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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural and catalytic analysis of gold-palladium composite nanoalloys

Kaiser, Julian Winfried 14 March 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden facettierte Nanolegierungen aus Gold und Palladium in der Größenordnung von 1 – 3 nm synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Die Synthese erfolgte in sphärischen Polyelektrolytbürsten (SPB), welche als Stabilisatorsystem fungierten. Die Strukturaufklärung erfolgte mittels hochauflösender Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (HR-TEM) und Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) Spektroskopie. Die Nanolegierungen wurden als Katalysatoren zur Reduktion von 4-Nitrophenol verwendet, wobei eine gesteigerte katalytische Aktivität, im Vergleich zu monometallischen Nanopartikeln, beobachtet wurde. Im HR-TEM wurden auf den Kanten der Metallkristalle Oberflächendefekte in Form von Stufen sichtbar, wobei eine Korrelation der Oberflächendefekte zur katalytischen Aktivität hergestellt wurde. Durch EXAFS-Analysen konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass eine Zusammensetzung von 75 mol-% Gold und 25 mol-% Palladium annähernd eine statistische Mischung aufweist. Mit steigendem Palladiumgehalt wurde eine leichte Anreicherung von Palladium an der Oberfläche der Partikel, sowie nichtmetallisches Palladium der Oxidationsstufe 2+ gefunden. Diese unterschiedliche Anordnung der Elemente für verschiedene Zusammensetzungen korreliert ebenfalls mit der katalytischen Aktivität. Ferner konnte eine Kontraktion des Netzebenenabstands für kleine Partikel mittels EXAFS nachgewiesen werden. Bei der Verwendung als Katalysatoren wurde eine zeitliche Reaktionsverzögerung festgestellt, welche auf die Oberflächenrestrukturierung der Metallnanopartikel hinweist. Zusätzlich konnte durch den Vergleich von SPB stabilisierten und stabilisatorfreien Goldnanopartikeln festgestellt werden, dass das SPB System die katalytische Aktivität nicht signifikant beeinträchtigt. / In this work facetted gold-palladium nanoalloys have been synthesized and characterized in the range of 1 – 3 nm. The spherical polyelectrolyte brushes (SPB) have been used during synthesis and for stabilization of the nanoparticles. Structural analyses have been done by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. The nanoalloys have been used as catalysts for the reaction of 4-nitrophenol, where an enhanced catalytic activity has been found compared to monometallic nanoparticles. Surface defects are visible by steps at the edge of the metallic crystal where a correlation of these surface defects and the catalytic activity has been found. By EXAFS spectroscopy an almost statistic mixture for a composition of 75 mol-% gold and 25 mol-% palladium, slight enrichment of palladium at the surface of the particle, and the presence of nonmetallic palladium with an oxidation number of 2+ has been observed. This different atomistic arrangement correlates with the catalytic activity as well. In addition, a contraction of the lattice parameter has been observed for small particles by EXAFS measurements. Using the nanoalloys as catalyst, a delay time for the reaction has been found which indicates a restructuring of the surface of the metal nanoparticles. By comparison of SPB stabilized and support-free gold nanoparticles no significant influence of the SPB system on the catalytic activity has been observed.

Die Rolle der orbitalen MRT in der Differentialdiagnose von Erkrankungen der Augenmuskeln, des extrakonalen und subperiostalen Kompartimentes

Zhou, Quan 14 February 2003 (has links)
Orbitale Erkrankungen stellen für mehrere klinische Fachdisziplinen in Bezug auf Diagnostik und Therapie ein großes Problem dar. Die hochauflösende MRT (HR-MRT) ist in der Lage, eine detailierte Übersicht für die Orbitaanatomie und deren Abnormalitäten zu liefern. Aus diesem Grunde ist diese Studie durchgeführt worden, in der hochauflösenden MRT-Charakteristika von 224 Patienten mit orbitalen Erkrankungen beurteilt worden ist. Die Kriterien der Beurteilung sind: Lokalisation, Größe, Form, Rand, Ausdehnung und Veränderung der Nachbarstrukturen sowie die Signalintensitäten der Erkrankungen. Die Lokalisationskriterien sind sehr nützlich für die Differentialdiagnose orbitaler Erkrankungen der Augenmuskeln, dem extrakonalen und subperiostalen Kompartiment mittels der HR-MRT mit Oberflächenspule. Durch die Zuordnung zu einem Kompartiment kann die Differentialdiagnose grob eingeengt werden. Das subperiostale Kompartiment kann in Sinus, Meningen, orbitalen Knochen und subperiostalen Spaltraum weiter unterteilt werden. Mukozelen und Nasennebenhöhlentumoren sind nur in den Sinus zu finden, sämtliche Keilbeinmeningeome weisen einen Befall der Meningen auf. 83,3% Epidermoide und Dermoide liegen im orbitalen subperiostalen Raum mit einer engen Nachbarschaft zu einer Sutur. Die meisten Muskelbefälle der endokrinen Orbitopathie betreffen den inferioren und medialen geraden Muskel, die Verdickung des Muskelbefalls ist typischerweise nur im Muskelbauch ohne Muskelsehnebefall. Myositiden haben häufiger einen Muskelsehnebefall. Wenn eine Verdickung eines einzelnen Muskels den M. rectus lateralis betrifft, ist die Diagnose einer endokrinen Orbitopathie nicht wahrscheinlich. Rhabdomyosarkome liegen häufig im oberen inneren Quadranten der Orbita. Lymphome liegen meistens im frontalen Anteil des extrakonalen Kompartiment in Nachbarschaft zum Septum orbitale. Für eine weitere Differentialdiagnose sollen die morphologischen Kriterien verwendet werden. Auch die Große, Form und der Rand der orbitalen Erkrankungen können den wichtigen Hinweis zur Differentialdiagnose liefern. Ein reduziertes Muskelvolumen ist bei der Muskelatrophie und dem Trauma mit Muskel Einklemmung gesehen worden. Bei 11 von 128 endokrinen Orbitopathien ist das Volumen normal. Die meiste Erkrankungen gehen mit einer Volumenzunahme einher. Keilbeinmeningeome, Karziome der Nasennebenhöhlen, Rhabdomyosarkome und Lymphome haben große Volumina. Myositis und endokrine Orbitopathie mit Muskelbefall haben meist geringe oder mittlere Volumenzunahmen. Mukozelen, Epidermoid, Dermoid, Metastasen und Hämangiom können in allen Größenstufen gefunden werden. Epidermoide, Dermoide, Mukozelen, Hämangioperizytome, Hämangiome, Rhabdomyosarkome und Metastasen haben meist runde oder elliptische Formen, eine längliche Form wird bei orbitaler Myositis und endokriner Orbitopathie mit Muskelbefall beobachtet. Karzinome der Nasennebenhöhlen, Keilbeinmeningeome, Lymphome, endokrine Orbitopathie mit Fettbefall, Pseudotumoren und Phlegmone zeigen sich unregelmäßige Formen. Epidermoide, Dermoide, Mukozelen, Myositis, endokrine Orbitopathie, Hämangiome und Hämangioperizytome haben meistens einen scharfen Rand. Dagegen weisen Karziome der Nasennebenhöhlen, Lymphome, Keilbeinmeningeome, Rhabdomyosarkome, Metastasen, Pseudotumoren und Phlegmonen undeutliche Ränder auf.Die Verwendung der MRT-Signalintensit?ten zur Diffenrenzierung ist eingeschränkt, weil die meisten Läsionen sehr ähnliche Signalintensitäten zeigen. Es gibt aber einige Läsionen, die aufgrund ihrer Zusammensetzung besondere Signalintensitäten aufweisen, z.B. Blutungen, Melanin (paramagnetisch), Fett, Proteine, Wasser und Nekrosen. Mit einer Kontrastmittelgabe und dem Verhalten des Enhancements kann eine weitere Charakterisierung erfolgen. Bei den Veränderungen der Nachbarstrukturen sind vor allem die Knochenveränderungen am aussagekräftigsten. Epidermoide, Dermoide und Mukozelen sind meist mit Knochendefekten oder Kompressionsveränderungen verbunden, Keilbeinmeningeome stehen eng in Zusammenhang mit Knochenhyperplasien, Nasennebenhöhlenkarzinome sind immer mit Knochendestruktionen verbunden und Frakturen werden nur bei Traumata gesehen. Die raumfordernde Wirkung von Lymphomen ist nicht sichtbar, denn hier zeigt sich eine Diskrepanz zwischen einer oft charakteristischen, ausgedehnten Infiltration und nur einer geringen Verlagerung anderer Orbitastrukturen. Die klinische Krankengeschichte ist auch wesentlich zur Findung der Differentialdiagnose. Alle hier untersuchten Patienten mit Phlegmone und Trauma haben besondere Krankengeschichten. 70% Patienten mit Metastasen haben einen gesicherten Primärtumor in der Krankengeschichte. Alle Patienten mit endokriner Orbitopathie haben in der Anamnese eine Schilddrüsenerkrankung. Von diesen Patienten sind etwa 80% weiblich und 73% zwischen 30 und 60 Jahre alt. Rhabdomyosarkome treten hauptsächlich in der Kindheit auf. Pseudotumoren sprechen schnell und außerordentlich gut auf Steroidtherapien an. Somit kann eine Verbindung von Anamnese und MRT-Bildgebung wertvolle Informationen zur Differentialdiagnose liefern.Zur Differenzierung endokriner Orbitopathie und Myositis ist es nützlich die Lokation des Muskelbefalls (unilateral oder bilateral, Muskelsehne- oder Muskelbauchbefall, Einzelbefall oder Befall mehrerer Muskeln und Bevorzugung bestimmter Muskeln), die Ausdehnung (mit oder ohne Fettbefall), die Verlagerung des Augapfels, MRT-Signalintensitäten und die zeitliche Anamnese zu berücksichtigen. Zur Differenzierung Rhabdomyosarkom und Lymphome sollen das Alter, die Form der Läsionen und der Muskelbefall berücksichtigt werden. Zur Differenzierung zwischen Metastasen und Hämangiome können ihre klinische Krankengeschichte (mit oder ohne frühere Tumoren), der Rand der Läsionen, Muskelbefall und ihr MRT-Signal und das Ausmaß des Enhancements wertvolle Informationen liefern. Die einzige Differenzierungsmöglichkeit zwischen Epidermoid und Dermoid ist die MRT-Signalintensität (fettiger oder wässriger Inhalt der Läsion). Die Lokation ist am wichtigsten für die Differenzierung zwischen Epidermiod und Mukozelen. Für eine Differenzierung zwischen Keilbeinmeningeomen und Masennebenhöhlenkarzinome können ihre Lokationen, ihre Signalintensität, das Kontrasmittelverhalten und Veränderungen der Nachbarstrukturen den wichtigen Hinweis liefern. / The clinical diagnosis of orbital diseases is especially difficult because of the variety of tissues that built up the orbit and present with similar clinical presentation. High-resolution MRI (HR-MRI) has become an important modality for evaluation of the orbital diseases, due to its superb soft tissue resolution, direct multiplanar capability and lack of ionizing radiation. In this study, 224 patients with pathologically identified orbital diseases were evaluated retrospectively. The imaging characteristics of the orbital diseases on HR-MRI with surface coil were assessed. The analyzed criteria were: location, size, shape, margins, extension, adjacent structure, and signal intensity. Locazilation criteria in muscles, extraconal and subperiosteal compartments are very useful in the differential diagnosis of orbital tumors and other disease. If their locations are subdivided into greater detail, the differential diagnosis will be narrowed considerably. For example, the subperiosteal compartment can be subdivided into sinus, meninges, bone and subperiosteal space. Mucocele and carcinoma of nasal sinuses always occur in the nasal sinuses. Sphenoidal meningiomas occur in the meninges, and epidermoid and dermoid are found to 83.3% in the orbital subperiosteal space near the bone sutures and show bony defects or thinning and sclerosis. The most frequently involved muscles in thyroid orbitopathy are the inferior rectus and the medial rectus muscles. Typically, the muscle enlargement involves the muscle belly and spares its tendinous portion. While orbital myositis most frequently involves the lateral rectus muscles in particular the muscles' tendon. When isolated lateral rectus muscle enlargement is present, another etiology rather than thyroid orbitopathy should be considered. Within the extraconal compartment the upper inner quadrant is the most common site of rhabdomyosarcoma. While lymphomas mostly occur in the anterior orbit, posterior to the orbital septum. For further differentiation, morphological criteria can be employed, such as the size, shape, and margin help to make the differential diagnosis. Reduced muscle volume is characteristic in the atrophic muscle. The shortened muscle length occurs in traumas connected with muscle incarcerations. Disease without volume changes may happen in thyroid orbitopathy with the involvement of the muscle or the fat tissue. All the other diseases have a enlarged volume of lesion. The size of Sphenoidal meningioma, carcinoma of nasal sinuses, lymphoma and rhabdomyosarcoma is greatly enlarged. While the size-distribution of mucoceles, epidermoids and dermoids show no difference. But orbital myositis and thyroid orbitopathy have slight to moderate enlarged volume of involved muscles. Concerning the pathology shape mucoceles, dermoids, epidermoids, haemangiomas, and metastases are round or elliptical. The orbital myositis and thyroid orbitopathy with muscle involvement show long shapes. Lymphomas and the thyroid orbitopathy with fat tissue involvement have mostly irregular shapes. The poor-defined margin is often seen in malignant lesions, infections or inflammations, such as a paranasal carcinomas, lymphomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, pseudotumors and phlegmon. While the sharp delineation suggests a benign process, such as a mucocele, dermoid, epidermoid, haemangioma, thyroid orbitopathy and myositis. The use of MRI signal intensity for a differential criterion may be limited, because most diseases have the same signal intensity on MR imaging. Thus it seems to be that signal intensity patterns are usually not specific for the differentiating of diagnose. However, MRI may have some specificity for certain lesions based on signal intensity patterns, especially in those containing hemorrhage, paramagnetic melamin, fat, protein, water, enlarged vessels, and necrosis. With contrast enhancement MRI further contributes to the characterization of various types of lesions within the orbit. It can be made a definitive diagnosis for the dermoid (contains fat), cholesterolcyste, meningioma, lymphangioma (contain hemorrhage), haemangioma, metastasis of melanoma, thyroid orbitopathy with active edema and chronic fibrosis, hematoma and emphysema due to a trauma. Another criterium is the adjacent structure changes. Out of them, the bone changes are very important. Epidermoid, dermoid, and mucocele are often accompanied by bone defects or pressure changes. The sphenoidal meningioma is frequently accompanied by bone hyperplasia. Bone fractures are seen in traumas. Malignant tumors are almost associated with bone destruction when they involve the orbit, e.g., the carcinoma of the nasal sinuses. The effect of occupying space in lymphomas causes mismatch with the size, which often has greater volume. It mostly infiltrates tissue, but it seldom produces mechanical shift to adjacent structures. Clinical history is essential and occasionally it provides a clue that alters the boundary of differential diagnoses and redirects the investigation toward possibilities that had not been previously entertained. Patients with metastases have a definite primary tumor history to 70%. The knowledge of previous malignancy is important for the diagnoses of orbital metastasis. All the patients with thyroid orbitopathy, phlegmon, pseudotumor and trauma have also special clinical histories or symptoms. The rhabdomyosarcoma and capillary hemangioma are the most common orbital tumors in children, while the cavernous hemangioma is the most common orbital vascular tumor in adults. Thyroid orbitopathy occurs with highest prevalence in females with middle age. Orbital pseudotumors usually show a dramatic resolution under steroid therapy. In fact, its final diagnosis is often based on response to steroids. When combined with clinical history and examination, radiologic imaging can provide valuable information regarding the diagnosis and differential diagnoses. For the differentiation of the thyroid orbitopathy and myositis it is useful to take their locations (unilateral or bilateral, tendon involvement or not, single or multiple muscles involvement, and which muscles involvement), sizes, extensions (with or without fat-infiltration), and MRI signal intensities into account; For the differentiation of rhabdomyosarcomas and lymphomas clinical history (ages), the shape of the lesions, and the adjacent structure changes (muscles infiltration) are of diagnostic interest. Clinical history (with or without previous malignancy), the margin of the lesion, their adjacent structure changes (muscles infiltration), and MRI signal intensities help to discriminate between metastases and hemangiomas. The only difference between epidermoid and dermoid is their MRI signal intensities (with or without fat). Location is important to differentiate the epidermiod and mucocele. Locations, adjacent structure changes and MRI signal intensities can provide valuable information to distinguish between sphenoidal meningioma and carcinoma of nasal sinuses. The different shape, margin, adjacent structure change, and MRI signal intensity between the carcinoma of nasal sinuses and mucocele are of diagnostic help.

Determinação do genótipo RHD fetal no plasma materno: acurácia do teste semiautomatizado / Fetal RHD genotype determination in maternal plasma: Accuracy of a semi-automated test

Ziza, Karen Nogueira Chinoca 18 November 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A determinação do genótipo RHD fetal no plasma materno é um teste de diagnóstico pré-natal não invasivo oferecido a gestantes RhD negativo que apresentam potencial de sensibilização e/ou Doença Hemolítica Perinatal. Atualmente, este exame é realizado de rotina em diversos países, mas não no Brasil. A Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP) oferece atendimento terciário a gestantes RhD negativo, com monitorização dos títulos de anticorpos irregulares, administração da imunoglobulina anti-D e/ou terapêutica fetal, quando necessários. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acurácia do teste semiautomatizado para determinação do genótipo RHD fetal no plasma materno. METODOLOGIA: Foram coletadas prospectivamente amostras de sangue de 220 gestantes RhD negativo, com idade gestacional entre 8-28 semanas. O plasma foi obtido em no máximo 2 horas após a coleta, e uma alíquota de 1 mL foi submetida à extração de ácidos nucléicos no equipamento automatizado MagNA Pure Compact (Roche), empregando o kit Large Volume. O DNA extraído foi submetido a PCR em tempo real (Step One Plus - Applied Biosystems), usando o protocolo do grupo SAFE, que tem como alvos os éxons 5 e 7 do gene RHD. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu exclusão de 35 amostras devido a problemas pré-analíticos, aborto ou desconhecimento do fenótipo do recém-nascido. Entre as 185 amostras analisadas, 130 (70,2%) foram genotipadas como RHD+ e 55 (29,8%) RHD-. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com a fenotipagem do cordão umbilical, e houve concordância completa (100%). Sete amostras exibiram amplificação exclusiva para o éxon 7. Essas amostras foram submetidas aos protocolos em PCR convencional, e PCR em tempo real específico para o pseudogene RHD. Ambos os ensaios apresentaram os mesmos resultados: cinco positivos e dois negativos. Nesses mesmos 7 casos, após extração da camada de leucócitos materna, os protocolos foram repetidos, e o resultado confirmou que cinco mães eram RHD. As duas amostras com resultado negativo foram submetidas ao protocolo Multiplex, envolvendo os éxons 3-9 do gene RHD, com resultados negativos, confirmando que as mães são verdadeiramente RHD- portanto o sinal do éxon 7 é provindo dos fetos que são D variantes. CONCLUSÃO: O método para a determinação do RHD fetal no plasma materno descrito demonstrou ser rápido, de fácil execução, alta precisão e reprodutível, além de indicar possíveis variantes RHD em nossa população / BACKGROUND: Fetal RHD genotype determination in maternal plasma is a noninvasive prenatal diagnostic test performed in RhD negative pregnant women at risk of alloimmunization and/or Hemolytic Disease of Fetus and Newborn. Currently, this test is routinely performed in many countries but not in Brazil. The Department of Obstetrics at Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo University Medical School provides tertiary antenatal care for RhD negative pregnant women including anti-D immunoglobulin administration, antibody levels monitoring and intrauterine treatment if necessary. AIMS: To validate the accuracy of a semi-automated test for fetal RHD genotype determination in maternal plasma. METHODS: Two-hundred and twenty blood samples were prospectively collected between 8 and 28 weeks of gestational age. Plasma processing was performed within 2 hours after blood collection, and nucleic acids were extracted from 1mL aliquots with an automated extraction platform (MagNA Pure Compact Roche) and the Large Volume kit. RHD gene exons 5 and 7 were amplified with real-time PCR (Step One Plus - Applied Biosystems) using the SAFE group protocol. RESULTS: Thirty-five samples were excluded due to pre-analytical problems, miscarriage and missing follow-up. In the remaining 185 samples, 130 (70.2%) were genotyped as RhD+ and 55 (29.8%) RhD-. Comparison with umbilical cord blood group phenotype showed 100% concordance. Seven samples showed amplification for exon 7 only. These were further investigated with conventional and real-time PCR with an specific protocol for RHD? pseudogene: 5 were positive and 2, negative. In these 7 cases, maternal buffy-coat DNA analysis also confirmed that 5 women were RHD?. In the remaining 2 cases, a multiplex protocol directed at RHD gene exons 3-9 confirmed that both mothers were truly RhD negative so exon 7 signal comes from the fetuses, further found to harbor D variants. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates that fetal RHD determination in maternal plasma is a fast, easy-to-perform and reproducible technique with high accuracy in our population. Moreover, it helps in the identification of possible RHD variants in our population

Determinação do genótipo RHD fetal no plasma materno: acurácia do teste semiautomatizado / Fetal RHD genotype determination in maternal plasma: Accuracy of a semi-automated test

Karen Nogueira Chinoca Ziza 18 November 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A determinação do genótipo RHD fetal no plasma materno é um teste de diagnóstico pré-natal não invasivo oferecido a gestantes RhD negativo que apresentam potencial de sensibilização e/ou Doença Hemolítica Perinatal. Atualmente, este exame é realizado de rotina em diversos países, mas não no Brasil. A Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP) oferece atendimento terciário a gestantes RhD negativo, com monitorização dos títulos de anticorpos irregulares, administração da imunoglobulina anti-D e/ou terapêutica fetal, quando necessários. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acurácia do teste semiautomatizado para determinação do genótipo RHD fetal no plasma materno. METODOLOGIA: Foram coletadas prospectivamente amostras de sangue de 220 gestantes RhD negativo, com idade gestacional entre 8-28 semanas. O plasma foi obtido em no máximo 2 horas após a coleta, e uma alíquota de 1 mL foi submetida à extração de ácidos nucléicos no equipamento automatizado MagNA Pure Compact (Roche), empregando o kit Large Volume. O DNA extraído foi submetido a PCR em tempo real (Step One Plus - Applied Biosystems), usando o protocolo do grupo SAFE, que tem como alvos os éxons 5 e 7 do gene RHD. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu exclusão de 35 amostras devido a problemas pré-analíticos, aborto ou desconhecimento do fenótipo do recém-nascido. Entre as 185 amostras analisadas, 130 (70,2%) foram genotipadas como RHD+ e 55 (29,8%) RHD-. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com a fenotipagem do cordão umbilical, e houve concordância completa (100%). Sete amostras exibiram amplificação exclusiva para o éxon 7. Essas amostras foram submetidas aos protocolos em PCR convencional, e PCR em tempo real específico para o pseudogene RHD. Ambos os ensaios apresentaram os mesmos resultados: cinco positivos e dois negativos. Nesses mesmos 7 casos, após extração da camada de leucócitos materna, os protocolos foram repetidos, e o resultado confirmou que cinco mães eram RHD. As duas amostras com resultado negativo foram submetidas ao protocolo Multiplex, envolvendo os éxons 3-9 do gene RHD, com resultados negativos, confirmando que as mães são verdadeiramente RHD- portanto o sinal do éxon 7 é provindo dos fetos que são D variantes. CONCLUSÃO: O método para a determinação do RHD fetal no plasma materno descrito demonstrou ser rápido, de fácil execução, alta precisão e reprodutível, além de indicar possíveis variantes RHD em nossa população / BACKGROUND: Fetal RHD genotype determination in maternal plasma is a noninvasive prenatal diagnostic test performed in RhD negative pregnant women at risk of alloimmunization and/or Hemolytic Disease of Fetus and Newborn. Currently, this test is routinely performed in many countries but not in Brazil. The Department of Obstetrics at Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo University Medical School provides tertiary antenatal care for RhD negative pregnant women including anti-D immunoglobulin administration, antibody levels monitoring and intrauterine treatment if necessary. AIMS: To validate the accuracy of a semi-automated test for fetal RHD genotype determination in maternal plasma. METHODS: Two-hundred and twenty blood samples were prospectively collected between 8 and 28 weeks of gestational age. Plasma processing was performed within 2 hours after blood collection, and nucleic acids were extracted from 1mL aliquots with an automated extraction platform (MagNA Pure Compact Roche) and the Large Volume kit. RHD gene exons 5 and 7 were amplified with real-time PCR (Step One Plus - Applied Biosystems) using the SAFE group protocol. RESULTS: Thirty-five samples were excluded due to pre-analytical problems, miscarriage and missing follow-up. In the remaining 185 samples, 130 (70.2%) were genotyped as RhD+ and 55 (29.8%) RhD-. Comparison with umbilical cord blood group phenotype showed 100% concordance. Seven samples showed amplification for exon 7 only. These were further investigated with conventional and real-time PCR with an specific protocol for RHD? pseudogene: 5 were positive and 2, negative. In these 7 cases, maternal buffy-coat DNA analysis also confirmed that 5 women were RHD?. In the remaining 2 cases, a multiplex protocol directed at RHD gene exons 3-9 confirmed that both mothers were truly RhD negative so exon 7 signal comes from the fetuses, further found to harbor D variants. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates that fetal RHD determination in maternal plasma is a fast, easy-to-perform and reproducible technique with high accuracy in our population. Moreover, it helps in the identification of possible RHD variants in our population

Omnia HR En HR-plattform för SharePoint / Omnia HR A HR-Platform for SharePoin

Dybeck, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Omnia HR är en HR-plattform utvecklat för Microsofts SharePoint. I denna artikel beskrivs hur en liten del av plattformen är skapad – onboardingen. När en ny person anställs på ett företag bör det göras förberedelser inför den nyanställdes första dag, det är vad onboardingen handlar om. I detta projekt skapades förutsättningar för att administrera och hantera dessa förberedelser.   Projektet skrevs i Microsoft-utvecklade programmeringsspråket TypeScript, en påbyggnad på JavaScript. TypeScript transpileras ned till JavaScript och har stöd för de senaste funktionerna. I rapporten diskuteras fördelarna samt nackdelarna med att använda TypeScript för ett projekt, hur vida det faktiskt underlättar arbetet eller om det går lika bra att använda vanlig JavaScript. / Omnia HR is a HR-platform developed for Microsoft SharePoint. In this article, the creation of a smaller part for the platform – the onboarding – is described. When a new employee is hired, the company need to do some tasks before the new employees first day, that’s what the onboarding is all about. In this project conditions to administrate and handle these tasks were made.   The project was written in the programing language TypeScript, developed by Microsoft. TypeScript is superset of JavaScript and is transpiled down to pure JavaScript with support for the latest functions. In this rapport pros and cons by using TypeScript for a project is discussed, and if it actually makes the process easier or if it’s just as good to use regular JavaScript.

Determinação de Cl, I e Hg de forma direta em amostras diversas por espectrometria de absorção atômica e molecular de alta resolução com fonte contínua em forno de grafite / Determination of CI, I, and Hg directly in different samples by high-resolution continuum source atomic and molecular absorption spectrometry in graphite furnace

Guarda, Ananda Fagundes 11 January 2017 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Three analytical methods were developed for the determination of chlorine, iodine and mercury in solid and liquid samples, directly by high resolution continuum source atomic and molecular absorption spectrometry in graphite furnace. The first method objected the determination of chlorine in solid and slurry samples of different natures and chlorine contents (CRM 81002b human hair, SRM 1568b rice flour, ERM EC681 polyethylene, CRM BCR 460 coal, SRM 2692c bituminous coal, SRM 1575 sheet Of pine, CRM 686-1 iron oxide, SRM 1549 powdered milk) through the molecular formation of CaCl. The results were compared with those already available for the SrCl molecule and were superior, especially in samples with a high calcium content. The limit of detection and quantification obtained for the two molecular absorption lines of CaCl were 2.6 and 8.7 ng (620.862 nm) and 14.2 and 61.6 ng (377.501 nm), respectively. The iodine determination was performed through the formation of the SrI molecule in two samples of medicines containing iodine. The accuracy of the method was proved by comparative analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results obtained were higher compared to the existing BaI molecule that does not provide direct determination in solids. The limit of detection and quantification obtained were 0.035 and 0.117 μg, respectively. Finally, an analytical method for the determination of mercury in blood samples (SERONORM® LEVEL III and II) and urine (SERONORM®, Clincheck Control level I and II batch 432 and level II batch 923) were developed, directly, using gold nanoparticles. The method was compared to the existing method that uses potassium permanganate as oxidizing agent. The limit of detection and quantification obtained were 0.057 and 0.190 ng, respectively. / Foram desenvolvidos três métodos analíticos para a determinação de cloro, iodo e mercúrio em amostras sólidas e líquidas, de forma direta por espectrometria de absorção atômica e molecular de alta resolução com fonte contínua em forno de grafite. O primeiro método objetivou a determinação de cloro em amostras sólidas e em suspensão de diferentes naturezas e teores de cloro (CRM 81002b cabelo humano, SRM 1568b farinha de arroz, ERM EC681 polietileno, CRM BCR 460 carvão, SRM 2692c carvão betuminoso, SRM 1575 folha de pinheiro, CRM 686-1 óxido de ferro, SEM 1549 leite em pó), através da formação molecular de CaCl. Os resultados foram comparados com os já existentes para a molécula de SrCl e mostraram-se superiores, especialmente em amostras com alto teor de cálcio. O limite de detecção e quantificação obtidos para as duas linhas de absorção molecular de CaCl foram de 2,6 e 8,7 ng (620,862 nm) e 14,2 e 61,6 ng (377,501 nm), respectivamente. Já a determinação de iodo realizou-se através da formação da molécula de SrI, em duas amostras de medicamentos contendo iodo. A exatidão do método foi comprovada através de analise comparativa por espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente. Os resultados obtidos se mostraram superiores em comparação com molécula já existente BaI que não proporciona a determinação direta em sólidos. O limite de detecção e quantificação obtidos foram de 0,035 e 0,117 μg, respectivamente. Por fim, foi desenvolvido um método analítico para a determinação de mercúrio em amostras de sangue (SERONORM® LEVEL III e II) e urina (SERONORM®, Clincheck Control nível I e II lote 432 e nível II lote 923) certificadas, de forma direta, utilizando nanopartículas de ouro. O método foi comparado ao método já existente que utiliza permanganato de potássio como agente oxidante. O limite de detecção e quantificação obtidos foram de 0,057 e 0,190 ng, respectivamente.

EMPLOYER BRANDING PÅ ÅF : En fallstudie i hur ledning, HR-avdelning och marknadsavdelning samverkar inom employer branding på teknikkonsulten ÅF / EMPLOYER BRANDING AT ÅF : A case study of how management, the HR department and the marketing department cooperate within employer branding at tech consultant ÅF

Augustsson, David, Brofeldt, Nataly, von Celsing, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera företaget ÅF:s employer branding-arbete, närmare bestämt samverkan mellan ledningen, HR-avdelningen och marknadsavdelningen.</p><p>Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ fallstudiekaraktär ochämnar utveckla teori genom en kombination av en deduktiv och induktiv undersökningsansats. Insamlad data är baserad på intervjuer medrepresentanter på ÅF.</p><p>Sammanfattningsvis har vi kommit fram till att ÅF:s samverkan inom employer branding-arbetet i stort överensstämmer med den teoretiska modell som presenteras. Det finns en huvudsakligen god samordning av ledningens, HR- och marknadsavdelningens samt employer brandmanagers aktiviteter som syftar till att stärka arbetsgivarvarumärket. Dock finner vi en diskrepans mellan ÅF:s och litteraturens definition av begreppet samt en allt för stor fokus på de externa aktiviteterna som en följd av employer brand managers starka band till marknadsavdelningen.</p> / <p>The objective of this thesis is to study the employer branding of the company ÅF, and more specifically the interaction between the senior management, HR department and marketing department.</p><p>The thesis is a qualitative case study and aims to develop theory through a combination of a deductive and inductive approach. The data is collected through interviews with representatives from the company.</p><p>We have concluded that the collaboration within ÅF regarding employer branding for the most corresponds with the presented theoretical model. There is a well functioning integration of activities aimed at strengthening the employer brand between the senior management, HR department, marketing department and employer brand manager. There is, however, a discrepancy in the definition of employer branding between ÅF and the literature. The strong connection between the EBM and the marketing department might also lead to a too strong focus on the external activities.</p>

EMPLOYER BRANDING PÅ ÅF : En fallstudie i hur ledning, HR-avdelning och marknadsavdelning samverkar inom employer branding på teknikkonsulten ÅF / EMPLOYER BRANDING AT ÅF : A case study of how management, the HR department and the marketing department cooperate within employer branding at tech consultant ÅF

Augustsson, David, Brofeldt, Nataly, von Celsing, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera företaget ÅF:s employer branding-arbete, närmare bestämt samverkan mellan ledningen, HR-avdelningen och marknadsavdelningen. Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ fallstudiekaraktär ochämnar utveckla teori genom en kombination av en deduktiv och induktiv undersökningsansats. Insamlad data är baserad på intervjuer medrepresentanter på ÅF. Sammanfattningsvis har vi kommit fram till att ÅF:s samverkan inom employer branding-arbetet i stort överensstämmer med den teoretiska modell som presenteras. Det finns en huvudsakligen god samordning av ledningens, HR- och marknadsavdelningens samt employer brandmanagers aktiviteter som syftar till att stärka arbetsgivarvarumärket. Dock finner vi en diskrepans mellan ÅF:s och litteraturens definition av begreppet samt en allt för stor fokus på de externa aktiviteterna som en följd av employer brand managers starka band till marknadsavdelningen. / The objective of this thesis is to study the employer branding of the company ÅF, and more specifically the interaction between the senior management, HR department and marketing department. The thesis is a qualitative case study and aims to develop theory through a combination of a deductive and inductive approach. The data is collected through interviews with representatives from the company. We have concluded that the collaboration within ÅF regarding employer branding for the most corresponds with the presented theoretical model. There is a well functioning integration of activities aimed at strengthening the employer brand between the senior management, HR department, marketing department and employer brand manager. There is, however, a discrepancy in the definition of employer branding between ÅF and the literature. The strong connection between the EBM and the marketing department might also lead to a too strong focus on the external activities.

Human Resource Management in Project-Based Organisations : Challenges, Changes, and Capabilities / Human resource management i projektbaserade organisationer : utmaningar, förändringar och förmågor

Bredin, Karin January 2008 (has links)
This doctoral thesis addresses human resource management in project-based organisations. The aim is to explore the challenges for HRM in project-based organisations and the changes in people management systems to meet these challenges. The thesis consists of a compilation of six papers and an extended summary. The research reported in the thesis is based on a combination of multiple, comparative, and single case studies of project-based organisations. The core case studies have been conducted at Saab Aerosystems, AstraZeneca, Volvo Car Corporation, and Tetra Pak. The results indicate central challenges regarding competence development and career structures, performance review processes and reputation of project workers, and the increased responsibility and pressured work environment for project workers. They further indicate that many of these challenges are handled through a more HR-oriented line manager role, while HR departments are downsized and centralised. The thesis hence emphasises the need to understand HRM as a dimension of management in which various players share the responsibility for its design and performance. To conclude, the thesis applies a capabilities perspective on project-based organisations and develops a conceptual framework that embraces people capability: the organisational capability to manage the relation between people and their organisational context. In this framework, people management systems improve people capability when they integrate it with strategic, functional, and project capabilities. It is suggested that the people capability framework provides new possibilities to analyse HRM in project-based organisations and to explain the changes in people management systems that are needed to align them to the project-based context. / I avhandlingen studeras human resource management (HRM) i projektbaserade organisationer. Syftet är att utforska de utmaningar som HRM i projektbaserade organisationer möter på grund av de speciella karaktärsdrag som denna organisationsform har, samt hur personalarbetet i denna typ av organisationer förändras för att anpassas till ett projektbaserat arbetssätt. Avhandlingen är en sammanläggningsavhandling bestående av sex artiklar och kappa, författade på engelska. Artiklarna bygger på fallstudier av projektintensiva och kunskapsintensiva organisationer. De centrala fallstudierna har genomförts på Saab Aerosystems, AstraZeneca, Volvo Car Corporation och Tetra Pak. Avhandlingen visar på utmaningar gällande kompetensutveckling och karriärvägar, utvärderingsprocesser och rykte för projektmedarbetare, samt individens ökade ansvar och tidspressade arbetssituation. De visar vidare på att många av dessa utmaningar framför allt hanteras genom en mer HR-orienterad roll för första linjens chefer medan personalavdelningar minskas och centraliseras. I avhandlingen tydliggörs därför vikten av att förstå HRM som en dimension av management där flera aktörer tillsammans bidrar till dess utförande och uppbyggnad. Avslutningsvis används ett perspektiv som fokuserar organisatoriska förmågor i projektbaserade företag för att utveckla en konceptuell modell för people capability: den organisatoriska förmågan att hantera relationen mellan individer och deras organisatoriska kontext. Modellens utgångspunkt är att personalarbetet i projektbaserade organisationer kan bidra till en förbättrad people capability om det integrerar denna förmåga med strategiska, funktionella och projektförmågor. I avhandlingen föreslås att people capability modellen ger nya möjligheter att analysera HRM i projektbaserade organisationer och att förklara de förändringar personalarbetet som krävs för att anpassa det till det projektbaserade arbetssättet.

Relevé polarimétrique d'étoiles candidates pour des disques de débris

Simon, Amélie 08 1900 (has links)
Le relevé DEBRIS est effectué par le télescope spatial Herschel. Il permet d’échantillonner les disques de débris autour d’étoiles de l’environnement solaire. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, un relevé polarimétrique de 108 étoiles des candidates de DEBRIS est présenté. Utilisant le polarimètre de l’Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic, des observations ont été effectuées afin de détecter la polarisation due à la présence de disques de débris. En raison d’un faible taux de détection d’étoiles polarisées, une analyse statistique a été réalisée dans le but de comparer la polarisation d’étoiles possédant un excès dans l’infrarouge et la polarisation de celles n’en possédant pas. Utilisant la théorie de diffusion de Mie, un modèle a été construit afin de prédire la polarisation due à un disque de débris. Les résultats du modèle sont cohérents avec les observations. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire présente des tests optiques du polarimètre POL-2, construit à l’Université de Montréal. L’imageur du télescope James-Clerk-Maxwell passe de l’instrument SCUBA à l’instrument SCUBA-2, qui sera au moins cent fois plus rapide que son prédécesseur. De même, le polarimètre suit l’amélioration et un nouveau polarimètre, POL-2, a été installé sur SCUBA-2 en juillet 2010. Afin de vérifier les performances optiques de POL-2, des tests ont été exécutés dans les laboratoires sub-millimétriques de l’Université de Western Ontario en juin 2009 et de l’Université de Lethbridge en septembre 2009. Ces tests et leurs implications pour les observations futures sont discutés. / The DEBRIS survey, being performed by the space telescope Herschel, is an unbiased sampling of the debris disks candidates in the solar neighbourhood. In the first part of this thesis, a ground-based polarimetric survey of 108 DEBRIS candidate stars is presented. Using the polarimeter, “La Belle et la Bete,” at the Mont-Megantic Observatory, observations were carried out in order to detect polarization induced by the presence of a debris disk. Due to a low rate of detection, a statistical analysis was performed to compare the polarization between stars owning a debris disk with stars without one. Using Mie scattering theory, a basic model was constructed to estimate the level of polarization produced by dust grains in a debris disk. The results of this model are consistent with our observations. The second part of the thesis presents the optical tests of the polarimeter POL-2, built at Université de Montréal. The James Clerk-Maxwell-Telescope imager SCUBA has been upgraded to SCUBA-2, which is more than one hundred times faster than its predecessor with 500 times more pixels. Likewise, the polarimeter follows the improvement as a new polarimeter, POL-2, was installed on SCUBA-2 in July 2010. In order to verify the optical performance of POL-2, tests were completed at the submillimeter laboratories at the University of Western Ontario in June 2009, and the University of Lethbridge in September 2009. These tests and their implications for future observations are discussed.

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