of knowledge, with regard to structural transformation in the specialised field of policing. / Police Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)

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