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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det handlar om att bygga broar mellan de kulturella enklaverna och samhället : En kvalitativ studie om hedersrelaterad utsatthet och integration / It's about building bridges between the cultural enclaves and society : A qualitative study of honor related vulnerability and integration

Chachan, Mariham, Henriksson, Susanne January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur professionella inom Sveriges kvinnojourer beskriver vad hedersrelaterad utsatthet innebär på individ –och strukturell nivå och hur hederskontexten och samhället påverkar män och kvinnors förutsättningar för integration och delaktighet i det svenska samhället. Individer som lever i hederkontexten lever med en dubbel utsatthet. Detta innebär att dessa individer är dubbelt förtryckta, dels från kontexten de lever i men även samhället har en bidragande roll till utsattheten då vi har kommit fram till att det finns mycket inbäddad diskriminering i samhället. Integrationen för individer inom hederskontexten påverkas också av faktorer som kan relateras till individerna inom hederskontexten och samhällets bemötande av individerna. Hedersrelaterad utsatthet har ofta förknippats med kulturella normer och våld mot kvinnor, den här uppsatsen vill belysa hur problematiken och integrationen av dessa individer kan se ut ur ett individ – och samhällsperspektiv. Uppsatsen kommer att ha en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där vi besvarar syftet genom att intervjua kvinnojourer från sex av Sveriges kvinnojourers berättelser. Intervjuerna har varit semistrukturerade vilket bidragit till att undersökningen fått fylliga berättelser då intervjupersonerna själva kunnat påverka vad de ansetts som viktigt att belysa. Anledningen till att vi valt kvinnojourer var att de kunde bidra med den information som krävdes då de är insatta i hedersrelaterad utsatthet och deras integration.Vi har tagit hjälp av fem stycken teoretiskautgångspunkter för att kunna förklara den problematik som förekommer inom några av Sveriges familjer och för att förstå hur hederskontexten och samhället påverkar integrationen. Dessa teorier omfattar teorin om patriarkatet och genus, ackulitivering, socialisering och teorin om strukturell diskriminering. / The purpose of this paper is to examine how professionals in some of Swedens shelterhomes describes what honor related vulnerability involves on an individual and structural level and how the honorcontext and society affect men 's and women's opportunities for inclusion and participation in the Swedish society. Individuals living in the honourcontext live with a double vulnerability. This means that these individuals are doubly oppressed, both from the context in which they live but also the society has a contributory role of the vulnerability. We have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of embedded discrimination in society. The integration of individuals within the honorcontext is also affected by factors that can be related to the individuals within the context and societies treatment of individuals. Honour related vulnerability has often been associated with cultural norms and violence against women, this paper wants to illustrate how the honorproblems and the integration of these individuals can look like from an individual - and societal perspective. The essay will have a qualitative perspective where we answer the purpose by interviewing professionals from six of Sweden's shelterhomes. The interviews were semi-structured, which contributed to rich stories when interviewees themselves were able to influence what they regarded as important to highlight. The reason we chose sheltershomes was that they could provide the necessary information about honor related vulnerability and integration. We have taken the help of five theoretical bases to explain the problems that exist in some of Sweden's families and to understand how the honorkontext and society affect integration. These theories include the theory of patriarchy and gender, ackultivisation, socialization and the theory of structural discrimination.

Heder, handlingsplaner och handlingsutrymme : En studie av socialsekreterares arbete med hedersrelaterad problematik / Honour, actionplans and actionspace : A study about social workers work with honourrelated problems

Bernhager, Sandra, Shalaby, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case. The purpose of the vignettes was to investigate whether there is a difference in the assessment and handling of ordinary versus honour-related cases. The results of the interviews were analysed using Hasenfeld's theory on Human service organizations. We also used Lipsky's theory on street-level bureaucracy. We displayed similarities to previous research showing that social workers are unsure of how to assess and act on honour-related cases. It was evident that the social workers we interviewed were confident working "ordinary" cases involving child abuse, but felt uncertain dealing with honour-related cases. Because they are less frequent they have developed neither routines nor guidelines for them. The study showed that social workers’ lack of knowledge of honour-related problems and differences in culture limits their effectiveness in these cases. The results suggest that the social workers we interviewed rely on outside expertise when they are insecure, and consequently feel that they have no need for action plans or guidelines in honour-related cases. Lack of guidance and inadequate knowledge presents difficulties for social workers to meet the girls’ needs for help and support.

Skolkuratorers arbete med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers perspektiv på arbetet med hedersrelaterad problematik på högstadieskolor

Ljung, Sofia, Lundberg, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Hedersrelaterad problematik är ett svårdefinierat begrepp som återfinns i flera olika kontexter. Denna studie syftar till att belysa hur skolkuratorer på kommunala högstadieskolor arbetar utifrån sin profession med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio stycken skolkuratorer från sex olika kommuner i Mellansverige. I analys av resultatet har vi använt oss av professionsteori tillsammans med tidigare forskning. Studien visar att skolkuratorernas arbete skiljde sig åt utifrån bland annat arbetslivserfarenhet, samverkan med socialtjänsten och skolan samt eget personligt intresse. Det som förenade skolkuratorerna var att det saknades handlingsplaner eller andra riktlinjer för hur arbetet bör bedrivas med elever som befinner sig i en hedersrelaterad problematik. Samtliga skolkuratorer såg ämnet hedersproblematik som svårt och utmanande utifrån dess komplexitet men det fanns ett intresse hos skolkuratorerna att utveckla arbetet med problematiken. Vidare visar studien på att det saknas kunskap, dels hur det praktiska arbetet bör bedrivas men även om hedersrelaterad problematik i stort. Avslutningsvis framkommer det att verksamhetsutveckling med tema hedersproblematik, samt framtagande av handlingsplan, ses som viktiga steg för att komma vidare i arbetet. Detta för att säkerställa att elever med hedersproblematik får det stöd, skydd och bemötande som kan vara livsavgörande för deras hälsa och utveckling. / The purpose of this study was to emphasize the methods of school counselors and how they approach secondary school students who are situated in such relations. We have conducted a qualitative study in form of semi-structured interviews with nine school counselors from six different municipalities in central Sweden. In analyzing the results, we have been using professional theory combined with previous research. The study is indicating differences in the school counselor handling in terms of work experience, collaboration with social services and the school, and also dissimilarities concerning personal interest. Though, an overall downside were the non-existing plan of action or other guidelines for how to professionally deal with students who are trapped in an environment of honor-related violence. But fortunately, there is a common interest among the school counselors in improving their work within this problematic topic. According to the school counselors, honor-related violence is considered a challenging and complex task to apprehend. Furthermore, the study clarifies an uncertainty in the subject itself but it’s also showing a lack of knowledge in how to practically manage successfully. In conclusion, it emerges that activity development concerning honor-related violence, as well as the development of an action plan, is seen as important steps in order to progress. This is to ensure that students with honor-related issues gets the support, protection and treatment needed since this could be vital to their health and personal development.

Hedersmotiv som en försvårande omständighet : - En tematisk analys av tingsrättens resonemang / Honour Motive as an Aggravating Circumstance : A Thematic Analysis of the District Court's Reasoning

Jansson, Emelie, Lundström, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Hedersrelaterad brottslighet är ett allvarligt samhällsproblem där brottsoffer ofta utsätts för både psykiskt, fysiskt och socialt våld och förtryck. Sedan den första juli 2020 regleras hedersmotiv som en försvårande omständighet i Brottsbalken, 1962:700 29 kap 2 § p.10. Den nya straffskärpningsregeln syftar till att höja straffvärdet för brott som begås med ett hedersmotiv samt att förtydliga för domstolar vilka omständigheter ett sådant motiv kan utgöras av. För att få en djupare förståelse för hur tingsrätten resonerar kring hedersmotivet syftar studien till att jämföra dessa resonemang före respektive efter införandet av straffskärpningen. Vidare ämnar studien att undersöka hur tingsrätten styrker hedersmotiv samt vilken påverkan som straffskärpningen har inneburit vid värdering av straffvärdet. För att besvara frågeställningar har studien tillämpat en tematisk analys, där totalt 14 domar har analyserats. Resultatet visar att tingsrätten har blivit mer enhetlig och tydlig i sitt resonemang kring hedersmotiv efter införandet av straffskärpningen. Vid styrkande av föreliggande hedersmotiv har den tilltalades olika former av kontroll över målsägande, samt kollektiva omständigheter, beaktats i stor utsträckning. Innan införandet utgick tingsrätten från olika definitioner av fenomenet och motiverade sällan varför ett hedersmotiv förelåg. Vad gäller straffskärpningens påverkan vid värdering av straffvärdet har det inte gått att urskilja en generell påverkan på straffvärdets längd. Däremot har straffskärpningen inneburit en mer konsekvent bedömning av hedersmotivet som en försvårande omständighet under påföljdsbeslut. Då studien endast har inkluderat domslut mellan 2018–2022 rekommenderas framtida forskning inom området att vidga detta tidsperspektiv för att identifiera ytterligare förändring i tingsrättens resonemang samt motivering för hedersmotiv. / Honour-related crime is a serious societal problem where victims are often subjected to psychological, physical, and social violence and oppression. Since the first of July 2020, honour motives have been regulated as an aggravating circumstance in accordance with Chapter 29 2§ p.10 (The Swedish Penal Code, 1962: 700). The aim of this aggravating circumstance is to harshen the penalty value for crimes committed with an honour motive and to clarify to courts what circumstances such a motive may consist of. To gain a deeper understanding of the district court’s reasoning, the study aims to compare these reasonings before and after the introduction of this aggravating circumstance. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine how the district court proves honour motives and what impact this has had on the penal value. To answer these questions a thematic analysis was used, where a total of fourteen verdicts were analysed. The result shows that the district court has become more coherent and clearer in its reasonings regarding honour motives. Furthermore, the district court usually supports the motive based on different circumstances surrounding the defendant's control over the victim and collective circumstances. Before the introduction of this aggravating circumstance the district court used different definitions of the phenomenon and rarely provided an explanation of why an honour motive was present. It has not been possible to distinguish a general impact on the length of the penalty value. However, this change has led to a more consistent assessment of the motive as an aggravating circumstance during penalty decisions. As the study only included verdicts between 2018-2022, future research is advised to identify further changes over time.

Hedersrelaterad problematik : Fyra socialarbetares och en politikers syn på ungdomar som utsätts för he­­dersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Honour-related problems : Four social workers and one politician’s views on youth subject to honour-related violence and oppression

Sayed Abdu, Ahlam, Schulze, Emelie January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative study with a case study research design, where we studied social workers and politicians view on honor-related problems of underage girls and boys in the age 13-17. We need knowledge about honor related violence and oppression in the political community and social services to work with honor-related problems. Political decisions affect how social work is developed around the honor problem; therefore, it is also important to highlight this direction for the work. It requires a knowledge complement of honor-related problems not to risk exposing the child to further risk from the family (Hedersförtryck, 2009). This is to live up to, for example the law of Social Services, school law and Human Rights (Hussein & Kinuka-Svedberg, 2010). We conducted semi-structured interviews with two social workers, a social worker at the women's shelter, a women's safety coordinator and a chairman of the Social Welfare Committee in the selected commune. When we analyzed the results, we made a hermeneutic analysis with interpretation from an intersectional perspective based in postmodern feminist theory. The result that we have reached as regards the design of the work with honor-related problem is that it is highly influenced by the decisions of women's safety coordinator and politicians. The respondents mentioned the concepts controlling, limiting young people, married off by the family, and that they have little autonomy. Also the patriarchal family pyramid was raised in the definition and that there may be integration problems as a result of the norm-breaking lifestyle that comes with their own culture. The viewpoints which the respondents had on the honor problem we have seen influence how they wish to work. They said that they wanted to educate and inform the newly arrived adults who immigrate to the country, about Swedish laws and regulations. Social workers said that in time they have learned to apply the youth perspective as much as the family perspective which is more than they did before when they rather applied more of a youth perspective.

I möte med hedern : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av arbetemed hedersrelaterat våld & förtryck / When faced with honor : A qualitative study of social workers' experiences of workingwith honor-related violence & oppression

Almare, Elin, Christiansen, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Previous research has focused on honor as a phenomenon, but has had less focus on socialservices work against honor-related matters. The purpose of this study is to analyze howsocial workers in the social services experience handling honor-related violence andoppression and what they find challenging and difficult. The study was conducted with thehelp of interviews with social workers. To gain a deeper understanding of the subject, wehave also used previous research, articles and reports on the topic in question. Due to theongoing pandemic with Covid-19, all interviews were conducted via video calls using Zoom. The result of this study shows that there are several types of difficulties in working withhonor related issues. Social workers highlight that there is a risk of discriminating againstsomeone based on, for example, ethnicity and how it can difficult to work from a familyperspective. It has also been emphasized both in previous research and in the interviews thathonor violence is not equated with domestic violence, it requires a deeper comprehension.This study also concludes that there is a need for further research regarding howhonor-related matters are to be handled by social service, as well for the development ofrelevant interventions. The results are analyzed using relevant theories; intersectional perspective, systems theoryand psychodynamic theory.

Kristen hederskultur : En studie om hedersrelaterad ecklesiologi i pentekostal-karismatisk kontext / Christian Honor Cultures : A study about Honor-related Ecclesiology in a Pentecostal-charismatic context

Lundström, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen använder hederskulturbegreppets teorier för att undersöka hederskultur inom det pentekostal-karismatiska fältet i Sverige. Materialet består av intervjuer med personer som växt upp i en pentekostal-karismatisk miljö samt av predikningar, litteratur och inlägg i sociala medier. Jag finner att materialet delvis innehåller sådant som kan sägas vara en annan i forskning belagd hederskultur, enkelt uttryckt »traditionell hederskultur« – det vill säga att leva med hedersrelaterade normer och begränsningar. Jag kallar denna variant av hederskultur för »kristen hederskultur«, ett begrepp jag gör ett försök att definiera. Uppsatsens ärende är att granska relationen mellan hederskulturen och kyrkosynen i dessa församlingsmiljöer. Jag finner att renhetsidealen i kyrkosynen – som jag bland annat kallar »fromhetsheder« – bidrar till hederskulturen. Dessa ideal tar i sin tur utgångspunkt i en föreställning om Bibelns auktoritet som rättesnöre för livet vilket gör föräldrarnas uppfostran av barnen i min studie strängare. Den karismatiska förståelsen av världen kan också leda till en alternativ barnuppfostran. Vikten av helighet komplicerar och begränsar även de ungas liv i mitt material. Jag avslutar med att föreslå begreppet »hedersrelaterad ecklesiologi«, en kyrkosyn som jag menar karakteriseras av en ortodox lära, en gemenskap som kräver Guds renhet, en stark församlings-identitet som missionerande, samt en karismatisk praktik.

”Ett beteende som mitt måste straffas och skulden skulle betalas i blod” : En kvalitativ studie om socialförvaltningens arbete med hedersrelaterat våld: begränsningar, utmaningar och brister / "A behavior like mine must be punished and the guilt would be paid in blood” : A qualitative study of the social administration's work with honour-related violence: limitations, challenges and shortcomings

Aidi, Husni, Alsabek, Rana January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to highlight the challenges and shortcomings that affect social work related to honor-based issues, which often result in individuals at risk of honor-based violence choosing to remain in oppressive situations, regardless of the consequences. We have conducted semi-structured interviews with social workers who address these problems in various professional roles, including social secretaries, counselors, foster homes, and organizations that work with preventive measures. Scientific articles, books, and reports were used in the study to gain deeper insight into the subject. The material was analyzed based on intersectionality, systems theory, and anomie theory to gain a more profound understanding of the subject from different perspectives. These perspectives help analyze the factors that contribute to honor-based violence and oppression, and how the interaction between these factors can reinforce honor norms in Sweden. The results reveal shortcomings in addressing honor-based problems, such as a lack of cooperation, knowledge, and interventions. These deficiencies, among other factors, restrict the opportunities for victims of honor-based violence to escape their destructive situations. The study also underscores limiting factors such as victims' low trust in authorities and insufficient long-term measures following a break-up. The segregation of ethnic groups in Sweden and its consequences is a recurring theme, focusing on how cultural distinctions and segregation can reinforce honor norms in society. The study also points out a lack of adequate strategies and sufficient knowledge about how to effectively address honor norms within schools and social work, often overshadowed by the fear of being accused of racism. A key conclusion is that more knowledge about the issue is needed, along with the development of interventions for non-emergency cases that are grounded in a deeper understanding of the cultural context. It is also essential that the stigma surrounding terms such as "honor culture" and "honor-related violence" be eliminated, promoting a more productive debate and dissemination of knowledge at different levels, among politicians, in social work, in schools, and among immigrants. Additionally, the study emphasizes the need to improve integration efforts.

OSKULDSINTYGET : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors sexuella begränsningar inom hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / The Certificate of Virginity : A qualitative study of women's sexual limitations in honor-related violence and oppression

Eriksson, Fanny, Larsson Durgé, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Den hedersrelaterade problematiken i Sverige är idag långt ifrån löst och en förfrågan om ett oskuldsintyg eller en oskuldsoperation har blivit allt vanligare i samhället.  Syftet: Är att undersöka hur kvinnors sexualitet begränsas i en hedersrelaterad kontext i Sverige från ett professionsperspektiv. Studien avser att undersöka vilka konsekvenser det blir för kvinnan och samhället då utfärdandet av oskuldsintyg och genomförandet av oskuldsoperationer ännu inte är straffbart enligt svensk lag. Teori: Den teoretiska referensramen grundar sig på rollteori och kritisk teori. Metod: En empirisk studie med kvalitativa intervjuer sammanställt i en tematisk textanalys med en hermeneutisk syn och med inspiration av en induktiv ansats. Resultat: Visar hur familjehierarkin påverkar kvinnan, hur professionella inte vågar ta tag i problemet, att det behövs en bättre samverkan och tillitsskapande bemötande från de professionella. Det existerar ett stort mörkertal kring oskuldsintyg och oskuldsoperationer, samt att det är ett dilemma för professionerna. Det behövs en bredare kunskap inom och över professionsgränserna, hos kvinnan och hennes släktnätverk. Slutsats: Det är flera faktorer som bidrar till att kvinnans sexualitet begränsas och hur oskuldsintyg och oskuldsoperationer leder till ett fortsatt kvinnoförtryck. Det behövs en bättre samverkan från samhällets alla myndigheter och samhället behöver se oskuldsintyg samt oskuldsoperationer som ett socialt problem. / The honor-related problem in Sweden is today far from solved and a request for a virginity certificate or a virginity operation has become increasingly common in the society.  The purpose: To investigate how women's sexuality is being limited in an honor-related context in Sweden from a professional perspective. The study intends to investigate the consequences for women and the society as the issuance of virginity certificates and the implementation of virginity operations are not yet punishable under Swedish law.   Theory: The theoretical frame of reference is based on role theory and critical theory. Method: An empirical study with qualitative interviews compiled in a thematic text analysis with a hermeneutic view and with inspiration from an inductive approach.  Results: Shows how the family hierarchy affects the woman, how professionals do not dare to tackle the problem, that there is a need for better collaboration and trust-building treatment from the professionals. There is a large dark figure around virginity certificates and virginity operations and that it is a dilemma for professionals. A broader knowledge is needed within and across professional boarders and as well for the woman and her family network. Conclusion: There are several factors that contribute to the woman's sexuality being limited and how virginity certificates and virginity operations lead to a continued oppression of women. There is a need for better collaboration from all of society's authorities and the society need to see virginity certificates and virginity operations as a social problem.

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