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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det är inte det jag är här för, jag är här för att undervisa" : En studie över hur ämneslärare i dans tolkar och förhåller sig till gymnasieskolans fostrande uppdrag

Bergström, Sara, Persson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish school’s fostering assignment is a well-researched field within social science, but there is a lack of research regarding the assignment related to dance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to contribute to an understanding of the fostering assignment in relation to dance. This is a qualitative study aiming to give an insight to how dance teachers in upper-secondary schools interpret and include the fostering assignment in their work. The study also aims to address how different dance traditions affect how fostering is practiced in upper-secondary schools. The method used for collecting data is semi-structured interviews and the analysis is hermeneutic. The result shows a lack of an overall picture of what fostering in upper-secondary schools actually means and the fostering assignment’s changing and contextual character in relation to the shifting ideals of society. Dance as a practice and subject can contribute to students developing abilities relating to democracy, empathy, entrepreneurship, and also strengthen students’ identities and subjectification. In conclusion, the study stresses the importance of specifying the implementation of the fostering assignment on different levels (macro, meso, micro) within organisations. Otherwise, there is a risk that the fostering happening counteracts the content written in the curriculum.


DIANA DELGADO DA COSTA DA SILVA 05 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese de doutorado foi realizada no programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), na linha de pesquisa Violência, Direitos, Serviço Social e Políticas Intersetoriais, vinculada ao grupo de pesquisa do CNPq Estado, Sociedade, Políticas e Direitos Sociais (GESPD). Teve como objeto de estudo a análise dos usos dos conceitos de acolhimento e escuta qualificada no SUAS. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar os sentidos atribuídos aos conceitos de acolhimento e escuta qualificada na política de Assistência Social por profissionais da esfera municipal e teve como objetivos específicos: analisar as noções de acolhimento e escuta qualificada nos textos da Assistência Social e nos referenciais teóricos da literatura especializada; identificar nos discursos sobre a prática dos trabalhadores pesquisados a compreensão dos conceitos acolhimento e escuta qualificada; e, identificar as atribuições e competências profissionais no trabalho com famílias quando se requisitam acolhimento e escuta qualificada nos serviços socioassistenciais de proteção básica e especial. O percurso metodológico contou com o levantamento bibliográfico e com a recuperação das indicações de manuais e cadernos de orientações de serviços socioassistenciais que determinam o fazer profissional nas duas estratificações de proteção social da assistência social. Além da pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, a busca por elementos empíricos foi realizada em pesquisa de campo com profissionais que atuam no SUAS do município de Niterói/RJ, durante o ano de 2022. Para este encontro com os trabalhadores foi escolhida a metodologia qualitativa interativa, materializada em formações de grupos de trabalhadores de todos os níveis de escolaridade e diferentes lotações na proteção social básica, especial e coordenações. Ainda como elemento facilitador no trabalho com os grupos, foram utilizados textos da literatura brasileira, com leituras coletivas, registrando em áudio as percepções dos trabalhadores sobre os contextos, personagens, autores e as respectivas aproximações desses com a realidade diária do SUAS no município e comas demandas e requisições profissionais no trabalho com famílias. Com isso, buscouse oportunizar o uso da literatura como intermediária entre os saberes dos participantes dos grupos durante a pesquisa de campo. Assim, acredita-se que a pesquisa pode contribuir para uma perspectiva menos convencional no campo das análises de políticas públicas. A construção dos capítulos partiu do reconhecimento desta política social enquanto política pública setorial no quadro de estruturação das respostas estatais às expressões da Questão Social no Brasil, buscando as contradições de sua vinculação histórica aos elementos de formação do Estado brasileiro, que mantém os atributos conservadores de sua origem colonial. Para fortalecer este argumento a pesquisa levantou as principais mudanças institucionais da política no período entre1988 e 2022, demonstrando as alterações normativas e organizacionais, percebidas como alterações incrementais, que mantiveram as características de particularização do cuidado familiar como abordagem de enfrentamentos das desigualdades inerentes a um sistema de produção macroeconômico. Esta abordagem temporal da política considerou sua implementação em diferentes períodos e governos partir de uma análise institucionalista histórica, entendendo esta como uma das muitas possibilidades de análises sobre políticas públicas. Ao buscar compreender a trajetória de alterações na Assistência Social deste período, interessou especialmente pela incorporação de conceitos originados em outras políticas setoriais, como a saúde por exemplo. Observando assim, mais que uma intenção de buscar no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) um modelo para sua estrutura organizativa, a Assistência Social absorveu alguns conceitos emblemáticos para a definição de qualidade dos serviços sem as devidas mediações necessárias, visto os objetos diferentes de intervenção, sendo dois desses conceitos problematizados nesta pesquisa. Deste modo, os estudos levaram a problematizar o conceito de competência profissional, presente no discurso neoliberal, para localizar as requisições institucionais direcionadas aos trabalhadores do SUAS. Identificamos nos documentos uma investida para que os trabalhadores executem as ações de acolhimento e escuta qualificada como ações inerentes a qualquer trabalhador do SUAS, independentemente da formação acadêmica, originando assim, a questão central desta tese. O que é escuta qualificada e acolhimento e como esses dois conceitos são compreendidos pelos trabalhadores da Assistência Social no trabalho com famílias nos diferentes serviços socioassistenciais? Como resultados, e não respostas finalísticas, elencamos três principais achados. Primeiro, a pesquisa salientou que as contradições históricas do país precisam ser mais bem compreendidas para o desvelamento das limitações e constrangimentos atuais da Assistência Social. Em segundo confirmou que o uso da interlocução entre política pública e literatura promove digressões e significantes em uma relação dialética que aproxima a prosa literária das cenas do cotidiano das unidades socio-assistenciais. A experiência permitiu um movimento essencial para o estranhamento entre ditos conhecimentos técnicos predeterminados pelas cartilhas de atuação dos profissionais, a partir do poder da literatura de ofertar um lugar indireto aos saberes. E em terceiro, expôs a necessidade urgente, não alcançada por esta limitada pesquisa, de descortinaras demandas explicitas e as respostas concretas que esta política oferta. Para tal, aponta como possível caminho a problematização de conceitos que vem formatando e limitando as possibilidades de intervenção das diversas categorias profissionais que compõem o SUAS. / [en] Nuclear power in Brazil has a long and rich history, including complex international trade agreements, technological dominance, military secrets, and a major radiological accident. However, it has received little attention from Brazilian Geography, which could broaden the debate on the subject beyond the traditional technical-economic perspectives. We applied the relational theory of place, the typology of energy landscapes, and the concept of nuclearity to describe the sociospatial transformations that occurred after the establishment of the Nuclear Power Station in Angra dos Reis, as well as the connections of this enterprise with the nuclear fuel cycle. We used mixed methods that include: document analysis; semistructured interviews with experts; analysis of historical series of images, including the application of Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing techniques; and exploratory and confirmatory fieldwork. We presented the initial milestones in the siting of nuclear reactors around the world, to put in context Brazilian studies that led to the selection of Praia de Itaorna, Angra dos Reis (RJ), to receive the first nuclear power plant in the country. This choice made Itaorna a nuclear place. The installation of the Nuclear Power Station in 1970 and its slow and discontinuous expansion over the next five decades led to a series of alterations in the composition of the place and in its degree of nuclearity. During this period, the domain of meaning remained stable, while the domains of nature and social relations had significant changes, indicating landscape transformations. These must be understood within a broader context of socio-spatial transformations in the municipality of Angra dos Reis, which includes the rise (petroleum terminal and Nuclear Power Station) and fall (charcoal forests) of energy landscapes. The Nuclear Power Station became a landmark, modified the coastline, and created an exclusion area that allowed, to a certain extent, the regeneration of the surrounding vegetation. On the other hand, it stimulated the growth of a population center in Mambucaba that reduced the vegetation there. The energy landscape of the Nuclear Power Station is characterized by high energy density, spatial dominance, and temporal permanence. The establishment of the Nuclear Power Station took place simultaneously with the establishment of the Nuclear Fuel Factory (Resende – RJ) and the Planalto de Poços de Caldas Mining Plant (Caldas – MG). These three places are connected through the nuclear fuel cycle and their existence depends on flows of materials (mainly uranium), people and financial resources, which are (or were) established between them. This interdependence differentiates nuclear energy landscapes from others, such as those formed by hydroelectric plants or wind farms. The three nuclear landscapes have high energy density. Among them, the Mining Plant causes the deepest transformation, has greater spatial dominance and temporal permanence, while the Fuel Factory is located at the other extreme. The relational theory of place, the typology of energy landscapes, and the concept of nuclearity proved to be a robust theoretical basis for the study of socio-spatial transformations in the nuclear fuel cycle and constitute promising tools to be applied to energy planning.

Becoming a Person: Consequences and Contradictions of Domestic Servitude in Mali

Kone, A'ame 22 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

A Cross-Fostering Analysis of the Effect of PCB on Behavioral Development of Sprague-Dawley Rats

Mankin, David Edward 16 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Changements démographiques et inégalités éducatives à Ouagadougou

Lachaud, James 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, des études empiriques réalisées sur plusieurs pays développés ou en émergence ont montré que la baisse de la taille de la famille favorise l’investissement dans l’éducation des enfants, expliquant qu’un nombre élevé d’enfants a un effet d’amenuisement des ressources familiales. Les retombées positives de la baisse de la fécondité sur l’éducation sont largement étudiées et connues. En dépit des résultats controversés des premières études portant sur les pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les récentes études empiriques tendent à confirmer l’effet positif de la baisse de la taille de la famille dans le contexte africain, du moins en milieu urbain. Par contre, jusqu’à présent, très peu d’études semblent intéressées à analyser la répartition de ces retombées entre les enfants, et encore moins à comprendre comment ces dernières affecteraient la structure des inégalités éducatives existantes. Notre étude s’intéresse à explorer la potentielle dimension démographique des inégalités socioéconomiques, notamment les inégalités éducatives dans le contexte de la baisse de la fécondité. Elle vise à apporter des évidences empiriques sur le lien entre la réduction de la taille de la famille et les inégalités éducatives au sein des ménages dans le contexte d’Ouagadougou, Capitale du Burkina Faso, qui connait depuis quelques décennies la chute de la fécondité. Elle analyse aussi l’effet de cette réduction sur la transmission intergénérationnelle des désavantages éducatifs. Pour ce faire, nous proposons un cadre conceptuel pour comprendre les mécanismes par lesquels la relation entre la réduction de la taille de la famille et les inégalités éducatives se tisse. Ce cadre conceptuel s’appuie sur une recension des écrits de divers auteurs à ce sujet. Par la suite, nous procédons à des analyses empiriques permettant de tester ces liens en utilisant les données du projet Demtrend collectées. Les résultats empiriques sont présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques. Les conclusions du premier article indiquent que la relation entre le nombre d’enfants de la famille et l’éducation varie selon le contexte socioéconomique. En effet, pour les générations qui ont grandi dans un contexte socioéconomique colonial et postcolonial, où le mode de production était essentiellement agricole et l’éducation formelle n’était pas encore valorisée sur le marché du travail, la relation est très faible et positive. Par contre, pour les récentes générations, nous avons observé que la relation devient négative et fortement significative. De plus, les résultats de cet article suggèrent aussi que la famille d’origine des femmes a une incidence significative sur leur comportement de fécondité. Les femmes dont la mère avait un niveau de scolarité élevé (et étaient de statut socioéconomique aisé) ont moins d’enfants comparativement à celles dont leurs parents avaient un faible niveau de scolarité (et pauvres). En retour, leurs enfants sont aussi les plus éduqués. Ce qui sous-tend à un éventuel effet de levier de la réduction de la taille de la famille dans le processus de transmission intergénérationnelle des désavantages éducatifs. Le second article fait une comparaison entre les ménages de grande taille et ceux de petite taille en matière d’inégalités éducatives entre les enfants au sein des ménages familiaux, en considérant le sexe, l’ordre de naissance et les termes d’interaction entre ces deux variables. Les résultats de cet article montrent que généralement les enfants des familles de petite taille sont plus scolarisés et atteignent un niveau d’éducation plus élevé que ceux des grandes familles. Toutefois, les filles ainées des petites familles s’avèrent moins éduquées que leurs pairs. Ce déficit persiste après avoir considéré seulement les ménages familiaux monogames ou encore après le contrôle de la composition de la fratrie. L’émancipation des femmes sur le marché du travail résultant de la réduction de la taille de la famille et la faible contribution des pères dans les activités domestiques expliqueraient en partie cette situation. Malheureusement, nous n’avons pas pu contrôler l’activité économique des mères dans les analyses. Finalement, dans le cadre du troisième et dernier article, nous avons examiné l’effet d’avoir été confié par le passé sur les inégalités éducatives au sein de la fratrie, en comparant ceux qui ont été confiés aux autres membres de leur fratrie qui n’ont jamais été confiés. Dans cet article, nous avons considéré l’aspect hétérogène du confiage en le différenciant selon le sexe, la relation de la mère avec le chef du ménage d’accueil et l’âge auquel l’enfant a été confié. Les résultats montrent qu’avoir été confié dans le passé influence négativement le parcours scolaire des enfants. Cependant, cet effet négatif reste fort et significatif que pour les filles qui ont été confiées après leurs 10 ans d’âge. Un profil qui correspond à la demande de main-d’œuvre en milieu urbain pour l’accomplissement des tâches domestiques, surtout dans le contexte de la baisse de la taille de la famille et l’émancipation des femmes sur le marché du travail. / The relationship between the family size decline and children human’s capital investment has been well-studied for several decades. In most developed and emergent countries, several studies showed that the reduction in family size seems to increase the investment in the children’s education, arguing the dilution effect of each additional child on family resources. More recently, empirical studies shows this reduction tends also to improve substantially schooling levels in Sub-Saharan Countries, mostly in urban areas. Nevertheless, little is known about the distribution of these potential benefits neither how that may affect existing educational inequalities, particularly in the context of urban sub-Saharan Africa. Our study focuses on exploring the demographic dimension of educational inequalities in the context of Ouagadougou, Capital of Burkina Faso, where the fertility transition is actually ongoing. More precisely, this study seeks to understand the effect of reduction in family size on intra-family inequalities in education and secondly, on the reproduction of educational inequalities over time and generations. For that purpose, we developed on one hand a conceptual framework to understand the mechanism by which reduction in family could influence on education inequalities. Secondly, we have undertaken empirical analysis to test our hypotheses. The empirical results are presented in three scientific papers, which based on data from the Demographic Surveillance System and Health and Dentrend project. Findings from the first paper suggest that the relationship between the family size and education has shifted over time, according to the socioeconomic context. Indeed, the generations that are grown in a socioeconomic context where formal education was not valued in the labor market and the economic contributions of children were substantial as farm laborer, the relationship was very low, positive, and not statistically significant. By contrast, for recent generations, we observed that the relationship is negative and highly significant. In addition, the results of this paper also suggest that the family of origin impacts on the women’s reproductive behavior. Those whose original family was not poor and well-educated have smaller families. In turn, their children are also more educated. That suggests a potential leverage effect of the reduction in family size on the intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic disadvantages, particularly in terms of education. The second paper takes a look at intra-family inequalities in education in Ouagadougou. Do all the children in a family benefit equitably from the improved conditions brought about by limiting their number? The results suggest that generally smaller families allow more investment in children’s education. Nonetheless, oldest girls are less educated than their peers. The deficit remains even after considering only monogamous family households or after controlling the composition of the sibling. The absence of the mothers at home eased by the reduction in family size and the men’s failure to share household chores could explain this situation. Unfortunately, we were unable to control for economic activity of mothers. Finally, in the last paper, we evaluated the net impact of having been fostered in the past on the education of young adolescents (16-20 years old), comparing those who have been fostered to their sibling who has never been fostered. In this article, contrary to previous studies, we have considered the heterogeneous aspect of fostering by differentiating by sex, the mother's relationship with the host household and the age at the time of fostering. The results show a negative impact of child fostering on education, even after controlling for the endogeneity problem. However, this negative effect is greater on girls. The life’s conditions of fostered girls in host household could explain this differential effect. Finally, in the third and final article, we examined the effect of having been entrusted the education of children, comparing those who have been entrusted to other members of their siblings who have never been entrusted. In this article, contrary to previous studies, we have considered the heterogeneous aspect of fostering by differentiating by sex, the mother's relationship with the host and the ages at which the child has been entrusted. The results show that having been given in the past adversely affects the schooling of children. However, after considering some interacting variables, this negative effect remains strong and significant only for adolescent girls. These girls seem to fit the profile of additional hands for household chores, which are needed due the demographic deficits consequent to the reduction in family size in urban areas.

Famílias acolhedoras: um estudo comparativo / Foster families: a comparative study

Camargo, Vera Lúcia Kelemen 05 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:17:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vera Lucia Kelemen Camargo.pdf: 27634042 bytes, checksum: f07a40e67437593cd954d024b5b0c86f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this work, we carry through a comparative and qualitative study on three programs of Foster Families, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The purpose of the research was to know, in order to delineate and compare, the profiles of the cited programs, by highlighting the genesis, the peculiarity and the comprehension of each one of them. Moreover, the survey aimed to raise the chances and the difficulties lived during the process of implementation, implantation and functioning of the programs. The research reveals that there is a diversity of proposals of programs of Foster Families and there are also some elementary aspects so that those programs may work minimally. The absence of homogeneity in the way of operating these programs, as well as in the way of defining criteria for their effective unctioning, does not configure negative aspects for the existence and permanence of these initiatives. Although divergent, in some ccasions, they contribute (respecting the specifications of each program) to improve the quality of the attendance to the necessities of children and/or adolescents who are moved away from the cohabitation with their families of origin. Thus, what justifies the existence of these programs, at first, is the possibility of offering humanized and individualized conditions of attendance to the children and adolescents who are under situations of vulnerability and/or imminent social risk, as well as fostering that is similar, in the positive aspects, to the ones they received from their families of origin, guaranteeing them the right to family and community life / Neste trabalho, realizamos um estudo comparativo e qualitativo sobre três programas de Famílias Acolhedoras no Estado de São Paulo. O objetivo da pesquisa foi conhecer, para delinear e comparar os perfis dos citados programas, destacando a gênese, as peculiaridades e a abrangência de cada um deles. Além disso, o estudo visou ainda levantar as possibilidades e as dificuldades vivenciadas durante o processo de implementação, implantação e funcionamento dos programas. O que se revela, através desta pesquisa, é que há uma diversidade de propostas de programas de Famílias Acolhedoras, existindo, outrossim, alguns aspectos que são fundamentais para que os mesmos possam funcionar minimamente. Essa ausência de homogeneidade na maneira de ser desses programas, bem como, no modo de definir critérios para o seu efetivo funcionamento, não se configuram como aspectos negativos para a existência e permanência destes. Ao contrário, faz emergir pontos de vista, que apesar de, em algumas ocasiões serem divergentes, contribuem (respeitando-se as especificidades de cada programa) para a melhor qualidade do atendimento das necessidades de crianças e/ou adolescentes que estejam afastadas do convívio de suas famílias de origem. Assim, o que justifica a existência desses programas, em primeiro lugar, é a possibilidade de oferecer condições mais humanizadas e individualizadas de atendimento à crianças e adolescentes que estejam em situação de vulnerabilidade e/ou de risco social iminente, bem como, um acolhimento que se assemelhe nos aspectos positivos, ao que eles tinham junto às suas famílias de origem, garantindo o direito que estes têm à convivência familiar e comunitária

M. Lipman: Thinking in Education / M. Lipman: Thinking in Education

BLÁHOVÁ, Klára January 2014 (has links)
The thesis presents the critical analysis of the work Thinking in Education by M. Lipman It deals with the problemc of fostering thinking through education. It explains the reasons of the relevance of the dialoque ability, critical thinking and also use of the creative and caring thinking. Also it explains that the thinking skills should be the effect of the education not only as a preparation for a life in the democratic society. The thesis summarize the views of it's critics.

Vänta här : En vetenskaplig essä om väntan, övergångar och fostran / Wait here : A scientific study about waiting, transitions and fostering

Malín, Niclas January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats tar avstamp i en gestaltning där samlingen samt övergångssituationer ter sig som problematiska. En lärare i förskoleklass vill fostra barnen och gör det utan att kanske se till barnets bästa. I gestaltningen sker det först att barnen behöver bryta upp sin lek för att sedan gå in till en samling som inte är didaktiskt genomtänkt. Sedan kommer övergångssituationer som överlappar varandra och dessa ger upphov till konflikter då de är stressande för både barnen och pedagoger eftersom de måste vänta, vänta fastän de är färdiga att gå. Syftet med uppsatsen är att diskutera vilken fostrande och didaktisk funktion samlingar och olika övergångssituationer fyller i fritidshemmet. Jag lyfter även in barnperspektivet som ett perspektiv. Uppsatsen tar upp normer och dolda läroplanen som påverkar vår undervisning. Uppsatsen är skriven i formen av en vetenskaplig essä där min reflektion ger mig möjlighet att belysa och fördjupa mina frågeställningar samt söka svar på dessa kopplat till litteratur inom pedagogiken. Slutsatsen av denna uppsats är att vi inom fritidshemmet ofta styrs av gamla mönster genom de normer som vi upprätthåller i verksamheten. Det visar sig att fostran är en större del av fritidshemmet än tidigare trott. / This study takes off in a dilemma where the circle time as well as transitional situations appear to be problematic. A teacher in preschool class wants to educate the children and might not always be mindful of what is best for them. In this scenario, the children need to break up their play and then go to a circle time that is not didactically through. Then there are transition situations that overlap, and these give rise to conflicts as they are stressful for both the children and the educators as they must wait, and wait until they are ready to go. The purpose of the study is to discuss what fostering and didactic function circle time and different transition situations fulfil in the after-school activity. I also look at it from a child perspective. The discussion sets out norms and hidden curriculum that affect our teaching. Essay as a method means to reflect on a dilemma where my reflection gives me the opportunity to clarify and deepen my questions and seek answers to these in connection with literature in teaching. The conclusion of this study is that we in the after-school activity are often governed by old patterns by the standards we maintain in the activity. It turns out that fostering is a larger part of the after-school activity than previously thought.

Atividade florestal no contexto da fumicultura: oportunidade de desenvolvimento regional, diversificação, geração de emprego e renda / Forestry activity in the tobacco farming context: opportunity for regional development, diversification, generation of job and income

Farias, Jorge Antonio de 25 March 2010 (has links)
The general objective of this paper is to demonstrate that forests and forestry activities are compatible with the real estate structure of small rural holdings, turning into a relevant subsistence factor, while providing for new opportunities of extra income for rural families, besides constituting a development hub of the region in question. The study was conducted in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul, in an area where the leading economy is tobacco farming, comprising 13 municipalities that compose the operational area of the Management Committee of the Rio Pardo Hydrographic Basin. The population in the area under study reaches 328,677 people, representing 3.1% of the population of the State, split into 67.0% in the rural zone and 32.9% in the rural area, showing a variation in the different municipalities. In accordance with Koeppen s classification the climate of the region is denominated Cfa, Subtropical Humid, with warm summers and cold winters. Throughout the region, there are 21,700 tobacco growing families, and 42.9% of them do not own the land where they grow the crop. For data collection, a forestry inventory was conducted on the holdings of the farmers, complemented by interviews with farmers and 63 of the 75 sawmill owners in the region. The survey of the producers was done along with the forest inventory, and the allocation of samples was performed through the sampling process, with probabilities proportional to the forest area of the sample, and the PRODAN method was used in the sampling of the forest inventory. From the study it was concluded that the region is characterized by small-scale farmers, and 61.4% of the wood used for curing their tobacco come from outside the region, and the same goes for the timber that supplies the 75 sawmills. With regard to public policies, the majority of the farmers do not know the PopFlora, and only 30.3% know about the PRONAF FLORESTAL, and 47.4% of all reforestations are done with their own resources. Regarding technical assistance, 77.8% of the producers plant their forests without receiving any directives or technical assistance, characterizing a gap in the public polices geared towards stimulating forest activities within the family farmers context. The collected data ascertain that the region could hold projects big enough to supply the idle capacity of the sawmills, replace the supply from other regions, maintain a sawmill for pallet processing and a medium size company for making plates, which would require investments for the generation of 3,622 jobs, whilst involving resources of R$ 33,500,000.00 a year. In the meantime, values needed for investing in self-sufficiency in wood for the tobacco farming needs would reach R$ 12,250,000.00 which could be allocated on an annual basis during seven years of simple wood chopping, throughout the 13 municipalities of the region, resulting into an area of 80 ha/year/municipality. Finally, it was concluded that this regional development model is sustainable and fundamental, as it does not occur in area concentration or in income concentration areas, it fills all kinds of needs, from industrial processes to domestic demands, which induces new concepts related to non-wood products and forest environmental services. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral demonstrar que a floresta e a atividade florestal são compatíveis com a estrutura fundiária das pequenas propriedades rurais, constituindo-se em um importante ponto de subsistência, da mesma forma possibilitar uma nova oportunidade de complementação de renda para as famílias rurais, além de se constituir num eixo de desenvolvimento da região de abrangência. O estudo foi desenvolvido na região central do Rio Grande do Sul, cuja economia principal é a fumicultura, abrangendo 13 municípios que compõem a área de atuação do Comitê de Gerenciamento da bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Pardo. A população da área de estudo compreende 328.677 habitantes, representando 3,1% da população do estado, distribuída com 67,1% na área urbana e 32,9% na área rural, variando entre os municípios. Conforme a classificação climática de Koeppen, o clima na região é denominado de Cfa, Subtropical Úmido, com verões quentes e invernos frios. Nesta região há 21.700 famílias que cultivam tabaco e, deste total, 42,9% não são proprietárias das áreas onde cultivam tabaco. Para a obtenção dos dados foi feito um inventário florestal nas propriedades dos fumicultores e entrevistas com agricultores e proprietários de serrarias, (63 serrarias de 75 existentes na região). A pesquisa com os produtores foi feita junto ao inventário florestal, pelo método de amostragem de PRODAN, cuja alocação das amostras deu-se pelo processo de amostragem com probabilidade proporcional ao tamanho da área florestal. O estudo permitiu concluir que a região é caracterizada por pequenos produtores rurais, e que 61,4% da lenha utilizada na cura das folhas de tabaco são originárias de fora da região, bem como 36,1% da madeira que abastece as serrarias. Em relação às políticas públicas, a maioria dos produtores rurais não conhece o PROPFLORA e apenas 30,3% conhece o PRONAF FLORESTAL, sendo que 47,4% dos reflorestamentos são feitos com recursos próprios. Em relação à assistência técnica, 77,8% dos produtores plantam suas florestas sem receber orientação ou assistência técnica, caracterizando uma lacuna nas políticas públicas voltadas ao estímulo da atividade florestal, no contexto da agricultura familiar. Os dados levantados permitem constatar que a região comporta projetos para atender à capacidade ociosa das serrarias, substituir o abastecimento oriundo de outras regiões, uma serraria para processamento de pallets e uma empresa de médio porte para a fabricação de chapas, para o que necessitaria de investimentos para gerar 3.600 empregos e movimentar recursos na ordem de R$ 33.500.000 anuais; e que os valores, necessários para investir na autossuficiência de madeira para a fumicultura, são de R$ 12.250.000,00, que poderiam ser alocados anualmente, durante sete anos de rotação em talhadia simples, nos 13 municípios da região, resultando numa área de 80 ha/ano/município. Por fim, conclui-se que este modelo de desenvolvimento regional é sustentável e fundamental, por não ocorrer em concentração de áreas e nem de renda, atende às demandas de toda ordem, desde processos industriais, até nas demandas domésticas, o que induz conceitos novos, relacionados aos produtos não madeiráveis e os serviços ambientais da floresta.

Teachers' beliefs about creativity and practices for fostering creativity in science classrooms in the State of Kuwait

Alsahou, Hamed January 2015 (has links)
Fostering students’ creativity in school subjects has recently become a central focus of educational researchers, educators, and educational policymakers around the world. In Kuwait, educational researchers and teacher educators have supported the need to foster students’ creativity via a national curriculum. Yet, the Ministry of Education has conducted few studies to explore practitioners’ perspectives on how to foster creativity through the current curriculum. The overall aims of this study were to explore science teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices in fostering creativity in science classrooms as well as to investigate the influences of sociocultural factors on teachers’ beliefs and practices in fostering creativity. The study also examined the consistency and inconsistency levels between teachers’ beliefs and practices. The study has a qualitative nature that stands on an interpretive worldview. The methodology uses eight case studies, each of which consisted of a male science teacher and one of his classes. Multiple methods were used, including semi-structured interviews (pre- and post-observational interviews), student focus groups, unstructured observations, participants’ drawings, and field notes. The analysis was based on thematic analysis model proposed by Braun and Clarke (2006). Thematic findings and case studies findings were drawn from the analysis of the data collected. In general, the thematic findings indicated that science teachers are able to define the meaning of creativity and its main aspects. Professed pedagogical beliefs enforce four teaching approaches to foster creativity in the science classroom: the teaching of thinking skills, inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, and practical investigation (experimentation). The teachers believe that these approaches could promote students’ creativity in science classroom when specific sociocultural factors facilitate the effectiveness of such approaches in terms of fostering creativity. Three interdependent categories represent these facilitating factors: (1) educational setting-related factors, (2) teacher-related factors, and (3) student-related factors. Differences and similarities appeared when these professed beliefs were compared to the applied classroom practices. The thematic analysis revealed several themes underlying the main categories. Extensive teacher-centred practices and modest student-centred practices were evident; more specifically, the observations revealed primarily teacher-centred approach inside the science classes. Meanwhile, student-centred approaches were modestly applied in comparison to teacher-centred activities. The teachers justified their practices in accordance with the sociocultural factors that mediate their beliefs and practices as well as the role of their goal orientation. The science teachers perceived the mediating factors as constraints that prevent them from applying their beliefs about fostering creativity in classroom practices. Multiple constraining factors emerged, and they were categorised into personal, external, and interpersonal constraints. Concerning the case study findings, consistencies and inconsistencies were identified using a cut-off point as an analytic technique to classify teachers’ beliefs and practices into traditional (non-creativity fostering), mixed, or progressive (creativity fostering). The case study findings identified four consistency and inconsistency levels characterizing teachers’ beliefs and practices: traditional (consistent level), mainly traditional (inconsistent level), mixed (consistent level), and mainly progressive (inconsistent level). Each level was represented by an exemplary case study. The exemplary case studies revealed that sociocultural contexts influence teacher’s belief-practice relationship with respect to fostering students’ creativity in science classroom. Further, the thematic and case study findings were discussed in relation to the existing body of knowledge, followed by an illustration of significant conclusions, including some implications, contributions, limitations, and future suggestions.

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