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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexuella trakasserier, mobbning och kränkningar vid Luleå tekniska universitet : En kvantitativ sekundäranalys av förekomst och skillnader i utsatthet med perspektiv på makt i akademin

Wikberg, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar sexuella trakasserier, mobbning och kränkningar i akademisk miljö. På uppdrag av Luleå tekniska universitet har en sekundäranalys av data från en nationell prevalens­studie genomförts i syfte att beskriva före­komsten av kränk­ningar inom lärosätet samt analysera skillnader i utsatthet. För att synliggöra hur maktordningar i akademin är närvar­ande i de kränk­ningar som sker har skillnader i utsatthet under­sökts utifrån kön, ålder samt de olika organisa­toriska positioner som anställda, doktorander och stu­denter har inom lärosätet. I syfte att sätta resultaten i en kontext har också jämförelser gjorts med aggregerade data för högskole­sektorn. Särskilt fokus har lagts på att kartlägga före­komsten av sexuella trakass­erier, mobb­­­ning och andra former av kränkande behandling men stud­ien utforskar därtill en samlad teo­retisk förstå­else av kränk­ningar för att belysa mångfalden och komplexiteten i utsattheten. Resultaten visar att Luleå tekniska universitet i stort följer trenden för högskolesektorn som helhet; totalt 4 procent vid lärosätet upp­ger att de utsatts för sexuella trakasserier och totalt 8 pro­cent uppger att de utsatts för mobbning. Ungefär dubbelt så många uppger att de har varit åskådare, det vill säga fått kännedom om andra som utsatts. De närmre analyser som gjorts av vilken typ av kränkningar som sker visar att de beteenden som är mest utbredda inom läro­sätet kan beskrivas som mer subtila och normal­iserade former av kränkningar. Resul­taten visar också att det finns betydande skillnader i utsatt­het. De övergr­ip­­ande trenderna indikerar att kvinnor, yngre ålders­grupper och studenter rapp­orterar högre utsatt­het för sexuella trakasserier medan främst kvinnor, äldre ålders­grupper och anställ­da rapp­orterar att de utsatts för mobbning. Sam­tidigt finns några trendbrytande resultat som indi­ker­ar att män i högre utsträckning utsätts för vissa beteenden som kan förknippas med en masku­lin och kränkande jargong. Dessa kunskapsbidrag har flera implikationer för ett vidare förändringsarbete inom läro­sätet. Bland annat finns behov av att tillämpa ett brett arbets- och studiemiljö­arbete som kan adressera även de subtila och mer var­dagliga former av kränkningar som är mest utbredda. Arb­ets- och studie­miljö­­arbetet bör dessutom utformas med grund i kunskap om vilka grupper som är särskilt ut­satta; kvinnors situ­ation bör beaktas särskilt men även insatser för att före­bygga sexuella traka­sserier bland yngre och stu­denter samt mobbning bland äldre och anställda bör vara en målsätt­ning. Avslut­ningsvis pekar studien på att det fortsatt finns kun­skaps­luckor som behöver utforsk­as vidare, bland annat krävs upprepade mätningar för att avgöra vilken påverkan covid-19-pandemin haft på utsattheten samt ytterligare studier kring doktoranders situation inom lärosätet. / This study explores sexual harassment, bullying and violations in academic environment. On behalf of Luleå University of Technology, a secondary analysis of data from a national preva­lence study has been conducted in an aim to describe the incidence of violations within the uni­­versity and to analyse differences in exposure. To shed light on how power relations within the Aca­demy are present in violations, differences in exposure have been examined based on gender, age and the different organi­za­tion­­al positions of employees, doctor­al students and other stud­ents. In an aim to contextualize the results, comparisons have also been made with aggre­gated data for the higher education sector. Primarily, focus has been to examine the incidence of sexual harass­ment, bullying and other vio­lations, but the study also explores an interweaved theoretical under­standing of violations to emphasize the diversity and complexity of abuse. Results show that Luleå University of Technology largely follows the trend for the higher education sector as a whole; a total of 4 percent state that they have been subjected to sexual harassment and a total of 8 percent state that they have been subjected to bullying. About twice as many reports being bystanders. The closer analysis made concer­ning the type of violations that occur show that behav­iours that are most widespread within the university can be described as more subtle and everyday-like violations. Furthermore, results show that there are signi­ficant differ­ences in who is subjected to violations. The overall trends indi­cate that women, younger age groups and students report higher exposure to sexual harassment, while mainly women, older age groups and employees report being subjected to bullying. However, there are also some trend-breaking results, indicating that men are more exposed to certain behaviours that can be associated with a masculine and offensive jargon. These knowledge contributions have several implications for further development work within Luleå University of Technology. Among other things, there is a need to apply a broad app­roach to improvements of the work and study environment that can address also the subtle and more everyday-like forms of violations that are most widespread. Actions should also be based on an aware­ness of which groups are particularly vulnerable; the situation of women should be given special con­sider­ation, but eff­orts to prevent sexual harassment among young people and stud­ents and bullying among older age groups and employees should also be an objective. Finally, the study indicates that there are still considerable knowledge gaps that need to be explored further, including repeated measurements to determine the impact of the covid-19 pandemic as well as further studies on doctoral students' situation within the university.

“Pop a titty for the boys” -A qualitative study of negative communication towards femalestreamers on Twitch

Kejser, Katrine January 2021 (has links)
The development of technology has created many platforms for entertainment, participatorycommunities and socialization online. One of the largest current platforms for live streamingis Twitch.tv with a focus on gaming and eSports. This is a male-dominated field wherewomen often face harassment and a non-welcoming community. This paper is a qualitativestudy of the negative communication towards female streamers on Twitch with a focus onthe context in which said communication takes place. The aim of the study is to understandthe circumstances in which negative communication occurs and how it changes dependingon context. The study takes a qualitative approach and analyses the content of six streamsfrom five different channels, as well the negative communication in their chat room. Theresults show that negative communication varies depending on the content as well as thenature of the community built around the channel.

Maskulina ideal och sexuella trakasserier : En diskursanalys av gender och jämställdhet inom Försvarsmakten / Masculine ideals and sexual harassment : A discourse analysis of gender and gender equality within the Swedish Armed Forces

Wahlkrantz, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Mot bakgrunden av den könsneutrala värnplikten var uppsatsens syfte att identifiera diskurser om gender och jämställdhet inom Försvarsmakten. För att undersöka detta användes en diskursanalys där dagstidningsartiklar och Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsdokument analyserades utifrån frågeställningarna om hur gender respektive jämställdhet diskuteras och förstås i dessa material. Analysen resulterade i elva identifierade diskurser; sex för gender och fem för jämställdhet. För gender identifierades en binär uppfattning av gender, drivande manlig sexualitet och kvinnliga offer som diskursiva ramar i jämställdhetsdokumenten. I dagstidningarna identifierades diskurser om mäns och kvinnors olika intresse, om maskulint förhållningssätt och manlig sexualitet. I analysen av jämställdhet identifierades en diskurs där kvinnor synliggörs och jämförs mot en osynlig manlig standard samt en diskurs om sexuella trakasserier i jämställdhetsdokumenten. I dagstidningsartiklarna identifierades diskurser om att kvinnor bidrar till försvarets operativa förmåga, att sexuella trakasserier utgör hinder för jämställdhet och att jämn könsfördelning ses som jämställdhet. Diskurserna i jämställdhetsmaterialen och dagstidningarna överlappade varandra till viss del, exempelvis gällande manlig sexualitet och sexuella trakasserier. Utifrån analysen konstaterades att Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete har ett fokus på sexuella trakasserier. Femininitet associeras till offerskap medan mäns sexualitet formuleras som aggressiv, vilket underbygger förståelsen av sexuella trakasserier inom Försvarsmakten. Den slutsats som dras från uppsatsen är att uppfattningarna om jämställdhet baseras på diskursiva uppfattningar om gender. Likaså baseras uppfattningarna om gender inom organisationen på de diskursiva förståelser som finns om jämställdhet. / In the context of the Swedish conscription being reformulated as gender neutral, this thesis aimed to identify discourses about gender and equality in the Swedish Armed Forces. A discourse analysis was used to identify how gender and gender equality is understood and discussed in newspaper articles as well as in the Swedish Armed Forces’ documents on gender equality. The analysis resulted in six identified discourses on gender. A binary understanding of gender, aggressive male sexuality and female victims were discourses about gender in the gender equality documents, whereas men’s and women’s different interests, masculine attitudes and aggressive male sexuality was discursive perceptions of gender in the newspapers. The analysis resulted in five identified discourses on gender equality. In the gender equality documents a discourse about women being compared to an invisible male standard was identified as well as a discourse about sexual harassment. In the newspapers one discursive notion was that women contribute to the efficiency of the defense; another was that sexual harassment is an obstacle for gender equality and a third discourse regards even gender ratio as gender equality. To some extent, the discourses in the newspapers and the gender equality documents overlapped, for example regarding male sexuality and sexual harassment. The analysis showed a skewed focus on sexual harassment in the Swedish Armed Forces’ gender equality work. Femininity is associated with victim hood while men’s sexuality is articulated as aggressive, which underpins the understanding of sexual harassment. The conclusions that are drawn from this thesis are that perceptions of gender and gender equality are co-constructed, meaning that they mutually depend on and construct each other.

A comparative study of Zimbabwe state universities’ responsiveness to the implementation of sexual harassment policies

Mawere, Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore how state universities in Zimbabwe respond to the implementation of sexual harassment policies. Utilising a social constructivist and interpretive lens, this exploratory qualitative case study aimed at an in-depth study as well as a comparison of how various stakeholders respond to the implementation of sexual harassment policies in two selected state universities. Data collection methods took the form of key participant semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and document analysis. Two research sites comprised the case study. The sample at each of the sites consisted of a registrar, two deans, two chairpersons, a counsellor, a nurse, a security officer, a warden, two student representative members, and three students. The data analysis consisted of hermeneutic, content and discourse analysis. The content of in-depth interviews, feedback on interpretations, and notes from the sexual harassment policies analysed were considered as data in the analysis. A number of findings emanated from this study. First, sexual harassment is prevalent in the two universities studied and remains a persistent problem. Sexual harassment occurs at three levels: that perpetrated on female students by male lecturers; that perpetrated by female students on male lecturers; and that perpetrated by male students on female students. Second, efforts to mitigate incidences of sexual harassment in the two universities are hampered by underreporting of the phenomenon, absence of very clear sexual harassment guidelines, fear of reprisals in the event of reporting sexual harassment incidences, as well as silence on zero tolerance to sexual harassment in the policies, ordinances and codes of conduct. Third, the presence of a sexual harassment policy on its own is not a guarantee of mitigating prevalence of the phenomenon. Transparent and anonymous reporting procedures, who to report to, what ought to be done to the harasser, the need for counselling the victim, public lectures on sexual harassment awareness and road shows could augment the need to mitigate incidences of sexual harassment in universities. The study revealed that whilst efforts have been made to mitigate sexual harassment incidences in the universities under study through sexual harassment policies, preventing and effectively addressing sexual harassment in the two universities is still a significant challenge, given the shortcomings regarding the responsiveness of stakeholders highlighted in the study. The need for a commitment on the part of all stakeholders in the universities, to take on board measures to prevent and respond to sexual harassment as well as promote a safe, respectful, inclusive and welcoming environment, cannot be overemphasised. The proposition is that orienting students and lecturers, among other stakeholders, to the universities’ cultures, policies as well as procedures for handling sexual harassment, could lead to a climate of zero tolerance towards the phenomenon. In other words, lecturers and students should be made responsible for mitigating as well as preventing sexual harassment. / Lolu cwaningo beluhlose ukuphenya indlela amanyuvesi aseZimbabwe abhekana nayo mayelana nokusetshenziswa kwemigomo yokuhluknyezwa ngokocansi. Ngokusebenzisa umqondo obizwa phecelezi nge- (social constructivist nangeso lokuchaza (interpretive), lolu cwaningo lotho oluphenyayo olugxile phezu kwengxoxo, phecelezi(exploratory qualitative case study) beluqondiswe kucwaningo olujulile kanye nokuqhathanisa indlela abadlalindima abahlukahlukene ababhekana ngayo ekusetshenzisweni kwemigomo yokuhluknyezwa ngokwecansi kumanyuvesi ombuso amabili akhethiwe. Izindlela zokuqokelela idatha ziye zalandela indlela yenhlolovo ehlelwe ngokwesigamu exuba abadlalindima abasemqoka, ziye zalandela izingxoxo ezigxile kumaqembu aqondiwe futhi ziye zagxila ekuhlaziyeni imibhalo. Ucwaningo lotho lwenziwe ezikhungwini ezintathu. Kanti isampuli kwesinye nesinye isikhungo sinombhalisi, odini ababili, osihlalo ababili, umeluleki wezengqondo, umhlengikazi, ugadi, ujele, amalungu amabili abameli babafundi, kanye nabafundi abathathu. Idatha ehlaziyiwe yequkethe, ithiyori nendlela yokuchaza (hermeneutic), okuqukethwe kanye nomsebenzi wocwaningo ohlaziyiwe. Ulwazi oluqukethwe olumayelana nenhlolovo ejulile, umbiko wakamuva omayelana nezincazelo, kanye namanothi avela kwimigomo emayelana nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, konke lokhu kuye kwathathwa njengedatha emsebenzini ohlaziyiwe. Kuye kwatholakala ulwazi oluvela kucwaningo. Okokuqala, ukuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kuyisichelo njengomchilo wesidwaba kumanyuvesi amabili acwaningiwe kanti lezi zenzo zilokhu ziyinkinga engapheli. Ukuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kwenzeka ngezigaba ezintathu, okuyizigaba ezibhebhetheka kubafundi besifazane behlukunyezwa ngabafundisi besilisa basemanyuvesi, kanti lezi zigameko zibhebhethekiswa ngabafundi abesifazane kubafundisi besilisa; kanti kuphinde futhi kubhebhethekiswe abafundi abesilisa kubafundi abesifazane. Okwesibili, Imizamo eqonde ukunciphisa izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kumanyuvesi amabili ziphazanyiswa kungabikwa ngokugcwele kwalezi zehlakalo, ukusweleka kwemihlahlandlela ecacile yokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, ukwesaba ukubika lezi zehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi ngenxa yokugxekwa, kanye nemigomo ethulile mayelana nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, imitheshwana emalungana nalokhu yezifundazwe kanye nokusweleka kwemithetho yokuziphatha. Okwesithathu, ukuba khona nje komgomo obhekene nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi akusona isiqinisekiso sokunciphisa lezi zenzo zokuhlukumeza. Izingqubo ezikwishashalazi nezinemfihlo, ezimayelana nokuthi ubika kuphi, kanti kufanele ohlukumezayo athathelwe ziphi izinyathelo, isidingo sokuthi isiZulu sokuhlukunyezwa sithole ukwelulekwa ngokwengqondoukufundiswa komphakathi ngokwexwayiswa ngokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kanye nemibukiso kungagcwaliselela isidingo sokunciphisa izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi emanyuvesi. Ucwaningo luyaveza ukuthi njengoba sekwenziwe imizamo yokunciphisa izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi emanyuvesi acwaningwayo ngaphansi kwemigomo yokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, ukuvikela kanye nokudingida ngokufanele udaba lokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kumanyuvesi amabili kusese yinselelo enkulu, uma kubhekwa izihibhe ezikhona mayelana nokuzibandakanya kwabadlalindima kuvezwe kucwaningo. Isidingo sokuzimisela kwingxenye yabo bonke abadlalindima kumanyuvesi, ukuba balethe ngaphambili imizamo yokuvikela kanye nokubhekana nokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi kanye nokwenza indawo ephephile, ehloniphekile, nexuba zonke izinhlaka futhi nendawo eyamukelayo, kuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu engeke yagqizwa qakala. Kuphakanyiswa ukuthi kufundiswe abafundi kanye nabafundisi, hlangana nabanye abadlalindima, ngosikompilo lwasenyuvesi, ngemigomo kanye nangezingqubo zokuphatha uhlelo lokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi, kanti lokhu kungaholela ekwakheni isimo esingeke savumela lolu daba. Ngamanye amagama, abafundisi kanye nabafundi kufanele banikezwe umsebenzi wokunciphisa kanye nokuvikela izehlakalo zokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi. / Morero wa thutelo ye e be e le go utolla ka moo diyunibesithi tsa Zimbabwe tseo di thuswago ke mmuso di fetolago go phethagatso ya melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano. Ka go dirisa tebelelo go ya ka go gola ga motho le tsebo yeo a e hwetsago ka tirisano le batho ba bangwe leagong le tlhathollo ya seo se ithutwago, tlhahlobo ye e tseneletsego ya go hlohlomisa tshedimoso ka ga tiragalo ye e ikemiseditse go thutelo ye e tseneletsego gammogo le papetso ya ka moo batho bao ba fapanego bao ba nago le kgahlego ba fetolago go phethagatso ya melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano ka go diyunibesithi tse pedi tseo di kgethilwego tseo di thuswago ke mmuso. Mekgwatshepediso ya kgoboketso ya datha e tsere popego ya ditherisano le babotsiswa ba bohlokwa tseo di sa latelego dipotsiso tseo di beilwego, ditherisano le dihlopha tseo di nepisitswego le tshekatsheko ya ditokomane. Ditsha tse pedi tsa dinyakisiso di bile motheo wa thutelo ye. Sampolo ka go setsha se sengwe le se sengwe e be e na le moretsistara, dihlogo tse pedi tsa mafapha a thuto, badulasetulo ba babedi, mogakolodi, mooki, mohlankedi wa tshireletso, mohlapetsi, maloko a mabedi a kemedi ya baithuti, le baithuti ba bararo. Tshekatsheko ya datha e bopilwe ke tshekatsheko ya mekgwatshepediso ya ditlhathollo, diteng le ka moo polelo e diriswago gare ga batho. Diteng tsa ditherisano tseo di tseneletsego, dipego ka ga ditlhathollo, le dintlha go tswa go melaotshepediso ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano tseo di sekasekilwego di tserwe bjalo ka datha ye e sekasekwago. Go tsweletse dikhwetso tse mmalwa thutelong ye. Sa mathomo, tlaiso go tsa thobalano e atile diyunibesithing tse pedi tseo go ithutilwego ka tsona gomme e sa le bothata bjo bo tswelago pele. Tliso ya thobalano e direga go ya ka magato a mararo: leo bafahlosi ba dirago tiro ye e sego molaong ya go robala le baithuti ba basadi, leo le dirwago ke ge baithuti ba basadi ba robala le bafahlosi ba banna, le leo le dirwago ke ge baithuti ba banna ba robala le baithuti ba basadi. Sa bobedi, maitekelo a go fokotsa ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing tse pedi tse a sitiswa ke go se begwe ga ditiragalo tse ka mo go kgotsofatsago, tlhokego ya ditlhahlo tse di kwagalago gabotse tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano, poifo ya boipuseletso ge motho a ka bega ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano gammogo le ge melaotshepetso, melawana le melao ya boitshwaro di sa bolele selo ka magato ao a ka tsewago go ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano. Sa boraro, go ba gona ga molaotshepetso wa tlaiso go tsa thobalano ka bowona ga se tiiso ya phokotso ya go ba gona ga tiragalo ye. Ditshepediso tseo di sa utego selo gape di sa utollego boitsupo bja motho, gore ke mang, yo dipego di swanetsego go lebiswa go yena, ke seo motlaisi a swanetswego go se dirwa, tlhokego ya gore motlaiswa a hwetse thuso go rarolla mathata a kgobatso maikutlong a gagwe, dithuto go setshaba ka moka ka ga temoso ya tlaiso, le dipontsho mafelong ao a fapanego di ka godisa tlhokego ya go fokotsa ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing. Thutelo e utollotse gore le ge go dirilwe maitekelo a go fokotsa ditiragalo tsa tlaiso go tsa thobalano diyunibesithing tseo thutelo e dirilwego go tsona ka mokgwa wa melaotshepetso ya tlaiso go tsa thobalano, go thibela le go rarolla bothata bja tlaiso go tsa thobalano ka bokgoni diyunibesithing tse pedi tse e sa le tlhohlo ye e bonalago, ge go lebeletswe bofokodi malebana le batho bao na nago le kgahlego bao ba supilwego thutelong ye. Tlhokego ya boikgafo lehlakoreng la batho ka moka yunibesithing bao ba nago le kgahlego go se, go hlagisa magato a go thibela le go araba go tlaiso go tsa thobalano gammogo le go hlola tikologo ye e bolokegilego, ye e hlomphago, e akaretsago gape e amogelago bohle ka matsogo a borutho, go bohlokwa go fetisa ka mo go hlalositswego. Tshisinyo ke go re go tsebisa baithuti le bafahlosi, gare ga batho ka moka bao ba nago le kgahlego, go ditlwaelo, melaotshepetso gammogo le ditshepediso tsa go rarolla tlaiso go tsa thobalano, go ka hlola tikologo yeo e sa kgotlelelego tiragalo yeo le gatee. Ka mantsu a mangwe, bafahlosi le baithuti ba swanetse go rweswa boikarabelo bja go fokotsa gammogo le go thibela tlaiso go tsa thobalano. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Comparative Education)

Det osynliga motståndet : En kvalitativ studie om kön- och maktstrukturens påverkan på skolkuratorns arbete mot sexuella trakasserier / The invisible repression : A qualitative studie of how gender and power impacts school councelors work against sexual harassment

Herting, Emma, Lindblom, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Sexual harassment is a significant problem in school despite policies and guidelines designed to combat the issue. The aim of this study is to illustrate, through feminist theory, how gender and power structures affect school counselors in their work to prevent sexual harassment. With the use of qualitative method we have collected our material through focus group interview with school counselors working at junior high schools. Subsequently, we analyzed the material by using narrative content analysis, and created a collective narrative by combining the school counselors stories. The theories we use include structural theory, feminist theory, and the concept of hard and soft repression. Our results show that school counselors have a structural understanding of sexual harassment, but they face different kinds of resistance in their work to combat the issue: including resistance from themselves, from the organisation, and from society as a whole. Structural understanding is paramount to understanding the importance of a preemptive approach.

The Influences of Misogynist Online Harassment on German Female Journalists and their Personal and Professional Lives

Le Vu Phung, Nhi 23 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

I am ashamed that I reacted rudely to my colleague – my harasser: : A qualitative study of attribution of responsibility for harassment in metoo testimonies from the Swedish police

Mishra, Surabhi January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis studies testimonies gathered by the #nödvärn initiative – the metoo call from2017 by the Swedish police department for their current and former employees, as well as traineesand students. The thesis contributes to filling an existing research gap about sexualharassment/violence from the perspective of the harassed/victim, by analyzing their description oftheir own experiences and how they attribute responsibility for the harassment. One of the wayswas to look at the issue from a feminist perspective and add to/build on the existing feministresearch in this field of the testimony compilation through the #nödvärn initiative in the Swedishcontext. Therefore, with the help of the interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA), CarolBacchi’s theory of gender and power relations, along with the decolonial theory, I have selectedeight testimonies from the compilation and analyzed them to understand the perspective of theharassed/victims, how they reason around their experiences of being harassed/violated, how theinterpretation and reactions of colleagues and supervisors affect how the harassed persons/victimsinterpret their experiences of harassment/violence and how the harassed persons/victims attributeresponsibility for the harassment/violence in the testimonies. The analysis reveals that the way theharassed/victims reason around their experiences of sexual violence and the way (and on whom)they attribute responsibility for the harassment/violence are interconnected and are heavilyaffected by the hierarchy and power relations in the organization that also affect theharassed/victim’s colleagues’ and superiors’ reaction or response to the harassed/victim’sexperience of sexual harassment/violence.

Dating App Facilitated Sexual Violence: The Prevalence and Mental Health Effects

Echevarria, Samantha G 01 January 2021 (has links)
Dating apps are in growing popularity, with 48% of dating app users in the United States being adults under 30 (Pew Research Center, 2020, Figure 5). While dating apps can provide a faster and easier way to meet or message a potential partner, they are also a relatively new platform to experience sexual violence. This thesis aims to explore the frequency of sexual violence experienced via dating apps as well as the specific effects this subtype of sexual violence has on the mental health of college students. Technology facilitated sexual violence (TFSV) includes unwanted sexual advances, sexual harassment, gender/sexuality-based abuse, sexual coercion, and rape that a person may experience due to technology that connected the victim to the perpetrator (Henry & Powell, 2018). While there is limited research on the physical and mental health effects of TFSV, past research includes all forms of technology. By focusing on dating apps, a widely used online platform, this research hopes to fill a gap in the research. The study conducted was of 230 college students at the University of Central Florida. Of all study participants, 144 reported current or past use of dating apps, and 88.8% of users reported at least one instance of sexual violence via dating apps. Overall, greater frequency of TFSV on dating apps was associated with more symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, greater loneliness, less perceived self-control, and lower self-esteem.

The Moderating Effect of Organizational Policies and Procedures in Relation to the Consequences of Sexual Harassment of Women

Aranda, Nicole 01 January 2021 (has links)
Sexual harassment is common in the workplace and leads to negative outcomes for individuals and organizations. Previous research has shown that turnover is a negative outcome of sexual harassment. Organizations can implement policies and procedures, but little research exists examining the impact of these policies on employee perceptions and intentions. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine perceived enforcement of organizational policies and procedures as a moderator of the relationship between sexual harassment and turnover intentions. Social exchange theory is used to explain this concept between women from male-dominated professions and gender-balanced professions. Participants were 66 employed females from different industries. A series of regressions and ANOVAs indicated that sexual harassment and turnover intentions had significant results. Future research directions and limitations are discussed.

ARBETSMILJÖN BAKOM LÅSTA DÖRRAR : En kvalitativ intervjudtudie om trakasserier mellan kriminalvårdare / THE WORK ENVIRONMENT BEHIND LOCKED DOORS : A qualitative interview study about harassment between correctional officers

Lundin, Lina, Olofsson, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Ett flertal fall av trakasserier mellan kollegor inom kriminalvården har under åren rapporterats utan någon grundligare undersökning gällande ämnet. Även om det framkommer forskning vilket undersöker denna problematik inom ett antal olika miljöer och yrken, saknas det information specifikt för kriminalvården i Sverige. Med en betydande påverkan på de utsatta individerna, bör däremot det förebyggande arbetet mot trakasserier på arbetsplatsen anses vara av stor vikt. Inte enbart på grund av de anställdas välbefinnande utan även beträffande de negativa påföljder handlingarna kan skapa för verksamhetens säkerhet. För att vidare undersöka förekomsten så väl som hanteringen och förebyggandet av trakasserier mellan kollegor inom kriminalvården, har gällande studie genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra kriminalvårdare. Samtliga respondenter befinner sig på en högre ansvarsposition inom verksamheten och belyser endast förekomsten utefter deras personliga uppfattningar. Resultaten enligt respondenterna tyder på en allmänt positiv arbetsmiljö med en övergripande låg befintlighet av trakasserier. Det framkommer däremot att de trakasserier vilka anmäls huvudsakligen sker i form av sexuella trakasserier mellan nyanställda, utfrysning mot nya vikarier eller att kvinnor blir bortvalda från vissa arbetsuppgifter. Samtliga medverkande bekräftar dessutom att mörkertalet troligtvis är stort och att en stor del av problematiken inte uppenbaras för de ansvariga. Då studiens urval varit begränsat, kan vidare undersökningar inom forskningsområdet anses väsentligt för ett tillförlitligt och förebyggande resultat. / Several cases of harassment between colleagues within the correctional service have been reported over the years, without any more thorough investigation into the incidents. Although there is research that examines this problem within several different environments and professions, there is a lack of information specifically for the correctional service in Sweden. With a significant impact on the vulnerable individuals the preventive work against harassment in the workplace should be considered of great importance. Not only because of the well-being of the employees, but also regarding the negative consequences these actions can have for the actual work safety. To further investigate the occurrence, the administration, and the prevention of harassment between colleagues within the correctional service, the current study has conducted semi-structured interviews with four correctional officers. All respondents hold a position of increased responsibility within the institution and solely describe the occurrences according to their perceptions. According to the respondents, the results indicate a generally positive work environment with an overall low presence of harassment. It appears that the actual reported cases of harassment mainly take the form of sexual harassment between new employees, ostracism towards temporary employees and women being excluded for certain tasks. All participants confirm that there is potentially an extensive amount of unreported case that are not revealed to the responsible authority. Because of the studies limited sample, further research within the topic is needed to obtain higher reliability of the results, hopefully to then prevent future cases of harassment.

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