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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ethnicités en miroir. Constructions sociales croisées de la blanchité et de l'africanité au prisme des mobilités touristiques et migratoires vers le Sénégal / Mirror ethnicity. Social constructions of whiteness and africaness through tourist mobility and migrations to Senegal

Quashie, Hélène 17 September 2018 (has links)
A partir de six terrains d’étude menés dans plusieurs régions du Sénégal (Petite Côte, Saloum, Saint-Louis, Sénégal oriental et Dakar), cette thèse explore l’articulation différenciée des enjeux de classe et de race dans des contextes de mobilités et de migrations issues d’Europe et d’Amérique du Nord. Les trajectoires, pratiques et modes relationnels enquêtés sont liés au tourisme balnéaire et culturel, à l’entrepreneuriat individuel en situation post-touristique, à des mobilités pour étude, et aux parcours professionnels du volontariat et de l’expatriation. Ces configurations sociales mondialisées, souvent inscrites dans des champs de recherche dissociés, favorisent l’analyse croisée de la construction de deux ethnicités, la blanchité et l’africanité, conçues comme notions emic et etic. Leurs productions socio-identitaires se déploient, se croisent et se répondent, selon des mécanismes récurrents de hiérarchisation de classes et de confrontation raciale à l’échelle des interactions individuelles et des dynamiques collectives. Elles font aussi écho à des logiques de stratification et de sélection sociale, intrinsèques à la société sénégalaise, qui vont au-delà du marqueur chromatique et se combinent à des représentations culturalistes et ethniques. Les échelles socio-historiques, les asymétries de classe transnationales, les identifications religieuses, phénotypiques et genrées, présents dans les contextes de mobilités et migrations étudiés, soulignent la valeur heuristique des catégorisations identitaires de la blanchité dans les processus de classification sociale, racialisée et ethnicisée, au regard des définitions plurielles de l’africanité. Analyser ces mécanismes d’assignation et de distinction dans une société africaine telle que le Sénégal permet également de penser la question postcoloniale au cœur des ambivalences du champ social et invite à interroger la positionnalité des chercheur.e.s dans la pratique ethnographique et la production des savoirs sur l’Afrique. / Based on six fieldworks conducted in several regions of Senegal (Petite Côte, Saloum, Saint-Louis, Oriental Senegal and Dakar), this thesis explores the social mechanisms which articulate class and race issues in different contexts of mobility and migration from Europe and North America. The trajectories, practices and ways of socializing investigated are related to seaside and cultural tourism, individual entrepreneurship in post-tourist contexts, study abroad programs and professional flows of voluntary service and expatriation. These social and globalized settings, often addressed in distinct fields of research, underlie a cross analysis of the constructions of two ethnicity – whiteness and africaness – considered as emic and etic notions. The social identities they produce respond to one another and reveal recurring patterns in social hierarchy and racial confrontation throughout individual interactions and collective dynamics. They also echo logics of social stratification and selection within the Senegalese society, which are combined with culturalist and ethnic representations, beyond color markers. The contexts of mobility and migration investigated are embedded into specific socio-historical backgrounds, transnational asymmetry of class and process of identification based on religion, phenotype and gender. They all reflect the heuristic value of whiteness and its production of identity in social, racialized and ethnicized categorization, regarding multiple meanings of africaness. Analyzing these mechanisms of social distinction in an African society such as Senegal leads to face postcolonial thinking with the ambiguities of social spheres. It also questions the positionality of researchers through ethnography and in the production of knowledge about Africa.

After the Project is Over: Measuring Longer-Term Impacts of a Food Safety Intervention in Senegal

Laura Elizabeth Leavens (9183350) 30 July 2020 (has links)
<p>We followed up with about 2,000 smallholder households in Senegal, two years after these households participated in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) aimed at reducing levels of aflatoxins in smallholders’ stored maize. In the initial intervention, treated households were provided with training on proper post-harvest practices, low-cost moisture meters for testing if maize was sufficiently dry to store, plastic tarps for drying maize of the ground, and hermetic (airtight) storage bags to mitigate aflatoxin development in stored maize. Using cross-sectional follow up data on aflatoxins levels and drying and storage practices from 2019 along with baseline demographic data from 2016, we estimate both the longer-term intention-to-treat (ITT) effects and the treatment on the treated (TOT) effects that the four inputs provided on households’ aflatoxins levels in stored maize. The ITT analyses estimate the intervention’s average effect by treatment group, but this may underestimate the true impact for households who complied with recommended post-harvest practices and adopted the recommended technologies. The TOT analyses estimate the local average treatment effects (LATE) of the intervention, that is its impacts on those who were driven by the intervention to follow best practices or use a given technology. Since the decision to follow these practices or adopt a technology was not random, we instrumented the usage decision with the exogenous, random treatment group assignment to get an unbiased estimate. Outside of our main models, we conducted a heterogeneity analysis to test if households with different characteristics benefit differently from the intervention. We interacted each treatment assignment with various household characteristics, including the woman’s level of involvement in the intervention. Additionally, we estimate the cost-effectiveness of providing training and a tarp, according to WHO guidelines for public health interventions. </p>

Estimating abundance, density, and occupancy of lion, leopard and serval in the Niokolo Koba National Park in Senegal

Kane, Mamadou Daha 17 July 2014 (has links)
Carnivore are undoubtedly among the most threatened of the mammal species in Africa because of the low density at which they occur and their large home range requirements that do not match with human propensity to develop and alter wildlife habitat. However, the degree of threat is unevenly distributed within the continent, with western and central African carnivores being the most threatened and the least studied. I estimated population size, density, and proportion of area occupied in relation to environmental factors of one medium-size (serval – Leptailurus serval) and two large carnivores (lion – Panthera leo and leopard – P. pardus) in the Niokolo Koba National Park, Senegal, West Africa, using remote camera surveys and both traditional (CR), spatially explicit capture-recapture (SECR) techniques for servals and leopards, and non-spatial (MR) and spatial mark resight (SMR) methods for lions. Lions selected optimal sites with both high tree density and prey activity; leopards occupied areas with high tree density but with less prey activity; and servals selected habitats with more dense canopy cover where leopards were absent. The presence of lions was favorable to serval presence, as we presume leopards avoid lions, although we did not have strong evidence to support it. Moreover, the half mean maximum distance moved (½ MMDM) method under CR methods appeared to overestimate leopard and serval density while full MMDM estimates were close to SECR methods density estimates. For lions, both ½ MMDM and full MMDM methods in MR framework overestimated density whereas the SMR method resulted in more reasonable estimates, especially in light of previous assessments of lion densities in West Africa.. These results are of high importance for conservation and management purposes of the imperiled Niokolo Koba carnivore community. / Master of Science

Economia dei disastri naturali: evidenza macro e micro focalizzata sui paesi in via di sviluppo / ECONOMICS OF NATURAL DISASTERS: FROM MACRO - TO MICRO - EVIDENCE WITH A FOCUS ON DEVELOPING COUNTRIES

LAZZARONI, SARA 22 May 2014 (has links)
Nell'ambito dell'economia dei disastri naturali ho elaborato uno studio macroeconomico e due microeconomici. A livello macro ho elaborato una meta-analisi della letteratura empirica sugli effetti dei disastri naturali in termini di costi diretti e indiretti. Ho analizzato gli effetti di caratteristiche del database,tecniche di stima, fattori di resilienza considerati e publication bias. Studi sui costi diretti che includono paesi Africani hanno 65% maggiore probabilità di riportare un risultato negativo e significativo mentre studi sui costi indiretti sembrano soffrire di publication bias. I lavori microeconometrici si focalizzano su due paesi africani. Nel primo analizzo gli effetti di un aumento della variabilità climatica sul consumo di beni alimentari delle famiglie in Uganda nel periodo 2005/06-2009/10. In media un incremento di 1% delle temperature porterebbe a una diminuzione del consumo di alimenti del 3-5% mentre le famiglie sarebbero in grado di contrastare variazioni delle precipitazioni con varie strategie. Nel secondo, con approccio multi-shock analizzo gli effetti di siccità e incremento dei prezzi di acquisto sullo stato nutrizionale di bambini in famiglie residenti in zone rurali del Senegal nel periodo 2009-2011. Singolarmente entrambi gli eventi sembrano avere effetti negativi sul livello nutrizionale. Tuttavia la concomitanza dei due eventi sembra non avere effetto sul peso dei bambini grazie a un positivo effetto reddito. / In this work I deal with the economics of natural disasters conducting one study at the macroeconomic level and two studies at the microeconomic level. In the first I conduct a meta-analysis of the macro literature on the direct and indirect costs of natural disasters. I investigate the effects of empirical design, estimation technique, resilience factors included and publication bias. I find that direct costs studies have 65% probability to report negative and significant results if they include African countries while indirect costs studies show publication bias. Second, I conduct a microeconometric analysis of the effects of weather variability on households food consumption in Uganda in the period 2005/06-2009/10. I show that on average 1% increase in maximum temperatures would reduce food consumption by 4-5% while precipitation amount and distribution would not affect household food consumption thanks to coping strategies. Finally I consider the effects of droughts and increasing purchasing prices on weight-for-age of children in rural households in Senegal using a multishock approach and a unique dataset (2009-2011). Results of drought(increase in prices) econometric analyis show deterioration in child weight-for-age. However, concomitance of drought and increasing prices would leave child weight-for-age unaffected thanks to positive income effects.

Sufism and Politics among Senegalese Immigrants in Columbus, Ohio: Ndigel and the Voting Preferences of a Transnational Community

Camara, Samba 12 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

La subjectivité journalistique en entrevue médiatique: une approche rhétorique et interactionnelle de l'émission Péncum Sénégal

Fofana, Dalla Malé January 2015 (has links)
Résumé: Au lendemain des élections présidentielles de 2000, le Sénégal tourne la page sur quarante ans de régime socialiste, et traverse pacifiquement les élections les plus redoutées de son histoire politique. La presse privée, nouveau contre-pouvoir, contribue grandement à l’élection de son candidat : Abdoulaye Wade. Toutefois, une fois aux commandes, cet homme « idéal » est loin de faire l’unanimité selon les médias indépendants. Du coup, ceux-ci constituent un obstacle pour lui. S’instaure alors un bras de fer entre les ex-alliés. À un an de la fin de ce mandat, une webradio créée par un émigrant sénégalais, voit le jour (Keurgoumak). Le concepteur de la radio déclare son intention de poser un regard neutre et objectif sur le septennat finissant, à travers des entrevues (Péncum Sénégal) de personnalités politiques. Mais une radio au dispositif technique presque assimilable à du « journalisme citoyen », née dans des conditions sociopolitiques si particulières, peut-elle échapper à la partialité, avec des thèmes hautement controversés et un public cible (la diaspora sénégalaise) à la dimension stratégique indéniable? Notre objectif est de déterminer le véritable positionnement du journaliste (neutralité ou partialité). Notre corpus est une transcription d’émissions radiophoniques qui ont eu lieu de février 2006 à août 2006. Dans le cadre du discours médiatique tel que décrit par Charaudeau (2000 à 2009), nous nous appuyons sur la perspective intégrative des travaux d’Amossy (2000, 2010) en matière d’argumentation. Celle-ci s’ouvre autant à l’interaction qu’à l’analyse du discours. Notre analyse est contrastive et comparative. Nous déterminons le positionnement du journaliste à travers une comparaison des caractéristiques interactionnelles formelles des entrevues, des caractéristiques lexico-interactionnelles de son discours interactif et une analyse lexicale et énonciative de ses propos. Nous analysons la relation interpersonnelle que le journaliste tisse avec les invités dans le cadre spécifique de l’interaction familière du pénc. Mots clefs : discours radiophonique, entrevue médiatique, pénc, interaction familière, énonciation, relation interpersonnelle, argumentation, analyse du discours, subjectivité, partialité, wolof, Sénégal. / Abstract: In the aftermath of the 2000 presidential election, Senegal leaves behind 40 years of socialist rule and peacefully goes through one of the most feared elections of its political history. Abdoulaye Wade is elected with a considerable contribution from independent medias. But once in power, the "ideal" man is far from being what the independent medias had anticipated. This situation creates tension between the former allies. One year prior to the end of Abdoulaye Wade’s first term, an independant webradio (Keurgoumak) created by a Senegalese immigrant decides to have a look at Abdoulaye Wade presidency. The designer of the radio declares its intention to take a neutral and objective stance through interviews (Pencum Senegal) with politicians in power and from the opposition. But can any journalistic institution escape subjectivity or bias? Moreover Péncum Senegal has a constitution similar to that of "citizen journalism" and is born in heavily polarized socio-political conditions. The journalist discusses highly controversial issues and targets an audience (the Senegalese diaspora) that holds an undeniable strategic dimension in the country. Our goal is to determine the true position of the journalist (neutrality or favoritism). Our corpus is a transcript of the radio broadcasts that took place from February 2006 to August 2006. We base our analysis on the media discourse theory as described by Charaudeau (2000-2009). We do so within the frame of the integrative perspective by Amossy (2000, 2010). Based on argumentation, it combines rhetoric, interaction and discourse analysis. Our analysis is comparative and contrastive. We observe the interviews’ formal interactional features. We are also interested in the interpersonal relationships that the journalist builds with the guests, as well as the lexical and denunciative clues of his views on the government.

Les effets du néo-patrimonialisme sur la démocratie : de la pratique du présidentialisme et du clientélisme au Sénégal

Kane, Ismaïla 10 1900 (has links)
Le présent texte porte sur l’état de la démocratie au Sénégal depuis l’alternance politique survenue en 2000. Adoptant une définition minimale de la démocratie – respect des libertés civiles et politiques, et tenue d’élections libres et justes – à laquelle il ajoute le principe de séparation des pouvoirs, son principal objectif est de répondre à la question suivante : pourquoi le fonctionnement de la démocratie est-il entravé au Sénégal? L’hypothèse avancée pour répondre à cette interrogation est la présence du néo-patrimonialisme. Celui-ci, par l’intermédiaire de la personnalisation du pouvoir et le clientélisme, sape le respect des règles démocratiques dans ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Pour analyser l’impact du néo-patrimonialisme sur la démocratie au Sénégal, ce mémoire privilégie le néo-institutionnalisme sociologique comme cadre théorique. Cette approche définit les institutions de façon large : celles-ci peuvent englober non seulement des normes formelles mais également des règles informelles. En vertu de cette approche, le néo-patrimonialisme et la démocratie représentent des institutions puisque le premier englobe un ensemble de règles informelles et le second un ensemble de normes et procédures formelles. Ces deux institutions structurent et façonnent le comportement des individus. Dans cette confrontation institutionnelle, les règles néo-patrimoniales influencent davantage l’action des élites politiques sénégalaises – notamment le chef de l’État – que les normes démocratiques. La vérification de l’hypothèse s’appuie sur des études sur la démocratie et le néo-patrimonialisme aussi bien au Sénégal qu’en Afrique. Elle se base également sur l’actualité et les faits politiques saillants depuis l’alternance. L’analyse est essentiellement qualitative et se divise en deux chapitres empiriques. Le premier de ceux-ci (chapitre II dans le texte) concerne la séparation des pouvoirs. Le but de ce chapitre est d’observer la manière dont l’actuel président de la République, Abdoulaye Wade, contrôle le parlement et la justice. Le second chapitre empirique (chapitre III dans le texte) se divise en deux sections. La première s’intéresse aux libertés civiles et politiques qui subissent des restrictions dues au penchant autoritaire de Wade. La seconde section porte sur les élections dont le déroulement est entaché par de nombreuses irrégularités : violence électorale, manque de ressources de l’autorité électorale, instabilité du calendrier électoral, partialité de la justice. L’étude confirme l’hypothèse, ce qui est très problématique pour la plupart des États africains. En effet, le néo-patrimonialisme est une caractéristique fondamentale de la gouvernance en Afrique. Ainsi, beaucoup de régimes du continent noir qui enclenchent ou enclencheront un processus de démocratisation comme le Sénégal, risquent de connaître les mêmes difficultés liées à la persistance des pratiques néo-patrimoniales. / This text is about state of democracy in Senegal since the political changeover in 2000. Using a minimal definition of democracy – respect of political and civil liberties, free and fair elections – completed by the separation of state powers, it aims to answer to the following question : why is the functioning of democracy hampered in Senegal? The hypothesis is that neopatrimonialism, through personalization of power and clientelism, hinders the respect of democratic rules in this West African country. To analyze the impact of neopatrimonialism on democracy in Senegal, this text draws from the sociological institutionalism as theory. This approach provides a broad definition of institutions which includes formal norms as well as informal rules. In this perspective, neopatrimonialism and democracy embody institutions because the former has a set of informal rules and the later a set of formal norms and procedures. These two institutions structure and shape the individual behaviour. In this institutional confrontation, the neopatrimonial rules have a deeper impact on the action of Senegalese elites, particularly the president. To verify the hypothesis, one refers to studies that analyze the link between democracy and neopatrimonialism in Senegal and in Africa. This text also takes into account current events and striking political facts since 2000. The analysis is essentially qualitative and divided in two empirical chapters. The first one (chapter II in the text) studies the separation of powers and how the Senegalese president, Abdoulaye Wade, control the parliement and courts. The second empirical chapter (chapter III in the text) is subdivided in two sections. The first section examines how civil and political liberties are restricted by Wade’s inclination to authoritarianism. The second section analyses the numerous irregular situations that characterize senegalese elections : violence, lack of ressources for the electoral authority, frequent change of electoral timetable, partiality of the justice. On the whole, the hypothesis is confirmed, which is problematic to most of subsaharian African states. Neopatrimonialism is a fundamental feature of African politics. Its persistence could constitute a source of difficulty for African regimes that begin or will begin democratization like Senegal did.

La représentation de la collectivité dans la mise en acte du chant choral sénégalais chez les Sérères noon de Saint Pierre Julien Eymard de Koudiadiène

Grégoire, Anthony 04 1900 (has links)
Portant sur les modalités d’appropriation de la pratique chorale occidentale en milieu catholique chez les Sérères noon de Saint Pierre Julien Eymard de Koudiadiène, au Sénégal, ce mémoire tente de voir pourquoi, et surtout comment les différents syncrétismes agissent sur divers symbolismes sénégalais. Il vise plus particulièrement à comprendre toute l’importance de l’action de la collectivité dans la mise en acte du répertoire choral, et à comprendre comment l’improvisation spontanée en ensemble se construit en situation de performance dans ce qui est appelé ici la plurivocalité linéaire. Ce mémoire vise dans cette foulée à décrypter le sens autour de cette pratique spécifique du chant choral et à cerner comment le processus d’acculturation agit sur l’identité culturelle des Sérères noon. Finalement, il vise à dégager les affects en situation de performance de la chorale qui semble détenir un rôle central pour les membres de la paroisse Saint Pierre Julien Eymard de Koudiadiène, et à comprendre et mettre en valeur une pratique musicale et son contexte d’insertion social jusqu’alors peu étudiés de façon systématique. / On the modalities of appropriation of Western choral practice among Catholic Sérères noon of Saint Pierre Julien Eymard of Koudiadiène, Senegal, this dissertation tries to demonstrate why and how different syncretisms act on various Senegalese symbolisms. It aims to understand more particularly the importance of the community in the mise en acte of the choral repertoire, and how spontaneous improvisation is built in performance situation in what is called here the plurivocalité linéaire. This dissertation is in this vein to decipher the meaning of that specific practice of choral singing and to point how the acculturation process acts on the cultural identity of Sérères noon. Finally, it aims to identify affects in performance situation of the choral that seems to have a central role for members of the parish of Saint Pierre Julien Eymard, and understand and enhance a musical practice and its social context of integration hitherto little studied systematically.

Cohabitation and convivencia : comparing conviviality in Casamance and Catalonia

Heil, Tilmann January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores conviviality, a set of processes surrounding everyday living with difference. Based on 18 months of fieldwork (2007-2010) equally split between Casamance, Senegal, and Catalonia, Spain, the comparison takes the transnational lives of Casamançais and their embeddedness in both local fields into account. Locally, Casamançais often spoke of cohabitation (French) and convivencia (Castilian). Exploring discourses as well as practices related to encounters with difference and everyday socialising, this thesis addresses three questions: (1) How do migrants who come from a context of religious and ethnic diversity manage to make their way within new social contexts of cultural diversity? (2) How do their pre-migration experiences of diversity affect the ways in which they deal with the changing configurations of diversity that they encounter in Europe? (3) How do ways of living together with difference change over time in both sending and receiving contexts due to migration and other concurrent societal transformations? In four ethnographic chapters, I firstly explore everyday neighbourhood encounters and the centrality of multilingual greeting and temporary gatherings in open spaces for conviviality. A second chapter focuses on cultural and religious festivities and argues that, apart from the political recognition of diversity, the local residents’ sensuous experiences of difference are a crucial dimension of conviviality. Addressing challenges to conviviality, the third chapter engages with the processes of social closure, isolation and homogenisation which reveal alternative ways of living with difference. The fourth ethnographic chapter puts migration-related inequalities centre-stage, showing how conviviality also involves subtle forms of inequality. Analytically, this thesis suggests that conviviality is not a static conception of sociality, but one that is in-process. I find that socio-cultural differences are permanently negotiated, that ways of dealing with difference are translated between the old and new contexts of diversity, and that discourses and practices of living with difference are continuously (re)produced in everyday interactions. Casamançais perspectives reveal ways of maintaining minimal sociality among local residents who remain different.

Analyse des facteurs institutionnels associés à la mortalité maternelle : Une étude nationale dans les maternités chirurgicales au Sénégal

Koucoï, Muriel Sêdo 07 1900 (has links)
Résumé Objectif : Identifier les facteurs institutionnels qui influencent la mortalité maternelle (MM) hospitalière dans les maternités chirurgicales au Sénégal. Méthode : cette étude est une analyse secondaire des données de la troisième Enquête Nationale sur la Couverture Obstétrico-chirurgicale au Sénégal en 2001. Les données analysées, issues des fiches d'activité des maternités, comptaient pour 38,239 admissions en obstétrique dans 19 hôpitaux et 450 décès maternels. Les taux de mortalité maternelle hospitalière (TMMH) brut et ajusté ont été utilisés comme variables dépendantes. Le TMMH ajusté sur les caractéristiques de la clientèle ('cases-mix') a été estimé pour chaque établissement de santé par la méthode de standardisation directe. Les indicateurs de la qualité des structures, de la gestion des ressources, et un score de qualité ont été utilisés comme variables indépendantes pour prédire la MM hospitalière. Les tests de Mann-Whitney et de Kruskal-Wallis ont été utilisés pour analyser l’association entre les variables indépendantes, le score de qualité et la MM. Une analyse multivariée a été utilisée pour estimer l’impact du score de qualité sur la MM, en tenant compte de la situation géographique (Dakar versus autre région).Résultats: En analyse bivariée, la présence d'anesthésiste, la disponibilité de boîtes de césarienne complète et la supervision de tous les accouchements par du personnel qualifié sont les facteurs institutionnels associés significativement à une réduction du TMMH brut. Quant au TMMH ajusté ce sont la présence de scialytique, la disponibilité du sulfate de magnésium, l'utilisation des guides de pratiques cliniques (GPC) pour la prise en charge des complications obstétricales. Le score de qualité est associé significativement au TMMH brut, y compris en analyse multivariée, mais pas au TMMH ajusté. Conclusion : La disponibilité du Sulfate de magnésium, et du scialytique pourrait contribuer à la réduction de la MM. En complément, une réorganisation adéquate des ressources pour réduire la disparité géographique rurale/urbaine est essentielle ainsi qu’une sensibilisation du personnel à l’usage des GPC. De plus, l’assistance par un personnel qualifié de tous les accouchements est nécessaire pour améliorer la qualité des soins et la prise en charge des complications obstétricales. / Abstract Objective: To identify which institutional factors are associated to the hospital maternal mortality in surgical maternities in Senegal. Method: This study is a secondary data analysis of the third National survey of the Surgical-Obstetric Coverage in Senegal in 2001. The hospital statistics data analyzed represent 38,239 admissions in obstetrics in 19 hospitals and 450 maternal deaths. The hospital maternal death rates (TMMH) crude and adjusted were used as dependent variables. The TMMH adjusted on the characteristics of the customers (`cases-mix') was estimated for each health structure by the direct standardization method. The indicators of the structure, resources management’s complexity score quality were used as independent variables to predict hospital MM. The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to analyze the association between independent variables, the complexity score of quality and MM. A multivariate analysis was used to estimate the impact of quality score on the MM, taking into account the geographical location (Dakar versus other region). Results: In bivariate analysis, the presence of anaesthetist, the availability of Caesarean kit and supervision of all births by trained personnel are the institutional factors significantly associated with the crude TMMH decreased. For the adjusted TMMH, the presence of Scialytic, the availability of Magnesium Sulphate, the use of clinical guidelines of good practice (GPC) for obstetrical complications are the institutional factors associated to his decreased. The complexity score quality is significantly associated with the crude TMMH, including multivariate analysis, but not with adjusted TMMH. Conclusion: The availability of the Magnesium Sulphate, and the Scialytic could contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality. In addition, an adequate reorganization of the resources to reduce the geographical rural/urban disparity is essential, as well as a developing the personnel’s awareness for the use of GPC. Moreover, qualified assistance at birth for all women is necessary to improve the quality of care and the treatment obstetrical complications.

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