Spelling suggestions: "subject:"endender difference"" "subject:"endender deifference""
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Dépistage du décrochage scolaire à l’aide d’informations administratives ou auto-rapportéesGagnon, Vickie 06 1900 (has links)
Les adolescents qui décrochent de l’école secondaire arrivent difficilement à s’intégrer dans une économie axée sur le savoir et éprouvent plusieurs problèmes d’ajustement à l’adolescence et à l’âge adulte. Pour prévenir le décrochage scolaire, une étape cruciale consiste à dépister efficacement les élèves les plus à risque. Deux formes de dépistage axées sur des données peuvent être utilisées en milieu scolaire: une forme utilisant des informations auto-rapportées par les élèves à partir de questionnaires, et une autre fondée sur des informations administratives consignées au dossier des élèves. Toutefois, à notre connaissance, l’efficacité de ces différentes modalités n’a jamais été comparée directement. De plus, il est possible que l’efficacité relative de ces outils de dépistage soit différente selon le sexe de l’élève. Cette étude vise à comparer différents outils de dépistage pour prédire le décrochage scolaire, en tenant compte de l’effet modérateur du sexe. Les outils utilisés seront a) un questionnaire auto-rapporté validé (Archambault et Janosz, 2009) et b) un outil conçu à l’aide de données administratives, créé par une commission scolaire du Québec. La comparaison de ces outils est effectuée en termes de qualités psychométriques et d’aspect pratique pour le milieu scolaire. Pour ce faire, un échantillon de 1557 élèves (50% de garçons), âgé entre 14 et 18 ans est utilisé. Les résultats indiquent que l’indice administratif possède une capacité discriminante adéquate, mais inférieure à celle de l’indice auto-rapportée, jugée excellente. L’effet modérateur du sexe n’a pas été confirmé. Les avantages et inconvénients respectifs de ces deux modes de dépistage sont discutés. / Adolescents who drop out of high school often struggle in a knowledge-based, technologically complex society and experience many adjustment problems in adolescence and adulthood. To prevent dropout, a crucial first step consists of correctly identifying students who are most at risk. Schools can rely on two types of screening tools to identify potential dropouts: based on self–reported questionnaire or based on administrative data. However, the predictive value of risk indices based on self-reported data has never been directly compared to that of indices calculated from administrative data. Moreover, the relative efficacy of different screening tools could be different according to the student gender. The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy, for boys and girls, of two risk indices for high school dropout: a) a validated index based on a self-reported questionnaire (Archambault & Janosz, 2009) and b) an index based on administrative data and designed by a Quebec school board. The comparison of these two screening methods is made in term of psychometric properties and practicality for school practitioners. To do so, a sample of 1557 students (50% boys), between 14 and 18 years old is used. The results show that the administrative index has an adequate discriminant capacity, but that is lower than that of the self-reported index judged excellent. These results were not moderated by gender. The comparative advantages and disadvantages of both screening methods are discussed.
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Violence conjugale et détresse psychologique chez les jeunes couples : analyse de l'effet modérateur du soutien socialFortin, Isabel 08 1900 (has links)
Les jeunes adultes sont plus susceptibles de subir de la violence conjugale que les adultes plus âgés. Toutefois, l'effet de se confier à propos de la violence subie sur la santé mentale est peu connu. L'objectif de cette étude est d'explorer les liens entre la violence conjugale, le soutien social et la détresse psychologique selon le sexe dans un échantillon de 233 jeunes couples. Les résultats indiquent que, pour les femmes, la fréquence de la violence psychologique subie, mais pas celle de la violence physique, était positivement associée à la détresse psychologique. Pour ces femmes, recourir à un plus grand nombre de confidents diminue la force de la relation entre la violence et de leur niveau de détresse psychologique. Pour les hommes, les fréquences de la violence physique et psychologique subies étaient positivement liées à la détresse psychologique, mais contrairement aux femmes, plus ils se sont confiés à propos de la violence qu'ils ont subi, plus leur niveau de détresse est élevé. / Young adults are more likely to experience intimate partner violence (IPV) than older adults but little is known about the effect of confiding to others about the sustained violence on their mental health. The objective of this study was to explore the links between IPV, help-seeking and psychological distress by gender in a sample of 233 young couples. Our findings indicate that for women, the frequency of sustained psychological violence, but not of physical violence, was positively associated to psychological distress and that for these women, seeking help from a greater number of confidents decreased the strength of the association between violence and their level of psychological distress. Secondly, for men, the frequency of physical and psychological violence were both positively linked to psychological distress but unlike women, the more people they talked to about the violence they have sustained, the greater their level of distress was.
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Les liens entre l'adhésion aux stéréotypes de genre en mathématiques et en français, la motivation, les buts d'apprentissage, le choix de carrière envisagé et le rendementPlante, Isabelle January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Signaling potential gender effect in a spontaneous reporting system : cardiac effects associated with the use of antibioticsFerrarotto, Felicia January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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單親家長工作與家庭平衡之研究─檢視正式與非正式支持系統之性別差異 / A study of single parents’ work and family balance─The gender difference between formal and informal support system葉歆伶, Yeh, Hsin Ling Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:單親家長、工作與家庭平衡、友善家庭政策、社會支持系統、性別差異 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the work and family balance challenges of employed single parents in Taiwan. From the gender perspective, this study also examines the differences between single fathers and single mothers in formal and informal support systems. Further, this thesis explores the impact of the factors which support the single parents to balance their work and family roles. Adopting in-depth interview, this study interviews employed single parents who raise children under 18, including five fathers and six mothers. The main findings of this research are as follows:
1. Both single fathers and mothers face higher work-family balance difficulties, but single mothers’ family-work conflicts are higher than single fathers, while single fathers’ work-family conflicts are higher than single mothers.
2. Single fathers have more informal support resources to the balance of work and family roles than single mothers, and also get more support on job than single mothers from companies. Instead, single mothers get more resources from government’s social services and structured informal system to balance work and family roles than single fathers.
3. Family care service and leave program are both useful to help single parents to obtain the balances between work and family, and the measures of work flexibility are helpful for single parents to balance their job roles. In addition, under the informal systems, the patriarchal concept of traditional Chinese society affects gender differences directly in terms of single parents’ balance of family roles. On the other side, career orientation affects gender differences indirectly to obtain the balance of job roles in companies.
According to the study, this thesis makes some suggestions on policy planning and implementation for government's social and labor departments, nonprofit organizations as well as companies.
Keywords: single parent, work and family balance, family-friendly policies, social support system, gender difference
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Social-emotional and behavioral development problems in 1 to 2-year-old children in Northern Finland:reports of mothers, fathers and healthcare professionalsAlakortes, J. (Jaana) 28 August 2018 (has links)
Background and aims: Growing evidence supports the existence of clinically significant problems in social-emotional/behavioral (SEB) development among infants and toddlers and the importance of early identification of these problems. There is a lack of research on the occurrence and identification of problems in the SEB domain among the Finnish general population of 1 to 2-year-old children. The present study examined these important issues. Given the dearth of earlier research knowledge, particular emphasis was focused on analyzing possible moderating effects of the assessed child’s and informant’s gender on the results.
Subjects and methods: Oulu toddler (N = 208, age 18 months), Oulu infant (N = 227, age 12 months), and Oulu Province (N = 1008, age 12 months) samples were collected during 2008–2013 in collaboration with child health centers. Both mothers and fathers completed questionnaires assessing their child´s SEB development (e.g. the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment; Briggs-Gowan & Carter, 2006) and the family’s sociodemographic characteristics. Child healthcare nurse (CHCN) worry reports concerning the children’s development and family well-being were also gathered.
Main results and conclusions: In parental ratings, girls obtained higher SEB competence scores than boys, whereas boys got higher SEB problem scores than girls, particularly among the toddler sample. Thus, boys may have an elevated risk of parent-reported problem behaviors and delays in SEB competences even before the age of 2 years. Compared to fathers, mothers were prone to rate the toddlers higher in both SEB competences and problems, especially with regard to externalizing behavior problems and problems in boys. Elevated interparental rating differences were associated with relatively elevated maternal parenting stress. Therefore, it is recommended to gather data on young children’s SEB development from both parents when possible and to focus clinical attention on the issue if the parental reports differ significantly. Parents and CHCNs seldom recognized SEB problems and delays in competency as problematical in 1-year-old infants, even in the case of infants who were screened to be in the of-concern range on the age-appropriate measure of SEB development. Thus, further efforts are needed for developing the identification of early problems in SEB development by both parents and preventive child healthcare professionals in Finland. / Tiivistelmä
Tausta ja tavoitteet: Kasvava näyttö tukee käsitystä, että kliinisesti merkittäviä sosioemotionaalisen ja käyttäytymisen (SEK) kehityksen ongelmia esiintyy jo vauva- ja taaperoikäisillä ja että näiden ongelmien varhainen tunnistaminen on tärkeää. SEK-kehityksen ongelmien esiintymisestä ja tunnistamisesta 1–2-vuotaiden väestössä Suomessa puuttuu tutkimustietoa. Tämä tutkimus arvioi näitä tärkeitä aiheita. Tutkimuksessa huomioitiin erityisesti sekä tutkittavan lapsen että arvioitsijan sukupuolen mahdollinen moderoiva vaikutus tuloksiin, koska aiempaa tutkimustietoa tästä näkökulmasta on vähän.
Tutkittavat ja menetelmät: Oulu taapero (N = 208, ikä 18 kk), Oulu vauva (N = 227, ikä 12 kk) ja Oulun lääni (N = 1008, ikä 12 kk) -aineistot kerättiin vuosina 2008–2013 yhteistyössä lastenneuvoloiden kanssa. Sekä äidit että isät täyttivät lomakkeet, jotka arvioivat lapsen SEK-kehitystä (mm. the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment; Briggs-Gowan & Carter, 2006) ja perheen sosiodemografisia taustatekijöitä. Myös terveydenhoitajan raportit lapsen kehitykseen ja perheen hyvinvointiin liittyvistä huolista kerättiin.
Päätulokset ja johtopäätökset: Vanhempien arvioimina tytöt saivat korkeampia pistemääriä SEK-taidoissa kuin pojat, kun taas pojat saivat korkeampia pistemääriä SEK-ongelmissa kuin tytöt, etenkin taaperoaineistossa. Pojilla saattaakin olla kohonnut riski vanhempien raportoimille käytösongelmille ja SEK-kehityksen viiveille jopa ennen 2 vuoden ikää. Isiin verrattuina äidit olivat taipuvaisia antamaan korkeampia pisteitä sekä SEK-taito- että -ongelmaosioissa taaperoikäisten aineistossa, etenkin koskien ulospäin suuntautuvia käytösongelmia ja poikien ongelmia. Suurentuneet eroavaisuudet vanhempien antamissa arvioissa olivat yhteydessä suhteellisesti kohonneeseen vanhemmuuden stressiin äideillä. Onkin suositeltavaa kerätä tietoa pienen lapsen SEK-kehityksestä kummaltakin vanhemmalta, jos mahdollista, ja kiinnittää kliinistä huomiota asiaan, jos vanhempien antamat tiedot eriävät merkittävästi. Vanhemmat ja terveydenhoitajat tunnistivat SEK-ongelmia ja taitojen puutteita harvoin huolenaiheiksi 1-vuotiailla, vaikka nämä vauvat olisivat seuloutuneet huolialueelle ikätasoon soveltuvalla SEK-kehityksen mittarilla. Tarvitaankin lisätoimia, jotta vanhemmat ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset oppivat paremmin tunnistamaan varhaisia SEK-kehityksen ongelmia Suomessa.
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Zpohlavněný člověk. Rozdíl pohlaví z hlediska filosofické antropologie Helmuta Plessnera / The gendered Human Being. Gender Difference from the Perspective of Helmuth Plessner's Philosophical AnthropologyReinhardt, Charlotte January 2021 (has links)
In The gendered Human Being. Gender Difference from the Perspective of Helmuth Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology, gender difference in the two-gender model is examined from the perspective of philosophical anthropology. For this purpose, three social constructivist theories of gender difference are brought into conversation with each other under the prism of lived body-body-person. In this way, the work aims to catch a glimpse of the gendered human being in all the spheres that open up their world. Key words: Helmuth Plessner, Philosophical Anthropology, anthropology, gender difference, gender studies, philosophy of the twentieth century, phenomenology, social philosophy, Judith Butler, Doing Gender, theory of interaction, constructivism
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Specifika vizuálních znaků v reklamách na parfémy / Patricularities of Visual Signs in Frangrance AdvertisementŠebetková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This theses deals with methods of making meaning of visual signs that appears most often in fragrance advertisement. This will be worked out through analysis of these visual signs. The aim of my theses is to find the most common and most frequent semiotic visual signs and stereotypes and to find out how these signs are trying to show us imagination of the smell of fragrance and also what they express. The hypothesis is a thought that contrasting of visual signs in a fragrance advertisement for women and in a fragrance advertisement for men contains different sign stereotypes and emphasizes different elements. In the theoretical part, which is, however, supported by concrete examples from practice, I describe semiotics in advertisement, advertisement in general, differences between promotional strategies of products for women and men. In the practical part the main subjects are examples of specific fragrance advertisement. I will show both denotative and connotative meanings of signs, their disposition in the room of an advertisement, the most common elements and I will also focus on differences between the advertising for both women and men. Key words: semiotic analysis, semiotics in advertisement, advertising, stereotypes, visual signs, gender difference, denotation, connotation, codes, fragrance.
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DekonstruktionSchwanebeck, Wieland 25 April 2017 (has links)
Dekonstruktion bezeichnet ein durch den poststrukturalistischen Philosophen Jacques Derrida entwickeltes Lektüreverfahren, das sich gegen den tradierten hermeneutischen Ansatz richtet. Es stellt eine letztgültige, im Text enthaltene Bedeutung in Abrede, legt Brüche und Verwerfungen frei und postuliert die Unabschließbarkeit des Interpretationsvorgangs. Statt selbst einen Sinn zu behaupten, erfüllt sich der Zweck der Dekonstruktion in der Prozessualität, das heißt im Akt des Fragens selbst.
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Gender difference in ratings of odor intensity during olfactory trainingChao, Yun-Ting, Woosch, Dorothea, Pieniak, Michael, Hummel, Thomas 05 March 2024 (has links)
This study aimed to elucidate the role of smell diaries in Olfactory training (OT) and probe gender differences in intensity ratings and measured olfactory function throughout the OT course. Fifty olfactory loss patients (36 women and 14 men) undergoing OT rated odor intensities on a daily basis for at least 12 weeks. They exhibited significant improvement in measured olfactory function after OT; gender had no significant effect. As for the diaries, women rated odors with higher intensities than men, and ratings from women increased with time while men rated odors at the same level. Across all patients, there was a weak positive correlation between ratings and psychophysical test scores (r = 0.30, p = .04). Throughout the OT course, the increase in odor intensity ratings was more pronounced in women than it was in men (F[1, 44] = 7.9, p = .007). However, this gender-related difference was not found for measured olfactory function, suggesting pronounced gender-differentiated behaviors in terms of self-ratings of olfactory function.
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