Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gestalt las"" "subject:"gestalt law""
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Ridsportens ABC : En studie om att skapa tillgänglig information för nybörjare på ridskola.Widetjärn, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Detta är ett examensarbete i informationsdesign med inriktning textdesign. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa tillgänglig information för nybörjare inom ridsporten, samt undersöka hur informationen kan nå målgruppen trots omgivande brus. Teorier som läsbarhet, gestaltlagar och perception har använts för att uppnå en slutgiltig gestaltning men också för att ge studien relevans i forskningssammanhang. Intervju, observation, prototyping och utprovning är de metoder som har använts i studien. Metoderna har använts för att utforska användarnas behov och för att komma fram till resultatet. Ett gestaltningsförslag har utprovats på målgruppen, efter en analys av resultatet gjordes en revidering på det första gestaltningsförslaget som sedan ledde till det slutgiltiga designförslaget. / This is a bachelor thesis in information design with a focus on text design. The purpose of the work is to create accessible information for beginners in equestrian sports, as well as to investigate how the information can reach the target group despite the surrounding noise. Theories such as readability, gestalt laws and perception have been used to achieve a final presentation but also to give the study relevance in a research context. Interview, observation, prototyping, and testing are the methods that have been used in the study. The methods have been used to explore the needs of the users and to arrive at the results. A design proposal has been tested on the target group, after an analysis of the results, a revision was made to the first design proposal which then led to the final design proposal.
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Building A Legible City: How Far Planning Is Successful In AnkaraEraydin, Zeynep 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Human environment perceptual relationships have significant effects on human psychology in urban spaces. The concepts of urban legibility and imageability concentrate on these relationships and define components to create livable places by organizing the physical structure. However, determining legibility components is not sufficient in order to define whether a place legible or not.
This thesis explores Gestalt laws of perception can be used to re-define the relationships among legibility components by setting some guidelines. The main aim of this thesis is to find out how far planning is successful in creating legible environments which is evaluated by legibility guidelines set. The thesis also aims to explore issues that make an environment more readable than others. To this end, Ç / ayyolu district containing several sub-districts which are recently developed by plans are examined in a comparable way.
The result of the analyses show that the concepts of legibility and imageability are underestimated in planning practices in Ç / ayyolu which is based on two-dimensional subdivisions of lands and three dimensional determination of bulks of structures. In other words, the Ç / ayyolu district does not provide a legible environment and a whole structure for observers that their psychological needs should be met.
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Designens påverkan på en offentlig sektorswebbplats : En kvalitativ studie om hur designprinciper kan påverka användbarheten på en webbplats med en bred målgruppKristoffersson Holmgren, William, Wahldén, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
The effect of design principles on website usability for a wide target population isexamined in this qualitative study. The study specifically looks at how to develop awebsite to meet the demands of the 55–64 year old older demographic. User testing andinterviews were both used as part of the study's mixed-methods strategy to gather data.The findings demonstrate that following design concepts, such as visual hierarchy,distinct contrast, and the use of suitable color schemes, greatly enhances the seniorpopulation's ability to browse the website. The user experience is also improved byapplying gestalt principles like proximity, resemblance, and closure. According to thestudy's findings, a user-centered approach to website design that incorporates gestaltlaws and design principles can increase usability for a variety of users.
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Binding Three Kinds of VisionPoom, Leo January 2003 (has links)
<p>Pictorial cues, together with motion and stereoscopic depth fields, can be used for perception and constitute ‘three kinds’ of vision. Edges in images are important features and can be created in either of these attributes. Are local edge and global shape detection processes attribute-specific? Three visual phenomena, believed to be due to low-level visual processes, were used as probes to address these issues. (1) Tilt illusions (misperceived orientation of a bar caused by an inducing grating) were used to investigate possible binding of edges across attributes. Double dissociation of tilt repulsion illusions (obtained with small orientation differences between inducer and bar) and attraction illusions (obtained with large orientation differences) suggest different mechanisms for their origins. Repulsion effects are believed to be due to processes in striate cortex and attraction because of higher level processing. The double dissociation was reproduced irrespective of the attributes used to create the inducing grating and the test-bar, suggesting that the detection and binding of edges across attributes take place in striate cortex. (2) Luminance-based illusory contour perception is another phenomenon believed to be mediated by processes in early visual cortical areas. Illusory contours can be cued by other attributes as well. Detection facilitation of a near-threshold luminous line occurred when it was superimposed on illusory contours irrespective of the attributes used as inducers. The result suggests attribute-independent activation of edge detectors, responding to real as well as illusory contours. (3) The performance in detecting snake-like shapes composed of aligned oriented elements embedded in randomly oriented noise elements was similar irrespective of the attributes used to create the elements. Performance when the attributes alternated along the path was superior to that predicted with an independent channel model. These results are discussed in terms of binding across attributes by feed-forward activation of orientation selective attribute-invariant cells (conjunction cells) in early stages of processing and contextual modulation and binding across visual space mediated by lateral and/or feedback signals from higher areas (dynamic binding).</p>
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Binding Three Kinds of VisionPoom, Leo January 2003 (has links)
Pictorial cues, together with motion and stereoscopic depth fields, can be used for perception and constitute ‘three kinds’ of vision. Edges in images are important features and can be created in either of these attributes. Are local edge and global shape detection processes attribute-specific? Three visual phenomena, believed to be due to low-level visual processes, were used as probes to address these issues. (1) Tilt illusions (misperceived orientation of a bar caused by an inducing grating) were used to investigate possible binding of edges across attributes. Double dissociation of tilt repulsion illusions (obtained with small orientation differences between inducer and bar) and attraction illusions (obtained with large orientation differences) suggest different mechanisms for their origins. Repulsion effects are believed to be due to processes in striate cortex and attraction because of higher level processing. The double dissociation was reproduced irrespective of the attributes used to create the inducing grating and the test-bar, suggesting that the detection and binding of edges across attributes take place in striate cortex. (2) Luminance-based illusory contour perception is another phenomenon believed to be mediated by processes in early visual cortical areas. Illusory contours can be cued by other attributes as well. Detection facilitation of a near-threshold luminous line occurred when it was superimposed on illusory contours irrespective of the attributes used as inducers. The result suggests attribute-independent activation of edge detectors, responding to real as well as illusory contours. (3) The performance in detecting snake-like shapes composed of aligned oriented elements embedded in randomly oriented noise elements was similar irrespective of the attributes used to create the elements. Performance when the attributes alternated along the path was superior to that predicted with an independent channel model. These results are discussed in terms of binding across attributes by feed-forward activation of orientation selective attribute-invariant cells (conjunction cells) in early stages of processing and contextual modulation and binding across visual space mediated by lateral and/or feedback signals from higher areas (dynamic binding).
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Informationsdesign och dess principer : Kartläggning och undersökning av information kring progression och förkunskaper i enlighet med informationsdesign och dess principer. / Information design and its principlesKabel, Tommy January 2022 (has links)
Vid kommunikation av information ar det viktigt att kommunicera tydlighet i sitt meddelande. För att inte förvirra informationen för mottagaren. Informationsdesign har ett antal principer för att undvika detta problem. Om en informationsdesigner använder principerna pa rätt sätt, kan informationsdesignern kommunicera tydlighet i sitt meddelande. En utbildnings progression kan vara en viktig del i att uppnå sina examensmål som student och därfor ar det viktigt om informationen kring progressionen är tydlig. Denna studie kommer att presentera principer inom informationsdesign, principer som hjälper funktions, estetiska och kognitiva egenskaper i informationsdesign. Kartläggningen i denna studie kommer att ta hjalp av funktionsprinciperna då de visar hur man främjar en god informationsdesign i hänsyn till struktur, klarhet, enkelhet, enighet och betoning. Gestaltlagar och gestaltpsykologi kommer också att vara inkluderade. För att både informationsdesign och gestaltpsykologi behandlar människans förmaga att uppfatta information, design och objekt i människans omgivning. Metoden for studien är att utföra en kvalitativ innehållsanalys över hogskolor och universitet och i vilken utsträckning dem presenterar progression och programmens kursers förkunskaper i enlighet med funktionsprinciperna från informationsdesign. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av skolorna följer informationsdesigns funktionsprinciper och det framkommer också fall av kompletteringar till informationen i form av figur/grund från gestaltlagarna. Även fast majoriteten av skolorna använder sig av funktionsprinciperna för informationsdesign upplevdes det som en utmaning att hitta källor som tar upp vikten av progression i utbildningar. / When communicating information then it is important to communicate clarity in the message. In order not to confuse the information for the recipient. Information design has several principles to avoid this problem. If an information designer uses the principles correctly, the information designer can communicate clarity in his message. The progression of an education can be an important part o fachieving one's degree goals as a student and therefore it is important if the information about the progression is clear. This study will present principles in information design, principles that help functional, aesthetic,and cognitive properties in information design. The mapping in this study will take the help of the functional principles as they show how to promote a good information design in terms of structure, clarity, simplicity, unity, and emphasis. Gestalt laws and gestalt psychology will also be included because both information design and gestalt psychology deal with the human ability to perceive information, design, and objects in the human environment. The method for the study is to perform a qualitative content analysis of colleges and universities and the programs in accordance with the functional principles of information design. The results show that most of the schools follow the functional principles of information design and there are also cases of additions to the information in the form of figures / basics from the figures. Even though most schools use the functional principles of information design, it was perceived as a challenge to find sources that address the importance of progression in education.
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Har den digitala pizzamenyn en genomtänkt stil? : En analys av lågprispizzeriors design av menyer / Does the digital pizza menu have a thoughtful style? : An analysis of low-price pizzerias design of menusEricson, Jessica, Hammam, Aurora January 2020 (has links)
Det finns studier som anger rekommendationer för att designa en väl utformad restaurangmeny. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka om pizzeriapersonal och formgivare designar digitala pizzamenyer genom medvetna val utifrån de designprinciper och designrekommendationer som finns. Undersökningen är ett kvalitativt forskningsarbete där kartläggning har använts som strategi. Datainsamlingsmetoderna som har använts är litteratursökning, visuell innehållsanalys, gruppintervjuer och semistrukturerade intervjuer för att kunna besvara frågeställningarna. Resultaten från undersökningen påvisar bland annat att pizzeriapersonalen anser att deras menydesign inte överensstämmer med varumärket. Personalen och kunderna har även olika uppfattningar om vad varumärkena står för. Trots att pizzeriornas varumärke inte stämmer överens med designen uppfyller menyerna kundernas förväntan. Slutsatserna visar bland annat att det finns gemensamma och särskiljande grafiska element. De flesta lågprispizzerior har inte ett genomtänkt varumärke samt att det inte finns en medvetenhet angående de designprinciper och designrekommendationerna hos pizzeriapersonal eller formgivare. / For the creation of restaurant menus there are studies that show which recommendations you should use to achieve a well-designed menu. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether pizzeria personnel and designers create digital pizza menus consciously from the design recommendations that exists. This study is a qualitative research work and we have used a survey as strategy. Data collection methods that have been used to answer the study questions are literature search, a visual content analysis, group interviews and semi-structured interviews. One result from the interviews showed that the pizzeria personnel thinks that their menu design does not match their brand. The pizzeria personnel and customers have different perceptions about what the brand stands for. The group interviews show that the digital menus live up to customers expectation and their experience of the low-price pizza. The conclusions show that there are common and distinctive graphical elements. Most low-price pizzerias do not have a well thought out branding, although the pizzeria personnel and designers do not have consciousness regarding the design principles and recommendations.
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Vliv subjektivního vizuálního vnímání na automatické hodnocení vzhledu rozhraní dashboard / Impact of Subjective Visual Perception on Automatic Evaluation of Dashboard DesignHynek, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
Analýza vlastností uživatelských rozhraní založená na použití metrik a kvantitativních pravidel grafického designu se zdá být slibným přístupem pro automatické hodnocení vizuální kvality uživatelských rozhraní. Přestože tento přístup nemůže plně nahradit uživatelské testování, může poskytnout dodatečné informace o možných problémech návrhu uživatelských rozhraní v počátečních fázích vývoje a ušetřit tím čas a výdaje v budoucnu. Příkladem je analýza použitých barev a rozvržení grafických elementů na obrazovce. Návrháři uživatelských rozhraní mohou měřit vlastnosti uživatelských rozhraní za použití známých metrik založených na analýze pixelů bitmapy (např. barevnost) nebo grafických elementů (např. vyvážení, symetrie). Problémem použití metrik nicméně je, že tento přístup zpravidla nezohledňuje subjektivní vnímání uživatelů (např. subjektivní vnímání barev nebo grafických elementů rozmístěných na obrazovce). Dnešní uživatelská rozhraní (jako například rozhraní dashboard) jsou komplexní. Skládají se z několika barevných vrstev, obsahují překrývající se grafické elementy, což může zvyšovat nejednoznačnost vnímání tohoto rozhraní uživateli. Může být proto komplikované vybrat takové grafické elementy, které odpovídají elementům rozpoznaným uživateli v souvislosti s principy shlukování vnímaných tvarů (jak je popsáno Gestalt psychologií). Vývoj objektivních metrik a kvantitativních pravidel grafického designu obvykle vyžaduje dostatečně velkou trénovací množinu vzorků uživatelských rozhraní anotovaných dostatečným počtem uživatelů. Tato práce se zaobírá automatickým ověřováním vzhledu uživatelských rozhraní dashboard. Práce kombinuje obecné znalosti týkající rozhraní dashboard s poznatky z oblasti vizualizace dat, vizuálního vnímání a ověřování kvality uživatelských rozhraní a následně zkoumá myšlenku automatického hodnocení vzhledu rozhraní dashboard s využitím metrik. Práce analyzuje vybrané metriky založené na analýze pixelů bitmapy a grafických elementů. Konkrétně zkoumá, jakým způsobem uživatelé rozpoznávají grafické elementy v rozhraních dashboard a výsledky aplikuje pro hodnocení schopnosti metrik (analyzujících grafické elementy rozhraní) objektivně rozpoznávat dobře navržené vzorky rozhraní dashboard. Dále představuje framework pro návrh a vylepšení metrik, který využívá pro vylepšení vybraných metrik. Následně navrhuje metodu pro segmentaci rozhraní dashboard do regionů, které mohou být použity jako vstupy pro tyto metriky. Závěrem práce porovnává vybrané metriky s hodnocením rozhraní uživateli a pokládá otázky vhodné pro budoucí výzkum.
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Analys och förbättringsförslag av navigation i arbetsflöden ett business support system / Analysis and suggestions for navigation workflow improvement in a business support systemLagne, Julia, Burlin, Queenie January 2023 (has links)
Den teknik som används i vart moderna samhalle utvecklas konstant och likaså kraven for att användargranssnitten är effektiva och användarupplevelsen god. Ett användargränssnitt bestämmer på vilket sätt en användare interagerar med ett system eller en mjukvara, och användarupplevelsen definierar hur användaren upplever denna interaktion. Dessa benämns även som User Interface (UI) och User Experience (UX). Studiens syfte var att analysera den existerande implementationen av ett systems anvandargränssnitt, för att sedan föreslå förbättringar inom dess UI och UX. Förbättringsförslagen baserades på existerande forskning kring interaktion mellan användare och datorbaserade verktyg. I studien har kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder tillämpats för att besvara studiens två forskningsfrågor. Den första forskningsfrågan ”Vilka brister finns i den grafiska designen ur användarens perspektiv för den befintliga plattformen?” besvarades genom observationer och personliga intervjuer. Den andra forskningsfrågan ”Hur kan en förbättrad grafisk design se ut för den befintliga plattformen?” besvarades genom att ta fram en förbättrad utformning av den grafiska designen. Detta gjordes i form av en mockup som baserades på Normans design principer, Ware gestaltlagar och ISO-standard. Avgränsningen som gjordes var att analysera ett specifikt business support system och ett antal arbetsuppgifter som är vanliga inom kundtjanst. Resultatet från observationen visade att majoriteten av testanvändarna hade svårigheter med att utföra uppgiften som berörde framfor allt komponenten ”adress” inom den utsatta tidsramen. Detta var även nagot som påtalades av respondenterna under intervjuerna. En av orsakerna till svårigheterna kunde kopplas till utformningen av den grafiska designen för den specifika funktionen. Detta var en av de förbattringar som sedan gjordes i förslagen av en ny design som presenterades i analysen. Med grund i observationerna och intervjuerna har studien visat vikten av ett användarvanligt anvädargranssnitt och god användarupplevelse. Men även att det ar möjligt att tillämpa den existerande teorin på ett modernt systems grafiska design. / The technology used in our modern society is constantly evolving and so are the requirements for an efficient and user-friendly user interface and user experience. A user interface decides the way a user interacts with a system or software, and the user experience defines how the user experiences this interaction. These are also called User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). The purpose of the study was to analyze the existing implementation of a system's user interface and suggest improvements within its UI and UX based on existing research on interaction between users and computer-based tools. In the study, quantitative and qualitative methods have been applied to answer the study's two research questions. The first research question "What are the shortcomings of the graphic design from the user's perspective for the existing platform?" was answered through observations and personal interviews. The second research question "How can an improved graphic design look like for the existing platform?" was answered by developing an improved implementation of the graphic design. This was done in the form of mockup’s based on Norman’s design principles, Ware gestalt laws and ISO-standard. The delimitation that was made was to analyze a specific business support system and several tasks that are common within customer services. The results from the observation demonstrated that most of the test users had especially difficult to perform the task which concerned the component “address” within the set time frame, and this was also something that was raised by the respondents during the interviews. One of the reasons for the difficulties could be linked to the graphic design for the specific function. This was one of the improvements that was later made in the new design proposal that was presented in the analysis. Based on the observations and interviews, the study has shown the importance of a user-friendly user interface and user experience, and that it is possible to apply the existing theory to a modern system's graphic design.
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