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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die voorkoms van seksuele teistering in die staatsdiens

Du Plessis, Jan A. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAdmin)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sexual harassment has different meanings for different individuals. This is clearly evident from the wide variety of definitions that are noted on the theme. Sexual harassment can be divided into two main categories. Firstly there is quid pro quo harassment which boils down to the fact that an agreement must be established between two individuals where sexual favours are exchanged for more favourable work benefits. The next sexual harassment category is where one individual makes the working environment of the next individual intolerable in order to solicit sexual favours. Sexual harassment can be explained using a number of models. These models vary from the point of departure that sexual harassment is driven by the individual's sex drive to a model where the economy has an influence on the individual's behaviour. None of the existing models, however, fully explain sexual harassment and sexual harassment can best be explained using a synthesis between various models. These models have the advantage that a better understanding of the subject exists and could thus ease the prevention and management of sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment manifests over a wide varitey of actions. A difference can be drawn between direct and indirect harassment. Direct harassment could be physical and lead to charges of sexual assault or rape. Indirect harassment could be where an individual through his/her actions causes another individual to feel uncomfortable without the action being directed at that specific individual. It could be that sexually explicit pictures are being displayed without the intention to harass but that the mere displaying of the pictures is experienced as harassment by certain individuals. There are various actions leading up to sexual harassment. However, it was found that sexual harassment is not romantic attention with the view of courting towards a consenting love affair. Consenting love affairs may also exist in the workplace and although not prohibited by any rule or prescript the affair could end and then transform towards sexual harassment. Sexual harassment was found not to be restricted to one sex only. Although the profiles of male and female harassers differ both can present themselves as harassers. Sexual harassment is not restricted to harassing the opposite sex only and man to man and woman to woman harassment is also found. In the South African Civil Service there are certain acts that regulate sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is, however, not addressed by definition and general deductions must be made that could include atcs of sexual harassment. This was tested by contacting a variety of government departments and provincial administrations to gain insight into their sexual harassment policies. The majortiy of respondents did not have a formal or approved policy on sexual harassment. The sexual harassment policies that were \ analysed revealed certain inadequicies and a scientifically based questionnaire was developed to determine the prevelance of sexual harassment in the workplace. Normatively speaking certain guidelines or a definition of sexual harassment should exist to show which conduct or behaviour can be construed as sexual harassment. An employee's complaints procedure should at least contain a mechanism to ensure that policy is not ignored, that alternative methods of reporting sexual harassment are being catered for and that adequate training is provided to ensure that all employees are au fait with the complaints procedure. Confidentiality is a critical element and the employer should try to maintain this throughout the investigation. Investigation officers should have a certain knowledge on the theme of sexual harassment. The appointment of an investigation officer should also be sex sensitive. The imposing of sanctions after the investigation into complaints of sexual harassment should be done with due cognisance of the degree of seriousness of the violation and other mitigating and extenuating circumstances. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Seksuele teistering het verskillende betekenisse vir verskillende indiwidue. Hierdie kom duidelik na vore uit die wye verskeidenheid van definisies wat oor die tema opgeteken is. Seksuele teistering kan in twee hoof groeperings ingedeel word. Eerstens is daar quid pro quo-teistering wat daarop neerkom dat daar 'n ooreenkoms tussen twee indiwidue tot stand moet kom, waar seksuele gunste vir werksvoordele uitgeruil word. Die ander tipe seksuele teistering is waar die een indiwidu die werksomgewing vir die volgende indiwidu ondraagbaar maak om die indiwidu tot seksuele gunste te laat toegee. Seksuele teistering kan aan die hand van 'n aantal modelle verklaar word. Hierdie modelle wissel vanaf die uitgangspunt dat dit deur die indiwidu se seksdrang aangedryf word tot waar die ekonomie 'n invloed op die indiwidu se gedrag kan hê. Nie een van die bestaande modelle gee egter 'n volledige verklaring van seksuele teistering nie en kan seksuele teistering aan die hand van 'n sintese tussen die modelle verklaar word. Hierdie modelle het die voordeel dat dit 'n beter begrip van die onderwerp stel en kan die voorkoming of bestuur van seksuele teistering in die werksplek hierdeur vergemaklik word. Seksuele teistering manifesteer oor 'n wye front van aksies. Daar kan 'n onderskeid tussen direkte en indirekte teistering getref word. Direkte teistering kan fisies wees en aanleiding tot klagtes van seksuele aanranding of verkragting wees. Indirekte teistering kan wees waar 'n indiwidu deur sy/haar optrede 'n volgende indiwidu ongemaklik laat voel sonder dat dit spesifiek teen daardie indiwidu gemik is. Dit sou kon wees dat seksueel eksplisiete prente sonder die bedoeling om te teister, opgeplak word, maar dat dit deur bepaalde indiwidue as teisterend ervaar word. Daar is verskeie aanleidende oorsake tot seksuele teistering. Seksuele teistering is egter gevind om nie romatiese aandag te wees met die oog op hofmakery vir 'n konsente liefdesverhouding nie. Konsente liefdesverhoudings kan ook in die werksplek voorkom en alhoewel dit nie teen enige reël indruis nie, kan die verhouding tot niet gaan en dan in seksuele teistering oorgaan. Seksuele teistering is gevind om nie net tot een geslag beperk te wees nie. Alhoewel die profiele van 'n manlike en vroulike teisteraar verskil, kan beide geslagte as teisteraar voordoen. Seksuele teistering is ook nie net tot die teenoorgestelde geslag beperk nie en kom man-tot-man en vrou-tot-vrou teistering ook voor. In die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens is daar bepaalde wetgewing wat seksuele teistering reguleer. Seksuele teistering word per se egter nie by definisie aangespreek nie en moet daar meer algemene afleidings gemaak word wat die oortreding van seksuele teistering sou kon insluit. Hierdie is getoets deur 'n verskeidenheid staatsdepartemente en provinsiale administrasies te nader om insae in hul seksueleteistering-beleide te kry. Die meerderheid respondente het nie oor 'n formele of goedgekeurde beleid oor seksuele teistering beskik nie. Die seksueleteistering-beleide wat wel ontleed was, het bepaalde gebreke getoon en is daar 'n wetenskaplik fundeerde vraelys ontwikkel om die voorkoms van seksuele teistering in die werksplek te bepaal. Normatief beskou behoort daar riglyne of 'n definisie te bestaan om aan te toon watter gedrag of optrede as seksuele teistering beskou kan word. 'n Werkgewer se klagteprosedure behoort minstens 'n meganisme te bevat om te verseker dat indiwidue nie beleid ignoreer nie, daar alternatiewe metodes voor voorsiening gemaak word om seksuele teistering te rapporteer en dat daar voldoende opleiding verskaf word om te verseker dat alle werknemers met die klagteprosedure vertroud is. Die handhawing van konfidensialiteit is 'n kritiese element en die werkgewer behoort te poog om gedurende ondersoek die hoogste graad van konfidensialiteit te handhaaf. Ondersoekbeamptes behoort 'n bepaalde kundigheid oor die onderwerp van seksuele teistering te hê. Die aanwys van 'n ondersoekbeampte behoort geslagsensitief gedoen te word. Die oplê van sanksies na ondersoek van klagtes van seksuele teistering behoort die ernstigheidsgraad van die oortreding en ander verswarende of versagtende getuienis in ag te neem.

Hälsorisker hos flickor vilka använde sociala medier : en litteraturöversikt / Health risks in use of social media among girls : A literature review

Andersson, Christina, Lindberg, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: Sociala medier har utvecklats och skapar en ny arena för integration. Den psykiska ohälsan ökar hos unga flickor tycks påverkas av sociala medier. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att undersöka några hälsorisker flickor i åldern 11 till 17 år födda efter 1993 har utsatts för via sociala medier. Metod: Tio originalartiklar publicerade de senaste fem åren har sökts fram via PubMed. Relevanta artiklar har granskats och tematiserats utifrån hälsorisker vilka återfinns i litteraturöversikten. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten undersökte tidigare forskning kring hälsorisker hos unga flickor födda efter 1993 vid användning av sociala medier. Flickor tenderar att bli mer påverkade av kommentarer och påverkas under längre tid vilket kan leda till depression och ångest. Självskadebeteende och självmordsbenägenheter är direkt kopplade till depression. Självförtroendet påverkas av kommentarer på sociala medier. Flickor tenderar i högre grad att drabbas av psykosomatiska besvär till följd av användning av sociala medier. Sociala medier kan öka känslan av rädsla och otrygghet. Flickornas kroppsbild påverkas via sociala medier vilket i förlängningen kan leda till ätstörningar. Diskussion: Användandet av sociala medier kan ses som hälsorisk hos unga flickor. Likväl kan påverkan av sociala medier ses som enbart utlösande faktor för andra bakomliggande orsaker. Sociala medier kan även ge hälsovinster. / Introduction: Social media has created a new arena for integration. Social media seems to affect young girls mental health. The purpose of the literature review is to examine some health risks among girls aged 11 to 17 years born after 1993 witch has been exposed to through social media. Method: Ten original articles published in the past five years have been sought out through PubMed. Relevant articles were reviewed and thematized based on health risks which are found in the overview. Results: The literature review examined previous research on health risks in young girls born after 1993 in the use of social media. Girls tend to be more affected by the comments and are affected over time which can lead to depression and anxiety. Self-harm and suicidal tendencies are directly linked to depression. Self-confidence is affected by comments on social media. Girls tend increasingly to suffer from psychosomatic disorders due to use of social media. Social media can increase the feeling of fear and insecurity. The girls' body image is influenced by social media, which ultimately can lead to eating disorders. Discussion: The use of social media can be seen as a health risk in young girls. Nevertheless, the impact of social media is seen as on of the triggers for other underlying causes. Social media can also provide health benefits.

Sexual Harassment: Its Economic and Social Dimensions on the Streets of Cairo

Abd El Hamid, Heba 18 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examined the conditions under which taharrush (sexual harassment) has become normalized in Cairo, allowing acts once deemed unethical by Egyptians to become a daily experience. Experiences of taharrush were explored through an ethnographic study of three neighborhoods in Cairo and 20 semi-structured interviews with women from diverse backgrounds and age groups. Through the literature review of key themes and a historical analysis of the Egyptian context, this research explored the rise in sexual harassment over time and under different presidential regimes. The cross-generational aspect of this research highlighted the prevalence of sexual harassment in the past three decades. Furthermore, through the participants’ voices, numerous themes emerged explaining the increase of taharrush, such as: economic difficulties, decline in akhle (sense of community), and violence against women perpetrated by security officials. The interviews showed women’s experiences of sexual harassment, the perceived causes behind the issue of harassment being trivialized and normalized, and ways in which women combat harassment and security issues within Cairo. / February 2016

RFSU- Vill du? : En multimodal analys av RFSUs skolmaterial för att främja ömsesidig sexualitet / RFSU- Do you want to? : A multimodal analysis of the RFSU’s (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) school material to encourage mutual sexuality

Gustafsson, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
RFSU- Do you want to? -A multimodal analysis of the RFSU’s (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) school material to encourage mutual sexuality The purpose of this study is to identify the semiotic resources, by using a multimodal analysis, that the RFSU uses to communicate the creation of relationships between participants to express their aim. Furthermore, to examine the basic thoughts that the RFSU has about standards due to gender should be eliminated, and how these become evident in the films. The starting point for the essay is questions about how the RFSU creates a relationship with the audience through the semiotic resources, as well as the manner in which it is possible to derive the RFSU’s basic thoughts about breaking the standards and working towards stereotypical gender roles. The material I examine consists of two short films belonging to a collection of school supplies under the name titled ”Vill du?” (Eng. ”Do you want to?”) that the RFSU has created for the education of secondary school students. The method is based on a sociosemiotic perspective where the material is analyzed by a composition analysis, an ideational analysis and an interpersonal analysis. The dialogues are analyzed based on the systemic functional grammar and the discussion of the results and how they are linked to the theory that there is a heteronormativity in today's society, which the RFSU wants to break through. The conclusion is that RFSU uses semiotic resources such as young participants, communication tools, such as: Skype, computers and phones, and other typical youth-related things. The most prominent result of the analysis that is actively breaking the standards against the heterosexual norm is that one film, ”Gorillan”, which works against the stereotypical gender roles, where it is the male who is subjected to sexual harassment; and the second film works against the norm of heterosexuality as it is about two gay guys.

“KÄNNER DU DIG KRÄNKT, SÅ HAR DU BLIVIT KRÄNKT” : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevelse av arbetet med unga som blivit utsatta för sexuella trakasserier

El-Natour, Caroline, Ohlsson, Stephanie January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur skolkuratorer på grundskolan arbetar mot kränkande behandling i form av sexuella trakasserier. Vidare undersöktes om det förekommer skillnader i kuratorers bemötande, värderingar och bedömningar ur ett genusperspektiv med utgångspunkt från ett fiktivt fall. Metoden baserades på ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt med semistrukturerade intervjuer kopplade till en vinjett. Fyra deltagare utgick under intervjutillfällena från en vinjett och två tog ställning till en annan. Vinjetterna innehöll samma fiktiva berättelse förutom att elevens könstillhörighet var utbytt. Studiens vetenskapliga ramverk bestod av genusteori. Genomsökandet av tidigare forskning inom området visade att professionella vanligtvis gör en viss skillnad i bemötandet av klienter baserat på klientens könstillhörighet. Resultatet från den här studiens intervjuer synliggör dock inga utmärkande skillnader i bemötande beroende på elevens kön. Dock kunde vissa skillnader urskiljas i intervjupersonernas fria berättande i vilket intervjupersonernas förståelse av vissa typer av beteenden hos elever kunde härledas till stereotypa föreställningar om kön. Avslutningsvis diskuteras utifrån skribenternas perspektivhuruvida skolorna borde utveckla sina utbildningsstrategier avseende makt, sexualitet och samtycke. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how school counselors at compulsory school work against offensive treatment in the form of sexual harassment. Furthermore, it was examined whether there were differences in counselors' treatment, values and assessments from a gender perspective, based on a fictitious case. The method was based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews linked to a vignette. During the interview sessions, four participants were based on a vignette and two from another. The vignettes contained the same fictional story except that the pupil's gender affiliation was exchanged. The study's scientific framework consisted of gender theory. The search of previous research in the field showed that professionals usually make a certain difference in the treatment of clients based on the client's gender affiliation. However, the results of this study's interviews do not reveal any significant differences in treatment depending on the student's gender. However, some differences were discernible in the respondents 'free narrative in which the respondents understanding of certain types of behavior among students could be derived from stereotypical notions of gender. Finally, it is discussed from the writers' perspective whether the schools should develop their education strategies regarding power, sexuality and consent.

“Det är en brist på kontroll som gör en otrygg...” : En studie om att förebygga trakasserier och öka tryggheten för användare som registrerar sig som kvinna på plattformar för nätdejting. / “It’s the lack of control that makes you unsafe…" : A study on preventing harassment and increasing the safety of users who register as a woman on platforms for online dating.

Kindbom, Hannah, Storm, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Media rapporterar om att kvinnor blir utsatta för trakasserier på plattformar för nätdejting och undersökningar visar att kvinnor i högre utsträckning upplever trakasserier på plattformar för nätdejting, oftare blir sexuellt trakasserade online och i högre utsträckning blir upprörda när de trakasseras online. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka funktioner kvinnor tror kan påverka tryggheten och förebygga trakasserier som stalking och sexuella trakasserier på plattformar för nätdejting. I tidigare studier finns tydliga indikationer på att kvinnor upplever trakasserier på plattformar på nätdejting och fler av dessa studier resulterade i designförslag. I studierna går det inte att utläsa att användare varit med i framtagningen av dessa förslag. Med inspiration från participativ design, där användaren involveras i designprocessen och användare och designer lär sig av varandra ville vi involvera kvinnliga användare för att utforska vad de tror påverkar tryggheten och vilka funktioner de behöver för att trygghet ska kunna skapas och trakasserier förebyggas.Genom intervjuer och fokusgrupper med kvinnor i ålder 18-36 där problem, funktioner, scenarios och lösningar har diskuterats har vi ringat in en del problem som påverkar tryggheten. Resultatet visar bland annat att en del funktioner som idag finns på flera plattformar inte bidrar till att skapa trygghet. Vi har i slutsatsen tagit upp element påverkar upplevd trygghet: tillit, íntegritet och kontroll, tredjepartsverifiering och transparens. Vi presenterar rekommendationer för designers och utvecklare för plattformar för nätdejting, som kan öka tryggheten och minska förekomsten av trakasserier. / Media reports that women are exposed to harassment on platforms for online dating and surveys show that women to a greater extent experience harassment on platforms for online dating, more often are sexually harassed online and in a higher extent are upset when being harassed. The purpose of the study is to investigate what functions women believe can affect security and prevent harassment such as stalking and sexual harassment on platforms for online dating. In previous studies there are clear indications that women experience harassment on platforms on online dating and some of these studies resulted in design proposals. It is not clear whether users have been involved in the process of producing these proposals. With inspiration from participative design, where users and designers learn from each other, we wanted to involve female users to explore what they believe affects security and what functions they need in order to create security and prevent harassment.Through interviews and focus groups with women between the age 18-36, we discussed problems, functions, scenarios and solutions. We have been able to identify some elements which affect safety. The result shows, among other things, that some functions that are present in several platforms do not contribute to creating safety. We present findings that we believe can affect safety; trust, integrity and control, third-party verification and transparency. We also present design recommendations for designers and developers of platforms for online dating, which can contribute to increase safety and could prevent harassment on platforms for online dating.

Violência psicológica e assédio moral no trabalho: percepção e estratégias de enfrentamento de adolescentes trabalhadores / Psychological violence and harassment at work: perception and coping strategies of adolescent workers

Turte, Samantha Lemos 26 January 2012 (has links)
Introdução - A violência no trabalho geralmente consiste em desequilíbrio nas relações interpessoais. Centra-se no abuso de poder, em ameaças e ações desrespeitosas. A violência psicológica no trabalho pode se apresentar como uma situação pontual ou de forma sistemática, como no assédio moral no trabalho. Ambos podem causar ou contribuir com várias psicopatologias, doenças psicossomáticas ou distúrbios de comportamento, conforme estudos divulgados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e Organização Internacional do Trabalho. Objetivo - Investigar e discutir as experiências relatadas por jovens aprendizes e estagiários acerca de situações abusivas e de assédio moral ocorridos no trabalho. Procedimentos metodológicos - Foram entrevistados 40 (quarenta) adolescentes entre 15 e 20 anos de idade, sendo 22 homens e 18 mulheres, alunos do Programa de Estágio e do Programa de Aprendizagem Profissional de uma instituição não governamental de São Paulo, Capital. Pela semelhança encontrada nos relatos de aprendizes e estagiários, estes foram aqui apresentados e analisados independentemente da divisão inicial entre os grupos. Para apreender o significado dos discursos dos jovens, as informações foram analisadas com o olhar da análise hermenêutico-dialética. Resultados As categorias empíricas surgidas após a análise foram: expectativas, relacionamentos interpessoais, mal-estar no trabalho, percepção a respeito do assédio moral no trabalho, enfrentando o assédio moral no trabalho. Um tema central que emergiu nas falas dos adolescentes foi: Mal-estar no trabalho onde foram classificados todos os relatos dos adolescentes, aprendizes e estagiários, a respeito de situações de humilhação, abusos de poder, constrangimentos e assédio sexual. Algumas situações de humilhação sofridas nas empresas estão ligadas à condição social dos adolescentes trabalhadores entrevistados, geralmente moradores de bairros periféricos da cidade de São Paulo, cujas famílias são de baixa renda e baixa escolaridade. Conclusões - O estudo revela que os adolescentes recém-ingressantes no mundo do trabalho estão expostos a situações de estresse psicológico no trabalho. Também foi observado que, conhecer a legislação trabalhista não é garantia de proteção, pois enfrentar uma situação abusiva cometida por um superior hierárquico remete à possibilidade de punição ou demissão. Contudo, o conhecimento a respeito de direitos e deveres pode ser um meio de evitar ou contornar situações claras de exploração / Introduction - Workplace violence usually consists of imbalance in interpersonal relationships. It focuses on abuse of power, threats and disrespectful actions. The psychological violence at work can be presented occasionally or in a systematic way, such as harassment at work. Both can cause or contribute to various psychopathology, psychosomatic illnesses or behavioral disorders, according to studies by the World Health Organization and International Labor Organization. Aim - To evaluate and discuss the experiences reported by young apprentices and trainees about abusive situations and harassment occurred at work. Methodological procedures - Forty adolescents, 22 men and 18 women, with age brackets of 15 and 20 years old, were interviewed in this study. The participants were students of an Internship and Professional Learning programs of a non-governmental organization of São Paulo, Capital. Due to the similarity found in the reports of apprentices and trainees, those were presented and analyzed regardless the initial division between the two groups. In order to understand the meaning of youngsters speeches, data were analyzed using the hermeneutic-dialectic theoretical frame. Results - Empirical categories that emerged after the analysis were: expectations, interpersonal relationships, malaise at work, perceptions of harassment at work, and facing workplace harassment. A central theme that emerged from adolescents speeches was: \"Malaise at work\" in which were classified all reports of apprentices and trainees referring to humiliating situations, abuse of power, constraints and sexual harassment. Some humiliating situations were linked to the social status of the adolescent workers: they were usually residents of outskirts areas of the city of São Paulo, and their families received a low income and have low education. Conclusions - The study reveals that adolescents newly entering the world of work are exposed to situations of psychological distress at work. It was also observed that be informed about the labor legislation is no guarantee of protection, as facing an abusive situation perpetrated by a supervisor refers to the possibility of punishment or dismissal. However, knowledge about workers rights and duties can be a way to avoid or bypass clear situations of exploitation


Teixeira, Paula Fernandes 10 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PAULA FERNANDES TEIXEIRA CANEDO.pdf: 878688 bytes, checksum: 1c7e640a0551070d789c379291f4b625 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-10 / The new ways of existing work in the XXI century, the result of neoliberal economics and globalization, generate a reflection on the figure of the worker in the context of modern society, which is the protection of human dignity of the worker, especially regarding the intensification of work that the employee is submitted to assist the economic goals of the employer. In Brazil, the Constitution of 1988 reflects, in its Article 7, the worker protection and, as a social right, is considered as a fundamental right, supporting the idea that the capitalist system must maintain a dependent relationship with the social rights in order to the free initiative established by Magna Carta should be carried out with social justice and strengthening of the work in a fair and caring society. The practice of hard work equates to moral harassment when a worker is submitted to conditions that confront his-her physical or mental health so that his-her work activities are summarized in a presentation of positive results to the employer in order to increase the company s profit, which entails moral and social security damage as a way to seek redress against the injury he-she suffered. In this sense, this work takes the form of a investigative and bibliographic research that aims to analyze the human dignity of the worker within the neoliberalism forward to new forms of work brought by global society, focusing on the intensification of work and the need of compensation of his-her moral by the action of Judiciary granting moral and social security compensation for the injured worker, in view of the critical study of the right to work, as well as the interpretation in the social, political and economic context. Therefore, it analyzes, beyond the formal element (the rules of worker protection), also the materiality of protecting the dignity of the worker face to the Brazilian courts in order to presents some considerations about the effective legal protection of the right to work as fundamental right. / As novas formas de trabalho existentes no século XXI, fruto da economia neoliberal e da globalização, geram uma reflexão acerca da figura do trabalhador no contexto da sociedade moderna, qual seja, a proteção da dignidade humana do trabalhador, principalmente no que tange a intensificação do trabalho a qual o trabalhador é submetido para atender aos objetivos econômicos do empregador. No Brasil, a Constituição de 1988 reflete, em seu Art. 7º, a proteção ao trabalhador e, como direito social, trata tal direito como fundamental, entendendo que o sistema capitalista deve manter uma relação de dependência com os direitos sociais para que a livre iniciativa presente na Carta Magna seja realizada com justiça social e fortalecimento do trabalho, numa sociedade justa e solidária. A prática do trabalho intenso equipara-se ao assédio moral quando o trabalhador é submetido a condições que afrontam sua saúde física ou psíquica de modo que suas atividades laborais são resumidas à apresentação de resultados positivos para o empregador com o objetivo de aumentar o lucro da empresa, o que enseja o dano moral trabalhista e previdenciário como forma de buscar o ressarcimento frente à lesão por ele sofrida. Nesse sentido, este trabalho tem a forma de uma pesquisa bibliográfica investigativa que objetiva analisar a dignidade humana do trabalhador dentro do neoliberalismo frente às novas formas de trabalho trazidas pela sociedade globalizada, focando na intensificação do trabalho e a necessidade de ressarcimento de sua moral mediante atuação do Poder Judiciário concedendo indenização por dano moral e previdenciário para o trabalhador lesado, tendo em vista o estudo crítico do direito ao trabalho, bem como a interpretação dentro do contexto social, político e econômico. Para tanto, analisa-se, além do elemento formal (as normas de proteção ao trabalhador), igualmente a materialidade da proteção à dignidade do trabalhador perante os Tribunais brasileiros a fim de apresentar algumas considerações acerca da efetiva proteção jurídica ao direito ao trabalho como direito fundamental.

Violência psicológica e assédio moral no trabalho: percepção e estratégias de enfrentamento de adolescentes trabalhadores / Psychological violence and harassment at work: perception and coping strategies of adolescent workers

Samantha Lemos Turte 26 January 2012 (has links)
Introdução - A violência no trabalho geralmente consiste em desequilíbrio nas relações interpessoais. Centra-se no abuso de poder, em ameaças e ações desrespeitosas. A violência psicológica no trabalho pode se apresentar como uma situação pontual ou de forma sistemática, como no assédio moral no trabalho. Ambos podem causar ou contribuir com várias psicopatologias, doenças psicossomáticas ou distúrbios de comportamento, conforme estudos divulgados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde e Organização Internacional do Trabalho. Objetivo - Investigar e discutir as experiências relatadas por jovens aprendizes e estagiários acerca de situações abusivas e de assédio moral ocorridos no trabalho. Procedimentos metodológicos - Foram entrevistados 40 (quarenta) adolescentes entre 15 e 20 anos de idade, sendo 22 homens e 18 mulheres, alunos do Programa de Estágio e do Programa de Aprendizagem Profissional de uma instituição não governamental de São Paulo, Capital. Pela semelhança encontrada nos relatos de aprendizes e estagiários, estes foram aqui apresentados e analisados independentemente da divisão inicial entre os grupos. Para apreender o significado dos discursos dos jovens, as informações foram analisadas com o olhar da análise hermenêutico-dialética. Resultados As categorias empíricas surgidas após a análise foram: expectativas, relacionamentos interpessoais, mal-estar no trabalho, percepção a respeito do assédio moral no trabalho, enfrentando o assédio moral no trabalho. Um tema central que emergiu nas falas dos adolescentes foi: Mal-estar no trabalho onde foram classificados todos os relatos dos adolescentes, aprendizes e estagiários, a respeito de situações de humilhação, abusos de poder, constrangimentos e assédio sexual. Algumas situações de humilhação sofridas nas empresas estão ligadas à condição social dos adolescentes trabalhadores entrevistados, geralmente moradores de bairros periféricos da cidade de São Paulo, cujas famílias são de baixa renda e baixa escolaridade. Conclusões - O estudo revela que os adolescentes recém-ingressantes no mundo do trabalho estão expostos a situações de estresse psicológico no trabalho. Também foi observado que, conhecer a legislação trabalhista não é garantia de proteção, pois enfrentar uma situação abusiva cometida por um superior hierárquico remete à possibilidade de punição ou demissão. Contudo, o conhecimento a respeito de direitos e deveres pode ser um meio de evitar ou contornar situações claras de exploração / Introduction - Workplace violence usually consists of imbalance in interpersonal relationships. It focuses on abuse of power, threats and disrespectful actions. The psychological violence at work can be presented occasionally or in a systematic way, such as harassment at work. Both can cause or contribute to various psychopathology, psychosomatic illnesses or behavioral disorders, according to studies by the World Health Organization and International Labor Organization. Aim - To evaluate and discuss the experiences reported by young apprentices and trainees about abusive situations and harassment occurred at work. Methodological procedures - Forty adolescents, 22 men and 18 women, with age brackets of 15 and 20 years old, were interviewed in this study. The participants were students of an Internship and Professional Learning programs of a non-governmental organization of São Paulo, Capital. Due to the similarity found in the reports of apprentices and trainees, those were presented and analyzed regardless the initial division between the two groups. In order to understand the meaning of youngsters speeches, data were analyzed using the hermeneutic-dialectic theoretical frame. Results - Empirical categories that emerged after the analysis were: expectations, interpersonal relationships, malaise at work, perceptions of harassment at work, and facing workplace harassment. A central theme that emerged from adolescents speeches was: \"Malaise at work\" in which were classified all reports of apprentices and trainees referring to humiliating situations, abuse of power, constraints and sexual harassment. Some humiliating situations were linked to the social status of the adolescent workers: they were usually residents of outskirts areas of the city of São Paulo, and their families received a low income and have low education. Conclusions - The study reveals that adolescents newly entering the world of work are exposed to situations of psychological distress at work. It was also observed that be informed about the labor legislation is no guarantee of protection, as facing an abusive situation perpetrated by a supervisor refers to the possibility of punishment or dismissal. However, knowledge about workers rights and duties can be a way to avoid or bypass clear situations of exploitation

"Människor som vägrar ge vika för hatet, är i sig en styrka som minskar hatets kraft" : En kritisk diskursanalys av influencers bemötande av kritik och trakasserier på Instagram / “People who refuse to give in to hatred are in themselves a force that reduces the power of hatred” : A critical discourse analysis of influencers’ response to criticism and harassments on Instagram

Andersson, Jonna, Bonds, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Dagens kvinnor blir allt mindre förlåtande och mer publika med det behandlande de får ta emot (Chamberlain, 2016), vilket vi uppmärksammat genom att allt fler influencer publicerar den kritik och de trakasserier de får ta emot online. I dagens samhälle har influencer kommit att få en allt starkare röst samt större socialt inflytande (Freberg, Graham, McGaughey & Freberg, 2011). Det är därför viktigt att analysera vilken kritik och vilka trakasserier kvinnliga influencer publicerar samt hur de bemöter den orättvisa behandlingen för att eventuellt få en uppfattning om hur influencernas agerande kan påverka till exempel deras följare.   Studien grundar sig i de feministiska teorierna cyberfeminism samt digital feminism för att ur ett feministiskt perspektiv kunna tolka hur kvinnliga influencer använder sig av Instagram för att belysa diskrimineringar. Multimodal kritisk diskursanalys (MCDA) kommer även att tillämpas som teori samt metod för att kritiskt kunna analysera influencernas bemötande.  De kvinnliga influencernas val att publicera och bemöta den kritik och de trakasserier de får ta emot kan tolkas som att de belyser och uppmärksammar olika diskrimineringar. Valet att publicera och bemöta kritiken och trakasserierna leder till att de både reproducerar men även motarbetar patriarkatet. Den typ av kritik och trakasseri som publiceras är kritik mot agerande och värdering, sexuella trakasserier, dömande kritik, kritik mot profession samt trakasseri mot utseende. Diskurserna som återspeglas i influencernas bemötande kan tolkas som att de dels skyddar sig själva och avsändaren, antar ett mer maskulint beteende samt tar tillvara på sin roll som influencer för att belysa en diskriminering för att utbilda sin publik. / Today's women are becoming less forgiving and more public with the treatment they receive (Chamberlain, 2016), which we have noticed by increasing numbers of influencers publishing the criticism and the harassment they receive online. In today's society, influencers have come to have an increasingly strong voice and greater social influence (Freberg, Graham, McGaughey & Freberg, 2011). It is therefore important to analyse what criticism and harassment female influencers publish and how they respond to unfair treatment in order to get an understanding of how influencers actions can affect, for example, their followers. The study is based on the feminist theories cyberfeminism and digital feminism in order to be able to interpret from a feminist perspective how female influencers use Instagram to highlight injustice. Multimodal critical discourse analysis (MCDA) will also be applied as a theory and method for critically analysing influencers’ respond to criticism and harassment. The female influencers’ choice to publish and respond to the criticism and the harassment they receive is interpreted as a way in which they illuminate and draw attention to different discriminations. The choice of publishing and responding to the criticism and the harassment they receive, results in them both reproducing but also counteracting the patriarchy. The type of criticism and harassment that is published is criticism of action and valuation, sexual harassment, judgmental criticism, criticism of profession and harassment against appearance. The discourses that are reflected in the influencers’ respond can be interpreted as both protecting themselves and the sender, embracing a more masculine behaviour and taking advantage of their role as an influencer to highlight an injustice to educate their audience.

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