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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PROBLEMATISERING OCH IDEOLOGI I LÄROBOKSTEXTER OM EUROPEISKA UNIONEN : Om gymnasieelevers möjligheter att utveckla ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till EU / PROBLEMATISATION AND IDEOLOGY IN TEXTBOOK TEXTS REGARDING THE EUROPEAN UNION : Concerning Swedish Upper Secondary Students’ Opportunities to Develop a Critical Attitude Towards the EU

Arwe, David January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med den undersökning som redovisas i detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur läro-böcker för kursen Samhällskunskap A i gymnasieskolan uppmuntrar elever till att inta ett kritiskt förhållningssätt. I syftet ingick också att undersöka huruvida några ideologiska kopplingar kunde finnas i lärobokstexterna. Med en kvalitativ textanalys av 10 läroböckers texter om EU undersöktes i vilken utsträckning texterna hade en problematiserande framställning, för att på så sätt uppmuntra eleverna till att reflektera kritiskt och formulera egna ståndpunkter. I förekommande fall undersöktes framställningens samband med de avgörande frågor kring EU-projektet som ställs inom ideologierna konservatism, liberalism, demokratisk socialism och ekologism. Resultatet av analysen visade att fyra av läroböckerna har en starkt problematiserande framställning medan majoriteten av böckerna har en framställning som är obetydligt eller svagt problematiserande. Generellt hittades en stark koppling till liberalismen i läroböckerna, en något svagare till konservatismen, medan kopplingar till demokratisk socialism och ekologism var representerade i liten eller mycket liten utsträckning. De böcker som uppmuntrar elever att utveckla ett kritiskt förhållningssätt genom att vara starkt problematiserande visade sig vara få, och än färre var de böcker som problematiserar EU på ett allsidigt sätt utifrån olika ideologiska perspektiv.

Slussen – visionen om en mötesplats : en retorisk och semiotisk analys av ett stadsplaneringsprojekt

Holm, Katarina January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen uppmärksammar planerna för ombyggnaden av nya Slussen i Stockholm. Fokus i undersökningen ligger på mötesplatserna och dess deltagare enligt den vision som presenteras av Stockholms stad. Genom en kvalitativ metod granskas hur modern stadsplanering är tänkt att påverka människor som passerar och vistas vid Slussen. Analysen har ett retoriskt, semiotiskt och ideologiskt perspektiv och undersöker tre olika dokument: en publik broschyr, gällande detaljplan och gestaltningsprogram. Resultatet visar på en vision om en central plats i staden som befolkas av människor vars fritid och konsumtion är det mest väsentliga. Samtidigt är det få vardagliga verksamheter framkommer. Arkitektdiskursen är iögonfallande inte bara visuellt utan även i texterna.

Identitet, diskurs och ideologi i filmen "Watchmen" : En studie om subjektspositioner i en populärkulturell film.

Nassirov, Farhad January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

"Ett förskräckligt missbruk av yttrandefriheten" : en uppsats om underförståddhet i svensk nyhetsrapportering om Lexbase

Väänänen, Essi January 2014 (has links)
In January of 2014 a newly founded company held a press conference in central Stockholm. The purpose of the conference was to inform about Lexbase, the largest database on the Internet with legal information about the Swedish general public. The aim of this particular paper is to use news reports about Lexbase as material to identify the theses and their types presented in Swedish newspapers, and to examine the ideology constructed and presented by the theses in the said news reports. The questions asked in the paper are 1. What the distribution of different theses looks like and is there a type of thesis that more often invokes an implicit argumentation? 2. Which ideologies are evoked, reinforced or reproduced by the news reports? The results of the thesis show that the distribution of theses was not even, and that implicit theses with values linked to them were most common. The results also show that the implicit values and that the ideologies that could be identified had to do with moral righteousness and with freedom of speech. Therefore it can be said that the news reports about Lexbase had in general a specific type of thesis which were imbedded with mostly negative values, which were projected through ideologies about morals and the controversy of freedom of speech.

Neutrale Schweiz? : En analyse av politiske plakater i en kulturell kontekst / Neutral Switzerland? : An analysis of political posters in a cultural context

Etter, Solveig January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Diskursordning och hegemoni : Representationer av en skola / Order of discourse and hegemony : Representations of a school

Öhman, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Den här artikeln utforskar, genom en mångperspektivistisk diskursanalys, tidningsartiklar, en vetenskaplig artikel, ett myndighetsbrev, bloggar och ett reportage skrivna om en specifik grundskola i Sverige, som har blivit känd för sitt lyckade utvecklingsarbete med elevernas studieresultat. Enligt denna artikel är bilden som förmedlas genom media mycket positiv tills en artikel följd av en blogg, förändrade diskursordningen på ett hegemoniskt sätt. Den här artikeln beskriver den diskursiva förändringen i relation till den social- och historiskt utbildningspolitiska kontexten, till stor del dominerad av en nyliberal ideologi, där mätning och ranking fokuseras mer än skolutveckling i form av inkludering och lärande. / This article uses discourse analysis from a multivalent perspective to research newspaper articles, a scientific article, an institutional newsletter, blogs and a reportage written on the subject of a specific comprehensive school in Sweden which has become known for its successful development in pupils’ achievements. According to this article the picture given of the school in the media is very positive, until the time when one article in a newspaper, followed by a blog, changed the order of discourse in a hegemonic way. This article describes the discursive change in relation to the social and historical context within the education policy, one largely dominated by a neoliberal ideology, which focuses more on measuring and ranking than on school improvement in terms of inclusion and learning.

Rödgrön dagspress : En studie om Dagens ETC:s nyhetsvärdering, ett alternativ i ett borgerligt medielandskap

Wänelöf, Frida, Coogan, Ella January 2014 (has links)
I januari 2014 startade Dagens ETC som en ny dagstidning med rödgrön profil.                  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur en rödgrön journalistik ser ut och hur den skiljer sig från en borgerlig tidning. I uppsatsen undersöks om och i så fall hur Dagens ETC skiljer sig från Dagens Nyheter i nyhetsvärdering, perspektiv och gestaltning. Uppsatsen består av tre undersökningar. Genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av nyhetsartiklar från Dagens ETC och Dagens Nyheter undersöks om och hur nyhetsvärderingen i Dagens ETC skiljer sig från nyhetsvärderingen i Dagens Nyheter. Tidningarnas ledare undersöks med en egenutvecklad metod som är både kvantitativ och kvalitativ. Därefter görs en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av utvalda artiklar med det kvantitativa resultatet som utgångspunkt. Syftet med de två sistnämnda undersökningarna är att undersöka ur vilka perspektiv tidningar skildrar samma ämne, samt om tidningarnas ideologiska utgångspunkt syns i ledarna och i nyhetsrapporteringen.  Teorier som har använts är dagordningsteorin, framingteorin och teorier om nyhetsvärdering. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar att tidningarna skiljer sig åt både vad det gäller nyhetsvärdering, perspektiv och gestaltning. Deras ideologiska profil präglar både ledarsidorna och nyhetstexterna. Framförallt syns skillnaden i rapporteringen av ekonomi, miljö, arbete, val och jämställdhet.

Bistånd och Ideologi : En studie om ideologins påverkan på svenskt bistånd

Andersson, Christoffer January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether or not the Swedish aid has had an ideologicalinclination for the past 12 years and, if that is the case, examine what ideology/ideologies hasexcersised greatest influence over the aid as well as how the influence has manifested itself. Thisthesis will be using a qualitive method for this investigation, more specifically an Ideal typeanalysis. The priorities, use of language and overall goals concerning the aid from various budgetproposals and policy frameworks are the main subjects for analysis which will then be used tocompare them to the ”pure” thoughts from three major ideological thoughts: Social democracy,social liberalism and social conservatism.The results of the thesis shows that the Swedish aid has most certaintly been affected by theideological views of the reigning government. It likewise shows that social democracy, as well associal liberalism, served as the major ideological foundations during this time. However, the overallobjectives have not been subject to change during this time but have rather remained adamant in theface of ideological changes. Keywords: aid, ideal type analysis, ideology, social conservatism, social democracy, socialliberalism.

Varthän flyr vi, mina tappra män? : En komparativ studie av militärideologi i Vegetius och Ammianus Marcellinus texter

Öberg, Rickard January 2018 (has links)
This study is situated between the disciplines of military history and the history of ideas. It focuses on two late Roman writers; the bureaucrat Vegetius and the historian Ammianus Marcellinus. Drawing on linguistic methodology and a theory of ideology formulated by the Swedish political scientist Herbert Tingsten, this is the first comprehensive and comparative study of these two important sources of information on the late Roman military. The purpose of the study has been to elucidate and explain ideological differences and similarities between the two figures. Previous research suggests that Vegetius’ De Re Militari is a less trustworthy source given its author’s lack of military experience and his reliance on earlier written sources. By comparing it with Ammianus’ Res Gestae, a source often attributed greater credibility, this study hoped to demonstrate significant similarities that would warrant a re-evaluation of Vegetius’ source value. However, the conclusion drawn from the comparative examination of these two texts is that Ammianus and Vegetius did not share a common military ideology and that there are no grounds for a profound re-evaluation of Vegetius’ credibility.

vem är journalisten : en samtalsanalytisk studie av partiledarintervjuer med fokus på journalistikens ideologi / who is the journalist : a conversation analysis of interviews with party leaders during the 2006 election period, focus on the ideology of journalism

Hellstrand, Erica January 2010 (has links)
Who is the journalist, a conversation analysis of interviews with party leaders during the 2006 election period, focus on the ideology of journalismÖrebro University, Department of Humanities, Media- and Communication studies, C-studySupervisor: Mats EkströmAuthor: Erica HellstrandIn contemporary society the media is part of the politics, or maybe, politics is part of the media. Whatever the case, they are important to each other, the media play a conclusive role in the connect between politics and citizens, and thus, results of election. The relation between the media and politics should continuously be studied and discussed in the continuously changing modern society.This paper examines the practice of news journalism in interviews with swedish party leaders during the 2006 election period. Focusing on how the ideology of journalism and the professional identity of journalists affect the practice the researcher hopes to contribute to the further understanding of the area. Steven E. Clayman has studied broadcast political interviews and the use of tribune of the people-footing, which means that journalist's align with the public in different ways. Thus, delimitations of the study has been set to the analysis of how journalists use the TV-audience, the studio audience, the people, the citizens, the voters and the common in a set of techniques during the interview.The method used is conversation analysis which concentrates on utterances as actions within sequences of talk. The method is based on a model, developed by Sacks and Schegloff, of turn taking which describes the basic rules of conversation. It is a qualitative study of eight party leader-interviews recorded during the 2006 election. The aim is to examine the professional identity of journalists as a tribune of the people, in the practice of their profession. The researcher aimed to answer two questions:Does the interview structure contribute to enhance the role of the journalist as a tribune of the people?Can patterns be found in the journalist's question-formulations which imply that the journalist is acting in the role as a tribune of the people?Everything in the interview happen because someone has decided i should happen. The scene itself is perfectly planned to fit the aim of the interview, namely to mediate the interrogation of politicians to the people. Questions formulated by persons in the audience or persons at home watching the program constitute a resource to the interviewer, when the question is asked the interviewer can further interrogate the interviewee on the subject without having to explain why the question is worth asking. Further, the structure of the speech-exchange also creates resources for the journalist to stance him/herself as a tribune of the people. Four categories of aligning with the public was found in the material. The journalist can; (1) construct a hypothetical person and ask one or several questions on behalf of this person, (2) formulate a question on behalf of the people, (3) formulate a question on the basis of a indefinite crowd of people and (4) formulate a question on the basis of a definite crowd of people.The results implies that the journalists act as a tribunes of the people, more or less, throughout the interview situation. The question yet to be asked is if this only constitute resources in a struggle between different agendas or if it actually is imbedded in the identity of the journalist. The ideoloy is said to control, motivate and inspire. Thus, a tribune of the people stance creates resources and legitimizes the practice of journalism, but it also creates a place in society where journalism is needed.

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