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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnávací analýza sémantických polí a významů barev na základě české, litevské a ruské frazeologie / Comparative Analysis of Semantic Fields and Meanings of Colours on the grounds of Czech, Lithuanian and Russian Phraseology

Adamová, Jevgenija January 2017 (has links)
Jevgenija Adamová, Porovnávací analýza sémantických polí a významů barev na základě české, litevské a ruské frazeologie Abstract (in English): Presented dissertation concerns the topic of idioms contenting color(s) in Czech, Russian and Lithuanian languages. dissertation pursues the categories of colours such as: white; black; pink; red; green; gray or grey; yellow; blue; light blue, azure or sky-blue; brown and colour; likewise two "shades", as we decided to call them, such as light and dark and their equivalents in researched languages. Primary language of dissertation is Czech. Theoretical section offers a short introduction to issues dissertation deales with such as tradition of phraseologycal science in the Czech, Russian and Lithuanian languages and the traditions of the phraseography of those nations. It deals more in detail with Lithuanian phraseography since it was not as well researched in Czech dissertations, as other two were. The practical section of the thesis focuses on analysis of sematical fields of the categories of colours pursued. It analizes the corpora data (gathered from the national corpora of the three languages), which concerns the pursued categories. The dissertation is closed with conclusion and supplements. The supplement 1 is a Frequency glossary extracted from national...

Senųjų mitų interpretacijos šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos dailėje / Old Myths in Contemporary Lithuanian Fine Art

Zdanevičiūtė, Lina 16 January 2006 (has links)
Contemporary Lithuanian fine art is the art based on certain principles of thinking, new approach to meanings and functions of creation. The progress of art is induced by talented artists and looking at the contemporary Lithuanian fine art one can see how often for artists it is important not only to express themselves in artistic creation, but also be the bellmen of the society and talk about important subjects. The historic myths are the part of the old world, which is present in our culture: literature and fine art. Art of the old myths is the memory of the cultures, verbal expression and tradition. The theme of myths in art pieces helps the artist to talk about the problems within his interests as free and individual interpretation of the myths is the peculiarity of contemporary art. According to the artists the good art is such art, which keeps up with the times and manages to exercise the effect on the spectator and convince him/her. That is why a good artist uses the myths as a tool in his/her creation and via such old myths he/she manages to talk about the topical issues of today. As the myths have their own polysemous meaning, they do not need rationalistic interpretation. It is interesting and most of all – suggestive. The symbols of myths help the artists to express their ideas in a more purposeful way and they assist the spectators in better understanding of the piece of art, which already acquires literary connotation. The content of the art creations... [to full text]

Socialinės veiklos savitumai parapijos Carito organizacijoje : dalyvių lūkesčiai / Social work specifically applied to parish Charitable organization: expectations of participans

Žilinskienė, Virginija 28 December 2007 (has links)
Socialinio darbo paslaugos Lietuvoje atsirado visai neseniai, kaip ir profesionalus darbas.Vyriausybės įstaigos ir organizacijos stengiasi gerinti žmonių, priklausančių rizikos grupėms, gyvenimo kokybę. Tokių socialinių paslaugų poreikis yra didelis, valstybinės socialinės tarnybos nepajėgia tenkinti esamus reikalavimus. Kaip tik dėl to nevyriausybinių organizacijų reikšmė socialinių paslaugų srityje ypač padidėjo. Savanoriškos organizacijos veikia įvairiose socialinės gerovės ir socialinių paslaugų srityse. Vis didesnis vaidmuo tenka vietos bendruomenei, kaip paslaugų organizatorei. Darbe pateikiamas ir analizuojamas socialinis Katalikų Bažnyčios mokymas, teisiniai, teoriniai ir praktiniai „trečiojo sektoriaus“ organizacijų aspektai Lietuvoje, socialinis darbas ir socialinės veiklos savitumai parapijos Carito organizacijoje, dalyvių (darbuotojų ir klientų) lūkesčiai, tyrimas buvo atliekamas 2007 metais, Šv. Vincento Pauliečio parapijoje. Socialins darbas – tai profesija, kurios atstovai padeda probleminėje situacijoje atsidūrusiems žmonėms, teikia paramą ieškant jų vietos bendruomenėje. Šie darbuotojai yra mokomi siekti teigiamų pokyčių asmeniniame, organizacijų ir bendruomenės lygmenyje. Apie žinių ir savanorystės esmę, žmonių krizių suvokimą, poreikius, vystymosi galimybes, apie Carito organizacijos misiją ir viziją, mokymą, socialinę ir karitatyvinę veiklą, bei tokių specialistų kaip psichologų, medikų, socialinių ir kitų darbuotojų konsultavimą. Carito... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There are widely spreadvoluntary organizations proceeding social work and social facilities spheres. Community occupies a considerable degree in the sphere of social facilities. Therefore, the work describes and analyses Catholic Church teaching, description of legal status of the third sector in Lithuania and discussion about theoretical and practicak problematique of the NGOs. Social work and social work specificallys of Charity in parish, xpectations of participans ( workers and clients), presentation and interpretation of the reseerch data on Charitas in St. Vincenta's Paolo parish, 2007. At the same time, social work is a profession that helps people in problematic situations and gives support in finding their personal attitude towards their way of life. And, by finding their way in community and giving attention to how we organize community, so working on changes is a substantial part of this profession. Social workers are educated to work on changes on personal level, on changes in organizations, and in relation to the community. Including knowledges and value based understanding of human crises, needs and possibility for implementation, about Charitas organization mission and vision, educational, social and charity, counseling of specialists, such as psychologist, medical, social workers and etc. Charity programs oriented to community help and community relations building, increasing professional, social personal competencies, the solidarity and subsidiary... [to full text]

Baltų diasporos tapatumo paieška po 1990-ųjų: lietuvių ir latvių bendruomenių jaunimo ugdymo procesai Los Andžele / Search for identity in Baltic diaspora after 1990: education of Lithuanian and Latvian youth in Los Angeles

Mackevičiūtė, Milda 09 June 2008 (has links)
Nors emigracijos mastai į JAV iš Baltijos valstybių mažėja, naujausia banga – po nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, daug lietuvių ir latvių išvyko įgyvendinti svajonių į Ameriką. Visgi, ne vienas jų stengėsi kuo greičiau adaptuotis „lydomajame katile“ ir kuo greičiau tapti tikrais amerikiečiais. Apie lietuvių diasporą JAV, ypač rytinėje šalies dalyje, galima rasti medžiagos ir apytikslius skaičius, tačiau apie latvių išeivius duomenų ypatingai trūksta.Tad šiame darbe ir bus apžvelgiama lietuvių ir latvių bendruomenių veikla Los Andžele ypač po 1990-ųjų, išskirtinį dėmesį skiriant išeivių pilietiškumo, tapatumo ir švietimo klausimams. Darbo tyrimo objektas – Latvijos ir Lietuvos valstybių politika diasporos atžvilgiu, lietuvių ir latvių bendruomenės Kalifornijos valstijoje, JAV. Šio darbo tikslas – palyginti tapatumo formavimąsi po nepriklausomybės atgavimo Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje ir baltų bendruomenėse Kalifornijoje, bei pristatant išeivių tapatumo palaikymui kylančias problemas, atksleisti pilietiškumo suvokimą išeivijoje. Darbe iškeliami šie uždaviniai: pateikti baltų tapatumo formavimosi istoriją; pristatyti Lietuvos ir Latvijos vyriausybių poziciją išeivių klausimu, atskleisti pilietinės visuomenės svarbą valstybės gyvenime, pateikti baltų diasporos, kaip brandžios ir aktyvios pilietinės visuomenės, veiklos pavyzdį, supažindinti su diasporos mokyklų problemomis ir galimais išeivių jaunosios kartos ugdymo būdais, tyrimo „Lietuviškasis tapatumas ir pilietiškumo samprata Los... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The geopolitical situation of the Baltic States fated that wars, annexations, and incorporations into various empires were part of their history. At the end of the WWI the countries became independent, but due to the secret protocols of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, burried their independence for fifty years. Consequently, many people migrated to the United States (and other countries), where they found their new home. The migration continued after Lithuania and Latvia regained their independence in 1990’s and still does. Though the Lithuanian communities in the Eastern part of the US have been analyzed by Eidintas, Kuzmickaitė, and Van Reenan, the Western part got less attention. The Latvian diaspora has received little attention by scholars, thus needs to be discussed in more detail. The object of the thesis is the policy of Lithuanian and Latvian governments towards the Baltic diaspora, the Latvian and Lithuanian communities in Los Angeles. The goal of the thesis is to compare the issue of identity in Latvia and Lithuania, and in Baltic communities in Los Angeles. The identity problems as well as the perception of civil society in the Baltic diaspora will be presented. The aims of the thesis are: to present the history of forming the Baltic identity, to present the position of Latvian and Lithuanian governments towards the diasporas, to portray the importance of civil society for a country, to present Baltic diaspora as an active civil society, to get acknowledged... [to full text]

Étude typologique du pronom français et lituanien / Prancūzų ir lietuvių kalbos įvardžių tipologinė analizė / The typological analysis of French and Lithuanian pronouns

Liutko, Ksenija 24 September 2008 (has links)
Tout au long de cette étude, j’ai essayé de connaître les relations qui existent entre les pronoms dans les deux langues cibles. Apres avoir évalué les résultats, j’ai abouti à plusieurs observations. Tout d’abord, il faudrait souligner que dans mon mémoire, comme c’était prévu j’ai fait la comparaison des phénomènes isomorphes et allomorphes des langues comparées, par conséquent j’ai établi les ressemblances ainsi que les différences du pronom français et lituanien. / Savo darbe atlikau prancūzų bei lietuvių kalbos įvardžių tipologinę analizę. Išanalizavau bei pristačiau esminius skirtumus bei panašumus. / In my work I did the typological analysis of French and Lithuanian pronouns.

Kariuomenė kaip Lietuvos nacionalinio saugumo garantas: karininkų ugdymo aspektas / Military as Lithuanian national safeness guarantee: aspects of officers education

Katauskienė, Rima 24 September 2008 (has links)
Postmodernusis XXI amžius yra lydimas visuomenės transformacijų, apimančių naujas socialines, ekonomines, politines ir kt. konfliktines situacijas ir grėsmes, besikėsinančias į kiekvienos valstybės (visuomenės, atskiro individo) saugumą ir stabilumą. Nacionalinio saugumo objektai bei subjektai yra tarpusavyje susiję, o jų pažeidžiamumas stabdo darnią ir visapusišką šalies raidą. Todėl nacionalinio saugumo klausimai ir problemos turi būti traktuojamos ir sprendžiamos holistiškai. Šalies ginkluotosios pajėgos, kurių branduolį sudaro Lietuvos kariuomenė, yra integrali visuomenės dalis, atspindinti visai visuomenei būdingas nuostatas ir vertybes. Profesionalių, visapusiškai išsilavinusių, motyvuotų, turinčių tvirtas pilietines ir patriotines nuostatas karininkų ugdymas yra efektyvus bei veiksmingas nacionalinio saugumo užtikrinimo būdas, nes kovos dėl ekonominių, politinių, teritorinių ir kitų įtakos sferų buvo, yra ir bus nuolatiniai kiekvienos visuomenės palydovai. Nauji postmodernios visuomenės bruožai: nuolatinės transformacijos, globalizacija, informacinių technologijų sklaida ir modernizacija, viršnacionalinių struktūrų įsitvirtinimas formuoja naujus tiek visuomeninio, tiek karinio ugdymo tikslus, formas ir funkcijas, sąlygoja naujus reikalavimus šiuolaikiniam kariui, pvz., tokius kaip identifikacija ne su tautos, valstybės, bet žmonijos gynėjo vaidmeniu. Todėl karininkų ugdymas Lietuvos karo akademijoje yra kompleksinis ir sisteminis procesas – karinių, universitetinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Postmodern XXI century is conducted by social transformations, involved new social, economical, political and etc. Conflict situations and threats, invading each state (society‘s, separate person) safeness and stability. Objects of national security are interdependent, and their vulnerability brakes harmoniously and versatile national development. Therefore questions and problems about national safeness must be treated and solved holistically. State’s armament, which nucleus is Lithuanian armed forces, is integral unit of society, reflective whole community typical attitudes and valuables. The education of professional, comprehensively educated, motivated, having strict public and patriotic attitudes. Postmodern century involves permanent transformations, globalization, modernization, transnationalisation, new social and military education tasks, shapes and functions and determines new requirements for modern soldier. This new educational tasks have changed the identity of soldier, i.e. his role and identification with the defender of the people became more obvious. Therefore education of officers in Military Academy of Lithuania is complex and systematic process – military, academical studies and commander – leader training adjustment to train professional, social and human value and expertise. The testing of cadets’ consciousness has been provided in General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania. The tasks of this testing were to determine the cadets’... [to full text]

Mstislavo Dobužinskio kūryba Valstybės teatre / Mstislaw Dobuzhinskii's Work At The State Theatre [Kaunas, Lithuania]

Ambrasaitė, Živilė 29 June 2005 (has links)
MSTISLAW DOBUZHINSKII’S WORK AT THE STATE THEATRE [KAUNAS, LITHUANIA] By Živilė Ambrasaitė Stage designer Mstislaw Dobuzhinskii is best known as Russian artist in Western countries. But not less important part of his works (almost 40 stage settings for opera, ballet, drama plays) were done in 1925, 1929-1939 years in Lithuania – a country that Dobuzhinskii’s roots come from. Alas, the Dobuzhinskii’s Lithuanian period activity and artistic achievements are not well known abroad. Yet studies of his works in The State Theatre in Kaunas (temporary capital of Lithuania) wish to hope the comprehensiveness even in Lithuania. The author of this study discusses the main Dobuzhinskii’s works for The State Theatre in different contexts, reviews and artist’s influence on theatre scenography perception. Dobuzhinskii established main aesthetic ideas of World of Art society – revival of cultural traditions, neo-romantic stylization and retrospectivism. His art of stage decoration encouraged young Lithuanian artists to come out with their own ideas of all main components of a play uniting.

Kiaulių raumeningumo priklausomybė nuo veislės / Pig muscularity dependence on the breed

Tendzegolskis, Marius 16 March 2006 (has links)
Object of work. 1. To review and compare the productivity qualities of the pig breeds bred in Vilnius zone (Lithuanian white, Yorkshyre, Landrace, and Pjetren); 2. To determine the impact of the age, sex, and breed on the pig muscularity. Conclusions. 1. The highest muscularity within the weight limit 95-100 kg makes 53.1 percent, and at the weight of 110-115 kg the muscularity amounts to only 47.5 per cent. While the weight of piglets is increasing, the amount of muscles decreases but the amount of fat increases. It was established that at every 5 kg the fat thickness increases by 1 mm. 2. The weight had the highest influence on the piglets of the Landrace and Pjetren breeds. Based on the research, it can be stated that while the weight increases from 90 kg to 110 kg, the fat layer of the Landrace piglets decreases from 16.1 mm to 14.4 mm, and the fat layer of the Pjetren piglets, on the contrary, increases from 11.1 mm to 14 mm. 3. The highest muscularity is achieved when the age of the Pjetren and Landrace piglets is within 175-190 days, making respectively 59.9 percent and 56.2 percent. The lowest muscularity in Pjetren piglets standing at 58.5 percent is found at the age of 205-220 days. Among Landrace, the lowest muscularity of 52.4 percent is fixed at the age of 220-235 days. 4. The muscularity of the Yorkshire piglets is the highest at the weight level of 85-90 kg by making respectively 55.6 percent and 54.9 percent. While the weight is increasing, as provided by the... [to full text]

Lietuvos darbo biržos IS tyrimas / Analysis of Lithuanian jobcentre Information system

Mačytė, Vilija 08 January 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Project aim – to analyse existing IS of Lithuanian jobcentre and ascertain perfection and development possibilities of it. In reference with results offer suggestions to Lithuanian jobcentre Information system planning department on IS development and potentialities renewal. Organization and information structures and work model of Lithuanian jobcentre was inspected. It was made analysis of jobcentre and compared with other similar search systems. There were marked the mane functional and technological development stages of jobcentre information system. As a result of this analysis it was shown Lithuanian jobcentre information system variation from DBIRZA to DBIRZA_I Users demands on pending IS work processes were investigated and framed out by questionnaire, also Lithuanian jobcentre process modeller by which must be renewed jobcentre IS was investigated. Possible software was reviewed. MySQL technology was chosen for data base build-up and PHP technology for programming. Employer’s information registration and administration also unemployed registration use case modellers were prepared. They detail describes information flows and computerized tasks of system. There were made structural diagrams of information flows. According to information flows the entity relations diagram was created, the logical structure of data base for certificates was developed. The data base Projektas was created for search system. Specification of program modules was made up. Manuals... [to full text]

Konceptas saldus lietuvių ir rusų kalboje / Concept sweet in the Lithuanian and Russian languages

Mamasalieva, Neringa 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe apžvelgiama koncepto vartosenos problematika, jo požymiai, klasifikacija. Aptariamas terminas analizuojamas kognityvinės lingvistikos ir lingvokultūrologijos mokslų rėmuose. Praktinėje darbo dalyje analizuojamas konceptas saldus, t.y., remiantis surinktais pavyzdžiais iš lietuvių ir rusų kalbų elektroninės bibliotekos ir juos gretinant, nagrinėjama, kaip minėtasis konceptas atsispindi vienos ir kitos tautos kalboje. / The work surveys concept usage problematics, its features, classification. The discussed term is analysed in the frames of sciences cognitive lingvistics and linguaculturology. In the practical part the concept ,,saldus" (sweet) is analysed, i.e. refering to examples collected from Lithuanian and Russian electronic library, comparing them. It is analysed how this mentioned concept reflects in the language of both nations.

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