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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'économie du bonheur face à l'insécurité nutritionnelle; des Maliens ruraux, urbains et migrants évaluent leur situation alimentaire. / Happiness economics and nutritional insecurity; urban, rural and migrant people from Mali assess their food situation.

Lebrun, Mila 28 June 2013 (has links)
Les politiques de sécurité alimentaire considèrent implicitement que la satisfaction des besoins nutritionnels est un objectif suffisant et que les autres fonctions qu'assure l'alimentation – plaisir, lien social, identité – sont secondaires. La présente thèse interroge cette hypothèse. Mobilisant les avancées de l'économie du bonheur, elle propose le concept de bien-être alimentaire subjectif , défini comme la façon dont les personnes ressentent leur situation alimentaire, et construit une mesure pour en rendre compte, la satisfaction alimentaire vécue. Cette mesure est insérée dans un questionnaire soumis à trois échantillons de Maliens vivant dans des milieux différents (région de Kayes, ville de Bamako, France) et confrontés à des niveaux d'insécurité nutritionnelle variés. Des analyses statistiques et économétriques sont réalisées. Les résultats empiriques montrent que, quel que soit le niveau d'insécurité nutritionnelle, les dimensions tant biologique que sociale, hédonique ou identitaire de l'alimentation peuvent être déterminantes dans les perceptions qu'ont les personnes de leur vécu alimentaire. C'est ce qui explique que l'absence d'insécurité nutritionnelle ne soit ni une garantie, ni, surtout, un pré-requis d'une satisfaction alimentaire vécue élevée.Cette recherche suggère des implications importantes en termes d'efficacité et de définition des objectifs des politiques alimentaires. Elle va dans le sens des recommandations du Comité de la Sécurité Alimentaire mondiale d'octobre 2012 en plaidant pour compléter les approches existantes de l'insécurité alimentaire par des évaluations des perceptions individuelles des situations alimentaires vécues. / Food security programs tacitly consider that nutritional needs satisfaction is a sufficient goal and that the other functions of food-pleasure, social links, identity-are of less value. This thesis examine this assumption. Using happiness economics advances, we propose the concept of subjective food well-being, defined as the way people assess their food situation, and develop a measure to evaluate it, the experienced food satisfaction. This measure is put in a questionnaire submitted to three samples of Malian people living in different environments (Kayes region, city of Bamako, France) and facing different nutritional insecurity levels. Statistic and econometric analysis are realized. The empirical results show that, whatever the nutritional insecurity level is, every dimension of food, biological, hedonic, social or identity, can be decisive in people's perception of their food experience. It explains why lack of nutritional insecurity is not a guarantee nor a precondition of high experienced food satisfaction.This research implies important consequences for food programs efficiency and the definition of their goals. Like the last Committee of Food Security (2012) recommends, it pleads to complete existing food insecurity approaches with evaluations of individual food experience perceptions.

Hledání lidského štěstí ve Voltairových povídkách / Search of happiness in Voltaire's novels

Pokšteflová, Marie January 2011 (has links)
My diploma thesis called Search of happiness in Voltaire's novels aims to analyse the theme of happiness in prose works Micromegas, L'Ingénu, Zadig and Candide. The analysis is preceded by an introduction showing the evolution of the theme of happiness through different historical periods. This theoretical part is also followed by a definition of philosophical novel as a typical Voltaire's way of expressing his philosophical thoughts. The analysis itself underlines common points of view found in the novels which all describe a world full of evil, disasters and misfortune. Good and honest heroes enter into this bad world and they struggle to find their place in the sun. Their nice personalities present a big contrast to the merciless world which surrounds them. The analysed examples from novels highlight major problems in Voltaire's time but a lot of parallels are found in today's world. I systematically pay attention to these parallels throughout the diploma. The analysis leads to the description of incorrigibly bad world, where only small islands of happiness can be found represented by friendship and love. We can only deal with such a life thanks to a meaningful activity which can make it bearable. The philosopher's approach to the theme which still captures people's attention is evaluated in the...

Bem-estar subjetivo: influência de variáveis pessoais e situacionais em auto-relato de afetos positivos e negativos / Subjective well-being: the influence of personal and environmental factors in reports of positive and negative affects

Fiquer, Juliana Teixeira 31 July 2006 (has links)
O objetivo do Estudo 1 foi comparar auto-relatos de afetos positivos e negativos de homens e mulheres de diferentes grupos etários (jovens, adultos, meia-idade e idosos), habitantes de quatro cidades brasileiras. Aplicou-se a Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos (PANAS) a uma amostra composta por habitantes de São Paulo/capital (N = 84), de Socorro-SP (N = 85), de João Pessoa-PB (N = 80) e de Salvador-BA (N = 82). Os resultados foram analisados através de ANOVA. Encontrou-se efeito principal significativo de cidade e idade para afetos positivos e negativos. Habitantes de São Paulo apresentaram escores mais baixos de afetos positivos em comparação com habitantes das demais cidades e escores mais elevados de afetos negativos em comparação com habitantes de Socorro. Os idosos apresentaram escores mais elevados de afetos positivos e mais baixos de afetos negativos que os adultos e os jovens. Finalmente, foi encontrado efeito de interação sexo x idade. Mulheres adultas relataram mais afetos negativos que homens adultos, enquanto na velhice as mulheres ultrapassaram os homens quanto aos escores de afetos positivos. Os resultados obtidos estão de acordo com as previsões feitas pela teoria da seletividade socioemocional, segundo a qual o bem-estar aumenta com a idade em função de uma melhor regulação de emoções. A presente pesquisa mostra que relatos de afetos positivos e negativos podem ser modulados por gênero em faixas etárias específicas. O conflito maternidade x emprego é um grande fator de estresse e pode contribuir para os resultados obtidos. O objetivo do Estudo 2 foi verificar até que ponto o padrão de resultados de Desejabilidade Social (DS) replicaria o padrão de resultados obtido para a PANAS através da aplicação da Escala de Desejabilidade Social de Crowne e Marlowe (1960) a uma amostra de participantes (N = 115) com distribuição por sexo e idade semelhante a do primeiro estudo. Foi encontrado efeito principal significativo de idade, com os idosos apresentando escores mais elevados de DS que pessoas mais jovens, mas não foi encontrada diferença significativa de gênero para os escores de DS. Estes dados indicam que os resultados do Estudo 1 não podem ser inteiramente atribuídos à influência de DS. O objetivo do Estudo 3 foi comparar auto-relatos de Afetos Positivos e Negativos de pacientes deprimidos e de pessoas sem depressão. A amostra clínica foi constituída por homens e mulheres de meia-idade (14 homens e 27 mulheres), diagnosticados com Transtorno Depressivo Maior, provenientes do Instituto de Psiquiatria de um hospital público. A amostra não clínica foi a mesma utilizada no Estudo 1, constituída por homens e mulheres também de meia-idade, habitantes da cidade de São Paulo. O grupo com depressão apresentou escores de afetos negativos mais altos e de afetos positivos mais baixos em comparação com o grupo controle. Concluímos que a PANAS é um instrumento sensível para a diferenciação de estados de ânimo patológicos e não patológicos. / The objective of Study 1 is the comparison of reports of positive and negative affects presented by men and women belonging different age groups (young, adult, middle-aged and elderly) and different locations. People from four brazilian cities were subjected to a questionnaire – the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) – and the results were analyzed through ANOVA. The resulting sample is composed of a mixture of questionnaires answered by 84 people from São Paulo-SP, 80 people from João Pessoa-PB, 85 people from Socorro-SP, and 82 people from Salvador-BA. We have found city and age to be of high relevance to both positive and negative affect levels. The inhabitants of São Paulo scored lower with respect to positive affects than the inhabitants of the other three cities. The inhabitants of São Paulo also scored higher in negative affects than the inhabitants of Socorro. Elderly people scored higher in positive affects and lower in negative affects than both adults and young people. Lastly, we found an interaction between sex and age. Adult women reported larger quantities of negative affects than men of the same age. Elderly women, on the other hand, scored higher with respect to positive affects than men at that same age. The observed results are in accordance with what is predicted by the socioemotional selectivity theory, which dictates that well-being increases with age due to changes that favor emotional stability. Our research shows that the effects of gender on positive and relative affect reports are also related to age. The maternity vs. job conflict represents an important source of stress that may have contributed to these results. The objective of Study 2 is to check whether Social Desirability (SD) can replicate the patterns of results that we obtained for PANAS in Study 1. To that extent, we applied the Social Desirability Scale of Crowne and Marlowe (1960) to a randomly selected sample of 115 individuals with sex and age distributions that resembled the distributions of our first study. We found evidence that SD scores were related to age, with elderly people reporting higher scores of SD than younger people. However, we found no statistically relevant evidence that gender could influence SD scores. This data points toward the fact that the results we observed in Study 1 cannot be completely explained by SD influence. The objective of Study 3 is to compare reports of positive and negative affects in depressive and non-depressive individuals. The clinical sample is composed of middle-aged men and women (14 men and 27 women) who had been previously diagnosed with Major Depression. The non-clinical sample was the same we used in Study 1, which is also composed of middle-aged men and women who reside in the city of São Paulo. Individuals belonging to the depression group scored higher and lower with respect to negative and positive affects, respectively, than the individuals belonging to the non-depressive group. We were able to establish that PANAS is indeed an adequate instrument for distinguishing between depressive and non-depressive emotional states.

Diagnóstico, interpretação e transformação de si: caminhos para a felicidade no magistério? / Self-diagnosis, self-interpretation, self-transformation: paths to happiness in teaching?

Beltran, Ana Carolina de Viveiros 07 May 2018 (has links)
A felicidade tem figurado como tema para diversos grupos humanos e indivíduos em diferentes tradições e épocas. Para os professores, não raras vezes, o tempo feliz da profissão tremeluz em uma realidade passada. Atualmente, parece dominar a infelicidade e a sensação de se constituírem como vidas-vítima na profissão. Assim, uma miríade de campos discursivos dirigidos aos docentes prometem-lhes a reversão da situação atual e uma existência mais harmoniosa, apaziguada e feliz na profissão na medida em que se engajem em uma série de saberes, comportamentos e procedimentos destinados ao diagnóstico, a interpretação e a transformação de si mesmo O que faz você feliz você que faz! O que você faz pra ser feliz?. Desde essa perspectiva, pensamos a questão da felicidade no magistério como um objetivo associado a certas formas de exercício profissional, que incita os professores a postarem-se como objetos de sua própria reflexão e transformação. O objetivo de nossa pesquisa é esquadrinhar o funcionamento de uma gama de \"práticas de subjetivação\", nas quais os professores são convocados a se relacionarem consigo mesmos sob formas particulares e a se capacitarem a compreender, falar, avaliar e colocar em ação a si mesmos através de técnicas, exercícios e procedimentos especifícos em nome de determinados fins relacionados ao sucesso, ao êxito e à felicidade. Produzimos um cenário temático que buscou, por um lado, evidenciar que a reivindicação docente por seu paraíso perdido não é tão atual como possa se pensar, atualizando-se em diferentes circunstâncias do século XX, e, por outro, que o acoplamento do trabalho a noções de bem-estar e felicidade não é óbvia e ahistórica. Como plataforma analítica, elegemos os estudos de Michel Foucault e pós-estruturalistas, operando com os conceitos de governamentalidade, tecnologias de governo e tecnologias/técnicas da relação consigo (pragmática de si). As fontes empíricas compreendem três campos discursivos que ganharam força nos últimos anos no Brasil, a saber: o da pedagogia crítica, alinhado ao processo de redemocratização do país; o do mal-estar docente, comprometido com as explicações sobre o sentimento de vazio propiciado pelas mudanças do mundo globalizado; e o da pedagogia das competências, que leva ao limite a aprendizagem pela vida inteira, o aprender a aprender. Assumindo, como critérios metodológicos, a dispersão dos enunciados e os diferentes níveis de circulação e autoridade dos documentos, agregamos, às produções bibliográficas dos campos supracitados, materiais referentes à formação de professores da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo entre os períodos de 1989 a 2000 (transcrição de cursos, seminários e palestras, coletâneas de textos, apostilas, publicações institucionais). Contextualizados em uma sociedade caracterizada como da aprendizagem exigente do aprendiz permanente, os três campos objetivam a produção de um professor reflexivo, e, com isso, mais satisfeito e feliz, dotado de certo tipo de eu interior e de uma essencialidade humana inacabada, definidos como propriedades não somente do profissional, mas da pessoa. Dessa maneira, a engrenagem subjetivadora, levada a cabo para a formação de professores, produz efeitos na profissão e fora dela. / Happiness has figured as a theme for various human groups and individual in different traditions and times. For teachers, not infrequently, the happy time of the profession flickers in a past reality. Nowadays, it seems to dominate the unhappiness and the sensation of being a lifevictim in the profession. Thus, a myriad of discursive fields directed to teachers promise them the reversal of the current situation and a more harmonious, appeased and happy professional existence, insofar as they engage in a series of knowledges, behaviors and procedures for the self-diagnosis, self-interpretation and self-transformation What makes you happy you do! What do you do to be happy? From this perspective, we think of the issue of hapiness in teaching as an objective associated with certain forms of professional practice, which encourages teachers to remain as objetcs of their own reflection and transformation. The aim of our research is to explore the working of a range of subjectivation practices in which teachers are called to relate to themselves in particular ways and to enable themselves to understand, speak, evaluate and act through specific techniques, exercises and procedures in the name of certain ends related to success and happiness. We have produced a thematic scenario that sought, on the one hand, to show teaching claim for its lost paradise is not as current as one might think, updating itself in different circumstances of the twentieth century, and on the other, that the coupling of work to notions of well-being and happiness is not obvious and unhistorical. As an analytical platform, we chose Michel Foucaults and post structuralists studies, working with the concepts of governmentality, government technology and technologies of the self (pragmatic of the self). The empirical sources comprise three discursive fields that gained strenght in recent years in Brazil, namely: that of critical pedagogy, aligned with the process of redemocratization of the country; that of teacher malaise, commited to explain the feeling of emptiness caused by the changes in a globalized world; and that of the pedagogy of competences, which pushes the concept of lifelong learning to the limit, learning to learn. Assuming as methodological criteria the dispersion of the statements and the different levels of circulation and authority of the documents, we added to the bibliographical productions of the aforementioned fields, materials referring to the formation of teachers of the Municipal Department of São Paulo from 1989 to 2000 (transcriptions of courses, seminars and lectures, compilations of texts, institutional publications). Contextualized in a society characterized as learning whose the subject is the lifelong learner, the three discursive fields aim at the production of the reflective teacher, and thereby more satisfied and happy, endowed with a certain type of inner self and unfinished human essence defined as properties not only of the professional but of the person. In this way, the process of subjectivation of teacher education produces effects in the profession and outside it.

Economia e felicidade: um estudo empírico dos determinantes da felicidade no Brasil / Economics and Happiness: a empirical study of the deteminants of happiness in Brazil.

Lima, Sabrina Vieira 30 March 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a influência de possíveis determinantes empíricos na felicidade dos brasileiros. Os determinantes considerados foram estado civil, idade, escolaridade, sexo, região, religião, etnia, renda, posição relativa da renda, desemprego, probabilidade de desemprego para indivíduos empregados e probabilidade de emprego para indivíduos desempregados. Estes determinantes foram utilizados no modelo de probit ordenado para a estimação da felicidade. Para isso foram utilizados os dados disponibilizados pelo World Values Survey para os anos de 1991 e 1997. Os resultados obtidos mostram a variável renda como altamente significativa para a determinação da felicidade. Ela esteve presente nos resultados de quase todas as estimações realizadas. A variável posição relativa da renda, apesar de não ter sido significativa para explicar a felicidade apresentou uma relação positiva com a felicidade (quanto maior a renda de um indivíduo perante seus semelhantes, melhor tende a ser sua posição frente a eles, o que contribui positivamente para sua felicidade). O desemprego também se mostrou quase sempre presente. Essa variável se mostrou mais significativa na determinação da felicidade do que as variáveis que relacionam desemprego com probabilidade de emprego e emprego com probabilidade de desemprego. Casamento, em geral, é um importante determinante na felicidade dos brasileiros (o que confirma os dados encontrados em muitos outros países), comparativamente aos demais estados civis. As mulheres são menos felizes que os homens: apresentam uma relação negativa com a felicidade comparativamente aos homens. E por fim, as religiões católica e espírita (denominação deste trabalho para englobar religiões como candomblé, espiritismo e umbanda) possuem coeficiente negativo para a felicidade. / The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of possible empirical determinants on Brazilian happiness. The determinants considered were: marital status age, education, gender, region, religion, ethnic description, income, relative position of income, unemployment, unemployment probability of employed individual, employment probability of unemployed individual. These determinants were used with ordered probit model to the happiness estimation. The study used the data from the World Social Survey for the years 1991 and 1997. The results show that income has a great significance on determining happiness. It was present in the results of almost all estimations done. The variable relative position of income although not significant to explain happiness showed a positive relation to happiness (the greatest is the income of an individual compared to his fellows the better tends to be his position compared to them, what contributes to his happiness). Unemployment also was present. This variable has demonstrated more significant than the ones that relate unemployment to probabilities of employment and employment to probabilities of unemployment. Being married in general is an important determinant of Brazilian happiness (that agrees to the results founded in many other countries) comparatively to the others marital status. Women are less happy than men: they presented a negative relation to happiness comparatively to men. Finely, the catholic and espírita religions (the last one considered in this work to represent religions like candomblé, espiritismo e umbanda) have negative coefficient to explain happiness.

Sur les traces de Benjamin Gastineau, littérateur révolutionnaire de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. / On Benjamin Gastineau’s tracks a revolutionary writer of the second part of the 19th century

Meldolesi, Tommaso 01 July 2015 (has links)
Benjamin Gastineau, dont l’oeuvre se situe entre 1845 et 1880 a été à la fois auteur de théâtre, de romans et de contes, d’articles de journaux et de traités d’histoire et d’analyse et de critique sociale. Héritier de la philosophie des Lumières et lié à des groupes socialistes et républicains, Gastineau considère son écriture comme un moyen pour atteindre le peuple et pour l’élever en suivant les principes de la morale bourgeoise. Seulement grâce à cette éducation le peuple, selon Gastineau, pourra un jour refaire la Révolution et rétablir des conditions favorables pour toute la société, où la justice, la liberté et le bonheur soient garantis. Cette étude permet alors d’une part de mener une enquête sur la diffusion du savoir par des articles de journaux et par des œuvres visant à toucher un public populaire ; d’autre part elle permet de considérer l’engagement politique de cet écrivain à partir de son opposition au coup d’Etat de Napoléon III, en passant par la Commune de Paris et jusqu’à son activité incessante pour la cause des communards, lors de son exil bruxellois. De plus Gastineau prend position contre les privilèges et les abus de l’Eglise de Rome et montre comment les femmes en sont les victimes privilégiées. Le rôle de la femme est à insérer dans un discours beaucoup plus vaste de critique sociale touchant au diable, aux croyances remontant au Moyen Age et à la dégradation des mœurs. C’est en ayant acquis une liberté intellectuelle et matérielle et en se libérant des contraintes dues à la religion que les hommes pourront s’acheminer vers l’avenir : un avenir matériel, symbolisé par le chemin de fer qui mène les hommes au delà du monde contingent, vers l’acquisition de nouveaux espaces, réels et imaginaires et d’une nouvelle réalité à édifier sur des principes de paix, justice et liberté. / Benjamin Gastineau’s work was written between 1845 and 1880. Gastineau wrote some theatre pieces, long and short novels, historical and social essays, and newspaper articles. He was influenced by Enlightenment philosophy and connected with Socialist and Republican thinkers. Gastineau considers his writing as a way to join people, and to give him an education, on following the principals of bourgeois moralism. Only in this way, people – he says – will have the possibility one day to make French Revolution again, and establish favourable conditions for the whole society, where justice, freedom and happiness could be guaranteed for everybody. Our work permits, thus, on the one hand, to investigate on diffusion of knowledge though newspaper articles and works written for popular readers. On the other hand, it permits to consider the political engagement of this writer, since the coup by Napoleon the 3th, passing through the Commune of Paris, and until his defence of the Communards when he was exiled in Brussels. In addition, Gastineau express his position against the abuses and the corruption of Roman Church and shows how women are its main victims. The rule of woman in XIX society takes part of a larger speech concerning social critics and including hell, medieval faith and the degradation of habits. As men have obtained intellectual and material freedom against the obligations impositions caused by religion that men could keep on walk together towards future; a material future represented by railway journey that takes men all over the acquisition of new spaces, real as well as imaginary ones, and of a new reality to build on following principals of peace, justice and freedom.

Le concept d'excellence dans la philosophie arabe du IVe/ Xe siècle / The concept of excellence in the Arabic philosophy of Xe

Ajmi, Faten 03 December 2016 (has links)
Au carrefour de l'éthique, du politique, de la noétique et de la métaphysique, la notion de kamāl (perfection, excellence) est fortement présente dans la philosophie arabe médiévale : elle est présente dans les écrits d'un al-Fārābī (870-950) ou d'un Miskawayh (932-1030), comme condition de bonne gouvernance et de bonheur. Elle constitue un sujet de prédilection dans les salons littéraires ou dans les lieux de rencontres entre intellectuels dans le Bagdad du Xe siècle, comme l'atteste l'ouvrage d'al-Tawḥīdī (932-1030) intitulé « Du plaisir et de la bonne compagnie ». C'est à la fois cette réflexion commune sur la notion d'excellence et l'apport propre de chacun des auteurs de ce siècle spécial qu'est le Xe siècle que ce travail de thèse se propose de développer. Sur le plan historique, il cherchera à apporter des éclairages sur les milieux intellectuels de l'époque, et à faire ressortir les affinités qui existaient entre des auteurs très connus comme al-Fārābī, et d'autres moins connus et moins étudiés comme Ibn 'Adiyy, philosophe chrétien, élève de Fârâbî et auteur d'un livre intitulé la réforme de l'éthique, ou comme al-'Amīrī, auteur d'un livre fondamental sur le bonheur. sur le plan théorique, il cherchera à dégager l'articulation entre la notion d'excellence et des notions aussi présentes chez les penseurs de cette époque telles que les notions de bonheur, de bien, de justice… cette réflexion se déploiera suivant trois axes extrêmement solidaires, mais dont la distinction permettra d'étudier, à chaque fois, la notion d'excellence, à partir d'un angle différent et selon des critères singuliers : un axe éthique, un axe politique et un axe noétique. / The concept of kamāl– perfection, excellence- is deeply ingrained in the medieval arabic philosophy, it is a concept at the crossroads of ethics, politics, noetics and metaphysics. This concept is present in the writings of someone like Al-Fārābī-870-950 or someone as Miskawayh -932-1030 and it appears as a prerequisite for good governance and happiness. It is also the most favoured theme of talks in the literary saloons or in places gathering intellectuals in Baghdad in the Xth century. This is revealed by the book of al-Tawḥīdī -932-1030- named Charming and Delightful company (pleasure of speaking in the court society).This work is at the same time a reflection on the concept of excellence and on what all the authors of this unique century have brought of interesting in this field.It is this matter that this PHD is exploring.On a historical plan, the purpose is to shed light on the intellectual milieu in this century and on the bonds between very famous authors like al-Fārābī and others less reknowned and less studied like Ibn Adiyy who was a Christian philosopher (student of al-Fārābī) and who wrote a book named “the reform of ethics” or other authors like al-Amīrī who wrote a very important book on happiness.On a theoretical plan, this work will try to unravel the links between the concept of excellence and other very important concepts which were the objects of work for thinkers of that century like happiness, goodness, justice…This reflection is built on three very important axes close one to another and at the same time distinct, the study of which will enable to shed light on the concept of excellence from different perspectives and on basis of particular criteria.The axes directing the present work are therefore the following: Ethics, politics,noetics.

Os serviços públicos e o bem-estar subjetivo da população: uma modelagem multigrupos baseada em mínimos quadrados parciais / Public services and subjective well-being of the population: a multigrupos modeling based on partial least squares

Prearo, Leandro Campi 17 December 2013 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo principal relacionar a avaliação dos serviços públicos municipais com o bem-estar subjetivo (BES) dos indivíduos residentes na região do Grande ABC Paulista. Inicialmente foram levantados cinquenta estudos realizados nos últimos dez anos que apresentaram estudo quantitativo para entendimento dos possíveis discriminantes da felicidade, aqui operacionalizada a partir do termo bem-estar subjetivo. Esses serviram como base teórica para o entendimento sobre os possíveis determinantes do BES e para a construção do referencial teórico sobre a temática do BES. Não obstante, não foram encontrados trabalhos com proposição semelhante a este estudo, mas sim apenas pequenos fragmentos de avaliações específicas dos serviços públicos em contextos mais amplos de avaliação. Foram encontradas 114 variáveis possíveis preditoras do BES, com destaque para idade, renda familiar, gênero, estado civil, ocupação e escolaridade, relacionadas em mais de 50% dos textos e selecionadas como moderadoras do relacionamento entre a Avaliação dos Serviços Públicos Municipais (ASPM) e o Bem-Estar Subjetivo (BES). O construto ASPM foi operacionalizado a partir de 22 variáveis e o construto BES a partir de 4 variáveis. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada na Região do Grande ABC Paulista, por meio de amostragem probabilística de conglomerados bifásica, considerando margem de erro de 3% e nível de confiança de 95%, resultando em uma amostra de 1.070 casos. A análise dos resultados deu-se por meio de estatísticas descritivas, bivariadas e por meio da aplicação da técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais baseada em mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS). Os resultados sugerem um fraco, porém estatisticamente significante relacionamento entre o ASPM e BES, moderado por todas as cinco variáveis propostas, sugerindo que os serviços públicos influem na qualidade do bem-estar dos indivíduos, especialmente quando essa avaliação é realizada em estratos específicos. Sugere-se a realização de estudos subsequentes com o foco apenas em usuários dos serviços públicos avaliados. / This study aimed to relate the evaluation of municipal utilities with subjective wellbeing (SWB) of individuals living in the Grande ABC Paulista. Initially raised fifty studies in the last ten years presented a quantitative study for understanding the possible discriminant of happiness, here operationalized as the term subjective well-being. These served as the theoretical basis for the understanding of the possible determinants of the SWB and the construction of the theoretical framework on the subject of SWB. Nevertheless, no studies were found with similar proposition in this study, but only small fragments of specific evaluations of public services in the wider contexts of evaluation. Found 114 possible variables predictive of SWB, especially age, family income, gender, marital status, occupation and education, related in more than 50 % of the texts and selected as moderators of the relationship between the Evaluation of Municipal Utilities (ASPM) and Subjective Well - Being (SWB). The construct was operationalized ASPM from 22 variables and construct SWB from 4 variables. The field research was conducted in the Region of the Grande ABC Paulsita, by sampling a probabilistic cluster biphasic considering margin of error of 3 % and a confidence level of 95 %, resulting in a sample of 1,070 cases. The analysis was performed by using descriptive statistic, bivariate and by applying the technique of Structural Equation Modeling based on partial least squares (PLS). The results suggest a weak but statistically significant relationship between the SWB and ASPM, moderated by all five variables proposed, suggesting that public services affect the quality of the well- being of individuals, especially when evaluation is performed in specific strata. It is suggested to carry out subsequent study with focus only on users of public services evaluated.

Figures du couple dans l'oeuvre de Jean Giraudoux / Figures of the couple in the work of Jean Giraudoux

Ouakaoui, Noussayba 14 June 2013 (has links)
Mon sujet de thèse a porté sur les nombreuses figures du couple dans l’œuvre romanesque et théâtrale de Jean Giraudoux. La lecture des œuvres de cet auteur m’a conduit naturellement vers cette problématique. Nous retrouvons dans les pièces de théâtre et dans les romans, différentes représentations du couple qui questionnent la relation conjugale. Les personnages mis en scène par Giraudoux cherchent à déconstruire la représentation traditionnelle et à imposer de nouveaux rapports. Ma thèse reprend tous ces enjeux et se présente en trois parties. La première offre une vue assez large sur la notion de couple. J’y traite notamment de la question des origines et je reviens sur les influences qui ont pu marquer notre auteur. Cette partie définitionnelle a été capitale pour circonscrire notre problématique mais aussi pour évoquer la culture de l’écrivain. Dans cette partie, j’interroge aussi le langage du couple, j’y analyse le discours ainsi que les mots qui ont tendance parfois à se transformer en véritable maux. Enfin, dans cette partie, j’évoque la relation de l’altérité en montrant ses points d’application au sein du couple. Dans la deuxième partie, la réflexion se précise, j’analyse essentiellement la rupture du couple, les facteurs déclencheurs. Par ailleurs, pour comprendre la déroute que vit le couple, il était nécessaire de revenir au contexte de l’époque. En effet, la relation classique entre l’homme et la femme a subi un changement dû à un mouvement d’émancipation féminine accentuée par la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale. L’adultère se lit alors dans tous les comportements. Après avoir été conçu mentalement, il est revendiqué par les femmes qui entendent mettre fin à toutes les supercheries. Je m’interroge aussi dans cette partie sur la position même de l’auteur qui est quelquefois ambigüe. En effet si Jean Giraudoux est un fervent féministe, c’est aussi un écrivain conservateur qui pense que la guerre des sexes ne peut aboutir. La position de Giraudoux est donc beaucoup plus nuancée que celle d’un Margueritte, par exemple. Dans la troisième partie, j’élargis ma problématique à la question du bonheur qui est aussi une thématique intrinsèque à celle du couple. Je montre qu’il y a tout d’abord dans l’œuvre un conflit entre le plaisir et le bonheur. Ce dernier est une pure façade qui accule les personnes à vivre ensemble. Les hommes sont d’ailleurs particulièrement attachés à leur bonheur, ils se l’arrachent comme du gibier. La femme quant à elle, fière et digne, se moque et se détourne de ce bonheur fait de prosaïsme et célèbre un art de vivre qui se fonde sur la jouissance totale. Elle abroge le système de valeurs revendiqué par les hommes qui veulent notamment en faire une figure sacrificielle. L’œuvre est à ce titre iconoclaste à plusieurs niveaux, elle bouscule les repères traditionnels et rend compte de nouveaux comportements qui sont un écho des mutations que connaît la France à cette époque. / My thesis focused on the figures referring to the couple in the romantic and theatrical work of Jean Giraudoux. Reading the works of this author has naturally led me to conduct this study. We find in the plays and novels, different representations of the couple who question the relationship. The characters portrayed by Giraudoux seek to deconstruct the traditional representation of the couple, and to impose new reporting figures. My thesis takes all these issues, and it is presented in three parts: The first part provides a broad view of the concept of torque. It deals with the question of origins and come back on the influences that have marked our author. This definitional part was crucial to define our problem but also to evoke the culture of the writer. In this section, I also questioned the language of the couple, I analyze the speech and words that sometimes tend to turn into a real pain. Finally, in this section, I mentioned the relationship of otherness showing his application points within the couple. In the second part, thinking becomes clearer, I analyze essentially marital breakdown and the triggers. Moreover, to understand the rout that saw the couple, it was necessary to return to the context of the time. Indeed, the classical relationship between man and woman has undergone a change due to a female emancipation movement accentuated by the end of the Second World War. Adultery, then reads in all behaviors. After being mentally conceived, it is claimed by women who intend to end all frauds. I also wonder in this part of the same position of the author is sometimes ambiguous. Indeed, if Jean Giraudoux is a staunch feminist, is also a conservative writer who thinks the war between the sexes cannot succeed. Giraudoux's position is much more nuanced than that of Marguerite, for instance. In the third part, I expanded my problem to the question of happiness, as it is also intrinsic to the couple's theme. I show that it is first implemented in a conflict between pleasure and happiness. The latter is a pure facade which Corners people to live together. Men are also particularly attached to their happiness, they tear off like a game. The woman on the other hand, proud and dignified, mocks and turns that happiness is prosaic and celebrates a lifestyle that is based on the total enjoyment. It repeals the system of values claimed by men who want to make such a sacrificial figure. The work is as such iconoclastic several levels, it upsets the traditional benchmarks and realize new behaviors that are an echo of the changes experienced by France at that time.

A liberdade e a felicidade do indivíduo na racionalidade do trabalho no capitalismo tardio: a (im)possibilidade administrada / Freedom and happiness of the individual in the rationality of work in late capitalism: the administered (im)possibility

Chaves, Juliana de Castro 28 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana de Castro Chaves.pdf: 921006 bytes, checksum: 236af8ac334bed9610999870233b9419 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This paper is based on a theoretical research aiming to analyze the possibility of freedom and happiness in the rationality of work in late capitalism. The foundation of this study is the Critical Theory of Society, connected to the School of Frankfurt and represented by Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse, in dialog, discussion, and confront with other theoretical references in order to deepen the debate. To the authors of the Critical Theory, freedom and happiness can only be conceived in the attachment of the individual to society. Thus, this thesis brings to the discussion the contributions of Marx and Freud, authors that take into consideration this relationship and indicate that work must be questioned as a category fundamental for the formation of man, because it produces Ego suffering, domination, and fragility. The foundations to analyze freedom and happiness in the present are developed based on discussions about the concepts of these two dimensions in differentiated organizations, and their articulations with the rationality of work. After that, it is discussed the configuration of rationality of work in contemporary society, which is spread over several social spheres, determining educational modes and leisure time. This rationality is contradictory, because it emphasizes the formation of a worker-citizen possessing competences that enhance the individuality and the potential to be autonomous and free in order to search for welfare and happiness, although presenting an overwhelming heteronomy. Concomitantly with the emancipation enhancement, apathy, fortuitous happiness, sacrifice, fear and lack of pleasure are installed in the individual. Semiformation, amplified by the cultural industry, causes the individual to become fragile, thus making him receptive and functionally a reproducer of work rationality, which presents more acute subjective contradictions, although they are not reflected. The combination of objective and subjective conditions favors the formation of a massive, instrumental, and reified subjectivity that does not offer resistance to the established order and is also object of agreement, propagation, and concretization of new mechanisms of subjection. The resistance involves the analysis of this formation in the core of the objective conditions that determined it, the recognition of what makes difficult the realization of freedom and happiness, and the preparation of the individual for reflection / Este trabalho está estruturado em uma pesquisa teórica que procura analisar a possibilidade de liberdade e de felicidade na racionalidade do trabalho no capitalismo tardio. A base teórica que o sustenta é a Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, vinculada à Escola de Frankfurt e representada por Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno e Herbert Marcuse, em diálogo com outros referenciais teóricos que auxiliam a aprofundar o debate. Para os autores da Teoria Crítica, a liberdade e a felicidade só podem ser concebidas na vinculação do indivíduo com a sociedade. Por isso, nesta tese são problematizadas as contribuições de Marx e Freud, autores que levam em conta essa relação e indicam que o trabalho deve ser questionado como categoria central para a formação dos homens, por produzir o sofrimento, a dominação e a fragilidade do Ego. A partir da discussão das concepções de liberdade e de felicidade, em organizações diferenciadas, e de suas articulações com a racionalidade do trabalho, são desenvolvidas bases para a análise dessas duas dimensões na atualidade. Em seguida, discute-se a configuração da racionalidade do trabalho na sociedade contemporânea, que se alastra por vários âmbitos sociais, determinando modos educacionais e o tempo livre. Essa racionalidade é contraditória, pois enfatiza a formação de um trabalhador-cidadão portador de competências que enaltecem a individualidade e a potencialidade de ser autônomo e livre para buscar o bem-estar e a felicidade, mas que, no entanto apresenta uma heteronomia avassaladora. Paralelamente ao enaltecimento da emancipação, instala-se a apatia, a alegria fortuita, o sacrifício, o medo e a falta de prazer no indivíduo. A semiformação, ampliada pela indústria cultural, auxilia a propagação dessa lógica quando forma um indivíduo frágil, receptivo e funcionalmente reprodutor da racionalidade do trabalho que, embora apresente contradições mais agudas e claras, não são refletidas. A combinação de condições objetivas e subjetivas favorece a formação de uma subjetividade massificada, instrumental e reificada que não oferece resistência à ordem estabelecida e ainda é objeto de concordância, de propagação e de concretização de novos mecanismos de sujeição. A resistência envolve a análise dessa formação no interior das condições objetivas que a determinaram, o reconhecimento do que dificulta a realização da liberdade e da felicidade e a preparação do indivíduo para a reflexão

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