Spelling suggestions: "subject:"immunosuppression"" "subject:"lmmunosuppression""
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Metastasiertes Plattenepithelkarzinom auf einem Ulkus bei Graft-versus- Host-Disease nach allogener StammzelltransplantationHobelsberger, S., Meier, F., Beissert, S., Abraham, S. 16 May 2024 (has links)
Wir berichten über einen 48-jährigen multimorbiden Patienten, der vor 26 Jahren eine allogene Knochenmarktransplantation aufgrund einer chronischen myeloischen Leukämie erhielt; 24 Jahre lang litt der Patient an einer sklerodermiformen chronischen Graft-versus-Host-Disease (GVHD) der Haut und der Lunge mit partieller Lungenresektion und immunsuppressiver Therapie. An den Unterschenkeln entwickelten sich rezidivierende Ulzerationen an den von der kutanen GVHD betroffenen Stellen. Der Patient stellte sich mit einem größenprogredienten Ulkus mit Therapieresistenz in unserer Klinik vor. Histologisch konnte ein Plattenepithelkarzinom diagnostiziert werden. Die Magnetresonanztomographie zeigte eine Knochenbeteiligung und eine kutane In-Transit-Metastase, und die Computertomographie ergab eine Metastase im Os sacrum. Bevor die Therapie eingeleitet wurde, verstarb der Patient plötzlich an den Folgen seiner Vorerkrankungen. Die Entwicklung einer kutanen GVHD ist häufig bei Patienten mit allogener Stammzelltransplantation. Hierbei ist das Risiko für die Entwicklung von Plattenepithelkarzinomen erhöht. Patienten sollten unter engmaschiger dermatologischer Kontrolle stehen. Bei Verdacht auf ein Plattenepithelkarzinom bei vorbestehender GVHD sollte zeitnah eine bioptische Sicherung erfolgen, um das Risiko einer Metastasierung zu senken.
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Novel therapeutic strategies for inflammatory cardiomyopathy: from bench to bedsideElsanhoury, Ahmed 27 November 2020 (has links)
Die entzündliche Kardiomyopathie ist eine heterogene Erkrankung. Die häufigste Ursache ist eine Virusinfektion, wobei Parvovirus B19 (B19V) der bedeutendste Erreger ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden potenzielle Therapie für die speziellen klinischen Verläufe und deren Phänotypen untersucht.
In vitro konnte gezeigt werden, dass Telbivudin in B19V-infizierten/B19V-non-structural protein-1-stimulierten humanen mikrovaskulären Endothelzellen (HMEC-1) endothelial-protektiv wirkt. In einem klinischen Versuch wurden dann 4 Patienten, bei denen eine aktive Transkription des B19V nachgewiesen wurde, für 6 Monate mit Telbivudin behandelt. Alle Patienten verbesserten sich.
Ein anderes klinisches Szenario stellt die schwere Entzündung des Myokards dar, welche gewöhnlich mit einer inaktiven/persistierenden Infektion des B19V verbunden ist. Eine Behandlung mit Immunsuppressiva ist hier umstritten, da eine Reaktivierung des Virus befürchtet wird. Um diesen Aspekt weiter zu untersuchen, würde eine Therapie mit Prednisolon in Kombination mit Azathioprin bei 51 B19V-positiven und 17 B19V-negativen Patienten angewandt. Beide Gruppen profitierten in ähnlichem Maße von der Kombinationstherapie, wobei sich die Virusmenge nicht signifikant veränderte.
Bei B19V-negativen Patienten konnte über die Persistenz von CD20+ B-Lymphozyten in den EMBs die Untergruppe der „Steroide non-responder“ klassifiziert werden. Im weiteren Verlauf wurden 6 Patienten mit Rituximab, einem monoklonalen Antikörper, der spezifisch gegen CD20+ B-Lymphozyten gerichtet ist, behandelt. Hiervon zeigten 5 Patienten eine ausgezeichnete klinische Verbesserung.
Ein Patient mit Myokarditis-induzierten kardiogenen Schock zeigt, dass die Entlastung des linken Ventrikels mittels eines Mikroaxialpumpensystems zu einer rapiden Abnahme der Entzündungszellen führt.
Zusammenfassend liefert diese Arbeit Belege für die Wirksamkeit und die Notwendigkeit einer phänotypbasierten Behandlung bei der entzündlichen Kardiomyopathie. / Inflammatory cardiomyopathy is a heterogenous disease. Viral etiologies are the most common, with parvovirus B19 (B19V) being the most prominent culprit. Currently, no specific treatment for inflammatory cardiomyopathy exists. In this study, tailored treatment strategies were investigated as potential therapies for specific clinical scenarios.
The antiviral drug telbivudine was investigated in the setting of EMB-proven B19V-associated inflammatory cardiomyopathy. In cell culture, telbivudine exhibited endothelial-protective effects on B19V-infected/B19V-non-structural protein-1-stimulated human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1). Clinically, four B19V-positive patients improved following six-month telbivudine regimen in a single-patient use approach. The results were translated to the “PreTOPIC” clinical study, for further evaluation in a randomized placebo-controlled setting.
In a different clinical scenario, severe myocardial inflammation is usually associated with inactive/persistent B19V. Here, the use of immunosuppression is controversial, fearing viral flare-up. We investigated combined prednisolone/azathioprine therapy in 51 B19V-positive and 17 B19V negative patients in a single-center observational study. Both groups gained similar benefit, while viral loads did not significantly vary.
Among virus-negative phenotypes, EMB-proven CD20+ B lymphocyte persistence characterized a subgroup of steroid non-responders. In this cohort, six patients were treated with rituximab, a monoclonal antibody selectively targeting CD20+ B lymphocytes. Five patients showed outstanding clinical improvement parallel to CD20+ B lymphocyte depletion.
Lastly, in a single case of myocarditis-induced cardiogenic shock, mechanical left ventricular unloading via axial flow pump proved to exert disease-modifying effects.
In conclusion, this thesis provides evidence for the efficacy and need for phenotype-based inflammatory cardiomyopathy treatment.
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Untersuchungen zur Effizienz einer CTLA-4Ig Therapie in Kombination mit adoptivem Zelltransfer zur Vermeidung von Abstoßungsreaktionen im Modell der orthotopen RattenlebertransplantationNeumann, Ulf Peter 25 March 2003 (has links)
Einleitung: CTLA-4Ig blockiert CD28-vermittelte co-stimulatorische Signale und inhibiert kompetitiv in vitro und in vivo immunologische Reaktionen. Der signifikante immunsuppressive Effekt von CTLA4-IG konnte in verschiedenen tierexperimentellen Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung von Toleranz nach Organtransplantation aufgezeigt werden. Allerdings waren die Ergebnisse nach CTLA-4Ig Therapie in den nachfolgenden Untersuchungen variable und ein Großteil der transplantierten Organe wurde letztendlich abgestoßen. Neuere Studien zeigen das die Effizienz der CTLA-4Ig Therapie von dem Zeitpunkt der Gabe abhängen. Weiterhin gibt es Anhalte dafür, daß dieser Effekt durch spenderabgeleitete Transfusionen noch verstärkt werden kann. Für uns stellte sich daher die Frage ob durch die Kombination von CTLA-4IG und Applikation spenderabgeleiteter Splenozyten ein additiver immunsuppressiver Effekt zu erreichen ist und untersuchten dies im Modell der Rattenlebertransplantation (ORLT). Methodik: Wir führten Rattenlebertransplantationen (ORLT) im arterialisierten, voll allogenen Modell Da (RT1a) auf Lew (RT1l) in Standardtechnik durch. Die Ratten erhielten in verschiedenen Gruppen vor/nach der Transplantation CTLA-4Ig oder die Kombination von CTLA-4Ig mit spenderabgeleiteten oder unspezifischen Milzzellen. Ergebnisse: Bei der Vorbehandlung der Empfänger, entweder mit spenderabgeleiteten Zellen oder CTLA-4Ig, ließ sich eine Verbesserung des Transplantatüberlebens, aber keine Langzeitakzeptanz des Transplantates erreichen. Erst die Kombinationstherapie vor der Transplantation gewährleistete ein langfristiges Organüberleben ohne Zeichen für chronische Rejektionen nach mehr als 150 Tagen. Die Therapie mit spenderabgeleiteten Zellen am Tag der Transplantation oder verzögert nach 4 Tagen nach Transplantation veränderte die Überlebenszahlen nicht. Die verzögerte postoperative Therapie mit CTLA-4Ig, wie sie auch von anderen Gruppen durchgeführt wurde, resultierte in unseren Versuchen in einem verlängertem Überleben, führte aber nur bei 2/7 Tieren zur langfristigen Transplantatakzeptanz. Die zusätzliche Applikation nicht abgeleiteter Milzzellen verbesserte die Ergebnisse nicht signifikant. Transplantatakzeptanz bei allen Tieren ließ sich wiederum nur durch die Kombination spenderabgeleiteter Zellen und CTLA-4Ig erreichen. Spenderabgeleiteter Mikrochimärismus trat bei allen Tieren, also auch bei Kontrolltieren trotz ablaufender Abstoßung am 6. POD nach ORLT auf. Am 12. POD zeigten tolerante Gruppen noch spenderabgeleitete Zellen, wohingegen diese bei abstoßenden Gruppen nicht mehr nachweisbar waren. Im Langzeitverlauf waren diese spenderabgeleiteten Zellen auch in toleranten Tieren nur noch vereinzelt nachzuweisen. Eine Verschiebung der Zytokinantwort von TH1- Richtung TH2-Zytokinen konnte bei langfristig überlebenden Tieren nicht aufgezeigt werden. Im Gegenteil, die TH1-Antwort mit INF-g und IL-12b war bei toleranten, kombiniert mit CTLA-4Ig und adoptivem Zelltransfer behandelten Ratten früher und stärker ausgeprägt, aber schneller wieder rückläufig als bei unbehandelten Kontrollen. Dies galt nicht für IL-2, das in allen Gruppen, die mit CTLA-4Ig behandelt wurden, stark unterdrückt war. Langfristig überlebende Tiere zeigten mehr als 150 Tage nach ORLT nahezu keine Expression dieser TH1-Zytokine mehr, wohingegen IL-4 deutlich exprimiert wurde. Dies spricht gegen eine ausschließliche Verschiebung der Zytokinantwort nach TH2 und betont die Bedeutung von TH1-Zytokinen in der initialen Phase der Toleranzentwicklung. In toleranten Tieren mit adoptivem Zelltransfer zeigte sich im Vergleich zu abstoßenden Tieren eine stärkere Ausprägung von Apoptose in den Transplantaten, die zeitlich parallel zu der mRNA-Expression der TH1-Zytokine verlief. Dies läßt darauf schließen, daß Apoptose aktivierter T-Zellen der Mechanismus ist, der die additiven Effekte der CTLA-4Ig-Behandlung und des adoptiven Zelltransfers vermittelt. Die CTLA4-Ig Behandlung verhindert effektiv Abstoßungsepisoden nach ORLT. Die Effizienz der Behandlung kann durch die Applikation von spenderabgeleiteten Zellen noch signifikant verbessert werden. Hierbei spielt die Herunterregulation von IL-2 und Hochregulierung von INF-g eine maßgebliche Rolle, wohingegen der spenderabgeleitete Chimärismus von nachgeordneter Rolle zu sein scheint. Parallel zu dem Nachweis von IFN-g finden sich mehr apoptotische Zellen am Tag 6 in den Transplantaten der später toleranten Ratten, verglichen mit den abstoßenden Kontrolltieren. Dies weist in diesem Modell, im Gegensatz zu anderen Theorien, auf einen immunaktivierten Mechanismus mit nachfolgender Apoptose aktivierter Lymphozyten hin / Blockage of co-stimulatory CD28-mediated signals by CTLA4-Ig inhibits in vitro and in vivo immune responses. However, in recent trials monotherapy with CTLA4-Ig failed to introduce long-term survival in several animal transplant models. The study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of CTLA-4Ig treatment with additional application of donor splenocytes in preventing rejection and improving graft function in rat liver allografts. DA rats (RT1a) were used as donors and Lew (RT1l) rats as recipients in an orthotopic liver transplantation model (ORLT). Recipients were divided in 3 groups depending on the start of treatment: The first group was treated prior to transplantation with CTLA-4Ig (0.5 mg i.p.) alone or in combination with donor derived or donor unspecific 2.5 x 108 splenocytes. The second group was treated simultaneously at transplantation with CTLA-4Ig or received no further treatment and served as controls. The third group received an ORLT and was treated postoperatively on day 3 and 4 with CTLA4-Ig alone or in combination with donor derived or unspecific spleen cells. Only the combination of CTLA-4Ig and donor derived cells pre- or postoperatively led to a 100% graft survival in the long-term. The treatment with CTLA-4Ig alone at each time point led to prolonged graft survival but not to a long-term graft survival. The additional administration of donor unspecific cells could improve these results, however, the differences were not significantly different between these groups. All rats without any treatment died within 12 days after ORLT. When treating the rats with donor derived spleen cells prior to transplantation the survival was significantly prolonged. The application of donor unspecific cells alone pre- and postoperatively had no effect on the survival rates. Microscopic and macroscopic studies of the liver demonstrated no signs of ongoing rejection after 150 days in rats treated with the combination of CTLA4-Ig and donor derived cells. All other long term survivors demonstrated signs of chronic rejection with bile duct loss. Immunohistological staining for DA specific surface antigen demonstrated donor specific chimerism with no predominance in any group. In the early postoperative course, the expression of IL-2 in liver specimen was significantly reduced in all groups receiving CTLA-4Ig. In contrast to this the tolerant rats surviving long-term showed a marked expression of IFN-g in the early course after ORLT. Additionally, these rats showed on day 6 after ORLT more apoptosis in the liver graft specimens compared to rejecting controls. CTLA4-Ig treatment is highly effective in rat liver transplantation and ensure long term survival. Pretransplant or delayed treatment with CTLA4-Ig alone prolongs survival but does not introduce long term tolerance. The effectiveness of the treatment can be markedly improved by the additional application of donor derived cells. The downregulation of IL-2 is mainly involved in the development of tolerance whereas detection of donor specific chimerism is not correlated to the development of tolerance in our study. Additionally an activation induced cell death via IFN-g may be involved in the tolerance induction. Although the mechanisms are still not completely understood immunomodulation by adaptive cell transfer and costimulatory blockage is an interesting and promising option for the future of clinical liver transplantation.
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The role of HLA-G in bone marrow transplantation / Ο ρόλος του μορίου HLA-G στη μεταμόσχευση μυελού των οστώνΛαζανά, Ιωάννα 17 July 2014 (has links)
The human leukocyte antigen-G (HLA-G has been considered to be an important
tolerogeneic molecule playing an essential role in maternal-fetal tolerance, which
constitutes the perfect example of successful physiological immunotolerance of semi-allografts. In this context, we investigated the putative role of this molecule in the allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation setting. The percentage of HLA-G+ cells in peripheral blood of healthy donors and allo-transplanted patients was evaluated by flow cytometry. Their immunoregulatory and immunotolerogeneic properties were
investigated in in vitro immunostimulatory and immunosuppression assays.
Immunohistochemical analysis for HLA-G expression was performed in skin biopsies
from allo-transplanted patients and correlated with the occurrence of graft-versus-host disease. We identified a CD14+
HLA-Gpos population with an HLA-DRlow
phenotype and decreased in vitro immunostimulatory capacity circulating in
peripheral blood of healthy individuals. Naturally occurring CD14+HLA-Gpos cells
suppressed T cell responses and acted immunotolerogenic on T cells by rendering
them hyporesponsive and immunosuppressive in vitro. After allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation, HLA-Gpos cells increase in blood. Interestingly, besides an increase of CD14+HLA-Gpos cells there was also a pronounced expansion of CD3+HLA-Gpos cells. Of note, CD3+HLA-Gpos and CD14+HLA-Gpos cells from transplanted patients were suppressive in in vitro lymphoproliferation assays.
Furthermore, we found an upregulation of HLA-G expression in skin specimens from transplanted patients which correlated with graft-versus-host disease. Inflammatory
cells infiltrating the dermis of transplanted patients were also HLA-Gpos. Here, we report the presence of naturally occurring HLA-Gpos monocytic cells with in vitro suppressive properties. HLA-G epressing regulatory blood cells were found in increased numbers after allogeneic transplantation. Epithelial cells in skin affected by graft-versus-host disease revealed elevated HLA-G expression. / Το ανθρώπινο λεμφοκυτταρικό αντιγόνο -G (HLA-G) θεωρείται ένα σημαντικό
ανοσορρυθμιστικό μόριο, το οποίο κατέχει έναν πολύ σημαντικό ρόλο στην προαγωγή εμβρυο-μητρικής αντοχής, η οποία αποτελεί το ιδανικό παράδειγμα
επιτυχούς φυσιολογικής ανοσοαντοχής του ημι-αλλομοσχεύματος. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό,
στοχεύσαμε στη διερεύνηση του πιθανού ρόλου του μορίου HLA-G στην αλλογενή
μεταμόσχευση αρχέγονων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων (άλλο-ΜΑΚ). Το ποσοστό των
HLA-G+ κυττάρων στο περιφερικό αίμα των υγιών ενηλίκων και των μεταμοσχευμένων ασθενών ελέγθηκε με κυτταρομετρία ροής. Ο ανοσορρυθμιστικός τους ρόλος και οι ανοσοκατασταλτικές τους ικανότητες ελέγθηκαν σε in vitro ανοσοδιεγερτικές και ανοσοκατασταλτικές δοκιμασίες. Ανοσοιστοχημική ανάλυση της έκφρασης του HLA-G πραγματοποιήθηκε σε δερματικές βιοψίες από άλλο-μεταμοσχευμένους ασθενείς και συσχετίστηκε με την εμφάνιση της νόσου του
μοσχεύματος έναντι του ξενιστή(GvHD). Ένας CD14+HLA-Gθετ πληθυσμός με HLA-DRlow φαινότυπο και μειωμένη in vitro ανοσοδιεγερτική ικανότητα ανιχνεύτηκε στο
περιφερικό αίμα των υγιών ενηλίκων. Τα φυσικώς εμφανιζόμενα CD14+HLA-Gθετ
κύτταρα κατέστειλαν τον Τ λεμφοκυτταρικό πολλαπλασιασμό και είχαν ανοσοκατασταλτική επίδραση στα Τ κύτταρα, μετατρέποντάς τα σε υπο-απαντητικά και ανοσοκατασταλτικά κύτταρα in vitro. Μετά την αλλογενή μεταμόσχευση, τα HLA-Gθετ κύτταρα αυξάνουν στο αίμα. Είναι ενδιαφέρον το γεγονός ότι πέραν της αύξησης
των CD14+HLA-Gθετ κυττάρων παρατηρήθηκε επίσης μια ιδιαίτερη αύξηση των CD3+HLA-Gθετ
κυττάρων στο αίμα. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι τα CD14+HLA-Gθετ και CD3+HLA-Gθετ
κύτταρα των άλλο-μεταμοσχευμένων ασθενών ήταν ικανά να καταστέλλουν τον Τ κυτταρικό πολλαπλασιασμό in vitro. Επιπλέον ανιχνεύθηκε μια αύξηση της έκφρασης του HLA-G στις δερματικές βιοψίες των μεταμοσχευμένων ασθενών, η οποία συσχετίζονταν με τη νόσο GvHD. Τα φλεγμονώδη κύτταρα που είχαν διεισδύσει στο δέρμα των ασθενών ήταν επίσης HLA-G θετικά. Στη
συγκεκριμένη εργασία αναφέρουμε την παρουσία φυσικώς εμφανιζόμενων HLA-Gθετ μονοκυττάρων με in vitro ανοσοκατασταλτικές ικανότητες. HLA-G εκφραζόμενα ρυθμιστικά κύτταρα ανιχνεύονται στο αίμα μετά τη μεταμόσχευση σε αυξημένους αριθμούς. Τα επιθηλιακά κύτταρα του δέρματος που είναι προσβεβλημένο από τη νόσο GvHD εμφανίζουν αυξημένη έκφραση του HLA-G.
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Pesquisa de marcadores sorológicos e moleculares da infecção pelo Vírus da Hepatite E (HEV) em indivíduos portadores do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) / Serological and molecular markers of hepatitis E virus infection (HEV) in HIV-infected individualsFerreira, Ariana Carolina 28 April 2016 (has links)
A infecção pelo HEV é reconhecida como um considerável problema de saúde pública em diversas regiões do mundo. Embora caracterizada como uma infecção benigna com um curso evolutivo autolimitado, recentes estudos têm mostrado sua evolução para cronicidade em indivíduos imunocomprometidos. Além disso, tem sido verificado que nesses indivíduos a infecção crônica pelo HEV pode evoluir para fibrose hepática progressiva, culminando com o desenvolvimento de cirrose. Não existem dados acerca da prevalência da infecção pelo HEV em pacientes infectados pelo HIV no Brasil, onde a circulação deste vírus tem sido demonstrada em diversos grupos de indivíduos imunocompetentes e, até mesmo, em alguns animais provenientes de diferentes regiões do país. Com base nisso, este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a prevalência de marcadores sorológicos e moleculares da infecção pelo HEV, bem como a padronização de uma PCR em tempo real para a detecção e quantificação da carga viral do HEV na população de soropositivos da cidade de São Paulo. Foram incluídos neste estudo soro e plasma de pacientes infectados pelo HIV (n=354), que foram divididos em grupos de acordo com a presença ou ausência de coinfecção pelos vírus das hepatites B (HBV) e C (HCV). Essas amostras foram coletadas entre 2007 e 2013. Anticorpos anti-HEV IgM e IgG foram pesquisados pela técnica de ELISA (RecomWell HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®), e, em alguns casos, confirmados por Immunoblotting (RecomLine HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®). Todas as amostras foram submetidas à pesquisa de HEV RNA através da PCR em tempo real padronizada. Cerca de 72% dos indivíduos avaliados pertenciam ao sexo masculino. A média de idade entre a população analisada foi de 48,4 anos. Os anticorpos anti-HEV IgM e IgG foram encontrados em 1,4% e 10,7% dos indivíduos dessa população, respectivamente. Apenas dois pacientes apresentaram positividade simultânea para anti-HEV IgM e IgG. Não houve diferença estatisticamente relevante quanto à presença de marcadores sorológicos nos grupos de estudo. Além disso, foi detectado o HEV RNA em 10,7% das amostras analisadas, entre as quais, seis apresentaram simultaneamente algum marcador sorológico (5 anti-HEV IgG e 1 IgM). A presença deste marcador foi predominante no grupo de pacientes com coinfecção pelo HCV. Através deste trabalho pôde-se constatar, portanto, que o HEV é circulante entre a população de infectados pelo HIV em São Paulo, e que o seguimento desses pacientes se faz necessário dado a possibilidade de progressão para infecção crônica e cirrose / HEV infection is recognized as a significant public health problem in different world regions. Although initially characterized as a benign infection with selflimited course, recent studies have showing its evolution to chronicity in immunocompromised individuals. Furthermore, in these individuals the chronic infection can develop progressive liver fibrosis leading to cirrhosis. There are no data regarding prevalence of HEV infections in HIV- infected patients in Brazil, where the circulation of this virus has been demonstrated in different individuals groups and in some animals from different regions of the country. Based on this, this study aimed to assess the prevalence of serological and molecular makers of HEV infection and the standardization of real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of HEV viral load in HIV-infected individuals in São Paulo. Serum and plasma samples of HIV-infected patients (n=354), collected between 2007 and 2013, were included and organized in groups of co-infection (HIV/ HBV, HIV/HCV and HIV/ HBV/ HCV) and HIV mono-infection. Antibodies anti-HEV IgM and IgG were detected by ELISA (RecomWell HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®), and in some cases confirmed by immunoblotting (RecomLine HEV IgM/ IgG - MIKROGEN®). All samples were submitted to research HEV RNA by real-time PCR. About 72% of the patients were male. The mean age of this population was 48.4 years. The anti-HEV IgM and IgG antibodies were found in 1.4% and 10.7%, respectively. Only two patients presented simultaneous anti-HEV IgM and anti- HEV IgG. There was no statistically significant difference in the presence of serological makers among the HIV infection groups. In addition, HEV RNA was detected in 10.7% of samples and six of these samples presented simultaneously a serological maker (5 anti-HEV IgG and 1 IgM). The presence of this maker was more frequent in the co-infection HIV/ HCV group. Through this work, we observed that HEV is circulating among the HIV-infected population in São Paulo, and the monitoring these patients is necessary because of the possibility progression to chronic infection and cirrhosis
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Modelo experimental de doença do enxerto versus hospedeiro após transplante de intestino delgado / Experimental model of graft versus host disease after small intestine transplantationGalvao, Flávio Henrique Ferreira 10 February 1998 (has links)
A doença do enxerto versus hospedeiro (DEVH) é uma grave complicação do transplante de órgãos sólidos, com alta mortalidade. Seu estudo tem sido limitado pela carência de modelos experimentais apropriados. Descreve-se um modelo de DEVH baseado no aumento do quimerismo, sua evolução clínica, histopatológica, do número das células quiméricas, do perfil das citocinas e da tolerância imunológica. Ratos Lewis (LEW) foram submetidos a transplante simultâneo de intestino delgado e medula óssea provenientes de ratos ACI (grupo de estudo - E) ou LEW (grupo controle - C), tratados com FK-506 (1 mg/Kg/dia) entre o 0 e 13o PO, e uma dose semanal daí por diante. Os ratos foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: E1- 6 ratos sacrificados no 120o PO. E2- 8 ratos após apresentarem sinais clínicos graves de DEVH entre o 189o e o 271o PO. Como controle, ratos LEW foram receptores dos mesmos tipos de enxertos provenientes de ratos LEW, submetidos à mesma imunossupressão e foram assim divididos: C1- 6 ratos sacrificados no 120o PO, C2- 5 ratos sacrificados entre o 223o e o 270o PO. A citometria de fluxo foi realizada para quantificar a porcentagem das células linfóides de ACI doadores no sangue periférico nos E1, E2 em 6 períodos: 30o PO, 65o PO, 95o PO, 120o PO, 160o PO, 200o PO. Os animais foram examinados 2 vezes por semana à procura de sinais de DEVH (rash cutâneo, perda de peso, de pelo e hiperqueratose). No sacrifício dos animais do grupo E1 e C1, foram colhidas amostras de língua (LI), de linfonodos cervicais (LC), intestino delgado do receptor e do enxerto para análise das citocinas IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase. Em todos os grupos foram também colhidas amostras destes órgãos para histopatologia e nos animais do grupo E2 linfonodos cervicais foram processados para análise da reatividade celular por meio da reação mista dos linfócitos (MLR). A evolução clínica e histopatológica foi graduada de 0 a 3 de acordo com a severidade dos sintomas e do infiltrado mononuclear das amostras. Os ratos dos grupos E1 e E2 iniciaram sinais da DEVH entre o 84o e 115o PO. Os ratos dos grupos C1 e C2 não apresentaram evidência de DEVH. Amostras de LI e LC dos ratos do grupo E1 apresentaram alterações histopatológicas grau 2 e do grupo E2 apresentaram alterações histopatológicas grau 3, respectivamente. Nenhuma alteração histopatológica foi encontrada nos ratos do grupo controle e em amostras do ID. Nenhuma alteração histopatológica foi encontrada no intestino delgado do receptor e do enxerto. O aumento da porcentagem de células do doador no sangue periférico do receptor foi progressivo chegando a 5,4±2.3% no 10o período, 21±4,6% no 3o período e 39,3±4% no 6o período. IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gma e TNF-alfa estiveram aumentados em língua e IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa em linfonodos cervicais. Os linfócitos de ratos do grupo E2 mostraram hiporreatividade aos de ratos ACI e hiperreatividade aos de ratos PVG (terceira parte) denotando tolerância imunológica. Neste modelo experimental há uma inexorável evolução imunológica para DEVH; existe correlação direta entre o aumento do quimerismo em sangue periférico e da expressão de citocinas em língua e linfonodos cervicais e a severidade da DEVH, além da indução de tolerância imunológica do rato do grupo E2 quimérico ao rato ACI normal. / Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) has been a major concern after small bowel transplantation (SBTX) and the lack of suitable experimental models has limited the study of GVHD after solid organ transplantation. Here we describe a re1evant experimental model of GVHD after fully allogeneic SBTX based on chimerism augmentation, its clinical and histophatological evolution, cytokine involvement, responsible donor cell and immunologic tolerance analysis. LEW rat recipients received orthotopic SBTX and simultaneous donor bone marrow cell infusion (250x106), from ACI rats (experimental group - E) or LEW (control group C). FK-506 was administered dayly at a dose of 1 mg/kg on day 0 to 13, then continued as a weekly injection of same dose until the experimental end point. The recipients were divided in the following groups: E1 - 6 rats sacrificed at 120° POD. E2 - 8 rats sacrificed with critical GVHD between DPO 189 to 271. LEW recipient of LEW grafts, under the same immunossupression were used as control and divided as: C1 - 6 rats sacrificed at POD 120; C2- 5 rats sacrificed between 223 and 270 POD the number of donor cell in the recipient circulation was determined by flowcytometry in 6 pos-operative time: 30, 65, 95, 120, 160, 200. The rats were analyzed twice a week for body weigh and searching for signs of GVHD (cutaneous rush, hiperkeratosis and loss of hair and body weigh). At the sacrificed, samples from tongue (TG), cervical lymph node (CLN), donor (SBD) and recipient (SBR) small bowel were taken from all animals for histophatology and from E1 and C1l animals for IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa cytokines analysis using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Samples from cervical lynph nodes of 5 animals from group E2 were used for mixed lymphocyte reaction for tolerance analysis. The clinical and histophatological evolution of the disease were evaluated from degree 0 to 3 according to the severity. GVHD in E1 and E2 animals started between 84 and 115 POD. Histophatological analysis of TG and CLN showed that E1 animals present GVHD grade 2 and E2 animals grade 3. The increase of donors cells in the recipient circulation was progressive and account for 5.4± 2.3% at POD 30, 21.4±4.6% at POD 95 and 39.3±4% at POD 200. IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa were upregulated in CLN and IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-gama e TNF-alfa were upregulated in TG when compared with the respective controls. The lymphocytes from E2 group showed hyporeactivety to lymphocytes of normal ACI and hypereactivety to those of PVG, meaning tolerance. No cytokines alteration was noted in SBD neither SBR. Animals from group C1 and C2 did not present any sign of disease. This result show that GVHD is a inexoravel evolution under the experimental conditions of this study and the evolution of the disease is near correlated with the augmentation of the donor cells in the recipient circulation and upregulation of cytokines gene expression in target organs. Tolerance to the same donor strain lynphocytes was also noted.
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Die inhibitorische Wirkung des Acylglucuronidmetaboliten der Mycophenolsäure auf die Inosinmonophosphatdehydrogenase Typ II / The immunosuppressive effect of the acylglucuronide of mycophenolic acid on inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase type IISchwabe, Hendrik Eberhard 13 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Les immunoglobulines intraveineuses et la réponse spécifique des cellules T dans la prévention de la maladie lymphoproliférative post-greffe associée au virus Epstein-Barr chez les enfants greffés de cellules souches hématopoïétiquesBah, Ramatoulaye 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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The Genetic Basis of Resistance to Transplantation Tolerance Induced by Costimulation Blockade in NOD Mice: a DissertationPearson, Todd 17 March 2003 (has links)
The NOD mouse is a widely studied model of type 1 diabetes. The loss of self-tolerance leading to autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice involves at least 27 genetic loci. Curing type I diabetes in mice and humans by islet transplantation requires overcoming both allorejection and recurrent autoimmunity. This has been achieved with systemic immunosuppression, but tolerance induction would be preferable. In addition to their genetic defects in self-tolerance, NOD mice resist peripheral transplantation tolerance induced by costimulation blockade using donor-specific transfusion and anti-CDl54 antibody. Failure has been attributed to the underlying autoimmunity, assuming that autoimmunity and resistance to transplantation tolerance have a common basis. Hypothesizing that these two abnormalities might be related, we investigated whether they had a common genetic basis. Diabetes-resistant NOD and C57BL/6 stocks congenic for various reciprocally introduced Idd loci were assessed for their ability to be tolerized. Surprisingly, in NOD congenic mice that are almost completely protected from diabetes, costimulation blockade failed to prolong skin allograft survival. In reciprocal C57BL/6 congenic mice with NOD-derived Idd loci, skin allograft survival was readily prolonged by costimulation blockade. Unexpectedly, we observed that (NOD x C57BL/6)F1 mice, which have no diabetes, nonetheless resist induction of tolerance to skin allografts. Further analyses revealed that the F1 mice shared the dendritic cell maturation defects and abnormal CD4+ T cell responses of the NOD but had lost its defects in macrophage maturation and NK cell activity. Finally, using a genome wide scan approach, we have identified four suggestive markers in the mouse genome that control the survival of skin allografts following DST and anti-CD154 mAb therapy. We suggest that mechanisms controlling autoimmunity and transplantation tolerance in NOD mice are not completely overlapping and are potentially distinct, or that the genetic threshold for normalizing the transplantation tolerance defect is higher than that for preventing autoimmune diabetes. We conclude that resistance to allograft tolerance induction in the NOD mouse is not a direct consequence of overt autoimmunity and that autoimmunity and resistance to costimulation blockade-induced transplantation tolerance phenotypes in NOD mice are not under identical genetic control.
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Variação da ocorrência da rinotraqueíte infecciosa bovina pela associação com a diarréia viral bovina e a leucose enzoótica bovina /Alexandrino, Bruna. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Samir Issa Samara / Banca: Maria da Gloria Buzinaro / Banca: Fumio Honma Ito / Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a variação da ocorrência da Rinotraqueíte Infecciosa Bovina (IBR) pela associação com duas doenças virais imunossupressoras: a Diarréia Viral Bovina (BVD) e a Leucose Enzoótica Bovina (LEB), em seis propriedades onde não se adota esquema de vacinação contra essas enfermidades. Amostras de soro sangüíneo foram analisadas no teste de virusneutralização (VN), para constatação de IBR e BVD, e Imunodifusão em Gel de Ágar (IDGA), para a LEB. Foram selecionados cinco rebanhos bovinos, em propriedades localizadas em municípios dos Estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais, sendo três de exploração leiteira, um de gado de corte e um misto, com animais soropositivos ao BoHV-1, além de um rebanho controle, sem anticorpos contra essa enfermidade. Das 278 amostras analisadas, 54,68% (152/278) foram positivas ao BoHV-1, 69,70% (194/278) ao BVDV-1 e 34,33% (96/278) ao VLEB. Na análise estatística, ao relacionar cada enfermidade com o tipo de exploração do rebanho e a idade dos animais, houve diferença significativa, indicando que estas variáveis são fatores de risco para as enfermidades estudadas. Em relação ao tipo de exploração, os rebanhos leiteiros foram mais suscetíveis ao BoHV-1 e a LEB (81,31% e 49,53% respectivamente, (α = 1 ) enquanto no rebanho de gado de corte o BVDV-1 teve maior ocorrência (94,74%, α = 1). A idade foi fator de risco apenas para o BoHV-1 e a LEB, sendo os animais mais velhos os mais suscetíveis (α = 1). As associações entre o BoHV-1 e o BVDV-1, e o BoHV-1 e a LEB também foram significativas (α = 5 e α = 1 respectivamente), indicando que em rebanhos infectados por BVDV-1 e/ou LEB, a probabilidade de se encontrar o BoHV-1 é maior do que naqueles onde não ocorre essas duas enfermidades. / Abstract: The present research had as objective to verify the variation of the occurrence of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) by association with two viral infections that affect the immune system, Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) and enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL), in six farms where vaccination against these diseases was not adopted. Serum samples had been analyzed by the virus neutralization (VN) test for IBR and BVD diagnosis, and agar gel immunodiffusion (IDGA) test for EBL diagnosis. Five cattle herds with BoHV-1 seropositive animals had been selected in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, three of them exploiting dairy cattle, one exploiting beef cattle and one exploiting mixed cattle, in addition to a control herd without seropositive animals. From 278 analyzed samples, 54.68% (152/278) reacted to the BoHV-1, 69.70% (194/278) to the BVDV-1, and 34.33% (97/278) to the EBLV. The statistic analysis showed a significant difference (α = 1) in infection occurrence according to the kind of exploitation and the age of the animals. Dairy cattle were more sensitive to the BoHV-1 (81.31%) and to the EBLV (49.53%) and less to BVDV-1 infection (45.79%). Among the beef herds, the major occurrence was BVDV-1 infection (94.74%), followed by BoHV-1(34.19%) and EBLV (3.95%). The age was a risk factor (α = 1) only for BoHV-1 and EBLV. The associations between BoHV-1 and BVDV-1 infections (α = 5) and between BoHV-1 and EBLV infections (α = 1) also indicated that among BVDV-1 and/or EBLV infected herds the probability of finding BoHV-1 is higher than among herds where these two infections does not occur. / Mestre
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