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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise do serviço de informação ao cidadão das instituições federais de ensino da Região Nordeste

SANTOS, Mônica Augusta dos 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-27T15:28:06Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Analise-do-Servico-de-Informacao-ao-Cidadao-das-IFEs-NE.pdf: 2394599 bytes, checksum: ea406a81a2f85a1f7431c52401037aa1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-27T15:28:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Analise-do-Servico-de-Informacao-ao-Cidadao-das-IFEs-NE.pdf: 2394599 bytes, checksum: ea406a81a2f85a1f7431c52401037aa1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Desde a implementação da Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI), em 2012, percebese uma busca intensiva da sociedade por informações de domínio público e a maior participação nas decisões governamentais, em relação à aplicação dos recursos públicos. O cumprimento da LAI resulta em práticas de transparência nas instituições, por meio da cultura do acesso e da oferta de serviços de informação à sociedade. Nesse sentido, a Ciência da Informação pode contribuir tanto nos processos de organização, disponibilização e acesso à informação, assim como na identificação das necessidades de informação dos usuários e na criação de uma base dos dados mais relevantes. Diante desse contexto, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os Serviços de Informação ao Cidadão (SICs), com foco no seu funcionamento, estrutura organizacional e no fluxo de informações utilizado. Permitindo assim, identificar pontos positivos e dificuldades que esses órgãos possam vivenciar no seu papel de facilitadores do acesso à informação. A pesquisa quanto aos objetivos é descritiva e tem natureza qualitativa e quantitativa. Quanto às fontes de dados é bibliográfica. Quanto aos procedimentos de coleta de dados foram utilizadas as técnicas de pesquisa documental e de levantamento, por meio de aplicação de questionário e realização de entrevista semiestruturada com os respondentes do sistema e-SIC das instituições da amostra. Como amostra selecionou-se as Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior do Nordeste com mais pedidos de informação no SIC, o que resultou em nove instituições. Os resultados obtidos forneceram embasamento para considerações importantes, das quais se destaca que os anos de cultura do segredo vivenciados pelas instituições e muitos dos seus servidores, ainda são um empecilho para que o fluxo informacional (desde o pedido de informação pelo cidadão até sua respectiva resposta) ocorra sem atrasos ou dificuldades, de forma eficiente. Outro destaque é para a inexperiência dos agentes públicos responsáveis pelo atendimento no SIC, assim como a ausência de ferramentas e técnicas para facilitar a localização de pedidos já respondidos e a falta de organização das informações coletadas na instituição, o que poderia facilitar a resposta a pedidos de informações com assuntos recorrentes no SIC. Conclui-se que é necessária a adoção de medidas no sentido de conscientizar e deixar mais claro o teor da LAI a todos os envolvidos no fluxo informacional para resposta aos pedidos de informação ao SIC, o que já ocorre em algumas instituições. De fato, a informação é o caminho para a cidadania, uma vez que é por meio dela que os cidadãos podem conhecer e exercer seus direitos na sociedade em que vivem. / Since the implementation of the Access to Information Act (LAI), in 2012, one sees an intensive search of society for public information and greater participation in government decisions regarding the use of public resources. Compliance with the LAI results in transparency practices in institutions, through the culture of access and the provision of information society services. In this sense, information science can contribute both in organizational processes, availability and access to information, as well as the identification of users' information needs and the creation of a base of the most relevant data. This research aimed to analyze the Citizens Information Services (SICs), focusing on its operation, organizational structure and flow of information. Thus allowing to identify strengths and difficulties that these organs can experience in their role as facilitators of access to information. Related to the aims, this research is descriptive, qualitative and quantitative. The data source is literature. As data collection procedures were used the techniques of documentary research and survey through questionnaire and carrying out semi-structured interviews with respondents of SIC in the institutional sample. As sample were selected the Federal Institutions of Higher Education of the Northeast with more requests for information on the SIC, which resulted in nine universities representing each state. The results provided basis for important considerations, which can be noted that the years of secrecy culture experienced by institutions and many of its servers, is still a stumbling block for the information flow (from the request for information by the citizen to their response) occurs without delays or difficulties efficiently. Another highlight is also the lack of experience of public officials responsible for serving the SIC, as well as the lack of tools and techniques to facilitate the location of applications already answered and the disorganization of the information collected in the institution, which could avoid the registration of further requests for information with recurring issues in the SIC. It is concluded that it is necessary to adopt measures to raise awareness and make clearer the content of LAI to all involved in the information flow to the requests for information to the SIC, which already occurs in some institutions. In fact, information is the path to citizenship, since it is through it that citizens can know and exercise their rights in the society in which they live.

Serviço de informação especializado como elemento de mediação: um estudo a partir da transferência de tecnologias no contexto da agricultura familiar brasileira / -

Daniela Maciel Pinto 01 October 2015 (has links)
Desde os tempos mais remotos, a agricultura se faz presente na história da humanidade. Formalmente, no Brasil, esta atividade teve início durante a colonização por Portugal, no final do século XV, e exerce importante papel no desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro até os dias atuais. Em termos econômicos, em particular neste setor, a Agricultura Familiar destaca-se pela produção de alimentos e geração de empregos. Apesar disto, esta modalidade passou a integrar as políticas públicas agrícolas apenas em meados dos anos 1990, com o Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf). Com a estruturação deste programa, diversas instituições que desenvolvem pesquisas agrícolas foram estimuladas a criar soluções tecnológicas, objetivando melhorias dos processos produtivos na agricultura de base familiar. Percebe-se, entretanto, dificuldades para que as tecnologias geradas nessas instituições cheguem aos agricultores familiares e possam ser plenamente utilizadas. Conjectura-se que uma das possíveis causas está relacionada à comunicação, em especial, à forma e o conteúdo das informações produzidas e disseminadas pelas instituições de pesquisas. Assim, tendo em vista que os serviços de informação são meios auxiliares do processo de comunicação da informação, na medida em que seu objetivo maior é manter um acervo dos documentos, onde estão registrados os conhecimentos gerados no desenvolvimento de atividades de pesquisa associadas à agricultura, para acesso daqueles a quem esse conhecimento possa interessar e/ou ser necessário, este trabalho teve como objetivo sistematizar um conjunto de elementos necessários à criação e manutenção de um serviço de informação, destinado a viabilizar a transferência/comunicação da informação tecnológica, no contexto da Agricultura Familiar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória, onde buscou-se explicação dentro do contexto histórico, com vistas a situar a Agricultura Familiar brasileira. A partir desta explicação e utilizando-se referenciais da Ciência da Informação, estudou-se Informação Tecnológica, Mediação da Informação, Transferência de Tecnologias e Serviços de Informação Especializados. Como resultado, foi proposto um modelo conceitual de Serviço de Informação Tecnológica, que integra todos os atores do processo de Transferência de Tecnologias, situando o serviço como um meio estratégico para a Gestão da Pesquisa Agropecuária. Apresenta, ainda como resultados, a síntese dessa proposta conceitual, a qual é composta por um conjunto de oito elementos para a estruturação do Serviço de Informação Tecnológica. / Since ancient times, agriculture is present in human history. Formally, in Brazil, the activity started during colonization by Portugal in the late fifteenth century, playing an important role in the Brazilian economic development to the present day. In economic terms, particularly in this sector, Family Farming stands out for food production and job creation. Nevertheless, this mode was integrated with agricultural policies only in the mid-1990s, with the National Programme for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf). With the structure of this program, a number of institutions that develop agricultural research have been encouraged to create technological solutions, aiming improvement of production processes in family-based agriculture. It is clear, however, there are difficulties for technologies generated in these institutions to reach the farmers and be fully used. It is conjectured that one possible cause is related to communication, in particular the form and content of the information produced and disseminated by research institutions. Thus, given that the intelligence services are auxiliary means to the information communication process, to the extent that its main objective is to maintain a collection of documents, which registered the knowledge generated in the development of research activities related to agriculture, access to those whom this knowledge may concern and / or be required, this study aimed to systematize a set of elements necessary to create and maintain an information service designed to facilitate the transfer / communication of technological information within the context of Family Farming. This consists of a research exploratory nature, which sought to explain, within the historical context, and to situate the Brazilian Family Agriculture. From this explanation and by using benchmarks of Information Science, we studied Information Technology, Information Mediation, Technology Transfer and Specialized Information Services. As a result, we proposed a conceptual model of Technological Information Services, which includes all stakeholders in the Technology Transfer process, situating the service as a key vehicle for Agricultural Research Management. It also presents as a result the synthesis of this conceptual proposal, which consists of a set of eight elements for structuring the Technological Information Service.

Improving heterogeneous wireless networking with cross-layer information services

Piri, E. (Esa) 13 May 2015 (has links)
Abstract Substantially growing data traffic over wireless networks poses increased challenges for mobile network operators in deploying sufficient network resources and managing user mobility. This dissertation considers these challenges to providing satisfactory Quality of Service (QoS) for end-users and studies solutions for better utilization of the heterogeneous network environment. First, the dissertation examines what solutions mobile devices and network management entities can use to dynamically collect valid cross-layer information from different network entities. Cross-layer information allows monitoring of the condition of the network in multiple layers on a user and application basis. The second research topic considers the techniques the network management entities can use to improve resource usage in wireless networks based on the collected cross-layer information. The IEEE 802.21 standard, specified to facilitate handovers between heterogeneous networks, is used as the basis for cross-layer information delivery. This dissertation also focuses on utilization of the standard beyond the inter-access technology handovers. In order to improve resource usage in wireless networks dynamically, event delivery enhancements are proposed for the standard so that it better applies to the requirements of different techniques. Such techniques are traffic priority adjustment, traffic adaptation, packet aggregation, and network protocol header compression. The results show that when a handover is not feasible, these techniques effectively allow sharing of the limited radio resources for the user data according to applications’ importance and type. Mobility management is studied in terms of network information service, one of the main services of IEEE 802.21. The thesis proposes enhancing the information service with a base station cell coverage area database. The database provides significant improvements for the selection of a handover target in a dense base station environment. With all the results taken together, the dissertation provides mobile network operators various means to improve the usage of wireless networks on the basis of applications’ varying QoS requirements. / Tiivistelmä Voimakkaasti kasvava langattomien tietoverkkojen dataliikenne aiheuttaa verkko-operaattoreille haasteita tarjota riittävät verkkoresurssit ja hallita käyttäjien liikkuvuutta. Väitöskirja huomioi nämä haasteet tarjota loppukäyttäjille tyydyttävä palvelunlaatu (QoS) ja tutkii ratkaisuja, joilla heterogeenistä verkkoympäristöä voidaan hyödyntää tehokkaammin. Aluksi väitöskirja tutkii, mitä ratkaisuja päätelaitteet ja verkkohallintatoimijat voivat käyttää keräämään protokollakerrosten välistä (cross-layer) tietoa eri verkkotoimijoilta. Protokollakerrosten välinen tieto mahdollistaa verkon tilan seuraamisen usealla eri kerroksella käyttäjä- ja sovelluskohtaisesti. Toinen tutkimusaihe tarkastelee protokollakerrosten välistä tietoa hyödyntäviä tekniikoita, joita verkonhallintatoimijat voivat käyttää tehostamaan resurssien käyttöä langattomissa verkoissa. IEEE 802.21-standardia, joka on määritetty helpottamaan verkonvaihtoja heterogeenisten verkkojen välillä, käytetään pohjana protokollakerrosten välisen tiedon jakelulle. Väitöskirjassa keskitytään standardin hyödyntämiseen myös muussa kuin verkkoteknologioiden välisen verkonvaihdon yhteydessä. Väitöskirja ehdottaa parannuksia standardin tapahtumatietovälitykseen, jotta se täyttäisi paremmin eri tekniikoiden asettamat vaatimukset dynaamisesti toteutettavista toimista langattomien verkkojen resurssikäytön tehostamiseksi. Nämä tekniikat ovat liikenteen prioriteetin muutokset, liikenteen adaptointi, pakettien yhdistäminen ja verkkoprotokollaotsikoiden pakkaus. Tulokset osoittavat, että kun tukiasema- tai verkonvaihto ei ole mahdollinen, nämä tekniikat mahdollistavat rajattujen verkkoresurssien jakamisen tehokkaasti sovellusten tärkeyden ja tyypin mukaan. Liikkuvuudenhallintaa tutkitaan verkkoinformaatiopalvelun, joka on myös yksi IEEE 802.21-standardin pääpalveluista, kautta. Väitöskirja ehdottaa, että informaatiopalvelua tehostetaan liittämällä siihen tietokanta tukiasemasolujen peittoalueista. Tietokanta tehostaa huomattavasti verkonvaihdon kohteen valintaa tiheissä tukiasemaympäristöissä. Kun väitöskirjan tulokset huomioidaan kokonaisuutena, väitöskirja tarjoaa verkko-operaattoreille useita tapoja tehostaa langattomien verkkojen käyttöä sovellusten vaihtelevien palvelunlaatuvaatimusten perusteella.

Česká masmédia a Bezpečnostní informační služba: mediální obraz výroční zprávy BIS / Czech mass media and Security information Service: media perspective on the annual reports of the BIS

Primasová, Rachel January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis Czech mass media and Security Information Service: media perspective of the annual report of BIS focuses on the image of the annual report published by the Security Information Service (often used acronym "BIS") in selected mass media: servers Parlamentni listy, Aktualne, and daily newspaper Lidove noviny. The author is looking to answer the research question Do Czech mass media present the annual report of the BIS differently? If yes, why? The author follows the hypothesis that Czech mass media contribute a different image of BIS. The reason for these contrasting opinions lies both in the internal and external factors, such as changes in ownership structures, other relationships with the BIS, or various attributes of readers. Firstly, the author describes existing literature, theory and its application, and methodology. Concerning media theory is explained and linked to the idea of social constructivism. At the example of selected foreign information services, the author highlights the Security Information Service and mass media relationship complexity. In the empirical part, the diploma thesis continues with applying quantitative content analysis in the selected time range of 1996-2019. The author explains the different media coverage, frequency of media communication, and various...

Benelux-Fachinformation an der fluiden Grenze zwischen Forschungsinfrastrukturen und Fachwissenschaft

Riek, Ilona, Liemann, Bernhard 28 April 2023 (has links)
The ‘Specialised Information Service Benelux / Low Countries Studies’ (FID Benelux) of Münster University and State Library (ULB Münster) is one of at present 41 ‘Specialised Information Services’ (FID) funded by the German Research Foundation. Founded in 2016, the FID Benelux is designed as a one-stop provider of specialised literature and research-specific information about the culture and society of the Benelux countries as well as research supportive services. This article illustrates by means of various examples that the FID Benelux not only deals with border regions and crossing boundaries in the territorial-spatial area, but that it also focuses on the socio-spatial boundary area between scholars and research infrastructures. In this context, aspects such as (cross-border) networking with scholars, research groups and research infrastructures play just as important a role as for instance boundary spanning and knowledge exchange across organisational boundaries in the field of research data management. Last but not least, the ‘Bibliography of Benelux Borderlands Histories’, a current FID-project also dedicated to the topic of borders and boundaries, is presented.

Использование информационных технологий для планирования мероприятий : магистерская диссертация / Using information technology to plan events

Голубева, А. В., Golubeva, A. V. January 2020 (has links)
Актуальность темы обусловлена тем, что в современных условиях быстрого развития технологий, бизнесу необходимо не отставать и для поддержания конкурентоспособности и достижения наиболее высоких результатов необходимы нововведения, такие как информационные технологии. Поэтому внедрение информационных технологий в бизнес на текущий момент это одна из главных тенденций развития бизнеса в современном обществе. Научная новизна заключается в том, что проанализированы информационные технологии в сфере организации мероприятий, определены «слабые» места отрасли и предложено решение, которое даст развитие отрасли в части информационных технологий. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в том, что описанный проект по созданию сервиса может быть использован компаниями по организации мероприятий с целью автоматизации своей деятельности и привлечения большего количества клиентов. / The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that in modern conditions of rapid development of technologies, business needs to keep up and to maintain competitiveness and achieve the highest results, innovations, such as information technology, are needed. Therefore, the introduction of information technology in business at the moment is one of the main trends in business development in modern society. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that information technologies in the field of organizing events have been analyzed, the "weak" points of the industry have been identified and a solution has been proposed that will give the development of the industry in terms of information technology. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the described project for creating a service can be used by companies organizing events in order to automate their activities and attract more customers.

Применение маркетинговых подходов при проектировании электронного сервиса в сфере здравоохранения : магистерская диссертация / Application of marketing approaches in the design of electronic services in the healthcare sector

Пурнак, И. В., Purnak, I. V. January 2020 (has links)
Актуальность работы обусловлена тем, что при нехватке времени у молодых родителей на поиск и обработку информации по детскому питанию, они хотят восполнить потребности ребенка в еде таким образом, чтобы рецепты блюд были качественными, полезными, вкусными и разнообразными. Полученные результаты и их новизна: спроектированный электронный сервис по подбору детского питания по возрасту значительно упростит ежедневный процесс поиска информации по теме детского питания для молодых родителей, поскольку в настоящее время общество насыщено различной информацией, которую необходимо правильно упорядочивать. / The relevance of the work is due to the fact that when young parents do not have enough time to search and process information on baby food, they want to fill the child's food needs in such a way that the recipes for the dishes are high-quality, healthy, tasty and varied. The results obtained and their novelty: the designed electronic service for the selection of baby food by age will greatly simplify the daily process of searching for information on the topic of baby food for young parents, since at present society is saturated with various information that needs to be properly organized.


徐嘉僑, Hsu, Chia-Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
在數位化的進程及環境中,圖書館已由對大眾一視同仁的服務演變成重視個體不同需求的服務,圖書館的服務也不再是齊頭式平等的服務。讀者個人的喜好及需求已漸融入到圖書館建置的各種服務項目中,也就是必須因人而異,以滿足使用者的資訊需求,就如同商業市場的機制一樣,唯有行銷與競爭才能使圖書館更具有持續力。 個人化為導向的資訊管理與資訊服務,正逐漸被人們所重視。為了真正滿足使用者的資訊需求,創造出實用的資訊價值,個人化資訊的服務系統強調「因人而異,各取所需」的資訊服務系統,而圖書館也從傳統大眾化式的服務走向分別式、個別化差異的服務模式。 本研究為了要能瞭解醫事人員,對於圖書館所提供的服務需求內容及需求程度,以文獻分析及網站內容分析以及問卷調查的方法對台北榮民總醫院醫事人員的基本背景資訊、網路使用行為,以及對圖書館的網站使用行為與個人化服務需求做一問卷調查。並利用交叉分析的方法,探討醫事人員身份、年齡、學歷與個人化服務需求相關度問題,歸納研究結果重點如下: 一、醫學圖書館在網站上建置個人化服務需求首先應重視個人化資訊環境的建立。 二、國外圖書館網站內容之分析是提供國內醫學圖書館個人化服務項目的參考指標。 三、醫事族群中因不同的身份、年齡、學歷對個人化資訊服務需求有所影響。 四、醫事人員應加強個人興趣檔的建置觀念,以強化醫學圖書館個人化服務功能的提昇。 五、圖書館在個人化服務系統中應規劃隱私權政策。 六、醫學圖書館對整體個人化資訊環境及資訊服務的需求有其必要性且是非常肯定的。 對研究結果提出建議如下: 國內醫學圖書館應儘快整合共同發展個人化服務的機制;對於個人化服務中群體屬性的差異要能持續的注意及改進;對使用者的調查研究由完全量的統計進展到質與量的交叉運用調查研究;圖書館應協助醫事人員建立正確的興趣檔觀念以強化個人化服務的功能;隱私權政策的制訂應多加宣導並於圖書館資訊政策時明訂;個人化服務應多加推廣與宣傳。 / In the progress and environment of digitalization, the library has transformed its service mode from satisfying general needs into catering for different individuals. The library is no longer a one-for-all service. The users' personal interests and needs have been integrated into all the services the library provided; that is, the service differs from person to person so as to meet the users' needs for information. Just like the commercial world, only with marketing and competition will the library last. The individual-oriented information management and service is gradually getting people's attention. To really satisfy the users' information needs and create practical information value, the individualized information service system emphasizes providing "tailor-made" service for different users. And such is a trend the modern library follows. This research is carried out to understand what the users of the medical library need and to what extent they need it, regarding the service the library offers. This research uses literature review, Internet content analysis, and questionnaire survey of the basic background information, Internet usage behavior, the library Internet usage behavior and the needs for personalized service of the medical staff of Taipei Veteran General Hospital. Meanwhile, it uses cross-analysis to find out the relationships between the medical staff's positions, ages, education, and the needs for personalized service. The results of the research are as follows: 1. The personalized service of the medical library on its website should put major emphasis on the establishment of personalized information environment. 2. The analysis of oversea library websites can provide the benchmark for the personalized service of our country's medical libraries. 3. There exists influence from the medical staff's positions, ages, education on the needs for personalized service. 4. Medical people should strengthen their concept of establishing personal interest profile to enhance the personalized service in the medical library. 5. Privacy policy should be taken into consideration in setting up the personalized service system. 6. The personalized information environment and service is essential to the medical library. The implications of the research: The local medical libraries should cooperate to develop the personalized service as soon as possible; they should pay attention to the differences among different groups of users; when doing the survey of users, quality research coupled with quantity research should be conducted instead of completely using quantitative statistics; the library should assist the medical people to establish correct concept of interest profiles to enhance personalized service; the privacy policy should be established and implemented; and finally, the users should be familiarized with the personalized service.

電子化政府主動服務經營模式探討 / A study for developing the model of E-government proactive service

施明德, Shih, Ming Der Unknown Date (has links)
建構優質的電子化政府,首要條件是提供民眾整合型一站式服務的入口網站,達成一站式服務,除共用基礎設施服務外,應具備介接整合各機關資訊與線上服務的能力。過往政府推動電子化政府,雖然已獲得相當成就,但各機關資訊系統整合程度不足,多數服務尚無法提供跨機關主動服務,本研究是藉由文獻的蒐集與研究,並以創新的思維,提出政府主動服務的經營模式,並採個案研究方法,驗證所提出之模式的可行性,因此,在研究方法上,將著重現實現象的整理與未來環境、機制的設計,即採行從當前環境到期望環境藍圖(From AS-IS to TO-BE)策略分析的研究模式。 本研究結果發現:1.各國政府以實現「全政府」作為主要策略,顯示推動資訊系統整合仍為主要工作。2.藉由Web2.0 使用戶間強大連結力,企業可以快速產生新的商業模式,提升企業網站的知名度與使用度。3.本研究提出改變電子化政府服務型態的三要素,資訊代理人、以家戶為主體、為顧客提供Web2.0平台。4. 本研究將網站的服務分為九種型態,提供網站服務轉型參考。5.本研究提出以CRM建構前瞻性主動服務的理念,整合內部資訊與顧客喜好,主動提供顧客服務。 政府Myegov入口網與民眾e管家,本研究提出主動服務的改造建議有:1.Myegov入口網應提供元件共享、資訊透過RSS互通。2.提供跨機關主題式服務、提供民眾可自行訂製、設計自己符合自己需要的e政府管家。3.以「家」為主體的理念,引導政府透過政府共享式服務平台,主動整合後台資訊系統。4.運用資料倉儲系統,建立市民關係管理共享式資料庫,提供民眾前瞻性主動服務。 / In order to construct a high-quality e-government, an integrated one-stop-shop service portal must be provided to the general public. In addition to sharing the services of IT infrastructure, to achieve the integrated one-stop service is also necessary to provide interfaces for all departments so that their information and services can be integrated. In the past, the government has reached many achievements in transforming many of the governmental related processes electronically. However, the integrated information system between different levels and/or ministries is not enough to provide the general public certain interdepartmental services actively. It is the hope of this research to discover an efficient strategy to push for better proactive e-government service model and to provide such strategy to the government for further reference. According to this research is hoping to use innovative thinking to come up the proactive e-government service model based on the collection and research of various documents and literature. This study will also use related e-government research cases for feasibility study on the model proposed. As such, this research stressed on current condition and future context, the design of mechanism, employing in “As-Is to To-Be” strategic analysis research model. This result of study is found: 1.The governments of various countries promote the e-government's main strategy as the future service was still realizing on the information-intensive society of “the whole government”. It shows that various countries are pushing the work on information system integration. 2. Web2.0 is not only a new information technology, but the mechanism that enterprises are used for interacting with end user and offer the space to user by sharing information at the same time. According to leverage the linkage through powerful strength on Web2.0 service use, enterprises can produce the new business model timely and improving enterprise website’s popularity and utilized degree. 3. To create the innovative e-government service, this research proposed three key elements to change government's service type and performance measurement, including “the information agent”, “relies mainly on family one”, “offers Web2.0 service platform to customer”. 4. This research based on web information providing method and service attribute to defined the nine kinds of service model to transforming the portal service as proactive service type. 5. The research proposed and constructed the “customer first” proactive service theory and integrated the customer relevant information and favor internally to providing many of services proactively. Moreover, based on Myegov portal and e-housekeeper, the research proposed active service transformation items are: 1. Myegov portal should provide Portlet-based shared components, RSS subscribing and exchanging service. 2. Offering the topic type’s Blog service by cross departments; offering general public to define, design their own custom e-housekeeper services through e-government. 3. According to “the family” theme’s concept, government should provide the integrated back-end IT system through the shared service platform actively. 4. Use the data warehouse system to gather the department and people relevant information, and build up the shared database on customer relationship management system to provide the “customer first” proactive service.

Utilisation de médicaments durant la grossesse et l’allaitement : données d’un centre d’information sur les tératogènes

Gendron, Marie-Pierre 08 1900 (has links)
Les centres d’information sur les tératogènes (CIT) fournissent aux professionnels de la santé ainsi qu’au public de l’information sur les risques et bienfaits associés à l’utilisation des médicaments durant la grossesse et l’allaitement. Le Centre IMAGe (Info-Médicaments en Allaitement et Grossesse) du CHU Sainte-Justine (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine) au Québec, est un CIT qui offre depuis 1997 un service téléphonique d’information gratuit aux professionnels de la santé. Deux études ont été réalisées à partir des appels reçus au Centre IMAGe. La première étude a été réalisée sur l’ensemble des appels reçus entre janvier 2004 et avril 2007 au sujet de femmes qui prenaient ou envisageaient prendre un médicament durant la grossesse ou l’allaitement. Les objectifs de cette étude visaient à déterminer les classes de médicaments les plus fréquentes ainsi que les indications d’utilisation et les déterminants d’un appel à leur sujet (caractéristiques maternelles associées). Les antidépresseurs, les anti-inflammatoires, les antibiotiques, les benzodiazépines et les antipsychotiques sont les classes de médicaments qui correspondaient aux plus grands nombres d’appels. Cela porte à croire que pour ces classes de médicaments, il existe chez les professionnels de la santé un besoin d’information en ce qui concerne les risques et bienfaits de leur utilisation durant la grossesse et l’allaitement. La dépression représentait une des trois indications les plus prévalentes chez les femmes qui prenaient ou désiraient prendre des antidépresseurs, des benzodiazépines ou des anti-psychotiques durant la grossesse ou l’allaitement. Le tabagisme était associé à l’utilisation des antidépresseurs et des anti-psychotiques durant la grossesse, ainsi qu’à un appel au sujet des anti-inflammatoires durant l’allaitement. La deuxième étude a été réalisée sur l’ensemble des appels reçus entre janvier 2003 et mars 2008. Cette étude visait à déterminer l’impact des avis émis par Santé Canada concernant les risques de l’exposition aux antidépresseurs durant la grossesse et celui concernant le retrait du rofécoxib, sur le nombre d’appels reçus à IMAGe. L’analyse des séries temporelles du nombre hebdomadaire d’appels reçus a révélé que l’avis de Santé Canada sur les risques de malformations cardiaques associés à l’utilisation de la paroxétine lors du premier trimestre de la grossesse a généré une augmentation statistiquement significative, soudaine et permanente du nombre d’appels reçus à IMAGe au sujet des antidépresseurs. Ces études permettent de mieux comprendre le besoin d’information des professionnels de la santé sur les risques et bienfaits de l’utilisation des médicaments durant la grossesse et l’allaitement. / Teratogen Information Services (TIS) are giving information on the risks and benefits associated with medication use during pregnancy and lactation, to the health care providers and the public. IMAGe Center at the CHU Sainte-Justine in Quebec is a TIS which providing since 1997 a free telephone information service to the health care providers. Two studies were conducted using the calls received at IMAGe Center. The first study included all the calls received between January 2004, and April 2007, concerning women who used or expected to use medication during pregnancy or lactation. The objectives of this study aimed to identify the most frequent medication classes, the indications of use, and the predictors of a call concerning them (associated maternal characteristics). Antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, benzodiazepines, and anti-psychotics represented the medication classes with the greater amount of calls. These results rise to the possibility that more information about the risks and benefits associated with the use of these medication classes during pregnancy and lactation is needed by the health care providers. Depression was in the top three of the most prevalent indications of use for the antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and anti-psychotics. Smoking was associated with the use of antidepressants and anti-psychotics during pregnancy, and with a call concerning the anti-inflammatory drugs during lactation. The second study included all the calls received between January 2003, and March 2008. This study aimed to identify the impact of the Health Canada (HC) warnings, concerning the risks of antidepressant use during pregnancy, and related to the rofecoxib market withdrawal, on the number of calls received to IMAGe. Time series of the weekly number of calls received demonstrated that the Health Canada warning on the risk of cardiac malformations associated with paroxetine use during the first trimester of pregnancy generated a statistically significant abrupt and permanent increase of the calls received at IMAGe about the antidepressants. These studies ensure to better understand the information need of the health care providers concerning the risks and benefits of medication use during pregnancy and lactation.

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