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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Made in China – assimilating ethnic minorities in the 21st century : An examination of Xi Jinping’s efforts to sinicise ethnic minorities in China through framing

Khalid Jamel, Wiam Lena January 2021 (has links)
The study aims to analyse how China, under the Xi Jinping administration, assimilates its ethnic minorities by exploring white papers' underlying motives. The ambition is to understand China’s actions and how they can affect the future. The research asks three questions: How does China frame ethnic minorities in white papers? What arguments are used to justify assimilation and sinicisation? How and why is China assimilating its ethnic minorities now? The results show that China depicts ethnic minorities through two accounts, oneness and backwardness. The former stresses the significance of unity within ethnic minorities and between ethnic groups. The latter describes the condition that ethnic minorities end up in if they do not conform to China’s socialist values. One can be stuck by backwardness if one follows declared enemies or shows signs of separatism, terrorism and religious extremism. The results reveal how China uses ‘war on terror’ and modernisation narratives to justify its assimilation and sinicisation acts. The results also point to three areas where ethnic minorities can stick to backwardness and should, therefore, assimilate Han Chinese. These are language, religion and employment. The study reveals that the CPC and Xi Jinping intend to fix anything that disturbs them from realising the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Consequently, China’s attempt to attain uniformity means that anything which may be prioritised above the party must be eradicated or sinicised.

Swedish picture of Russia : Analysis of media coverage of Putin, Russia and Russians in Swedish media

Bologova, Diana January 2020 (has links)
The study examines how print media in Sweden portray Putin, Russia and Russians and what makes an impact on Swedish journalists when they write on that subject. The first part presents a content analysis of articles published in the two main Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet (DN and SvD). The two most significant years of coverage of Russia in Sweden (2014-2015) were chosen as a time frame for the analysis. It examines the predominant tones that were used in the articles towards three keywords “Putin”, “Russia” and “Russians”, as well as the sources that were chosen by the journalists. In line with previous researchers, the author of this study observed a certain tendency shared in two Swedish printed media to report negatively about the Russian president. At the same time tones towards the country in general and its citizens were more neutral than negative. The second part of the research focuses on qualitative interviews with journalists representing different media in Sweden (radio, TV channels and newspapers). During the interviews, journalists were invited to reflect how they see Russian society, what connection they have with Russian culture and what impacts their choice of topics. According to the findings, a journalist’s work is affected by their individual background, economical situation in media organisations and expectations from the audience.

Framing vaccine : - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om vaccinationsfrågans gestaltningsramar i Dagens Nyheter / Framing vaccine : - A qualitative content analysis of news frames regarding vaccin in Dagens Nyheter

Höök, Alicia January 2020 (has links)
This study examines how vaccines are presented in the daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN). The purpose of the study is to contribute new research on how news frames appear in daily newspapers, especially in the field of journalism. The purpose of the study is also to expand research on how vaccines are presented in newspapers, more specifically to expand research on generic design framework. The study will carry out the investigation through Entman's definition of framing and thereby operationalise through a deductive approach. The results of the study show that vaccines are designed in an objective way. When it comes to news frameworks, responsible frameworks are most prevalent in articles about vaccination in DN. This is probably due to the fact that the majority of vaccine articles attribute both responsibility and solutions related to vaccines.

Framing Within Tech Crowdfunding Campaigns : How does the use of different cognitive framing categories influence the crowdfunding success of technology startups?

Putrenko, Alex, Oppor, Philip January 2019 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between the use of framing within crowdfundingcampaigns of technology startup companies and the funding outcomes of these campaigns.We examine how the presence of cognitive framing categories of opportunity, threat, noveltyand commonality within crowdfunding pitches of technology startups affect the chance ofsuccessfully receiving funding. In order to examine the effect of framing on the funding outcomes of crowdfundingcampaigns, a qualitative, explorative research approach is employed. With the use of anexisting framing framework, we identify, categorize and analyze the content of crowdfundingcampaigns. The data sample we analyze is comprised of publicly available technologycompany crowdfunding campaigns collected from Kickstarter, a crowdfunding platform. The results suggest that the presence of novelty and opportunity framing withincrowdfunding campaigns is most closely associated with successful funding. We alsodiscover that several other campaign components, both prose and non-prose, which did notconform into the framing cognitive categories outlined, may also be important for thesuccessful funding of campaigns.

Prioritising Poverty: How Does Media Coverage Of Poverty Impact On Our Ability To Solve It?

Parkyn, Rosie January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Pojkar kan inte dansa balett – Representation av barns kön i "Unga mammor"

Wiedekamm, Josefine January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett genusperspektiv studera hur barn representeras i realityserien Unga mammor. Med utgångspunkt i genus, framing och representation har jag genomfört en kvalitativ semiotisk analys och en framinganalys på fem medverkande familjer i 31 utspridda avsnitt i serien. Resultaten har pekat på att barnen representeras utifrån stereotypa könsroller, som placerar flickor i feminina fack och pojkar i maskulina, där det finns en acceptans för flickor att överskrida de osynliga gränserna könen emellan men en rädsla för pojkar att göra detsamma. Det har visat sig att barnens attribut, framför allt kläder, spelar en betydande roll i konstruktionen av deras kön. Jag ställer mig kritisk till Unga mammors representation av barn och ifrågasätter seriens roll i att normalisera könskoder. De normbrytande avvikelser som får synas förblir undantag. / The purpose of this study is to from a gender perspective study how children are being represented in the reality show Unga mammor. I have from the outset gender, framing and representation driven a qualitative semiotic analysis and a framinganalysis of five participatory families in 31 scattered episodes throughout the series. The results have shown that children are being represented from stereotypical gender roles, that places girls in feminine boxes and boys in maculine, where it is accepted for girls to overrun the invisible barriers seperating the sexes but a fear for boys to do the same. It has shown that childrens attributes, especially clothes, are playing a substantial role in the construction of their gender. I am critical towards Unga mammors representation of children and question the series role in normalising gender codes. The norm-breaking anomalies that are shown remain exceptions.

Sustainability in Cooking Shows: A qualitative content analysis on framing of sustainability in the cooking show MasterChef Germany and MasterChef US

Mettke, Laura January 2020 (has links)
Many environmental organisations are trying to counter the negative effects of climate change. The film- and television industry are increasingly becoming the focus of attention, because, although it repeatedly advocates sustainability, it often gets lost in its own productions. The presentation of sustainability is often not visible or clearly recognizable by the viewer. Cooking shows are often criticised by the public for being environmentally friendly in terms of food waste.The goal of this research is to determine how sustainability is presented in cooking shows in Germany and the USA. For this purpose, the following research question is asked: How is sustainability framed in the television cooking series MasterChef US and Germany? And is there a difference between those two countries?The theoretical framework is presented by the framing theory of Erving Goffmann (1974), with the use of this approach sustainability was framed in TV shows and used for the analysis and its results. To answer the research question, a qualitative content analysis was carried out, which analyses both the German and the American version of MasterChef in 2018/2019. The research was divided into indirect and direct events. The results of the study show that the German MasterChef included significantly more sustainable topics than the American one. This confirms that there is a significant difference in the cooking shows between the two countries.

MMA, den förbjudna frukten – En kvantitativ studie om hur svensk nyhetsmedia gestaltar MMA

Bringsén, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur MMA framställs i svensk nyhetsmedia eftersom det historiskt sätt har varit en väldigt omtalad sport och nyhetsmedier tenderar att framställa den väldigt våldsamt, vilket tidigare forskning visar. Studien applicerar två teoretiska perspektiv för att undersöka detta, gestaltningsteorin och moralpanik. Genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys kombinerat med gestaltningsanalys analyseras ett urval artiklar i från några av de största nyhetsmedierna i Sverige, Aftonbladet, Expressen och SVT Nyheter samt två MMA inriktade nyhetsmedier, Kimura och MMANytt. Detta görs för att undersöka hur olika sorters nyhetsmedier skildrar MMA och på så vis se skillnader ochlikheter för att skapa en helhetsbild av problemet. Resultatet visar att sporten har växt ochblivit mer legitim de senaste åren jämfört med tidigare studier. Trots detta förmedlas ändåen grad av moralpanik i sättet artiklarna ramar in både sporten och sportens utövare på. / The purpose of this study is to examine how MMA is portrayed in Swedish news mediasince historically speaking there has been a stigma about the sport and news media tends to depict it in a very violent manner, which previous studies also shows. The study appliestwo theoretical perspectives, framing theory and moral panic. Through a quantitativecontent analysis combined with a framing analysis a selection of articles are analyzed from some of the biggest sources of news media in Sweden, Aftonbladet, Expressen and SVT Nyheter as well as two MMA focused ones, Kimura and MMANytt. This is done toexamine how different types of news media depicts MMA and, in that way, see differencesand similarities to create a comprehensive understanding of the problem. The results show that the sport has grown and become more legitimate the last few years when compared to previous studies. Despite this a level of moral panic is being mediated in the way articles frame both the sport and its practitioners.

Gestaltning av invandring på sociala medier : En kvalitativ analys av hur invandring gestaltas på riksdagspartiers Facebooksidor i samband med den så kallade “flyktingkrisen” 2015

Granath, Desirée January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Det okända viruset som blev en pandemi : En framinganalys av hur Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet rapporterade om coronaviruset / The uknown virus that became a pandemic

Wilhelmsson, Stephanie, Alm, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how two Swedish news media, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet, reported on the coronavirus (COVID-19) before and after WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. The research questions examined were 1. how did the two chosen news media report about the coronavirus? 2. Is there a difference between how they reported before WHO declared it pandemic and after?  This study is a qualitative analysis of 12 strategically selected articles, three that were published by Dagens Nyheter before WHO declared a pandemic and three by Dagens Nyheter after the declaration and three that were published by Aftonbladet before the declaration and three by Aftonbladet that were published after the declaration. To understand our empirical material, we chose the following theories for our study; framing, agenda setting, crisis journalism, media logic and storytelling techniques. In our analysis we could see a pattern in all the articles we analyzed. It shows that all the articles we analyzed are unique and sensational as we live in a pandemic that has never happened before in modern time, that's why they all came at the top of the agenda. The reporting in the two news media portrayed a troubled and uncertain time, from which it can be seen that the alarming emphasis in the reporting of the corona is recurring in several of the articles. Our analysis also showed that Aftonbladet has a more dramatic and dramaturgical storytelling technique as it is an evening newspaper and the articles from Dagens Nyheter are written shorter and more concretely.

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