Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tuber"" "subject:"huber""
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Hugo F. Huber, 1869-1934 Interior Decorator Stan Hywet Manor, Akron, OhioLimbach, Holli E. 19 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Tail behaviour analysis and robust regression meets modern methodologiesWang, Bingling 11 March 2024 (has links)
Diese Arbeit stellt Modelle und Methoden vor, die für robuste Statistiken und ihre Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen entwickelt wurden.
Kapitel 2 stellt einen neuartigen Partitionierungs-Clustering-Algorithmus vor, der auf Expectiles basiert. Der Algorithmus bildet Cluster, die sich an das Endverhalten der Clusterverteilungen anpassen und sie dadurch robuster machen. Das Kapitel stellt feste Tau-Clustering- und adaptive Tau-Clustering-Schemata und ihre Anwendungen im Kryptowährungsmarkt und in der Bildsegmentierung vor. In Kapitel 3 wird ein faktorerweitertes dynamisches Modell vorgeschlagen, um das Tail-Verhalten hochdimensionaler Zeitreihen zu analysieren. Dieses Modell extrahiert latente Faktoren, die durch Extremereignisse verursacht werden, und untersucht ihre Wechselwirkung mit makroökonomischen Variablen mithilfe des VAR-Modells. Diese Methodik ermöglicht Impuls-Antwort-Analysen, Out-of-Sample-Vorhersagen und die Untersuchung von Netzwerkeffekten. Die empirische Studie stellt den signifikanten Einfluss von durch finanzielle Extremereignisse bedingten Faktoren auf makroökonomische Variablen während verschiedener Wirtschaftsperioden dar. Kapitel 4 ist eine Pilotanalyse zu Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs), insbesondere CryptoPunks. Der Autor untersucht die Clusterbildung zwischen digitalen Assets mithilfe verschiedener Visualisierungstechniken. Die durch CNN- und UMAP-Regression identifizierten Cluster werden mit Preisen und Merkmalen von CryptoPunks in Verbindung gebracht.
Kapitel 5 stellt die Konstruktion eines Preisindex namens Digital Art Index (DAI) für den NFT-Kunstmarkt vor. Der Index wird mithilfe hedonischer Regression in Kombination mit robusten Schätzern für die Top-10-Liquid-NFT-Kunstsammlungen erstellt. Es schlägt innovative Verfahren vor, nämlich Huberisierung und DCS-t-Filterung, um abweichende Preisbeobachtungen zu verarbeiten und einen robusten Index zu erstellen. Darüber hinaus werden Preisdeterminanten des NFT-Marktes analysiert. / This thesis provides models and methodologies developed on robust statistics and their applications in various domains. Chapter 2 presents a novel partitioning clustering algorithm based on expectiles. The algorithm forms clusters that adapt to the tail behavior of the cluster distributions, making them more robust. The chapter introduces fixed tau-clustering and adaptive tau-clustering schemes and their applications in crypto-currency market and image segmentation. In Chapter 3 a factor augmented dynamic model is proposed to analyse tail behavior of high-dimensional time series. This model extracts latent factors driven by tail events and examines their interaction with macroeconomic variables using VAR model. This methodology enables impulse-response analysis, out-of-sample predictions, and the study of network effects. The empirical study presents significant impact of financial tail event driven factors on macroeconomic variables during different economic periods. Chapter 4 is a pilot analysis on Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) specifically CryptoPunks. The author investigates clustering among digital assets using various visualization techniques. The clusters identified through regression CNN and UMAP are associated with prices and traits of CryptoPunks. Chapter 5 introduces the construction of a price index called the Digital Art Index (DAI) for the NFT art market. The index is created using hedonic regression combined with robust estimators on the top 10 liquid NFT art collections. It proposes innovative procedures, namely Huberization and DCS-t filtering, to handle outlying price observations and create a robust index. Furthermore, it analyzes price determinants of the NFT market.
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La question du fondement et de l'unité de la morale chez J.J. Rousseau / The question of the fondation and the unity of the morality in Jean Jacques RousseauNedelec, Bruno 28 November 2018 (has links)
Le projet de notre étude s’enracine dans un constat : alors que les multiples travaux sur Rousseau portent sur ses textes autobiographiques, politiques, anthropologiques, religieuses, esthétiques voire ses préoccupations scientifiques, ses réflexions morales n’ont pas ou peu été l’objet d’études systématiques. Or, nous sommes partis de l’hypothèse que l’interrogation morale constituait l’un des centres si ce n’est le coeur de son oeuvre. Plus précisément, partant d’une interrogation sur la nature de l’homme, cet être à l’origine naturel en même temps susceptible de se dénaturer en s’écartant de la règle de la nature, il en est venu à déployer et à explorer une série de possibilités pour que l’homme échappe à ce processus historique de dénaturation, autant dans l’ordre social que dans l’ordre moral. S’il se montre pessimiste sur les conditions de réalisation d’un ordre politique conforme aux principes du droit politique énoncé dans le Contrat social, il développe les conditions d’une éducation morale dans son ouvrage qu’il a toujours considéré comme le plus achevé : l’Émile. C’est dans ce texte que le projet moral transparaît clairement. Surtout, il souligne que le fondement de la morale n’est pas à situer dans l’amour de soi, qui n’est qu’un principe naturel, mais dans l’ordre de la nature. La lecture de l’Émile et d’autres textes conduit à poser que le fondement ultime de la morale est Dieu lui-même. L’amour de soi, expression de la bonté humaine, n’est que l’expression de la nature ou de Dieu qui parle en nous lorsque nous écoutons la conscience. En regardant l’interrogation morale comme le centrale de philosophie de Rousseau, nous tentons d’exhumer l’unité des œuvres en apparence hétérogènes, ses œuvres autobiographiques et la valorisation de l’existence de l’homme naturel, les concepts d’ordre et de la nature, les rapports entre vertu civique et vertu morale, la place de la croyance religieuse. / The project of our study takes root in the following observation : whereas a considerable work has been done on Rousseau autiographical, political, anthropological, religious and aesthetic texts, or even on his scientific concerns, his moral insights have not been, or nearly not, the subject of systematic studies. At the opposite, we have taken as our starting point that the moral reflection is in the centre, if not at the heart of his work. More specifically, starting with questioning the very nature of the human being, this being primarily natural at the same time able to denature himself by deviating from the rule of nature, he comes to deploy and explore a whole series of possibilities so that the human can escape himself from his historical denturation process, as much for social order as for the moral order. Although he is pessimistic about the condition of application for a political order that would comply with the political law principles which ar set out in the Contrat Social, he develops the moral education conditions within his publication he has always considered as the most completed l’Émile. It is in that text tthat the moral project is clearly reflected. Most of all, he underlines that the moral cornerstone has not to be placed in the love of self, which is only a natural principle, but in the natural order. Reading l’Émile and some others texts leads to think that the ultimate fondation of moral is God himself. The self love, expression of human goodness, is only the expression of nature or of God who speaks inside us when we listen to the awareness. By loocking at the moral reflection as being Rousseau’s philosophy center, we try to resurect the unity from some works which seen heterogeneous, that are his autiographical works and the esteem of the natural human existence, the order concepts, the connections between civic virtue and moral virtue, the place of religious belief.
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Vivienda pequeña y forma urbana. Fundamentos de la ciudad moderna alemanaBosch Abarca, Jorge 07 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] Small dwelling and urban form. German modern city bases.
Small dwelling and urban form are the main concepts in which this research is based. The intention is to determine the characteristics of the German city where the modern architecture of Neues Bauen is developed.
The small dwelling, as a new type lacking in an immediate historical precedent, arises from the need to house a new class of the industrial proletariat. The urban form as a different configuration which the city acquires. This is a result of the transformations that its growth demands in order to adapt to a new social reality.
In Germany, as in the rest of Europe, the origin of the small dwelling came from the need to improve the living conditions of the worker. A reaction that was produced mainly from philanthropy but also as a guarantee in keeping some established social conditions. The movement for housing reform, set out by private initiatives, effectively solves new forms for a small, hygienic and functional dwelling that was accessible to a part of the working masses, establishing solid and functional criteria that would be maintained as the principles of a typology in the configuration of the modern dwelling at the beginning of the 20th century.
The great German city, represented mainly by Berlin in this research, outlines its expansion through an imported urban idea that has, as its main interest, the monumental expression of the urban space. With a system originated in the interior reform processes of the French city, it outlines the exterior expansion of the German city as a continued imposing construction, in which the small dwelling only constitutes a dense internal filling. This "petrous sea", as Muthesius defines a city that extends concentrated to its limits, would be seen as incompatible with the small dwelling that was needed.
Once this inconsistency was recognized and with a new scientific approach to the construction of the city, a transformation process was begun towards a new urban model that took into consideration the need for a small and healthy dwelling and returns to the citizen the contact with nature, a sense that is a deeply ingrained in German people.
From the ideas and actions of the leading figures in this process, gathered in original documents, the research advances in the recognition of the typical and essential characteristics of a German city, that, at the start of the third decade of the 20th century, bases its modern quality in common criteria relative to the separation of urban functions, the insertion of green in the city and the value of public space. On this modern German city of first post-war Europe, the specific solution of the architecture of Neues Bauen will be built. / [ES] Vivienda pequeña y forma urbana. Fundamentos de la ciudad moderna alemana.
Vivienda pequeña y forma urbana son los conceptos sobre los que se fundamenta esta investigación que quiere determinar las características de la ciudad alemana en la que se desarrolla la arquitectura moderna del Neues Bauen.
La vivienda pequeña como un nuevo tipo carente de un antecedente histórico inmediato, que surge de la necesidad de alojar a la nueva clase del proletariado industrial. La forma urbana como la distinta configuración que adquiere la ciudad, consecuencia de las transformaciones que exige su crecimiento para adecuarse a una nueva realidad social.
En Alemania, como en el resto de los países de Europa, la vivienda pequeña tiene su origen al reconocerse la necesidad de mejora de las condiciones de vida del trabajador. Una reacción que se produce desde la filantropía principalmente, pero también como garantía del mantenimiento de unas condiciones sociales establecidas. El movimiento para la reforma de la vivienda, planteado desde iniciativas particulares, resuelve de manera eficaz nuevas formas para una vivienda pequeña, higiénica, funcional y accesible a una parte de esta masa obrera, estableciendo sólidos criterios funcionales que se mantienen como principios de una tipología en la configuración de la vivienda moderna en los comienzos del siglo XX.
La gran ciudad alemana, representada en esta investigación por Berlín principalmente, plantea su expansión sobre una idea urbana importada, que tiene en la expresión monumental del espacio urbano su mayor interés. Con un sistema originado en los procesos de reforma interior de la ciudad francesa, se traza la ampliación exterior de la ciudad alemana como un continuo edificado imponente, en el que la vivienda pequeña sólo constituye un relleno interior denso. Este "mar pétreo", como define Muthesius a una ciudad que se extiende concentrada hasta su límite, se mostrará incompatible con la vivienda pequeña que se necesita.
Desde el reconocimiento de esta incoherencia y con una nueva aproximación científica a la construcción de la ciudad, se inicia el proceso de transformación hacia un nuevo modelo urbano que considere la necesidad de la vivienda pequeña saludable y retorne al ciudadano el contacto con la naturaleza, un sentimiento vernáculo de gran arraigo en el pueblo alemán.
A partir del estudio de las ideas y actuaciones de los protagonistas de este proceso, recogidas en documentos originales, la investigación avanza en el reconocimiento de las características propias y fundamentales de una ciudad alemana que, en el comienzo de la tercera década del siglo XX, basa su cualidad de moderna en criterios comunes relativos a la separación de las funciones urbanas, la inserción del verde en la ciudad y el valor del espacio público. Sobre esta ciudad moderna alemana de la primera posguerra europea se construirá la específica solución de la arquitectura del Neues Bauen. / [CA] Habitatge petit i forma urbana. Fonaments de la ciutat moderna alemanya.
Habitatge petit i forma urbana són els conceptes sobre els quals es fonamenta aquest treball de recerca, que vol determinar les característiques de la ciutat alemanya en la qual es desenvolupa l'arquitectura moderna del Neues Bauen.
L'habitatge petit com un nou tipus mancat d'un antecedent històric immediat, que sorgeix de la necessitat d'allotjar la nova classe del proletariat industrial. La forma urbana com la diferent configuració que adquireix la ciutat, conseqüència de les transformacions que exigeix el creixement d'aquesta per a adequar-se a una nova realitat social.
A Alemanya, com a la resta dels països d'Europa, l'habitatge petit té l'origen en el reconeixement de la necessitat de millora de les condicions de vida dels treballadors. Una reacció que es produeix principalment des de la filantropia, però també com a garantia del manteniment d'unes condicions socials establides. El moviment per a la reforma de l'habitatge, plantejat des d'iniciatives particulars, resol de manera eficaç noves formes per a un habitatge petit, higiènic, funcional i accessible a una part d'aquesta massa obrera, i estableix uns criteris funcionals sòlids que es mantenen com a principis d'una tipologia en la configuració de l'habitatge modern en els inicis del segle xx.
La gran ciutat alemanya, representada en aquest treball per Berlín principalment, es planteja l'expansió sobre una idea urbana importada que té el major interès en l'expressió monumental de l'espai urbà. Amb un sistema originat en els processos de reforma interior de la ciutat francesa, l'ampliació exterior de la ciutat alemanya es traça com un contínuum edificat imposant, en el qual l'habitatge petit només constitueix un farciment interior dens. Aquesta "mar pètria", com Muthesius defineix una ciutat que s'estén concentrada fins al límit, es mostrarà incompatible amb l'habitatge petit que es necessita.
Des del reconeixement d'aquesta incoherència i amb una nova aproximació científica a la construcció de la ciutat, s'inicia el procés de transformació cap a un nou model urbà que considere la necessitat de l'habitatge petit saludable i retorne al ciutadà el contacte amb la natura, un sentiment vernacle de gran arrelament en el poble alemany.
A partir de l'estudi de les idees i actuacions dels protagonistes d'aquest procés, recollides en documents originals, la recerca avança en el reconeixement de les característiques pròpies i fonamentals d'una ciutat alemanya que, al començament de la tercera dècada del segle xx, basa la seua qualitat de moderna en criteris comuns relatius a la separació de les funcions urbanes, la inserció del verd a la ciutat i el valor de l'espai públic. Sobre aquesta ciutat moderna alemanya de la primera postguerra europea es construirà la solució específica de l'arquitectura del Neues Bauen. / Bosch Abarca, J. (2016). Vivienda pequeña y forma urbana. Fundamentos de la ciudad moderna alemana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61453
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Kritisches Komponieren: Nicolaus A. Hubers zweite Bagatelle und Beethovens zweiter Satz der Klaviersonate op. 111Müller, Thomas 28 October 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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A Descriptive Analysis of the Oberammergau Passion Play 2010Wolf, Christa J. 20 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Competing constructions of nature in early photographs of vegetation : negotiation, dissonance, subversionLabo, Nora January 2018 (has links)
While the role of photography in enforcing hegemonic ideologies has been amply studied, this thesis addresses the under-researched topic of how photography undermined dominant narratives in specific historical circumstances. I argue that, in the later part of the long nineteenth century, photographs were used to represent the natural world in contexts where their functions were uncertain and their capacities not clearly defined, and that these hesitations allowed for the expression of resistances to dominant social attitudes towards nature. I analyse how these divergences were articulated through three independent case studies, each addressing a corpus of photographs which has been marginalised in scholarly discourse. The case studies all concern photographs of vegetation. The first one discusses photographs produced around Fontainebleau during the Second French Empire, commonly understood as auxiliary materials for Barbizon painters, and argues that they were in fact autonomous representations, reflecting marginal modes of experiencing nature which resisted its prevailing construction as spectacle. The second case study examines a photographic series depicting Amazonian vegetation, published between 1900 and 1906, and shows how, in attempting to satisfy conflicting ideological demands, these photographs undermined the hierarchies enforced upon the natural world by colonial science. The third case study analyses photographs from an early twentieth-century environmentalist treatise, and demonstrates how, while the author's discourse seemingly complied with conventional attitudes towards nature, the photographs instituted an ethical stance opposed to early conservation's aesthetic focus and anthropocentrism. Throughout the case studies, I argue that the photographs were consubstantial to the emergence of these resistances; that dissenting representations stemmed from a tension between their producers' lived experience and the ideological frameworks which informed each context; and that this process engendered remarkable formal innovations, which are not usually associated to non-artistic images. I contend that radical renewals of visual expression occur in all representational contexts, as image producers adapt their tools or forge new ones according to circumstances, and that more attention must be paid to such visual innovations outside the field of artistic production.
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TU-Spektrum 2/2004, Magazin der Technischen Universität ChemnitzSteinebach, Mario, Friebel, Alexander, Häckel-Riffler, Christine, Tzschucke, Volker, Pollmer, Caroline, Horst, Gabriela, Brabandt, Antje, Reichold, Kathrin 15 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
zweimal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift über aktuelle Themen der TU Chemnitz, ergänzt von Sonderheft(en)
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TU-Spektrum 2/2004, Magazin der Technischen Universität ChemnitzSteinebach, Mario, Friebel, Alexander, Häckel-Riffler, Christine, Tzschucke, Volker, Pollmer, Caroline, Horst, Gabriela, Brabandt, Antje, Reichold, Kathrin 15 December 2004 (has links)
zweimal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift über aktuelle Themen der TU Chemnitz, ergänzt von Sonderheft(en)
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