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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Value of Feedback : Improvements based on the Voices of Customers & Dealers

Matschke, Jacqueline, Pedersen, Heidi January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates the utilization of customer and dealer feedback within organizations. Only few companies seem to fully exploit the valuable information they receive on customer and dealer opinions and preferences. The purpose of this study is to examine how firms can ensure that feedback contributes to the development of improvements in the organization in order to become more customer-centric. Theoretical approaches to a company’s relationships with customers and dealers, the importance of internal and external customer satisfaction, the creation of knowledge and the role of the organization have been considered. Thereafter, the current processes of feedback utilization in the case company Volvo Construction Equipment Region International have been analyzed, the organization’s internal environment studied and the perspective of its dealers included. These steps have been taken in order to answer the main research question of this thesis, namely ‘How can the administrative functions of an MNC become more customer-centric by improving an existing customer and dealer feedback process?’ Several conditions have been identified in this study, which need to be in place in order for companies to benefit from customer and dealer feedback. Especially the development of adequate processes for feedback analysis, knowledge creation and action-taking, as well as an appropriate organizational culture, appear to be central in this context. The provided recommendations of this thesis regarding the involvement of employees, procedures in the process of feedback utilization, a framework for company-wide learning, and the role of the dealers shall help to understand how to make better use of feedback in future.</p>

Intern Marknadsföring : Teori VS Praktik

Festin, Sandra, Ljung, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
Konceptet Intern marknadsföring (IM) har utvecklats mycket och ses inom forskningen som tillämpbart inom alla organisationer. En stor blandning av idéer, modeller och teorier har blivit samlade under detta begrepp men trots det är det enligt teoretiker få organisationer som använder sig av och arbetar utifrån konceptet i praktiken. Det finns enligt flera forskare i nuläget ingen riktigt klar och överenskommen definition av IM, vilket har gjort att det även finns en stor variation på hur detta bör tillämpas praktiskt i organisationer. Många olika definitioner och modeller som beskriver IM har jobbats fram och utvecklats av flertalet forskare, men det finns fortfarande inget enatkoncept. Forskare hävdar att en klarhet av konceptet är av vikt för att underlätta tillämpningen i praktiken. En precis specificering av vilka aktiviteter som kan användas för att etablera IM krävs då definition och klassificering är en viktig del av marknadsföringsanalyser.Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda den forskning som gjorts inom vårt avgränsningsområde och jämföra detta med de praktiska fall vi undersökt för att se i vilken utsträckning IM som teori används. För att få den praktiska synen på IM och kunna genomföra denna jämförande studie har vi undersökttre företag med olika egenskaper. Utifrån jämförelsen av teori och praktik har vi sedan fått fram en slutsats.Poängen med denna uppsats var därmed att jämföra teori och praktik för att se likheter och skillnader, om och i sådana fall hur och i vilken utsträckning teorin tillämpas och om företagets egenskaper påverkar denna tillämpning. Detta gjorde vi genom att i första hand göra en omfattande litteraturgranskning inom ämnet. Därefter valde vi att avgränsa oss till fem forskare som har varit betydande då de har stått för både grundandet av teorin som den främsta utvecklingen av den fram till idag. För att få fram den pratiska aspekten gjorde vi tre fallstudier där vi intervjuade ledningen i tre företag i Västerås. Företagen var av olika storlek och befann sig i olika branscher, ett mikroföretag i transportbranschen, ett litet företag i färgbranschen och ett medelstort företag inom bostadsbranschen. Det vi kom fram till av vår undersökning var att IM i motsats till vad forskningen säger tillämpas i företag idag, hur och i vilken omfattning beror dock på företagets egenskaper. Motivation och kommunikation anses som viktigt av alla tre fallföretagen, men tillämpningen inom dessa faktorer ser olika ut i de tre företagen. Att företagen inte använder sig av allt som forskarna anser som viktigt för IM behöver enligt vår undersökning inte betyda något negativt och kanske behövs det ingen generell gemensam definition för IM utan istället kan teorin utvidgas och anpassas efter företags olika egenskaper för att ytterligare underlätta tillämpningen i framtiden. / The concept of internal Marketing (IM) has developed a lot and is in research seen as applicable in allorganizations. A big mixture of ideas, models and theories have been gathered in this concept butdespite that there are few organizations that use the concept in practice. Today there is according to several researchers no clear and unified definition of IM, which has resulted in a great variety of howthe concept should be applicable in organizations. A number of different definitions and models thatdescribe IM have been developed but there is still no unified definition. Researchers claim that clarityof the concept is of great importance to facilitate the application. A precise specification of whichactivities that can be used to establish IM is needed when definition and classification is an importantpart of marketing analyses. The purpose of this thesis is to study the research that has been done within our chosen area and tocompare this with case studies to examine in what extent the theory of IM is used in organizations.This is a thesis where we aim to compare theory and practice to examine if, and then in what extentthe theory is applicable in organizations. We started our work by doing an extensive literature research within IM. Our second step was todelimit our theory to five researchers that have meant a lot in the way that they have both foundedthe theory as well as developed it the most until today. To get the practical aspect we did three caseswhere we interviewed the management of three companies in Västerås. The three companies wereof different sizes and worked in different branches, one micro company in the transport business,one small company in retailing and one middle-sized company that mediate accommodations. The conclusion of our research was that IM in the opposite of what the researchers say actually isutilized in companies today, but how and to what extent is depending on the companies'characteristics. Motivation and communication are considered important by all three companies, butthe application of IM within these factors looks different in the three companies. That the companiesdo not use everything that is considered important by the researchers for IM, does not have to benegative and might instead show that a general definition of IM not is required. Our suggestion isthat the theory instead might be expanded and adjusted for the different characteristics oforganizations to facilitate the application further in the future.

國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能關係之研究 / The Study of Relationship among Organization Internal Marketing, Knowledge Management, and School Effectiveness for Elementary Schools in Taiwan

陳建志, Chen, Chien Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能的關聯性。研究採用調查研究法,以臺灣地區公立國民小學教師為對象,總共發出1154份問卷,回收986份問卷,回收率為85.44%,而有效問卷回收率則為81.72%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸以及結構方程模式等統計方法加以分析。 本研究獲得以下七項結論,分述如下: 一、國民小學組織內部行銷在「凝聚溝通」層面的表現最突出。 二、國民小學知識管理中以「科技設施」層面最獲肯定。 三、國民小學學校效能中以「教師教學」層面最獲認同。 四、不同背景變項在國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能之差異有其脈絡因素存在。 五、國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能三者間具有正向關聯。 六、國民小學組織內部行銷及知識管理的分層面能預測學校效能。 七、國民小學組織內部行銷可直接影響學校效能,亦可間接透過知識管理的中介機制,對學校效能產生正向影響。 最後,根據文獻分析、研究結果與討論,分別就教育行政主管機關、學校教育人員以及未來研究提出建議,以供其參酌。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and school effectiveness. To obtain this information, 1154 teachers were selected to complete the questionnaire, where 986 questionnaires were returned. The return rate was 85.44% and the valid rate was 81.72%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson correlation analysis, stepwise regression, and structural equation modeling. The findings of this study are as followings: 1.Among all of the dimensions of organization internal marketing, “Congregate and communication” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 2.Among all of the dimensions of knowledge management, “Technology facilities” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 3.Among all of the dimensions of school effectiveness, “Teachers’ teaching” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 4.The differences of the background of organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and school effectiveness have the context factors. 5.There are significant correlations among organization internal marketing, knowledge management and school effectiveness. 6.The sub-level of the organization internal marketing and knowledge management can apparently predict the school effectiveness. 7.Organization internal marketing can affect school effectiveness directly, and which can also affect school effectiveness positively through knowledge management. At last, according to the results, this study provides the conclusion and the suggestions particularly for the institution of educational administration, elementary schools, and future research.

宜蘭縣國民小學校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與學校創新經營關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationships among Principals’ Servant Leadership, School Internal Marketing, and School’s Innovation For Management in Elementary Schools of Yilan County

諶志銘, Chen, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討宜蘭縣國民小學教師知覺校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與學校創新經營之現況,比較不同背景變項之國小教師在三個變項間之差異情形,並探討國小教師在知覺三個變項間的關係,並進而分析國小教師知覺校長服務領導、學校內部行銷對學校創新經營之預測力。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,以宜蘭縣國小教師為對象,共發出411份問卷,回收332份問卷,有效問卷為311份,回收後之問卷可用率為75.67%。調查所得資料以 SPSS 統計套裝軟體,進行相關統計方法處理分析。本研究獲致以下結果: 一、宜蘭縣國小教師知覺校長服務領導屬於中上程度,在「校長服務領導」八個層面,以「服侍」層面為最高;在知覺學校內部行銷屬於良好程度,在「學校內部行銷」五個層面中,以「參與賦權」層面最高;在知覺學校創新經營屬中上程度,在「學校創新經營」五個層面中,以「學生活動創新」層面最高。 二、不同年齡及不同學校地區之教師在知覺「校長服務領導」的程度上有顯著差異。 三、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、教育程度、擔任職務、學校規模及學校地區之國小教師在學校內部行銷上無顯著差異。 四、不同年齡之國小教師,在學校創新經營分層面「行政管理創新」及 「校園環境創新」有顯著差異;不同服務年資之國小教師,在學校創新經營分層面「行政管理創新」及「校園環境創新」有顯著差異,而在學校創新經營整體也呈現顯著差異;不同學歷之國小教師在學校創新經營分層面「資源運用創新」有顯著差異。 五、不同學校規模之國小教師,在「課程教學創新」層面、「學生活動創新」層面、「資源運用創新」層面及「校園環境創新」層面,均有顯著差異。 六、宜蘭縣國小教師知覺校長服務領導、教師學校內部行銷、學校創新經營整體及各層面,兩兩之間均有顯著相關。 七、宜蘭縣國小校長服務領導對學校創新經營有預測力;宜蘭縣國小學校內部行銷對學校創新經營有預測力;宜蘭縣國小校長服務領導與學校內部行銷對學校創新經營有預測力。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供國小校長、國小教師、教育行政機關及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:校長服務領導、學校內部行銷、學校創新經營 / The purpose of this study is to explore how elementary school teachers in the Yilan district perceive principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing and school’s innovation management. The thesis not only looks into whether and how teachers’ background matters, but also analyzes how they predict the three variables in question. This study conducted a survey-questionnaire by targeting on elementary school teachers in the Yilan district. A total of 411 questionnaires were distributed and 332 questionnaires were received. Among them, 311 were valid (75.67%). The data was analyzed through SPSS statistics, descriptive statistics, t-test, single factor analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple stepwise regressions. The findings of the study included: 1.Perceptions of principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing, and school’s innovation management were respectively “above average”, “average” and “above average” in all aspects. The top priority each was “service”, “participation and empowerment”, and “student activity innovation” in the order. 2.Perception of principals’ servant leadership was found significantly different for teachers with different ages and from different school districts. 3.Perception of school internal marketing was found not significantly different for teachers with different genders, ages, service years, education levels, posts, and from schools with different sizes and districts. 4.Teachers with different service years perceived school’s innovation management significantly differently. More precisely, service year and age both made a significant effect on the perception of administration management innovation and campus environment innovation. Teachers with different education levels perceived resource use innovation significantly differently. 5.School size made a significant effect on the perception of curriculum and teaching innovation, student activity innovation, resource use innovation, and campus environment innovation. 6.Pairwise comparisons among principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing and school’s innovation management were all significant. 7.Principals’ servant leadership was predictive of school’s innovation management, so was school internal marketing. Principals’ servant leadership plus with school internal marketing also predicted school’s innovation management. The results of this study provide an empirical basis for school principals, teachers and education administrators to make future investigations. Key words: principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing, School’s innovation management.

Intern marknadsföring och dess påverkan på fullsortimentsbankers uppfattade konkurrensfördelar : - En fallstudie av Svenska Handelsbanken och Nordea

Leander, Arvid, Hagewald, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
Författarna finner att dagens teori saknar tydliga riktlinjer för hur praktiker i den svenska banksektorn bör använda sig av intern marknadsföring. Bristen av en klar definition av begreppet medför svårigheter att applicera teorin på strategiarbetet och använda de verktyg som finns att tillgå i befintlig forskning. Nuvarande forskning visar på vikten av intern marknadsföring i alla organisationer, och då främst inom servicesektorn. Studierna som har gjorts är emellertid baserade på sektorer utomlands, vilket innebär svårigheter för svenska banker att tillämpa resultatet inom sin egen organisation, menar författarna. Författarna ämnar därför undersöka intern marknadsföring och dess effekt på uppfattade konkurrensfördelar på den svenska banksektorn och författarna har valt att fokusera på svenska fullsortimentsbanker. Det genomförs genom en teoretisk bakgrund kring de begrepp och modeller som finns idag samt genom en kvalitativ undersökning av två aktörer inom den svenska banksektorn. Både ledning och medarbetare på de bägge bankerna har deltagit i undersökningen för att kunna återge en nyanserad bild av problematiken. Studien visar att det råder vissa likheter mellan forskningen och de undersökta fallen, men inom bägge fallstudierna råder det även vissa skillnader i hur den interna marknadsföringen används och vilka konkurrensfördelar den skapar för fullsortimentsbanker. Undersökningen bidrar med rekommendationer för praktiker som kan ge en tydligare bild för hur fullsortimentsbanker inom den svenska banksektorn kan agera för att skapa ytterligare konkurrensfördelar genom den interna marknadsföringen. / This paper examines the theoretical area about internal marketing and what competitive advantages it results in. Earlier research shows that internal marketing is vital for successful companies, especially in the service sector. However, there have been no published studies of the Swedish banking sector. That is why the authors have used two case studies within the Swedish bank sector to try to create guidelines that they can use to increase their competitive advantages by using internal marketing in their strategy planning.The theoretical part shows that most of the researchers agree that by using some effective tools and factors in the internal marketing a better and more adaptive organisation will be developed. Even though there are some vital tools, all the tools must be considered and implemented in the organisations. The case studies have been researched using qualitative methods, interviewing both leaders and employees, trying to give a nuanced description of the internal marketing. The result shows that there need to be an open dialogue between the employees and the leaders and that the dialogue will be better by effective use of tools within the internal marketing. The discussion shows that the Swedish banking sector can develop their internal marketing to gain even more competitive advantages.

Satsningar på samhällsansvar : Ett långsiktigt arbete startar idag / Investment in Social Responsibility : A long term process starts today

Åström, Moa, Westberg, Julia January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förutsättningar för företag förändras ständigt. Samtidigt har kunder och anställda fått nya betydelsefulla roller för hur verksamheten utformas och vilka värderingar som företaget arbetar efter. Företagen förväntas i allt högre grad ta ett aktivt samhällsansvar, men satsningarna har hittills varit för kortsiktiga och inte visat på några ekonomiska resultat. Samhällsansvaret bör därför ses ur ett långsiktigt perspektiv och förankras strategiskt i företagets affärsidé. Problemformulering: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att företag ska kunna överföra långsiktigt samhällsansvar till sin affärsidé? Syfte: Att analysera och utvärdera sambandet mellan interna strategier och överensstämmelsen mellan ledning och anställda med avseende på samhällsansvar. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning utifrån en deduktiv ansats. Ett strategiskt urval gjordes vid val av företag samt informanter. Teorier: Relevanta teoriområden i uppsatsen är Corporate Social Responsilibity, Affärsidé, Kunskapsutveckling, Kommunikation, Värdeskapande och Involvering. Empiri: Empirin består av primärdata som samlats in genom djupintervjuer med fallföretagen. Resultat och Slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att det finns brister i IKEA:s interna strategier och som följd även en icke överensstämmande bild av samhällsansvaret hos ledning och anställda. I fallet med Nudie fanns det välutformade interna strategier och även en stark överensstämmelse. Strategierna som låg till grund för en stark överensstämmelse är kunskapsutveckling, dubbelriktad kommunikation, höginvolverade medarbetare och att företaget arbetar processtyrt för att fånga upp förändringar i omvärlden. / Background: Conditions for companies are constantly changing. At the same time customers and employees have taken on new significant roles in how companies are designed and what values they strive towards. Companies are expected to assume an active social responsibility, but thus far investments have been too short-term and have not delivered results in economic terms. For this reason social responsibility should be seen through a long-term perspective and be firmly established in the business idea. Problem: Which factors are important for companies to be able to incorporate a long-term social responsibility into their business idea? Purpose: To analyze and evaluate the connection between internal strategies and the consensus between management and employees regarding social responsibility. Method: The thesis is based on a qualitative survey and a deductive approach. A strategic selection was made in the choice of companies and informants. Theories: Relevant theories in this paper are Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Idea, Development of Knowledge, Communication, Value Adding and Involvement. Empiric: The empirics consist of primary data collected through depth interviews with the selected companies. Result and Conclusion: Our conclusion is that IKEA's internal strategies are flawed, and consequentially there is a lack of consensus between management and employees. With Nudie there were well-formulated internal strategies and also a high degree of consensus. The strategies that lay the foundation for consensus are development of knowledge, two-way communication, highly involved employees and the company's use of process control to monitor changes in the surrounding world.

The Value of Feedback : Improvements based on the Voices of Customers &amp; Dealers

Matschke, Jacqueline, Pedersen, Heidi January 2009 (has links)
This thesis investigates the utilization of customer and dealer feedback within organizations. Only few companies seem to fully exploit the valuable information they receive on customer and dealer opinions and preferences. The purpose of this study is to examine how firms can ensure that feedback contributes to the development of improvements in the organization in order to become more customer-centric. Theoretical approaches to a company’s relationships with customers and dealers, the importance of internal and external customer satisfaction, the creation of knowledge and the role of the organization have been considered. Thereafter, the current processes of feedback utilization in the case company Volvo Construction Equipment Region International have been analyzed, the organization’s internal environment studied and the perspective of its dealers included. These steps have been taken in order to answer the main research question of this thesis, namely ‘How can the administrative functions of an MNC become more customer-centric by improving an existing customer and dealer feedback process?’ Several conditions have been identified in this study, which need to be in place in order for companies to benefit from customer and dealer feedback. Especially the development of adequate processes for feedback analysis, knowledge creation and action-taking, as well as an appropriate organizational culture, appear to be central in this context. The provided recommendations of this thesis regarding the involvement of employees, procedures in the process of feedback utilization, a framework for company-wide learning, and the role of the dealers shall help to understand how to make better use of feedback in future.

澳門私立學校校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與教師組織承諾關係之研究 / The study of the relationship among principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing, and teachers’ organizational commitment in Private School of Macau

葉詠康, Ip, Weng Hong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討澳門私立學校校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與教師組織承諾之關係,採問卷調查法,以澳門私立學校教師為研究對象,共發出350份問卷,問卷回收可用率為61.14%。統計方法採用描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、Pearson積差相關及多元逐步回歸分析。本研究結果分述如下︰ 一、澳門私立學校校長服務領導屬中等程度,以「發展願景和前瞻性行為」最高,「治癒」最低。 二、澳門私立學校內部行銷屬中等程度,以「教育訓練」最高,「凝聚溝通」最低。 三、澳門私立學校教師組織承諾屬中等程度,以「努力意願」最高,「公平互惠」最低。 四、不同「性別」、「學歷」、「服務年資」、「學校規模」、「學校歷史」及「學校宗教背景」之教師對知覺澳門私立學校校長服務領導的整體或分層面上有顯著差異。 五、不同「學校規模」之教師對知覺澳門私立學校內部行銷的分層面上有顯著差異。 六、不同「性別」、「宗教背景」、「學校規模」之教師對知覺組織承諾的整體或分層面上有顯著差異。 七、澳門私立學校校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與教師組織承諾呈現高度正相關。 八、澳門私立學校校長服務領導與學校內部行銷對教師組織承諾具有預測作用。 / The purposes of this study was to explore the relationships among principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing and teachers’ organization commitment of private school in Macau. The questionnaire survey method was applied. Private School teachers in Macau were adopted as the research objects. 350 questionnaires were sent out. The validity of the responded questionnaires was 61.14%. The data was analyzed by using statistic method of descriptive statistic, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The findings of this study were as follow: 1.The servant leadership of Macau private school principals’ was at moderate level. The “vision and proactive behavior” scored the highest whereas the “healing” scored the lowest. 2.The internal marketing of Macau private school was also at moderate level. The “educational training” scored the highest whereas the “communication cohesion” scored the lowest. 3.The teachers’ organization commitment of Macau private school was at moderate level too. The “willingness to work hard” scored the highest and the “equal and mutual-beneficial” scored the lowest. 4.There were significant differences on the overall and dimensional awareness of Macau private school principals’ servant leadership among teachers with different gender, education, years in school, scale of the schools and schools’ religious background. 5.There were significant differences on the dimensional awareness of Macau private school internal marketing among teachers in schools with different scale. 6.There were significant differences on the overall and dimensional awareness of organization commitment among teachers with different gender, religious background and scale of the schools. 7.A highly positive correlation was shown among principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing and teachers’ organization commitment in private school of Macau. 8.Macau private school principals’ servant leadership and school internal marketing can serve as a remarkable prediction on teachers’ organization commitment.

初探社會運動組織運作模式:以2013台灣同志遊行為例 / An Exploratory Research on the Operations of Social Movement Organizations: The Case Study of 2013 Taiwan LGBT Pride

張金煉, Cheong, Chin Rian Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要討論在社會運動組織內部如何維繫長期運作,並試圖透過內部行銷理論切入,探討組織如何留任志工以及達致內部共識。過去內部行銷與社會運動組織結合的討論較少,因此,本研究以亞洲地區最大規模同志遊行作為個案,試圖建構出社會運動組織內部行銷執行要點。 本研究採用深度訪談法,了解主辦單位「同志遊行聯盟」在2013年第11屆遊行中,採取了什麼管理策略,並從不同職務、參與經驗的志工分享中,找出尚未解決的問題。 研究發現,隨著組織規模擴大以及成員組成結構改變,造成內部面對志工流失以及溝通不良的問題。「溫和/激進」、「嘉年華/草根」的走向固然是同志運動當中出現的路線拉扯,但志工離開的主因還是因為新舊志工彼此關係疏離,加上組織認同及對運動脈絡認知產生落差,因此增加了摩擦機會。在衝突沒有辦法透過回饋機制反應的情況下,志工無法從活動參與中滿足其情感動機以及工作成就感,便中途離開或放棄留任。 志工是社會運動重要的資源。從內部行銷內涵來看,組織應設計出符合成員期待的「產品」。「認同」作為動員社會運動參與的要素,本研究提出在抗爭目標外,組織也應將如何加強成員「個人」以及「組織」之認同納入其營運策略考量 / This research explores how the social movement organization operates in order to form the internal agreement and to retain volunteers’ participation. As there is little research on internal marketing and social movement organizations, this research employs Taiwan LGBT Pride, the biggest LGBT movement in Asia, as a case to construct knowledge on how internal management is implemented. The study adopts both in-depth interviews and participation observations as the research methods to collect data. The volunteers of the 11st Taiwan LGBT Pride were interviewed; in addition, the researcher of this study also joined the organization as a participant, tried to identify problems and to understand how things were organized in the Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization. This research found out that, due to the changing organizational structure and organizational expansion, Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization has failed to retain its volunteers and to form an internal agreement. Orientation of “radical/temperate” or “carnival/grassroot” may be unavoidable in LGBT movements, but this research reveals that the difficulty to retain volunteers results from the aloof relationship between senior volunteers and new comers. Additionally, there is a gap between organizational identity and the understanding of the context in this social movement. From the perspective of internal marketing, organizations should view its members as internal customers; however, the findings of this research indicate the volunteers of Taiwan LGBT Pride Organization did not fulfill neither their needs of being loved nor participation achievement. Hence, there is no feedback mechanism to express the disappointment and this leads to the high volunteer turnover. Volunteers are seen as the major resources in social movements. ‘Identity’ becomes an important element for social movement participation. This research proposes that how to enhance individual and organizational identify must be taken into account as one of the operational strategies in the social movement organization.

Jag är Handelsbanken : En fallstudie om Handelsbankens interna marknadsföring

Grankvist, Sebastian, Victor, Hjalmarsson January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det diskuteras ideligen kring de fyra storbankerna i media angående trender och framtidsutsikter. I Sverige är utbudet av banker stort, trots det skiljer de sig inte mycket åt gentemot kunder. Företag arbetar ständigt med att positionera varumärket gentemot kunder, dock skall inte den interna marknadsföringen bortses. Företagsledningen kommunicerar internt med att förmedla värderingar samt visioner vilket motiverar de anställda. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda och analysera Handelsbankens interna markandsföring samt integrationen av varumärket i organisationen för att sedan analysera effekterna utav det. Resultaten ur intervjuerna kommer att analyseras med hjälp av teorier.  Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie med abduktion som forskningsansats. De empirska data har insamlats genom sex stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Samtliga respondenter var från Handelsbanken varav tre arbetar som frontpersonal samt tre chefer. Hermeneutik var en central metod för att tolka teorier samt respondenternas svar. Slutsats: I studien har vi kommit fram till att den interna marknadsföringen har en betydande roll gällande att kommunicera värderingar, visioner och organisationskultur. Detta bidrar till att frontpersonalen blir motiverade, stimulerade och engagerade i det vardagliga arbetet. Vi har identifierat ett samband med den interna marknadsföringen till att frontpersonalen är förberedda inför kundmötet. De kan uppfylla kundens förväntningar vilket leder till högre kundnöjdhet. / Background: It is continually discussed about the four major banks in media regarding trends and prospects. In Sweden there is a wide selection of banks, despite that they do not differ greatly towards customers. Banks are constantly working to positioning the brand to customers, however, they should not disregard the internal marketing. The management communicates internally to convey values and visions which motivates the employees. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the internal marketing of Handelsbanken, and the integration of brand values in the organization to then analyze the outcoming effects. The results from the interviews will be analyzed using theories. Method: A qualitative case study with abductive research approach. The empirical data has been collected through six semi-structured interviews. All respondents were from Handelsbanken, three of them work as frontline staff and three as managers. Hermeneutics was a central method of interpreting theories as well as respondents' answers. Conclusion: The conclusions from our study are that internal marketing plays a significant role regarding communicating values, visions and organizational culture. This helps to motivate, stimulate and engage the frontline staff in their everyday work. We have identified a connection between the internal marketing and frontline staff, the management need to prepare them with values and necessary information before they face customers. They can therefor meet customer expectations which results in higher customer satisfaction.

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