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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assédio Moral e Psicossocial: uma análise entre ex-motoristas do transporte coletivo urbano de Pelotas – RS / Psychosocial Moral and Harassment: an analysis among six former drivers from the urban public transport in Pelotas – RS.

Carvalho, Lenita Lange Funari 18 May 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-20T19:13:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Lenita_Lange_Carvalho - Dissertação.pdf: 661039 bytes, checksum: 213a2d3149875dd9833559cecbd223bd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-04-20T20:02:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Lenita_Lange_Carvalho - Dissertação.pdf: 661039 bytes, checksum: 213a2d3149875dd9833559cecbd223bd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-20T20:02:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Lenita_Lange_Carvalho - Dissertação.pdf: 661039 bytes, checksum: 213a2d3149875dd9833559cecbd223bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-18 / Sem bolsa / O Assédio Moral está tomando proporções no mundo do trabalho, observado, sobretudo, como elemento degradador das relações de trabalho, pois, além de violar a dignidade humana, é causador de danos à saúde dos trabalhadores. A partir desse enfoque foi desenvolvida a presente pesquisa, que tem por objetivo principal analisar se o assédio moral psicossocial interferiu no processo de saúde-doença de ex-motoristas do transporte urbano coletivo de Pelotas, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, relacionando as condições gerais desses ex-trabalhadores de três empresas de ônibus da referida cidade. A escolha do objeto de estudo “motorista” é devido ao seu trabalho que, além de ser complexo, é considerado penoso e, para tanto, foram tomadas como referencial empírico a história temática de seis ex-motoristas. Os resultados das análises levam a concluir que o assédio moral esteve presente na realidade de quatro dos seis ex-motoristas investigados, pois foram importunados moralmente e desenvolveram doenças físicas e mentais. / Moral harassment is taking proportions in the world of work, being mainly observed as the element that contributes to degrade labor relations. Besides violating human dignity, it also brings damage to the health of workers. The present research was developed from this perspective, having as its main goal to analyze whether psychosocial moral harassment interfered in the health-illness process of former drivers from the urban public transport in the city of Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We have related the general conditions of these former workers to three bus companies from the referred city. The choice of the “driver” as our study object results from the very nature of his work, which, in addition to its complexity, is also considered arduous, reason why we have taken the thematic history of six former drivers as empirical reference. The analysis results lead to the conclusion that moral harassment has actually been present in the reality of four out of the six former drivers investigated, since they were morally harassed and developed physical and mental illnesses.

電話性騷擾之研究--以大專院校之女學生為例 / The research of obscene phone call

林靜媚, Lin, Ching-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過性別的觀點,以大專院校之女學生為例,探討女生性受到電話性騷擾侵害之經驗,包括女性如何去認定電話性騷擾,受到電話性騷擾時的反應方式、如何解決,非受害者對於電話性騷擾的態度,以及一個組織(校方)在面臨其成員(學生)受此侵害時如何因應。本研究透過對受害女同學的訪談,以及bbs之文章,做為研究分析的基本資訊。 女性所認定電話性騷擾的形式主要分為二大類:一是內容與性(sexuality)有關,另一類則是內容與性無關,主要是性別(gender)關係的影響。電話性騷擾雖然沒有對女性造成直接的身體傷害,但許多女性卻因此而感到相當恐懼,嚴重者甚至需要改變日常生活作息;女性在電話性騷擾事件中所受到的傷害,不僅只來自於接到電話的當時,更因事後遭受他人對她遭受此事件的態度而蒙受二度傷害,這樣的二度傷害常來自於大眾對電話性騷擾的迷思,因此如何使得電話性騷擾受到重視,並避免使受害女害再受到二度傷害,破除迷私是相當重要之事。另外由學校對騷擾事件的處理過程中,可以看到校方組織與學生對於電話性騷擾事件認知的差異,使得處理方式不但未讓學生感到滿意,甚至有憤怒的情緒產生,因此處理者在面臨處理此類事件時須思考如何能夠照顧到被害者的情緒。 由於電話性騷擾是性別權力不平等所造成的問題,要保護女性免於電話性騷擾的侵害,應是教導女性提昇她的主體性,要不再是以減低風險的方式來使女性免於受到侵害,減低風險的解決方式所付出的代價就是女性的很多自由或是主體性就被消失掉,為了提昇女性在此方面的主體性,再策略上的做法可以透過公開、廣泛的討論和教育,使女性了解電話性騷擾的本質,讓女性在面臨電話性騷擾時能夠勇敢沉著地理解騷擾者的言語,而且也能跨出社會所貸給她的種種桎棝,以她自己為主體來選擇以何種方式來回應騷擾者,不再只是形式上的積極而已。

Elektronisk mobbning i den nya nätkulturen : En kvalitativ studie utifrån två nätgemenskapers och två ideella stödorganisationers arbete och erfarenheter

Axelsson, Josefin, Albrektsson, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie syftar till att definiera fenomenet elektronisk mobbning, att utreda ansvarsfrågan samt att kartlägga organisationernas arbete och eventuella samverkan. Resultatet baseras på intervjuer med BRIS, Friends, LunarStorm och Playahead som analyserades utifrån symbolisk interaktionism. Studien visar på hur liten skillnaden är mellan traditionell och elektronisk mobbning i hur den kommer till uttryck och vem den drabbar. Utmärkande för e-mobbning är spridningseffekten samt hur språket hårdnat i kommunikationen på Internet och andra elektroniska källor. Föräldrarna, skolan och barnen själva borde enligt organisationerna ta ansvar för att motverka e-mobbningen och de anser att lagstiftningen på området är bristfällig. Organisationernas arbete mot e-mobbning är relativt omfattande men effektiv samverkan saknas delvis. Till följd av den nya nätkulturen och att unga besitter en betydligt högre IT-kompetens än vuxengenerationen har unga i stor utsträckning lämnats ensamma att interagera på Internet. Utifrån symbolisk interaktionisms idéer kring den sociala interaktionens betydelse för identitetsskapandet och behovet av en generaliserad andre kan den vuxna frånvaron vara en bidragande orsak till problematiken kring e-mobbning. Dessutom har vuxenfrånvaron lett till att symbolspråket i nätkulturen blivit betydligt tuffare. Uppsatsens slutsats består till stor del i hur stort behovet av vuxen närvaro är i den unga nätkulturen. / This qualitative study aims to examine how cyberbullying appears, who should be responsible for prevention and measures, and how four organizations work against and cooperates round cyberbullying. The result is based on interviews with BRIS, Friends, LunarStorm and Playahead and analyzed with help from symbolic interactionism. The result indicates little difference between cyberbullying and traditional bullying. The tougher language and the quicker circulation of information characterize bullying on the Internet. The responsibility should, according to the organizations, be placed upon the parents, the school and the children. Legislation regarding cyberbullying is insufficient. In the organizations otherwise rather comprehensive work, efficient cooperation is partly lacking. The new Internet culture and the youths’ considerably higher IT-skills have led to that they to a greater extent have been left alone to interact on the Internet. According to symbolic interaktionism, satisfying development of the identity is highly dependent on social interaction and the idea of the generalized other. Therefore, the adult absence could be one of the most important explanations to cyberbullying, as well as to why the language has become more harsh and ruthless. To sum up, this essay emphasizes the need of adult presence in the new Internet culture. Title: Cyberbullying in the Internet culture – a qualitative study of the work and experiences of two Internet communities and two non-profit organizations.

Förebyggande arbete mot mobbning : Lärares erfarenhet av styrkor och svagheter i arbetet med metoderna Friends och Mombus / Preventive work against bully : Teachers’ conceptions of strengths and weaknesses in their activities with support from the methods Friends and Mom

Almqvist, Maria, Danielsson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how six teachers, who work in two different schools, assess the methods Friends and Mombus in terms of bullying prevention. The Curriculum for elementary school (Lpo 94) emphasizes that it is the employees of schools who carry the main responsibility for preventing bullying among pupils. One of the main results of this study is that teachers, in addition to their work with Friends or Mombus, also need to use alternative methods to prevent bullying. Examples of these alternative methods include “Emotional Intelligence” as well as “friendship massage”. The result section also stresses the importance of anti-bullying teams when it comes to preventing harassments. At present there are no studies which have evaluated the results the Friends and Mombus methods have achieved. Since the methods are used in many schools in Sweden, the lack of evaluations is noteworthy. This study ends with a discussion on the complexity of bullying prevention. Further research is needed to clarify the results of different anti- bullying methods. / Syftet med studien var att ta del av lärares resonemang kring arbetet med att motverka mobbning på två grundskolor för att analysera och beskriva det upplevda stödet som metoderna Friends respektive Mombus ger i det förebyggande arbetet mot mobbning. I Läroplan för det obligatoriska skolväsendet, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet (Lpo 94) lyfts att det är personal på skolan som bär ansvar för att förebygga kränkande behandlingar eller mobbning bland eleverna. I den kvalitativa studiens resultat påvisas det att lärarna som arbetar med Friends respektive Mombus behöver arbeta med flera andra arbetssätt för att förebygga mobbning. Andra arbetssätt som lärarna använder sig av i den dagliga verksamheten är till exempel EQ och kompismassage. I resultatet framhålls därtill det stöd lärarna erhålls från Mobbningsteamen på sina respektive skolor för att motverka alla former av kränkande behandling. Det finns inga utvärderingar gjorda kring vilket resultat metoderna Friends och Mombus ger i det preventiva arbetet mot mobbning vilket kan tyckas anmärkningsvärt eftersom båda metoderna praktiseras på många skolor i Sverige. Studiens avslutande diskussion belyser att arbetet med att förebygga mobbning är komplext och att det krävs mer forskning samt utvärderingar kring olika antimobbningsmetoder och deras resultat när det gäller att förebygga kränkande behandling samt mobbning.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

Bennarsten, Julia January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another. Therefore, it becomes difficult to know where to draw the line, it is not defined in law and it is a subjective assessment. There are some behaviors that clearly are sexual harassment, but when it's not as clear, a notice is needed to the person performing the harassments. If the behavior continues after the warning it counts as sexual harassments.It is the employer's responsibility to ensure that sexual harassment doesn’t take place in the workplace and to investigate the incidents when it occurs. Only the employer can be held accountable in court for not fulfilling its investigation duty. A worker can’t be sentenced for sexual harassment if it doesn’t involve serious crimes which are regulated in the Penal Code.Sexual harassment is usually carried out by men against women and is therefore an important gender issue. Sexual harassment must be understood from a gender power perspective and it’s a way to maintain gender power relations between the sexes, where men have the power and are superior to women. The creation of gender power relations are both conscious and unconscious and maintained from both men and women, where sexual harassment is only a small part of a larger societal problem. / Syftet med denna studie är att utreda hur det rättsliga skyddet mot sexuella trakasserier ser ut i arbetslivet idag samt var gränsen går. Studien är avgränsad till att endast fokusera på de sexuella trakasserier som riktar sig till kvinnor från män, då detta förekommer i störst utsträckning även om få anmäler. Resultatet diskuteras sedan ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv då detta är ett sätt att förklara företeelsen sexuella trakasserier mellan män och kvinnor.Sexuella trakasserier skyddas idag genom diskrimineringslagen och genom EU-rättens lika-behandlingsprincip. För att ett beteende ska räknas som sexuella trakasserier ska det vara oönskat från den mottagande parten och den som utför trakasserierna ska ha insikt i att beteendet uppfattas som kränkande. Handlingarna ska vara av sexuell natur och bidra till ett missgynnande för den drabbade i form av en kränkning.Det är den utsatta som avgör om handlingarna uppfattas som sexuella trakasserier eller inte, det som en person uppfattar som ett vänskapligt beteende kan uppfattas som kränkande av en annan. Därför blir det svårt att veta var gränsen går, det definieras inte i lagtexten och det är en subjektiv bedömning. Det finns handlingar som uppenbart är sexuella trakasserier, men när det inte är lika enkelt behövs en tillsägelse till den som utför trakasserierna, fortsätter beteendet även efter anmärkningen är det att räkna som sexuella trakasserier.Det är arbetsgivarens ansvar att se till att sexuella trakasserier inte förekommer på arbets-platsen och att utreda händelserna när de ändå uppkommer. Endast arbetsgivaren kan ställas till svars inför domstol för att inte fullgjort sin utredningsplikt, en arbetstagare kan inte dömas för sexuella trakasserier om det inte rör sig om grövre fall som är reglerade i brottsbalken.Sexuella trakasserier sker oftast från män mot kvinnor och är därför en viktig jämställdhets-fråga. Sexuella trakasserier måste förstås ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv och ett sätt att behålla könsmaktsordningen mellan könen, där männen har makten och är överordnade kvinnorna. Skapandet och behållandet av könsmaktsordningen sker både medvetet och omedvetet från båda könen, där sexuella trakasserier bara är en liten del i ett större samhällsproblem.

Estudio comparativo sobre el hostigamiento psicológico o mobbing en personal de enfermería de Brasil y España

Cardoso dos Santos, Meiremar 10 July 2012 (has links)
En los últimos 20 años, la investigación científica ha puesto de manifiesto el riesgo psicosocial que conllevan las relaciones interpersonales y organizacionales en el desarrollo y escalonamiento de los conflictos laborales percibidos. En este sentido, la presente tesis titulada “Estudio comparativo sobre el hostigamiento psicológico o mobbing en personal de enfermería de Brasil y España” tiene como objetivo estudiar la experiencia de hostigamiento psicológico en personal de enfermería en dos contextos geográficos distintos. Para ello, se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal y se eligieron dos centros hospitalarios de características similares, el Hospital Universitario Son Dureta (actualmente Hospital Universitario Son Espases) en la ciudad de Palma de Mallorca (España) y el Hospital do IPSEMG (Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores do Estado de Minas Gerais) en Belo Horizonte (Brasil). Fueron encuestados de forma voluntaria 285 profesionales de enfermería en España y 274 en Brasil. Para ello, se utilizó una batería evaluativa constituida por un conjunto de cuestionarios acordes con las variables del estudio: variables Sociodemográficas y Laborales; Hostigamiento Psicológico en el Trabajo (HPT-R); Estilos Atributivos; Estrategias de Afrontamiento y Cuestionario de Síntomas de Estrés. Los resultados evidenciaron una muestra predominantemente femenina, con una media de edad cercana a los 40 años. La percepción de hostigamiento obtenida varió considerablemente en los tres criterios de medida utilizados, siendo significativamente mayor en Brasil que en España. La procedencia del hostigamiento fue predominantemente intraprofesional, lo que desencadenó importantes síntomas de estrés. El género femenino, el deseo de abandonar la profesión y la falta de participación en la toma de decisiones, se asociaron significativamente con la percepción de hostigamiento psicológico. También presentaron significación estadística con dicho fenómeno el sentimiento de Humillación y el Rechazo Personal (Factor 1 del HPT-R) y los síntomas de estrés. En contrapartida, la Búsqueda de Soluciones se asoció negativamente con el fenómeno estudiado. Las estrategias de afrontamiento ante las conductas hostiles fueron significativamente más activas en Brasil y más evitativas en España. Los resultados de este estudio ponen de manifiesto que el hostigamiento psicológico en enfermería es una conducta deliberada que no tiene fronteras, donde la hostilidad es sobretodo intraprofesional, haciendo de la enfermería una profesión cada vez más vulnerable a la agresión. / In the last twenty years, the scientific community has shown the psychological and social risks derived from the interpersonal relationships in the conflict development at the work environment. In this regard, the objective of this PhD Thesis, entitled “Psychological harassment or mobbing in nursing staff in Brazil and Spain: A comparison”, is to study the experience of psychological harassment in the nursing staff from two different geographical contexts. A cross sectional study was carried out at two hospitals with similar characteristics: Hospital Universitario Son Espases, formerly Son Dureta, in Palma de Mallorca (Spain); and Hospital do IPSEMG (Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores do Estado de Minas Gerais) in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). In these hospitals, 285 and 274 volunteers participated in Spain and Brazil, respectively. Data were gathered using self-administered questionnaires. The following instruments were used: Socio-demographic and occupational data questionnaire specifically designed for this study, Psychological Harassment in the workplace-Revised version Questionnaire (HPT-R), atributional styles , Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ) and Stress Symptoms Questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of the respondents were women, ca. 40-years old. The perception of the psychological harassment was higher in the nursing staff from Brazil than in those from Spain. The psychological harassment was mainly from the colleagues, i.e. nurses, which lead to serious stress symptoms. The female gender, the desire of leaving the profession and the lack of participation in the decision making processes were positively correlated with the perception of psychological harassment; as well as the “humiliation and personal derogation” factor. In contrast, the search of solutions was negatively correlated with the psychological harassment. The copping strategies registered were “Active” in Brazil and “Avoidant” in Spain. This study highlights that the psychological harassment in the nursing staff is a deliberate behavior in which the hostility uses to come from the colleagues, which increments the vulnerability of the nursing staff to this phenomenon.

Allas rätt att vara sig själv : -trakasserier och mobbning i svensk arbetsrätt / Everybody´s right to be themselves : -harassment and bullying in Sewdish labor law

Cederlöf, Erika January 2009 (has links)
This essay will focus on the psychosocial work environment, harassment and bullying at the workplace. As the essay is written as a part of the human resources program, the topics are discussed from a human resource management perspective. Harassment and bullying are highlighted on the basis of a labor law perspective where the focus is on the prevention work. The essay is based on analysis of law, the preparatory work for new laws and regulations, rules and regulations from the Swedish work environment authority, case law and doctrine, and is supplemented by interviews.   Harassed and bullied can in everyday speech sometimes be used as synonyms for one another. From a labor law perspective, the concepts, however, are not at all equivalent. Harassment and bullying are treated in different ways in the Swedish labor law. The essay examines how the cases of harassment are distributed on the different grounds of discrimination and why the Swedish legislator by law has chosen to provide an additional protection for groups with certain attributes and characteristics. The essay examines the question of why the Swedish legislators have chosen to regulate harassment and bullying in different laws as the psychological and social consequences for the individual as well as the working group are often the same.   The study also examines how the employer's obligations differ in situations of harassment and bullying. Methods and a checklist for preventing harassment and bullying in the workplace are presented. The essay shows that employer' obligations for preventing, investigating and attending to cases of harassment and bullying are equivalent but when these obligations are not met, the implications will be different. The consequence for the individual will be that he or she in some cases of bullying won’t have any option but to rely on the employer's goodwill and interest of having a workplace free from bullying.

Elektronisk mobbning i den nya nätkulturen : En kvalitativ studie utifrån två nätgemenskapers och två ideella stödorganisationers arbete och erfarenheter

Axelsson, Josefin, Albrektsson, Lina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie syftar till att definiera fenomenet elektronisk mobbning, att utreda ansvarsfrågan samt att kartlägga organisationernas arbete och eventuella samverkan. Resultatet baseras på intervjuer med BRIS, Friends, LunarStorm och Playahead som analyserades utifrån symbolisk interaktionism. Studien visar på hur liten skillnaden är mellan traditionell och elektronisk mobbning i hur den kommer till uttryck och vem den drabbar. Utmärkande för e-mobbning är spridningseffekten samt hur språket hårdnat i kommunikationen på Internet och andra elektroniska källor. Föräldrarna, skolan och barnen själva borde enligt organisationerna ta ansvar för att motverka e-mobbningen och de anser att lagstiftningen på området är bristfällig. Organisationernas arbete mot e-mobbning är relativt omfattande men effektiv samverkan saknas delvis.</p><p>Till följd av den nya nätkulturen och att unga besitter en betydligt högre IT-kompetens än vuxengenerationen har unga i stor utsträckning lämnats ensamma att interagera på Internet. Utifrån symbolisk interaktionisms idéer kring den sociala interaktionens betydelse för identitetsskapandet och behovet av en generaliserad andre kan den vuxna frånvaron vara en bidragande orsak till problematiken kring e-mobbning. Dessutom har vuxenfrånvaron lett till att symbolspråket i nätkulturen blivit betydligt tuffare. Uppsatsens slutsats består till stor del i hur stort behovet av vuxen närvaro är i den unga nätkulturen.</p> / <p>This qualitative study aims to examine how cyberbullying appears, who should be responsible for prevention and measures, and how four organizations work against and cooperates round cyberbullying. The result is based on interviews with BRIS, Friends, LunarStorm and Playahead and analyzed with help from symbolic interactionism. The result indicates little difference between cyberbullying and traditional bullying. The tougher language and the quicker circulation of information characterize bullying on the Internet. The responsibility should, according to the organizations, be placed upon the parents, the school and the children. Legislation regarding cyberbullying is insufficient. In the organizations otherwise rather comprehensive work, efficient cooperation is partly lacking.</p><p>The new Internet culture and the youths’ considerably higher IT-skills have led to that they to a greater extent have been left alone to interact on the Internet. According to symbolic interaktionism, satisfying development of the identity is highly dependent on social interaction and the idea of the generalized other. Therefore, the adult absence could be one of the most important explanations to cyberbullying, as well as to why the language has become more harsh and ruthless. To sum up, this essay emphasizes the need of adult presence in the new Internet culture.</p><p>Title: Cyberbullying in the Internet culture – a qualitative study of the work and experiences of two Internet communities and two non-profit organizations.</p>

Allas rätt att vara sig själv : -trakasserier och mobbning i svensk arbetsrätt / Everybody´s right to be themselves : -harassment and bullying in Sewdish labor law

Cederlöf, Erika January 2009 (has links)
<p>This essay will focus on the psychosocial work environment, harassment and bullying at the workplace. As the essay is written as a part of the human resources program, the topics are discussed from a human resource management perspective. Harassment and bullying are highlighted on the basis of a labor law perspective where the focus is on the prevention work. The essay is based on analysis of law, the preparatory work for new laws and regulations, rules and regulations from the Swedish work environment authority, case law and doctrine, and is supplemented by interviews.</p><p> </p><p>Harassed and bullied can in everyday speech sometimes be used as synonyms for one another. From a labor law perspective, the concepts, however, are not at all equivalent. Harassment and bullying are treated in different ways in the Swedish labor law. The essay examines how the cases of harassment are distributed on the different grounds of discrimination and why the Swedish legislator by law has chosen to provide an additional protection for groups with certain attributes and characteristics. The essay examines the question of why the Swedish legislators have chosen to regulate harassment and bullying in different laws as the psychological and social consequences for the individual as well as the working group are often the same.</p><p> </p><p>The study also examines how the employer's obligations differ in situations of harassment and bullying. Methods and a checklist for preventing harassment and bullying in the workplace are presented. The essay shows that employer' obligations for preventing, investigating and attending to cases of harassment and bullying are equivalent but when these obligations are not met, the implications will be different. The consequence for the individual will be that he or she in some cases of bullying won’t have any option but to rely on the employer's goodwill and interest of having a workplace free from bullying.</p>

Kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų patiriamo priekabiavimo darbe ir psichologinės savijautos sąsajų tyrimas / The analysis of deaf and hard hearing people exposure to harassment at work and the associations with their psychological state

Bričkutė, Simona 02 September 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų patiriamo priekabiavimo darbe dažnį ir sąsajas su psichologinės savijautos rodmenimis. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo 90 Kauno miesto kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų, jų amžiaus vidurkis 39 m. (± VKN 10,40). Tyrimas atliktas anoniminės apklausos būdu 2008 m. Duomenų analizei naudotos programos SPSS 14,0 for Windows ir MS Excel. Rezultatai. 52,8 proc. kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų patyrė priekabiavimą darbe. Dažną priekabiavimą patyrė 22,5 proc., atsitiktinį priekabiavimą darbe patyrė 30,3 proc. tiriamųjų. Dažniausiai priekabiavimą darbe kurtieji ir neprigirdintieji patyrė iš kolegų (31,1 proc.). Labiausiai paplitusi negatyvaus elgesio forma buvo, kai /duodamos betikslės užduotys ir nustatyti nerealiai trumpi terminai joms atlikti/ (2,06 ± 3,28). Net 54,4 proc. tiriamųjų pasižymėjo žema vidine darna. Žemos vidinės darnos grupėje net 85,0 proc. kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų dažnai patyrė priekabiavim��� darbe (p=0,006 palyginus su nepatyrusiais priekabiavimo darbe). Dažno priekabiavimo grupėje net 75,0 proc. kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų skundėsi pablogėjusiais santykiais su artimais žmonėmis (p<0,0001). 75,0 proc. tiriamųjų nustatytas potrauminio streso sutrikimas (p< 0,0001), 73,7 proc. jautė distresą (p<0,0001). Stebėtos statistiškai reikšmingos sąsajos tarp kurčiųjų ir neprigirdinčiųjų patiriamo priekabiavimo darbe ir žemos vidinės darnos bei žemo savęs vertinimo. Patyrusių dažną priekabiavimą darbe kurčiųjų ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of the study . To evaluate the frequency of harassment at work among deaf and hard hearing people and the associations with their psychological state. Methods of the analysis. 90 deaf and hard hearing people from Kaunas participated in the research, average age 39 (±10,40 SD) yrs. The research was made anonymously in spring of 2008. We used SPSS 14.0 for Windows and MS Excel for data analysis. Results. 52.8 percent of deaf and hard hearing people experienced harassment at work. Frequent harassment experienced 22.5 percent, occasional harassment at work – 30.3 percent of the investigated. Most often deaf and hard hearing people experienced harassment from their colleagues (31.1 percent). The most widespread negative form of behavior was when the pointless tasks with unreal short terms of time to complete them were given (2.06 ± 3.28). Even 54.5 percent of investigated people had low sense of coherence. 85.0 percent of deaf and hard hearing people from the low sense of coherence group experienced harassment at work (p=0.006 in comparison with people who never experienced harassment at work). 75.0 percent of deaf and hard hearing people, from the group of frequent harassment at work, complained that their social relationship grew worse (p<0.0001). 73.7 percent of the investigated felt distress (p<0.0001). Significant associations between harassment at work, low sense of coherence and low self evaluation were observed Frequent harassment at work was positively... [to full text]

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