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Den provocerande kroppen : En diskursanalytisk studie av konstkritiska texter som behandlar utställningarna Paul McCarthy Head Shop/Shop Head och Nationalmuseums Lust & Last / The provocative body : A discourse analytical study of the art criticism concerning the exhibitions Paul McCarthy Head Shop/Shop Head and the Nationalmuseum’s Lust & LastSvensson, Stefanie January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utföra en kritisk diskursanalys av ett urval konstkritiska texter som behandlar utställningarna Paul McCarthy: Head Shop/Shop Head från 2006 och Nationalmuseums Lust & Last från 2011. Utställningarna exemplifierar det jag kallar för den provokativa konstens diskurs. Genom analyserna vill jag se hur ett urval kritiker mottagit utställningarna samt ge en bild av den provokativa konstens diskurs med dessa två utställningar som exempel. / The exhibitions, Paul McCarthy’s Head Shop/Shop Head shown in 2006 and the Nationalmuseum’s Lust & Last shown in 2011, are in centre of this essay. The aim of the essay is to perform a discourse analytical study of a selection of art critical texts concerning these two exhibitions. The exhibitions exemplify what I have chosen to call “The provocative discourse of art”. I want to examine how a selection of art critics received the exhibitions, and also to present a view of “the provocative discourse of art”.
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Kvinnliga och manliga chefer i kris : En kvalitativ studie om hur dags- och kvällspress framställer kvinnliga och manliga chefer i krissituation / Female and male managers in crisis : A qualitative study of how daily and evening newspapers produce female and male managers in crisisFredriksson, Ida January 2014 (has links)
Female and male managers in crisis - A qualitative study of how daily and evening newspapers produce female and male managers in crisis The purpose of this studie was to investigate how female and male managers are produced in daily and evening newspapers. The newspapers that has been used in this study is Dagens Nyheter, as a representation for daily newspapers, and Aftonbladet, as an representation for evening tabloids. To answer the purpose three issues has been formulated: what are the female and male managers importance in emergency situations in the articles? How are power attributed to women and men in the articles? What similarities and differences are there between the representations from Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet? The theories that has been used in this studie are mainly gender theory, critical discourse analysis (CDA). The results of the analysis showed that female managers in subjectivily presented articles reports are produced in a more negative way than male managers. Further could the male managers be interpreted to be attributed more power in the articles than the female managers.
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Den svenske mannens gränsland : Manlighet, nation och modernitet i Sven Lidmans SilfverstååhlsvitAreskoug, Linn January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the nationalistic imaginary in the novels of Sven Lidman, published 1910–1913. The novels hold forth a conservative point-of-view that embraces the bourgeois ideal of masculinity and the idea of the healthy, Swedish rural way of life as opposed to the destructive metropolis. This dualism is part of a dichotomy that structures the novels. It also entails continuity/fragmentation, the Swedish/the foreign, men/women, activity/ passivity as well as masculinity/femininity and unmanliness. In the Silfverstååhl-cycle the protagonists are young men of a noble, Swedish family. They progress from lost and introspective youths to grown men who are deeply concerned with and engaged in society. They are different representatives of the Swedish man – the farmer, the business man, the explorer and the clergy man. What unites them is how their “coming of age” develops, how through trial and struggle they become stronger and prove worthy of the manly role they finally take on. This is a major principle of the bourgeois masculinity that is also closely connected to the national identity of the men. There is also an ambiguity concerning modernity. Throughout the novels a critique of modern society is formulated, that acknowledges the modern age but simultaneously takes on a prudent attitude towards modern society. There is no going back for the Swedish nation; the modern times have to be confronted. The present is very important since it is the time for scrutiny. The handling of the modern era takes place in the developing processes of the young men, who have to be careful not to get trapped in the modern whirlpool that threatens to shatter the human being. The past, the familiar and the rural anchorage that the family relation entitles, is a defense against the destructive forces of modernity. But the past is not completely beneficial. Even though the past is of major importance to the national identity of the protagonists, they have to be very careful not to delve too much into the past because of the risk of paralysis and effeminization. In the nationalistic narrative the present encapsulates the past and the future. The Swedish man has to navigate in the borderland of modernity. / De svenska författarna och kriget
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Den religiöst motiverade könsmaktsordningen : En textanalys av Margaret Atwoods The Handmaid’s TaleMalm, Albin January 2018 (has links)
Through the history have the women been subordinated to the men, structures that still are present in these days even though feminist movements have tried work against them. One platform that is quite common to use for drawing attention to a certain subject is popular culture. Here the author can disguise their thoughts or highlight them through another context. This brought my attention to Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale where religious symbols are commonly used through the book at the same time as women’s rights are neglected. I wanted to know how these religious symbols are connected to this kind of structures, how they are motivating them. To answer that question I used a text analysis with the focus to find the underlying factors to this kind of use of religious symbols and how the gender roles are built up. I used two kinds of theories, one is Stig Hjarvard’s mediatization theory with the focus on banal religion, and the other is Yvonne Hirdman’s gender theory that are focusing on the view of women through the history. What I found was that Atwood is using religion as a theme to criticize the patriarchal structures in her time and to comment on the use of religious symbols uncontextualized to debate on questions that affects a majority of people, like questions about sexuality, abortion and sexual abuse.
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Le troisième genre : androgynie et trouble de la masculinité dans les arts visuels en France au passage du XXe siècle / The third gender : androgyny and the trouble of the masculinity in the visual arts in France at the turn of the 20th centuryDelille, Damien 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse entend analyser la figure de l’androgyne du mouvement symboliste à l’avant-garde abstraite. La relecture de la modernité au passage du XXe siècle en France permet de comprendre de quelle manière le symbolisme a exploré le trouble de la sexualité dans un contexte sociopolitique de crise de la masculinité. L’étude visuelle et anthropologique des normes sexuelles révèle une angoisse de l’entre-deux androgyne, associée aux théories psychopathologiques de l’homosexualité. Cette thèse démontre de quelle manière l’androgynie correspond à ce que nous intitulons « le troisième genre » artistique, défini par le rejet des assignations de genre et par de nouveaux modèles de représentation et d’intersubjectivité, issus de l’immersion du féminin dans le masculin. Dans la première partie, l’étude des sources néo-classiques et spirituelles de l’androgyne révèle la recherche d’un idéal politique et artistique permettant la régénération de l’unité des sexes. La deuxième partie envisage la résurgence de cet idéal dans les pratiques symbolistes fin-de-siècle, à travers différents modèles androgynes comme la figure de l’ange, celles d’Orphée et du troisième sexe primitif. Face au trouble des identités sexuelles, la réception de l’idéalisme est analysée à partir de la rhétorique de la dégénérescence associant androgynie, efféminement du masculin et homosexualité. La quatrième partie examine la poursuite de l’idéal androgyne dans les sources de l’abstraction. Le troisième genre abstrait alimente l’utopie avant-gardiste d’un art qui s’auto-génère, dépourvu de caractère sexué et créé par un artiste moderne, célibataire et androgyne. / This thesis aims to analyze the figure of androgyny from the movements of Symbolism to the abstract avant-garde. This reinterpretation of modernity at the turn of the 20th century in France allows an understanding of how Symbolism explored the trouble of sexuality within a social and political context entrenched by the crisis of masculinity. The visual and anthropological study of sexual norms reveals a fear of the androgynous in-between associated with psychopathological theories of homosexuality. This thesis demonstrates how androgyny is tied to what I call the artistic “third gender,” defined by the refusal of gender assignation and new models of representation and intersubjectivity, following the feminine immersion within the masculine. In the first part, the study of the Neoclassical and spiritual sources of androgyny demonstrates the search for the political and artistic ideal, allowing for the regeneration of the unity of sex. The second part reveals the resurgence of this ideal in the fin-de-siècle Symbolist's practices through different androgynous models such as the figure of the angel, the ones of Orpheus and the primitive third sex. Toward the trouble of sexual identities, the reception of idealism is analyzed through the rhetoric of degeneration associating androgyny, masculine effeminacy and homosexuality. The last part examines the pursuit of the androgynous ideal in the sources of abstraction. The abstract third sex nourishes the avant-gardist utopia of an art that is self-perpetuating, devoid of sexual characteristic and led by a modern artist, single and androgynous.
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Gud är manlig och kvinnan bär skuld : En genusteoretisk diskursanalys på läromedel inom religionskunskapsämnetEklund, Josefin, Lindberg, Sofie January 2018 (has links)
Detta är en diskursanalytisk studie med ett antaget genusteoretiskt perspektiv, som undersöker hur kvinnor inom de abrahamitiska religionerna framställs i tre utvalda läromedel för gymnasiekursen religion 1. Samtliga av läromedlen är anpassade för lgy11. Vidare undersöks vilka egenskaper kvinnan tillskrivs, samt var hon synliggörs och marginaliseras i läromedlen. Genom det genusteoretiska perspektivet, vilket nyttjats för analysen av det empiriska resultatet kan vi både visa vad synliggörandet och marginaliseringen beror på, samt se vad det bidrar till. Studiens resultat visar att läromedlen genom ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv framställer kvinnan och mannen utifrån dikotoma föreställningar om vad som är kvinnligt respektive manligt. Kvinnan framställs således som passiv medan mannen framställs som aktiv. Resultatet visar även att kvinnan marginaliseras när det skrivs om religionens historia, medan hon synliggörs i de textsammanhang som berör hennes villkor, samt hem-och familjeliv. Nyckelord: Kvinnan, abrahamitiska religionerna, diskurs, genusteori, genus, läroboksanalys, marginalisering / This is a discourse-analytic study with an adopted gender theoretical perspective regarding how women within the Abrahamic religions are described in three selected teaching materials for upper secondary school (Religion 1). All books are adapted to Lgy11. Furthermore, an analysis is made of what way women are characterized in the material, as well as where they are visible and marginalized. With help from the gender theoretical perspective, which has been utilized to analyze the results of the empirical study, it is possible to understand the reasons for the visibility as well as the marginalization, and see what is contributes to. The result of this study shows that the teaching materials, through a gender theoretical perspective, depict men and women based on the dichotomy of what is considered female or male. Hence, women are described as passive, whereas men are described as active. The result also shows that women are marginalized when the history of religions is being described while they are visible in the textual contexts of home and family life, as well as their conditions. Key words: Women, Abrahamic religions, discourse, gender theory, gender, textbook analysis, marginalization
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Life Is Strange a mediated game reception analysis / Life Is Strange : a mediated game reception analysisMänder, Leili January 2017 (has links)
In this essay a mediated video game reception of the game Life Is Strange is made, with the purpose of examining the players' meaning-making processes from a gender perspective. The materials of this essay consist of videos from six different YouTube channels where each player film themselves whilst playing through Life Is Strange as a way to review and share the gaming experience. The results show how the meaning-making processes are littered with gender discourses and affects. The affects offset discourses by amplification or by revealing discord between available cultural narratives and the simulated reality of the game. Even though the game highlights themes like female-centric relationships, suicide, euthanasia, lesbianism, socio-economic circumstances, social accountability and men's violence against women, it successfully delivers highly involving, enjoyable and appreciated gameplay experience. The game is shown to provide players with a platform around which they can connect and continue to discuss, raise awareness and produce knowledge around these important topics. The fan generated culture will in turn, reach a much larger audience than the game sales numbers reflect. / <p>Treated in seminar at Stockholm University</p>
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Sena nätter och farliga män –Vad säger media? : En kvalitativ studie om gestaltningen av våldtäktsoffer i media / Late nights and dangerous menAndersson, Hanna, Rosenblad, Joanna January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur våldtäktsoffer framställs i två olika tidningar (Dagens nyheter och Aftonbladet) och om det finns någon skillnad i framställningen beroende av offrets kön. Studien är gjord genom att tillämpa kritisk diskursanalys på de valda tidningsartiklarna för att se om det finns några skillnader. För att göra detta har vi utgått från genusteori samt Goffmans teori kring stigma. Studiens resultat medför att artiklarna har delats upp i tre kategorier: "ideala offer", "icke-idela offer" och "manliga offer". Utöver det genererades även kategorin för "diskussions- eller debattartiklar". Artiklar som kategoriseras som "ideala offer" innehåller färre detaljer kring brotten än artiklarna om de "icke-ideala offer". Kategorin "manliga offer" uppkom på grund av att artiklarna som tillhör den var gravt underrepresenterade, däremot kunde vi se att även dessa artiklar kan jämföras med de två första kategorierna. Artiklarna i den sista kategorin diskuterar mer allmänt kring problemen som våldtäkt för med sig mer allmänt. Majoriteten av dessa artiklar riktade sig till eller handlade om kvinnor. Den slutsats som kunde dras utifrån denna undersökning är att det rapporteras olika gällande olika kön hos våldtäktsoffer. Detta visar sig bland annat genom att det i artiklar som beskriver kvinnor ges mer detaljer som beskriver offret än om de som handlar om män; artiklar om män är generellt sett relativt detaljfattiga. Detta medför också att media styr den allmänna synen kring våldtäktsoffer och har därmed makt att förbättra situationen och göra bilden av manliga och kvinnliga offer mer jämställd då båda könen behöver lika mycket stöd från omgivningen. / This essay investigates how rape victims are shown in two different Swedish newspapers (Dagens nyheter and Aftonbladet) and if there are any differences depending on the victim’s sex. The study is using critical discourse analysis for the selected news articles to find out if the views differentiate. To be able to do this we have based our research in gender theory and the theory of stigma created by Goffman. The results if this study generates three categories: "ideal victims", "non-ideal victims" and "male victims". Apart from these, another category was detected: "discussion or debate articles". Articles that categorises as "ideal victims" contains fewer details of the crime than the articles about "non-ideal victims". The category "male victims" vas created because the articles from this category was seriously diminished, we could on the other hand also apply the two previously stated categories on this one. The articles from the discussion or debate category brings up the problems of rape in a more general matter. The majority of these are speaking to or about women. The conclusion of this study is that media is presenting male and female rape victims differently. This shows, among other conclusions, that articles about female victims contains more details about the victim than articles about men; articles about men do in general rapport lesser details. This contributes to media’s control over the general view on rape victims and have therefor the opportunity to make this situation better. Media can create a more equal image of male and female victims where both will be needing support from society.
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Povědomí o genderu a jeho reprezentace v dílech Virginie Woolfové z pohledu současného feminismu a genderové teorie / Gender Consciousness and Representation in Virginia Woolf's Writing in Light of Contemporary Feminism and Gender TheoryHrbková, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse Virginia Woolf's novels and non-fiction in light of several recent trends in feminism and gender theory relevant to her work. The thesis considers Woolf's label of a feminist writer from a contemporary perspective. It examines a variety of ways in which her writing poses a challenge to patriarchal values regarding the treatment and representation of women. Woolf's position regarding gender issues, women and feminism is not monolithic or unified which must be accounted for. At points, some of her stances can be seen as problematic from a present-day feminist perspective. At the same time, in her work she raises concerns which have been relevant for and expanded by proponents of contemporary feminism and gender theory. The thesis focuses on three areas regarding gender awareness and representation in Woolf's work. They are her narrative style, the sociopolitical context of her work and the questioning of gender categories. Woolf's narrative style and strategies are viewed in light of écriture féminine as conceptualised by Hélène Cixous. Through her manner of writing Woolf aimed to disrupt established ways of narrating women's experience. Her concept of the woman's sentence can be seen as foreshadowing écriture féminine. Apart from her style, Woolf's development as a...
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Striden mot genusborgen : En karaktärsanalys om reproduktion/ ifrågasättande av genussystemet i två kapitelböcker för unga / The battle against the gender castle : a character analysis of the reproduction or questioning of the gender system in two chapter books for childrenNilsson, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att, utifrån ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv, beskriva hur genussystemet upprätthålls eller ifrågasätts i böckerna Nidstången och Rum 213, vilka är de verk barn i årskurs 4-6 läser frekvent i sin fria läsning. Detta mot bakgrunden att skolans värdegrundsuppdrag är att arbeta för jämställdhet mellan könen och att elevers identitetsskapande påverkas av den skönlitteratur de läser. Syftet besvaras genom att söka svar på frågorna: vilka egenskaper tillskrivs karaktärerna baserat på deras tankar, känslor och handlingar? Hur framställs de relationer som finns i böckerna? Genom en karaktärsanalys som kombinerar ett mimetiskt och ett semiotiskt perspektiv, visar analysen av resultatet att samtliga karaktärer reproducerar genussystemets premisser, om än på olika sätt och i olika utsträckning.
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