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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Glutamattransport und exzitatorische synaptische Transmission im medialen entorhinalen Cortex

Iserhot, Claudia 02 May 2001 (has links)
Glutamat ist der wichtigste exzitatorische Neurotransmitter im Zentralnervensystem der Säugetiere. Die präzise Kontrolle des extrazellulären Glutamatspiegels ist für eine normale synaptische Transmission wichtig und erforderlich, um die Neurone vor Exzitotoxizität zu schützen. Im Gehirn sorgen vor allem verschiedene hochaffine Na+-abhängige Glutamattransporter für diese Kontrolle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde deshalb untersucht, welchen Einfluß die Inhibition der Glutamattransporter auf die exzitatorische synaptische Transmission in Schicht III, einer Region in der bei Alzheimer-Demenz, Schizophrenie und Epilepsie häufig Zellschädigungen und Zellverluste beobachtet werden, und Schicht V des medialen entorhinalen Kortex (mEC) hat. Extrazelluläre Messungen in den Schichten III und V der Ratte zeigten, daß die verwendeten Transport-Inhibitoren signifikant die negativen Feldpotentialkomponenten beider Schichten reduzierten. Schichtspezifische Unterschiede konnten dabei nicht festgestellt werden, was auf eine ähnliche Glutamatregulation in beiden Schichten schließen läßt. Für die anschließenden intrazellulären und patch-clamp Messungen wurden aus diesem Grund nur noch Neurone der Schicht III untersucht. Beide Transport-Inhibitoren (L-trans-2,4-PDC und DL-TBOA) reduzierten die Amplituden der pharmakologisch isolierbaren EPSPs/EPSCs ohne die Kinetik zu beeinflussen. Diese reduzierende Wirkung konnte durch trans-(±)-ACPD, einen Agonisten der Gruppe I und II metabotropen Glutamatrezeptoren (mGluRs), nachgeahmt werden. Die Vorinkubation der Hirnschnitte mit dem unspezifischen Gruppe I und II mGluR-Antagonisten MCPG verhinderte die durch trans-(±)-ACPD hervorgerufene Amplitudenreduktion und auch den reduzierenden Effekt der beiden Transport-Inhibitoren. In nachfolgenden Experimenten mit dem spezifischen Gruppe II mGluR-Antagonisten EGLU konnte dieser zwar die durch L-trans-2,4-PDC hervorgerufene Wirkung verhindern, nicht aber den durch DL-TBOA vermittelten Effekt, was auf eine Aktivierung von Gruppe I mGluRs hinweist. Zusätzlich führte die Applikation von DL-TBOA zu einer signifikanten Veränderung des Doppelpuls-Index, was auf einen präsynaptischen Wirkmechanismus hinweist. Die Applikation von L-trans-2,4-PDC hingegen hatte keinen Effekt auf den Doppelpuls-Index. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit sprechen dafür, daß beide Transport-Inhibitoren die erregende synaptische Transmission über eine Aktivierung präsynaptischer metabotroper Glutamatrezeptoren der Gruppen I und II hemmen. Dabei konnte festgestellt werden, daß diese Hemmung unter Applikation von DL-TBOA die präsynaptische Transmitterausschüttung über einen negativen Rückkopplungsmechanismus durch Aktivierung von Gruppe I mGluRs vermindert, während L-trans-2,4-PDC seine Wirkung vor allem über eine Aktivierung der Gruppe II vermittelt. Dabei kann davon ausgegangen werden, daß L-trans-2,4-PDC in der benutzten Konzentration die mGluRs der Gruppe II direkt aktivieren kann und der Effekt nicht nur präsynaptisch vermittelt wird. / Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. The precise control of extracellular glutamate is crucial for the maintenance of normal synaptic transmission and the prevention of excitotoxicity. High-affinity glutamate transporters ensure termination of glutamatergic neurotransmission and keep the synaptic glutamate concentration below excitotoxic levels. In layer III, a region that is especially prone to cell damage in Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and epilepsy, and layer V of the medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) effects of blocking glutamate uptake on excitatory synaptic transmission were studied. Extracellular recordings in rat brain slices revealed that application of glutamate uptake inhibitors significantly reduced stimulus-induced negative field potentials in both, layer III and V of the mEC. This effect showed no significant differences in both layers suggesting a similar glutamate regulation in layer III and V. Therefore, only layer III neurons of the mEC were used for the subsequent intracellular and patch-clamp recordings. Two competitive glutamate transporter antagonists, DL-TBOA and L-trans-2,4-PDC, reduced the amplitude of pharmacologically isolated EPSPs/EPSCs without changing the time course of the events. This effect was mimicked by trans-(±)-ACPD, an agonist of group I and II metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). The competitive group I and II mGluR antagonist MCPG blocked the depression of the EPSC amplitude induced by trans-(±)-ACPD and also masked the effect of either DL-TBOA or L-trans-2,4-PDC. Furthermore, EGLU, which selectively antagonizes group II mGluRs, masked the effect of L-trans-2,4-PDC but not that of DL-TBOA, indicating an involvement of group I mGluRs in the latter case. Finally, DL-TBOA significantly enhanced the paired-pulse index, suggesting a presynaptic mechanism for the depression of EPSP/EPSC amplitude, whereas application of L-trans-2,4-PDC had no significant effect on the paired-pulse behaviour. The present study shows that both transport inhibitors depress pharmacologically isolated EPSPs/EPSCs in layer III neurons of the mEC in combined entorhinal-hippocampal slices. This effect seems to be mediated via activation of different groups of mGluRs. The results suggest that DL-TBOA causes a negative feedback on glutamate release via indirect activation of presynaptic group I mGluRs, possibly due to an accumulation of glutamate, whereas application of L-trans-2,4-PDC most likely leads to an activation of presynaptic group II mGluRs reducing Ca2+-independent release. The latter might be due to a direct action of L-trans-2,4-PDC at these receptors. The present data suggest that blockade of glutamate transport in the mEC does not lead to an excessive accumulation of glutamate because of a counteractive autoinhibiting mechanism.

Across Borders : A Histological and Physiological Study of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Reward and Movement

Schweizer, Nadine January 2016 (has links)
The basal ganglia are the key circuitry controlling movement and reward behavior. Both locomotion and reward-related behavior are also modified by dopaminergic input from the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area (VTA). If the basal ganglia are severed by lesion or in disease, such as in Parkinson’s disease, the affected individuals suffer from severe motor impairments and often of affective and reward-related symptoms. The subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a glutamatergic key area of the basal ganglia and a common target for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease to alleviate motor symptoms. The STN serves not only motoric, but also limbic and cognitive functions, which is often attributed to a tripartite anatomical subdivision. However, the functional output of both VTA and STN may rely more on intermingled subpopulations than on a strictly anatomical subdivision. In this doctoral thesis, the role of subpopulations within and associated with the basal ganglia is addressed from both a genetic and a behavioral angle. The identification of a genetically defined subpopulation within the STN, co-expressing Paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 2 (Pitx2) and Vesicular glutamate transport 2 (Vglut2), made it possible to conditionally reduce glutamatergic transmission from this subgroup of neurons and to investigate its influence on locomotion and motivational behavior, giving interesting insights into the mechanisms possibly underlying deep brain stimulation therapy and its side-effects. We address the strong influence of the Pitx2-Vglut2 subpopulation on movement, as well as the more subtle changes in reward-related behavior and the impact of the alterations on the reward-related dopaminergic circuitry. We also further elucidate the genetic composition of the STN by finding new markers for putative STN subpopulations, thereby opening up new possibilities to target those cells genetically and optogenetically. This will help in future to examine both STN development, function in the adult central nervous system and defects caused by specific deletion. Eventually identifying and characterizing subpopulations of the STN can contribute to the optimization of deep brain stimulation and help to reduce its side-effects, or even open up possibilities for genetic or optogenetic therapy approaches.

Mechanisms of brain dysfunction in myotonic dystrophy type 1 : impact of the CTG expansion on neuronal and astroglial physiology / Mécanismes du dysfonctionnement cérébral dans la dystrophie myotonique de type 1 : impacte des expansions CTG sur la physiologie neuronale et astrogliale

Dincã, Diana Mihaela 31 October 2017 (has links)
La dystrophie myotonique de type 1 (DM1), ou maladie de Steinert, est une maladie qui touche plusieurs tissus, dont le système nerveux central (SNC). L’atteinte neurologique est variable et inclut des troubles de la fonction exécutive, des changements de comportement et une hypersomnolence dans la forme adulte, ainsi qu’une déficience intellectuelle marquée dans la forme congénitale. Dans leur ensemble, les symptômes neurologiques ont un fort impact sur le parcours académique, professionnel et les interactions sociales. Aujourd’hui aucune thérapie n’existe pour cette maladie. La DM1 est due à une expansion anormale d’un triplet CTG non-codant dans le gène DMPK. Les ARN messagers DMPK, porteurs de l’expansion, s’accumulent dans le noyau des cellules (sous forme de foci) et perturbent la localisation et la fonction de protéines de liaison à l’ARN, notamment des familles MBNL et CELF, ce qui entraîne des défauts d’épissage alternatif, d’expression, de polyadenylation et de localisation d’autres ARN cibles. Malgré le progrès récent dans la compréhension des mécanismes de la maladie, les aspects cellulaires et moléculaires de l’atteinte neurologique restent méconnus: nous ne connaissons ni la contribution de chaque type cellulaire du cerveau, ni les voies moléculaires spécifiquement dérégulées dans chaque type cellulaire. L’objectif de ma thèse a été de répondre à ces deux questions importantes en utilisant un modèle de souris transgéniques et des cellules primaires dérivées de celui-ci. Pour mon projet, j’ai utilisé les souris DMSXL générées par mon laboratoire. Ces souris reproduisent des caractéristiques importantes de la DM1, notamment l’accumulation des ARN toxiques et la dérégulation de l’épissage alternatif dans plusieurs tissus. L’impacte fonctionnel des transcrits DMPK toxiques dans le SNC des souris DMSXL se traduit par des problèmes comportementaux et cognitifs et par des défauts de la plasticité synaptique. Afin d’identifier les mécanismes moléculaires associés à ces anomalies, une étude protéomique globale a montré une dérégulation de protéines neuronales et astrocytaires dans le cerveau des souris DMSXL. De plus, l’étude de la distribution des foci d’ARN dans les cerveaux des souris et des patients a montré un contenu plus élevé dans les astrocytes par rapport aux neurones. Ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent une contribution à la fois neuronale et gliale dans la neuropathogenèse de la DM1. L’étude protéomique globale des cerveaux des souris DMSXL, a aussi montré des défauts de protéines synaptiques spécifiques des neurones, que nous avons par la suite validés dans le cerveau des patients. SYN1 est hyperphosphorylée d’une façon CELF-dépendante et RAB3A est surexprimé en réponse à l’inactivation de MBNL1. Les protéines MBNL et CELF régulent l’épissage alternatif d’un groupe de transcrits au cours du développement, et leur dérégulation dans la DM1 entraîne l’expression anormale d’isoformes d’épissage embryonnaires dans le tissu adulte. Dans ce contexte, j’ai étudié si les défauts des protéines RAB3A et SYN1 sont associés à une dérégulation d’épissage, et si les anomalies des protéines synaptiques identifiées dans la DM1 reproduisent des évènements embryonnaires de la régulation de RAB3A et SYN1. Mes résultats indiquent que les défauts de ces protéines dans les cerveaux adultes ne sont pas dus à une altération de l’épissage alternatif des transcrits et ne recréent pas des évènements embryonnaires. La neuropathogenèse de la DM1 va, donc, au delà de la dérégulation de l’épissage et d’autres voies moléculaires restent à explorer dans les cerveaux DM1. Afin d’identifier des sous-populations cellulaires susceptibles à l’accumulation des ARN toxiques, nous avons étudié la distribution des foci dans plusieurs régions cérébrales. (...) / Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a severe disorder that affects many tissues, including the central nervous system (CNS). The degree of brain impairment ranges from executive dysfunction, attention deficits, low processing speed, behavioural changes and hypersomnia in the adult form, to pronounced intellectual disability in the congenital cases. The neurological manifestations have a tremendous impact on the academic, professional, social and emotional aspects of daily life. Today there is no cure for this devastating condition. DM1 is caused by the abnormal expansion of a CTG trinucleotide repeat in the 3’UTR of the DMPK gene. Expanded DMPK transcripts accumulate in RNA aggregates (or foci) in the nucleus of DM1 cells, disrupting the activity of important RNA-binding proteins, like the MBNL and CELF families, and leading to abnormalities in alternative splicing, gene expression, RNA polyadenylation, localisation and translation. In spite of recent progress, fundamental gaps in our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind the neurological manifestations still exist: we do not know the contribution of each cell type of the CNS to brain dysfunction, or the molecular pathways specifically deregulated in response to the CTG expansion. The aim of my PhD project has been to gain insight into these two important questions using a relevant transgenic mouse model of DM1 and cell cultures derived thereof. In my studies I used the DMSXL mice, previously generated in my host laboratory. The DMSXL mice express expanded DMPK mRNA with more than 1,000 CTG repeats. They recreate relevant DM1 features, such as RNA foci and missplicing in multiple tissues. The functional impact of expanded DMPK transcripts in the CNS of DMSXL mice translates into behavioural and cognitive abnormalities and defective synaptic plasticity. To identify the molecular mechanisms behind these abnormalities, a global proteomics analysis revealed changes in both neuron-specific and glial-specific proteins in DMSXL brain. We also investigated RNA foci in DMSXL and human DM1 brains and found non-homogenous distribution between cell types, with a higher foci content in astrocytes relative to neurons. Together these results suggest that both neuronal and glial defects contribute to DM1 neuropathogenesis. The global proteomics analysis of DMSXL brains also identified abnormalities in neuronal synaptic proteins that we have validated in human brain samples. SYN1 is hyperphosphorilated in a CELF-dependent manner while RAB3A is upregulated in association with MBNL1 depletion. CELF and MBNL proteins regulate the alternative splicing of a subset of transcripts throughout development, and their deregulation in DM1 leads to abnormal expression of fetal splicing isoforms in adult DM1 brains. In this context, I have studied if RAB3A and SYN1 deregulations observed in adult brains are associated with splicing abnormalities or if they recreated embryonic expression and phosphorylation events. My results indicate that the synaptic proteins abnormalities observed in adult DMSXL brains are not caused by defective alternative splicing and do not recreate embryonic events. Thus, DM1 neuropathogenesis goes beyond missplicing and other molecular pathways must be explored in DM1 brains. To better understand the cellular sub-populations susceptible of accumulating toxic RNA foci we have studied foci distribution in different brain regions. We identified pronounced accumulation of toxic RNAs in Bergman astrocytes of DMSXL mice cerebellum and DM1 patients, associated with neuronal hyperactivity of Purkinje cells. A quantitative proteomics analysis revealed a significant downregulation of GLT1 – a glial glutamate transporter expressed by the Bergmann cell in the cerebellum. I have confirmed the GLT1 downregulation in other brain regions of mouse and human brain. (...)

Motion and Emotion : Functional In Vivo Analyses of the Mouse Basal Ganglia

Arvidsson, Emma January 2014 (has links)
A major challenge in the field of neuroscience is to link behavior with specific neuronal circuitries and cellular events. One way of facing this challenge is to identify unique cellular markers and thus have the ability to, through various mouse genetics tools, mimic, manipulate and control various aspects of neuronal activity to decipher their correlation to behavior. The Vesicular Glutamate Transporter 2 (VGLUT2) packages glutamate into presynaptic vesicles for axonal terminal release. In this thesis, VGLUT2 was used to specifically target cell populations within the basal ganglia of mice with the purpose of investigating its connectivity, function and involvement in behavior. The motor and limbic loops of the basal ganglia are important for processing of voluntary movement and emotions. During such physiological events, dopamine plays a central role in modulating the activity of these systems. The brain reward system is mainly formed by dopamine projections from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the ventral striatum. Certain dopamine neurons within the VTA exhibit the ability to co-release dopamine and glutamate. In paper I, glutamate and dopamine co-release was targeted and our results demonstrate that the absence of VGLUT2 in dopamine neurons leads to perturbations of reward consumption and reward-associated memory, probably due to reduced DA release observed in the striatum as detected by in vivo chronoamperometry. In papers II and IV, VGLUT2 in a specific subpopulation within the subthalamic nucleus (STN) was identified and targeted. Based on the described role of the STN in movement control, we hypothesized that the mice would be hyperlocomotive. As shown in paper II, this was indeed the case. In paper IV, a putative reward-related phenotype was approached and we could show reduced operant-self administration of sugar and altered dopamine release levels suggesting a role for the STN in reward processes. In paper III, we investigated and identified age- and sex-dimorphisms in dopamine kinetics in the dorsal striatum of one of the most commonly used mouse lines worldwide, the C57/Bl6J. Our results point to the importance of taking these dimorphisms into account when utilizing the C57/Bl6J strain as model for neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Efeitos do decanoato de nandrolona na homeostasia glutamatérgica e no comportamento agressivo

Kalinine, Eduardo January 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento significativo no uso abusivo dos Esteróides Anabólicos Andrógenos (EAAs). Um dos efeitos comportamentais mais marcantes da administração crônica de EAAs como o Decanoato de Nandrolona (DN) é a indução do comportamento agressivo exacerbado. Atualmente o sistema glutamatérgico tem sido associado ao comportamento agressivo induzido pelos EAAs, principalmente no que se refere à modulação dos receptores N-Methyl-D-Aspartato NMDA (NMDAr). Nós investigamos os efeitos centrais e periféricos da administração do DN ao longo do tempo (4, 11 e 19 dias consecutivos de administração), e a participação de mecanismos glutamatérgicos. Para isso, camundongos CF-1 tratados com DN foram avaliados em relação ao comportamento agressivo pelo teste do intruso. Além disso, investigamos a captação de glutamato, o imunoconteúdo de GLT-1, os níveis de glutamato no líquido extracelular, e a participação dos NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. O fenótipo agressivo foi evidenciado somente no longo tempo de exposição à DN (19 dias). Na mesma janela temporal que os animais apresentaram o fenótipo agressivo houve redução significativa de captação de glutamato em fatias cerebrais de córtex e hipocampo, como também a redução do imunoconteúdo do transportador astrocitário GLT-1 nas mesmas estruturas cerebrais. A administração de antagonistas de NMDAr como MK-801 e memantina antes do teste do intruso diminuiu o comportamento agressivo dos animais tratados cronicamente com DN a níveis iguais aos do grupo controle. Ainda, o comportamento agressivo induzido pela administração crônica de DN diminuiu a remoção do glutamato da fenda sináptica, culminando com o aumento do glutamato extracelular no SNC, o que resultou na hiperexcitabilidade dos NMDAr. Este trabalho enfatiza o papel da comunicação entre astrócitos e neurônios e a relevância da hiperstimulação de NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. / Nandrolone decanoate (ND), an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), induces an aggressive phenotype by mechanisms involving glutamate-induced N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) hyperexcitability. The astrocytic glutamate transporters remove excessive glutamate surrounding the synapse. However, the impact of supraphysiological doses of ND on glutamate transporters activity remains elusive. We investigated whether ND-induced aggressive behavior is correlated with GLT-1 activity, glutamate levels and abnormal NMDAr responses. Two-month-old untreated male mice (CF1, n=20) were tested for baseline aggressive behavior in the resident-intruder test. Another group of mice (n=188) was injected with ND (15mg/kg) or vehicle for 4, 11 and 19 days (short-, mid- and long-term endpoints, respectively) and was evaluated in the resident-intruder test. Each endpoint was assessed for GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in the frontoparietal cortex and hippocampal tissues. Only the long-term ND endpoint significantly decreased the latency to first attack and increased the number of attacks, which was associated with decreased GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in both brain areas. These alterations may affect extracellular glutamate levels and receptor excitability. Resident males were assessed for hippocampal glutamate levels via microdialysis both prior to, and following, the introduction of intruders. Long-term ND mice displayed significant increases in the microdialysate glutamate levels only after exposure to intruders. A single intraperitoneal dose of NMDAr antagonists, memantine or MK-801, shortly before the intruder test, decreased aggressive behavior. In summary, long-term ND-induced aggressive behavior is associated with decreased extracellular glutamate clearance and NMDAr hyperexcitability, emphasizing the role of this receptor in mediating aggression mechanisms.

Efeitos do decanoato de nandrolona na homeostasia glutamatérgica e no comportamento agressivo

Kalinine, Eduardo January 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento significativo no uso abusivo dos Esteróides Anabólicos Andrógenos (EAAs). Um dos efeitos comportamentais mais marcantes da administração crônica de EAAs como o Decanoato de Nandrolona (DN) é a indução do comportamento agressivo exacerbado. Atualmente o sistema glutamatérgico tem sido associado ao comportamento agressivo induzido pelos EAAs, principalmente no que se refere à modulação dos receptores N-Methyl-D-Aspartato NMDA (NMDAr). Nós investigamos os efeitos centrais e periféricos da administração do DN ao longo do tempo (4, 11 e 19 dias consecutivos de administração), e a participação de mecanismos glutamatérgicos. Para isso, camundongos CF-1 tratados com DN foram avaliados em relação ao comportamento agressivo pelo teste do intruso. Além disso, investigamos a captação de glutamato, o imunoconteúdo de GLT-1, os níveis de glutamato no líquido extracelular, e a participação dos NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. O fenótipo agressivo foi evidenciado somente no longo tempo de exposição à DN (19 dias). Na mesma janela temporal que os animais apresentaram o fenótipo agressivo houve redução significativa de captação de glutamato em fatias cerebrais de córtex e hipocampo, como também a redução do imunoconteúdo do transportador astrocitário GLT-1 nas mesmas estruturas cerebrais. A administração de antagonistas de NMDAr como MK-801 e memantina antes do teste do intruso diminuiu o comportamento agressivo dos animais tratados cronicamente com DN a níveis iguais aos do grupo controle. Ainda, o comportamento agressivo induzido pela administração crônica de DN diminuiu a remoção do glutamato da fenda sináptica, culminando com o aumento do glutamato extracelular no SNC, o que resultou na hiperexcitabilidade dos NMDAr. Este trabalho enfatiza o papel da comunicação entre astrócitos e neurônios e a relevância da hiperstimulação de NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. / Nandrolone decanoate (ND), an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), induces an aggressive phenotype by mechanisms involving glutamate-induced N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) hyperexcitability. The astrocytic glutamate transporters remove excessive glutamate surrounding the synapse. However, the impact of supraphysiological doses of ND on glutamate transporters activity remains elusive. We investigated whether ND-induced aggressive behavior is correlated with GLT-1 activity, glutamate levels and abnormal NMDAr responses. Two-month-old untreated male mice (CF1, n=20) were tested for baseline aggressive behavior in the resident-intruder test. Another group of mice (n=188) was injected with ND (15mg/kg) or vehicle for 4, 11 and 19 days (short-, mid- and long-term endpoints, respectively) and was evaluated in the resident-intruder test. Each endpoint was assessed for GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in the frontoparietal cortex and hippocampal tissues. Only the long-term ND endpoint significantly decreased the latency to first attack and increased the number of attacks, which was associated with decreased GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in both brain areas. These alterations may affect extracellular glutamate levels and receptor excitability. Resident males were assessed for hippocampal glutamate levels via microdialysis both prior to, and following, the introduction of intruders. Long-term ND mice displayed significant increases in the microdialysate glutamate levels only after exposure to intruders. A single intraperitoneal dose of NMDAr antagonists, memantine or MK-801, shortly before the intruder test, decreased aggressive behavior. In summary, long-term ND-induced aggressive behavior is associated with decreased extracellular glutamate clearance and NMDAr hyperexcitability, emphasizing the role of this receptor in mediating aggression mechanisms.

Efeitos do decanoato de nandrolona na homeostasia glutamatérgica e no comportamento agressivo

Kalinine, Eduardo January 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento significativo no uso abusivo dos Esteróides Anabólicos Andrógenos (EAAs). Um dos efeitos comportamentais mais marcantes da administração crônica de EAAs como o Decanoato de Nandrolona (DN) é a indução do comportamento agressivo exacerbado. Atualmente o sistema glutamatérgico tem sido associado ao comportamento agressivo induzido pelos EAAs, principalmente no que se refere à modulação dos receptores N-Methyl-D-Aspartato NMDA (NMDAr). Nós investigamos os efeitos centrais e periféricos da administração do DN ao longo do tempo (4, 11 e 19 dias consecutivos de administração), e a participação de mecanismos glutamatérgicos. Para isso, camundongos CF-1 tratados com DN foram avaliados em relação ao comportamento agressivo pelo teste do intruso. Além disso, investigamos a captação de glutamato, o imunoconteúdo de GLT-1, os níveis de glutamato no líquido extracelular, e a participação dos NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. O fenótipo agressivo foi evidenciado somente no longo tempo de exposição à DN (19 dias). Na mesma janela temporal que os animais apresentaram o fenótipo agressivo houve redução significativa de captação de glutamato em fatias cerebrais de córtex e hipocampo, como também a redução do imunoconteúdo do transportador astrocitário GLT-1 nas mesmas estruturas cerebrais. A administração de antagonistas de NMDAr como MK-801 e memantina antes do teste do intruso diminuiu o comportamento agressivo dos animais tratados cronicamente com DN a níveis iguais aos do grupo controle. Ainda, o comportamento agressivo induzido pela administração crônica de DN diminuiu a remoção do glutamato da fenda sináptica, culminando com o aumento do glutamato extracelular no SNC, o que resultou na hiperexcitabilidade dos NMDAr. Este trabalho enfatiza o papel da comunicação entre astrócitos e neurônios e a relevância da hiperstimulação de NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. / Nandrolone decanoate (ND), an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), induces an aggressive phenotype by mechanisms involving glutamate-induced N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) hyperexcitability. The astrocytic glutamate transporters remove excessive glutamate surrounding the synapse. However, the impact of supraphysiological doses of ND on glutamate transporters activity remains elusive. We investigated whether ND-induced aggressive behavior is correlated with GLT-1 activity, glutamate levels and abnormal NMDAr responses. Two-month-old untreated male mice (CF1, n=20) were tested for baseline aggressive behavior in the resident-intruder test. Another group of mice (n=188) was injected with ND (15mg/kg) or vehicle for 4, 11 and 19 days (short-, mid- and long-term endpoints, respectively) and was evaluated in the resident-intruder test. Each endpoint was assessed for GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in the frontoparietal cortex and hippocampal tissues. Only the long-term ND endpoint significantly decreased the latency to first attack and increased the number of attacks, which was associated with decreased GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in both brain areas. These alterations may affect extracellular glutamate levels and receptor excitability. Resident males were assessed for hippocampal glutamate levels via microdialysis both prior to, and following, the introduction of intruders. Long-term ND mice displayed significant increases in the microdialysate glutamate levels only after exposure to intruders. A single intraperitoneal dose of NMDAr antagonists, memantine or MK-801, shortly before the intruder test, decreased aggressive behavior. In summary, long-term ND-induced aggressive behavior is associated with decreased extracellular glutamate clearance and NMDAr hyperexcitability, emphasizing the role of this receptor in mediating aggression mechanisms.

Données nouvelles sur l’innervation à dopamine du striatum et son co-phénotype glutamatergique

Bérubé-Carrière, Noémie 04 1900 (has links)
Une sous-population des neurones à dopamine (DA) du mésencéphale ventral du rat et de la souris étant connue pour exprimer l'ARN messager du transporteur vésiculaire 2 du glutamate (VGLUT2), nous avons eu recours à l'immunocytochimie en microscopie électronique, après simple ou double marquage de l'enzyme de synthèse tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) et de VGLUT2, pour déterminer la présence de l'une et/ou l'autre protéine dans les terminaisons (varicosités) axonales de ces neurones et caractériser leur morphologie ultrastructurale dans diverses conditions expérimentales. Dans un premier temps, des rats jeunes (P15) ou adultes (P90), ainsi que des rats des deux âges soumis à l'administration intraventriculaire cérébrale de la cytotoxine 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) dans les jours suivant la naissance, ont été examinés, afin d'étayer l'hypothèse d'un rôle de VGLUT2 au sein des neurones DA, au cours du développement normal ou pathologique de ces neurones. Chez le jeune rat, ces études ont montré: i) la présence de VGLUT2 dans une fraction importante des varicosités axonales TH immunoréactives du coeur du noyau accumbens ainsi que du néostriatum; ii) une augmentation de la proportion de ces terminaisons doublement marquées dans le noyau accumbens par suite de la lésion 6-OHDA néonatale; iii) le double marquage fréquent des varicosités axonales appartenant à l'innervation DA aberrante (néoinnervation), qui se développe dans la substance noire, par suite de la lésion 6-OHDA néonatale. Des différences significatives ont aussi été notées quant à la dimension des terminaisons axonales marquées pour la TH seulement, VGLUT2 seulement ou TH et VGLUT2. Enfin, à cet âge (P15), toutes les terminaisons doublement marquées sont apparues dotées d'une spécialisation membranaire synaptique, contrairement aux terminaisons marquées pour la TH ou pour VGLUT2 seulement. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons voulu déterminer le devenir du double phénotype chez le rat adulte (P90) soumis ou non à la lésion 6-OHDA néonatale. Contrairement aux observations recueillies chez le jeune rat, nous avons alors constaté: i) l'absence complète de terminaisons doublement marquées dans le coeur du noyau accumbens et le néostriatum d'animaux intacts, de même que dans les restes de la substance noire des animaux 6-OHDA lésés; ii) une très forte baisse de leurnombre dans le coeur du noyau accumbens des animaux 6-OHDA lésés. Ces observations, suggérant une régression du double phénotype TH/VGLUT2 avec l'âge, sont venues renforcer l'hypothèse d'un rôle particulier d'une co-libération de glutamate par les neurones mésencéphaliques DA au cours du développement. Dans ces conditions, il est apparu des plus intéressants d'examiner l'innervation DA méso-striatale chez deux lignées de souris dont le gène Vglut2 avait été sélectivement invalidé dans les neurones DA du cerveau, ainsi que leurs témoins et des souris sauvages. D'autant que malgré l'utilisation croissante de la souris en neurobiologie, cette innervation DA n'avait jamais fait l'objet d’une caractérisation systématique en microscopie électronique. En raison de possibles différences entre le coeur et la coque du noyau accumbens, l'étude a donc porté sur les deux parties de ce noyau ainsi que le néostriatum et des souris jeunes (P15) et adultes (P70-90) de chaque lignée, préparées pour l'immunocytochimie de la TH, mais aussi pour le double marquage TH et VGLUT2, selon le protocole précédemment utilisé chez le rat. Les résultats ont surpris. Aux deux âges et quel que soit le génotype, les terminaisons axonales TH immunoréactives des trois régions sont apparues comparables quant à leur taille, leur contenu vésiculaire, le pourcentage contenant une mitochondrie et une très faible incidence synaptique (5% des varicosités, en moyenne). Ainsi, chez la souris, la régression du double phénotype pourrait être encore plus précoce que chez le rat, à moins que les deux protéines ne soient très tôt ségréguées dans des varicosités axonales distinctes des mêmes neurones DA. Ces données renforcent aussi l’hypothèse d’une transmission diffuse (volumique) et d’un niveau ambiant de DA comme élément déterminant du fonctionnement du système mésostriatal DA chez la souris comme chez le rat. / Knowing that a subset of rat and mouse mesencephalic dopamine (DA) neurons expresses the mRNA of the vesicular glutamate transporter type 2 (VGLUT2), we used electron microscopic immunocytochemistry, after single or double labeling of the biosynthetic enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and of VGLUT2, to determine the presence of one and/or both proteins in axon terminals (varicosities) of these neurons and characterize their ultrastructural morphology under various experimental conditions. At first, young (P15) or adult (P90) rats, subjected or not to cerebro-ventricular administration of the cytotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) a few days after birth, were examined in order to investigate the role of VGLUT2 in DA neurons during normal and pathological development of these neurons. In the young rats, these studies revealed: i) the presence of VGLUT2 in a significant fraction of TH immunoreactive varicosities in the core of the nucleus accumbens and the neostriatum; ii) an increase in the proportion of dually labeled terminals in the nucleus accumbens following neonatal 6-OHDA lesion; iii) frequent double labeling of TH varicosities belonging to the aberrant DA innervation (neoinnervation) which develops in the substantia nigra following neonatal 6-OHDA lesion. Significant differences were also noted in the size of the axon terminals labeled for TH only, VGLUT2 only, or TH and VGLUT2. Finally, at this age (P15), all the dually labeled terminals appeared equipped with a synaptic membrane specialization, unlike the terminals labeled for TH or for VGLUT2 only. In a second step, we sought to determine the fate of the dual phenotype in adult rats (P90) subjected or not to the neonatal 6-OHDA lesion. In contrast with the observations made in young rats, we found: i) a complete absence of dually labeled terminals in the core of the nucleus accumbens and striatum of intact animals, as well as in the remains of the substantia nigra after neonatal 6-OHDA lesion; ii) a sharp decline of their number in the core of the nucleus accumbens of 6-OHDA-lesioned animals. These findings, suggesting a regression of the dual TH/VGLUT2 phenotype with age, reinforced the hypothesis of a specific role of the co-release of glutamate from midbrain DA neurons during development. Under these conditions, it was of considerable interest to examine the DA meso-striatal innervation in two strains of mice whose Vglut2 gene has been selectively invalidated in DA neurons, as well as in their control littermates and wild-type mice. This issue was particularly relevant with the increasing use of genetically modified mice in neurobiology; indeed, this DA innervation had never been systematically characterized by electron microscopy. Because of possible differences between the core and shell of the nucleus accumbens, the study included both parts of this nucleux as well as the striatum of young (P15) and adult (P70-90) mice of each strain, prepared for TH immunocytochemistry, and also for double labeling of TH and VGLUT2, according to the protocol previously used in rats. The results were surprising. At both ages, regardless of the genotype, the TH immunoreactive axon terminals of the three regions appeared comparable in size, vesicle content, percent with mitochondria, and exceeding low frequency of synaptic membrane specialization (5% of varicosities, on average). Thus, in mice, the regression of the dual phenotype might be even more precocious than in rats, unless the two proteins are segregated very early in different axon terminals of the same DA neurons. These data also strenghten the hypothesis of a diffuse (volume) transmission and of an ambient level of DA as determinant elements in the functioning of the meso-striatal DA system in mice as well as rats.

Development of Fluorescence Activated Synaptosome Sorting (FASS) and analysis of VGLUT1 synapses from mouse brain / Entwicklung von „Fluorescence Activated Synaptosome Sorting“ (FASS) und die Analyse von VGLUT1-Synapsen des Mäusehirns

Biesemann, Christoph 11 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Astroglial glutamate transporters are essential for maintenance of respiratory activity in the rhythmic slice preparation / Astrogliale Glutamat-Transporter sind für die Erhaltung der respiratorischen Aktivität im rhythmischen Schnittpräprat notwendig

Schnell, Christian 26 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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