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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital Games – The key to studying Cosmopolitan Democracy? : An investigation into the suitability of Games and MMORPG communities for the study of Cosmopolitan Democracy

Bridger, Matthew January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to identify if digital games could be used as a method to study Cosmopolitan Democracy. Using a mixed methods approach, players of the Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) community were asked to answer a questionnaire concerning the importance of age, gender and nationality of other players, in order to see if their values aligned with those of Cosmopolitan Democracy. The questionnaire also investigated the use of the Auto-Translate feature in FFXIV to examine its usefulness as a lingua franca to bridge gaps in language equality. Furthermore a literature review on the use of digital games in education and ideologies was conducted. The results showed that the values of the FFXIV community do align with those of Cosmopolitan Democracy, that Auto-Translate successfully acts as a lingua franca, and that games have a history of teaching players about differing ideologies. The conclusions advocated the creation of a game based on Cosmopolitan Democracy, allowing for players to experience the democratic model and for researchers to gather data on its functionality.


09 July 2020 (has links)
[pt] Em 1555 Nicolas D. Villegagnon chegou a América lusa trazendo consigo uma esquadra com o objetivo de sedimentar sua ocupação no continente. Sua estadia na Guanabara foi viabilizada pelas alianças travadas com grupos indígenas tupinambás conhecidos e apresentados como tamoios em vários corpos documentais. Os portugueses por sua vez encontravam-se ainda muito concentrados ao norte do continente, na Bahia, e ao longo de toda costa fizeram amizades com os grupos indígenas tupis inimigos dos tupinambás. Assim delineia-se o conflito que tomou conta da costa do Rio de Janeiro a partir de 1560 quando Mem de Sá é enviado para expulsar os franceses e dar conta dos indígenas, que ao aliar-se aos francos, frustravam espiritualmente e de maneira prática os planos catequéticos da Companhia de Jesus. Este trabalho analisa a documentação seiscentista produzida sobre os conflitos e com o objetivo de averiguar como a experiência americana desencadeou um medo europeu da guerra indígena – e tudo que ela envolvia, como a antropofagia – e como este temor norteou ações de extermínio de certos grupos indígenas inimigos dos colonos portugueses. A guerra que é comumente atrelada às políticas europeias de expansão e colonização, neste trabalho é analisada de maneira diferenciada, como resposta a situações singulares e novas que as alianças e guerras indígenas apresentaram para os colonos europeus e para a coroa portuguesa. / [en] When in 1555 the French captain Nicolas D. Villegagnon arrived to the Portuguese part of America, he had the clear intention to establish a fortress and to occupy the territory. His actions at the Guanabara – also known as Rio de Janeiro – were feasible thanks to the alliances made between Indians, known as the tupinambás and tamoios, and the French. The Portuguese at that moment were concentrated in the northeast of the continent, in Bahia, and they had also made alliances with other Indian groups throughout the coast, which groups were enemies of the tupinambás. This is how the conflict known as Tamoios War begins. In 1560 Mem de Sá was sent by the Portuguese Crown to expel the French and to take actions regarding the Indians that were allied with them, and by doing that the tamoios frustrated at once the catechetical plans of the Jesuits and jeopardizing the success of the mission. This thesis intends to ascertain how the American experience has unfold a fear in the Europeans settlers connected most of all to the Indian experience of war, and everything it involved, such as the anthropophagical practices. The work also investigates how this fear was the motor that guided extreme actions of extirpation of certain groups of Indians, enemies of the Portuguese. This war is currently associated with the European plan of expansion, however this work reads this event by its singularities and sees it as a response to certain experiences that the alliances and wars between tribes have presented to the settlers and to the Portuguese monarchy. / [fr] C était l année 1555 quand Nicolas D. Villegagnon est arrivé en Amérique avec ses escouades pour mettre en place l occupation du continent. La permanence à Guanabara est devenue possible grâce aux alliances avec les Indiens Tupinambas, connus et présentés comme Tamoios dans divers documents de cette période. Les Portugais, à ce moment-là, étaient concentrés au nord-est du continent, entourant Bahia de Todos os Santos, et ils avaient noué des liens d amitié avec les Indiens Tupi, qui étaient des ennemis de longue date des Tamoios, groupes indigènes proches des Français depuis des générations. Cinq ans après l arrivée de Villegagnon, le portugais Mem de Sá est envoyé par la monarchie portugaise au Brésil pour y occuper le poste de gouverneur général dans l intention d expulser les Français et de trouver une solution pour le problème des Indiens qui, en s alliant à ceux-ci, frustraient de façon à la fois spirituelle et pratique les plans de catéchèse que les Jésuites essayaient d installer. Ainsi se dessine un conflit qui, plus tard, s appellera la Guerre des Tamoios. Ce mémoire propose une analyse de documents du XVIe siècle autour de ce conflit ; l objectif étant d investiguer comment l expérience américaine a produit une crainte parmi les colons européens en fonction de la guerre indienne, et aussi de tout ce qu elle déclenche, notamment l anthropophagie. Cette peur a guidé les actions d extermination de certains groupes autochtones ennemis des Portugais. La guerre, souvent liée aux politiques d expansion et de colonisation européenne, est analysée différemment au sein de ce travail, c est-à-dire, comme une réponse aux nouvelles situations que les alliances et les guerres indiennes ont présenté aux colons européens et à la couronne portugaise.

English varieties in Sweden : A case-study exploring the use of English by language teachers in Swedish schools

Hugger, Daniela Maria January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates which English variety teachers in Sweden learned, which they use now and whether this has changed over time. The study included the two major varieties of English, namely British English and American English.  The hypothesis for this paper is that British English will have played an important part in the teachers’ schooling but American English will have had a strong influence in their day-to-day lives and will likely have hanged how they use English. Data was collected in the form of questionnaires filled in by 294 teachers who teach English at primary, secondary and upper secondary schools in Sweden.  The results support the thesis of the paper that teachers mainly learned British English at school while American English becomes more common for teachers under the age of 40. However, the majority of participants were found to use a variety which has features of both British and American English - it is referred to as Mid-Atlantic English in this paper.


Alali, Shatha Abdulmohsen 29 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.


MARIANA ALBUQUERQUE GOMES 30 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Na passagem do século XIX para o XX, emergem, em diferentes espaços, experiências estéticas que se apresentam em franca afinidade com a modernidade exposta pelo poeta francês Charles Baudelaire, ainda em meados do século. Essa tese recupera a importância dessas experiências a partir da análise de algumas de suas revistas literárias, publicadas em quatro cenas finisseculares distintas: as experiências estéticas simbolistas nas revistas La Vogue (1886) e Le Symboliste (1886), em Paris, e nas revistas Pierrot (1890), Galaxia (1896) e Rosa-Cruz (1901/1904), no Rio de Janeiro; e as modernistas hispano-americanas na Revista de America (1894), em Buenos Aires, e na Revista Azul (1894), na Cidade do México. Ao mundo moderno finissecular, capturado pela ideia do progresso e da técnica, simbolistas e modernistas partilham uma crítica poética que reinsere a imaginação no livre fazer artístico em resistência ao pensamento cientificista, às normas acadêmicas e à mercantilização da Arte, o que permite entrever o caráter político intrínseco a sua manifestação estética. Reunidos em cenáculos e revistas literárias, esses artistas elaboram suas reflexões sobre a arte, o papel do artista e a linguagem poética. Embora a individualidade que compõe cada artista, a diversidade de elaborações intelectuais e as singularidades de cada experiência histórica, tanto em sua historicidade quanto nas condições culturais e sócio-históricas do momento de surgimento dessas experiências estéticas, desvele diferenças entre estas, ainda assim elas podem ser apresentadas sem que sejam apreendidas em relações lineares, progressivas e hierarquizadas, comumente dicotomizadas, que as conformem como centrais ou periféricas, originais ou imitadoras, modernas ou pré-modernas, entre outros. Para pensar essas experiências e a poética crítica da modernidade fora dessa conformação dada pelo continuum da História, a imagem da constelação, apresentada por Walter Benjamin, é mobilizada nesse trabalho ao mesmo tempo como proposição teórica e modo de exposição. Benjamin mostra como é possível dar a ver nos elementos distantes-diferentes uma tênue ligação, outrora não aparente, iluminada a partir da apresentação desses em constelação. Essa tese é composta então por três momentos. No primeiro, é realizado um panorama sobre a questão da modernidade em Baudelaire e sobre as configurações das cenas finisseculares em que surgem as experiências simbolistas e modernistas, destacando que, estéticas, elas compreendem a dimensão política. Esse primeiro momento ainda traz o debate em torno da imagem benjaminiana da constelação. No segundo, discute-se a questão da crítica moderna para, então, no terceiro momento, contemplar o compartilhamento de ideias e imagens presentes nas críticas que figuram, sobretudo, mas não apenas, nas revistas literárias simbolistas e modernistas, em uma apresentação da modernidade em constelação. / [fr] Au tournant du XIXe au XXe siècle, des expériences esthétiques qui se montrent en nette affinité avec la modernité exposée par le poète français Charles Baudelaire, au milieu du XIXe siècle, émergent dans différents espaces. Cette thèse récupère l importance de ces expériences-là à travers l analyse de certaines de ses petites revues publiées dans quatre villes distinctes à la fin du siècle - à savoir, les expériences esthétiques symbolistes: à Paris, dans La Vogue (1886) et Le Symboliste (1886), et à Rio de Janeiro, dans Pierrot (1890), Galaxia (1896) et Rosa-Cruz (1901/1904); et les expériences esthétiques modernistes hispano-américains: à Buenos Aires, dans Revista de America (1894), et, à Mexico, dans Revista Azul (1894). Dans le monde fin-de-siècle capturé par les idées du progrès et de la technique, les artistes symbolistes et modernistes partagent une critique poétique qui réinsère l imagination dans le faire artistique en résistance à la pensée scientifique, aux normes académiques et à la marchandisation de l Art, ce qui laisse entrevoir leur caractère politique intrinsèque à sa esthétique. Réunis en cénacles et dans les petites revues, ces artistes élaborent leurs réflexions sur l art, le rôle de l artiste et le langage poétique. Et même si l individualité de l artiste, la diversité des élaborations intellectuelles et les singularités de chaque expérience historique, tant dans sa historicité que dans les conditions culturelles et socio-historiques au moment de l émergence des ces expériences esthétiques, révèlent des différences entre elles, celles-ci peuvent encore être présentées sans être appréhendées dans des relations linéaires, progressives et hiérarchiques, communément dichotomisées, de supériorité ou subordination les uns par rapport aux autres, qui les conforment comme centrales ou périphériques, originales ou imitatives, modernes ou prémodernes, etc. Pour penser ces expériences et la poétique critique de la modernité en dehors de cette conformation donnée par le continuum de l Histoire, l image de la constellation présentée par Walter Benjamin est mobilisée dans cet thèse à la fois comme proposition théorique et mode d exposition. Benjamin montre comment il est possible de voir dans les éléments distants-différents une connexion ténue, non apparente auparavant, éclairée par la présentation de ceux-ci en constellation. Cette thèse est alors composée de trois moments. Le premier comprendre un tour d horizon de la question de la modernité chez Baudelaire et des configurations des les quatre villes à la fin du siècle où les expériences symbolistes et modernistes surgissent, soulignant que, esthétiques, celles-ci relèvent du politique. Dans ce premier moment il y a encore un débat autour de l image benjaminienne de la constellation. Ensuite, dans le deuxième moment, la question de la critique moderne est abordée. Finalement, dans le troisième moment, le partage d idées et d images présentes dans les critiques qui apparaissent, surtout, mais pas seulement, dans les petites revues symbolistes et modernistes sont exposés dans une présentation de la modernité en constellation.

Improving some non-structural risk mitigation strategies in mountain regions: debris-flow rainfall thresholds, multi-hazard flooding scenarios and public awareness

Martinengo, Marta 29 September 2022 (has links)
Hydrogeological hazards are quite diffuse rainfall-induced phenomena that affect mountain regions and can severely impact these territories, producing damages and sometimes casualties. For this reason, hydrogeological risk reduction is crucial. Mitigation strategies aim to reduce hydrogeological risk to an acceptable level and can be classified into structural and non-structural measures. This work focuses on enhancing some non-structural risk mitigation measures for mountain areas: debris-flow rainfall thresholds, as a part of an Early Warning System (EWS), multivariate rainfall scenarios with multi-hazard mapping purpose and public awareness. Regarding debris-flow rainfall thresholds, an innovative calibration method, a suitable uncertainty analysis and a proper validation process are developed. The Backward Dynamical Approach (BDA), a physical-based calibration method, is introduced and a threshold is obtained for a study area. The BDA robustness is then tested by assessing the uncertainty in the threshold estimate. Finally, the calibrated threshold's reliability and its possible forecast use are assessed using a proper validation process. The findings set the stage for using the BDA approach to calibrate debris-flow rainfall thresholds usable in operational EWS. Regarding hazard mapping, a multivariate statistical model is developed to construct multivariate rainfall scenarios with a multi-hazards mapping purpose. A confluence between a debris-flow-prone creek and a flood-prone river is considered. The multivariate statistical model is built by combining the Simplified Metastatistical Extreme Value approach and a copula approach. The obtained rainfall scenarios are promising to be used to build multi-hazard maps. Finally, the public awareness within the LIFE FRANCA (Flood Risk ANticipation and Communication in the Alps) European project is briefly considered. The project action considered in this work focuses on training and communication activities aimed at providing a multidisciplinary view of hydrogeological risk through the holding of courses and seminars.


Mitchem, Sophie Alexandra, Mitchem 11 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The intelligibility of Chinese-accented English to international and American students at a U.S. university

Hardman, Jocelyn Brooks 15 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Towards vocational translation in German studies in Nigeria and beyond

Oyetoyan, Oludamilola Iyadunni 30 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Innerhalb des Faches ‚Auslandsgermanistik‘ existieren bislang keine einheitlichen überschaubaren Richtlinien und Handlungsschritte für die Lehre des berufsorientierten Übersetzens auf allen sprachlichen Leistungsniveaus in Fremdsprachenstudien. Trotz der Einbeziehung der Sprachmittlung in den Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER), ist hier ein professioneller Gebrauch der sprachmittlerischen Fertigkeiten in der Auslandsgermanistik nicht einbezogen (Fitzpatrick 1997:66). Daraus folgt die noch existierende Trennung der Fertigkeiten, die in den Fächern Übersetzungswissenschaft und Fremdsprachenstudien (im konkreten Fall hier: Auslandsgermanistik) zu trainieren sind. Weitere Folgen solcher Abgrenzungen lassen sich in einem sich noch entwickelnden Land wie Nigeria finden. In diesem Land gibt es aufgrund der Nichtverfügbarkeit von qualifizierten Lehrenden im Fach ‚Übersetzen‘ (de-en, en-de) keine funktionale Übersetzerausbildung, es fehlt auch eine Berufsorientierung im Germanistikstudium für nigerianische Germanistikstudierende. Außerdem bedürfen die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Nigeria und Deutschland einer funktionierenden und belastbaren ‚Arbeitsbühne‘, die die Weiterentwicklung der Wirtschaft im Bereich der sprachlichen Dienstleistungen fördert und nicht, wie bisher, einschränkt. In dieser Dissertation wurde daher untersucht, wie das berufliche Übersetzen im Rahmen einer berufsbezogenen Fremdsprachlehre eingebunden werden kann. Am Beispiel des Germanistikstudiengangs in Nigeria lässt sich das anpassungsfähige Modell eines berufspraktischen Lehrplans zum Übersetzen ‚VOTT‘ als Zusatz zu den schon bestehenden Lehrplänen entwickeln.

Towards vocational translation in German studies in Nigeria and beyond: lessons from translation teaching and practice in Germany

Oyetoyan, Oludamilola Iyadunni 21 December 2015 (has links)
Innerhalb des Faches ‚Auslandsgermanistik‘ existieren bislang keine einheitlichen überschaubaren Richtlinien und Handlungsschritte für die Lehre des berufsorientierten Übersetzens auf allen sprachlichen Leistungsniveaus in Fremdsprachenstudien. Trotz der Einbeziehung der Sprachmittlung in den Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER), ist hier ein professioneller Gebrauch der sprachmittlerischen Fertigkeiten in der Auslandsgermanistik nicht einbezogen (Fitzpatrick 1997:66). Daraus folgt die noch existierende Trennung der Fertigkeiten, die in den Fächern Übersetzungswissenschaft und Fremdsprachenstudien (im konkreten Fall hier: Auslandsgermanistik) zu trainieren sind. Weitere Folgen solcher Abgrenzungen lassen sich in einem sich noch entwickelnden Land wie Nigeria finden. In diesem Land gibt es aufgrund der Nichtverfügbarkeit von qualifizierten Lehrenden im Fach ‚Übersetzen‘ (de-en, en-de) keine funktionale Übersetzerausbildung, es fehlt auch eine Berufsorientierung im Germanistikstudium für nigerianische Germanistikstudierende. Außerdem bedürfen die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Nigeria und Deutschland einer funktionierenden und belastbaren ‚Arbeitsbühne‘, die die Weiterentwicklung der Wirtschaft im Bereich der sprachlichen Dienstleistungen fördert und nicht, wie bisher, einschränkt. In dieser Dissertation wurde daher untersucht, wie das berufliche Übersetzen im Rahmen einer berufsbezogenen Fremdsprachlehre eingebunden werden kann. Am Beispiel des Germanistikstudiengangs in Nigeria lässt sich das anpassungsfähige Modell eines berufspraktischen Lehrplans zum Übersetzen ‚VOTT‘ als Zusatz zu den schon bestehenden Lehrplänen entwickeln.

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