Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1genetic diversity."" "subject:"cogenetic diversity.""
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Towards Conservation of Omani Local Chicken: Management, Performance and Genetic DiversityAl-Qamashoui, Badar 10 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Interactions between natural and anthropogenic impacts on the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of European beech forestsSjolund, M. Jennifer January 2014 (has links)
The accurate assessment of forest persistence under environmental change is dependent on the fundamental understanding of the genetic consequences of human intervention and its comparison to that of natural processes, as declines in genetic diversity and changes in its structuring can compromise the adaptive ability of a population. The European beech, Fagus sylvatica, has experienced prolonged human impact over its 14 million ha range with contemporary forests harbouring high ecological, economic, and cultural value. Historical traditional management practices, such as coppicing and pollarding, have impacted a large portion of Europe’s forests. This form of management encouraged vegetative regeneration, prolonging the longevity of individual trees. In several cases, the structure and function of managed trees and their associated ecosystems were significantly altered. Specifically, coppiced beech forests in Europe displayed significantly larger extents of spatial genetic structuring compared to their natural counterparts, revealing a change in the genetic composition of the population due to decades of management. Humans have also aided in the dispersal of beech within and outside of its natural range. In Great Britain, the putative native range retained signals of past colonisation dynamics. However, these signals were obscured by the wide-spread translocation of the species throughout the country. Evidence of post-glacial colonisation dynamics can be found in Sweden as well. In contrast to Britain, the structure of this natural leading range edge displays a gradual reduction in population size where isolation was found to have acted as an effective barrier to gene flow reducing the genetic diversity of populations.
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Pollinators, Enemies, Drought, and the Evolution of Reproductive Traits in Primula farinosaToräng, Per January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, I combined comparative and experimental approaches to examine selection on reproductive traits and population differentiation in the insect-pollinated, self-incompatible, perennial herb Primula farinosa. More specifically, I (1) determined whether the effects of floral display and interactions with pollinators and seed predators, and plant reproductive success were frequency-dependent and affected by surrounding vegetation context, (2) examined the consequences of intermittent drought years on population dynamics using numerical simulations based on demographic data collected over seven years, (3) analyzed among-population differentiation in flowering phenology and reproductive allocation, and its relationship to soil-depth at the site of origin. A field experiment suggested that conspicuous plants facilitate inconspicuous plants in terms of pollinator attraction, and that the facilitation effect is contingent on the height of the surrounding vegetation. Further experiments revealed that both mutualistic and antagonistic interactions can result in frequency-dependent selection on floral display. Among inconspicuous plants, both fruit initiation, and damage from seed predators increased with the proportion of the conspicuous morph. The relative strength of these effects, and therefore their net outcome on the relationship between morph ratio and seed production varied among years. I combined information on vital rates and their relation to environmental conditions in simulations to predict future population viability in changing environments. Simulated stochastic population growth rate decreased with increasing frequency of drought years. Reproductive allocation varied significantly among populations both in the field and in a common-garden experiment, but was correlated with soil depth at the site of origin only in the field. The results suggest that among-population variation in reproductive effort in the field mainly reflects plastic responses to environmental conditions, and that this plasticity may be adaptive. The common-garden experiment suggested that the study populations have diverged genetically in flowering time.
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Exploring genetic diversity in natural and domestic populations through next generation sequencingRafati, Nima January 2017 (has links)
Studying genetic diversity in natural and domestic populations is of major importance in evolutionary biology. The recent advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has dramatically changed the scope of these studies, enabling researchers to study genetic diversity in a whole-genome context. This thesis details examples of studies using NGS data to: (i) characterize evolutionary forces shaping the genome of the Atlantic herring, (ii) detect the genetic basis of speciation and domestication in the rabbit, and, (iii) identify mutations associated with skeletal atavism in Shetland ponies. The Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) is the most abundant teleost species inhabiting the North Atlantic. Herring has seasonal reproduction and is adapted to a wide range of salinity (3-35‰) throughout the Baltic Sea and Atlantic Ocean. By using NGS data and whole-genome screening of 20 populations, we revealed the underlying genetic architecture for both adaptive features. Our results demonstrated that differentiated genomic regions have evolved by natural selection and genetic drift has played a subordinate role. The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is native to the Iberian Peninsula, where two rabbit subspecies with partial reproductive isolation have evolved. We performed whole genome sequencing to characterize regions of reduced introgression. Our results suggest key role of gene regulation in triggering genetic incompatibilities in the early stages of reproductive isolation. Moreover, we studied gene expression in testis and found misregulation of many genes in backcross progenies that often show impaired male fertility. We also scanned whole genome of wild and domestic populations and identified differentiated regions that were enriched for non-coding conserved elements. Our results indicated that selection has acted on standing genetic variation, particularly targeting genes expressed in the central nervous system. This finding is consistent with the tame behavior present in domestic rabbits, which allows them to survive and reproduce under the stressful non-natural rearing conditions provided by humans. In Shetland ponies, abnormally developed ulnae and fibulae characterize a skeletal deformity known as skeletal atavism. To explore the genetic basis of this disease, we scanned the genome using whole genome resequencing data. We identified two partially overlapping large deletions in the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of the sex chromosomes that remove the entire coding sequence of the SHOX gene and part of CRLF2 gene. Based on this finding, we developed a diagnostic test that can be used as a tool to eradicate this inherited disease in horses.
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Structure génétique de populations montréalaises de salamandres cendrées (Plethodon cinereus) et de salamandres à points bleus (Ambystoma laterale)Noël-Boissonneault, Sarah January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Développement d'outils d'identification et de biotypage appliqués à l'étude des infections caprines dues à des mycoplasmes du groupe "Mycoplasma mycoides" (groupe "M. mycoides") / Development of identification and biotyping tools useful for study of caprine infections caused by mycoplasmas from ‘Mycoplasma mycoides’ cluster (‘M. mycoides’ cluster)Maigre, Laure 17 June 2009 (has links)
Le groupe ‘M. mycoides’ constitue une branche phylogénétique homogène des mycoplasmes regroupant 6 taxons pathogènes des ruminants, responsables pour la plupart de maladies inscrites sur la liste de l’OIE. L’identification taxinomique sur laquelle repose le diagnostic reste délicate à cause de réactions antigéniques et génétiques croisées et d’un manque d’universalité intra-taxon des PCR, notamment pour les taxons Mcc, MmmLC et Mbg7. Une approche par hybridation soustractive sélective a été développée pour 1) appréhender les différences moléculaires entre ces 3 taxons ; 2) analyser globalement la diversité au sein du groupe ‘M. mycoides’ et 3) rechercher de nouveaux marqueurs d’intérêt diagnostique. Nos résultats montrent un important partage de séquences entre ces taxons, MmmLC et Mcc étant très polymorphes par rapport à Mbg7, plus homogène et qui représente une sorte de chimère entre les taxons Mcc et MmmSC. Nos données nous ont permis de développer un test PCR spécifique pour Mcc mais la diversité génétique du groupe ‘M. mycoides’ dépasse les frontières entre taxons rendant difficile et peu pertinente l’identification taxinomique. Un typage des souches en fonction de la virulence indépendamment de l’espèce serait l’approche diagnostique alternative. La faisabilité d’une telle approche a été explorée dans le cas du taxon MmmLC mais aucun critère susceptible de différencier les souches issues de foyers de celles issues de portage dans des troupeaux sans antécédent clinique n’a pu être mis en évidence. Ce continuum génétique entre souches, probablement lié à des transferts génétiques horizontaux, imposera à l’avenir une surveillance globalisée des mycoplasmoses / The ‘M. mycoides’ cluster, a homogenous phylogenetic branch of the Mollicutes, includes 6 taxa which are responsible for diseases in ruminants, most of which are listed by the OIE. Their taxonomic identification, on which current diagnosis is based, is impaired by antigenic and genetic cross-reactivity and by the lack of a universal, intra-taxon PCR assay, especially for the Mcc, MmmLC and Mbg7 taxa. A suppression subtractive hybridization approach was developed to: 1) define molecular differences between these 3 taxa; 2) analyze the overall genetic diversity within the ‘M. mycoides’ cluster and 3) search for new markers useful for diagnosis. Results obtained here showed that several sequences are shared across taxa, with Mcc and MmmLC being very polymorphic compared to Mbg7 which is more homogeneous, representing a sort of chimera between Mcc and MmmLC. From these analyses, a specific PCR assay was designed for Mcc identification but, because of the genetic diversity existing within the ‘M. mycoides’, the taxonomic identification of new strain appears less and less relevant. Instead, regardless of their species, strain typing on the basis of their virulence would offer an alternative approach for diagnosis. We assessed this type of approach for the MmmLC taxon but so far, our attempts to uncover markers that would distinguish pathogenic strains from carrier strains, isolated from herds with no clinical history, have failed. The genetic continuum observed between strains is remnant of horizontal gene transfers and imposes the development of a more global approach for mycoplasmosis surveillance
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Biologie de la conservation de la gorgone rouge de Méditerranée, Paramuricea clavata, dans le contexte actuel du changement climatiqueMokhtar-Jamai, Kenza 23 September 2011 (has links)
La gorgone rouge, Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaire, Octocoralliaire), est une espèce sessile, longévive à faible croissance dont les populations présentent une lente dynamique. Cette espèce est caractérisée par une phase larvaire pélagique qui représente l’unique phase de dispersion potentielle au cours du cycle de vie de cette espèce. P. clavata est une espèce clé des assemblages à coralligène de Méditerranée, qui subit les effets combinés des activités de plongée sous-marine et du changement climatique. Dans ce contexte, il était donc fondamental d’approfondir les connaissances sur les traits d’histoire de vie, la biologie et l’écologie de cette espèce. L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier, à l’aide d’une approche génétique, les facteurs biologiques et écologiques clés qui devraient être importants pour la réponse de l’espèce aux changements environnementaux. Parmi ces facteurs, la dispersion larvaire joue un rôle fondamental dans la dynamique et la connectivité des populations marines. Dans le contexte actuel des fortes pressions anthropiques, la compréhension des degrés de connectivité entre les populations est primordiale pour évaluer le devenir des populations, face au changement climatique, et pour mettre en place des plans de conservation et des réseaux d’aires marines protégées. / The red gorgonian, Paramuricea clavata (Cnidaria, Octocorallia), is a sessile, long-lived and slow growing species which displays slow population dynamics. This species is characterized by a pelagic larval phase that represents the sole potential phase of dispersal during the life cycle of this species. P. clavata is a key species of coralligenous assemblages of the Mediterranean Sea which undergoes the combined effects of diving activities and climate change. In this context, extending the knowledge about life history traits, biology and ecology of the red gorgonian was of fundamental importance. Using a genetic approach, the goal of this work was to study some key biological and ecological factors which should be important for the response of this species to environmental changes. Among these factors, larval dispersal plays a major role in driving marine population dynamics and connectivity. In the current context of strong anthropic pressures, understanding the level of population connectivity is primordial to evaluate population outcome, facing climate change, and to develop conservation plans as well as to design marine reservenetworks.
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Ajustement biologique du mélèze aux variations environnementales le long d’un gradient altitudinal : approche microdensitométrique de la réponse au climat / Biological adjustment of larch to environmental variations along an altitudinal gradient : a wood microdensity approach of climateNardin, Maxime 29 November 2013 (has links)
La forte variation climatique, notamment de la température qui est associée à la distribution altitudinale de certains peuplements d’arbres forestiers peut induire des pressions de sélection divergentes favorisant l’expression de phénotypes différents en fonction de l’altitude. Cette thèse a pour objectif de déterminer si des adaptations locales existent et peuvent être mises en évidence dans un peuplement de mélèze (Larix decidua Mill.) distribué le long d’un gradient altitudinal situé dans les Alpes françaises, à proximité de Briançon. Quatre placettes d’environ 200 mélèzes ont été délimitées à 2300 m, 2000 m, 1700 m et 1350 m d’altitude le long de ce gradient. Une variabilité phénotypique significative a été observée entre ces niveaux altitudinaux pour la plupart des caractères étudiés : circonférence, hauteur de l’arbre, pourcentage d’aubier ainsi que pour toutes les variables microdensitométriques de cernes sauf une (la largeur de cerne). Une analyse de génétique des populations utilisant des marqueurs microsatellites a mis en évidence une faible influence de la dérive génétique sur la diversité génétique et une forte intensité de flux de gènes entre les différents niveaux altitudinaux étudiés. La différenciation génétique inter-altitudes a été estimée à l’aide d’une approche in-situ basée sur les données phénotypiques seules (PST) et comparée à la différenciation observée à l’aide des marqueurs microsatellites (FST). Cette analyse indique que l’hypothèse d’adaptations locales avec l’altitude peut être raisonnablement avancée pour les caractères de hauteur, circonférence, pourcentage d’aubier et densité du bois initial. Au contraire, l’adaptation locale n’apparait pas comme une hypothèse acceptable pour les caractères de largeur de cerne, surface de cerne, largeur du bois final et densité du bois final. / The strong climatic variation, in particular the temperature variation, which is associated with the altitudinal distribution of certain stands of forest trees, can induce different divergent selection pressure favoring altitude-dependent phenotype expression. The aim of the present thesis is to determine if local adaptation exists and can be identified in an European larch stand (Larix decidua Mill.) distributed along an altitudinal gradient located in the French Alps near Briançon. four plots of about 200 larches were delimited at 2300 m, 2000 m, 1700 m and 1350 m along this altitudinal gradient. A significant phenotypic variability was observed between these altitudinal levels for most characters studied: circumference, tree height, percentage of sapwood and for all the annual-ring microdensity variables except one (ring width). A population genetics analysis using microsatellite markers showed a small effect of genetic drift on the genetic diversity but an intensive gene flow between the altitudinal levels studied. The inter-altitudinal genetic differentiation was estimated using an in-situ approach based on phenotypic data only (PST) and compared with the differentiation observed by means of microsatellite markers (FST). This analysis indicates that the assumption of local adaptation with altitude can be reasonably proposed for the characters of height, circumference, percentage of sapwood and earlywood density. On the contrary, the local adaptation does not appear to be an acceptable assumption concerning characters such as ring width, ring surface area, latewood width and latewood density.
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Prévalences et impact de Wolbachia sur la diversité génétique chez les isopodes terrestres, Armadillidium vulgare et Porcellionides pruinosus / Prevalence and impact of Wolbachia on the genetic diversity in the terrestrial isopods Armadillidium vulgare and Porcellionides pruinosusValette, Victorien 18 December 2015 (has links)
La diversité génétique est un élément majeur pour l'évolution des espèces dans un environnement changeant. Chez les isopodes Armadillidium vulgare et Porcellionides pruinosus, l'infection par Wolbachia engendre une féminisation des mâles pouvant entraîner des sex-ratios fortement biaisés en faveur des femelles. Cela réduit la taille efficace des populations infectées qui peut provoquer une réduction de la diversité génétique. Cependant, chez A. vulgare, il existe un maintien de cette diversité qui pourrait être dû à des prévalences trop faibles de Wolbachia pour impacter les populations ou à d’autres facteurs comme par exemple lors de la reproduction un choix préférentiels des mâles pour les femelles génétiques. Un suivi des prévalences de Wolbachia dans des populations naturelles d’A. vulgare a été réalisé sur plusieurs années à partir d’une nouvelle méthode basée sur le génotypage. Les résultats montrent (i) des infections multiples de Wolbachia et (ii) des prévalences faibles pour wVulM, wVulC et wVulP. La présence d'un second facteur féminisant appelé f est suspectée dans de nombreuses populations. A l’échelle individuelle, Wolbachia semble avoir un impact sur le nombre de multi-paternités puisque les femelles génétiques s’accouplent avec plus de mâles que les néo-femelles. Les faibles prévalences de Wolbachia et les accouplements multiples permettent de maintenir une diversité génétique importante au sein des populations d’A. vulgare. Chez P. pruinosus, les prévalences de Wolbachia sont élevées et on observe de forts taux de consanguinité. Cependant, ces taux pourraient également résulter de fluctuations d’effectifs dans ces populations liées à un habitat spécialisé et peu stable. / Genetic diversity is a crucial component for the evolution of species in changing environments. In the isopods Armadillidium vulgare and Porcellionides pruinosus, infection with Wolbachia bacteria causes a feminization of males that could lead to strongly female-biased sex-ratios. This reduces the effective size of infected populations and may result in a decreased genetic diversity. Nevertheless, genetic diversity is known to be maintained in A. vulgare. This might be due to Wolbachia prevalences being too low to impact host populations, or to other factors, as for example males preferentially choosing genetic females for reproduction. Wolbachia prevalence has been monitored over several years in natural populations of A. vulgare using a new genotyping method. The results demonstrate (i) multiple Wolbachia infections and (ii) low prevalences of wVulM, wVulC and wVulP. The presence of a second feminizing factor, called f, is suspected in numerous populations. At the individual scale, Wolbachia seems to have an effect on the number of multiple paternities, since genetic females mate with more males than neo-females. Low Wolbachia prevalence and multiple mating may allow the maintenance of a high genetic diversity in A. vulgare populations. In P. pruinosus, Wolbachia prevalences are high and we observe high consanguinity rates. However, these rates might also result from fluctuations in population size due to a specialized and unstable habitat.
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Análise estrutural e comparativa do genoma de Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli. / Structural and comparative analysis of the genome of leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli.Gagliardi, Paulo Roberto 26 September 2003 (has links)
Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Davis et al.; 1984; Evtushenko et al.; 2000) é agente causal de uma das mais importantes doenças da cana-de-açúcar: o raquitismo-da-soqueira (Gillaspie Jr. & Davis, 1992; Davis et al.; 1994). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal usar métodos de análise cromossômica para corroborar o mapa genômico da estirpe CTC B07 de L. xyli subsp. xyli obtido através do seqüenciamento por "shotgun", realizado pelo grupo de seqüenciamento de Genomas Agronômicos e do Meio-ambiente (AEG) da rede ONSA-FAPESP. A identidade do isolado foi confirmada com a amplificação e seqüenciamento da região 23S do rRNA bem como por meio de testes sorológicos de microaglutinação com antissoro específico. Além destes, foram realizados testes de microscopia eletrônica de varredura da bactéria cultivada em meio líquido para confirmar a pureza do isolado. O tamanho do genoma de L. xyli subsp. xyli foi estimado com base na análise de fragmentos de restrição gerados por digestões com as enzimas de restrição XbaI e SpeI e eletroforese de campo pulsado (PFGE). As estimativas de 2.540 kb e 2.530 kb com XbaI e SpeI respectivamente ficaram próximas ao valor obtido pelo seqüenciamento genômico (2.596.959 pb). Em adição, o número de seqüências repetidas e de genes ribossomais identificados pelo projeto genoma foram confirmados por meio de hibridizações com sondas apropriadas. Comparações genômicas de L. xyli subsp. xyli, L. xyli subsp. cynodontis e duas espécies de Clavibacter também foram objetivos deste trabalho. As comparações foram baseadas em análise de RFLPs após a hibridização do DNA genômico utilizando como sondas elementos genéticos móveis presentes no genoma de L. xyli subsp. xyli. As estimativas dos números estimado de cópias destes elementos no genoma de L. xyli subsp. xyli obtidas por hibridizações concordam com aquelas obtidas pelo seqüenciamento, considerando fragmentos RFLPs menores que 9 kb. Informações referentes à fragmentos maiores não foram obtidas uma vez que estes não foram adequadamente resolvidos na corrida eletroforética. Finalmente, comparações através de análise de RFLP e rep-PCR mostraram diferenças entre L. xyli subsp. xyli e L. xyli subsp. cynodontis bem como entre estas e espécies de Clavibacter. Não foram verificadas diferenças entre a estirpe CTC B07 de L. xyli subsp. xyli e a estirpe australiana. / Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Davis et al.; 1984; Evtushenko et al.; 2000) is the causal agent of one of the most economically important disease of sugarcane worldwide, i.e, ratoon stunting disease (Gillaspie Jr. & Davis, 1992; Davis et al.; 1994). The main objective of this study was to confirm the assembly of the genome of L. xyli subsp. xyli obtained after shotgun sequencing by the Agronomic and Enviromental Genomes group of the ONSA/FAPESP network. The identity of the strain was confirmed by amplification and sequencing of the 23S rRNA region as well as by microaglutination serological tests with specific antiserum. Besides this, scanning electron microscopic analysis was used to assess the purity of the strain culture. The size of the genome of L. xyli subsp. xyli was estimated based on restriction analysis after digestion of genomic DNA with SpeI and XbaI followed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The estimates of 2,530 kb and 2,540 kb, respectively for SpeI and XbaI, are in agreement with the one obtained by whole genome sequencing (2,596 kb). In addition, the number of repeated sequences and ribossomal genes predicted by thesequencing project was confirmed by hybridization experiments with the appropriate probes. Genomic comparisons of L. xyli subsp. xyli, L. xyli subsp. cynodontis and two Clavibacter species comprised a second objective of this study. Comparisons were based on RFLP analysis after hybridization of digested genomic DNA using mobile genetic elements present in the genome of L. xyli subsp. xyli as probes. The estimates of number of copies of these elements in the genome of L. xyli subsp. xyli obtained by this approach agreed with the ones obtained by sequencing if RFLP fragments smaller than 9 kb are considered. Data from larger fragments were not obtained since they were not adequately resolved by electrophoresis. Finally, RFLP and rep-PCR comparisons unveiled differences between L. xyli subsp. xyli and L. xyli subsp. cynodontis as well as between these and Clavibacter. No differences were found between strain CTC B07 of L. xyli subsp. xyli and an Australian strain.
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