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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Managing a tenancy : young people's pathways into, and sustaining independent tenancies from, homelessness

Stewart, Alasdair B. R. January 2013 (has links)
Due to their disproportionate risk of tenancy non-sustainment there have been concerns raised for young people making a pathway out of homelessness into independent living. Despite these concerns, there has been limited research looking at how young people experience tenancy sustainment or where they move onto after terminating a tenancy. This thesis, drawing on Bourdieu’s (1990a) theory of practice, presents a reconceptualisation of tenancy sustainment as a practice of sustaining a tenancy. The theoretical-empirical analysis is based on data collected through longitudinal research involving two waves of semi- structured interviews with 25 young people, aged 16-25, who had recently made a pathway out of homelessness into their own independent tenancies. The interdependency between a tenant and their tenancy presented young people with pressures which they developed techniques of independent living in response to in order to sustain their tenancy and make it a home. Young people not only had a particular housing position of being a tenant, they held family and education-employment positions which took part in the formation and shaping of the pressures they experienced living independently. Tenancies were not seen as an end in themselves by young people who desired, through the experience of sustaining a tenancy, increasingly independent positions within their other social positions as well. An uneven process of actually existing neoliberalism across policy areas through its influence on young people’s constellation of interdependent relations also created a dissonance within the positions held by young people fostering social suffering. Young people ending a tenancy viewed this as a ‘step backwards’ when it meant decreasing independence such as a return to supported accommodation; ambivalence where it arose from the end of a relationship; and as a move forwards, or ‘getting on with life’, when making a youth transition and housing pathway towards establishing their own family household.

Moment 22 : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialtjänsten och frivilliga organisationer arbetar och samarbetar med hemlöshetsfrågan i Stockholm

Gillegård, Lilian, Adler, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Moment 22 är skriven av Lilian Gillegård och Alexandra Adler. Uppsatsens syfte är att utveckla och fördjupa förståelsen för hur samverkan mellan ideella organisationer och offentlig verksamhet kan se ut kring hemlöshet. Vidare består syftet av att undersöka dessa verksamheters olika metoder och arbetssätt i deras arbete med hemlöshet. Utifrån ett governance-perspektiv och en organisationsteori formades ett antal analytiska frågor för att undersöka detta. Studien bygger på tio intervjutillfällen med individer som arbetar inom frivilliga organisationer i Stockholm och stadsdelsförvaltningar inom Stockholms stad. Resultatet visar att stadsdelsförvaltningar och frivilliga organisationer har fokus på förebyggande arbete och konsekvenser av hemlöshet. Vidare visar resultatet att samarbeten mellan dessa kan se olika ut och det råder även vissa brister. När det gäller nära samarbeten mellan stadsdelsförvaltningarna och frivilliga organisationer är det ibland svårt att urskilja vem som faktiskt är ansvarig och vem som styr verksamheten. När det handlar om samarbete  med övriga myndigheter som exempelvis vårdenheter kan det förekomma oenighet om vem som har ansvaret för klienten i fråga. Våra respondenter påstår att det uppstår ett så kallat ”moment 22” läge och klienten kan då inte få den rätta hjälpen. / The aim of this essay is to develop and deepen the understanding on how voluntary organizations and public sector cooperate when working with homelessness. Furthermore, to investigate these organizations different methods and approaches used in their work with homelessness. A number of analytical questions were formed based on a governance perspective and an organizational theory. The study is based on ten interviews carried out on individuals that work in voluntary organizations in Stockholm and district administrations in Stockholms stad.  The results show that the district administrations and voluntary organizations focus on the preventions and the consequences of homelessness. Furthermore, the result shows that the cooperation has several appearances which have some flaws. As for the close co-operation between the district administrations and the voluntary organizations, it is sometime difficult to ascertain who is responsible and who controls the organization. When it comes to collaboration with other agencies such as health care units, there may be disagreements regarding who takes the responsibility of the client. Our respondents describe this act as a ”catch 22” situation where the client does not get the right help.

Le Théâtre-forum : pour une délibération sous le signe de la reconnaissance?

Hamel, Sonia 12 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche explore le Théâtre-forum comme support méthodologie d’un espace délibératif pour discuter des tensions sociales liées à la coprésence au centre-ville de Montréal entre des personnes en situation de rue et leurs voisins domiciliés. L’argument au cœur de la problématique repose sur les taches aveugles de la délibération: dans les forums de quartier, les inégalités sociales se traduisent par des inégalités délibératives au désavantage des personnes sans adresse en défaut d’autorité épistémologique en raison de leur statut; ces inégalités délibératives reproduisent le déni de reconnaissance qui traverse l’expérience relationnelle de ces personnes. Le Théâtre-forum est issu du Théâtre de l’opprimé : une pratique d’intervention théâtrale conçue par Augusto Boal durant la dictature au Brésil comme dispositif émancipateur pour les groupes opprimés. Le Joker incite les membres de l’auditoire à devenir Spect-acteurs par les remplacements du protagoniste, et ce, afin de surmonter son oppression. Ainsi, cette projection dans les chaussures du protagoniste-itinérant facilite-t-elle ce passage de l’indignité à la reconnaissance pour les personnes en situation de rue? L’échange théâtral peut-il ouvrir la voie vers la reconstruction d’un lien intersubjectif entre personnes sans adresse et domiciliés, intersubjectivité qui au cœur-même des vertus délibératives et des principes fondateurs défendus par les théoriciens de la reconnaissance comme Honneth et Renault? / Inspired by the democratic virtues of public deliberation but preoccupied with its blind spots, this research explores Forum Theatre as a deliberative medium to initiate discussion about the social tensions which underscore copresence between the homeless and other dwellers of public space in downtown Montreal. Indeed, we argue that in neighborhood forums social inequalities lead to deliberative ones for the homeless who lack epistemological authority due to their status, thereby reproducing the denial of recognition they endure as pariahs of public space. Forum Theatre stems from Theatre of the Oppressed which was initiated by Augusto Boal during the Brazil dictatorial regime as a revolutionary practice for the oppressed. It is premised on active audience engagement whose members are encouraged by the Joker to become Spect-Actors by replacing the protagonist in order to overcome his oppression. As such, can stepping inside the shoes of the homeless protagonist thru character replacement facilitate a passage from indignity to recognition for the latter? In other words, can a theatrical exchange create a space of intersubjectivity between the homeless and their domiciled neighbours? After all, the virtues of deliberation, not to mention the principles defended by recognition theorists like Honneth and Renault, both rest on intersubjectivity.

Hungrig, hemlös och hållplats himlen : Barriärer och strategier för att uppnå en god palliativ omvårdnad för hemlösa / Hungry, homeless and heading for heaven : Barriers and strategies to achieve a good palliative care for homeless people

Ehrenkrona, Mathilda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund:Hemlöshet resulterar ofta i en signifikant påverkan såväl på livskvalité som förväntad livslängd. Samtidigt är gruppens tillgång till hälso- och sjukvård inkluderat palliativ vård, begränsad. Syfte: Att kartlägga och beskriva de barriärer och strategier som finns för personer som befinner sig i akut hemlöshet att få en god palliativ omvårdnad. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie med elva artiklar som rekryterades via databaserna Pubmed och Academic Search Premier. Kvalitativa artiklar inkluderades och granskades utifrån en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre övergripande teman identifierades; samtal om döden, socialt nätverk och vårdpersonalens upplevelser samt relation till vårdpersonal. Utifrån dessa övergripande barriärer framkom flera subteman. Flera möjliga strategier finns, exempelvis ett empatiskt bemötande, personcentrerad vård, och stärkning av individens autonomitet. Slutsats:Studien visar att personer i akut hemlöshet möter flera barriärer för att få en god palliativ omvårdnad. Barriärerna kan minskas genom ökad utbildning för sjuksköterskor om sociala determinanters påverkan på hälsan och omvårdnaden, men även ett holistiskt, empatiskt personcentrerat förhållningssätt kan förbättra den palliativa omvårdnaden för akut hemlösa.Klinisk betydelse: Kunskaper från denna studie ska kunna tillämpas av sjuksköterskor i den palliativa vården men även andra vårdenheter där hemlösa befinner sig. / Background: Homelessness often results in a significant impact on both quality of life and life expectancy. At the same time, the group's access to health and medical care including palliative care is limited. Aim: The aim of the study was to map and describe the barriers and strategies that exist for people who are in acute homelessness to get a good palliative care. Method: A general literature study with eleven articles recruited via the databases Pubmed and Academic Search Premier. Qualitative articles were included and reviewed on the basis of a content analysis. Results:Three overall themes were identified; talks about death, social network and the healthcare staff's experiences as well as relation to healthcare staff. Based on these overall barriers, several subthemes emerged. Several possible strategies exist, such as empathic treatment, person-centered care, and strengthening of the individual's autonomy. Conclusion: The study shows that people in acute homelessness face several barriers to get a good palliative care. These barriers can be reduced through increased training for nurses on how social determinants affect health and nursing, but also a holistic, empathically person-centered approach can improve the palliative care for the acute homeless. Clinical significance: Knowledge from this study can be applied by nurses in palliative care, but also by other care units where homeless people are in. / <p>Röda Korsets sjuksköterskeförening stipendium 2019</p>

Expérience de l’enfant en situation de sans logement : perception de la situation, facteurs de stress et stratégies de coping des enfants hébergés avec leurs familles à l’hôtel / Children’s experience of homelessness : situation’s perception, stressors and coping strategies of school-ages children living with their families in hotels

Halasa, Katarzyna 19 December 2017 (has links)
La recherche présentée s’intéresse à l’expérience des enfants en situation de sans logement. Ce travail s’inscrit dans la cadre de la théorie transactionnelle du stress et du coping proposée par Lazarus et Folkman (1984). La démarche vise à saisir leur perception de la situation de sans logement, d’identifier les facteurs de stress auxquels ils sont exposés et les stratégies de coping qu’ils utilisent pour faire face au stress perçu. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 30 enfants d’âge scolaire (7 ans et demi à 13 ans), hébergés avec leurs familles à l’hôtel. Les données ont été recueillies dans la cadre de l’entretien compréhensif et à l’aide du questionnaire KidCope. Cette étude a permis également d’apporter des connaissances sur le profil des familles hébergées à l’hôtel grâce aux données recueillies auprès des parents.La moitié des enfants vit dans une famille monoparentale et plus de deux tiers ont une fratrie. Plus de deux tiers des enfants est nés à l’étranger, un tiers vit dans une famille en situation administrative précaire et la majorité des familles est sans ressources. La durée moyenne de présence de la famille en France est de 5,54 ans et la moyenne de la durée d’hébergement pris en charge par le 115 s’élève à 3,24 ans. Les discours des enfants sont marqués par des sentiments négatifs, parfois confus, face au manque de prévisibilité dans leur vie. La place centrale est occupée par l’école et la famille. L’école représente souvent le seul endroit assurant le sentiment de stabilité, d’appartenance et le maintien des liens sociaux. La famille, quant à elle, grâce au soutien des proches, permet à l’enfant de faire face aux difficultés rencontrées. Dans le cas de nombreux enfants, la situation de sans logement apparaît étroitement liée à l’expérience migratoire de la famille. L’expérience de sans logement s’avère être une situation stressante pour les enfants : tous les enfants ont identifié au moins un facteur de stress dans leur vie. Au-delà des facteurs de stress propres aux enfants d’âge scolaire, les facteurs identifiés par les enfants participant à notre recherche peuvent être classifiés dans l’un des trois groupes suivants : les facteurs de stress liés à la situation de sans logement, à la pauvreté et/ou à l’expérience migratoire. Les enfants utilisent diverses stratégies de coping pour gérer le stress perçu. De manière générale, les stratégies d’approche sont utilisées plus fréquemment et évaluées comme plus efficaces que les stratégies d’évitement. / The purpose of this study is to describe the homeless experience of school-aged children. The theoretical framework for the study was Lazarus’ and Folkman’s (1984) stress and coping processes. In this study the focus was on a child perception of the situation, the stressors they identify and the coping strategies they use. The data was collected from 30 school-aged children living with their families at hotel, through comprehensive interviews and KidCope checklist. This study also brings knowledge about homeless families’ profile through the data collected from parents.Half of the children live in single parent families and two third have siblings. More than two third of children are born abroad, one third live as undocumented migrants and the most of families have no resources. The average family’s length of stay in France is 5,54 years and the average length of being sheltered is 3,24 years. The discourse of children is characterized by negative emotions, sometimes confusion, in face of lack of predictability in their life. The central place is accorded to school and family. School is often the unique place which provide a sense of stability and belonging, as well as social support. Family, through a support of loved ones, help child to cope with difficulties. For many of children, homelessness appears closely connected with migratory experience. Homeless experience is stressful for them: all children who participated in this research perceived at least one thing as stressful in their life. Beyond the stressors specific to school-aged children, the factors identified by the children involved in our research can be classified into one of three groups: stressors related to homelessness, stressors related to poverty and / or stressors related to migratory experience. Children use many different ways to cope with stressors. In general, they used more often approach coping and they rate it as more efficacious than avoidance coping.

Bakom raderna och mellan orden. : En diskursanalys om före detta hemlösas upplevelser genom självbiografier. / Behind the lines and between the words. : A discourse analysis based on the experiences from former homeless people through autobiographies.

Hökerud, Marianne, Svensson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur bilden av hemlösa/hemlöshet konstrueras i självbiografier som är författade av före detta hemlösa. Avsikten är att undersöka vad författarna uttrycker när de talar om hemlöshet genom att undersöka vilka mönster vi kan hitta i deras berättelser. För att analysera detta fenomen använder vi diskursanalys och det socialkonstruktivistiska perspektivet eftersom de lämpar sig väl när man vill studera diskurser utifrån textmaterial. Vår studie grundas i fyra självbiografier som är författade av före detta hemlösa. I vår studie har vi funnit tre framträdande diskurser som beskriver tre möjliga konstruktioner av hemlöshet och även vilka konsekvenser konstruktionen får för individen. Diskurserna är utestängning, maktlöshet och beroende. Diskurserna företräder den styrande ordningen utifrån vilken hemlöshet kan förstås och är därmed ett sätt att uppfatta verkligheten. Slutsatser som vi kan dra utifrån denna studie är att hemlösa konstrueras som avvikande subjekt som inte tillåts att vara en del av innanförskapet i samhället. Vår studie beskriver också en annan sida av hemlösheten kopplat till frihet från ansvar men även maktlöshet och beroende kopplat till individens utsatthet gentemot myndigheter och organisationer. Vår önskan är att studien ska bidra till en ökad reflektion inom det sociala arbetet i syfte att stärka klientens självbestämmande och delaktighet. Vi är också glada om vi kan bidra till en allmän tankeställare kring hur vi bemöter människor i vår vardag, speciellt de socialt utsatta som ofta möts av förakt och avsky. I vår studie kunde vi se ett ökat våld gentemot de hemlösa vilket visar på att vårt samhälle blir allt tuffare att leva i och att det finns ett ökat behov av att utöka empatin. Vårt resultat kan också vara användbart för de professionella i mötet med de som står utan bostad och som har en bakgrund liknande författarna till självbiografierna. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how the image of homeless/ homelessness is constructed in autobiographies written by former homeless people. The intention is to examine what the authors express when they talk about homelessness by examining patterns found in their stories. To analyze this phenomenon, we use discourse analysis and the theory of social construction because they are well suited for studying discourses based on textual material. Our study is based on four autobiographies written by people who have been former homeless. In our study, we found three prominent discourses describing three possible constructions of homelessness, also we found construction consequences for the individual. The discourses are exclusion, powerlessness and dependence. The discourses represent the governing order of which homelessness can be understood and is thus a way of perceiving reality. Conclusions that we can draw from this study are that homeless people are constructed as deviating subjects that are not allowed to be part of the inner society of the community. Our study also describes another side of homelessness linked to being free from responsibility but also powerlessness and dependence linked to the individual´s vulnerability to authorities and organizations. The wish is for this study to contribute to an increased reflection in social work in order to strengthen the client´s self-determination and participation. Also, it would please us if we could contribute to a general mindset about how we deal with people in our everyday lives, especially those socially vulnerable who are often met by contempt and disgust. In our study we could see increased violence against the homeless, which shows that our society is getting harder to live and that there is an increased need to expand the empathy among citizens. Our result can also be useful for professionals in the meeting with those who are without housing and who have a background resembling the authors of the autobiographies.

A Study of Select Factors Associated with School Social Workers' Perceived Effectiveness in Providing Services to Homeless Students in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia

Jones, Sandrea Alexia 20 May 2019 (has links)
This study examined the relationship between school social workers’ perceived effectiveness and their perceived levels of competency (knowledge and skills), collaboration, and school culture when providing services to homeless students. A quantitative descriptive research design was employed in this study. Specifically, this study provided insight on how these select factors influence school social workers’ perceived effectiveness in providing services to homeless students. The study sample consisted of 103 school social workers and homeless liaisons who serve the metropolitan Atlanta. Respondents participated in the study by completing the “School Social Workers’ Perceived Effectiveness Survey” that was disseminated via email or in person. All respondents participated in the study voluntarily. Data analysis was conducted at three levels. The first level presented descriptive findings associated with demographic information and school social work experience of the respondents. The second level utilized crosstabs to examine the relationship between the dependent variable, perceived effectiveness, and each of the independent variables (competency, collaboration, and school culture). The third level of analysis was analytical procedures which tested the hypothesis under this study. This section used Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient to determine the strength of the relationship between the dependent variable and each of the independent variables. This study found a positive, strong correlation between school social worker perceived effectiveness and skill-set, competency, collaboration, and school culture. There was a positive moderate correlation between school social worker perceived effectiveness and knowledge. The conclusions drawn from the findings of this research suggested that all of the independent variables showed a significant correlation with the dependent variable. The study findings proved to be useful for school social workers, policy makers, school administrators, homeless students and their families, and other school-based staff.

Pessoas em situação de rua: a saída para a saída - um estudo sobre pessoas que saíram da rua

Medeiros, Alessandra 03 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:15:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alessandra Medeiros.pdf: 3921535 bytes, checksum: 5ef5878206c17ebac4889a45f008d7cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper provides an overview of people who have overcome homelessness. It also seeks to identify and analyze factors of both objective and subjective order - that might have effectively contributed to that outcome. The purpose of this study was, in the first place, to hear some people who have experienced the process mentioned before. By doing so, our aim was not only to comprehend their perception on what happened to them, but also to verify if nowadays social assistance policy can claim any impact on those events. Secondly, we tried to propose methodological principles - based on those perceptions and also with the support of literature that has already been produced on that theme - which might be applied on programs devised for homeless adults. This theme justifies itself by the growing number of people living in those conditions, especially in large cities ; and also because most discussions have their focus on the reasons that could lead to homelessness, ignoring the factors that might help succesfully overcome it. Thus, the following hypotheses were tested: As there are moments / events (processes) that might culminate in the homelessness phenomenon, are there moments / events / stimuli (processes) that encourage people to leave the streets? If so, can such moments be stimulated by the methodology apllied to social assistance ? In order to address those questions, two surveys were conducted: the first interwied some social workers who deal with that population; the latter is a qualitative research that brings statements from eight people who have overcome homelessness. Although not susceptible to generalization due to its nature -, this paper believes that the perceptions of those who have overcome homelessness should be regarded as a major contribution to further development of public policy / O presente trabalho, Pessoas em situação de rua: a saída para a saída , de autoria de Alessandra Medeiros, apresenta um estudo sobre pessoas que saíram da rua. Partindo do objetivo geral de conhecer e identificar quais são os fatores que contribuem para a saída da situação de rua, visa responder a pergunta central desta tese: quais fatores objetivos e subjetivos contribuem para o processo de saída da rua? Dessa maneira, os objetivos específicos desta pesquisa foram: Compreender qual foi o significado da saída dessa condição apontado pelos entrevistados e em que medida a política de assistência social vem colaborando nesse processo; Propor princípios metodológicos que contribuam no atendimento de adultos em situação de rua, considerando a bibliografia estudada e o olhar daqueles que saíram dessa condição. Este tema justifica-se pelo crescimento do número de pessoas vivendo nessas condições, principalmente nas grandes metrópoles e, ainda, pela pouca produção sobre a saída da rua, uma vez que a maioria dos estudos pesquisados discute o processo que leva à situação de rua e não à saída dela . Assim, foram testadas as seguintes hipóteses: Assim como existem momentos/ fatos (processos) que culminam na situação de rua , existem momentos/fatos/estímulos (processos) que incentivam a saída da situação de rua ; Esses momentos podem ser estimulados, de acordo com a metodologia de trabalho adotada no atendimento a esse público. Para tanto, foram realizados dois levantamentos. O primeiro, por meio de entrevistas com trabalhadores sociais de alguns serviços que atendem essa população; e, o segundo, em que foram coletados depoimentos de oito pessoas que saíram da situação de rua, sendo esta uma pesquisa qualitativa. Por tratar-se de um estudo qualitativo, não passível de generalizações, o presente trabalho apresenta a percepção daqueles que saíram da situação sobre o processo que vivenciaram a fim de contribuir para a construção da política pública a esse segmento

Pessoas em situação de rua e os conflitos socioambientais no município de São Carlos: a água nas interações do cotidiano / Homelessness and environmental conflicts in city of São Carlos: water in the interactions of everyday life

Granado, Karina 30 September 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa partiu de uma compreensão sociológica da crise da modernidade para refletir acerca da constituição do grupo social denominado pessoas em situação de rua na tessitura da dinâmica urbana e seus desafios para vencer essa situação de vulnerabilidade extrema. Tendo como referência o município de São Carlos/SP, caracterizamos o perfil do grupo, debruçando-nos sobre os fatores limitantes relacionados às formas de acesso e uso da água doce. Valorizamos a experiência de sofrimento social na interação precária com o território da cidade como constituinte de um conhecimento empírico relevante, o qual pode, eventualmente, subsidiar a formulação e implementação de políticas urbanas socialmente includentes. / This research started from a sociological understanding of the crisis of modernity to reflect on the constitution of a homeless social group on the organization of urban dynamics and its challenges to overcome this situation of extremely vulnerable situation. Considering Sao Carlos as reference group profile was characterized and limiting factor related to freshwater access and use were adressed. Social suffering experience was taken into account on the poor interaction the town territory as a relevant empirical knowledge, which could eventually assist the formulate and implement socially inclusive urban policies.

Frivilligorganisationer som utanförskapets förlängdaarm eller väg till socialt medborgarskap? : En fallstudie om personals uppfattningar av ideelltarbete mot akut hemlöshet / DAY CENTRES AS CREATORS OF ALIENATION OR CREATORS OF SOCIALCITIZENSHIP? : A CASE STUDY ON STAFF CONCEPTIONS OF NON-PROFIT WORKAGAINST ACUTE HOMELESSNESS

Höglund, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Den akuta hemlösheten har ökat i såväl Sverige som internationellt under de senastedecennierna, där den ideella sektorn har fått en allt större roll i att erbjuda välfärdstjänster föratt stävja samhällsproblemet. Tidigare forskning har visat på både problematiska ochgynnsamma aspekter med organiseringen av det ideella arbetet mot akut hemlöshet. Ideelladagliga verksamheter riskerar att bidra till att situationen i hemlöshet snarare upprätthålls änförändras samtidigt som individer i hemlöshet får basala och sociala behov tillgodoseddagenom insatserna. I tidigare forskning har dock lite utrymme getts åt att undersöka dagligafrivilligorganisationers arbete mot akut hemlöshet i Sverige i förhållande till sociala rättigheteroch sociala skyldigheter. Den här kvalitativa studien har därför genom sex semistruktureradeintervjuer med personal samt deltagande observationer undersökt en dagligfrivilligorganisations insatser, funktion och syfte med utgångspunkt i socialt medborgarskapoch erkännandeteori. Studiens resultat visar att relationskapande mellan personal och gäster iakut hemlöshet är centralt för att skapa tillit men leder också till en dold disciplinering, vilketär en förutsättning för att skapa en social miljö som präglas av alla människors lika värde.Resultaten visar även att den ideella verksamhetens insatser kan bidra till att individer i akuthemlöshet kan tillvarata sociala rättigheter inom verksamhetens kontext samtidigt somverksamheten kan innebära dels en förutsättning, dels en barriär för gäster att kunna uppfyllasociala skyldigheter gentemot samhället. Relationen mellan gäster och personal kan emellertidleda till känslor av erkännande hos gäster och därmed främja självförverkligande. Socialarättigheter behöver ges lättare åtkomst till på strukturell och lokal nivå för att individer i akuthemlöshet ska ges förutsättningar att kunna delta i samhällsgemenskap och samhällsutveckling.Studiens resultat är av relevans för socialt arbete såväl på nationell och kommunal nivå som förden ideella sektorn och bidrar till en fördjupad orientering över dagliga frivilligorganisationersansvarsroll och insats i arbetet mot akut hemlöshet. / Acute homelessness has increased in both Sweden and internationally during the past decades,where the non-profit sector has gained an increasingly larger role in providing welfare servicesto prevent the social problem. Previous research has shown both problematic and beneficialaspects of day centres work towards acute homelessness. Day centres can help maintain ratherthan change the situation of homelessness, while individuals who experience homelessness alsoget basic and social needs met. However, little attention has been given to the work of daycentres in Sweden in relation to social rights and social obligations. This qualitative study has,through six semi-structured interviews with staff and participant observations, examinedinterventions, function and purpose of a day centre with social citizenship and recognition astheoretical framework. The study's findings show that relationship building between staff andguests in acute homelessness is central to creating trust but do also provide a form of discipline,which is a prerequisite for creating a social environment characterized by equality.Furthermore, the results show that the interventions offered by day centres can help individualsin acute homelessness to take account of their social rights within the context of the day centre,while serving as an obstacle as well as a possibility for individuals to fulfil social obligationstowards the society. The results also show that the relationship between guests and staff canlead to recognition among guests and promote self-realization. Social rights need to be moreeasily attainable at a structural and local level in order for individuals who experience acutehomelessness to be given the opportunity to participate in the community and socialdevelopment. The study’s results are of relevance for social work at national and local level aswell for the non-profit sector and give an orientation of the role, responsibility and interventionsof non-profit work towards acute homelessness.

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