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Ledarskapsträdet : Attraktiva faktorer i enhetschefers arbete för kommunalt anställdaBjörklund, Amanda, Edling, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som upplevs vara attraktiva i arbetet som enhetschef. För att svara mot syftet har studien genomförts med en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där urvalsgrupperna består av enhetschefer och HR-konsulter. Resultatet i studien kan bidra till att öka förståelsen om vilka faktorer som är attraktiva i arbetet och vilka områden som kan utvecklas för att skapa en bättre arbetsmiljö med hälsofrämjande arbete. Resultatet visar att de faktorer som upplevs vara attraktiva kan delas in i tre kategorier som utgörs av förutsättningar, påverkan och meningsfullhet. Exempelvis framkommer det att storlek av arbetsgrupp, handlingsfrihet och stimulans är avgörande för tjänstens attraktivitet. Sammantaget är det av stor vikt att undersöka vilka faktorer som upplevs vara attraktiva eftersom det kan leda till att enhetschefer stannar kvar i arbetet. / The purpose of this research is to examine what factors that appears to be attractive in the work as a unit manager. In order to achieve this purpose, a qualitative research method was chosen, using semi-structured interviews with a sample consisting of unit managers and human resource consultants. The results generated in this research aims to improve the understanding of what factors that appears as attractive in the work as a unit manager. Furthermore, the research also aims to contribute to the understanding of what areas that needs to be developed in order to create an improved and healthier work-environment for unit managers. The results in this study shows that the factors that appears as attractive can be divided into three categories; prerequisites, impact and meaningfulness. This is highlighted in for example the size of the work-group, the level of independence inhabited and stimulation, which appears as factors crucial for the attractiveness in the role as a unit manager. The reason why this study is of vital importance is because understanding the factors that appears as attractive in the work as a unit manager can be crucial in maintaining the unit managers in the workplace.
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Kompetensutveckling : Vad är värdet och hur avgörs det? / Human Resource Development : What's the value and how is it determinedOlsson, Henrik, Hillberg Jarl, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: En rationell princip för investeringar i humankapital är att investeringen leder till förbättrad lönsamhet för organisationen. Allt sedan 1950-talet har organisationer i allt högre grad värderat sitt mänskliga kapital på samma sätt som andra kapitalslag. Ur den här ambitionen att förbättra och förändra humankapitalet har även svårigheterna med att påvisa de långsiktiga rationella effekterna blivit tydligare. Det är den här problematiken att avgöra värdeskapandet i kompetensutvecklingsinsatser som den här studien har undersökt. Utifrån institutionell teori som analysverktyg och tidigare forskning om Humankapital, HR och värdeskapande samt HRD analyseras och jämförs vilka kriterier och drivkrafter som ligger bakom investeringarna samt på vilket sätt värdeskapandet avgörs i praktiken. Syfte: Att utifrån ett institutionellt perspektiv skapa fördjupad kunskap om värdeskapandet i kompetensutveckling genom att undersöka vilka drivkrafter som ligger bakom beslut att investera i kompetensutveckling, samt vilka kriterier för framgång som finns. Metod: För att nå målsättningen att svara på studiens syfte har kvalitativ metod använts. Detta har gjorts genom elva semistrukturerade intervjuer med flerårigt erfarna HR-professionella personer inom kompetensutveckling. Slutsats: Studien visar att krav, eller frånvaron av krav, resulterar i att det sker en typ av isomorfism av kompetensutvecklingsinsatser där det förväntade värdet tas för givet. Studien visar att de HR-professionella anpassar sig till omgivningens krav på mätbarhet genom att uppfatta och uppge det förväntade värdet som en sanning, men i verkligheten är det få som följer upp insatserna för att säkerställa värdeskapandet. / Background: A rational basic principle when investing in human capital is that this investment will enable improved profitability to the organization. Ever since the 1950s organizations successively have put result value in their human capital investments in the same manner as other types of capital investments. This ambition to change and improve human capital also brings forth difficulties in practise to ensure long-term effects. This study is focusing upon this area of determining long-term values and demonstrate efficiency in human capital investments. Using institutional theory as a tool for analysis and drawing upon previous research in Human Capital, HR and value creation and HRD, criterias and driving forces behind these investments are analyzed to find knowledge about the operation in which value creation is determined. Purpose: That by institutional theory create increased knowledge about value creation in Human Resource Development through examining and clarifying driving forces and criterias for success behind decisions regarding investments in Human Resource Development. Method: In order to attain the objective of this study qualitative method have been used. This have been enabled through eleven semistructured interviews with experienced Human Resource Development professionals. Conclusion: The study shows that requirements, or the absence of requirements, results in a type of isomorphism regarding efforts in human resource development where the expected value is taken for granted. HR-professionals adjust to the demands of measurability their surroundings place upon them through perceiving and stating the expected value as a truth, although only a few follow-up their efforts to ensure that actual value has been created
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Svenska linjechefers upplevelse av sitt chefskap efter en centralisering av HR / Swedish line managers´experience of their managementship after a centralization of HREriksson, Alexandra, Roslund, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka linjechefers upplevelse av sitt chefskap efter centraliseringen av HR-avdelningen, och decentraliseringen av de arbetsuppgifter som rör HR-arbetet. Genom en kvalitativ studie genomfördes åtta intervjuer med linjechefer inom en energikoncern i Mellansverige. Fokus låg på linjechefernas erfarenheter, berättelser och upplevelser av sitt chefskap, efter den organisationsförändring som genomförts. Data analyserades med hjälp av induktiv tematisk analys, där fyra huvudteman framkom ur det transkriberade materialet. Resultatet visade att linjecheferna upplevde att faktorer som samarbete, tydliga förväntningar, ett större eget ansvar samt avskiljandet av chefskap och ledarskap bidrog till att de förändringar som centraliseringen medförde upplevdes som positiva. Betydelsen av dessa faktorer i och med decentraliseringen av de arbetsuppgifter som rör HR-arbetet har således bidragit till att linjecheferna känner att de klarar av att hantera de ökade krav som ställs på dem som chefer, och att de trivs med sitt chefskap. / The aim of the present study was to investigate line managers’ experiences of their managementship after centralization of the HR department, and the decentralization of tasks that are related to HR work. Through a qualitative study, eight interviews were conducted with line managers within an energy corporate group in Central Sweden. The focus was on the line managers' experiences, narratives and experiences of their managementship, after the organizational change that was implemented. Data were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. The result showed that the line managers felt factors such as cooperation, clear expectations, greater responsibility and also that the separation of managementship and leadership contributed to the changes that centralization brought, were perceived as positive. The importance of these factors with the decentralization of the tasks related to HR work has thus contributed to the line managers feeling that they are able to manage the increased demands placed on them as managers, and that they enjoy their managementship.
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Estudo do metabolismo de células de câncer de mama submetidas ao CLA usando RMN / Metabolism study of breast cancer cells subjected to CLA using NMRMaria, Roberta Manzano 13 November 2013 (has links)
O ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA), um grupo de isômeros do ácido linoleico, é encontrado no leite e na carne de animais ruminantes, e apresenta propriedades anticarcinogênica, antidiabética, antiadipogênica e antiaterogênica. Neste trabalho de doutorado estudou-se o efeito do CLA (cis-9, trans-11) em duas linhagens de células de câncer de mama, MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231, com a técnica de RMN denominada HR-MAS (High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning). O HR-MAS foi usado para identificar e quantificar os principais metabólitos das linhagens e também foi eficiente para observar mudanças significativas na variação dos metabólitos em função da adição de CLA ao meio de cultura. As células de câncer de mama, MCF-7 submetidas a 100 µM CLA tiveram aumento significativo do sinal de acetona. Esse padrão não foi observado para a MDA-MB-231. Também se observou que o teor de fosfocolina decresceu em ambas as linhagens celulares quando tratadas com 100 µM CLA. Mediante esses resultados e simulação por modelagem molecular propôs-se que o CLA pode atuar inibindo a ação da enzima HMG-CoA redutase (HMGR), de maneira similar as estatinas. Ao se ligar a HMGR, o CLA impede a ligação do HMG-CoA (substrato), impedindo a sua conversão para mevalonato e consequentemente a biossíntese do colesterol. O HMG-CoA é então convertido para acetoacetato e posteriormente a acetona. Esse mecanismo pode explicar tanto o aumento da acetona quanto a redução da fosfocolina, uma vez que há controle positivo mútuo entre o colesterol e os fosfolipídios. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que a inibição da HMGR pelo CLA pode ser uma demonstração do mecanismo bioquímico tanto de sua ação anticarcinogênica quando das atividades antidiabética, antiadipogênica e antiaterogênica, relatadas na literatura. Neste trabalho também foi demonstrada a potencialidade do processamento dos sinais de HR-MAS no domínio do tempo pelo método de diagonalização filtrada. Essa técnica foi capaz de obter espectros de alta resolução, sem necessidade de supressão do sinal da água e filtro de T2, para suprimir linhas largas. / Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a group of isomers of linoleic acid,is found in milk and meat of ruminant animals, which have anticarcinogenic, antidiabetic, antiatherogenic and anthiadipogenic properties. In this thesis the effect of CLA (cis-9, trans-11) in two cell lines of breast cancer, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 was studied High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR technique. HR-MAS was used to identify and quantify the metabolites of the two cells and was effective to observe significant changes in metabolites due to the addition of CLA to the culture medium. The breast cancer cells, MCF-7 subjected to 100 µM CLA had a significantly higher acetone signal. This pattern was not observed for MDA-MB-231. It was noted that the content of phosphocholine decreased in both cell lines treated with 100 µM CLA. Given these results and simulation with molecular modeling we are suggesting that CLA inhibits the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR), similar to statins. By binding to HMGR, CLA prevents binding of the HMG-CoA (substrate), preventing their conversion to mevalonate, and consequently the cholesterol biosynthesis. The HMG-CoA is then converted to acetoacetate and then acetone. This mechanism explains the increase of acetone and decreased of phosphocholine, since there is mutual positive control with cholesterol and phospholipids. Therefore, the inhibition of HMGR by CLA may be the biochemical explanation for its anticarcinogenic activities as well as antidiabetic, antiatherogenic and antiadipogenic properties reported in the literature. It was also demonstrated the capability of Filter Diagonalization Method (FDM) to process time domain HR-MAS signals. FDM was able to obtain high-resolution spectra without the water suppression and T2 filter.
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Human capital resources, human resource management policies, and employee perceptions : an investigation of young professionals in the banking sector of PakistanSaqib, Syed Imran January 2018 (has links)
Situated within the human resource management and performance (HRM-P) link literature, this thesis explores the 'black box' of the mechanisms that link HRM practices and performance. By doing so, it sheds light on how and why HRM practices can lead to superior firm performance. Heeding calls for more nuanced and contextual work on understanding this link, this study uses qualitative responses from 79 industry experts, HR/senior managers, and young professionals, as well as artefacts and documents, to analyse the causal mechanisms that connect HRM policies, aimed at human capital resource (HCR) accumulation, to employee outcomes in five banking organizations in Pakistan. Using the strength of HR process conceptualization and the process model of HR, the thesis looks at the entire chain that connects intended, actual, and perceived HR policies to understand why HR managers' and young professionals' perceptions of both the content and the process of HR implementation varies, and how this is connected with the employee outcomes of turnover intentions and job satisfaction. The first set of findings reveals that there is considerable difference in how the quality of the content of HR systems is perceived from the point of view of young professionals in comparison with HR practitioners. Young professionals have strong negative perceptions of HR policies related to their long-term career development, which is explained in part by the incongruence and the lack of focus of HR on the goal of HCR accumulation. The second set of findings show that there are several processual factors that help to explain these varying perceptions, which dilute the implementation of HR practices. The analysis reveals that the competency of HR departments, the role of line managers, elements of the Pakistani culture, and the role of top management shape the quality of the HR system that is implemented. Connecting this to employee outcomes, the analysis reveals that the link between HR and performance is not straightforward; this helps to explain the moderate statistical effects noted in the extant HRM-P link research. Employee reactions are more related to their personal circumstances and other organizational factors rather than HR factors. The third set of findings expands the analysis to individual contexts of the five banks, further revealing that the mission of the organization, the presence of a strong HR leader, external economic factors, and the historical legacy of the organisation also shapes employee perceptions and, thus the effectiveness of HR policies and their implementation. The thesis makes a theoretical contribution to the HRM-P link literature by revealing that the competitive advantage that stems, in part, from the actions of HR departments derives from how well they navigate the various processual factors that can impede HR system implementation. It makes a methodological contribution by responding to calls for more in-depth qualitative research on the phenomenon, by using a specific segment of employees within the under-represented context of Pakistan. It makes a practical contribution by highlighting that many western prescriptions, such as talent management and bell curves, may be less effective if prevailing cultural constraints are not accounted for, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. Existing HRM-P link studies have not adequately considered these contextual and cultural factors in their analyses.
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Tempo de reação a estímulos visuais e infecção por Toxoplasma gondii : uma possível influência do sistema RHYounan, Karina de Oliveira 22 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Fabíola Silva (fabiola.silva@famerp.br) on 2016-10-03T18:10:48Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-22 / Introduction: The parasite Toxoplasma gondii infects a high percentage of individuals worldwide and disturbances resulting from this infection contribute to the aggravations of health conditions and may affect the intellectual development of children and adults. It has been suggested that the D antigen (Rh0) a glycoprotein that is the biochemical basis Rh but is absent in the nervous tissue, influence the motor response in the presence of T. gondii infection. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the motor response and the reaction time for visual stimulus in the presence and in the absence of infection by the parasite T. gondii in individuals with good visual acuity, Rh positive and Rh negative. Methods: 212 volunteers from both sexes underwent visual acuity testing and measurement of average response time to visual stimulus (ART) by using a specific software. The collected blood samples were used to identify the erythrocyte RH phenotypes (positive and negative) and antibodies of IgG class anti-T. gondii (presence or absence). Average response times were compared according to sex, presence (reagents) and absence (non-reagent) infection and erythrocyte Rh phenotypes (positive and negative). The t test for comparison of average and the values of Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval were calculated using the GraphPad Instat (version 6.3) software. The p-value equal to or less than 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The differences between the average age of reagents individuals (n = 134) and non-reagent (n = 38) to T. gondii were considered statistically significant (54.1 ± 18.7 vs 34.4 ± 18.9; p = 0.0001). The Rh phenotype positive (n = 189) was present in 89% of individuals, while the Rh-negative (n = 23) in 11%. The ART of reagents individuals for T. gondii was lower in males (0.672 ± 0.303) than in females (0.819 ± 0.270) (p = 0.0036). This same difference was observed between the non-reagent (0.475 ± 0.140 vs 0.791 ± 0.323), respectively (p <0.0001). Infected men (0.658 ± 0.282) had higher ART
than uninfected men (0.488 ± 0.129) for T. gondii, both Rh positive (p = 0.0004). Women, infected or not, did not differ for ART even when compared by phenotype (positive or negative) Rh. Conclusions: Rh positive men infected with T. gondii have a higher ART than uninfected Rh positive men. Infected women do not differ in ART compared to women uninfected by T. gondii. / Introdução: O parasito Toxoplasma gondii infecta elevado percentual de indivíduos em todo o mundo e os distúrbios resultantes da infecção contribuem para os agravos da saúde e podem acometer o desenvolvimento intelectual de crianças e adultos. Tem sido proposto que o antígeno D (Rh0), uma glicoproteína que constitui a base bioquímica sistema Rh mas que se encontra ausente no tecido nervoso, influencia a resposta motora na presença de infecção por T. gondii. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta motora e o tempo de reação a estímulos visuais na presença e na ausência de infecção pelo parasito T.gondii em indivíduos com boa acuidade visual, Rh positivos e Rh negativos. Métodos: foram analisados 212 indivíduos voluntários, de ambos os sexos, submetidos a exame de acuidade visual e teste de medição de tempo médio de reação a estímulos visuais (TMR) com o uso de um software específico. As amostras de sangue coletadas foram utilizadas na identificação dos fenótipos eritrocitários Rh (positivo e negativo) e dos anticorpos da classe IgG, anti-T. gondii (presença ou ausência). Os tempos médios de reação foram comparados de acordo com o sexo, presença (reagentes) e ausência (não reagentes) de infecção e fenótipos eritrocitários Rh (positivo e negativo). O teste t para comparação das médias e os valores de Odds Ratio (OR) e do intervalo de confiança a 95% foram calculados com o uso do software GraphPad Instat (versão 3.06). O valor p igual ou menor que 0,05 foi considerado significante. Resultados: As diferenças entre as médias de idade de indivíduos reagentes (n=134) e não reagentes (n=78) ao T. gondii foram consideradas estatisticamente significante (54,1 ± 18,7 vs 34,4 ± 18,9; p=0,0001). O fenótipo Rh positivo (n=189) esteve presente em 89% dos indivíduos, enquanto o Rh negativo (n=23) em 11%. O TMR dos indivíduos reagentes para o T. gondii foi menor no sexo masculino (0.672 ± 0.303) que no feminino (0.819 ± 0.270) (p=0,0036). Esta mesma diferença foi observada entre os não reagentes (0.475 ± 0.140 vs 0.791 ± 0.323), respectivamente (p<0,0001). Homens infectados (0.658 ± 0.282) apresentam TMR maiores que homens não infectados (0.488 ± 0.129) por T. gondii, ambos Rh positivo (p=0,0004). Mulheres, infectadas ou não, não diferiram quanto ao TMR mesmo quando comparadas pelo fenótipo Rh (positivo ou negativo). Conclusões: Homens Rh positivos infectados por T. gondii apresentam TMR maior que homens Rh positivos não infectados. Mulheres infectadas não diferem quanto ao TMR em comparação a mulheres não infectadas por T. gondii.
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Estudo do metabolismo de células de câncer de mama submetidas ao CLA usando RMN / Metabolism study of breast cancer cells subjected to CLA using NMRRoberta Manzano Maria 13 November 2013 (has links)
O ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA), um grupo de isômeros do ácido linoleico, é encontrado no leite e na carne de animais ruminantes, e apresenta propriedades anticarcinogênica, antidiabética, antiadipogênica e antiaterogênica. Neste trabalho de doutorado estudou-se o efeito do CLA (cis-9, trans-11) em duas linhagens de células de câncer de mama, MCF-7 e MDA-MB-231, com a técnica de RMN denominada HR-MAS (High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning). O HR-MAS foi usado para identificar e quantificar os principais metabólitos das linhagens e também foi eficiente para observar mudanças significativas na variação dos metabólitos em função da adição de CLA ao meio de cultura. As células de câncer de mama, MCF-7 submetidas a 100 µM CLA tiveram aumento significativo do sinal de acetona. Esse padrão não foi observado para a MDA-MB-231. Também se observou que o teor de fosfocolina decresceu em ambas as linhagens celulares quando tratadas com 100 µM CLA. Mediante esses resultados e simulação por modelagem molecular propôs-se que o CLA pode atuar inibindo a ação da enzima HMG-CoA redutase (HMGR), de maneira similar as estatinas. Ao se ligar a HMGR, o CLA impede a ligação do HMG-CoA (substrato), impedindo a sua conversão para mevalonato e consequentemente a biossíntese do colesterol. O HMG-CoA é então convertido para acetoacetato e posteriormente a acetona. Esse mecanismo pode explicar tanto o aumento da acetona quanto a redução da fosfocolina, uma vez que há controle positivo mútuo entre o colesterol e os fosfolipídios. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que a inibição da HMGR pelo CLA pode ser uma demonstração do mecanismo bioquímico tanto de sua ação anticarcinogênica quando das atividades antidiabética, antiadipogênica e antiaterogênica, relatadas na literatura. Neste trabalho também foi demonstrada a potencialidade do processamento dos sinais de HR-MAS no domínio do tempo pelo método de diagonalização filtrada. Essa técnica foi capaz de obter espectros de alta resolução, sem necessidade de supressão do sinal da água e filtro de T2, para suprimir linhas largas. / Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a group of isomers of linoleic acid,is found in milk and meat of ruminant animals, which have anticarcinogenic, antidiabetic, antiatherogenic and anthiadipogenic properties. In this thesis the effect of CLA (cis-9, trans-11) in two cell lines of breast cancer, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 was studied High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR technique. HR-MAS was used to identify and quantify the metabolites of the two cells and was effective to observe significant changes in metabolites due to the addition of CLA to the culture medium. The breast cancer cells, MCF-7 subjected to 100 µM CLA had a significantly higher acetone signal. This pattern was not observed for MDA-MB-231. It was noted that the content of phosphocholine decreased in both cell lines treated with 100 µM CLA. Given these results and simulation with molecular modeling we are suggesting that CLA inhibits the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR), similar to statins. By binding to HMGR, CLA prevents binding of the HMG-CoA (substrate), preventing their conversion to mevalonate, and consequently the cholesterol biosynthesis. The HMG-CoA is then converted to acetoacetate and then acetone. This mechanism explains the increase of acetone and decreased of phosphocholine, since there is mutual positive control with cholesterol and phospholipids. Therefore, the inhibition of HMGR by CLA may be the biochemical explanation for its anticarcinogenic activities as well as antidiabetic, antiatherogenic and antiadipogenic properties reported in the literature. It was also demonstrated the capability of Filter Diagonalization Method (FDM) to process time domain HR-MAS signals. FDM was able to obtain high-resolution spectra without the water suppression and T2 filter.
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Mastering management development : a chemical reaction to the HR functionHögberg, Ulrika, Månsson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
Background: Traditionally the HR function has had a low level of integration and has had only different internal processes and effective administration systems issues on the agenda. In recent years, new developments have challenged traditional definitions of what HR work should consist of. Purpose: By looking at management development from a business driven perspective, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the HR function endorses management development to suit the needs of the business. Course of action: The dynamic-comparative case study method has been used with both quantitative and qualitative approaches to generate a midrange theory. Results: The HR function must become a strategic business partner with credibility from the business in its work. Thereafter the HR function should focus to develop the individual manager's behaviors and skills through a semi- in-house approach. Also the HR function can bring added value to the business by assessing management development in accordance to hard measurements to the greatest possible extent.
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Mastering management development : a chemical reaction to the HR functionHögberg, Ulrika, Månsson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
<p>Background: Traditionally the HR function has had a low level of integration and has had only different internal processes and effective administration systems issues on the agenda. In recent years, new developments have challenged traditional definitions of what HR work should consist of. </p><p>Purpose: By looking at management development from a business driven perspective, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the HR function endorses management development to suit the needs of the business. Course of action: The dynamic-comparative case study method has been used with both quantitative and qualitative approaches to generate a midrange theory. </p><p>Results: The HR function must become a strategic business partner with credibility from the business in its work. Thereafter the HR function should focus to develop the individual manager's behaviors and skills through a semi- in-house approach. Also the HR function can bring added value to the business by assessing management development in accordance to hard measurements to the greatest possible extent.</p>
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Generationsväxling i offentlig sektor : En kvalitativ studie om det kommunala arbetet medpensionsavgångar / : Retirements in the public sectorLissollas, Jessica, Mans, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en medelstor kommun kan arbeta strategiskt med problematiken gällande kompetensförlust samt att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare inför kommande pensionsavgångar. Vidare syftar studien till att, utifrån resultatet, arbeta fram ett förslag till HR-strategi för den problematik de förestående pensionsavgångarna för med sig. För att få svar på våra undersökningsfrågor har vi utfört en fallstudie i Falu kommun och för denna använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra personer i chefsposition och en mångfaldskommunikatör, samt en fokusgrupp bestående av fyra medarbetare från HR-avdelningen. Detta gav oss flera perspektiv på problematiken, vilket vi anser stärker tillförlitligheten i resultatet. I efterhand kan vi dock se att ett större antal intervjupersoner hade varit att föredra, detta för att få fler medarbetares tankar och åsikter om ämnet. Emellertid var detta inte möjligt då chefer i kommunen var svåra att få kontakt med.Resultatet visar att uppfattningen om pensionsavgångar är varierande då en av respondenterna menar att det inte är något att oroa sig över, medan övriga respondenter anser att det är en stor utmaning kommunen har framför sig. Resultatet visar även att Falu kommun i dagsläget arbetar strategiskt med ett flertal olika åtgärder för att stärka sitt arbetsgivarmärke externt såsom exempelvis ambassadörskap och talent management, vilket tidigare forskning visar är en nödvändighet för en organisations konkurrenskraft och således attrahera samt behålla medarbetare. Gällande kompetensöverföring visar resultatet att det idag finns en medvetenhet om riskerna för kompetensförluster. Dock utförs ett begränsat arbete för att överföra viktiga kompetenser, åtminstone med syfte att hantera den risk för kompetensförlust som väntas i och med den förestående generationsväxlingen. Tidigare forskning inom området pensionsavgångar visar dock att förlusten av viktiga kompetenser är det största hotet.Vår slutsats av denna studie är att Falu kommun är på rätt väg att hantera den problematik som förväntas uppstå, dock behöver kommunen öka medvetenheten genom kommunikation och intern marknadsföring samt arbeta samman en gemensam syn på pensionsavgångarna i alla förvaltningar. Vi menar även att det är av stor vikt att se över kompetenserna i organisationen och börja agera för att inte mista viktiga kompetenser i och med de förestående pensionsavgångarna. Detta är områden som behandlas i det förslag till HR-strategi vi har arbetat fram. / This study aims to examine how a medium-sized municipality can work strategically with problems concerning loss of skills and to be an attractive employer for future retirements. Furthermore, the study aims to, based on the results, prepare a draft HR strategy for the problems the impending retirement brings. To get answers to our research questions, we conducted a case study of the Municipality of Falun, and this made use of semi-structured interviews with four people in managerial positions and a variety communicator, and a focus group of four employees from the HR department. This gave us more perspective on the problem, which we believe strengthen the reliability of the results. In retrospect, we can see that a larger number of interviewees would have been preferable, in order to get more employees thoughts and opinions on the subject. However, this was not possible as managers in the municipality were difficult to contact.The results show that the perception of retirement is different when one of the respondents believe that there is nothing to worry about, while other respondents think it is a great challenge municipality has in front of him. The result also shows that the Municipality of Falun in the current situation is working strategically with a variety of measures to strengthen its employer brand externally such as diplomacy and talent management, as previous research indicates is a necessity for an organization's competitiveness and thus attract and retain employees. Regarding the transfer of skills shows the result that today there is an awareness of the risks of skill losses. However, conducted a limited effort to transfer critical skills, at least in order to manage the risk of loss of skills expected in the forthcoming generation change. Previous research in the field of retirements shows that the loss of key skills is the biggest threat.Our conclusion from this study is that Falun municipality are right on track to deal with the problems that are expected to arise, however, requires the municipality to raise awareness through communication and internal marketing as well as working together a common vision of retirements in all administrations. Furthermore, we believe that it is crucial to review the competencies in the organization and start acting so as not to lose important skills in and with the impending retirements. These are areas addressed in the draft HR strategy we have developed.
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