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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alzheimer's Disease Narratives and the Myth of Human Being

Rieske, Tegan Echo 11 December 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The ‘loss of self’ trope is a pervasive shorthand for the prototypical process of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the popular imagination. Turned into an effect of disease, the disappearance of the self accommodates a biomedical story of progressive deterioration and the further medicalization of AD, a process which has been storied as an organic pathology affecting the brain or, more recently, a matter of genetic calamity. This biomedical discourse of AD provides a generic framework for the disease and is reproduced in its illness narratives. The disappearance of self is a mythic element in AD narratives; it necessarily assumes the existence of a singular and coherent entity which, from the outside, can be counted as both belonging to and representing an individual person. The loss of self, as the rhetorical locus of AD narrative, limits the privatization of the experience and reinscribes cultural storylines---storylines about what it means to be a human person. The loss of self as it occurs in AD narratives functions most effectively in reasserting the presence of the human self, in contrast to an anonymous, inhuman nonself; as AD discourse details a loss of self, it necessarily follows that the thing which is lost (the self) always already existed. The private, narrative self of individual experience thus functions as proxy to a collective human identity predicated upon exceptionalism: an escape from nature and the conditions of the corporeal environment.

Évolution du personnage féminin chez quelques écrivaines des Caraïbes francophones

Dorcé, Mylène Florence 10 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’évolution du personnage féminin, des points de vue physique, psychologique et social, dans vingt-deux romans publiés entre 1924 et 2012, par dix-neuf écrivaines issues des Caraïbes francophones, soit, de la Guadeloupe, d’Haïti et de la Martinique. Le corpus est divisé en trois tranches chronologiques, à savoir, les romans qui ont été publiés entre 1924 et 1959 (c’est-à-dire, la période qui correspond plus ou moins aux mouvements littéraires de l’Indigénisme et de la Négritude), puis les romans publiés entre 1960 et 1989 (ou la période qui coïncide avec la littérature de la dictature, la littérature de l’exil, et l’Antillanité) et, en dernier lieu, les romans qui ont été publiés entre 1990 et 2012 (durant la période qui équivaut à la littérature post-dictature, à la littérature migrante, et à la Créolité). Après avoir situé les œuvres de notre corpus dans leur contexte historique, nous avons analysé celles qui tombent dans la catégorie des récits de soi, puisque plus du tiers des textes à l’étude, neuf sur vingt-deux, ont recours à cette stratégie narrative. En nous appuyant sur les théories de l’autobiographie et de l’autofiction, nous constatons qu’à travers les récits et le « je » subjectif des protagonistes, les écrivaines réécrivent en quelque sorte l’histoire d’un point de vue endogène. Les récits se transforment en terreaux fertiles qui donnent aux écrivaines l’occasion de contourner à loisir les règles du pacte autobiographique et de franchir allègrement la frontière entre le fictif et le réel, en utilisant diverses ruses auctoriales par l’entremise desquelles elles représentent la femme noire, dans une perspective qui se veut valorisante, tout en lui redonnant, de manière symbolique, la voix qui lui a été usurpée pendant la période esclavagiste. L’analyse du personnage féminin démontre que la composante raciale demeure un facteur incontournable dans l’univers romanesque féminin des Caraïbes francophones. À l’appui des théories du personnage et d’études qui portent sur l’écriture des femmes, nous remarquons que, sur le plan physique, les écrivaines de la première génération ont surtout créé des héroïnes à la carnation pale, alors que les personnages féminins noirs sont secondaires, du point de vue actantiel. Cette tendance change progressivement dans les romans des écrivaines de la seconde génération qui incluent de plus en plus de protagonistes noires ou à la peau foncée qui sont au cœur de l’action. Au fil des ans, les écrivaines mettent davantage en scène des protagonistes qui illustrent avec acuité l’aspect multiethnique et multiracial des îles. Nous avons procédé à l’analyse psychologique du personnage féminin en nous basant sur les théories féministes. Si les héroïnes romanesques de la première génération d’écrivaines ont tendance à accepter leur sort avec résignation, celles de la seconde génération se battent avec acharnement pour s’émanciper des influences néfastes qui minent leur existence. Les héroïnes des romans contemporains vont encore plus loin dans leur lutte pour faire valoir leurs droits, en commettant souvent des actes qui sont jugés contraires à la norme. Sur le plan social, force est de constater que la race et la situation familiale des protagonistes durant leur enfance déterminent en grande partie la place qu’elles occuperont plus tard dans l’échelle sociale. Les éléments racial, physique, psychologique et social influent l’un sur l’autre et ont un grand impact sur l’issue de l’intrigue. Notre étude porte également sur la nature des rapports du personnage féminin avec les personnages masculins. Une fois de plus, à l’appui d’éléments se rapportant, entre autres, à la théorie du personnage et aux théories féministes, nous avons classé les personnages masculins selon les catégories : du bon, de la brute, de l’infâme et du criminel, en fonction de leurs interactions avec les héroïnes romanesques. Au facteur racial, s’ajoute le lieu de l’intrigue comme déterminant de l’issue de l’histoire. Pour ce qui est des relations entre les personnages féminins, nous constatons qu’au cours des cent dernières années, ces relations évoluent d’une dynamique individuelle (alors que les héroïnes romanesques comptent exclusivement sur la loyauté de leur confidente), à une dynamique collective, alors que l’on constate de plus en plus l’emploi du topos de l’espace clos comme stratégie pour assurer, a priori, la protection (physique, psychologique, sociale) des personnages féminins en question. Notre analyse des substituts maternels démontre, entre autres, l’évolution de la figure grand-maternelle qui passe progressivement du statut d’aïeule mythique à celui d’éducatrice subversive, et à celui de protagoniste qui occupe une place prépondérante dans l’intrigue et au sein de son entourage. / This thesis focuses on the physical, psychological and social evolution of female characters, in twenty-two novels that were published between 1924 and 2012, by nineteen women writers from the French Caribbean, namely from Guadeloupe, Haiti and Martinique. The corpus is divided into three chronological brackets. The first chronological bracket consists of the novels that were published between 1924 and 1959 (or the period that more or less corresponds to the Indigenism and Négritude literary movements). The second chronological bracket consists of novels that were published between 1960 and 1989 (that is, the period corresponding to Dictatorship Literature, Exile Literature and Antillanité). The third and last chronological bracket comprises novels that were published between 1990 and 2012 (namely, during the period that corresponds to Post-Dictatorship Literature, Migrant Literature and Créolité). After situating the novels in their historical context, we analyzed those that fall in the first-person narrative category, since over a third of the novels we are studying (nine out of twenty-two) use this narrative strategy. Drawing on autobiographical and autofiction theories, we find that through the subjective “I” of the protagonists’ stories, the women writers somehow rewrite history from an endogenous perspective. The narratives then become fertile grounds that allow the writers to subvert the rules of the autobiographical pact at their will, while merrily crossing the boundaries between truth and fiction. The women writers use various auctorial ruses through which they aim to represent the Black woman in a positive manner and symbolically give her back her voice, which was silenced during slavery. Analyzing female characters demonstrates that race remains an inescapable factor in the French Caribbean fiction world. Using theories pertaining to fiction characters and women’s writing, we notice that from a physical standpoint, the women writers from the first generation mainly created fair-skinned heroines, while Black female characters were mostly represented as secondary personages. This practice progressively changed as women writers from the second generation created more dark-skinned and Black female characters that are front and center in the plots. Throughout the years, women writers showcase more and more protagonists which keenly illustrate the multiethnic and multicultural aspects of the islands. We proceeded with the psychological analysis of female characters, by using feminist theories. If the heroines created by the first generation of women writers tend to accept their fate with resignation, those created by the second generation of women writers relentlessly fight to free themselves from the negative influences that undermine their lives. The protagonists of contemporary novels go even further when they fight for their rights, and often act in ways that are considered to be against the norm. On the social front, the race and the family situation of the protagonists during their childhood will play a great part in the position they will hold in the socioeconomic ladder, later on. The racial, physical, psychological and social components intersect and have a certain influence over one another, as they also play a significant role in the ending of the story. Our study also focuses on the nature of the interactions of female characters with male characters. Once again, using elements pertaining to the theories of fiction characters, we ranked the male characters in the following four categories: the good male characters, the bullies, the wicked and the criminals, with respect to the types of relations they sustain with the heroines. Along with the race factor, the location of the plot also has an impact on the ending of the story. When focusing on the types of relations that occur strictly among female characters, we note that these relations have evolved from an individual standpoint in the early-years novels (while the heroines exclusively relied on the loyalty of their confident), to a collective one, as women writers increasingly rely on the use of the topos of the closed space, as a strategy that a priori ensures the (physical, psychological, social) safety of female characters. Among other things, our analysis of mother substitutes shows the evolution of the grand-mother figure, which progressively transitions from mythical ancestor to subversive educator, then to a leading character who takes centre stage in the plot, and has a good standing among the members of her entourage


Lindgren, Helén January 2018 (has links)
For 30 years researchers have studied Expressive Writing (EW) - writing emotionally about a trauma 3-5 times for 15-30 minutes, while controls (CW) objectively write about, most often, time management. Previous research has documented associations, in the trauma condition, between flexible use of pronouns and physical health, or between trauma writing and improvement of working memory (WM). The main aim of the current study was to see if there is a relation between flexible use of first-person pronoun singular (“I”) in EW and improved results on WM test, as well as on quality of life and self-reported illness. In an Internet study participants were recruited through convenience and snowball sampling and randomly divided on conditions. The final sample consisted of 10 participants each in EW and CW: 13 women, 6 men and 1 non-binary, 21-69 years, most of them well educated. Outcome measures were WM test (Automated version of Operation Span Task; AOSPAN), self-reported quality of life (Brunnsviken Brief Quality of Life; BBQ) and self-reported illness (days of symptoms and restricted activities). JASP was used for the statistics. A measure of flexible use of the Swedish pronoun “jag” (“I”) was tested and found to associate with significant improvements in AOSPAN results only; unexpectedly within the whole sample. On condition one significant result was found: EW improved their quality of life. The increase in AOSPAN results is discussed, as well as writing instructions and baseline assessments. The small sample with self-reported health measures and online WM test limited the study. Replications of the results are needed. / I 30 år har forskare studerat Expressivt skrivande (EW) - att skriva känslomässigt om ett trauma 3-5 gånger à 15-30 minuter. Kontrollbetingelsen (CW) har ofta bestått av att objektivt beskriva sin tidsanvändning. Tidigare forskning har i traumabetingelsen påvisat samband mellan en flexibel användning av pronomen och fysisk hälsa, eller mellan traumaskrivande och förbättrade resultat på test av arbetsminne (WM). Huvudsyftet med den föreliggande studien var att se om det finns ett samband mellan en flexibel användning i EW av pronomenet första person singular (”jag”) och förbättrade resultat på arbetsminnestest, samt på livskvalitet och självrapporterad ohälsa. Tio deltagare vardera deltog i experiment- respektive kontrollgruppen: 13 kvinnor, 6 män och 1 icke-binär, 21-69 år; de flesta välutbildade. Deltagarna rekryterades genom bekvämlighets- och snöbollsurval och fördelades slumpvis till betingelserna. En internetstudie genomfördes, med utfallsmåtten arbetsminnestest (Automated version of Operation Span Task; AOSPAN), självskattad livskvalitet (Brunnsviken Brief Quality of Life; BBQ), samt självskattad ohälsa (dagar med symptom respektive med begränsade aktiviteter). JASP användes för de statistiska analyserna. Ett mått för flexibel användning av det svenska pronomenet ”jag” testades och visade sig vara associerat med signifikanta förbättringar enbart av AOSPAN-resultatet, men förvånande nog inom hela urvalet. I övrigt hittades endast en skillnad mellan betingelserna, nämligen att experimentgruppen signifikant förbättrade sin självskattade livskvalitet. Ökningen av AOSPAN-resultaten diskuteras, liksom skrivinstruktioner och baslinjeskattningar. Studien begränsades av ett litet urval, självskattade hälsomått och nätbaserat arbetsminnestest. Replikationer av resultaten är nödvändiga.

Za hranicami fikčného rozprávania / Towards the Boundaries of Fictional Narrative

Pčola, Marián January 2013 (has links)
My thesis examines the nature of contemporary fictional narration and explores its relations to other types of narration - mainly texts where educational or informative function prevails over the aesthetic one. The whole work is divided into four parts. The first part is theoretical; it sets up basic areas of interest and names methods, tools and models that will be tested on selected examples from Slavonic literatures. The second part analyses spatial and temporal relations of fictional narrative. Chapter 2.1 treats time and space in a novel mostly from the compositional point of view (based on the example of Sasha Sokolov's A School for Fools), while in the next chapter, focusing on ideational interconnections between literary and social- political utopias, both fictionality and temporality are understood more broadly than mere narrative categories: they serve as certain points of connection between the immanent occurrence of meaning in the "world of text" and its historical background. The third part continues in this direction, only what we mean by context here is not the collective historical background, but an individual sphere of everyday life. Our focus switches to two genres standing on the boundary of literary fiction and non-fiction - personal correspondence and a travel journal (travelogue). The...

Action in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: an Enactive Psycho-phenomenological and Semiotic Analysis of Thirty New Zealand Women's Experiences of Suffering and Recovery

Hart, M J Alexandra January 2010 (has links)
This research into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) presents the results of 60 first-person psycho-phenomenological interviews with 30 New Zealand women. The participants were recruited from the Canterbury and Wellington regions, 10 had recovered. Taking a non-dual, non-reductive embodied approach, the phenomenological data was analysed semiotically, using a graph-theoretical cluster analysis to elucidate the large number of resulting categories, and interpreted through the enactive approach to cognitive science. The initial result of the analysis is a comprehensive exploration of the experience of CFS which develops subject-specific categories of experience and explores the relation of the illness to universal categories of experience, including self, ‘energy’, action, and being-able-to-do. Transformations of the self surrounding being-able-to-do and not-being-able-to-do were shown to elucidate the illness process. It is proposed that the concept ‘energy’ in the participants’ discourse is equivalent to the Mahayana Buddhist concept of ‘contact’. This characterises CFS as a breakdown of contact. Narrative content from the recovered interviewees reflects a reestablishment of contact. The hypothesis that CFS is a disorder of action is investigated in detail. A general model for the phenomenology and functional architecture of action is proposed. This model is a recursive loop involving felt meaning, contact, action, and perception and appears to be phenomenologically supported. It is proposed that the CFS illness process is a dynamical decompensation of the subject’s action loop caused by a breakdown in the process of contact. On this basis, a new interpretation of neurological findings in relation to CFS becomes possible. A neurological phenomenon that correlates with the illness and involves a brain region that has a similar structure to the action model’s recursive loop is identified in previous research results and compared with the action model and the results of this research. This correspondence may identify the brain regions involved in the illness process, which may provide an objective diagnostic test for the condition and approaches to treatment. The implications of this model for cognitive science and CFS should be investigated through neurophenomenological research since the model stands to shed considerable light on the nature of consciousness, contact and agency. Phenomenologically based treatments are proposed, along with suggestions for future research on CFS. The research may clarify the diagnostic criteria for CFS and guide management and treatment programmes, particularly multidimensional and interdisciplinary approaches. Category theory is proposed as a foundation for a mathematisation of phenomenology.

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