Spelling suggestions: "subject:"genital"" "subject:"zenital""
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Kvinnlig könsstympning i Sverige : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån ett myndighetsperspektiv och med ett beaktande av nyhetsrapportering i svensk dags- och kvällspress 2008–2018 / Female genital mutilation in Sweden : A qualitative content analysis from an authority perspective; taking into account news reporting in Swedish day and evening press 2008-2018Djurberg, Anna, Kodjo, Thérèse January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker kvinnlig könsstympning och hur fenomenet hanteras av svenska myndigheter och intresseorganisationer med ett beaktande av svensk nyhetsrapportering. Särskilt undersöks vad vi i Sverige vet om förekomsten av kvinnlig könsstympning, hur frågan hanteras av svenska myndigheter och intresseorganisationer samt hur svensk tidningsmedia belyser kvinnlig könsstympning. Metoden som har använts för att besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och det empiriska materialet består av publikationer från myndigheter däribland rapporter från forskare och Socialstyrelsen, Länsstyrelsen Östergötland och Regeringskansliet. Vi har även gjort en kompletterande undersökning av 51 artiklar från svenska tidningsmedia. Dessa undersökningar speglar tillsammans hur det svenska samhället officiellt ser på kvinnlig könsstympning och hur den bör hanteras. Resultaten har analyserats utifrån den genusvetenskapliga radikalfeministiska patriarkatsteorin i syfte att hitta samband mellan myndigheters arbete med att förebygga könsstympning och vår valda teori. Resultatet visar bland annat att svenska myndigheter och intresseorganisationer i och för sig arbetar med att förebygga, upptäcka och bekämpa kvinnlig könsstympning men att det krävs ytterligare insatser i form av kunskap hos tjänstemän och andra som jobbar med frågan för att förhindra sedvänjan i Sverige. Den radikalfeministiska patriarkatsteorin har en stor betydelse i arbetet för att förebygga, upptäcka och bekämpa kvinnlig könsstympning. / This thesis examines female genital mutilation and how the phenomenon is managed by Swedish authorities and non-governmental organizations with consideration of Swedish news reporting. Particularly, this thesis examines what we in Sweden know about the existence of female genital mutilation, how the issue is handled by Swedish authorities and non-governmental organizations, and how Swedish news reporting illustrates female genital mutilation. The method used to answer the questions raised in the thesis is a qualitative content analysis and the empirical material consists of publications from researchers and authorities including inter alia the National Board of Health and Welfare, the County Administrative Board Östergötland and the Swedish Government. We have also performed a supplementary survey of 51 articles from Swedish press. These sources reflect altogether how the Swedish society officially views female genital mutilation and how it should be managed. The results have been analysed on the basis of the gender-science radical feminist patriarchy theory in order to find the connections between the authorities' work towards preventing female genital mutilation in relation to our chosen theory. The results show, among other things, that Swedish authorities and non-governmental organisations are taking measures to prevent, detect and combat female genital mutilation, but that further efforts are required in order to increase the knowledge of officials and other people working to prevent the practice in Sweden. radical feminist patriarchy theory plays a major role in preventing, detecting and combating female genital mutilation.
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HNF-1B a jeho význam u různých typů karcinomů a nenádorových lézí ženského genitálu na úrovni exprese proteinu, epigenetických a genetických změn / Significance of HNF-1B in different types of carcinomas and non-neoplastic lesions of the female genital system at the level of protein expression, epigenetic and genetic changesNěmejcová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
Introduction HNF-1β is a transcription factor that plays a crucial role in the ontogenesis, regulates expression of multiple genes involved in cell cycle modulation and seems to be involved in cancerogenesis of various tumors. HNF-1β protein is coded by the HNF1B gene. Genetic and epigenetic changes of HNF1B play role in tumorigenesis and these changes can be accompanied by loss of expression or increased protein expression as detected by immunohistochemistry. In gynecopathology, expression of HNF-1β was considered as specific marker of clear cell carcinomas of the ovary and endometrium. However, more recent studies described HNF-1β expression also in tumors of other histogenesis. Aims: Our study focused on the immunohistochemical and molecular analysis of HNF1B in the normal tissue, various types of tumors and non-neoplastic lesions of the female genital tract. The goals of our study were: 1. Analysis of HNF-1β expression in cervical carcinomas. 2 Analysis of HNF-1β expression in endometrial carcinomas and non-neoplastic tissues of the female genital tract. 3. Analysis of epigenetic and genetic changes of HNF1B in endometrioid carcinomas and ovarian clear cell carcinomas. 4. Comprehensive analysis of atypical polypoid adenomyomas. Material and methods: A total of 574 samples including 399...
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Association between maternal level of education and female genital cutting in 1-14 years girls in Egypt. A secondary analysis of the 2014 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey.Ali, Eman January 2021 (has links)
Background Female genital cutting (FGC) is a persistent issue of global concern that carries various healthrisks on women and girls. FGC is almost universal in Egypt and despite continuous efforts, the decline of the practice is unsatisfactory. Maternal education is considered an important determinant of FGC among young girls, and it was suggested as a key intervention to promote the abandonment of this practice. This study aimed at investigating the association between the educational level of the mother and female genital cutting among young girls aged 1-14 years in Egypt. Methods This study is an analysis of secondary cross-sectional data extracted from the 2014 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey. The study sample involved 17,573 women of childbearing age. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to assess the association between the maternal level of education and daughter FGC. This study also examined other background characteristics of the mother for association with daughter FGC. Results Of the 17,573 ever-married women, 54% had daughter FGC. Multivariate logistic regression showed that maternal education was negatively associated with daughter FGC. Mothers with primary, secondary, and higher educational levels had lower odds of daughter FGC compared to uneducated mothers. The study also showed that wealthier mothers were less likely to have daughter FGC, while mothers who were circumcised had higher odds of daughter FGC. Conclusion This study revealed that maternal educational level, among other factors was associated with female genital cutting among girls aged 1-14 years in Egypt.
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Social and sexual representation in the primary somatosensory cortexLenschow, Constanze 27 March 2017 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Neurophysiologie von zwei relevanten Berührungen: Die Vibrissenberührung von Artgenossen und die Berührung der Genitalien. Im ersten Teil, habe ich durch in vivo Ganzzellableitungen vom Barrel Kortex in kopf-fixierten Ratten untersucht, wie die Membranpotentialaktivität durch das Berühren einer Ratte aussieht. Während der Berührung von Artgenossen waren die Vibrissenbewegungen mit starken Membranpotentialänderungen assoziiert. Bei der spontanen Vibrissenbewegung wurden die Korrelationen nicht beobachtet. Weiterhin traten die Membranpotenzialfluktuationen bereits auf, bevor die Tiere sich berührten. Dies wurde allerdings nicht in anesthetisierten Ratten beobachtet. Zusätzlich waren die mit der Vibrissenberührung korrelierten Membranpotenzialfluktuationen größer, wenn die Tiere einen Artgenossen berührten verglichen zu Nichtartgenossen. Zusammenfassend, löst eine Berührung durch einen Artgenossen, sehr unterschiedlichere neuronale Antworten im Barrel Kortex aus, als konventionelle taktile Stimuli. Der zweite Teil untersucht den Genital Kortex. Die Charakterisierung der rezeptiven Felder demonstrierte eine robuste Repräsentation der Genitalien im sensorischen Kortex. Neuronale Antworten waren häufiger im Genital Kortex von Männchen als von Weibchen zu finden. Neurone zeigten diskontinuierliche und sexuell dimorphe rezeptive Felder. In Männchen, waren Neurone durch die taktile Stimulation des Vorderarms co-aktiviert, die Neurone in Weibchen eher durch die taktile Stimulation des Rumpfs. Diese mit den Genitalien ko-repräsentierten Körperteile, kommen während der Kopulation von Männchen und Weibchen in Berührung. Cytochrom Oxidase Färbungen von Schicht 4 zeigen einen Monomorphismus von kortikaler Penis und Klitoris Repräsentation. Dies ist in Hinsicht auf den Dimorphismus der externen Genitalien ein überraschendes Ergebnis. Zusätzlich wurde ein massives Wachstum des Genital Kortex während der Pubertät gefunden. / This thesis explores the neurophysiology of two forms of relevant touch: facial touch and genital touch. In the first part, I investigated, how subthreshold activity is altered during whisking in a social context using in vivo whole-cell recordings in the barrel cortex of head-restrained rats. Whisking was associated with strong membrane potential (Vm) fluctuations during facial touch, but not during free whisking. Strong whisking related Vm fluctuations could be seen even prior to contact and differed from those observed in free whisking episodes. Remarkably, such a pre-depolarization prior to touch was not observed in anaesthetized animals. The Vm fluctuations locked to the rat’s whisking observed in interactions with awake conspecifics were larger than those seen for whisking onto different objects and a stuffed rat. In summary, social facial touch induces responses in the barrel cortex that are remarkably different from responses evoked with conventional tactile stimuli. The second part of the thesis characterized the anatomy and physiology of the rat genital cortex. Mapping experiments revealed a robust representation of the genitals in rat primary somatosensory cortex. Genital responses were more frequent in males than in females. Neurons showed discontinuous and sexually dimorphic receptive fields. In males, genital neurons were mostly co-activated by tactile stimulation of the forearm; female genital neurons were co-activated by tactile stimulation of the trunk area. Hence, body parts co-represented with genitalia are those parts contacted in males and females during mounting. In contrast to the physiological sexual dimorphism, cytochrome oxidase staining of layer 4 revealed a monomorphism of the cortical penis and clitoris representation. This is a surprising finding given the pronounced dimorphism of external genitals. We also found a massive size increase of genital cortex during puberty.
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Women who Live with Female Genital Mutilation : Experience with Healthcare Providers / Könstympade kvinnors erfarenhet av vårdpersonalMutegeki, Kathryn, Iverman, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Background: An estimated 125 million women live with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) worldwide. Despite it being internationally recognized as a human rights violation. FGM is still practiced in approximately 29 countries, most of them in Africa and the Middle East. FGM has no health benefits, whereas there are short and long terms negative consequences that can cause physical and psychological problems. Aim: To describe the experiences of women who live with FGM and their subsequent interactions with healthcare providers in countries where FGM is not a tradition. Method: A literature study based on ten studies with a qualitative research design. Results: Five main themes were found; Knowledge of FGM, Language Barriers, The Gender of Healthcare Provider, Interactions with Healthcare Provider and On Display. Conclusion: Patients had difficulties due to the language barriers. There was a preference for female healthcare providers. Patients were affected by interactions with healthcare providers as well as lack of knowledge. Patients also had their genitals put on display for others. Clinical significance: With increasing migration, it is important that healthcare providers do not judge, but instead treat and care for these women with respect and empathy. / Bakgrund: Runt 125 miljoner kvinnor i världen idag är könsstympade, även fast det är internationellt erkänt som ett brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna. Trots detta praktiseras könstympning fortfarande i cirka 29 länder, mestadels i Afrika och i Mellanöstern. Det finns inga hälsovinster för kvinnor som är könsstympade, däremot medför det kort- och långsiktiga negativa konsekvenser som kan leda till fysiska och psykiska problem. Syfte: Att beskriva könsstympade kvinnors erfarenheter av vårdpersonal i länder där det inte finns någon tradition av könsstympning. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på tio studier med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Fem huvudteman framkom och beskrevs; Kunskap om könstympning, Språksvårigheter, genus av personal, samspelet med vårdgivare och att den könsstympade kvinnan kände sig uttittad av vårdpersonalen. Slutsats: Patienterna hade svårt att kommunicera med sjukvårdspersonalen. Patienterna föredrog kvinnlig sjukvårdspersonal. Interaktionen med sjukvårdspersonalen påverkade patientens relation till vården. Patienterna kände sig uttittade av sjukvårdpersonalen. Patienterna upplevde att vårdpersonalen hade kunskapsbrister om FGM. Klinisk betydelse: Med ökad migration är det nödvändigt att vårdpersonalen ger en respektfull vård och visar empati för de könstympade kvinnorna.
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Barnmorskors erfarenheter av möten med unga kvinnor som kommer från områden där kvinnlig könsstympning är vanligt förekommande / Midwives experiences of encounters with young women who come from areas where the practice of genital mutilation is commonSvensson, Johanna, Bergkvist, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kvinnlig könsstympning är en sed som utförs i flera länder i Afrika, längs ekvatorn och delar av Mellanöstern. Invandringen till Sverige från områden där kvinnlig könsstympning utförs ökar. Det innebär att svenska barnmorskor kommer att möta könsstympade kvinnor allt oftare. Riktlinjer och mer och bättre utbildning har efterfrågats för att kunna bemöta kvinnan på ett professionellt sätt. Syfte: Att belysa barnmorskors erfarenheter av möten med kvinnor på ungdomsmottagning som kommer från områden där kvinnlig könsstympning är vanligt förekommande. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod och en induktiv ansats. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med barnmorskor på ungdomsmottagningar. Materialet analyserades med konventionell innehållsanalys enligt Hsieh och Shannon. Resultat: Ämnet visade sig beröra barnmorskorna känslomässigt och en oförståelse för traditionen beskrevs. Barnmorskorna framhöll vikten av att inte acceptera traditionen, men underströk betydelsen av att respektera kvinnan och hennes kulturella arv. Ett varsam och lyhört förhållningssätt i mötet betonades, där ett felaktigt förhållningssätt antogs kunna leda till att kvinnan kände sig kränkt. Konklusion: Möten med könsstympade kvinnor på ungdomsmottagningarna förekom sällan. Barnmorskorna upplevde därför att deras kunskaper var bristfälliga. I dagsläget ansågs inte behovet av riktlinjer vara stort, men en gemensam uppfattning fanns att behovet inom en nära framtid kommer att öka. / Background: Genital mutilation of woman is a custom practiced in several African countries, along the equator and parts of the Middle-East. Immigration from areas where this custom is common is on the rise. Midwives in Sweden are increasingly visited by women who have been victims of genital mutilation. Guidelines and more and better education have been requested in order to approach the women in a professional way. Purpose: To highlight midwives experiences of meetings at the youth health center with women who come from areas where the practice of genital mutilation is common. Method: A qualitative approach was chosen. Eight interviews were conducted with midwives at youth health center. Content analysis according to Hsieh and Shannon were used to analyze the material. Results: The topic affected midwives emotionally. Midwives stressed the importance of not accepting the tradition, but felt it to be important to respect the woman and her cultural heritage. It is considered important to be gentle and responsive during the meeting and to show a good attitude towards the woman where an incorrect approach is perceived to lead to the woman feeling offended. Conclusion: Meetings with genitally mutilated women at youth health center were something that rarely occurred. Midwives knowledge of the subject was incomplete due to the lack of experience. In the current situation guidelines are not needed, but the common perception was that they will be in the future.
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Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens erfarenheter av att vårda patienter som genomgått kvinnlig könsstympning : En litteraturöversikt / Health professionals’ experiences of caring for patients who have undergone female genital mutilation : A literature reviewHjalmarsson, Sofie, Ekholm, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kvinnlig könsstympning är ett ingrepp som länge utförts i stora delar av världen. 196 medlemsländer har anslutit sig till Förenta Nationens (FN) konvention om barns rättigheter för att gemensamt arbeta för att avskaffa denna typ av skadliga sedvänja. Genom kontinuerliga datainsamlingar om kvinnlig könsstympning förutspås en signifikant ökning i takt med att världens befolkning ökar. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal känner till ingreppet men få kan identifiera dess olika typer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva vad hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har för erfarenheter av att vårda patienter som genomgått kvinnlig könsstympning. Metod: Metoden är en litteraturöversikt baserad på sju kvalitativa artiklar, tre kvantitativa artiklar samt en artikel med mixad metod vilka var inhämtade från tre olika databaser; Cinahl Complete, PubMed och Academic Search Complete. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras under två kategorier: Bristande kunskap samt Det komplexa vårdandet. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal uttryckte att de hade bristande kunskaper och erfarenheter med att vårda och möta kvinnor som genomgått kvinnlig könsstympning. Många ansåg att de upplevde omtumlande känslor vid möten med kvinnor som genomgått kvinnlig könsstympning och deras familjer. Att se det kvinnliga könsorganets förändrade anatomi med mycket ärrbildning var svårhanterbart för många hälso- och sjukvårdare. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuterades utifrån Leiningers transkulturella omvårdnadsteori samt konsensusbegreppet människan. Den transkulturella medvetenheten och förmågan att bortse från det egna etnocentriska synsättet ligger till grund för det professionella vårdandet. / Background: Female genital mutilation is a procedure that has long been carried out in many parts of the world. 196 member countries have joined United Nation's (UN) Convention on the rights of children, to work together to eliminate this kind of malicious practice. Through continuous data collection of female genital mutilation, it predicts a significant rise as the world population increases. Health professionals are familiar with the procedure, but few can identify its different types. Aim: The aim was to describe health professionals’ experiences of caring for patients who have undergone female genital mutilation. Method: The method consists of a literature review based on seven qualitative articles, three quantitative articles and one with mixed method retrieved from three different databases; Cinahl Complete, PubMed and Academic Search Complete. Results: The results are presented under two categories: Lack of knowledge and The complexity of caring. Health professionals expressed a lack of knowledge and experience to nurture and meet women who have undergone female genital mutilation. Many felt that they experienced tumultuous feelings at meetings with women who have undergone female genital mutilation and their families. Seeing the female genitalia altered anatomy with very severe scarring was unmanageable for many health professionals. Discussion: The results were discussed on the basis of Leininger's transcultural nursing theory and the concept of consensus human. The transcultural awareness and the ability of health professionals' to ignore their own ethnocentric approach is the basis for the professional caring.
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Relationship between semen viscosity and male genital tract infectionsFlint, Margot 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The basic semen analysis plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis of male infertility and makes a significant contribution to the diagnostic process in andrology, gynecology and clinical urology. In 1902, the man considered to be ―the founding father of modern andrology‖ Edward Martin, proposed that an analysis of a semen sample should be incorporated into all infertility assessments. Following this suggestion in 1956, the scientist John MacLeod advanced the basic semen analysis from beyond a mere observation and introduced the importance of certain semen parameters such as morphology, motility and viscosity.
The present day examination includes the analysis of certain established semen parameters, which can provide key information about the quality of a patient‘s semen and the functional competence of the spermatozoa. A semen analysis is also a valuable diagnostic tool in assessing possible disorders of the male genital tract and the secretory pattern of the male accessory sex glands. This information can help to determine the reproductive capacity of the male and can be used in conjunction with the partner to indicate the impact of male genital pathophysiology in the assessment of a couple‘s prospect for fertility.
Patients attending the andrology laboratory at Tygerberg Academic Hospital for a semen analysis are referred based on primary, secondary or idiopathic infertility. Amongst these patients, an increase in semen viscosity has been observed over a period of time and created the need to assess the possible causes behind this trend. Despite viscosity being included in a routine spermiogram, it raises a considerable amount of concern as it is assessed semi-quantitatively.
In the first part of this study, the possible correlation between seminal hyperviscosity and leukocytospermia was assessed. To achieve the most comprehensive assessment of viscosity, a new approach was used, which is a highly quantitative method to record viscosity in the international unit, centipoise (cP). The analysis of semen samples for possible leukocytospermia was approached by three methods the first of which was cytological. During this method granulocyte grading was performed on stained semen smears during the normal determination of morphology. The same approach was taken for the second method, whereby white blood cell concentrations were quantified with a leukocyte peroxidase test in the total sample group (n=200). Viscosity was compared between the samples classified as leukocytospermic positive or negative, according to the set reference values of the World Health Organisation (WHO). Correlation analysis between the two variables was also performed. In the biochemical approach of detecting leukocytospermia, an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbant assay (ELISA) was used to quantify the concentration of the extracellular polymorphonuclear (PMN) enzyme released from leukocytes. This test was performed on 124 randomly selected samples. All samples were fractionated before storage in liquid nitrogen, to allow for multiple assessments to be performed on each sample. The PMN elastase concentration was assessed against viscosity to investigate a possible correlation and relationship with the presence of leukocytospermia. All three methods of detecting possible infection showed a significantly positive relationship with increased viscosity in semen samples. The second approach in the study was to assess increased viscosity and leukocytospermia against parameters included in the spermiogram. An evaluation of hyperviscosity and its correlations to the various other semen parameters can allow for a detailed study into the effects that this anomaly may elicit. With the assessment of each of the sperm parameters against the leukocyte count and viscosity (cP), volume, concentration and morphology showed significance.
To further the study, the third angle was to investigate a possible correlation between viscosity and the functional status of the male accessory sex glands. The biochemical approach of assessing the secretory patterns of the prostate and seminal vesicles against markers of infection can possibly further the understanding behind hyperviscous semen and leukocytospermia. Citric acid and fructose, secretory products of the prostate and seminal vesicles respectively, showed no significance when assessed against the leukocyte count and viscosity. However, this project was a pilot study and this approach offers an exciting avenue for further research. These research findings may provide a more comprehensive assessment of a man‘s fertility status. Seen in the context of patients attending the andrology laboratory of Tygerberg Academic Hospital, this is greatly needed as the majority of these patients cannot afford advanced assisted reproductive therapies. The introduction of a more accurate method of quantifying viscosity may possibly help to identify, diagnose and treat patients suffering from leukocytospermia in order to ultimately enhance their fertility potential. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die basiese semenanalise speel 'n belangrike rol in die diagnose van manlike infertiliteit en maak dus 'n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die diagnostiese proses in andrologie, ginekologie en kliniese urologie. In 1902 het Edward Martin, wat deur sommige navorsers as die vader van moderne andrologie beskou word, voorgestel dat 'n semenanalise deel moet vorm van alle infertiliteitsondersoeke. In 1956 het die wetenskaplike John MacLeod aanvoorwerk gedoen om die grondslag van 'n basiese semenanalise daar te stel, wat beteken het dat, in plaas van net 'n observasie studie te doen, 'n semenmonster kwantitatief analiseer moes word en dat parameters soos spermmorfologie, motiliteit en viskositeit as deel van die volledige analise gedoen moet word.
Die hedendaagse analise sluit, behalwe die basiese semenparameters, ook inligting in oor die funksionele aspekte van spermatozoa. Die semenanalise is dus ook ‗n belangrike diagnostiese hulpmiddel om inligting rakende moontlike abnormaliteite in die manlike genitale traktus en die sekretoriese funksies van die manlike bykomstige geslagskliere te verskaf. Hierdie inligting kan help om 'n moontlike diagnose van die man se fertiliteitspotensiaal te maak. Terselftertyd kan dit ook tesame met die metgesel se reproduktiewe inligting meer lig werp op die impak van die man se genitale patofisiologie op die paartjie se fertilitetspotensiaal.
Pasiënte wat die andrologielaboratorium van die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal besoek word verwys op grond van primêre, sekondêre of idopatiese infertiliteit. Gedurende die laaste aantal jare is daar ‗n toename in voorkoms van verhoogde semenviskositeit onder hierdie groep pasiënte waargeneem. Dit het die behoefte laat ontstaan om die moontlike redes hiervoor te ondersoek. Ten spyte van die feit dat viskositeit deel vorm van die roetine semenanalise is dit tog kommerwekkend aangesien dit op 'n semi-kwantitatiewe manier bepaal word.
In die eerste deel van hierdie studie is 'n moontlik korrelasie tussen seminale hiperviskositeit en leukositospermie ondersoek. Om die beste moontlike verwantskap te kon bepaal is 'n nuwe en hoogs kwantitatiewe metode gebruik om viskositeit in numeriese waardes volgens internasionale standaarde in centipoise (cP) te meet. Daar is van drie metodes gebruik gemaak om die teenwoordigheid van leukositospermie in 'n semenmonster te ondersoek. Die eerste metode was die sitologiese metode waar die teenwoordigheid van granulosiet op die gekleurde semensmeer tydens die standaard morfologie beoordeling bepaal word. Die tweede was deur middel van 'n leukosietperoksidase toets waarmee daar 'n kwantitatiewe telling gedoen kan word, soos teenwoordig in 'n voorbereide semenmonster. Hierdie twee bepalings is op die totale studiepopulasie van 200 pasiënte gedoen. Die viskositeit van monsters met of sonder die teenwoordigheid van leukositospermie, soos bepaal met die voorafgaande metodes en gebaseer op die WGO riglyne, is met mekaar vergelyk. Korrelasies is ook tussen hierdie twee veranderlikes en verskeie semenparameters van hierdie twee groepe gedoen. Die derde metode was 'n biochemiese ontleding met behulp van 'n ensiemgekoppeldeimmuunsorberende essai (ELISA) vir die bepaling van die ekstrasellulêre konsentrasie van polimorfonukleêre (PMN) elastase ensiem in die seminale plasma. Hierdie toets is op 124 lukraak gekose semenmonsters uitgevoer. Alle monsters is gefraksioneer voor berging in vloeibare stikstof om meervoudige analises van elke monster moontlik te maak. Die PMN elastase konsentrasies is vergelyk met die viskositeit van die semenmonsters vir 'n moontlike korrelasie en verwantskap met die teenwoordigheid van leukositospermie. Die resultate van al drie hierdie metodes, vir die moontlike bepaling van infeksie, het 'n betekenisvolle positiewe verwantskap met die toename in graad van viskositeit in semenmonsters aangetoon. Die tweede benadering van hierdie studie was om die viskositeitsgradering en die kwantitatiewe leukositopermie waardes te vergelyk met die semenparameters wat bepaal is tydens die semenanalise. Die doel van hierdie benadering was om enige verwantskap of effek van viskositeit asook die teenwoordigheid van witbloedselle op die semenparameters te ondersoek. Daar is betekenisvolle verwantskappe gevind tussen die viskositeitstatus van 'n semenmonster, die teenwoordigheid van witbloedselle en die semenparameters, soos motiliteit, morfologie en spermatosoa konsentrasie. Die derde benadering was om 'n ondersoek te doen na die moontlike verwantskap tussen viskositeit en die sekretoriese funksies van die manlike bykomstige geslagskliere, te wete die prostaat en seminale vesikula. Die biochemiese ondersoek na die sekresies van hierdie twee organe, naamlik fruktose en sitroensuur, is gedoen om te bepaal of die teenwoordigheid van infeksies van die manlike traktus, en waargeneem as leukositospermia, ook in verband gebring kan word met die viskositeitstatus van 'n semenmonster. Daar is geen verband gevind tussen die sekresies van hierdie twee kliere en die viskositeit van die semenmonsters nie. Aangesien hierdie deel van die studie net as 'n loodsprojek beskou is, is die biochemiese bepalings slegs op 'n beperkte aantal semenmonsters uitgevoer en kan hierdie tipe ondersoek as 'n moontlike verdere studie onderneem word.
Hierdie navorsingsresultate kan lei tot ‗n meer omvattende assessering van mans se fertiliteitstatus. Dit is uiters noodsaaklik in die konteks van omstandighede van die pasiënte wat die andrologielaboratorium van die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal besoek aangesien die meerderheid nie gevorderde in vitro behandeling kan bekostig nie. Die akkurate bepaling van 'n semenmonster se viskositeit kan dus moontlik waarde toevoeg tot die identifisering, diagnose en behandeling van pasiënte met leukositospermie om sodoende hulle fertiliteitspotensiaal te verbeter.
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Understanding the origins of haematopoietic stem cells in the E11.5 AGM region using a novel reaggregate culture systemGonneau, Christèle January 2010 (has links)
Identifying the sites and mechanisms involved in haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) during development would improve our understanding of how to induce HSCs from alternative sources like embryonic stem cells, while offering insight into pathways involved in HSC-related diseases such as leukaemia. Adult-type HSC, or long-term reconstituting HSCs (LTR-HSCs), are widely defined as cells capable of reconstituting the entire haematopoietic system of a lethally irradiated adult recipient. The first LTR-HSCs emerge and expand in the aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region of the mid-gestation mouse embryo. Recently, the development of a novel reaggregate culture system has provided a valuable tool to identify key cell populations involved in LTR-HSC development. This system allows the mechanical dissociation of the E11.5 AGM region prior to culture whilst maintaining its ability to autonomously expand LTR-HSCs. Here, I show that reaggregate LTR-HSCs are CD45+Sca1+c-kit+CD31med and that IL-3, SCF, and Flt3l are required in order to achieve an optimal 150 fold LTR-HSC expansion. I also characterise the pattern of Runx1 expression in the adult and E11.5 AGM region of our novel Runx1EGFP reporter mouse and identify a population of EGFP+CD45-VE-cadherin- cells in the E11.5 AGM region that disappears during reaggregate culture. Finally, using the E11.5 AGM reaggregate culture, I show that while uro-genital ridges are potentially required for optimal LTR-HSC expansion, most LTR-HSCs are derived from the dorsal aorta (Ao) region, and that the dorsal aspect of the dorsal aorta (AoD) can contribute to the reaggregate LTR-HSCs compartment.
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Molecular Analysis of Transferrin Binding Protein B in Neisseria GonorrhoeaeDeRocco, Amanda Jean 01 January 2007 (has links)
The transferrin iron acquisition system of Neisseria consists of two dissimilar proteins, transferrin binding protein A and B (TbpA and TbpB). TbpA and TbpB both specifically and independently bind human transferrin (Tf). TbpA is a TonB-dependent transporter, expression of which is necessary for Tf iron acquisition. In contrast, the lipoprotein TbpB is not necessary for iron internalization; however it makes this process more efficient. The role of TbpB in the transferrin iron acquisition system has not been completely elucidated. It has been suggested that TbpB is entirely surface exposed and tethered to the outer membrane by its lipid moiety. We inserted the hemagluttinin antigen (HA) epitope into TbpB in an effort to examine surface accessible and functional domains of the lipoprotein. We determined that TbpB was entirely surface exposed from just beyond the mature N-terminus. It was previously reported that the N- and C-terminus of TbpB independently bind Tf. HA epitope analysis defined both the N-terminal and C-terminal binding domains. TbpB was previously reported to play an important role in the release of Tf from the receptor. We established that TbpB exhibited a biphasic dissociation pattern; a C-terminal rapid release followed by a slower N-terminal release. These results suggested that the C-terminus plays a role in ligand turnover of the wild-type receptor. Little is known about the transport of TbpB to the outer membrane. In an attempt to identify the signals/mechanisms required for TbpB localization, the signal sequence of the protein was altered. In the absence of lipid modification, TbpB remained associated with the cell, localized to the periplasm. We also noted that internal cysteine residues were not critical for TbpB localization. Our results suggested that TbpB was transported by a lipoprotein-specific mechanism. Additionally, we demonstrated the major outer membrane secretin, PilQ, was not necessary for proper localization of TbpB. The mechanism responsible for this process remains elusive. This body of work represents the first comprehensive study of TbpB topology and function, utilizing the lipoprotein expressed in its native membrane. These results may translate to other, similar lipoprotein receptors of the pathogenic Neisseria, helping to shed light on these poorly understood proteins.
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