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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A tutela do consumidor excessivamente  endividado como forma de preservação dos direitos fundamentais da pessoa humana / Consumer over-indebtedness as a way to preserv fundamental rights

Cinara Palhares 05 May 2010 (has links)
O endividamento excessivo dos indivíduos e das famílias é um fenômeno recente que tem sua origem na necessidade da economia de mercado conferir poder aquisitivo imediato a seu principal agente econômico: o consumidor. Desde o final do século XX, o crédito se tornou o motor propulsor da sociedade de consumo, de maneira que o endividamento se tornou uma situação desejada, mas que, por outro lado, apresenta riscos aos consumidores, que ficaram sujeitos ao superendividamento. A democratização do crédito chegou ao Brasil apenas no século XXI, apresentando-se como a principal ameaça à integridade financeira do consumidor. O incentivo governamental para tornar o crédito mais acessível e a criação de novos instrumentos de crédito foram os principais fatores responsáveis pela guinada do crédito ao consumo. Contudo, a ausência de uma rede eficaz de proteção ao consumidor pode trazer graves problemas sociais e a violação de direitos fundamentais dos tomadores de crédito. Esse cenário já se verificou em muitos países que tiveram a sua revolução do crédito ao consumo, gerando uma multidão de superendividados passivos, que passou a viver à margem da sociedade, ocasionando um forte problema de exclusão social. Nesses países, que tem a França como exemplo, foi adotada uma lei específica para a prevenção e tratamento do sobreendividamento, reconhecendo-se que essa situação não é prejudicial apenas para o consumidor, mas também para todo o mercado de consumo, podendo dar origem a uma grave crise financeira generalizada. No Brasil não existe uma lei específica para o tratamento das situações de sobreendividamento, de forma a proporcionar a recuperação financeira global do consumidor; contudo, o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro contém diversas normas, por meio das quais incidem os direitos fundamentais da pessoa humana, que são capazes de tutelar os direitos dos consumidores de crédito, inclusive nas situações de superendividamento. Este trabalho pretende, num primeiro momento, demonstrar a necessidade de uma lei específica para o tratamento global da situação do consumidor superendividado, e, num segundo momento, desenvolver a tutela jurídica de lege lata para a proteção do consumidor de crédito em geral e para a solução dos casos de endividamento excessivo em que esteja ameaçado o núcleo dos direitos fundamentais decorrentes da dignidade da pessoa humana. / The over-indebtedness of households is a recent phenomenon which has its origins in the need of market economies to confer purchasing power to its main economic agent: the consumer. Since the end of the 20th Century, credit has become the main propeller of consumer societies, making indebtedness a desirable situation. Such a situation, though, presents risks to consumers, who became subjected to over-indebtedness. The credit democratization has reached Brazil only in the 21st Century, presenting itself as the main threat to the consumers financial integrity. The governmental incentive to make credit affordable and the creation of new instruments of credit were the main factors responsible for the growth of consumer credit. However, the lack of an effective consumer protection net may bring about serious social problems and the violation of borrowers fundamental rights. This context took place in many countries where the credit revolution has happened generating a multitude of passive over-indebted people, which are living on the margins of society, causing a serious problem of social exclusion. In these countries, as France for example, a specific law was adopted for the prevention and handling of over-indebtedness, in recognition that this situation is prejudicial not only to the consumer, but also to the whole market, being able to cause even a severe generalized financial crisis. Brazil doesnt have a specific bankruptcy law to provide financial rehabilitation for the over-indebted consumer. However, Brazilian law has many rules through which fundamental rights are applied providing consumers judicial protection, including situations of over-indebtedness. This essay intends, firstly, to demonstrate the necessity of a specific bankruptcy law for the global handling of over-indebtedness situations and, secondly, to develop the judicial treatment de lege lata for the protection of the consumer credit in general and for over-indebtedness situations where the core of fundamental rights is threatened.

The Legitimacy of EU Criminal Law: what roles for normative and instrumental justifications

Wieczorek, Irene 15 November 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the EU approach to the question of the legitimacy of criminal law. In particular, it enquires into what theoretical justifications does the EU legal order acknowledges as legitimating the resort to harmonized criminal law as a regulatory instrument. Moreover, it enquires if the selected approach is consistent with the identity the EU has set for itself, as a ‘fundamental rights sensitive’ kind of supranational organization, as established at Article 2 TEU, which includes the respect of fundamental rights as one of EU founding values. This research aims at complementing the existing literature theorising on harmonisation of substantive criminal law as a strategy for integration, which has to date primarily focused on the extent of the EU competences, and on the relation between harmonisation and other strategies of integration, such as mutual recognition. The aspect of the impact of the exercise of these EU competences on individuals and of what are the envisaged justifications for that has been to date underexplored. This thesis aims at filling this gap. In doing so it aims at contributing to the systemic understanding of EU criminal law testing its developments against a EU constitutional law benchmark. In terms of methodology, the thesis relies on a criminal legal theory framework, which distinguishes between a normative, value-based approach to the justifications for criminal law, and an instrumental, mainly enforcement-based approach. It tailors these concepts to the supranational level, by combining criminalisation theory concepts with theories on harmonisation. In terms of sources, when enquiring the EU approach to the criminal law, the thesis looks at EU primary law (principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, and EU competences to harmonise substantive criminal law); EU policy documents (multi-annual programs and ad hoc EU criminalisation policy documents) and EU secondary law (especially the Racism and Xenophobia Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia and on the 2014 Market Abuse Directive).In terms of structure, the thesis devotes the first two chapters to the delineation of the theoretical framework, discussing criminal legal theories on the subject of of the legitimacy of criminal law, and theories on harmonisation of criminal norms. This part is aimed at identifying the analytical tools through which EU primary law, EU secondary law and EU policy documents are analysed in the following 5 chapters. A final chapter draws the relevant conclusions as to the consistency of the EU approach to the legitimacy of criminal law with the EU constitutional law framework. The findings of the thesis illustrate how the EU has not been consistent in its approach to the legitimacy of EU criminal law and it identifies a number of micro-ruptures between the approach in different historical phases; but also between different layers (EU primary and secondary law as well as policy documents) during the same period; and between different policy areas (e.g. EU criminal law was used to protect the security of EU citizens, and when to secure the achievement of EU policies). The thesis nonetheless identifies a macro-synchrony, which sees an historical progressive acknowledgement of a normative approach in a previously pre-existing instrumental context. This progress was positively evaluated as it contributed to increase the coherence of EU criminal law with EU constitutional law benchmarks. / Doctorat en Sciences juridiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

La résolution des conflits de droits fondamentaux constitutionnels en France et en Espagne / The resolution of the conflicts of constitutional fundamental rights in France and in Spain

Belacel, Farid 14 November 2017 (has links)
Les différents droits et libertés garantis par la Constitution ont une même valeur juridique. Il s’agit, par ailleurs, de normes présentant des caractéristiques identiques : nature principielle, caractère indéterminé et même source textuelle. Cela explique pourquoi les conflits de droits fondamentaux constitutionnels sont des conflits de normes particuliers. Il est impossible d’utiliser les critères classiques de résolution des conflits de normes pour solutionner ceux qui opposent les libertés garanties par la Constitution. Pour harmoniser leur exercice simultané, on ne peut pas prioriser leur développement sur le plan hiérarchique, chronologique ou en tenant compte du niveau de précision des énoncés considérés. La similitude des droits fondamentaux constitutionnels implique de recourir à une méthode de résolution des conflits plus sophistiquée. Lorsque de telles normes imposent des directives contradictoires, il faut définir leurs limites respectives pour dépasser les situations de blocage. En France et en Espagne, seul le législateur est en mesure de pouvoir concilier ainsi l’exercice des droits garantis par la Constitution. Cette conciliation législative est réalisée sous le contrôle du juge constitutionnel, auquel il revient de s’assurer de la régularité des solutions apportées aux conflits de libertés. En d’autres termes, l’observation des expériences française et espagnole révèle que la résolution des conflits de droits fondamentaux constitutionnels est un processus complexe. Dans le cadre de celui-ci, c’est le législateur qui effectue des choix politiques pour prioriser l’exercice des libertés. Le juge constitutionnel, pour sa part, s’assure de la conformité de ces choix sur le plan juridique. / The various guaranteed rights and the liberties by the Constitution have the same legal value. It is, besides, about standards possessing identical characteristics : nature principielle, indefinite character and same textual origin. It explains why the conflicts of constitutional fundamental rights are particular conflicts of standards. It is impossible to use the classic criteria of resolution of the conflicts of standards to resolve those who bring into conflict the liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. To harmonize their simultaneous exercise, we cannot prioritize their development on the hierarchical, chronological plan or by taking into account the level of precision of the considered statements. The similarity of the constitutional fundamental rights implies to resort to a method of more sophisticated resolution of the conflicts. When such standards impose contradictory directives, it is necessary to define their respective limits to exceed the situations of blocking. In France and in Spain, only the legislator is capable of being able to reconcile so the exercise of the guaranteed rights by the Constitution. This legislative conciliation is realized under the control of the constitutional judge, who means making sure of the regularity of the solutions brought to the conflicts of liberties. In other words, the observation of the French and Spanish systems reveals that the resolution of the conflicts of constitutional fundamental rights is a complex process. Within the framework of this one, it is the legislator who makes political choices to prioritize the exercise of the liberties. The constitutional judge, for his part, makes sure of the conformity of these choices on the legal plan.

Le principe de proportionnalité dans les relations spécifiques d'autorité : une étude comparative des ordres juridiques allemand, français, européens (Convention européenne des droits de l'Homme et communautaire) et secondairement anglais / The principle of proportionality of specific relations of authority : a comparative study of the legal systems of Germany, France and European (European Union, Concil of Europe) and secondary the English legal system

Linne, Andrea 18 December 2013 (has links)
Certaines catégories de personnes (militaires, fonctionnaires, élèves d’écoles publiques …) se trouvent dans une relation spécifique d’autorité qui limite « par nature » l’exercice de certains droits fondamentaux. En cela, la restriction « naturelle » fondée sur la condition statutaire particulière de ces catégories entre en conflit avec les droits fondamentaux qui consacrent des libertés « par nature ». Le principe de proportionnalité propose au juge un outil correctif puissant pour résoudre ce conflit de normes. Or, le principe de proportionnalité pose un certain nombre de problèmes : de création prétorienne, ses conditions floues et indéterminées opèrent un transfert de compétence vers le juge. Élargissant sa propre compétence, le principe de proportionnalité permet au juge par le développement d’une vaste argumentation de solutionner ce conflit sans pour autant chercher une conciliation entre des positions antinomiques. / Certain people categories (military, civil servants, students …) are in a special authority relationship which limits « naturally » the exercice of certain fundamental rights. This natural « limitation » is based on their special status condition and conflicts directly with the fundamental rights guaranteeing liberties « naturally ». The principle of proportionality offers the judge a powerful corrective tool to resolve this conflict. Yet the principle of proportionality itself raises un certain number of problems : created by the judge, its conditions are vague and undetermined shifting the competence to the judiciary. Extending his own competence, the principle of proporionality enables the judge to solve this conflict by developping a vast argumentation without necessarily searching a conciliation between antinomic positions.


[pt] Os direitos fundamentais são a base de sustentação dos estados democráticos de direito. No entanto, a efetivação dos direitos não ocorre de modo equitativo em todas as sociedades que os proclamam, nem tampouco para todas as pessoas dentro de cada uma delas. A cisão entre direitos civis e políticos de um lado e dhesca`s (direitos humanos econômicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais) de outro contraria a própria essência desses direitos, assim como, é uma afronta a normativa internacional que enumera entre suas propriedades a indivisibilidade, interdependência e inter-relação. Por isso, minha proposta é repensar a interconexão entre os direitos fundamentais mediante um substrato teórico capaz de tornar esses princípios mais claros e operativos e levando em consideração a desigualdade no desfrute dos direitos e as raízes dessa márepartição. Assim, uni debates da teoria da capacitação apresentada por Amartya Sen e Marta Nussbaum às tensões sociais identificadas por Nancy Fraser. Além disso, dentro das inúmeras arenas através da quais é possível se empreender a busca pela realização destes direitos busquei o foco na contribuição do sistema de justiça a esse processo. Para tanto, precisei destacar que o sistema de justiça não age sozinho. Ele é parte de uma rede que nomeei Sistema de Garantia de Direitos Fundamentais (SGDF) a qual se constitui na articulação e integração das funções estatais (administração pública, órgãos do legislativo e órgãos do Judiciário) nos três planos federativos, com a sociedade civil organizada e os cidadãos de modo individual ou através de grupos de interesse Embora tenha ressaltado que o SGDF estrutura-se por matéria e não através dos sujeitos, destaquei que o recorte epistemológico dessa tese enfoca os grupos historicamente credores de direitos em três sociedades, a Indiana, a Brasileira, e a Sulafricana. Tais grupos foram escolhidos por serem eles não apenas os mais carentes no desfrute de direitos, mas também no acesso ao sistema de justiça. Os três eixos são interligados, mas o sistema de justiça tem atuação protagônica no eixo da defesa. Nele analisei a atuação das Cortes Constitucionais da Índia, Brasil e África do Sul na realização destes direitos para aquelas pessoas com déficit histórico significativo de acesso a direitos fundamentais. Os dados provenientes da Índia e da África do Sul foram utilizados com o intuito de obter um olhar mais inspirado para o contexto brasileiro. O intuito não era comparar os países, mas valorizar o intercambio de experiência entre países do sul há tantas vivências similares ainda que originadas de contextos históricos, sociais e jurídicos diversos. A constatação de que o acesso dos grupos credores de direitos ao Supremo Tribunal Federal persiste bastante deficitário, mesmo ante o significativo esforço desta Corte em julgar um número imenso de processos fez com que fossem delineadas duas propostas com clara inspiração no contexto sulafricano e indiano: o acesso direto a Corte Constitucional e a instituição de uma nova forma de julgamento dos direitos sociais, condizentes com seu caráter de normas-base do estado de direito contemporâneo. / [en] Fundamental rights are the supporting basis of democratic states that follow the rule of law. The appliance of these rights does not happen in an equal way in all societies that proclaim them, nor to all the people within these societies. The divide between civil and political rights on one hand, and economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights on the other is defended by the very own essence of these rights, and by the principles of the international normative that considers them indivisible, interdependent, and inter-related. Because of that, I proposed that the interconnection between fundamental rights be rethought through a theoretical substrate capable of making these principles clearer and operative and taking into consideration the inequality in the enjoyment of these rights and the root of this unequal division. With that in mind, it unites debates about the capability theory presented by Amartya Sen and Marta Nussbaum to the social tensions identified by Nancy Fraser. Moreover, within the several arenas through which it is possible to search for the effectiveness of these rights I tried to focus on the contribution made by the justice system to this process. For that, I needed to highlight that the justice system does not act alone, it is part of a network that I named Fundamental Rights Assurance System (SGDF), which is formed through the articulation and integration of state functions (public administration, legislative offices, and judiciary offices) in the three federative levels, with organized civil society and citizens in an individual manner or through groups of interest. The SGDF should act through three paths, in favor of the effectiveness of fundamental rights: promotion, defense, and control. Although I have emphasized that the SGDF structures itself materially and not through individuals, I highlighted that the epistemological frame of this thesis focuses on the groups historically denied rights in these three societies due to the fact that they are not only the neediest in the enjoyment of rights, but also in the access to justice. The three axes are interconnected, but the justice system has the main role in the defense field. In such area I have analyzed the role of Constitutional Courts in India, Brazil, and South Africa in the appliance of these rights for those people with a significant historical deficit of access to fundamental rights. The data coming from India and South Africa were used with the intent of obtaining a more inspired insight on the Brazilian context. The intent was not to compare these countries, but value the exchange of experiences among countries in the south with similar issues to face. The conclusion that the access to the Supreme Federal Court by underprivileged groups remains with a large deficit, even with the huge effort the Court makes in judging a large number of cases, lead to the outline of two proposals with clear inspiration in the South African and Indian context: the direct access to a Constitutional Court and the creation a new way to decide about social rights.


NATASHA RIBEIRO VIANNA 01 March 2011 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é, considerada a relevância dos direitos fundamentais através de um exame dos micro-sistemas legais de fonte constitucional, desenvolver uma análise comparativa dos direitos da personalidade da pessoa jurídica na Alemanha, em Portugal e no Brasil. Para tanto serão abordados os principais aspectos da matéria em cada um dos países escolhidos a fim de serem apresentadas as informações relevantes para a elaboração de uma síntese comparativa com a finalidade de evidenciar a recepção de direitos, as semelhanças entre os sistemas e ressaltar as diferenças do tratamento do tema nesses países. A intenção de elaborar uma análise de cunho comparativo se justifica pelo entendimento de que os estudos de direito comparado são de grande relevância para o desenvolvimento do direito nacional, para a compreensão dos sistemas jurídicos estrangeiros e para a identificação de fontes inspiradoras das transformações constitucionais. / [en] The aim of the work is to develop a comparative analysis of personality’s rights of legal entities in Germany, Portugal and Brazil, considering its relevance through an examination of the legal micro-systems of constitutional source. To this end, we discuss the main aspects of the matter in each of the countries selected in order to present relevant information to the elaboration of a comparative overview with the purpose of highlighting the acceptance doctrine, the similarities between the systems and pointing out the different treatment of the subject in those countries. The intention to prepare a comparative analysis is justified by the understanding that comparative law is of great importance for the development of national law, to the understanding of foreign legal systems and to identify sources of inspiration regarding constitutional changes.

Finances publiques et droits fondamentaux : essai sur les relations entre les finances publiques et les droits fondamentaux / Public finance and fundamental rights

Blondio Mondoloni, Virginie 20 December 2014 (has links)
Sujet d'une apparente antilogie, qui du fait de la crise économique et financière mondiale démontre son immanence. L'interrogation majeure induite se porte sur la manière dont se réalise du point de vue des droits fondamentaux cette double exigence qui est contradictoire que les droits fondamentaux en général, les droits-créances en particulier, passent par l'intervention étatique. Afin de répondre à cette interrogation, il faut au préalable se pencher sur la relation entre les finances publiques et les droits fondamentaux dans une optique particulière. En effet, ce n'est que par la définition de la nature du lien qui unit ces deux domaines que nous pouvons étudier les impacts respectifs et mutuels. Ce qui renvoie à l'interrogation majeure de savoir comment s'organise du point de vue des droits fondamentaux cette double exigence contradictoire du fait que ces droits passent par l'intervention de l'État ? / Subject of an apparent antilogy wich, due to the present Financial and economic crisisproves his immanence. The major interrogation turned to way how is realized from the point of vew of fundamental rights this double exigency due to the fact that this rights instigate the intervention of the administration of a country. The fundamental rights effectiveness requires a public financing holding legitimacy of their Framework through fundamental rights. The european crisis and the respect of Financial rules do damage tothis balance of relation because the lack of public financing has "ipso facto" an impact concerning the fundamental rights protection, and incorporated in every possible way according to jurisdiction.

Constitution et économie / Constitution and economy

Dussart, Marie-Laure 30 November 2013 (has links)
Constitution et économie / Constitution and economy

Le consentement en procédure pénale / Consent in criminal procedure

Antoine, Virginie 25 November 2011 (has links)
L'introduction du consentement en procédure pénale démontre la volonté du législateur d'impliquer l'auteur dans l'application de la réponse pénale. Le justiciable participe à la justice pénale par le biais de son consentement. L'introduction d'un consentement en procédure pénale mettrait ainsi en lumière la volonté du législateur de développer une justice plus centrée sur l'auteur et ses prérogatives, donc plus proche du justiciable, plus humaine. Pourtant, l'abandon progressif d'un modèle de justice transcendantale pour une justice dite consensuelle ne présente pas que des avantages pour le justiciable. En effet, la mise en place d'une justice intégrant le consentement de l'auteur n'est pas sans danger pour les droits et libertés fondamentaux de ce dernier. La mise en place progressive d'une justice dite plus pacificatrice et moins stigmatisante se fait au prix d'un sacrifice de certains droits processuel et du respect de la dignité. / Le citizen participates in the criminal justice by means of his consent. The introduction of consent in criminal procedure would so bring to light the will of the legislator to develop a justice more centred on the author and its privileges, thus closer of citizen, more human. Nevertheless, the progressive abandonment (relinquishment) of a model of transcendental justice for a consensual said justice does not present that advantage for the citizen. Indeed, the implementation of a justice integrating (joining) the consent of the author is not without danger for the fundamental rights and the liberties of this last one. The progressive implementation of a pacificatorier said justice and less stigmatisante is made at the price (prize) of a sacrifice of certain rights processuel and a respect for the dignity.

O meio ambiente do trabalho adaptado às condições do trabalhador : a proteção da maternidade

Dalmás, Paula 31 May 2012 (has links)
A mulher ingressou no mercado de trabalho, mas não mudaram suas condições fisiológicas, e a gravidez e a maternidade são encargos biológicos das mulheres. Além das consequências individuais e familiares, devem-se observar as consequências sociais, econômicas e financeiras. É fundamental reconhecer-se a real necessidade de medidas protetivas e qual abrangência elas devem ter. Durante o período especial em que está em gestação, não pode ficar sujeita a condições de trabalho prejudiciais a sua pessoa e ao desenvolvimento do feto. A evolução do Direito do Trabalho demonstra preocupação com o meio ambiente laboral no sentido de desenvolver as condições oferecidas e de promover a adaptabilidade. O meio ambiente do trabalho está relacionado com a atuação humana e é o local onde o trabalhador exerce suas atividades profissionais e o afeta no exercício dessa ação. As condições desse ambiente são determinantes à saúde do trabalhador. Em vista disso, o Direito trata da sua proteção como direito fundamental no sentido de garantir uma vida digna e com qualidade aos trabalhadores. O ambiente de trabalho é determinante para a sadia qualidade de vida e uma faceta para a formação e a garantia da dignidade humana. Apesar da cultura de afastar a mulher do meio produtivo e mantê-la com nas obrigações familiares, hoje, a mulher tem plena igualdade de exercer a profissão que desejar. A Constituição Federal (CF/88) garante a igualdade entre gêneros, mas a realidade demonstra uma série de situações em que o trabalho da mulher é discriminado. Cabe ao Direito promover a igualdade. O tratamento diferenciado é justificado apenas em relação às condições peculiares da mulher e não é o de impor o papel de cada gênero à sociedade. Quando se trata da maternidade, que é um período especial, deve ela ser vista a partir de sua função social que é de a de dar origem às novas gerações. No entanto, não deve ser uma dificuldade para a mulher trabalhadora. O ônus pelo seu afastamento das atividades profissionais deve ser compartilhado por toda a sociedade. A legislação brasileira apresenta uma série de garantias como licençamaternidade e estabilidade à gestante. Durante esse período, deve ser-lhe garantida uma adaptabilidade especial no meio ambiente de trabalho, tendo em vista que ele poderá, em sendo inadequado, ser responsável por consequências sérias na gravidez. / Women joined labor market, but did not change their physiological conditions, and pregnancy and maternity are women’s biological burden. Besides the impact on individuals and families, should be noted the social, economic and financial. It is important to recognize the real need for protective measures and what coverage they must have. During the special period that she is pregnant, can’t be subjected to working conditions detrimental to her person and the development of the fetus. The evolution of Labor Law shows concern for the environment work to develop the terms offered and promote adaptability. Working environment is related to human activity and is place where employee performs his professional activities and affects him in exercise of that action. Conditions of this environment are crucial to health of workers as individuals. In view of this, Law deals with the protection of workers as fundamental right to ensure their dignity and quality of life. Work environment is key to a healthy quality of life and a facet of formation and ensuring human dignity. Despite a culture that keeps women away from work market and keeps them with family obligations, nowadays, women have full equality to practice as they wish. Federal Constitution guarantees gender equality but reality shows a series of situations in which women’s work is discriminated. It is for the law to promote equality. Different treatment is justified only in relation to conditions peculiar to women and not to impose role of each gender to society. When it comes to motherhood, which is a special period, should be viewed from its social function to preserve new generations. However, it should not be a difficulty for working women. Onus for the removal of her professional activities should be shared throughout society. Brazilian laws provide a series of guarantees such as maternity leave and stability to pregnant. During gestation period should be granted a special adaptability of working environment to women, in order that it, if inappropriate, may be responsible for serious consequences of pregnancy.

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