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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Lite får man räkna med" : Socialsekreterares upplevelser av hot och trakasserier inom socialtjänsten med särskilt fokus på betydelsen av sociala medier. / "As a social worker you have to put up with threats and harassment"

Nilsen, Louise, Sandström, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka socialsekreterares upplevelser av hot och trakasserier inom socialtjänsten med fokus på betydelsen av sociala medier, samt att undersöka hur hot och trakasserier hanteras på arbetsplatsen. Sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med socialarbetare inom yrkesgruppen barn och familj. Det empiriska materialet, som baserats på socialsekreterarnas erfarenheter, utvärderades genom en tematisk analys och kopplades till tidigare forskning samt valda teoretiska perspektiv. Våra slutsatser är att hot och trakasserier är något som förekommer relativt ofta i arbetet även om graden av allvaret i hoten varierar. Vi fann att sociala medier har en påverkan men att det inte hade en avgörande roll gällande hot och trakasserier men istället ökade tillgängligheten till kontakt. Resultatet visade även att de flesta arbetsplatser har utarbetade rutiner men att det varierat i kännedom kring dessa rutiner för personalen samt att rutinerna inte alltid följs i praktiken. / The purpose of this study is to investigate social workers experiences of threats and harassment in social services, focusing on the eventual importance of social media, as well as examine how threats and harassment are handled in the workplace. Six qualitative interviews were conducted with social workers in children- and family services. The empirical material, based on the social workers experiences, was evaluated through a thematic analysis and linked to previous research as well as chosen theoretical perspectives. Our conclusion is that threats and harassment occurs relatively often at the workplace, although the degree of severity in the threats varies. We found that social media has an impact but that it did not have a decisive role. The result also showed that most workplaces have written policys but that it varied in knowledge about these routines for staff and that routines are not always followed in practice.

AssÃdio sexual em uma instituiÃÃo de ensino superior : a percepÃÃo das servidoras da Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC) / Sexual harassment in an institution of higher education: the perception of the servants of the Federal University of Cearà (UFC)

Erica Cavalcante Lima 13 July 2017 (has links)
nÃo hà / O assÃdio sexual configura-se como um desrespeito à dignidade à liberdade sexual à qualidade de vida no trabalho e ao estabelecimento do trabalho decente Levando-se em conta que à um crime que parece escolher propositalmente suas vÃtimas as mulheres principalmente à vÃlido destacar que ele viola ainda grande parte das normas que vedam a discriminaÃÃo nos espaÃos laborais Considerando que as mulheres figuram como uma importante parcela do contingente de trabalhadores presentes nos mais diversos Ãmbitos o estudo deste fenÃmeno faz-se relevante para que se saiba o que elas tÃm a dizer sobre essa violÃncia para que se chame atenÃÃo sobre os seus efeitos nocivos nos locais onde ocorre e para a necessidade de as organizaÃÃes empenharem-se em prevenir problemas dessa natureza em seus espaÃos Nesse sentido este trabalho tem como objetivos investigar a percepÃÃo das servidoras lotadas na PrÃ-Reitoria de GestÃo de Pessoas da Universidade Federal do Cearà no tocante ao conceito de AssÃdio Sexual verificar quais fatores levam à identificaÃÃo do assÃdio apreender o modo como percebem a instituiÃÃo em que trabalham frente a essa prÃtica e por fim propor melhorias no ambiente laboral da OrganizaÃÃo com Ãnfase na prevenÃÃo desse crime Para a elaboraÃÃo dessa pesquisa de carÃter qualitativo aplicou-se questionÃrio composto por perguntas objetivas e subjetivas a 58 trabalhadoras utilizando na anÃlise dos dados os procedimentos metodolÃgicos do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo Conclui-se dessa maneira que as servidoras pesquisadas demonstram sÃlido conhecimento acerca do conceito de assÃdio sexual bem como de seus efeitos nocivos que sÃo capazes de identificar a prÃtica tendo em vista que conhecem os seus elementos caracterizadores que entendem a importÃncia das organizaÃÃes posicionarem-se a fim de prevenir possÃveis casos e que percebem a instituiÃÃo em que trabalha a UFC como um ambiente que nÃo proporciona seguranÃa Ãs suas trabalhadoras no tocante à prÃtica de assÃdio sexual Com efeito almeja-se que os resultados encontrados possam contribuir para a melhor compreensÃo acerca do que de fato à o assÃdio sexual para auxiliar a Universidade Federal do Cearà a proceder em relaÃÃo a esse tipo de violÃncia laboral no sentido de preveni-lo e combatÃ-lo assim como auxiliar pesquisas futuras sobre esse tema / Sexual harassment is framed as a disrespect to dignity sexual liberty quality of life at work and constitution of decent work Taking in count that is a crime that seems to choose itâs victims on purpose the women itâs valid highlight that it violates many rules that prohibit discrimination at work places Considering that women figure as an important amount of the quota of workers present in the most diverse spheres the study of this phenomenon itâs relevant to know what women have to say about it in order to call attention about itâs adverse effects in places where it occurs and the need of actions performed by the organizations to prevent this kind of problems in their spaces This paper aims to investigate the perspective of the public servers located at the PrÃ-Reitoria de GestÃo de Pessoas â PROGEP of the Federal University of Cearà about the sexual harassment check which factors lead to the perception of the harassment seize the way the institution of work is perceived against this kind of practice and at last propose improvements in the work environment of the Organization emphasizing in the prevent of this crime To formulate this research of character qualitative it was applied a questionnaire to 58 public servers using in the analysis of the data the methodological procedures of the Speech of the Collective Subject We concluded this way that the workers evaluated show solid acknowledge about the concept of sexual harassment considering they know the characteristic elements that they understand the importance of a standing posture of the organizations in order to prevent these cases and that they realize their work environment the UFC as a place that doesnât provide security to itâs workers in relation to sexual harassment We aspire that the results found may contribute to a better comprehension of what in fact is sexual harassment to help the Federal University of Cearà to proceed regarding this kind of work violence in order to prevent it and combat it as well as help future researches about the theme

"Tu não está ali, tu não existe" : violência psicológica e assédio moral vertical ascendente com docentes de ensino público

Prisco, Cristina Maria Fagundes January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo é resultado de pesquisa exploratória, sobre as relações conflituosas entre alunos e professores de quintas séries do ensino fundamental, em duas escolas públicas na cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O grupo envolvido constituiu-se por 18 docentes, de perfis sócio demográficos diferenciados. As análises realizadas demonstram que essas relações conflituosas ocorridas no cotidiano podem transformar-se em fenômenos relacionados à Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente, sem contudo, serem percebidos como tais pelo grupo. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) e Dejours (2004; 1999) dentre outros. Adotou-se uma metodologia de pesquisa de campo e análise de resultados de caráter qualitativo, com entrevistas individuais, grupos focais e Análise de Conteúdo, subsidiadas pelas propostas de Bauer e Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001) e Bardin (1977). Foi constatado a partir do material analisado que as repercussões em termos de doença, descritas de maneira muito contundente, relataram o sofrimento causado pela Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral e os consequentes transtornos psicossomáticos, como depressão, herpes, problemas na voz, entre outros, além, da desmotivação e decepção com a carreira profissional. Identificou-se estratégias de enfrentamento como racionalização, reclamação e vitimização e tentativas de exercício de autoridade. Discutiu-se a dificuldade dos docentes em serem protagonistas de seus papéis como educadores quando alvos da Violência Psicológica e do Assédio Moral. Segue como importante o aprofundamento das pesquisas no campo escolar público, com o intuito delimitar e desvelar as ocorrências de Violência Psicológica e Assédio Moral vertical ascendente. / This study is the result of a research about conflicting relations between teachers and students from the fifth grade of two elementary public schools in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The group studied was constituted by 18 teachers with different socio-demographic profiles. The analysis showed that these daily conflicting relations can be transformed into instances related to Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment without being noticed as such by the group involved. Were used as theoretical reference the authors: Barreto (2006); Soboll (2008); Hirigoyen (2006; 2008); Guedes (2008); Guareschi (2008); Freire (1986; 1992; 2001) and Dejours (2004; 1999), among others. A qualitative field research methodology was employed, using individual interviews and focus groups, based on authors such as Bauer and Gaskell (2002); Minayo (2001), and to analyze the findings the technique of Bardin (1977) was chosen. On the basis of the data collected and analyzed it was found out that the repercussions in terms of illness, described with very strong words by the teachers when talking about the suffering caused by Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment, related psychosomatic disorders, like depression, herpes, vocal problems, among others, besides lack of motivation and disappointment with their careers. Strategies of confrontation were identified, like rationalization, complaining and victimization, and instances of the use of authority. The difficulties presented by the teachers to fulfill their roles as educators when victims of Psychological Violence and Moral Harassment were discussed. The deepening of researches in the field of public schools, in order to mark out and uncover the incidents of Psychological Violence and upward Moral Harassment remains of great importance.

Ei gostosa! Assédio de rua e interações no espaço público / Hey sexy! Street harassment and interactions in public spaces

Savio, Thaynã Davilla 21 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T19:07:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Thayna Davilla Savio2.pdf: 2651873 bytes, checksum: e70439a3e1b991557cbb5fce33204228 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-21 / This dissertation s main objective is to analyze street harassment as a violation of social rules, and also its negative effects in the life of harassed women. Despite changes in relationships between men and women and the conquest rights directed to women, street harassment remains a common practice. Street harassment is studied from women s perspective as an undesirable interaction in public spaces, that shows the different ways men and women occupy this space. The argument presented is the glamorization of street harassment, the reinforcement of masculinity and the relationships between harasser and the harassed female that coexist with incresing critics from the media and from women. Street harassment is, therefore, analyzed as a tension between the reputed juridical equality and gender performativity, which is experimented through ambiguities. Synthetizing, street harassment is, at the same time, a violation of civil inattention rules e and an intensification of gender performativity. The data for the research was obtained through bibliographic sources, questionnaires applied in 97 students from a superior education institution and other sources obtained in the internet and social networks like facebook. / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o assédio de rua enquanto modalidade de violação das normas sociais, bem como seu efeito negativo na vida das mulheres assediadas. Em que se pese as mudanças nas relações entre homens e mulheres e a conquista de direitos específicos às mulheres, o assédio de rua permanece uma prática presente. O assédio de rua é estudado do ponto das mulheres como interação não desejada no espaço público, o que evidencia modos diferentes pelos quais homens e mulheres ocupam esse espaço. O argumento apresentado é a glamourização do assédio, o reforço da masculinidade e as relações entre o assediador e a mulher assediada na rua convivem com crescentes críticas da mídia e das mulheres. O assédio de rua é, então, analisado como uma tensão entre o suposto da igualdade jurídica e da performatividade de gênero, tensão experimentada por ambiguidades. Sintetizando, o assédio de rua é, ao mesmo tempo, uma violação das regras sociais da desatenção civil e uma intensificação da performatividade de gênero. Os dados para a pesquisa foram obtidos de fontes bibliográficas, questionários aplicados a 97 estudantes universitárias e outras fontes obtidas em sites da internet e redes sociais como o facebook.

Estudo do assédio moral nas organizações e seus impactos

Marazzo, Lucy Moraes de 19 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2016-10-19T19:23:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissert Lucy Moraes de Marazzo.pdf: 1532231 bytes, checksum: ec038d4ae72487180b0aba69efda198d (MD5) / Rejected by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br), reason: Favor incluir no trabalho a ficha catalográfica (elemento obrigatório), após a folha de rosto. Atenciosamente, Catarina Ribeiro Bibliotecária BEE - Ramal 5992 on 2017-01-26T14:01:03Z (GMT) / Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2017-02-08T17:32:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissert Lucy Moraes de Marazzo.pdf: 1532231 bytes, checksum: ec038d4ae72487180b0aba69efda198d (MD5) / Rejected by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br), reason: Favor incluir no trabalho a ficha catalográfica (elemento obrigatório), após a folha de rosto. Atenciosamente, Catarina Ribeiro Bibliotecária BEE - Ramal 5992 on 2017-02-15T11:37:10Z (GMT) / Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2017-03-10T18:54:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Lucy Moraes de Marazzo com ficha.pdf: 1213947 bytes, checksum: 923d52d57489e912135145bca2d924b1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-05-11T17:03:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Lucy Moraes de Marazzo com ficha.pdf: 1213947 bytes, checksum: 923d52d57489e912135145bca2d924b1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-11T17:03:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Lucy Moraes de Marazzo com ficha.pdf: 1213947 bytes, checksum: 923d52d57489e912135145bca2d924b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-19 / O assédio moral no ambiente de trabalho é uma conduta que fere frontalmente a dignidade da pessoa humana, pois antes de ser trabalhador, há um cidadão. Diante das inúmeras denúncias registradas na Justiça do Trabalho sobre o assédio moral no ambiente de trabalho, faz-se relevante o estudo desse tema, devido aos impactos negativos que afeta a saúde do trabalhador, a organização e a sociedade. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é propor ações preventivas para coibir o assédio moral no ambiente organizacional, além dos seguintes objetivos específicos: levantar na literatura, condutas que caracterizam o assédio moral; correlacionar as situações e aspectos identificados, com os preceitos dos Direitos Humanos e Trabalhistas; e verificar, através de instrumentos de coletas de dados, às percepções de especialistas sobre a prática do assédio moral nas organizações. A metodologia utilizada nesse estudo foi a pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa, sendo realizada com 30 (trinta) especialistas que responderam um questionário com 10 atitudes, que foram replicadas, usando 2 (duas) escalas Likert valorativas (frequência e grau de impacto) e uma questão aberta. Observou-se que as atitudes de assédio moral, que foram elencadas no questionário, acontecem com certa Frequência no ambiente de trabalho, confirmando a visão de autores sobre alguns comportamentos que tipificam o assédio moral no ambiente do trabalho. Quanto ao impacto das atitudes de assédio moral, evidenciou-se que quase todas as atitudes demonstraram impacto significado no ambiente organizacional. Além disso, indicaram-se algumas propostas para combater as manifestações do assédio moral no ambiente de trabalho com base na percepção dos especialistas. Recomenda-se, com base nos resultados obtidos, a realização de estudos futuros que enfoquem a questão do assédio moral em determinadas áreas de atuação no serviço público / Moral harassment in the workplace is a conduct that injures head on the dignity of the human person, because before being a worker, he is a citizen. On the numerous complaints registered in labor courts on moral harassment in the workplace is to be relevant to the study of this subject due to the negative impacts that affect workers' health, the organization and society. The overall objective of this research is to propose preventive actions to curb bullying in the organizational environment, plus the following specific objectives: raising the literature behaviors that characterize moral harassment; correlate the situations and issues identified with the precepts of Human and Labor Rights; check through instruments of data collection to the perceptions of experts on the practice of moral harassment in organizations. The methodology used in this study was exploratory and qualitative research, being conducted with thirty (30) experts who replied a questionnaire with 10 actions, which were replicated using two (2) scales evaluative Likert (frequency and degree of impact) and an open question. It was observed that the attitudes of bullying, which were listed in the questionnaire, occur with some frequency in the workplace, confirming the author's view of some behaviors that typify harassment in the work environment. Referring to the impact of bullying attitudes, it showed that almost all the attitudes demonstrated impact significance in the organizational environment. Moreover, some proposals were indicated to combat the manifestations of bullying in the workplace based on the perception of experts. It is recommended, based on the research results, future studies that address the issue of moral harassment in certain areas of activity in public service.

Pratiques de bullying et adhésions normatives dans quelques classes d’école et de collège en Italie / School Bullying and Compliance with Norms and Values in some Primary and Secondary Italian School Classes

Mancuso, Charlotte 19 March 2010 (has links)
L’étude du harcèlement systématique entre pairs à l’école (school bullying) est-il éclairé par l’approfondissement de la relation aux normes qu’entretiennent les jeunes acteurs ? Quels sont les éléments clé aidant l’identification et la compréhension du phénomène ?A partir d’une redéfinition du bullying insistant sur les apports croisés de chaque protagoniste sur la scène des dynamiques indésirables, le travail propose une étude située du problème. Chaque acte et chaque initiative de type bullying sont ainsi analysés dans le cadre de la situation spécifique qu’ils dessinent et dont ils relèvent à la fois. Pour cela, l’attention est portée sur les attributions de sens et sur la perception réciproque d’adhésions normatives mises en avant par les élèves concernés. Quatre classes scolaires italiennes sont analysées dans leurs dynamiques relationnelles et conflictuelles ; du point de vue de leur organisation, de l’ordre et de la discipline ; en termes d’investissements axiologiques opérés par les jeunes et leur entourage et encouragés par les enseignants. / School bullying: does the study of peer harassment in schools delve deeper into the relationships of young people with rules and values? What are the key factors that can help to better identify and understand the phenomenon ? The work starts from a re-definition of school bullying based on the cross contribution of each character acting in the educational scene where the undesirable dynamics take place to propose a local analysis of the problem. Each school bullying initiative is analysed in the context of the specific situation that it create and from which it raises. Attention is also brought to the attribution of meanings as well as to the reciprocal perception of the compliance with the rules by students. Four Italian classrooms are examined taking into account the dynamics of their relationships and conflicts; their organization, rules and discipline; the axiological investments made by young people and promoted by their teachers.

An Invisible Gender-based Violence : Exploring Iranian male university students’ thoughts on street harassment

Biglarbegi, Nazanin January 2017 (has links)
Background and Aim: Street harassment is an international and trans-cultural phenomenon that has short and long-term negative effects on its individual targets impacting millions of people, mostly women and young girls, everyday. Most studies on the subject have been focused on defining the problem from a law point of view leaving a knowledge gap on how social structures and the various political, economic, and cultural means interact to (re)produce and perpetuate this social phenomenon. This study aims to explore the thoughts of young men in Iran in order to discover possible underlying mechanisms reinforcing street harassment.   Methods: A qualitative study consisted of four focus group discussions, with male university students, was conducted in Tehran, Iran. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data with social constructionism as the theoretical lens.   Results: Two candidate themes were developed: “Normalization and trivialization of the problem” and “Socio-cultural and political silence”. The first theme represents the discussions about street harassment as normal, inevitable, and harmless. The second theme embodies the systematic silence around the subject of sexual harassment. Both normalization and the silence construct street harassment as an invisible problem not only to men who are not directly harmed by it, but also to the society as a whole which led to developing the overarching theme describing street harassment as “an invisible gender-based violence” in Iran. Conclusion: The participants were unaware of the relation between power, gender inequality, and the concept of patriarchy, which in itself is a sign of an androcentric culture. Street harassment was conceptualized as normal and invisible since it doesn’t concern them. However, most participants were eager to discuss the topic developing their arguments as the discussion went on and stating that this topic needs to be discussed and studied which confirms that just providing a safe space and the opportunity for discussions can raise people’s awareness of this social problem.     Key words: Street harassment, male university student, conceptualization, Iran

'I am so tired, I wish my life was over' : An analysis of the potential inclusion of the novel 13 Reasons Why in the EFL classroom

Ekholm, Julia January 2018 (has links)
The increased usage of media and technology has not only opened new areas for bullies, but also made the visible form of bullying invisible. In addition, movements like ‘me too’ have blossomed showing that sexual harassment is and has been a prevalent issue in the Western world for a long time. Simultaneously, adolescents’ suicide rates have increased. Therefore, selecting a Young Adult (YA) novel like 13 Reasons Why for the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom may work to address these topical issues and possibly help students understand the consequences of bullying and sexual harassment.

Det tysta accepterandet... : En fallstudie om sexuella trakasserier inom hotellbranschen / The silent acceptance... : A case study about sexual harassment in the hotel industry

Andersson, Jennifer, Slånmark, Lois January 2017 (has links)
Studien syftar till att belysa sexuella trakasserier från gäster gentemot personal inom hotellbranschen, där specifikt chefens och personalens egna upplevelser studeras samt hur de hanterar fenomenet. Studien utgörs av en helt anonym fallstudie, där hotell i en medelstor stad i Sverige är medverkande. På dessa hotell förs intervjuer med cheferna samt en enkätundersökning med hotellens personal som arbetar nära gästerna. Chefernas åsikter jämförs med personalens för att utläsa likheter men också skillnader i hur förekomsten av sexuella trakasserier från gäster gentemot personal upplevs, hur och vid vilka situationer sexuella trakasserier sker samt på vilket sätt sexuella trakasserier från gäster hanteras av både chefer och personal. Definitionen av sexuella trakasserier i uppsatsen har sin grund i Diskrimineringslagen, det vill säga “ett uppträdande av sexuell natur som kränker någons värdighet” (1 kap 4 § st. 5 DiskL).            Enligt studiens utfall går det att läsa att sexuella trakasserier upplevs olika av chefer samt personal. Cheferna på de olika hotellen ansåg att sexuella trakasserier från gäster gentemot personal inte förekommer längre. Personalen däremot anser att sexuella trakasserier är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen på arbetsplatsen då cirka 70 % av respondenterna själva varit med om sexuella trakasserier samt 50 % sett någon annan bli utsatt för fenomenet. Sexuella trakasserier sker mestadels verbalt, men det sker även via kroppsspråk. Undersökningen tyder på att sexuella trakasserier förekommer på kvällstid, speciellt på helger samt i samband med att gästen konsumerat alkoholhaltiga drycker. Undersökningen påvisade även att cheferna på de olika hotellen aldrig fått in en anmälan om sexuella trakasserier från sin personal. Detta kan kopplas till att majoriteten av respondenterna väljer att inte gå vidare med sexuella trakasserier till sina chefer då den anställde exempelvis hanterar det på plats själv, anklagar sig själv eller skäms över det som hänt. Detta visar på att sexuella trakasserier är ett känsligt och skambelagt problem inom hotellbranschen som behöver belysas mer. / This study aims at highlighting sexual harassment from guests towards employees in the hotel industry, where specifically the hotel manager’s and staff's own experiences are studied and how they handle the phenomenon. The study consists of a completely anonymous case study, where hotels in a medium-sized city in Sweden are involved. Interviews with the managers and a survey with the hotel staff who work close to the guests have been done. The managers' views are compared with the staffs' to identify similarities, but also differences in how sexual harassment from guests towards employees experiences, how and at what situations sexual harassment occurs and how sexual harassment from guests is managed by managers and employees. Definition of sexual harassment in this study has its foundation in the Discrimination Act, which describes it as "a behavior of sexual nature that violates someone's dignity" (Chapter 4, paragraph 5, DiskL).   According to this study, sexual harassment is experienced differently by managers and staff. The managers at the various hotels felt that sexual harassment from guests towards staff does not occur anymore. The staff, on the other hand, consider that sexual harassment is a common phenomenon in the workplace, and about 70% of respondents themselves have been involved in sexual harassment and 50% have seen someone else been exposed to the phenomenon. Sexual harassment occurs most verbally, but it also happens through body language. The survey shows that sexual harassment occurs in the evening, especially on weekends and in connection with the guest consuming alcoholic beverages. The survey also showed that the managers of the various hotels never received a notification of sexual harassment from their staff. This can be connected to the fact that the majority of respondents choose not to proceed with sexual harassment to their bosses because the employee handles it themselves, accuses himself or is ashamed. This shows that sexual harassment is a sensitive and shameful problem in the hotel industry that should be highlighted even more.

Barns upplevelser av emotionella kränkningar och övergrepp inom barn- och ungdomsidrotten / Children´s experience of emotional abuse and maltreatment in children´s sports

Lindkvist, Louise January 2017 (has links)
Since 2009 the Swedish Sport Confederation has included a child rights perspective in their policy guidelines for child sport in Sweden. These guidelines states that all children shall be protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation. Despite this, studies show not only that emotional abuse and maltreatment occurs in children´s sport but that it is has a great effect on children. The aim of this study was to analyze the experiences and effects of emotional abuse and maltreatment among children athletes. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with nine children, 13-18 years old, from both team- and individual sports. The result shows that emotional abuse and maltreatment occurs between both athletes and between athletes and their coaches. It is the coherency and atmosphere in the group that is a vital factor for the sport to lead to positive feelings and experiences. When there is no strong coherency, the atmosphere is perceived as negative, destructive criticism between athletes increases or when destructive criticism comes from coaches, it leads to negative feelings and experiences. The most commonly form of emotional abuse and maltreatment was verbal abuse, lack of attention, neglect and non-verbal abuse. The result show effects such as decrease in performance, lower self-confidence and insecurity. It also shows effects associated with feelings such as irritation, inadequateness, unsuccessfulness and sadness. Emotional abuse and maltreatment occurs on practice, competitions as well as beside the field of play and is in the vast majority of situations linked to performance.

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