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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Implementation of Construction Logistics Setups by Public Construction Clients : A Case Study of a Hospital Construction Project from a Network Perspective / Implementering av bygglogistiklösningar av offentliga byggherrar : En fallstudie av ett sjukhusprojekt ur ett nätverksperspektiv

Håkanson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate the implementation of construction logistics setups by public construction clients, by looking at the perspectives of the client, logistics providers, contractors, construction logistics center operator, and material supplier. The implementation intents for different logistics solutions and associated requirements are identified and the effects are traced through the project network of different actors. Furthermore, the specificities associated with the client acting in a public setting are considered. The research answers calls for more studies on public clients’ role in construction logistics and how their demands affect other project actors. It contributes to an increased knowledge in the field, hopefully leading to improved construction logistics and consequently a more sustainable construction sector.  The research focuses on the construction of a new hospital building in Stockholm, using the project as a case study. It is based on semi-structured interviews supplemented by document studies of project-specific documents. The findings are analyzed with the industrial network approach and the associated ARA (Actors-Resources-Activities) model, exemplifying network effects through specific client requirements into the layers of actors, resources, and activities.  It is concluded that the realized effects of the construction logistics setup are more extensive than intended. The client designed a construction logistics setup with the main intent to minimize disturbances to the surroundings, especially the hospital, and achieve efficient logistics operations. While the main intent of minimizing disturbances was realized, it led to unintended effects such as unclear division of responsibility and friction between the client and other project actors. One suggestion presented is to contractually place third-party logistics providers within the client organization or to give them executive responsibility for logistics. Public clients must develop the full logistics setup before procurement of contractors, balancing flexibility with maintaining control. Due to the limited possibility of early contractor involvement, because of the Public Procurement Act, the public client must clearly state demands and expectations in the early project stages. In addition to their implementation intents, they must also consider what effects different demands will have on project actors. The study contributes to existing theory in several ways. Firstly, it strengthens the view that clients as initiators of a CLS is primarily concerned with minimizing disturbances to the immediate surrounding and to hospital operations. Secondly, it verifies previously identified drivers and barriers of third-party logistics and construction logistics centers. Thirdly, it adds understanding to the role of the public client and how their actions are influenced by the Public Procurement Act, as well as how this impacts how the client controls the operations of other project actors. / Denna studie undersöker implementeringen av bygglogistiklösningar hos offentliga byggherrar ur flera aktörers perspektiv: byggherre, logistikleverantör, entreprenörer, terminaloperatör och materialleverantör. Syftet med implementeringen av olika logistiklösningar och tillhörande kravställningar identifieras och effekterna av dessa spåras genom projektnätverket av flera aktörer. Vidare beaktas de specifika förutsättningar som råder för offentliga byggherrar som beställare. Studien ämnar möta efterfrågan på fler undersökningar som beaktar offentliga byggherrars roll inom bygglogistik och hur deras kravställningar påverkar övriga projektaktörer. Den bidrar med ökad kunskap inom ämnet vilket förhoppningsvis leder till förbättrad bygglogistik och därmed en mer hållbar byggsektor.  Studien baseras på en fallstudie av byggnationen av en ny sjukhusbyggnad i Stockholm. Resultaten grundar sig i semistrukturerade intervjuer och kompletterande dokumentstudier av projektspecifika dokument. Dessa har analyserats genom industriell nätverksteori och mer specifikt genom ARA (Aktörer-Resurser-Aktiviteter) modellen, där exempel på byggherrens krav och följande nätverkseffekter kategoriseras i de tre lagren aktörer, resurser och aktiviteter.  Studiens resultat är att de realiserade effekterna av bygglogistiklösningen är mer omfattande än de avsedda. Byggherren utformade en bygglogistiklösning med huvudsyftet att minimera störningar i omgivningen, särskilt för sjukhusets verksamhet, och uppnå en effektiv logistikverksamhet. Huvudsyftet att minimera störningar uppnåddes, men det ledde till oavsiktliga effekter som otydlig ansvarsfördelning och friktion mellan byggherren och andra projektaktörer. Ett förslag som presenteras är att kontraktsmässigt placera tredjepartslogistikleverantörer inom byggherrens organisation, alternativt att ge dem fullt ansvar för logistiken. Offentliga byggherrar måste utveckla hela logistiklösningen innan entreprenörerna upphandlas och därmed balansera flexibilitet och att behålla kontrollen. På grund av denbegränsade möjligheten till tidigentreprenörsmedverkan, på grund av lagen om offentlig upphandling, måste den offentliga byggherren tydligt ange krav och förväntningar i upphandlingsskedet. Utöver byggherrens syften med implementeringen av särskilda logistiklösningar ska de också ta hänsyn till vilka effekter olika krav kommer att få för projektaktörerna.  Resultaten bidrar även till existerande teori på flera sätt. De stärker synen att offentliga byggherrar, som initiativtagare till bygglogistiklösningar, främst beaktar minskade störningar tillnärområdet och sjukhusets verksamhet. Vidare verifieras tidigare identifierade drivkrafter och hinder för tredjepartslogistik och bygglogistikcenter. Slutligen bidrar resultaten till ökad förståelse för hur offentliga byggherrar agerar och hur deras handlingar påverkas av LOU, samt hur detta påverkar på vilket sätt byggherren kontrollerar andra projektaktörers verksamhet.

Små modeföretag, stora utmaningar? : Interna och externa utmaningar vid implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i utvecklingsfasen / Small fashion companies, big challenges? : Internal and external challenges in implementing sustainability strategies during the development phase

Tammelander, Emma, Gjörling, Ellen, Rylander, Josefin January 2024 (has links)
Miljömässig hållbarhet inom modeindustrin är en viktig strategi för att hantera de miljöutmaningar som är förknippade med modeproduktionens storskaliga användning av naturresurser. Det är viktigt att modeföretag tar hänsyn till miljömässig hållbarhet genom att integrera hållbarhet tidigt i design- och tillverkningsprocessen. Utmaningarna när det kommer till svenska små till medelstora företag (SME) och implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i design- och tillverkningsprocessen är omstridda. Tidigare studier menar att det handlar om att SMEs har brist på resurser och kunskap, medan annan forskning menar att modeföretag inte prioriterar hållbarhet. Därav är det intressant att undersöka de utmaningar som SMEs inom den svenska modeindustrin står inför eftersom Sverige är känt för sin modeindustri, och historiskt sett haft internationell framgång inom branschen. Studien undersöker hur leverantörer och brist på resurser internt och externt kan utgöra en utmaning vid implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier i utvecklingsfasen, hos svenska SMEs inom modeindustrin med fokus på miljömässig hållbarhet. Den teoretiska ramen är baserad på Industrial Network Approach (INA). Studien använder sig av en kvalitativ metod, empirin har samlats in genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer hos tre företag, samt observation av webbplats med fokus på miljömässig hållbarhet och utmaningar. En tematisk analys användes för att identifiera viktiga teman. Genom att tillämpa analysmodellen ARA utforskade studien hur affärsnätverket kan påverka modeföretagens hållbarhet i utvecklingsfasen. I resultatet visar studien att det är både interna och externa faktorer som påverkar implementering av miljömässig hållbarhet. Bland annat spelar ledningen hos SMEs en avgörande roll gällande om hållbarhet ska implementeras och att det är svårt att balansera ekonomiska mål med den generella hållbarhetssträvan. Dessutom påverkar externa faktorer såsom kundernas villighet att betala mer och vad leverantörerna kan erbjuda i form av resurser och kunskap, vilket kan skilja sig åt. Studien bidrar med kunskap till området implementering av hållbarhetsstrategier genom att ge en djupare förståelse för de specifika utmaningar som SMEs inom den svenska modeindustrin kan möta när de ska gå mot att bli mer miljömässigt hållbara. För att kunna implementera hållbarhetsstrategier i utvecklingsfasen kräver det att ledningen sätter upp mål som produktionsansvariga kan förhålla sig till. Produktionsansvariga har en delaktighet och påverkar i stor utsträckning hur hållbara produkterna blir. Studiens resultat visar slutligen att det finns skillnader inom SMEs i den svenska modeindustrin, särskilt när det gäller tillgången på resurser mellan små och medelstora företag. En betydande skillnad är den utmaning som leverantörer utgör för dessa företag vilket är kopplat till produktionskvantiteter. Studiens begränsningar inkluderar urvalet av tre modeföretag, varav ett av dem var medelstort, vilket begränsade möjligheten att skapa en tydlig förståelse för deras unika utmaningarna. Framtida forskning föreslås omfatta ett bredare urval för att ge en mer djup förståelse av SMEs inom den svenska modeindustrin. / Environmental sustainability within the fashion industry is a crucial strategy for addressing the environmental challenges associated with large-scale use of natural resources in fashion production. It is important for fashion companies to consider environmental sustainability by integrating it early in the design and manufacturing process. The challenges faced by Swedish small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in implementing sustainability strategies in the design and manufacturing process are debated. Previous studies suggest that SMEs lack resources and knowledge, while other research indicates that fashion companies do not prioritize sustainability. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the challenges faced by SMEs in the Swedish fashion industry since Sweden is known for its fashion industry and has historically had international success in the field. This study examines how suppliers, and the lack of internal and external resources can pose challenges in the implementation of sustainability strategies during the development phase for Swedish SMEs in the fashion industry, with a focus on environmental sustainability. The theoretical framework is based on the Industrial Network Approach (INA). The study uses a qualitative method, with empirical data collected through five semi-structured interviews at three companies, as well as observations of websites focusing on environmental sustainability and challenges. A thematic analysis was used to identify key themes. By applying the ARA analysis model, the study explored how the business network can impact the sustainability of fashion companies during the development phase. The results show that both internal and external factors influence the implementation of environmental sustainability. Among other things, management at SMEs plays a crucial role in determining whether sustainability will be implemented, and it is difficult to balance economic goals with the general pursuit of sustainability. Additionally, external factors such as customers' willingness to pay more and what suppliers can offer in terms of resources and knowledge, which can vary, also have an impact. The study contributes to the field of implementing sustainability strategies by providing a deeper understanding of the specific challenges that SMEs in the Swedish fashion industry may face when striving to become more environmentally sustainable. To implement sustainability strategies in the development phase, it requires management to set goals that production managers can adhere to. Production managers are involved and significantly influence how sustainable the products become. The study's results finally show that there are differences within SMEs in the Swedish fashion industry, particularly regarding access to resources between small and medium-sized enterprises. A significant difference is the challenge that suppliers pose for these companies, which is linked to production quantities. The study's limitations include the selection of three fashion companies, one of which was medium-sized, which limited the ability to gain a clear understanding of their unique challenges. Future research is suggested to include a broader selection to provide a more in-depth understanding of SMEs in the Swedish fashion industry. This essay is written in Swedish.

艋舺商圈產業網絡與都市再生關係之研究 / The study between Industrial Network Relationship and urban regeneration in Monga commercial district

蔡明穎, Tsai, Ming Ying Unknown Date (has links)
在十九世紀早期工業革命時期,工業國家的主要城市如倫敦、紐約與巴黎,都經歷了快速的都市成長。大量的勞工湧入城市,後來都經歷了由政府主導的大規模都市更新。透過區域、經濟與產業發展,與都市更新、都市再生策略緊密結合,城市競爭力將建立在城市空間的再生之上。 區域與城市經濟結構的重組,使得原本城市車站做為製造業中心或集散中心的功能漸漸消失或沒落。老舊城市的車站周邊出現大量公有/私有閒置建築和土地,或是商圈產業的沒落與凌亂,還有空間上的無組織與去中心化,艋舺商圈正是處在如此的時空之中。 今萬華車站的新建與捷運的連結,以及商圈再造計畫,似乎將為艋舺地區注入一線希望;然而夕陽產業除了觀光資源之外,是否能迎接大量觀光客的衝擊,或是能否承受新產業的入駐;產業聚落的轉型是必然的過程,其須成為能支撐城市發展、創造就業機會的新產業,且城市空間也需要尋求新的意義定位與吸引新住民的進入,都市再生的過程進而能透過中心車站的重新發展,逐步轉為重視歷史文化、街區紋理、文化創意、引進投資與創業機會等等,讓老舊的街區重新轉型。 透過產業群聚理論及地方經濟發展體系架構,以都市再生策略研究艋舺商圈區內產業聚落與空間連結關係,進而分析艋舺商圈產業與未來經濟發展之網絡與空間樣貌;以中萬華的艋舺商圈,從歷史地理脈絡、傳統/創意產業、基地空間特性、規劃政策與實施框架等面向,梳理台北市如何從老舊街區串連多元空間/產業網絡而讓都市再生成為永續發展的城市。


鄭恩仁, Jeng, En-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代以降,「產業群聚現象」為各國在發展高科技產業的歷程中,極重要的趨勢與特色,美國的矽谷模式可謂其濫觴並成為仿效的成功典範。透過在特定的地理區域中,結合產業界(私人部門)、學術機構、研究機構、中央與地方政府(公共部門),建構有利於高科技產業長期發展與繁榮地區經濟的「科學城」。   產業群聚的優勢在於群居成員可分攤基礎建設成本、共享所需的生存資源;更易因地理上的便利性,形成上下游或關聯性產業的合作網路,使產品、技術、資訊與情感的交流更密切,演化為利害與共、共存共榮的「命運共同體」。本研究以產業環境、研究環境與居住環境所組成的共生環境作為形成高科技產業群聚的中心假設,採用組織生態學、資源依賴與合作網路的觀點,以「環境資源共享」與「產業網路互補」為經緯,剖析不同群聚的共生型態與綜效利益,釐清不同的產業特性對群聚利益的呼應,與對整體產業與企業競爭力的影響。   本研究發現共生環境資源的多寡,決定高科技產業群聚的形成與長期發展。產業環境的優勢反映在生產效率與利益的增強,研究環境的優勢反映在技術與研發實力的提昇,居住環境的優勢有助吸引高科技人才加入。而高科技產業專業分工明顯、產品生命週期短、時效性要求高的產業特性,使得合作廠商需要頻繁的溝通與協調,而這些工作卻必須透過面對面的互動才能達成,這也是形成高科技產業群聚的主因。   產業群聚的利益在於地理上的接近性,使群聚成員共享生存環境資源,便於建構合作網路關係。「環境資源共享之經濟性」與「產業網路合作之互補性」兩構面,決定高科技產業群聚的共生綜效利益。共生綜效利益高低,會決定群聚的長期發展與演化。共生綜效利益越高,則產業群聚會趨於成長、擴張;反之,將逐漸萎縮、解散。而合作機制的建立,是提高群聚共生綜效的關鍵。合作網路體系中的核心廠商,則負有建立合作機制的責任,政府(公共部門)也可主導合作機制的建立。   不同的高科技產業特性,搭配「適合的」共生綜效利益,可提高產業與企業的競爭力。環境依賴程度高的產業特性,對環境資源共享之經濟性的需求就會較高;專業分工程度高的產業特性,對產業網路合作之互補性的需求就會較高。

鄰近性、吸收能力與廠商創新績效之研究 / Proximity, absorptive capacity, and innovation performance of firms

陳泓汝 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟的時代,創新已成為廠商競爭優勢的主要來源。知識的創造、傳遞、轉化和應用,促成廠商創新活動的產生。同時,連結地域空間與廠商創新績效的研究,已成為近代區域經濟與產業發展的重要議題。又,研究者逐漸意識到廠商個體的異質性,進而探求個別廠商的內部能力,吸收能力即成為研究焦點之一。 基此,本研究以全台灣生物技術產業為研究對象,透過廠商問卷之發放,運用因素分析與結構方程模型為分析工具,探討鄰近性-地理鄰近性和組織鄰近性的內涵,以及吸收能力如何扮演外部知識與廠商內部能力的介面,並結合外部知識、內部吸收能力與創新績效之影響路徑。 所得結果如下: 1.從外部知識層面,地理鄰近性扮演重要角色。對於組織鄰近性、創新績效有正面影響效果。其中,組織鄰近性隱含了組織網絡與社會網絡的成分; 2.觀察外部知識與內部能力的連結,外部知識獲取對於吸收能力有正面影響效果; 3.吸收能力對於創新績效亦有正向影響關係; 4.然而,考量到外部知識因素時,吸收能力對於創新績效的效果轉為正向卻不顯著,外部知識直接影響創新績效。 關鍵字:地理鄰近性、組織鄰近性、產業網絡、吸收能力、創新績效 / In the knowledge-based economy, innovation has become a key source of firms’ competitive advantage.The process of knowledge creation, transmission, transformation and application promotes the innovative activities. Meanwhile, the link geographical proximity and innovation performance of firms has become a modern issue of regional economic and industrial study. Also, the researchers gradually realized that the heterogeneity of individual firms, and then pay more ateentionon the internal capabilities of individual firms, thence the absorptive capacity seems to be a decisive element. Our research regards bio-technology industry as the subject promptly.Through sending questionnaires and using factor analysis and structural equation modeling as analysis tool, we observe “proximity” – the nature of geographical proximity and organizational proximity, and how can absorptvie capacity play the interface role between external knowledge and internal capacity, and further connect the external knowledge with internal absorptive capacity and innovation performance. The major results of study were found: 1. In the respect of external knowledge, geography proximity plays a crucial role in affecting organizational proximity and innovation performance. 2. External knowledge has a positive influence on absorptive capacity. 3. On the other hand, absorptive capacity affects the innovation permance of firms. 4. However, concerning the external knowledge, absorptive capacity results to positive but not significant on innovation performance.It implies that external knowledge directly impacts on innovation performance. Keyword:Geographical proximity, Organizational proximity, Industerial network, Absorptive capacity, Innovation performance

Uma ferramenta de manipula??o de pacotes para an?lise de protocolos de redes industriais baseados em TCP/IP

Kobayashi, Tiago Hiroshi 07 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TiagoHK.pdf: 2636025 bytes, checksum: ce24354f7859d7a6bcea2ea448265402 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-07 / This work presents a packet manipulation tool developed to realize tests in industrial devices that implements TCP/IP-based communication protocols. The tool was developed in Python programming language, as a Scapy extension. This tool, named IndPM- Industrial Packet Manipulator, can realize vulnerability tests in devices of industrial networks, industrial protocol compliance tests, receive server replies and utilize the Python interpreter to build tests. The Modbus/TCP protocol was implemented as proof-of-concept. The DNP3 over TCP protocol was also implemented but tests could not be realized because of the lack of resources. The IndPM results with Modbus/TCP protocol show some implementation faults in a Programmable Logic Controller communication module frequently utilized in automation companies / Neste trabalho ? apresentada uma ferramenta de manipula??o de pacotes destinada ? realiza??o de testes em dispositivos que implementam protocolos de comunica??o baseados em TCP/IP utilizados em redes industriais. A ferramenta foi desenvolvida em linguagem de programa??o Python, como uma extens?o ao Scapy. Esta ferramenta, denominada IndPM - Industrial Packet Manipulator, permite testar os dispositivos presentes em redes industriais em rela??o a poss?veis vulnerabilidades, realizar testes de conformidade de protocolos, coletar respostas de servidores existentes nas redes e utilizar os recursos do interpretador Python para compor testes. Como prova de conceito, foi implementado o protocolo Modbus/TCP. O protocolo DNP3 sobre TCP tamb?m foi implementado, mas n?o foi testado por indisponibilidade de recursos. Os resultados dos testes obtidos com a manipula??o de pacotes Modbus/TCP mostram falhas de implementa??o em um m?dulo de comunica??o para um Controlador L?gico Program?vel bastante utilizado na ind?stria

Experimentální práce s POF - polymerová optická vlákna / Experimental work with POF - Polymer optical fibers

Doležal, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
In this diploma thesis, the reader is familiarized with polymer optical fiber (POF). Firstly is mentioned theoretical background of optical fibers and optical transmission. The following are the basic properties and significant parameters of POF, a more detailed description of each type POF and their essential advantages and disadvantages in comparison with established optical fibers based on glass. The next chapter describes the area of practical issues: working with fibers and fiber installation, as well as the available connectors and methods of measurement of POF. Closely are analyzed knowledge of the practice, including the utilize in the aerospace and automotive industries, as well as in industrial networks, access data networks and local area networks. The practical part includes the measurement of basic transmission and mechanical parameters, including analysis of the results. The conclusion summarizes all the findings and results of this work, including possible future developments.

我國創投公司對科技產業之知識互動研究 / The research of the knowledge interactive relationship between venture capitalist and technology industries

黃俊傑, Huang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探索國內科技產業的發展過程中,科技公司創業及經營的過程裡,創投公司對科技公司之知識互動關係,探討創投公司在科技公司各經營階段所扮演的角色及功能,創投公司可以提供科技公司之附加價值,影響創投事業與科技公司知識互動之因素,以及創投公司對科技創新之影響。   創投公司與科技公司知識互動成功之因素,在於科技公司之知識及資源的需求,以及創投公司所具有之條件,依據上述個案分析發現,其主要關鍵因素如下:   1.創投公司之資金為科技公司迫切需要之財務外援。   2.經營團隊對資金募集陌生或沒信心。   3.認同創投公司之專業能力。   4.經營團隊缺乏專業經營管理經驗,對外部知識之依賴度高。   5.對創投公司之組織網絡資源(上游零組件材料、下游客戶、策略投資人、新技術來源等)依賴度高。   6.產業之成熟度低且變動幅度大,產業前景不明,經營團隊對外部知識之依賴度高。   7.企業轉型方向未定,對新產業不熟悉,需要創投公司協助。   8.科技公司與創投團隊彼此有深厚的互信基礎。   9.科技公司之經營團隊對投資環境陌生。   10.創投團隊具有協助科技公司企業重整成功的經驗。   11.創投公司掌握科技公司具影響力的股權及決策權。   12.創投公司瞭解新市場趨勢。   本研究分析歸納之研究發現如下:   一、創業經營互動構面   【研究發現一】:科技公司的種子期及創建期,創投公司扮演催生者及創業智囊的角色。   【研究發現二】:科技公司的成長期及擴張期,創投公司扮演資源提供者與仲介者的角色。   【研究發現三】:科技公司的成熟期,創投公司扮演股票上市推動者角色。   【研究發現四】:科技公司的重整期,創投公司扮演企業改造者角色。   【研究發現五】:產業組織網絡的綿密度,會影響創投公司之投資品質。   【研究發現六】:創投公司的投資金額會影響知識互動之程度。   【研究發現七】:僅資金投資的創投公司漸不受科技公司歡迎,具有附加價值的創投公司才有較多空間。   二、科技創新互動構面   【研究發現八】:創投公司主導資本效率,協助科技公司之技術創新,兩者合力推動經濟發展。   【研究發現九】:創新技術透過創業過程取得卓越財務報酬,為科技產業技術成長的動因。   【研究發現十】:科技背景的創投公司,較主動推動技術創業,為科技成長做先鋒,財務背景創投公司則傾向於協助經營為主,為科技成長做後援。   【研究發現十一】:技術創新的分散性及開放性,促使創投公司的存在與發展。   【研究發現十二】:科技知識與經營管理知識的模組化結合,促使新創科技公司與創投公司密切合作。   三、知識管理互動構面   【研究發現十三】:創投公司的產業網路知識及經營管理知識,對科技公司的協助,優於創投公司之金融資本之效益。   【研究發現十四】:產業成熟度越低,創投公司與科技公司之知識互動越緊密。   【研究發現十五】:技術導向的技術領先公司,與創投公司之知識互動程度越低。 / The objectives of this thesis intend to explore the knowledge interactive relationship between the venture capitalist and technology industries as well as the key success factors (KSFs) to initiate the interactive basis. Based on the knowledge interactive relationship, this study presents : the roles and functions of the venture capitalist during different business stages, the added-value that the venture capitalist provided, the key factors influencing the interactive relationship, and the changes in technology and innovation as influenced by the venture capitalist.   The key success factors initiating the interactive relationship between the venture capitalist and technology industries are the technology company's demand in knowledge and resources as well as the knowledge and resources that the venture capitalist can provided.   This study was conducted by using case study methodology covering four samples of high-tech companies and two venture capitalists. The results of this study are as follows:   1. During the seed and start-up stages of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the promoter and start-up consultant.   2. During the growth and development stages of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the resource-provider and coordinator.   3. During the late stage of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the IPO promoter.   4. During the re-orgnization stage of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the re-structurer.   5. The industrial network of the venture capitalist will influence the company's investment performance.   6. The investment amount will influence the knowledge interactive intensive of the venture capitalist.   7. The venture capitalist only affords capital but without knowledge have been worked difficult. Only the venture capitalists with smart-money and value-added will have development space.   8. The venture capitalist leads the capital efficiency and the technical companies lead the technology innovation. Both of them promote the development of economics.   9. Start-up new companies with innovative technologies to purchase excellent financial reward are the motive factor of technology development.   10. The venture capitalists with technical background will more actively promote the innovative technologies start-up. The venture capitalists with financial background will focus on the management of the investee.   11. The diversity of technology innovation builds up the development space basis of the venture capitalists.   12. The modularization of the technical innovation and business management is the key factor in pushing the knowledge interactive between technical companies and venture capitalists.   13. The industrial network and management knowledge contributions of the venture capitalists are more than the contributions of the capital benefit.   14. The more amorphous of the industry, the more knowledge interactive activities between the technical companies and the venture capitalists.   15. The more technical-oriented companies, the less knowledge interactive activities between the technical companies and the venture capitalists.

A study and the evaluation of real time performance of Samancor’s Profibus network

Mahlangu, Patrick Amos 02 1900 (has links)
The field buses, and particularly the ‘PROFIBUS’, are currently widely used in automation systems, with the intention to automate industrial applications. It is of the utmost importance that one should understand how these systems operate, because failure to understand may result in improper applications, which can ultimately lead to intense network problems and, consequently, lead to potential catastrophic failures in industrial equipment, as well as compromising the health and safety of the people. This research was the performance evaluation of SAMANCOR PROFIBUS network that controls the chrome manufacturing plant. The problem with the network was that it was failing intermittently. These network failures resulted in loss of production, loss of throughput, compromised quality, downtime due to reworks, high costs in energy used to rework, and equipment damage or failure. One of the OBJECTIVES of the research was to carry out a performance evaluation of the PROFIBUS network in terms of the possible electromagnetic interference (EMI) within the plant’s PLC network. This topic emanated from the network service providers that kept insisting that the network was unstable, due to possible electromagnetic interference caused by possible high voltage cables running next to the plant network cables. This assumption was without fact, and hence the research was conducted. The QUANTITATIVE research method was used to conduct the research, where simulation of the plant network, using external parameters, were used to carry out the research. Furthermore, experiments were conducted and the physical measurements were performed on the network, where parameters derived from these measurements were used to compare the two networks. In essence, the network was tested under known configurations. The manner in which the network was simulated was that of stepping up the electrical current from the external device, and recording the response of the network. A stand-alone network rig was built and used to carry out the tests, and the results were compared with those obtained from the plant network. / Electrical and Mining Engineering / M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

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