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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceived Racism and Blood Pressure in Foreign-Born Mexicans

Merideth, Richard Iztcoatl 01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Studies have identified perceived racism as one type of social stress that is believed to contribute to hypertension, though no studies to date have examined the relationship between perceived racism and blood pressure among foreign-born Mexicans living in the United States (U.S.). In addition, studies have shown that acculturation may increase levels of perceived discrimination among foreign-born Mexicans living in the U.S. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived racism and ambulatory blood pressure among a convenience sample of 332 foreign-born Mexicans living in Utah County, Utah controlling for age, gender, body mass index (BMI), and acculturation. This was done through the use of several multiple regression analyses using archival data collected at Brigham Young University. The Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Questionnaire—Community Version (Brief PEDQ—CV) was used to measure perceived racism. The Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans (ARSMA-II) was used to measure both language and general acculturation. Four blood pressure variables, including waking systolic blood pressure (WSBP), waking diastolic blood pressure (WDBP), sleeping systolic blood pressure (SSBP), and sleeping diastolic blood pressure (SDBP) were used as outcome variables in the regression analyses. A relationship between perceived racism and any of the ambulatory blood pressure variables used in this study was not found. In addition, English-language acculturation was not found to moderate the relationship between perceived racism and blood pressure in the sample of first generation Mexicans participating in this study. A moderating effect of general acculturation on the relationship between perceived racism and blood pressure was found when controlling for age, BMI, and gender, though this moderating effect disappeared when WDBP was included in the regression model. Implications of findings, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.

The Association of Immigration and Ethnicity with Adherene to Statins and Cardiac Rehabiltation Post-Myocardial Infarction: A sub-study of the ISLAND randomized controlled trial / Immigrants & Secondary Cardiac Prevention Therapy Adherence

Shepherd, Shaun January 2018 (has links)
Adherence to guideline-recommended secondary cardiovascular prevention therapy (statins and cardiac rehabilitation) has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of all-cause mortality (Statins RRR 0.25, 95% CI 0.19-0.30; Cardiac Rehabilitation RRR 0.26, 95% CI 0.14-0.36) and secondary events.1,2 Yet, ≥50% of patients discontinue statin use within 12-month after an initial prescription and completion of cardiac rehabilitation is ≤20% in Ontario.3,4 Low statin adherence and cardiac rehab completion limits patients from realizing the full benefits of therapy. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of adherence to statins for secondary prevention reported that nonadherence to statins was greater in non-white ethnicities compared to white ethnicities (OR 1.28, 95% CI 1.04-1.59) with geographical variation in outcomes.5 In respect to cardiac rehabilitation, the literature suggests that non-white ethnicities are less likely to complete cardiac rehabilitation compared to white participants.6,7 However, a gap remains in our knowledge of cardiac rehabilitation completion among immigrants due to lack of outcome reporting across clinical trials. The literature suggests that immigrants have improved health profiles relative to Canadian-born patients. Specifically, immigrants with ≤10 years of Canadian residency have greater medication adherence than immigrants with >10 of Canadian residency when compared to Canadian-born participants.6-9 This thesis was a planned sub-study of the Interventions Supporting Long-Term Adherence and Decreasing Cardiovascular Events (ISLAND) randomized control trial. The ISLAND study was a pragmatic, randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of educational reminders on adherence to guideline-recommended therapy post-myocardial infarction. Study participants were allocated in a 1:1:1 ratio to one of three groups: i) usual care, ii) educational reminders sent via post, or iii) combination post and interactive voice response educational reminders. Investigators were blinded to the allocation sequence, participant allocation, and outcome assessment. Medication adherence and completion of cardiac rehabilitation were assessed 12-months from baseline. This sub-study of ISLAND focused on participants who completed a 12-month outcome assessment with a recorded response to the following question, “Were you born a Canadian citizen?”. Immigrants experienced greater odds of statin adherence at 7-days (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.00-1.85) and 30 days (OR 1.36, 95% CI 0.96-1.94) at one-year post-myocardial infarction, after adjusting for age, diabetes, sex, and smoking status. We found no evidence that immigration status was associated with cardiac rehabilitation completion (OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.72-1.14) after adjusting for age, diabetes, sex, smoking status, average neighborhood income quintile, education, and marital status. The odds of statin adherence at 7-days (OR 1.33, 95% CI 0.89-2.18) and 30-days (OR 1.39, 95% CI 0.89-2.18) was greater in visual minorities than white patients, however the difference was not statistically significant. We found no evidence of an association between ethnicity and cardiac rehabilitation completion (OR 0.98, 95% CI 0.75-1.29). Our analysis could not fully evaluate the healthy immigrant effect due to an insufficient sample size of immigrants with <10 years of Canadian residency exposure (n=29). In conclusion, we report a statistically significant 36% increase in the odds of 7-day and 30-day statin adherence in immigrants compared to Canadian-born patients. We also report that the odds of cardiac rehabilitation decreased by 9% in immigrants compared to Canadian-born patients at 12-months post-myocardial infarction but this was not statistically significant. Our findings offer support for the “healthy immigrant effect” continuing in immigrants with >10 years of Canadian residency exposure. We were unable to evaluate outcomes in immigrants with <10 years Canadian residency exposure due to a lack of sample size (n=29). / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The primary purpose of this research project was to assess whether immigrants, individuals who reside in Canada but were born outside of the country, who have experienced a previous heart attack were adhere to heart health therapies better than Canadian-born patients. The heart health therapies of interest to our investigation are two guideline-recommended heart attack prevention therapies, statins and cardiac rehabilitation. The study design of our research project was a cohort sub-study of the ISLAND randomized control trial which investigated adherence to heart health therapies in patients residing in Ontario, Canada. Our major finding was that immigrants who lived in Canada for >10 years were more adherent to statin therapy for a previous heart attack compared to Canadian-born participants. Our findings support the hypothesis that immigrants tend to demonstrate behaviours associated with improved outcomes compared to their Canadian-born counterparts.

Migration, Stress and Mental Ill Health : Post-migration Factors and Experiences in the Swedish Context / Migration, stress och mental ohälsa : Postmigrationsfaktorer och erfarenheter från den svenska kontexten

Tinghög, Petter January 2009 (has links)
This predominantly empirical dissertation deals with how socio-economic living conditions and immigrant-specific factors can be linked to immigrants’ mental ill health. It is also explored how cultural representations can affect stress and whether mental ill health is expressed differently among immigrants from Iraq and Iran than among individuals of Nordic origin. Moreover, a conceptual analysis is conducted, where a phenomenological conceptualisation of stress is outlined with a special focus on how this stress approach can be related to culture and migration. The empirical material consists of eleven in-depth interviews with Iraqi and Iranian immigrant women and two population-based surveys. The main findings of this thesis suggest as follows: 1) Mental ill health is more common among foreign-born than among native-born Swedes and can to a great extent be attributed to their poorer socio-economic living conditions. 2) Immigrants’ mental health is independently associated with different types of factors, such as traumatic episodes, socio-cultural adaptation level and socioeconomic living conditions. 3) The self-reporting mental health instruments, HSCL-25 and WHO (ten) Wellbeing Index, produce scores that are comparable between Scandinavians and immigrants of Middle Eastern descent. 4) Nonuniversal representations that can be found in Iraq and Iran can amplify, or even be necessary ingredients in certain types of stressful experiences among immigrant women from these countries. 5) The distinctions between universal and non-universal stress, and between immigrant/minority and non-immigrant/nonminority stress appear to be crucial for an adequate comprehension of immigrants’ stressful experiences. / Denna huvudsakligen empiriska avhandling behandlar hur socioekonomiska levnadsvillkor och invandrarspecifika faktorer kan kopplas till invandrares mentala hälsa. I avhandlingen undersöks även hur kulturella representationer kan påverka stressfulla upplevelser och huruvida mental ohälsa uttrycks annorlunda bland invandrare från Irak och Iran än bland nordbor. Vidare genomförs en begreppsanalys av stress skisserad utifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Fokus ligger här på hur ett sådant perspektiv på stress kan relateras till kultur och migration. Det empiriska materialet består av elva djupintervjuer med invandrarkvinnor från Irak och Iran, samt två populationsbaserade enkätundersökningar. De huvudsakliga fynden i denna avhandling är följande: 1) Mental ohälsa bland utrikesfödda är vanligare än bland svenskfödda och detta kan till stor del ”förklaras” av ogynnsammare socioekonomiska levnadsvillkor. 2) Invandrares mentala ohälsa har ett direkt samband med olika typer av faktorer som traumatiska episoder, sociokulturell anpassningsnivå och socioekonomiska levnadsvillkor. 3) Självskattningsinstrumenten för mental hälsa, HSCL-25 och WHO (ten) Wellbeing Index, producerar värden som är jämförbara mellan nordbor och invandrare från Mellanöstern. 4) Icke-universella representationer som kan påvisas i Irak och Iran kan förstärka, eller till och med vara nödvändiga komponenter för vissa typer av stressfulla upplevelser bland invandrarkvinnor från dessa länder. 5) Distinktionerna mellan universell och icke-universell stress, och mellan invandrar/minoritets och icke-invandrar/icke-minoritets stress, tycks vara centrala för en adekvat förståelse av invandrares stressfulla upplevelser.

Arbetslöshet bland utrikes födda på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En empirisk analys av vilka kommunala faktorer som kan påverka den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda

Pascha, Dounia January 2014 (has links)
Unemployment amongst Swedish citizens is higher within the group which falls under the designation foreign-born. The aim of this thesis is to examine which municipal factors that can explain the differences in unemployment amongst foreign-born relative to native born.The empirical models are examined with both cross-sectional data for the year of 2010 and panel data for the years of 2002-2012. The examination is implemented through a linear regression analysis of the type Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Fixed Effect regressions. A theory section will be presented where the theory on Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate (NAIRU), theories on discrimination and country-specific human capital are illustrated. The result from the cross-sectional data shows that the amount of foreign-born, the level of foreign-born immigrated from Nordic countries have a significant negative effect on unemployment amongst foreign-born. The general unemployment shows a significant positive effect on the unemployment amongst foreign-born. The result from the panel data however shows that the acceptance rate in Swedish for immigrants (SFI) and the highest level for tertiary education also have a significant negative effect on unemployment amongst foreign born. According to the theory of country-specific human capital, an increase in languageskills and education will increase the individual’s human capital and productivity, hencedecrease unemployment amongst foreign-born. This theory also indicates that an increase in the level of foreign-born immigrated from Nordic countries has a lower “cultural distance”,hence easier to integrate into the Swedish labor market. Previous research indicates that an increase of the amount of foreign-born can decrease the unemployment amongst this group through an expansion of social network and employer contacts. According to the theory of NAIRU, the level of equilibrium unemployment is affected by changes in the composition ofthe workforce, hence should affect the unemployment amongst foreign-born in the corresponding direction. This indicates that the integration policy is of importance to bring down the level of NAIRU. / Arbetslöshet är ett omtalat fenomen inom den svenska samhällsdebatten. Arbetslösheten bland Sveriges invånare är högre bland den grupp människor som faller under beteckningen utrikes födda. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka kommunala faktorer som kan förklara skillnaden i arbetslöshet mellan utrikes- och inrikes födda. De empiriska modellerna testas både med tvärsnittsdata för år 2010 samt paneldata för år 2002-2012. Undersökningen genomförs med en linjär regressionsanalys av typen Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) samt Fixed Effect regressioner. Datamaterialet är av sekundär data från Statistiska centralbyrån(SCB). Ett teoriavsnitt kommer att presenteras där teorin om Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment (NAIRU) samt teorier om diskriminering och land-specifikt humankapital belyses. Resultatet av tvärsnittsdata visar att andelen utrikes födda, andelen invandrade från Norden har en signifikant negativ effekt på arbetslöshet bland utrikes födda samt att den allmänna arbetslösheten har en signifikant positiv effekt på arbetslöshet bland utrikes födda. Resultatet av paneldata visar att även andelen godkända i svenska för i invandrare samt högstaeftergymnasiala utbildningsnivå har en signifikant negativ effekt på arbetslöshet bland utrikesfödda. Enligt teorin om land-specifikt humankapital ökar språkkunskaper samt utbildning individens humankapital och således produktivitet vilket minskar arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda. Denna teori belyser även att andelen invandrade från Norden har ett lägre ”kulturavstånd” och bör således ha lättare att integrera sig på den svenska marknaden. Detta medför att arbetslöshet bland utrikes födda reduceras. Tidigare forskning tyder på att ökad andel utrikes födda kan minska arbetslöshet bland denna grupp genom ökat socialt nätverkoch arbetsgivarkontakter. Enligt teorin om NAIRU, påverkas jämviktsarbetslösheten av förändringar i arbetskraftens sammansättningar vilket bör medföra en påverkan på arbetslöshet bland utrikes födda i motsvarande riktning. Detta indikerar att integrationspolitiken är av betydelse för att få ner nivån på NAIRU.

Utlandsfödda kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av integrationen i Sverige: En kvalitativ studie

Bylund, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Kvinnor rapporterar sämre självskattad hälsa än män och utlandsföddas psykiska välmående är sämre än svenskföddas. Delaktighet och inflytande har visats vara starkt sammankopplat med hälsa och det är därför viktigt med ett effektivt integrationsarbete för att skapa delaktighet och inflytande i det svenska samhället. Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka upplevelser och erfarenheter av integrationen i Sverige bland utlandsfödda kvinnor utifrån ett folkhälsoperspektiv. För att besvara syftet har en kvalitativ ansats använts och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med utlandsfödda kvinnor i olika åldrar över 18 år genomfördes. Insamlade intervjudata analyserades genom en manifest innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom att sociala nätverk, språk och arbete är tre viktiga aspekter för att integreras i det svenska samhället. Rädsla och ovilja inför nya kulturer kan förhindra individers möjligheter till att integreras samt att kulturkrockar kan försvåra integrationen. Det framkom även att det bör finnas ett tvärsektoriellt arbete mellan samhällsaktörer och att lättillgänglig information kan nås, för en lättare förståelse för kulturen i det nya landet. Slutsatsen är att det finns olika aspekter som utlandsfödda kvinnor upplever påverkar deras möjlighet till integration: upplevelser, underlättande faktorer och hinder för integration. Framtida beslutsfattare bör ha dessa i åtanke vid utformning av styrning och policy för integration. / Women self-report worse health than men, and people born in a foreign country report lower psychological well-being than Swedish born people. Participation and influence within society directly correlate with health, therefore it is important to integrate people into society so that they can participate and gain influence. The purpose of this study is, using a public health perspective, to examine foreign born women’s relations and experiences of integration in Sweden. A qualitative approach was used to answer the purpose. Five semi-structured interviews have been conducted in Stockholm, Västerås and Gävle with foreign born women of 18 years and older. The collected interview data was analyzed using manifest content analysis. The results showed that social-networks, language, and occupation are three important aspects that contribute to successful integration. Fear and unwillingness to assimilate to different cultures in a new country can increase the difficulty of integration. To ease integration, the participants believed that a multi-sectoral approach is necessary, stakeholders in integration need to work together. The women further described that more information and transparency in information from stakeholders will increase their ability to successfully integrate into a new country. The conclusions are that there are three main aspects that foreign born women believe influence their possibility to integration: experiences, possibilities and obstacles. Future policy makers should regard these important aspects when presenting policies for integration.

“Utmaningar i mötet med det nya landet” : En kvalitativ studie om utländska kvinnor som har en högskoleexamen eller universitetsexamen från sina hemländer och deras väg till en lyckad etablering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden / “Challenges in the meeting with the new country” : A qualitative study of foreign-born women who have a college or university degree from their home countries and their path to a successful establishment in the Swedish labor market.

Fekovic, Refadija January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain an understanding for the factors behind the successful establishment in the Swedish labor market for foreign-born women who have a college or university degree from their home countries. This has been achieved by applying a qualitative method, whereas semi-structured interviews with five foreign-born women have been conducted. The theory used in the analysis are the theories of "social and cultural capital" and "empowerment". The findings of the study show that level of education, work experience, language skills affect foreign-born opportunities to enter the labor market. Moreover, the findings show that the interviewees perceived several obstructions to their inclusion in the Swedish labour market. These include language barriers and lack of social networks. The interviews also show that people who have an academic education from their home countries need to adapt their education to the Swedish labor market to find a qualified job. The results of the study also show that new arrivals need to apply for income support during the first period in Sweden, due to the fact that they lack their own income and assets.

Vaccinationsgrad mot covid-19 i Sveriges kommuner / Covid-19 vaccination rates by municipality in Sweden

Hane, Sandra, Nilsson, Anton January 2022 (has links)
I början av 2020 drabbar covid-19-pandemin världens befolkning. Den livsfarliga smittan sprids snabbt världen över och forskare och läkemedelsbolag börjar arbeta intensivt för att utveckla ett vaccin som kan stoppa sjukdomens framfart. Knappt ett år senare godkänns världens första vaccin mot covid-19 och massvaccinering inleds. Världens politiker, forskare, epidemiologer och läkare påtalar otaliga gånger att vaccinet är lösningen på pandemin och vikten av att alla som kan ska tacka ja till erbjudandet om att vaccinera sig. Vaccinationsviljan världen över är generellt sett god, men det är också många människor som väljer att inte ta vaccinet och vaccinationsgraden varierar på internationell-, nationell- och lokal nivå. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns lokala förhållanden som påverkar vacci­nat­ions­graden mot covid-19 i Sveriges kommuner under pandemin och om kommunernas verkliga vacci­nationsgrad avviker från vad som kan förväntas utifrån de lokala förhållandena. Baserat på tidigare studier och teori skapas och testas hypoteser genom att använda linjär regression för att skapa modeller som beskriver förväntad vaccinationsgrad. Studien undersöker sambandet mellan vaccinat­ions­grad och variabler som beskriver könsfördelningen i kommunerna, andel utrikesfödda, befolk­ningens ålder, utbildnings-, inkomst-, och hälsonivå, andel arbetslöshet, valdeltagande och befolk­ningens partisym­pa­tier.  De viktigaste resultaten är att faktorerna andel kvinnor, utrikesfödda, arbetslöshet och hälsonivå korre­lerar negativt med vaccinationsgrad, och faktorerna ålder, utbildningsnivå och valdeltagande korrelerar positivt. I univariat analys förklarar variabeln utrikesfödda 78 procent av skillnaden i vaccinationsgrad mellan kommunerna och valdeltagande förklarar 57 procent av skillnaden. Resultatet i riksdagsvalet 2018 på kommunnivå kan delvis förklara skillnaden i vaccinationsgrad mellan Sveriges kommuner. Utmärkande vid undersökningen av befolkningens partisympatier är att univariat analys med Center­partiet som oberoende variabel enskilt förklarar över 20 procent av skillnaden i vaccinationsgrad.  Baserat på regressionsmodeller beräknas varje kommuns förväntade vaccinationsgrad, vilken jämförs med den verkliga vaccinationsgraden. Haparanda och Ljungby kommun avviker mest positivt respek­tive negativt från sitt förväntade värde (+10,42 procent och -6,10 procent). En möjlig förklaring till kommunernas stora avvikelser är deras geografiska läge och dess påverkan på befolkningens behov av att resa till utlandet. Alla kommuner i Uppsala län har en högre vaccinationsgrad än förväntat, medan alla kommuner i Blekinge län har en lägre vaccinationsgrad än förväntat. En möjlig förklaring är att det beror på länens olika vaccinationsstrategier. / In early 2020, the covid-19 pandemic hit the world. The deadly infection spread rapidly, and researchers and pharmaceutical companies worked intensively to develop a vaccine which could stop the progres­sion of the disease. Barely a year later, the world’s first vaccine against covid-19 is approved and mass vaccination begins. The world’s politicians, researchers, epidemiologists, and medical personnel point out countless times that the vaccine is the solution to the pandemic and the importance of getting vac­cinated. In general, the willingness to get vaccinated is high, but there are also many people who choose not to take the vaccine and the degree of vaccination varies at international, national, and local level. This study aims to investigate whether local conditions affect the vaccination rate against covid-19 in Swedish municipalities during the pandemic, and whether municipalities’ actual vaccination rate devi­ates from what can be expected based on these local conditions. Based on previous studies and theory, hypotheses are created and tested by using linear regression to create models that describe the expected degree of vaccination. The study examines the relationship between vaccination rate and variables that describe gender distribution in the municipalities, proportion of foreign-born, age of population, level of education, income and health, proportion of unemployment, turnout, and the population’s party sym­pathies. The main findings are that the factors proportion of women, foreign-born, unemployment and health level negatively correlate with vaccination rate, and the factors age, level of education and turnout cor­relate positively. In univariate analysis, the variable foreign-born explains 78 percent of the differ­ence in vaccination rate among the municipalities, and turnout explains 57 percent of the difference. The result of the 2018 parliamentary elections at municipal level can partly explain the difference in vac­cination rate between Sweden’s municipalities. Notable when examining the population’s party sym­pathies is that univariate analysis with Centerpartiet as an independent variable individually explains over 20 percent of the difference in vaccination rate. Each municipality’s expected vaccination rate is calculated and compared to the actual vaccination rate based on regression models. The municipalities of Haparanda and Ljungby deviate most from their expected value (+10.42 percent and -6.10 percent). A possible explanation for the municipalities’ large deviations is their geographical location and its impact on the population’s need to travel abroad. All municipalities of Uppsala County have a higher vaccination rate than expected, while all municipalities of Blekinge County have a lower vaccination rate than expected. One possible explanation is that it depends on the counties’ different vaccination strategies.

Välmående hos utrikesfödda föräldrar under postpartum-perioden jämfört med inrikesfödda föräldrar samt riskfaktorer för att utveckla psykisk ohälsa : En kvantitativ studie med deskriptiv &amp; explorativ ansats / Well-being among foreign-born parents during the postpartum period compared to Swedish-born parents and risk factors for developing mental illness

Osman, Nerué January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Postpartum är en utmanande tidsperiod med ökad risk för psykisk ohälsa hos föräldrar. De flesta studier som har genomförts har undersökt inrikesfödda mödrar. Det saknas studier som undersöker postpartum-relaterad psykisk ohälsa hos utrikesfödda föräldrar i Sverige. Syftet med den aktuella studien var därför att undersöka välmående hos utrikes-och inrikesfödda mödrar och fäder i Sverige. Studien syftade också till att undersöka potentiella riskfaktorer för utveckling av psykisk ohälsa och om riskfaktorerna skiljde sig mellan utrikes och inrikesfödda föräldrar. Metod: 1847 mödrar och fäder inklusive 483 (26.2%) utrikesfödda och 1364 (73.8 %) inrikesfödda föräldrar besvarade skattningsskalorna the Swedish Parenthood Stress Questionnaire och Välmåendeskalan. Data analyserades med Student’s t-test, envägs-ANOVA, Pearson’s korrelationsanalys och Multipel regressionsanalys. Resultat: Utrikesfödda föräldrar rapporterade statistiskt signifikant lägre välmående jämfört med inrikesfödda föräldrar. Bland utrikesfödda föräldrar var social isolering, hälsoproblem, känsla av inkompetens och låg utbildningsnivå riskfaktorer för psykisk ohälsa. Bland inrikesfödda föräldrar var känsla av inkompetens, hälsoproblem, social isolering, relationsproblem och rollrestriktion samt låg utbildningsnivå, riskfaktorer för psykisk ohälsa. Slutsats: Resultatet i denna deskriptiva och explorativa studie indikerar att utrikesfödda föräldrar upplever sämre välmående och löper större risk för utveckling av psykisk ohälsa under postpartum-perioden. Studien visar också att riskfaktorerna skiljer sig åt beroende på födelse inom eller utanför riket. / Background: The postpartum is a challenging period with an increased risk for parental mental illness. Most studies conducted have been performed on Swedish-born mothers. At present, there are no studies examining postpartum related mental illness in foreign-born parents in Sweden. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine the mental wellbeing of foreign-born mothers and fathers in Sweden and whether it differs from Swedish-born parents. The aim of the study was also to investigate potential risk factors for the development of mental illness, and whether the risk factors differ between foreign- and Swedish-born parents. Method: 1847 mothers and fathers, including 483 (26.2%) foreign-born and 1364 (73.8%) Swedish-born parents, answered the Swedish Parenthood Stress Questionnaire and the Well–being scale. Data was analyzed using the Pearson’s correlation analysis, One-way-ANOVA and Standard Multiple Regression analysis. Results: Foreign-born parents reported statistically significant lower mental well-being compared to Swedish-born parents. The study shows that among foreign-born parents, social isolation was a significant risk factor for mental illness during the postpartum period followed by health problems, feeling incompetent as a parent, and a low level of education. Among Swedish-born parents, health problems, social isolation, low levels of education, feeling incompetent as a parent, role restriction and relationship problems were risk factors for mental illness. Conclusion: The results of this descriptive and exploratory study indicates that foreign-born parents experience poorer mental well-being and are at greater risk of developing mental illness during the postpartum period. The study also shows that the risk factors differ depending on birth within or outside the country.

Information anpassad till alla en förutsättning för god och jämlik hälsa. : En kvalitativ studie om hur utrikesfödda upplever information från samhällsaktörer.

Virén, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Aim: The aim of the study was to explore foreign-born immigrants' experiences of information from Swedish societal actors. Method: A qualitative method with four semi-structured interviews were conducted with students studying SFI (Swedish for immigrants) in a small municipality in Sweden. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The data analysis identified six categories; The communication paths from the social actors vary, different social actors' ways of communicating and how different obstacles limit the understanding of information, they need to use different types of support to understand information, education creates the conditions for understanding and there is a variation in how they want the information to be adapted. The study's findings highlighted that foreign-born immigrants are a heterogeneous group, with individual conditions, resources, and experiences. Conclusion: To reduce the unequal gaps in health and ensure that all people receive the information they are entitled to, societal actors must design the information in an appropriate, cultural, and relevant way for foreign-born immigrants. Information adapted for everyone, it is a prerequisite for good and equal health

The Effects of Cultural Orientation Change on Metabolic Health in a Sample of Mexican Immigrants to the United States

Walker, Jillian L. 26 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Studies have identified metabolic health factors to be a major concern in Mexican-Americans, including Mexican immigrants to the United States (U.S.). Acculturation stress has been hypothesized to be a factor in the development of many health-related concerns in this population. Specifically, previous studies have shown that acculturation stress contributes to health concerns, including metabolic health concerns (e.g., diabetes, metabolic syndrome). The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between cultural orientation, a measure of acculturation designed to provide more information than traditional acculturation measures, and metabolic health outcomes. Specific acculturation-related stressors (social support, job-related stress, and depression) were hypothesized mediators in this relationship among a convenience sample of 98 foreign-born Mexicans living in Utah County, Utah controlling for age, gender, socio-economic status (SES), and years in the U.S. Data were collected twice with a three year interval to examine change over time. Changes in these constructs were examined through the use of Growth Modeling with Bayesian estimation. The Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican-Americans (ARSMA-II) was used to measure Anglo Cultural Orientation and Mexican Cultural Orientation. Standard blood analyses were used to measure metabolic health outcomes, which included glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), insulin, and glucose. The Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL-12) was used to measure social support, the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) was used to measure job-related stress, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) was used to measure depression. No change was identified in Anglo Cultural Orientation or Mexican Cultural Orientation over time in the majority of subjects. A positive relationship between Anglo Cultural Orientation and HbA1c was found, as was a negative relationship between Mexican Cultural Orientation and HbA1c. Mediation analyses showed a mediation effect of depression on the relationship between Anglo Cultural Orientation and glucose. Implications of findings, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.

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