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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frihet på kontoret : En intervjustudie om distansarbete

Karlstedt, Ida, Andersson, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to examine the employees view on teleworking and the leadership associated with it, as well as how teleworking and its leadership is related to the employees work motivation. The following research questions have been used for this purpose: Which pros and cons does the employees experience in teleworking versus working in the office? Is the work motivation affected by where the work is performed? How does the employees perceive the managers views on teleworking? Is the employees work motivation affected by the leadership in the organisation? The research method used in this study was semi-structured interviews with a total nine employees in two different organisations. The employees interview for this study teleworks on average 3-4 times a month. The empirical material was analysed with Thematic analysis and interpreted through Herzberg ́s two-factor theory and Allvin ́s conceptual apparatus of the control techniques in flexible work conditions. The research result shows that the possibility for the employee to choose for themselves where to perform their work - based on, for example, work tasks and personal needs - leads to increased work motivation. Many employees appreciate being able to telework when working on tasks that demands high level of concentration. However, the employees think that it is important to be present at the office for certain occasions. Partly to be a part of the social community and partly to develop a good collaboration with colleagues, as well as to participate in important meetings. The result also showed that the leadership has great significance and can lead to increased work motivation. This through the trust and responsibility granted the employees by the manager when given the opportunity to telework. The employees telework under freedom with responsibility. This means that they themselves can decide how and where the work shall be performed, under the premise that they will deliver the result that is expected from them. The leadership therefore focuses on result rather than execution.

Att få ihop sin arbetstid - med lite flyt : En sociologisk kandidatuppsats om undersköterskors upplevelse av arbetsmodellen Flytande arbetstid Självständigt arbete

Lindgren, Lisa, Lundin, Tina January 2018 (has links)
In September 2018, it is yet again a parliamentary election in Sweden. A question often, if not always included in the agenda, is the question of the right to full-time employment. In 2016 several of Sweden's municipalities and county councils entered into their collective agreement that full time employment will now be the norm for a new employment (HÖK, 2016). In order to solve this issue, the municipalities can decide how schedules and times are to be laid down by their autonomy. In Örebro Municipality, where we conducted our study, they have chosen to work with "floating working hours". In this independent work, we want to explore nurse’s experiences with being employed with contracts for floating working hours. The purpose of this study is just that, to investigate how nurses experience the concept and the principles of working with floating working hours. Issues that are central to our work are what affect the experiences of this particular working module, how nurses perceive the requirements for flexibility, and if the employees ever reflect on what floating working hours mean. Previous research has proven to be a shortage in our case, but those studies that we did find show that work where employees lack the basic control can cause insecurities and stress. Our study is based on qualitative interviews with six nurses in the municipality of Örebro and shows that work with floating working hours creates a high level of stress on a personal level and that it is a factor in a long chain of reactions that goes beyond the business itself. The study also shows that in order to be able to enjoy floating working hours, one must possess a certain kinds of personality traits. / I september 2018 är det återigen riksdagsval i Sverige. En fråga som ofta, om inte alltid, finns med på agendan är frågan om rätten till en heltidsanställning. 2016 skrev flera av Sveriges kommuner och landsting in i sitt kollektivavtal att heltidstjänst ska bli den nya normen vid en nyanställning (HÖK, 2016). För att lösa denna fråga får kommunerna genom sitt självstyre bestämma hur scheman och tider ska läggas upp. I Örebro Kommun, där vi utfört vår studie har kommunen valt att använda sig av arbetsmodellen Flytande arbetstid. Syftet med detta självständiga arbete är att undersöka undersköterskor upplevelser i förhållande till att vara anställd med avtal om Flytande arbetstid. Frågor som är centrala i vårt arbete är vad som påverkar undersköterskornas upplevelser, hur de upplever kraven på flexibilitet samt om de någonsin reflekterar över vad Flytande arbetstid innebär. Tidigare forskning har visat sig vara en bristvara i vårt fall men det vi har hittat visar på att arbeten där medarbetarna saknar den grundläggande kontrollen kan medföra osäkerhet och stress. Vår studie är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med sex undersköterskor i Örebro kommun och den visar att arbete med Flytande arbetstid skapar en stor stress på individnivå samt att det är en faktor i en lång reaktionskedja som sträcker sig bortom verksamheten i sig. Studien visar också att för att kunna trivas med Flytande arbetstid måste man besitta en viss typ av personlighetsdrag.

The slow adoption of telecommuting in South Africa

Okoli, Nwakego Joy January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Information Technology))--Cape Peninsula University, 2016. / Climate change imposes indisputable burdens on economic development by significantly causing damage to the environment. In the transportation sector, carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles are seen as top environmental pollutants around the world and in South Africa. Despite increasing environmental issues, many people, including business leaders, generally think of environmental issues as disconnected from their everyday business lives and behavioural patterns. The Republic of South Africa as a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) encourages any practices and processes that will control, reduce or prevent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. The adoption of telecommuting for travel reduction can impact positively on environmental sustainability by reducing the amount of commuter driving and thus reducing carbon emissions. Telecommuting is an arrangement where an employee works from home or out of office using telecommunication links (internet, email and/or telephone) to reduce commuting to and from the office, enhance productivity in the organisation, and reduce office space requirements. However, despite the well documented benefits of telecommuting, the uptake of telecommuting in South Africa is slow. This study falls under the Green Information Technology research field. The aim of the study is to identify the reasons behind the slow adoption of telecommuting in South African organisations. The study followed embedded multiple-case studies. Qualitative data were collected from nine companies using semi-structured interviews with 19 participants comprising of Information Technology (IT) and Human Resource (HR) managers, telecommuters and non-telecommuters. The companies were selected to be as diverse as possible in the operating sector and both purposive and snowball strategies were used.

Supervisão, flexibilização e desregulamentação no mercado de trabalho: antigos modos de controle, novas incertezas nos vínculos de trabalho da enfermagem / Supervision and flexible labor market: old fashions and new incertainties in Nurses` Labor Relations.

Solange Baraldi 23 March 2005 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou analisar o modus operandi e o sentido do trabalho de enfermeiros na implementação de uma política de recursos humanos compensatória e específica para esta categoria: o Projeto de Profissionalização dos Trabalhadores da Área de Enfermagem (Profae). O marco teórico-metodológico utilizado evidenciou o cenário sociopolítico-econômico onde a implementação de políticas neoliberais tem induzido e fortalecido a flexibilização das relações de trabalho, descobrindo o trabalhador de proteção social, marco que já atinge o setor saúde. A coleta de dados ocorreu nas Agências Regionais (ARs), suas principais instâncias de acompanhamento e monitoramento, utilizando a supervisão como instrumento de trabalho. Da amostra de sujeitos entrevistados (39 enfermeiros), depreende-se que são profissionais com múltiplos vínculos de trabalho, tendo, em geral, um misto de vínculo formal com informal e jornada de trabalho maior que 45 horas semanais. Nas ARs, tanto públicas quanto privadas, a maioria relatou não possuir vínculo formal de trabalho (carteira assinada). Os enfermeiros mais jovens encontravam-se quase que plenamente em regime flexível de trabalho, não desfrutando de nenhum tipo de proteção social. Ao contrário dos acima de 30 anos, que relataram possuir certo grau de proteção social, inclusa a aposentadoria, na medida em que algum tipo de vínculo formal foi estabelecido anteriormente. A história de vínculos estáveis e, diríamos, "mais permanentes", quando comparados aos trabalhadores por regime de prestação de serviço (flexível), nos delinea modelos de gestão peculiares às políticas neoliberais. O processo de supervisão realizado pelos enfermeiros apresentou características afetas ao caráter educativo (ação técnico-pedagógica), controle (ação administrativa) e articulação política (ação política), sendo o conteúdo administrativo o mais presente em seus discursos. O sentido e o modo de funcionamento de seu trabalho já absorvem elementos circunscritos aos eixos estruturantes das políticas públicas na era da mundialização do capital - que sempre necessitam de capital humano para sua execução. O presente estudo encontrou os seguintes elementos: pagamento por produção; divisão fragmentada do trabalho; critérios de seleção e remuneração salarial variável; trabalho a distância; profissionais qualificados e polivalentes; sensação de autonomia e liberdade profissional; reduzida governabilidade e poder na tomada de decisão; dedicação comprometida mediante múltiplos vínculos e falta de tempo; presença marcante do que é "novo"; programação de atividades substituindo modelos de planejamento; maciça operacionalização sistemática das ações. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the modus operandi and the sense of work in nurses within the framework of the implementation of a specific compensatory policy for this professional cathegory, the "Professionalization Project for workers in the Nursing Area" (known by the acronym Profae in Portuguese). The theoretical and methodological framework of this study, was aimed to show the political, social and economic landscape in which the neo-liberal policies have promoted the use of flexible labor relations, leaving health workers unprotected in terms of social rights. The data collection was done in a set of the main agencies that carry out the monitoring and follow-up of this processes, the Regional Agencies (RA´s) and the supervision was used as a working instrument. The sample (39 nurses) shows that there are professionals with multiple jobs, both formal and informal, working more than 45 hours a week. In the RA´s, public and private, the largest share did not have legal labor relationship, according to labor laws (that require an individual document signed by the employer). Younger nurses were almost all in flexible and informal job relations, without any kind of social protection. This may mean that younger workers are affected by labor de-regulation and that there is no chance - in the foreseeable future - that this protection can be achieved by other means. On the other hand, nurses over 30 years old seem to have some sort of social protection in terms of retirement and other benefits, that result from previous labor contracts. In regard to the supervision process carried on by this nurses, it has training and educational features (technical and pedagogical action) but also control and political facets (administrative and political action), being the administrative content the main feature in these workers´ answers. The sense and way of work of these workers encompasses the characteristics of the main axis of the globalization process: payment related to production; division and fragmentation of the labor process, recruitment, selection and remuneration following flexible patterns; working in different localizations, tele-working and seldom in face-to-face meetings; highly qualified and multitasking professionals, perceived professional autonomy and freedom; shrinking capacity of governance and power to make decisions; compromised performance due to multiple jobs and lack of time; a remarkable appearance of "news"; activity programming as a substitute of planning models; a massive operationalization of actions.

A Hybrid Virtual Model within Business Law firms : A qualitative study into the adaptation of a combination between in office work and telecommuting

Eklund Källmén, Filip, Gullikson, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Telecommuting, or working away from the office, has during the covid-19 pandemic proved both challenging and advantageous. The new prerequisites and lessons learned has led companies to adopt Hybrid Virtual Models (HVM), a combination between in office work and telecommuting. The purpose of this study has been to analyze this new way of working in order to provide practitioners with important insight into the implications and possibilities with HVM. The theoretical contribution consists of broadening scarce theoretical coverage by highlighting important aspects for its implementation and usage. Empirical data has been gathered using an abductive method and indicates that voluntary HVM leads to increased organizational performance in terms of less sick days and increased employer attractiveness as a result of being highly desired. Concluded in the study is that a balance between office work and flexible telecommuting is the best way to organize to meet the demands of the future. / Pandemin flyttade mycket av verksamheten från kontoret till anställdas hem. I takt med att restriktionerna lättas ställs företagen inför frågan hur de ska organisera sig givet de nya förutsättningarna. Distansarbete har visat vara både utmanande och fördelaktigt. Detta har lett till att företagen infört virtuella hybridmodeller (HVM). En kombination av arbete på kontoret och på distans. Studiens syfte har varit att analysera detta nya sätt att arbeta för att ge branschverksamma viktiga insikter om konsekvenser och möjligheter med hybridorganisering. Det teoretiska bidraget breddar det tidigare knapphändiga teoretiska underlaget genom att belysa aspekter för hybridarbetets genomförande och användning. Empirisk data har samlats in genom en abduktiv metod och visar att HVM tenderar att öka prestation på grund av färre sjukdagar och image av att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Studien kommer fram till att en balans mellan kontorsarbete och distansarbete är det bästa sättet att organisera sig för att möta framtidens krav

Flexibelt arbete och dess påverkan på jobbtillfredsställelse med fokus på inkludering och mångfald

Furunäs, Amelia, Hagberg, David January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Studien har ett tvådelat syfte. Den första delen av syftet är att undersöka hur flexibelt arbete påverkar jobbtillfredsställelse, inkludering och mångfald. Den andra delen av syftet är att undersöka hur inkludering och mångfald påverkar jobbtillfredsställelse. Följande forskningsfrågor besvaras: -Hur påverkar flexibelt arbete jobbtillfredsställelse?-Hur påverkar flexibelt arbete inkludering och mångfald?-Hur påverkar inkludering och mångfald jobbtillfredsställelse?  Metod: Denna studie bygger på en kvantitativ metod med ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt, där en enkätundersökning via olika kanaler legat till grund för insamlingen av data. Populationen av studien är anställda som jobbar på företag med flexibla arbetsarrangemang i Sverige, med 132 respondenter. Undersökningen av data har skett genom statistikprogrammet ‘’JASP’’, där en bivariat korrelationsanalys utförts.  Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet av studien har visat att flexibelt arbete inte har någon korrelation till jobbtillfredställelse. Vidare visar resultatet även att flexibelt arbete inte heller har någon korrelation till inkludering och mångfald. Dessa fynd ligger inte i linje med vad tidigare forskning kommit fram till. Slutligen har studien påvisat att inkludering och mångfald har en stark korrelation till jobbtillfredsställelse vilket tidigare forskning även påvisat. Slutsatsen som dragits är att studiens utformning, och de respondenter som deltagit, skiljer sig i flera aspekter från tidigare studier.  Examensarbetets bidrag: Studiens bidrag är en ökad förståelse för effekterna som flexibelt arbete har, samt hur inkludering och mångfald kan påverka jobbtillfredsställelsen. Det praktiska bidraget denna studie genererar är ett verktyg i form av en enkätundersökning, som beslutsfattare i olika instanser kan använda sig av för att se hur de anställda upplever mångfald och inkludering på sin arbetsplats.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En förståelse kring hur de olika dimensioner kring flexibelt arbete påverkar jobbtillfredställelse är fortsatt outforskat och vi ser att denna riktning kan bidra till en ökad förståelse för ämnet. Vidare ser även att framtida forskning kan beröra mer detaljerat kring hur de olika dimensionerna av flexibelt arbete påverkar inkluderingen inom organisationer. Vi föreslår även en framtida inriktning på ledarskapets betydelse vid flexibelt arbete. / Purpose: The study has a twofold purpose. The first part of the aim is to investigate how flexible working affects job satisfaction, inclusion and diversity. The second part of the aim is to investigate how inclusion and diversity affect job satisfaction. The following research questions are answered: -How does flexible work affect job satisfaction?-How does flexible work affect inclusion and diversity?-How does inclusion and diversity affect job satisfaction?  Method: This study is based on a quantitative method with a deductive approach, where a survey through various channels was the basis for the collection of data. The population of the study is employees who work at companies with flexible work arrangements in Sweden, with 132 respondents. The examination of the data has taken place through the statistics program "JASP", where a bivariate correlation analysis was performed.  Results and conclusion: The results of the study have shown that flexible working has no correlation to job satisfaction. Furthermore, the result also shows that flexible working has no correlation to inclusion and diversity either. These findings are not in line with what previous research has concluded. Finally, the study has shown that inclusion and diversity have a strong correlation to job satisfaction, which previous research has also shown. The conclusion drawn is that the design of our study, and the respondents who participated, differ in several aspects from previous studies.  Contribution of the thesis: The study's contribution is an increased understanding of the effects that flexible working has, as well as how inclusion and diversity can affect job satisfaction. The practical contribution this study generates is a tool in the form of a survey, which decision-makers in various instances can use to see how the employees experience diversity and inclusion in their workplace.  Suggestions for further research: An understanding of how the different dimensions of flexible work affect job satisfaction is still unexplored, and we believe that this direction can contribute to an increased understanding of the subject. Furthermore, we also see that future research can touch in more detail on how the different dimensions of flexible work affect inclusion within organizations. We also propose a future focus on the importance of leadership in flexible work.

Opportunities and Barriers in Flexible Working Arrangements : A case study in a Brazilian Organization

Salmazzo, Daniel, Azunu, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Aim: This thesis aims to investigate the varying needs and perceptions of employees in different positions within a single organization in Brazil with regard to flexiblework arrangements. Methodology: The study selected eight employees from diverse positions within the organization through purposive and snowball sampling techniques. The datacollection process employed a semi-structured interview approach, using an interview guide exploring the perception and needs of the employees regarding flexible work arrangements. The primary objective of the interviews was to offer valuable insights into employees' experiences and viewpoints, which aids in understanding the workforce's needs and requirements. Findings: The analysis found that employees across the different hierarchies in the organization exhibited a shared inclination towards remote work due to its advantages. However, the choices made by the employees were influenced by the team and managerial dynamics, client demands, and peak periods of activity. The findings disclosed that the advantages of flexible working arrangements are multifaceted encompassing work-life balance, quality of life, and cost savings. Conversely, challenges in the form of limited communication and relationship building opportunities, hierarchical complexities, and the high commuting costs incurred by hybrid workers were identified. The findings, therefore, emphasized the importance of fostering support, collaboration, and a positive work environment. Conclusion: Overall, the organization actively promotes adaptability to remote work, offering incentives and the necessary equipment to facilitate work-from-home arrangements. This research, therefore, underscores the need to embrace remote work and advocate for an enabling environment that addresses the diverse needs and challenges encountered by employees engaging in flexible work practices.

Upplevd möjlighet till flexibla arbetsarrangemang och dess samband med arbetstillfredsställelse

Strandman, Elin, Wahlberg, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan upplevd möjlighet till flexibla arbetsarrangemang och arbetstillfredsställelse, samt att se om variansen i arbetstillfredsställelse bäst predicerades av temporal eller spatial flexibilitet. Data samlades in genom en digital enkät där arbetstillfredsställelse mättes genom mätverktyget Minnesota Satisfaction Questionaire (MSQ) och flexibla arbetsarrangemang mättes genom New Ways of Working Scale. Resultatet visade att temporal- och spatial flexibilitet var signifikant positivt korrelerade med arbetstillfredsställelse. Resultatet visade även att prediktorerna temporal- och spatial flexibilitet tillsammans kunde förklara en signifikant del av variansen i arbetstillfredsställelse men att det endast var spatial flexibilitet som ensam kunde förklara en signifikant del. Resultatet kan ses som en indikation på att det flexibla arbetsarrangemanget med dess innebörd om ökad autonomi och kontroll har en positiv inverkan på arbetstagares arbetstillfredsställelse och kan därför således användas i konkurrenssyfte av arbetsgivare för att bibehålla och attrahera ny personal. / The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between flexible work arrangement and job satisfaction, and to determine whether the variance in job satisfaction was better predicted by temporal or spatial flexibility. Data were collected through a digital survey, where job satisfaction was measured using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and flexible work was measured using the New Ways of Working Scale. The results showed that both temporal and spatial flexibility were significantly correlated with job satisfaction. Furthermore, the predictors of temporal and spatial flexibility together accounted for a significant part of the variance, but it was only spatial flexibility that could independently explain a significant part. These findings indicate that flexible work, with its implications of increased autonomy and control, has a positive impact on employees' job satisfaction. Therefore, it can be utilized by employers as a competitive advantage to retain and attract new personnel.

Work-Life balance och distansarbete : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av Work-Life balance vid distansarbete bland kontorsanställda kommunmedarbetare

Myhrberg, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Remote work has significantly grown in recent decades, facilitated by technological advancements that allow work outside the employer's premises. This shift has blurred the boundaries between work and personal life, giving rise to questions regarding Work-Life balance in remote work.  Previous research has primarily been quantitative, providing limited insight into employees' experiences. Hence, this qualitative study aims to investigate the experiences of work-life balance in remote work among office-based employees in a municipality in central Sweden.  Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight participants and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Three main categories emerged: "Better compatibility with personal time," "Challenges establishing boundaries but potentially improved work performance," and "Transformed relationships." The main theme was "Remote work can enhance personal time, family life, and individual work performance, but requires strong boundary-setting skills and hinders informal learning."  The findings reveal that remote work is compatible with personal time and generates a productive work environment for those who can work from home uninterrupted. Not meeting colleagues daily minimizes distractions, but also affects informal learning negatively. Participants described remote work as advantageous for family life. However, the risk of overwork is perceived to be higher, underscoring the importance of developing strategies to establish Work-Life balance. / Distansarbete är en arbetsform som ökat drastiskt under de senaste decennierna, bland annat i takt med att tekniken utvecklats och gjort det möjligt att utföra många arbeten utanför arbetsgivarens lokaler. Detta har medfört att gränsen mellan arbete och fritid har förändrats, vilket väcker en fråga om Work-Life balance vid distansarbete. Tidigare forskning har främst haft en kvantitativ ansats, men det finns desto mindre kvalitativ forskning där ingående information om medarbetares upplevelser framgår.  Denna studies syfte är att undersöka upplevelser av Work-Life balance vid distansarbete bland kontorsanställda medarbetare på en kommun i Mellansverige.  Datainsamlingen har genomförts genom digitala semi-strukturerade intervjuer med åtta respondenter och data har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys, vilket har mynnat ut i kategorierna: ”Mer kompatibelt med fritiden”, ”Utmaningar med gränssättning men möjlighet till ökade förutsättningar för arbetsprestation” och ”Förändrar relationer”. Temat blev ”Distansarbete kan vara mer gynnsamt för fritiden, familjen och individuell arbetsprestation men ställer högre krav på individuell gränssättningsförmåga och hämmar det informella lärandet”.  Resultatet visar att distansarbete är mer kompatibelt med fritiden samt gynnande för arbetsro och effektivitet för de som har förutsättningar att arbeta hemifrån ostört. Det upplevs också finnas både för- och nackdelar med att få distans till kollegorna – man blir mindre distraherad, men går miste om informellt lärande. Distansarbete beskrivs som underlättande för familjelivet. Risken för överarbete upplevs öka vid distansarbete, så utvecklingen av strategier för gränssättning mellan arbete och fritid beskrivs som central för Work-Life balance.

Arbetspusslet : En kvalitativ studie om flexibelt arbete och hur kontorspersonal upplever att de hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress

Lundgren, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Problemformulering: Arbetsrelaterad stress är något som under lång tid har ökat i Sverige och flertalet studier påvisar att flexibelt arbete kan minska arbetsrelaterad stress. Flexibla arbetsformer har under många år ökat och med covid-19 pandemin påskyndades denna process. Förändringen har skett under kort tid vilket har medfört utmaningar och förändrade förutsättningar i arbetslivet. Tidigare studier har indikerat på att flexibelt arbete är hälsofrämjande för bland annat sömn, autonomi och återhämtning men också att beläggen för vilka långsiktiga effekter på hälsan övergången har är begränsade. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur kontorspersonal som arbetar flexibelt upplever att de hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress. Metod: Studien är en semistrukturerad intervjustudie. Intervjuerna genomfördes individuellt med tio deltagare från ett mindre företag inom teknikbranschen. Data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Huvudresultat: Analysen mynnade ut i ett övergripande tema och fyra huvudkategorier. Det övergripande temat var: kommunikation kring upplägget av flexibelt arbete samt kommunikation och samarbete mellan medarbetarna under det flexibla arbetsupplägget är vitalt för den upplevda hanteringen av stress. De fyra huvudkategorierna som framkom var: arbetsstruktur, kommunikation, arbetsprestation samt samarbete och stöd. Dessa huvudkategorier beskriver faktorer som informanterna upplevde berörs av flexibelt arbete som sedan kan inverka på upplevd stresshantering. Slutsats: Resultatet av studien visar att flexibelt arbete kan vara en hälsofrämjande faktor men att det inte är en självklarhet. Organisationer spelar en vital roll i hur de anställda upplever att de hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress genom riktlinjer och kommunikation om hur det flexibla arbetet ska fungera. Hur väl kommunikationsvägarna fungerar mellan medarbetarna spelar också en vital roll för hur de anställda upplever att de hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress. / Background: Work-related stress has increased in Sweden for a long time and most studies show that flexible working can reduce work-related stress. Flexible working arrangements have been on the rise for many years and with the COVID-19 pandemic, this process accelerated. This shift has taken place in a short period of time, which has brought challenges and changed conditions in the working life.  Aim: The aim of this study is to describe how office staff that works flexible experience that they handle work-related stress. Method: The study is a semi-structured interview study, and the data was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Result: The analysis resulted in an overall theme and four main categories. The main categories describe factors of flexible working that the informants consider affect perceived stress management.  Conclusion: The results of the study show that flexible working can be a health-promoting factor but that is not self-evident. Organizations play a vital role in how employees feel they are dealing with work-related stress at work through guidelines and communication on how flexible work should be used. How well the communication channels work between employees also plays a vital role in how employees feel they handle work-related stress.

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