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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experiences of Canadian women in popular music: “even on the worst sick no gas freezing Canadian middle of January rockie mountain or Halifax breakdown there is nothing better to do for a living”

MacKay, Robbie J. 10 April 2008 (has links)
This study examined the personal and professional experiences of Canadian professional female popular musicians. The researcher gathered data in two phases. In phase one, 85 female musicians completed a 105-question on-line survey. In phase two, the researcher interviewed four musicians to expand and elucidate survey data. In keeping with a critical feminist approach, the researcher’s voice is prominent in the report. The study reveals a complex combination of personal and professional circumstances that both compel and impel women to become musicians, and then to cleave to or to abandon careers in the music industry. Families, peers, role models, and teachers all have some effect on personal and professional choices that musicians make. Gender stereotyping and sexual harassment prevail in both music education and the music industry, making these contested sites for women musicians. However, respondents’ identity as “musician” is a powerful force, in both personal and professional realms, making both education and industry also sites of triumph. Important findings include: respondents’ reflections on what makes for a successful pop musician; data revealed no essential biographical precursors for success in pop music; respondents’ opinions about the importance of music lessons are divided; and, along with credible technical music skills, musicians need to develop strong personal, social, and business skills. / Thesis (Master, Education) -- Queen's University, 2008-04-10 10:30:48.856

Gender conflict amongst adolescents at the Rossburgh High School, Durban.

Chetty, Ravani. January 2000 (has links)
In 1998 the Faculty of Community and Development Disciplines (CADD) embarked on a project to prevent and reduce crime involving school children. A needs assessment was conducted in the three schools where the project was to have its main focus. One of the problems that came out of the Rossburgh High School was the conflict that appeared to exist between male and female learners at the school. Male learners were observed to 'bully' their female counterparts. Given the high statistic of violence against women in South Africa, this seemingly 'small' problem could have relevance later on in the lives of these adolescents. In order to intervene successfully it was first necessary to understand the problem that existed. By means of focus groups male and female adolescents provided information around the phenomenon. From data obtained, it appeared that fighting was predominantly due to boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. The problem was explored in depth and recommendations were made with regards to intervention programmes and future research. / Thesis (M.Cur.)-University of Natal, 2000.

Förebyggande arbete mot mobbning : Lärares erfarenhet av styrkor och svagheter i arbetet med metoderna Friends och Mombus / Preventive work against bully : Teachers’ conceptions of strengths and weaknesses in their activities with support from the methods Friends and Mom

Almqvist, Maria, Danielsson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to examine how six teachers, who work in two different schools, assess the methods Friends and Mombus in terms of bullying prevention. The Curriculum for elementary school (Lpo 94) emphasizes that it is the employees of schools who carry the main responsibility for preventing bullying among pupils. One of the main results of this study is that teachers, in addition to their work with Friends or Mombus, also need to use alternative methods to prevent bullying. Examples of these alternative methods include “Emotional Intelligence” as well as “friendship massage”. The result section also stresses the importance of anti-bullying teams when it comes to preventing harassments. At present there are no studies which have evaluated the results the Friends and Mombus methods have achieved. Since the methods are used in many schools in Sweden, the lack of evaluations is noteworthy. This study ends with a discussion on the complexity of bullying prevention. Further research is needed to clarify the results of different anti- bullying methods.</p> / <p>Syftet med studien var att ta del av lärares resonemang kring arbetet med att motverka mobbning på två grundskolor för att analysera och beskriva det upplevda stödet som metoderna Friends respektive Mombus ger i det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning. I Läroplan för det obligatoriska skolväsendet, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet (Lpo 94) lyfts att det är personal på skolan som bär ansvar för att förebygga kränkande behandlingar eller mobbning bland eleverna. I den kvalitativa studiens resultat påvisas det att lärarna som arbetar med Friends respektive Mombus behöver arbeta med flera andra arbetssätt för att förebygga mobbning. Andra arbetssätt som lärarna använder sig av i den dagliga verksamheten är till exempel EQ och kompismassage. I resultatet framhålls därtill det stöd lärarna erhålls från Mobbningsteamen på sina respektive skolor för att motverka alla former av kränkande behandling. Det finns inga utvärderingar gjorda kring vilket resultat metoderna Friends och Mombus ger i det preventiva arbetet mot mobbning vilket kan tyckas anmärkningsvärt eftersom båda metoderna praktiseras på många skolor i Sverige. Studiens avslutande diskussion belyser att arbetet med att förebygga mobbning är komplext och att det krävs mer forskning samt utvärderingar kring olika antimobbningsmetoder och deras resultat när det gäller att förebygga kränkande behandling samt mobbning.</p>

Medvetandedriven förändring : en studie om arbetsgivare inom restaurangbranschen som ett resultat av #metoo kommit att förändra sitt förebyggande arbete gällande sexuella trakasserier / Awarenessdriven change : - a study of employers in the restaurant industry who as a result of #metoo has changed its prevention work regarding sexual harassment

Svantesson, Elin, Karlsson, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Definitionen av sexuella trakasserier är händelser, kommentarer eller närmanden som är av sexuell karaktär och som av den utsatte upplevs som oönskade. Arbetsgivare har enligt Diskrimineringslagen lagstadgade skyldigheter att arbeta förebyggande vad gäller sexuella trakasserier inom den egna verksamheten.Dock påvisar #metoo under hösten 2017 att sexuella trakasserier är mer förekommande än allmänheten tidigare trott och det har därmed ökat det kritiska medvetandet om att arbetsgivare eventuellt besitter brister i sitt förebyggande arbete gällande sexuella trakasserier inom den egna verksamheten. Syftet med denna studie blir därmed att närmare undersöka om arbetsgivare inom restaurangbranschen kommit att förändra sitt förebyggande arbete gällande sexuella trakasserier som ett resultat av #metoo och i så fall hur detta förändringsarbete konkret ser ut. För att besvara studiens syfte och problemprecisering genomfördes en metodkombination bestående av en webbenkät och fördjupande intervjuer. Enkäten sändes via mail som distribution till 265 restauranger till sex på förhand utvalda städer som inbringade i en svarsfrekvens på 29 %. Utifrån enkäten genomfördes urvalet till vidare intervjuer där kravet var att hashtagen blivit uppmärksammad av restaurangen, att förändringar genomförts eller planeras genomföras som ett resultat av #metoo, samt att respondenten besatt ett intresse av att deltaga i en djupare intervju. Nio intervjuer kom att genomföras för att belysa hur förändringsarbetet implementerats. Studiens slutgiltiga resultat lyder att 93,5 % uppmärksammat eller delvis uppmärksammat #metoo och dess betydelse, 45,5 % har genomfört förändringar som ett resultat av #metoo och 54,5 % har avstått förändring. Resultatet visar tydligt att det är fler som uppmärksammat hashtagen än som därefter valt att genomföra förändringar. De som däremot valt att inleda eller planerar att inleda ett förändringsarbete har genomfört detta på olika sätt, i olika grad, med olika ambitionsnivåer och tidsperspektiv. / The definition of sexual harassment is phenomena, comments or approaches that are of a sexual nature and from the victim are perceived to be undesirable. Employers have statutory obligations under the Discrimination Act to work on preventive sexual harassment within their own organization. However, #metoo shows in the fall of 2017 that sexual harassment is more prevalent than the public previously believed and thus has increased the critical awareness that employers may have shortcomings in their preventive work on sexual harassment within their own business. The purpose of this study will be to investigate whether employers in the restaurant industry have changed their prevention work on sexual harassment as a result of #metoo and, if so, how this change work is concrete. In order to answer the purpose of the study and problem identification, a method combination consisting of a web survey and further interviews was conducted. The survey was sent by mail as distribution to 265 restaurants, in six pre-selected cities and brought a response rate of 29 %. Based on the survey, the selection was conducted for further interviews, where the requirement was that the restaurant has been noted the hashtag, implemented or planned changes as a result of #metoo, and that the respondent had an interest in participating in a deeper interview. Nine interviews were conducted to highlight how the change work has been implemented. The final result of the study is that 93,5 % were noticed or partially noticed #metoo and its significance, 45,5 % have made changes as a result of #metoo and 54,5 % rejected change. It is clear that it is the more employer who have noticed the hashtag than then chose to make changes. Those who, on the other hand, chose to initiate or plan to initiate a change implemented this in different ways, to different degrees, ambition levels and time perspectives.

A phenomenological discourse analysis of harassed female 'skinscapes' in select public spaces in Cape Town

Harry, Janine January 2018 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA (Linguistics, Language and Communication) / Street harassment refers to the unsolicited verbal remarks and nonverbal gestures that women are subjected to by men when moving through (public) spaces. The dominant discourse sees this phenomenon as firstly a gendered interaction. In this sense, men are construed as initiators and women as recipients, although this is not always the case. Secondly, the remarks are often viewed as solely sexualized in nature. Lastly, public spaces are seen as male realms in which the actions of males are context specific, whereby the public nature of space sees it as conducive for inevitable street harassing events. This study seeks to understand how street harassment unfolds in the South African (post-apartheid) context. Drawing on Phenomenological Discourse Analysis approach, the study focuses on interview accounts of six participants from across the demographics whose experiences represent a microcosm of harassed female skinscapes in and around Cape Town. Phenomenology is a useful entry point to understanding emotive recounts of traumatic events in the lives of the participants, specifically street harassment. Public space is approached through the lens of Linguistic Landscapes (LL) which focuses on language and linguistic artefacts as they are arranged or located in space. For this study, the perception of and bodies in space comes to the fore. Hence, it is the interplay between space, body and the phenomenological account of the body as a corporeal 'site' of harassment which is a focal point.

"Tu não está ali, tu não existe" : violência psicológica e assédio moral vertical ascendente com docentes de ensino público

Prisco, Cristina Maria Fagundes January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo é resultado de pesquisa exploratória, sobre as relações conflituosas entre alunos e professores de quintas séries do ensino fundamental, em duas escolas públicas na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O grupo envolvido constituiu-se por 18 docentes, de perfis sócio demográficos diferenciados. As análises realizadas demonstram que essas relações conflituosas ocorridas no cotidiano podem transformar-se em fenômenos relacionados à Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente, sem contudo, serem percebidos como tais pelo grupo. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) e Dejours (2004; 1999) dentre outros. Adotou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa de campo e análise de resultados de caráter qualitativo, com entrevistas individuais, grupos focais e Análise de Conteúdo, subsidiadas pelas propostas de Bauer e Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001) e Bardin (1977). Foi constatado a partir do material analisado que as repercussões em termos de doença, descritas de maneira muito contundente, relataram o sofrimento causado pela Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral e os consequentes transtornos psicossomáticos, como depressão, herpes, problemas na voz, entre outros, além, da desmotivação e decepção com a carreira profissional. Identificou-se estratégias de enfrentamento como racionalização, reclamação e vitimização e tentativas de exercício de autoridade. Discutiu-se a dificuldade dos docentes em serem protagonistas de seus papéis como educadores quando alvos da Violência Psicológica e do Assédio Moral. Segue como importante o aprofundamento das pesquisas no campo escolar público, com o intuito delimitar e desvelar as ocorrências de Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente. / This study is the result of a research about conflicting relations between teachers and students from the fifth grade of two elementary public schools in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The group studied was constituted by 18 teachers with different socio-demographic profiles. The analysis showed that these daily conflicting relations can be transformed into instances related to Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment without being noticed as such by the group involved. Were used as theoretical reference the authors: Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) and Dejours (2004; 1999), among others. A qualitative field research methodology was employed, using individual interviews and focus groups, based on authors such as Bauer and Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001), and to analyze the findings the technique of Bardin (1977) was chosen. On the basis of the data collected and analyzed it was found out that the repercussions in terms of illness, described with very strong words by the teachers when talking about the suffering caused by Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment, related psychosomatic disorders, like depression, herpes, vocal problems, among others, besides lack of motivation and disappointment with their careers. Strategies of confrontation were identified, like rationalization, complaining and victimization, and instances of the use of authority. The difficulties presented by the teachers to fulfill their roles as educators when victims of Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment were discussed. The deepening of researches in the field of public schools, in order to mark out and uncover the incidents of Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment remains of great importance.

Anti-Sexual Harassment Activism in Egypt: Transnationalism and the Cultural Politics of Community Mobilization

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Sexual harassment has emerged as a widespread problem facing women in public space in Egypt. Activism to combat sexual harassment began in 2005. However, just prior to and in the years following the January 25, 2011 Egyptian Revolution, which witnessed an increase in the collective sexual harassment, assault and rape of women, this activism has increased. Subsequently, scholarly attention to sexual harassment and public sexual violence has also expanded. Much of the attention in scholarly analyses has been directed toward politically motivated sexual violence, focused on understanding the state commissioning of sexual violence against female protestors to drive them from protest participation. There is an emerging critique of activist approaches that seems to ignore the politicalized nature of sexual harassment to focus instead on “cultural” targets. The early work of the Egyptian Center for Women’s Rights (ECWR) and current work of HarassMap have been criticized for depoliticizing sexual harassment by failing to include an analysis of state-commissioned sexual violence in their work. Similarly, both have been accused of expanding the scope of the security state by calling for increased policing of public space to protect women from “culturally-bad” men. With data collected through one year of participant observation with HarassMap, interviews with activists from eleven anti-sexual harassment initiatives and advocacy NGOs, and community-level surveys with non-activist individuals, this dissertation argues that “cultural” work undertaken through the community-based approaches by entities like ECWR and HarassMap is, in fact, an inherently political process, in which political engagement represents both an attempt to change political culture and state practice and a negotiative process involving changing patriarchal gender norms that underpin sexual harassment at a society-wide level. New conceptualizations of sexual harassment promoted by anti-sexual harassment initiatives and NGOs in Egypt frame it as a form of violence against women, and attempt to make sexual harassment an offense that may be criminalized. Yet, this dissertation contends there is a tension between activist and widespread public understandings of sexual harassment, predicated on the incomplete framing of sexual harassment as a form of violence. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Anthropology 2016

Assédio moral acidentário: a violência no ambiente de trabalho e os reflexos na saúde do trabalhador / Accidentary mobbing: the violence in the workplace and reflections on workers' health

Barros Junior, José Otávio de Almeida [UNESP] 02 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JOSÉ OTAVIO DE ALMEIDA BARROS JUNIOR (otaviobarrosjr@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-16T17:50:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Assédio Moral Acidentário.pdf: 1572368 bytes, checksum: 9d9a20edb543e4ecefed5875513603a8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-21T20:23:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 barrosjunior_joa_me_bot.pdf: 1572368 bytes, checksum: 9d9a20edb543e4ecefed5875513603a8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-21T20:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 barrosjunior_joa_me_bot.pdf: 1572368 bytes, checksum: 9d9a20edb543e4ecefed5875513603a8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-02 / A partir da problemática contemporânea da precarização das novas relações de trabalho, este estudo tem como objetivo compreender o significado de assédio moral e analisar sua relação com a saúde a partir do ponto de vista dos trabalhadores e do Poder Judiciário Trabalhista. Utiliza-se a metodologia de estudo de caso, numa abordagem qualitativa. A investigação é realizada através de pesquisa documental, com dados públicos provenientes de decisões do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho. As informações obtidas nas sentenças judiciais são analisadas de acordo com o método hermenêutico-dialético, a partir do referencial teórico materialista-histórico-dialético. Os resultados apontaram que o assédio é compreendido, na perspectiva dos trabalhadores, como uma prática reiterada e sistemática de atitudes ofensivas, humilhantes, vexatórias e constrangedoras, além de cobranças injustas, críticas veladas e tratamentos intimidatórios. Na visão do Judiciário Trabalhista, essas condutas também são reconhecidas como ilícitas e configuram a ocorrência de assédio moral no trabalho, implicando ao empregador o dever de reparação civil pelas ofensas praticadas. Além disso, constatou-se que o assédio moral está diretamente relacionado ao adoecimento de trabalhadores, seja como sua causa, seja como sua consequência. Para uma melhor compreensão da relação assédio–adoecimento, propõe-se uma nova terminologia classificatória para o fenômeno, qual seja, assédio moral acidentário. / Considering the contemporary problems of precarization of new working relationships, this study aims to understand the meaning of mobbing and to analyze its relation with health from the point of view of workers and the Labour Courts. We use the case study methodology in a qualitative approach. The data is collected in public database from decisions of the Superior Labor Court through a documentary research. The information obtained in the judicial decisions is analyzed according to the hermeneutic-dialectical method, based in the materialist-dialectical historical theory. The results showed that mobbing is understood, in the workers' perspective, as a repeated and systematic practice of offensive attitudes, demeaning, humiliating and embarrassing, as well as unfair charges, veiled criticism and intimidating treatment. At the Judiciary view, these behaviors are also recognized as illegal and legitimate the occurrence of mobbing at work. This implies civil reparation for the employer. In addition, it was found that mobbing is directly related to the illness of workers, either as its cause or as its consequence. For a better understanding of the relationship mobbing-illness, it is proposed a new classification terminology for the phenomenon, namely accidentary mobbing.

Assédio moral acidentário a violência no ambiente de trabalho e os reflexos na saúde do trabalhador /

Barros Junior, José Otávio de Almeida January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Dionísia do Amaral Dias / Resumo: A partir da problemática contemporânea da precarização das novas relações de trabalho, este estudo tem como objetivo compreender o significado de assédio moral e analisar sua relação com a saúde a partir do ponto de vista dos trabalhadores e do Poder Judiciário Trabalhista. Utiliza-se a metodologia de estudo de caso, numa abordagem qualitativa. A investigação é realizada através de pesquisa documental, com dados públicos provenientes de decisões do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho. As informações obtidas nas sentenças judiciais são analisadas de acordo com o método hermenêutico-dialético, a partir do referencial teórico materialista-histórico-dialético. Os resultados apontaram que o assédio é compreendido, na perspectiva dos trabalhadores, como uma prática reiterada e sistemática de atitudes ofensivas, humilhantes, vexatórias e constrangedoras, além de cobranças injustas, críticas veladas e tratamentos intimidatórios. Na visão do Judiciário Trabalhista, essas condutas também são reconhecidas como ilícitas e configuram a ocorrência de assédio moral no trabalho, implicando ao empregador o dever de reparação civil pelas ofensas praticadas. Além disso, constatou-se que o assédio moral está diretamente relacionado ao adoecimento de trabalhadores, seja como sua causa, seja como sua consequência. Para uma melhor compreensão da relação assédio–adoecimento, propõe-se uma nova terminologia classificatória para o fenômeno, qual seja, assédio moral acidentário. / Mestre

"Tu não está ali, tu não existe" : violência psicológica e assédio moral vertical ascendente com docentes de ensino público

Prisco, Cristina Maria Fagundes January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo é resultado de pesquisa exploratória, sobre as relações conflituosas entre alunos e professores de quintas séries do ensino fundamental, em duas escolas públicas na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O grupo envolvido constituiu-se por 18 docentes, de perfis sócio demográficos diferenciados. As análises realizadas demonstram que essas relações conflituosas ocorridas no cotidiano podem transformar-se em fenômenos relacionados à Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente, sem contudo, serem percebidos como tais pelo grupo. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) e Dejours (2004; 1999) dentre outros. Adotou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa de campo e análise de resultados de caráter qualitativo, com entrevistas individuais, grupos focais e Análise de Conteúdo, subsidiadas pelas propostas de Bauer e Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001) e Bardin (1977). Foi constatado a partir do material analisado que as repercussões em termos de doença, descritas de maneira muito contundente, relataram o sofrimento causado pela Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral e os consequentes transtornos psicossomáticos, como depressão, herpes, problemas na voz, entre outros, além, da desmotivação e decepção com a carreira profissional. Identificou-se estratégias de enfrentamento como racionalização, reclamação e vitimização e tentativas de exercício de autoridade. Discutiu-se a dificuldade dos docentes em serem protagonistas de seus papéis como educadores quando alvos da Violência Psicológica e do Assédio Moral. Segue como importante o aprofundamento das pesquisas no campo escolar público, com o intuito delimitar e desvelar as ocorrências de Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente. / This study is the result of a research about conflicting relations between teachers and students from the fifth grade of two elementary public schools in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The group studied was constituted by 18 teachers with different socio-demographic profiles. The analysis showed that these daily conflicting relations can be transformed into instances related to Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment without being noticed as such by the group involved. Were used as theoretical reference the authors: Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) and Dejours (2004; 1999), among others. A qualitative field research methodology was employed, using individual interviews and focus groups, based on authors such as Bauer and Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001), and to analyze the findings the technique of Bardin (1977) was chosen. On the basis of the data collected and analyzed it was found out that the repercussions in terms of illness, described with very strong words by the teachers when talking about the suffering caused by Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment, related psychosomatic disorders, like depression, herpes, vocal problems, among others, besides lack of motivation and disappointment with their careers. Strategies of confrontation were identified, like rationalization, complaining and victimization, and instances of the use of authority. The difficulties presented by the teachers to fulfill their roles as educators when victims of Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment were discussed. The deepening of researches in the field of public schools, in order to mark out and uncover the incidents of Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment remains of great importance.

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