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Mångbegåvad och ansvarstagande eller specialiserad och teknisk? : En empirisk studie om gymnasiereformen 2011s effekt på könsskillnaderna i gymnasievaletGranström, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Könsskillnaderna inom utbildning- och arbetsmarknaden har konsekvenser för såväl individer som samhället i stort. Gymnasievalet är den tidigaste platsen där könssegregeringen mellan killar och tjejer kan uppstå. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur den senaste politiska reformen, Gy2011, har påverkat könsskillnaderna inom den svenska gymnasieskolan. Studien använder sig av paneldata över 20 gymnasieprogram och 16 elevkullar, som avgick mellan åren 2005/06-2020/21. Genom en difference-in-difference mäts könsskillnaderna med hjälp av ett segregationsindex. De viktigaste resultaten visar att segregationsindexet för den totala gymnasieskolan uppvisar en relativt svag effekt till följd av att undergrupper har påverkats i olika riktningar. Yrkesprogrammen, introduktionsprogrammet och STEM-utbildningarna blev mer könssegregerade medan de högskoleförberedande programmen och HEED-utbildningarna blev mer könsintegrerade. Studien tyder på att tjejer påverkats mest av reformen till följd av de stereotypiska karaktärsdrag som förväntas av en tjej; skolintresserad, bred kompetens och ansvarstagande. / The gender differences in the education and labor market have consequences for both individuals and society at large. The high school choice is the earliest place where gender segregation between boys and girls can arise. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the latest political reform, GY2011, has affected the gender differences in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study uses panel data with 20 high school programs and 16 cohorts that graduated between 2005/06-2020/21. By using Difference-in-Difference, the gender differences are measured through a segregation index. The main results show that the segregation index for the total upper secondary school shows a relatively weak effect as a result of subgroups being affected in different directions. The vocational programs, the introductory program and the STEM programs became more gender segregated, while the university preparatory programs and HEED programs became more gender integrated. The study indicates that girls were most affected by the reform as a result of the stereotypical traits expected of a girl; School-interested, broad competence and to be responsible.
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I skuggan av våldet: Äldre kvinnor och våld i nära relation : En kvalitativ textanalysstudie om äldre kvinnors representation i svenska kommuners styrdokumentHultman, Clara, Kfoury, Rebecka January 2024 (has links)
This bachelor thesis explores the representation of older women ́s vulnerability and support needs in policy documents from Swedish municipalities concerning intimate partner violence. The background of this study is that there is a reason to believe in a difference concerning policy documents from Swedish municipalities regarding the work against intimate partner violence. The aim of this study is to examine the representation of older women in Swedish policy documents of intimate partner violence and how the representation is presented. To address the research question the study utilizes a qualitative text analysis method, the study employs the analytical tool along “Discrimination with words” which examines four different forms of linguistic discrimination which are “exclusion”, “belittlement”, “objectifying” and “negative differential treatment”, as well as “invisibility” that is also a form of discrimination. The study aimed to include all 290 Swedish municipality policy documents, however we were able to gain access to 144 policy documents. The findings reveal an underrepresentation of older women in the documents. Out of the 144 policy documents from municipalities, 64 mentioned older women. Moreover, the mentions often lacked depth and failed to adequately describe older women ́s unique challenges and needs. Out of the documents that mentioned older women, many did so in a generalized manner, lacking specific strategies to address their situations. The lack of detailed representation suggests that intimate partner violence against older women is not sufficiently acknowledged or addressed in the municipal policy documents. This study emphasizes the necessity for Swedish municipalities to expand their representation of older women experiencing intimate partner violence. Such improvements are necessary to ensure that older women receive adequate support that reflects a commitment to include intersectionality and ageism in Swedish policy documents. Lastly the findings underscore the importance of using inclusive language when forming policy documents.
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Mode att gilla genus på Instagram : En semiotisk studie av H&M:s Instagram-konto ur ett genusperspektivRowinski, Jens, Blixt, Isaac January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Världens starkaste flicka : En litteraturanalys om Pippi Långstrump med fokus på didaktiskt arbete gällande genus och värdegrundsfrågor / The strongest girl in the world : A literature review of Pippi Långstrump with focus on didactic work on gender and value-based issuesRengman, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to try to get an insight into how Pippi Longstocking (Lindgren 2005) can be used for the purpose of working didactically regarding gender and value-based issues. This is a literature study where the first book of Pippi has been analyzed from a feminist perspective and from a gender perspective. Of interest to the study was also to analyze how gender is presented in the book, in order to create a deeper understanding of the book's characters related to gender. A delimitation was made at the first book when the characters and their characteristics became sufficiently clear, to create a picture of how they could help to create meaningful conversations with the students. The results of the study revealed a wide range of normative and human events that show that a single girl has a strong belief in herself, and an ability to act and be who she is without being restricted by others. Pippi and the people she meets present actions that are suitable for discussion, and thus can broaden views and create awareness among both teachers and students. / Syftet med den här studien är att försöka få en inblick i hur Pippi Långstrump (Lindgren 2005) kan användas i ett syfte att arbeta didaktiskt gällande genus och värdegrundsfrågor. Metoden som används i studien är en litteraturstudie där den första boken om Pippi har analyserats ur ett feministiskt perspektiv samt ur ett genusperspektiv. Av intresse för studien var också att analysera hur genus presenteras i boken för att genom det kunna skapa en djupare förståelse för bokens karaktärer kopplat till genus. En avgränsing gjordes vid den första boken då karaktärerna och deras egenskaper blev tillräckligt tydliga för att kunna skapa en bild om hur de skulle kunna bidra till att skapa meningsfulla samtal med elever. Resultatet av studien visade upp ett brett spektrum av normbrytande och medmänskliga händelser vilka visar sig genom att en enda flicka har en stark tro på sig själv, en förmåga att kunna agera och vara den hon är utan att begränsas av andra. Pippi och de personer som hon möter visar upp sidor som lämpar sig bra för diskussion och också därigenom kan vidga vyer och skapa en medvetenhet bland såväl lärare som elever.
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Valkyriornas identitetskris : Hårbyfigurinen och (om)tolkandet av genusambivalenta föremål / The Valkyries crisis of identity : The Hårbyfigurine and the (re)interpretation of gender ambiguous objectsWihlborg, Julia January 2017 (has links)
In the year of 2012 a unique three dimensional figurine was found in Hårby, Denmark depicting what seems to be a woman holding a sword and a shield. Immediately it was defined as a Valkyrie, a female servant of the Viking god Odin. However, this is most likely a simplified interpretation since most female figurines from the Viking age is interpreted in this way. This thesis questions this interpretation, creating an identity crisis for the Valkyries due to their interpretation no longer being obvious and simple. Instead this thesis recognizes the gender ambiguous features of the Hårbyfigurine and tries to determine what it can tell about the perception of gender during the Viking Age. The purpose of this thesis is thus to present how gender theory, queer theory and a comparative method can be used to interpret a gender ambiguous object from the Viking Age. This is done based on the Hårbyfigurine and its different attributes and concludes that the arguments against that female figurines from the Viking Age depicts Valkyries are more numerous than the arguments that support this identification. Alternative interpretations for the figurine is therefore suggested. The thesis also shows that the interpretations gender theory, queer theory and comparative method can produce differs in its complexity and in how they handle the gender ambiguous qualities of the Hårbyfigurine. The conclusion drawn from this is that gender ambiguous objects cannot be interpreted in one single way but must be tackled with a variety of theories and methods to be able to tell something about the worldview of the people who lived in the Viking Age. The term gender ambiguous is also re-evaluated throughout the thesis and turns out to be an interpretation applied to objects based on a modern way of defining gender and sex and is not a trait of the object itself. This means that gender is not defined in the same way today as it was in the Viking Age. Gender is thus strongly connected to the ruling culture and not stable, but ever changing.
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Feministiska budskap hos Jane Austen : En studie av samhällskritik i Northanger Abbey och dess relevans som undervisningsmaterial i kursen svenska 2 / “Feministic Messages by Jane Austen” : A Study of Social Criticism in Northanger Abbey and its Relevance as a Study Object in the Course Swedish 2Backman, Rebecka January 2019 (has links)
Jane Austen har blivit en av den engelskspråkiga litteraturens klassiska författare med sina romaner som handlar om unga kvinnor under det sena sjuttonhundratalet och det tidiga artonhundratalet. En av hennes första romaner, Northanger Abbey (1818) är ett av hennes mest humoristiska och ironiska verk. Den är inte en av hennes mest omtalade eller kändaste romaner men det är, med mina egna ord, en av de mest underskattade av hennes romaner. I Northanger Abbey reflekteras de faktiska klasskillnader, könsroller och könsförväntningar som fanns i Englands samhälle under hennes samtid. Med hjälp av genusteori med en biografisk förankring undersöker denna uppsats hur Austen använder satir för att kritisera samhället. Genom en djupgående analys av romanen finner uppsatsen att samhällskritik kan skönjas, där kvinnans förutsättningar, roll och ställning, sociala konventioner, patriarkatet och samtidens populära genre gotiken kritiseras. Uppsatsen kommer fram till att Austen använder humor, ironi och parodi som ett verktyg för att kunna säga vad som var offentligt otillåtet och romanen kritiserar därmed samhällsnormerna. Austen har skrivit en roman som innefattar ett flertal budskap och visar feministiska förtecken då hon tar ståndpunkt för kvinnors rättigheter och ställning. Genom dess rika omfång visar sig Northanger Abbey vara ett lämpligt material att använda i skolan för att främja elevernas utveckling och lärande, i muntlig likväl som skriftlig form. / Jane Austen novels deals with young women in the late eighteenth century and early twentieth century and have made her one of the classical writers of the English literature. Northanger Abbey (1818), one of her first novels, is also one of her most humoristic and ironic productions. Although, it is not her most mentioned or most famous novels but it is, in my own words, one of her most underestimated novels. In Northanger Abbey, the actual class differences, gender roles and gender expectations that existed in England during her time are reflected. This paper uses gender theory with a biographic foundation to examine how Austen uses satire to criticize society. Through an analyze of the novel, social criticism can be distinguished where women’s conditions, their role and position as well as social conventions, the patriarchy and the popular gothic genre are criticized. The essay concludes that Austen uses humor, irony and parody as tools to be able to say what was publicly forbidden to say and the novel thereby criticizes the social norms. Austen has written a novel that includes a number of messages and shows feministic signs as she takes a stand for women’s rights and status. Through Northanger Abbey’s rich content it proves to be a suitable material to use in the school to promote the students’ development and learning, in oral as well as written form.
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Hur allvarligt anses partnervåld vara mot en man jämfört med mot en kvinna? : En vinjettstudie om bedömningar och insatser för kvinnor och män utsatta för partnervåld / How serious is domestic partner violence considered to be against a man versus against a woman?Andersson, Mikaela, Edorsson, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Partnervåld innefattar våld i nära relationer i en partnerrelation. Tidigare forskning kring partnervåld fokuserar främst på våldet gentemot kvinnor, med manliga förövare. Manliga offer utsatta för partnervåld diskuteras sällan, och forskningen om ämnet är begränsat. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka skillnader i attityder och bedömningar gjorda av socialarbetare som i sitt arbete kommer i kontakt med partnervåld, och om dessa påverkas beroende på om den våldsutsatta personen är en man eller en kvinna. För att undersöka skillnader användes en kvantitativ vinjettmetod med tillhörande enkätfrågor. Två separata respondentgrupper har besvarat enkätfrågorna utifrån vinjetter som är uppdelade i två delar. I vinjetterna introduceras varje respondent för ett heterosexuellt par med en problematik av partnervåld. Vinjetterna är identiska med undantaget att karaktärernas kön är utbytta. Resultatet visar att i den våldsutsatta mannens situation bedöms våldet vara mindre allvarligt, att det finns mindre risk för fortsatt våld i relationen samt att den våldsutsatta mannen i lägre utsträckning är i behov av individuella insatser. Respondenterna ansåg även oftare att den våldsutövande kvinnan är i behov av individuella insatser jämfört med den manliga våldsutövaren. Teorier använda för att tolka resultatet innefattar socialkonstruktivism och genusteori. Studien kan tillföra perspektiv för ämnet om våldsutsatta män, och belyser att bedömningar om våldsutsatta kan skilja sig åt beroende på genus. / Domestic partner violence is violence in a partner relationship. Earlier research on domestic partner violence mainly focus on the violence against women, with male perpetrators. Male victims exposed to partner violence are rarely discussed, and research of the subject is limited. The purpose of this study is to investigate attitudes and assessments made by social workers who in their work encounter domestic partner violence, and if the social workers are affected depending on whether the person exposed to partner violence is a man or a woman. A quantitative vignette method with accompanying survey questions were used to investigate differences. Two separate groups of respondents answered survey questions based on vignettes divided into two parts. The respondents are each introduced in the vignettes to a heterosexual couple with a problem of partner violence. These vignettes are identical except for the characters’ genders which have been swapped. The result reveals that violence towards the victimized man is considered less serious, that there is less risk of continued violence in the relationship and that the victimized man is in less need of individual interventions. Respondents also considered to a lesser extent that the female perpetrator needed individual interventions compared to the male perpetrator. Social constructivism and gender theory are the theories used to interpret these results. The study can add perspectives about the subject of male victims and highlight that assessments of people exposed to partner violence may differ depending on the victim’s gender.
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Mer än valkyrior : En omtolkning av vikingatidens feminina figuriner / More than Valkyries : A re-interpretation of Viking Age Female FigurinesWihlborg, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Figurines with a human shape have been created in almost every culture all throughout human history. In this thesis one such group of figurines is under investigation, Viking age female figurines. These figurines are most often interpreted as representations of the Valkyries – shieldmaidens of the god Odin – or as the goddess Fröja. Interpretations made through comparative studies with the medieval written sources. However, these interpretations always privileges some attributes of the figurines over others, creating simplified and general interpretations. The purpose of this thesis is to (re)interpret the figurines beyond the concept of representation, and instead focus on what the figurines, through their various attributes (size, motive, material), do and how they influence human actions. This is realized through the creation of a catalogue of all currently known female figurines from the Viking age (53 pieces), a correspondence analysis and through the use of symmetrical archaeology and embodiment theory. The result shows that the most important attributes of the figurines is their physical bodies, through which they can interact with the world, trigger emotions, hold memory, become animated and be part of the performative practice of upholding individual identity as well as upholding both the social- and cosmological worlds.
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This dissertation project seeks to address the sociological processes, dynamics, and mechanisms inflecting how and why U.S. society reproduces a sexually dimorphic, binary gender structure. The project builds upon the work of sociologists of gender on the doing gender framework, intersectional feminist approaches to identity formation, and hegemonic masculinity and relational theories of gender. In a 2012 article in Social Science and Medicine presenting contemporary concepts in gender theory to the health-oriented readers of the journal, R. W. Connell argues that much public policy on gender and health relies on categorical understandings of gender that are now inadequate. Connell contends that poststructuralist theories highlighting the performativity of gender improve on the assumption of a categorical binary typical in public policy, but they ignore the insights of sociological theories emphasizing gender as a structure comprising emotional and material constraints of the complex inter-relations among social institutions in which performances of gender are embedded. According to Connell, it is the task of social scientists to uncover “the processes by which social worlds are brought into being through time – the ontoformativity, not just the performativity, of gender.”
This project explores the ontoformativity of gender in consideration of Patricia Hill Collins’ concept of the four domains of power. According to Collins, matrices of domination are intersecting and interlocking axes of oppression including but not limited to race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, nation, age, ability, place, and religion that reproduce social inequalities through their interoperation in the cultural, interpersonal, structural, and disciplinary domains of power. West and Zimmerman contrast gender as an axis in the matrix of oppression with site-specific roles, arguing that gender is a master status that is omnirelevant to all situations such that a person is assessed in terms of their competences in performing activities as a man or a woman. The doing gender approach has been accused of theorizing gender as an immutably monolithic social inequality. This project seeks to explicate the dynamics of gender ideology by probing its weaknesses in the interpersonal and cultural domains of power. As Collins and coauthor Sirma Bilge posit, for people oppressed along axes of gender, race/ethnicity, class, age, place, ability, and other binaries that constrain their actions in the structural and disciplinary domains of power, “the music, dance, poetry, and art of the cultural domain of power and personal politics of the interpersonal domain grow in significance.”
Each of the three components of the dissertation project addresses a facet of mechanisms and processes of the interpersonal and cultural domains of power in (re)producing the binary gender structure in U.S. society. Paper #1, titled, “Integrating Black Feminist Thought into Canonical Social Change Theory,” explicates how people in marginalized social locations mount definitional challenges to their received classifications in the cultural domain of power by rejecting the consciousness of the oppressor and wielding rearticulated collective identity-based standpoints as contextually attuned technologies of power to recast historical narratives. Paper #2, with teenaged co-researcher Emma Draper, titled “Ordering Gender: Interactional Accountability and the Social Accomplishment of Gender Among Adolescents in the U.S. South,” maps how youth theorize interactional accountability processes to binary gender expectations in the interlocking social institutions of medicine, the family, schools, and peer social networks. Paper #3 is a book proposal comprising an introductory chapter. The book will tell the story of how young feminist arts-activists challenge the binary gender structure through resistance in the cultural and interpersonal domains.
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : En analys av fyra självbiografier / Domestic violence : An analysis of four autobiographiesNguyen, Nha January 2019 (has links)
Domestic violence is regarded as a complex social issue since it does not only exist in some abnormal groups of people, or abused by a certain type of men, nor exposed by a particular type of women. Hence, the problem can occur in all-ages, social classes and occupational groups throughout the society. Domestic violence therefore reflects the unequal distribution of power in different aspects between men and women that still remains and is maintained in different ways in today’s society. On this basis, the aim of this study is to examine women’s narrative life stories about their experiences of domestic violence in their autobiographies. This study also aims to analyze how women construct domestic violence in autobiographies from beginning to end. With the use of autobiographies as empirical material I chose to take the qualitative narrative analysis as a method, and on the basis of a social constructivists perspective. I have chosen four autobiographies all written by women who have been subjected to domestic violence in Sweden. Results analysis is divided into different parts which follow how an abusive relationship begins, how it develops and how it ends. The results show that most women described domestic violence which begins as a romantic relationship that gradually transforms into a relationship of violence, and that ends with women managing to break up from men with help of the environment in order to survive. Through autobiographies can this domestic violence also be explained as a normalization process of violence which caused by men’s violence and women’s adaptation to it.
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