Spelling suggestions: "subject:"independence"" "subject:"lndependence""
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Ratios of Some Domination Parameters in TreesChellali, Mustapha, Favaron, Odile, Haynes, Teresa W., Raber, Dalila 06 September 2008 (has links)
We determine upper bounds on the ratios of several domination parameters in trees.
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Motivational Factors in Textbooks : Textbook Usage and its Influences on Pupil Self-Learning / Motivationsfaktorer i läroböcker : Läroboksanvändning och dess inflytande på elevers självständiga lärandeBergman, NannaLinnea, Svensson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to examine the role that textbooks have within the subject of English in Swedish secondary school, years 7-9, and the psychological impact textbooks may or may not have on pupil language learning. Theories used in this study support the fact that pupils who are able to independently develop their language skills are more successful language learners, including the self-efficacy theory, theories about motivation, i.e. the Self-Determination Theory and the L2 Motivational Self System, and learning independence. Mixed methodology was applied to extract both quantitative and qualitative data. In this study, three Swedish EFL teachers from years 7-9 were interviewed to determine their attitudes towards textbook use during their everyday teaching and their views on how textbooks impact their pupils’ achievements of self-efficacy and independence. Additionally, 212 Swedish pupils in years 7-9 answered questions on their perception of their textbooks through a digital questionnaire. The interviewed teachers, as well as the pupils’ responses, showed reservations regarding textbook usage, especially regarding the ability for pupils to relate to textbook content, and the lack of support for pupils with learning disabilities (e.g.,dyslexia). Pupils also responded that they were not using their respective textbooks independently. Analysis of the results shows that textbooks, whether digital or printed, are not useful EFL learning tools on their own, as they do not fully support pupil self-learning. Most notably, the interviewed teachers and the pupils’ responses both signal a lack of relatedness in the contents of their textbooks. Future studies should focus on intrinsic motivation through pupil perceptions of relatedness in textbooks
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Les instances narratives dans Les soleils des indépendances d’Ahmadou Kourouma / The narrative instances in The Suns of Independence by Ahmadou KouroumaSylvan, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The African novel The Suns of Independence, written by Ivorian author Ahmadou Kourouma, is considered one of the first to study the disillusionment of the postcolonial era after the independencies in Africa. The novel is celebrated for its narrative style, inspired by the Malinke culture and language, and characterised by its oral tradition and the interaction between the narrator and his audience. Using the concepts of Gérard Genette (1983), this study analyses the following narrative instances in the novel: The narrator addressing the narratee, proverbs, comparisons and riddles, the narrator addressing a character, the procedure of question-answer, and the dream, and discusses for each of the narrative instances the relationship of the narrator towards the story, the perspective, the narrative level, and the function of the narrator. The findings show that the alternation of narrative instances gives access to more functions of the narrator. The narrative instances in which the narrator addresses the narratee or the character and the procedure of question-response create an illusion of a dialogue between narrator and narratee, thus enhances the communicative function, whereas proverbs, comparisons, and riddles, apart from connecting with the narratee, also play an important role in order to explain and evaluate developments, characters and environments. Other narrative instances, such as the dream, play an important role for the narrative function.
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Åtgärder som främjar den äldre ortopedpatienten till bibehållen personlig ADL under vårdtiden : En allmän litteraturstudie / Measures that promote the elderly orthopedic patient to maintain personal ADL during the care period : A literature studyKällbom, Andreas, Lundin, Michelle January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Höftfraktur hos äldre är en vanlig anledning till inläggning på ortopediska avdelningar. Att som äldre patient vårdas på sjukhus är associerat med negativa hälsoeffekter då det påverkar förmågan att utföra aktiviteter i dagliga livet (ADL), ADL är grundläggande för att en patient ska kunna klara sig hemma utan stöd från vården. Under vårdtiden behöver denna förmåga bedömas i syfte att skapa rätt omvårdnadsåtgärder för att bibehålla patientens ADL, samt sträva efter att dessa aktiviteter utförs självständigt. Syfte: Identifiera vilka åtgärder som kan främja äldre patienter till bibehållen ADL efter genomgången höftoperation. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie användes för att besvara syftet. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra teman: “Tidig mobilisering”, “Personcentrerad rehabilitering”, “Stöd för att optimera näringsintaget” samt “Användandet av mätinstrument”. För att beskriva ADL användes flera mätskalor som gav information om patientens utgångspunkt och effekten av rehabilitering. Patienter som mobiliserades tidigt efter operationen hade en minskad risk för komplikationer och därmed hade patienten större möjlighet att återhämta sin personliga ADL-förmåga. Välutbildad vårdpersonal gav personcentrerad och tydlig information, vilket gjorde att rehabiliteringsplanen följdes. Ytterligare information om patientens näringsintag behövde införskaffas för att kunna optimera rehabiliteringen, då patienterna led av otillräcklig näringstillförsel. Konklusion: För att hjälpa patienten till bibehållen ADL under vårdtiden behövs kontinuerlig personcentrerad information från vårdpersonalen, när personal är välutbildad finns det bättre möjlighet för patientinvolvering. Detta kan uppmuntra till att omvårdnadsåtgärderna utförs och följs av patienten. Näringsintaget behöver identifieras och observeras för att patienten ska få i sig tillräckligt med näring och få ut det mesta av rehabiliteringen. / Background: Hip fracture among elderly is a common reason for patient admission to orthopedic wards. Being treated in a hospital as an elderly patient is associated with adverse health effects, as it affects their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADL). ADL is fundamental for patients to manage at home without support from caregivers. During hospitalization this ability needs to be assessed in order to create the right nursing measures to maintain the patients ADL, as well as strive for these activities to be performed independently. Aim: Identify which measures can promote elderly patients to maintain ADL after undergoing hip surgery. Method: A general literature study was used to answer the purpose. Results: The results are comprised of four themes: "Early mobilization", "Person-centered rehabilitation", "Support for optimizing nutrient intake” and “The usage of measuring instruments”. To examine ADL, several measurement scales were used that provided information about the patient's starting point and the effect of rehabilitation. Patients who were mobilized early after surgery had a reduced risk of complications and thus the patient had a greater opportunity to regain their personal ADL ability. Well-trained staff provided person-centered care and clear information, which meant that the rehabilitation plan is followed. Additional information about the patient's nutritional intake needed to be obtained in order to optimize rehabilitation, as the patients suffered from insufficient nutritional supply. Conclusion: To help the patient to maintain ADL during the care period, continuous person-centered information from the care staff is needed, when the staff is well trained, there is a better opportunity for patient involvement. This can encourage the nursing measures to be performed and followed by the patient. Nutritional intake needs to be identified and observed in order for the patient to get enough nutrition and get the most out of the rehabilitation.
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Revisorns oberoende : En kvalitativ uppsats om relationen mellan revisorer på mindre revisionsbyråer och deras klientföretag / Auditor independence : A qualitative thesis about the relationship between auditors in smaller accounting firms and their client companiesNilsson, Moa, Mårtensson, Cornelia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Flertalet internationella och nationella kriser har skakat om revisionsvärlden till följd av att revisorn inte alltid har agerat oberoende. En betydande faktor som kan påverka revisorns oberoende är relationen mellan revisorn och klientföretaget. Utifrån tidigare forskning finns det ett behov av att studera revisorns oberoende på mindre revisionsbyråer genom att titta på relationen ur både revisorns och klientföretagets perspektiv. För att skapa en djupare förståelse för relationen kommer den sociala identitetsteorin att användas. Teorin innebär att en gemensam identiteten kan uppstå till följd av att revisorn och klientföretaget spelar inom samma sociala kontext. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till en fördjupad förståelse för revisorns oberoende, med ett särskilt fokus på relationen mellan revisorer på mindre revisionsbyråer och deras klientföretag. Metod: Uppsatsen utgår från en deduktiv forskningsansats och en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att samla in uppsatsens empiriska material där komparativ design har använts som forskningsdesign. Analysen av det empiriska materialet har utgått från en tematisk analys. Slutsats: Uppsatsen visar på att klientföretagen har andra förväntningar på revisorn än vad revisorn möjligen kan prestera. Dessutom utför revisorer uppgifter som kan stå i strid med analysmodellen. Revisorn och klientföretaget kan identifiera sig med varandra eftersom de befinner sig i samma sociala kontext. Relationen mellan revisorn och klientföretaget kan ses vara mer komplex än vad man tänker sig, varför revisorns oberoende ibland kan ifrågasättas till följd av relationen. / Background and problem discussion: Several international and national crises have shaken the audit world because of the auditor not always acting independent. A significant factor that may affect the auditor's independence is the relation between the auditor and the client company. Based on previous research, there is a need to study the auditor’s independence at smaller accounting firms by looking at the relation from the perspective of both the auditor and the client company. To create a deeper understanding of the relation, the social identity theory will be used. The theory means that a common identity can arise because of the auditor and the client company playing within the same social context. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of auditor independence, with a particular focus on the relationship between auditors at smaller audit firms and their client companies. Method: This thesis is based on deductive research approach and a qualitative research strategy. Semi-structured interviews have been used to collect the thesis’s empirical material where comparative design has been used as research design. The analysis of the empirical material has been based on a thematic analysis. Conclusion: This thesis shows that the client companies have different expectations of the auditor than what the auditor can perform. In addition, the auditors perform tasks that may conflict the analysis model. The auditor and the client company can identify with each other because they are in the same social context. The relationship between the auditor and the client company can be seen as more complex than imagined, which is why the auditor's independence can sometimes be questioned because of the relationship.
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Revisorns oberoende i en mindre stadBirnstingl Jönsson, Lisa, Grindensjö, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Auditor independence is a well-discussed topic. Previous research shows that it is difficult to know where to draw the line of independence and highlights several factors that affect the auditor's independence in a negative direction. However, there is a lack of studies on how auditors' independence is affected by being active in a smaller city. The purpose of this study was therefore to increase the understanding of how auditors' independence is affected by operating in smaller cities. To achieve the aim, a qualitative method has been used, in the form of semi-structured interviews with accountants operating in smaller cities. The results of the study show that there are certain problems with being an active accountant in a small town. It can be stated that the familiarity threat is more tangible, which is natural as relationships and contact networks become more intertwined. However, this does not mean that the auditors compromise their independence, but it requires higher demands on the individual auditor's morals and integrity in his professional role in order to withstand threats and pressure. Threats of self-interest and threats of self-review were also threats that increased in the smaller city. However, these threats could be counteracted through implemented procedures, which resulted in these threats not being considered to affect the auditors' independence. Something that was considered to strengthen independence was the awareness of the importance of maintaining a good reputation and trust in the smaller city.
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Auditors' Risk- and Materiality Assessment During Times of High Exogenous Risk : A Quantitative Study Analysing the Effects of the Covid-19 PandemicBrissman, Adam, Watson, Thomas January 2023 (has links)
Background: Research has shown that the risk of material misstatements increases during exogenous risk shocks. Simultaneously, auditors shall identify and assess the emergent risks. During the GFC, auditors' response was considered satisfactory by some but criticized byothers. Covid-19 presents a new exogenous risk shock which should entail a similar response by auditors. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect that exogenous risks during uncertain economic times have on the risk- and materiality assessments of auditors. Further, to determine if auditor independence and trait scepticism affect the relationship between exogenous risk and risk- and materiality assessments. Methodology: This study used a quantitative method by sending out questionnaires to Swedish authorized and approved auditors. The answers were analysed through Spearman correlation matrixes, Paired-samples T-tests, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regressions and a binary logistics regression. This study is based on a positivistic perspective and a deductive approach was used. Conclusion: The findings indicated that auditors did make more conservative risk assessments in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, they did not adjust the materiality assessments nor performance materiality assessments significantly. Moreover, that the individually situated factors of auditors had impact on the assessments during the pandemic.
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October crisis to referendum : ideological elements in the discourse of English Protestant churches concerning the socio-political evolution of Quebec from 1970 to 1980Lee, John. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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«Det finnes mye følelser i fotball og fiske» : En kvalitativ oppgave om menns opplevelser i møte og i samtale med kompiser om vonde følelser og livskriser / “There are a lot of emotions in football and fishing” : about men's experiences in meetings and in conversations with friends about painful feelings and life crisesNymoen, Tonje January 2023 (has links)
In a world of expectations, prejudice and norms, it may be natural to think that there are people out there who find it difficult to be open, vulnerable and honest about how they feel and how they are doing. Being able to lean on a friend during difficult times sounds liberating and safe. In this study, I have examined how men experience friendships with other men – when experiencing and talking about painful feelings. What do they view as valuable, what do they talk about, and do the masculine norms also exist in the close bonds of friendship?Previous research shows that the masculine norms can put men in conflict with their own feelings, and that the pursuit of being "a real man" can make facing life’s hardships lonely. Social relationships with other people are invaluable, and the support one receives and gives strengthens both self-esteem and gives the feeling of a meaningful life.I have used a qualitative method in the project, and the analysis and the results are based on six male informants of different ages who have all shared openly about their lives. The analysis is divided into three themes: Independence, Care and Fear. The thematic analysis shows a clear coherence between the themes and subcategories. The informants paint a clear picture of the importance of friends. Doing things together is highlighted as essential, and the deep conversations about painful events occur less frequently, and mostly in settings where it feels acceptable and often with alcohol involved. The men's expectations of their own masculinity play a significant role in the study, and it may seem that these expectations prevent them from being vulnerable and seeking or providing support with friends. Some of the informants also express greater security and openness in conversations with women. The results of the study indicate that men experience support and care from friends in difficult life situations by doing things together, and that they feel they also give the same back. Furthermore, there are several indicators that the normative masculinity prevents them from asking for help and seeking verbal support from their male friends, and that there is an expectation that they should be independent and strong. It is concluded that the experiences associated with meeting and talking to friends about painful feelings are complex, and that the men in this study have their own ways of dealing with this. Whether those are the best ways or not is not up to me to decide. / I en verden av forvetninger, fordommer og normer kan det være naturlig å tenke at finnesmennesker der ute som opplever det vanskelig å være åpne, sårbare og ærlige om hva de følerog hvordan de har det. Å kunne lene seg på en kompis når det stormer som verst høresbefriende og trygt ut. I denne studien har jeg undersøkt menns opplevelser av vennskap medandre menn - i møte med og i samtale om vonde følelser. Hva opplever de som verdifullt, hvasnakker de om og eksisterer de maskuline normene også i de tette båndene i vennskapene?Tidligere forskning viser at de maskuline normene kan sette menn i konflikter med egnefølelser og at streben etter å være «en ekte mann» kan gjøre møtet med tøffe livshendelserensomt. De sosiale relasjonene med andre mennesker svært verdifulle og støtten en får og girstyrker både selvfølelse og gi en opplevelse av et meningsfylt liv.Kvalitativ metode er benyttet i prosjketet og analysen og resultatene er basert på seksmannlige informanter i ulike aldere som alle har fortalt åpenhjertig om sine liv. Analysen erdelt inn i tre temaer: Selvstendigheten, Omsorgen og Frykten. Den tematiske analysen viser entydelig koherens mellom temaene og underkategoriene. Informantene tegner et skarpt bilde avviktigheten av kompiser. Å gjøre ting sammen trekkes frem som essensielt og de dypesamtalene om vonde opplevelser kommer sjeldnere til syne og i så fall i settinger hvor detkjennes akseptabelt og gjerne når det er alkohol innblandet. Mennenes forventinger til egenmaskulinitet spiller en betydelig rolle i studiet og det kan virke som om disse forventningenehindrer mennene i å være sårbare, søke eller gi støtte i møte med kompiser. Noen avinformantene uttrykker også en større trygghet og åpenhet i samtaler med kvinner. Studiensresultat peker mot at menn opplever støtte og omsorg fra kompiser i vanskelige livssituasjonernår de gjør ting sammen og at de opplever at de også gir dette tilbake. Videre er dere flereindikatorer som tyder på at den normative maskuliniteten hindrer de fra å be om hjelp ogsøke verbal støtte hos sine mannlige venner og at det eksisterer en forventning om at de skalvære selvstendige og sterke. I tillegg at det eksisterer en frykt om å vise seg sårbar. Detkonkluderes med at opplevelsene knyttet til møter og samtaler med kompiser om vondefølelser er komplekst, og at mennene i denne studien har sine metoder for å håndtere dette.Om dette er den beste måten eller ikke, er ikke opp til meg å vurdere.
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Så framställs vätgas- och bränslecellstekniken i svensk media : - vilka möjligheterna har tekniken att vara en pusselbit mot fossiloberoende? / How hydrogen and fuel cell technology is presented in the Swedish media : - what possibilities does technology have to be a piece of the puzzle towards fossil independence?Jansson, Ann-Marie January 2022 (has links)
Utsläpp av koldioxid från användandet av energi från fossila bränslen orsakar jordens uppvärmning och är ett stort miljöproblem. Den samhällsnisch vi människor skapat bygger på fossil energi och det har växt till ett beroende av fossila bränslen som energikälla. Teorin vägbundenhet beskriver och ger förklaring på hur beroende formas och bevaras, men teorin beskriver även hur beroenden kan brytas. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka möjligheterna är för vätgas- och bränslecellstekniken att vara en del av lösningen, en pusselbit i omställning till fossiloberoende energisystem. Analysmetoden som används är tematisk analys och det empiriska materialet består av tidningsartiklar som handlar om vätgas- och bränslecellsteknik. Tematisk analys innebär studier av mönster och hur teman skildras och förändras över tid. Teman är valda utifrån forskningsfrågorna. Analysresultatet visar på förändringar i beskrivning och skildring av teman. De förändringar som iakttagits beskrivs och diskuteras mot teori och tidigare forskning för att slutligen leda fram till ett svar på forskningsfrågan; ”Hur ser möjligheterna ut för vätgas- och bränslecellstekniken att vara en del i omställning till ett fossiloberoende samhälle?”. Slutsatsen är att det finns möjligheter för vätgas och bränsleceller att vara en del i konstruktionen av en ny samhällsnisch. / Emissions of carbon dioxide from the use of energy from fossil fuels cause global warming and are a major environmental problem. The social niche we humans have created is based on fossil energy and it has grown into a dependence on fossil fuels as an energy source. The theory of path dependence describes and provides an explanation of how addiction is formed and preserved, but the theory also describes how addictions can be broken. The purpose of the study is to investigate what the possibilities are for hydrogen and fuel cell technology to be part of the solution, a piece of the puzzle in the conversion to fossil-independent energy systems. The analysis method used is thematic analysis and the empirical material consists of newspaper articles that deal with hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Thematic analysis involves studies of patterns and how themes are portrayed and changed over time. Themes are selected based on the research questions. The analysis results show changes in the description and description of themes. The changes observed are described and discussed against theory and previous research to finally lead to an answer to the research question; "What are the opportunities for hydrogen and fuel cell technology to be part of the transition to a fossil-independent society?" The conclusion is that there are opportunities for hydrogen and fuel cell technology to be part of the construction of a new social niche.
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