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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital dilemmas: the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and interactive multimedia publishing, 1992 – 2002

Martin, Fiona R Unknown Date (has links)
From the 1990s onwards the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) adopted a range of interactive multimedia activities: CD-ROM, web publishing, datacasting and interactive television. Drawing on extensive primary research, this thesis explores why the ABC pursued an interactive multimedia program under a neo-liberal rationality and how online publishing in particular has impacted on its role as a public service broadcaster. Drawing on neo-Foucauldian governmentality theory and Scott Lash’s critique of information, the thesis examines how the ABC operates as a technology of government in the transition to an informational society. While it considers the ABC as a localised, specific form of public service broadcasting, many of the findings have importance for analysis within the broader field of state intervention in media markets. It demonstrates that networked interactive multimedia are a communications strategy appropriate to the governance of a globally implicated market-state during a period of informationalisation – characterised by increased symbolic flows, spatial and temporal compression, decontextualised and disorderly relations of information. Public service media will transition this period, characterised by rapid social change and institutional upheaval, where they can incorporate and exploit the informational relations that threaten to diminish their utility as governmental assemblage. It finds that while ABC executives used technological change to adapt to the enterprise focus of neo-liberal government, the corporation was simultaneously transformed by disorganisational influences pursuing an ethics of internetworking. Contrary to Lash’s ideal schema of institutional decline, disorganisation – embodied in the ad hoc, program-maker led push for internet access and publishing – can become a force for organisational renewal. This is observable in the development of ABC Online, a public access web service. The conclusion drawn from ABC Online’s emergence is that the era of digitalisation exposes the ABC as a mutable object, a flexible strategy of national communications governance. It is not exclusively tied to a technical system, such as radio or television, or a practice such as broadcasting. Interactive multimedia such as ABC Online may help the ABC to readdress its contradictory political rationale – the call to represent a coherent national identity in the face of infinite lived diversity – and play a new role in connecting and engaging its users.This thesis re-examines that role in light of Lash’s observations about the nature of informational power. It explores at length the response to a new self-governing, performative subject, the user of interactive multimedia technology. The user, unlike the audience, is visible, often vocal and social. She negotiates both the space of a multimedia object and dialogic interactions within that space. Her exemplary expertise may rival that of the ABC’s program-makers. This analysis indicates that in response to informational phenomena, the ABC has reconceived its space of government, its pedagogy and its production of citizenship in order to remain an effective expression of governmentality. An online ABC may act as a mediatory, contextualising strategy that helps users negotiate the construction and function of difference. It may also be altered by user knowledge. These relations are possible, although preliminary in this research, while the ABC remains wedded to the more disciplinary relations of broadcasting. The implication is that a digitally networked ABC should not be a self-enclosed institution. It is part of an informational network: a multi-sector innovation system. It should not be divorced from its public or the market except in its ethics of exchange. It is a technology that through its technocultural relations socialises, is shaped by and melds with its sometimes unruly user/citizens. It influences, is influenced by and is part of a volatile mediascape. The ABC is organisation and disorganisation, the rigidity of the one generating the other and then being reincorporated, in a cycle of institutional and industrial change.

Kolegijų pedagogų informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymo kompetencijos turinys ir struktūra / Competences of college pedagogues in application of information and communication technologies

Montrimienė, Gražina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darnios informacinės visuomenės klestėjimo periode, vykstant mokslo bei technologijų pažangai, kiekvienam asmeniui būtina tobulinti socialinius, komunikacinius, problemų sprendimo, veiklos bei kitus bendruosius gebėjimus ir kartu išsiugdyti svarbiausius įgūdžius, būtinus norint sėkmingai konkuruoti šiuolaikinėje darbo rinkoje. Aktuali tyrimo problema, atsakant į klausimą: koks pedagogų IKT taikymo kompetencijos turinys ir struktūra, nes nuo jų priklauso profesinio mokymo ir mokymosi proceso kokybė, pedagogų ir jų ugdytinių gebėjimas sėkmingai integruotis į pasaulinę ir šalies darbo rinką.Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama kolegijų pedagogų informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymo (IKT) kompetencija, kaip profesinės kompetencijos komponentas. Informacinės visuomenės ir kultūros kaita bei pedagogų standarto reikalavimai ES ir Lietuvoje pedagogų IKT kompetencijai keičiasi, kintant mokymo ir mokymosi procesui ir nacionaliniams ugdymo tikslams, įtakojant socialiniams-demografiniams veiksniams. Anketiniu tyrimu nustatyta, kad šalies aukštųjų neuniversitetinių mokyklų (kolegijų) pedagogai sistemingai tobulina informacinio raštingumo kompetencijas įvairiomis formomis, dalyvaudami ES projektuose ir programose, savarankiškai mokydamiesi nuotoliniu būdu, norėdami kokybiškai ir sistemingai dirbti edukaciniame procese. Pristatomas pedagogų IKT taikymo kompetencijos turinio ir struktūros empirinis pagrindimas. Analizuojamos kolegijų pedagogų IKT elgsenos, pridedamosios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the period of prosperity of harmonic informational society, as the economy globalyzes and the science and technology development increases, it is necessary for everyone to develop social, communicational, problem-solving, practical and other common skills as well as to bring up the most important habits in order to be able to compete in today’s employment market. The urgent problem, when solving the problem of what the application volume and structure of competence of pedagogue’s information and communication technology (ICT) would be, since the value of professional teaching and learning and pedagogues’ their apprentices abilities to successfully integrate to national and international job market depend on it.The work analyzes competence, as a part of professional competence, of college pedagogues in application of information and communication technologies (ICT). The informational society and culture as well as the requirements for the pedagogues’ ICT competence changes as changes the learning and teachning process for national training goals influenced by social and demografic factors. The questionaire research has showed that the pedagogues of national universities and colleges, in order to perform a quality educational work, systematically increase their competences of informational capabilities in various ways. This work also presents the volume and structure empirical substantiation of pedagogues’ ICT competences. Moreover, this article analyzes the ICT... [to full text]

Informacinių technologijų taikymas logopedų darbe / The Use of Informational Technologies in Speech and Language Therapists Work

Danieliūtė, Vaida 30 July 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojamas informacinių technologijų taikymas Lietuvos logopedų darbe. Apie IKT ir KMP taikymą Lietuvos logopedų darbe nėra daug žinoma, nėra parengta išsamių mokslinių straipsnių ar apžvalgų, kurie nurodytų, kokiomis informacinių technologijų programomis ar priemonėmis naudojamasi logopedų darbe, kokios iš jų vyrauja ir kurios yra efektyviausios dirbant su kalbos, kalbėjimo ir komunikacijos sutrikimų turinčiais asmenimis. Praktinis tyrimo naudingumas – atskleisti informacinių technologijų taikymo realybę logopedų darbe su kalbėjimo ir kalbos sutrikimų turinčiais asmenimis. Palyginti pasiekimus šioje srityje Lietuvoje ir užsienio šalyse. Prieduose pateikiamas internetinių svetainių sąrašas, kur galima rasti logopedinėse pratybose pritaikomų lavinimo užduočių. / Master’s thesis analyzes the informational technologies application in Lithuanian speech and language therapists’ work. The aim of this research - to assess the informational and communication technology (ICTs) and computer-based speech training system (CBST) use at the speech and language therapists work in comprehensive schools who work with persons who have language, speech and communication disorders. The empirical part of the paper deals with the use of ICTs/ CBST at speech and language therapists work, their possibility of usage, the coherence between speech therapists qualification and their age, the usage of the programs for development educable self-dependent tools, speech and language therapists interest in various sources of work-related topics and others. In the questionnaire survey (in electronic form) have participated 258 speech and language therapists who work in comprehensive schools.

E.švietimo paslaugos skatinant socialinę raidą Kaišiadorių rajone / E-Education Services in Promoting Social Development in Kaisiadorys District

Rudauskaitė, Auksė 21 March 2006 (has links)
Throughout the Europe, special attention is paid to the development, provision and design of electronical services. Experience of foreign countries proposes that e-education plays a significant role both in social development and the development of country or its regions in economical, cultural and other aspects. Goal of work: to analyze the influence of the provided services of e-education to the social development in the municipal level.

How Teachers use Structure-based Learning in their Practice: A Case Study of Question Structure

Elliott, Lesley 07 August 2013 (has links)
A major thrust in assessment reform is the instructional use of assessment (Ministry, 2010). Assessment for learning (AFL) has, however, proven challenging for teachers to implement (Brookhart, 2004; Swaffield, 2011; Tierney, 2006). Researchers have called for studies of classrooms that show how AFL works in practice (Bennett, 2011; Shepard, 2000). This study gathers images of practice from classrooms where teachers have been implementing a structure-based approach called Question Structure. Although a key premise of AFL is that assessment can be used instructionally to support learning, Question Structure’s constructivist-information-processing approach is rooted in educational measurement traditions usually juxtaposed to AFL theory and practice (Broadfoot & Black, 2004). Images of practice were drawn from classroom observation, teaching artifacts, and interviews from teachers who had been implementing the system for three to six years in three Ontario school boards. Data were analyzed through sub-questions emerging from the literature and through grounded theory. The study found that Question Structure supported AFL principles and practices. It also supported a Tylerian, backwards-design approach to program design, but not to excess. Technical revisions tended to evolve into significant change in practice, including program reconceptualization and increased focus on students’ learning. The structure-based approach functioned in a variety of ways, for example to support task clarification, (re)reading and comprehension of text, writing process, open-ended collaborative work, and student-generated questions. Teachers were able to clarify the meaning of ‘structure,’ to distinguish structures from instructional and cognitive strategies, and to use universal structures and strategies as subject-specific pedagogy in Language Arts/English. The role of the technical interest and implications for professional learning are also discussed.

How Teachers use Structure-based Learning in their Practice: A Case Study of Question Structure

Elliott, Lesley 07 August 2013 (has links)
A major thrust in assessment reform is the instructional use of assessment (Ministry, 2010). Assessment for learning (AFL) has, however, proven challenging for teachers to implement (Brookhart, 2004; Swaffield, 2011; Tierney, 2006). Researchers have called for studies of classrooms that show how AFL works in practice (Bennett, 2011; Shepard, 2000). This study gathers images of practice from classrooms where teachers have been implementing a structure-based approach called Question Structure. Although a key premise of AFL is that assessment can be used instructionally to support learning, Question Structure’s constructivist-information-processing approach is rooted in educational measurement traditions usually juxtaposed to AFL theory and practice (Broadfoot & Black, 2004). Images of practice were drawn from classroom observation, teaching artifacts, and interviews from teachers who had been implementing the system for three to six years in three Ontario school boards. Data were analyzed through sub-questions emerging from the literature and through grounded theory. The study found that Question Structure supported AFL principles and practices. It also supported a Tylerian, backwards-design approach to program design, but not to excess. Technical revisions tended to evolve into significant change in practice, including program reconceptualization and increased focus on students’ learning. The structure-based approach functioned in a variety of ways, for example to support task clarification, (re)reading and comprehension of text, writing process, open-ended collaborative work, and student-generated questions. Teachers were able to clarify the meaning of ‘structure,’ to distinguish structures from instructional and cognitive strategies, and to use universal structures and strategies as subject-specific pedagogy in Language Arts/English. The role of the technical interest and implications for professional learning are also discussed.


劉政權 Unknown Date (has links)
手機功能不斷創新,行動內容服務應運而生,使得行動電話由溝通工具,變身為訊息載具,資訊型行動內容服務尤其凸顯了行動電話「隨時隨地、傳播訊息」的特性。以台灣行動電話用戶密度達100%,高居全球第一之現況,資訊型行動內容服務之經營應有其值得關注之處。   本文以中央社為例,探討資訊型行動內容服務經營模式,先藉由瞭解全球發展行動內容服務先進國家之現況,進而剖析台灣各行動內容服務廠商之競爭、合作關係,最後綜合分析中央社之業務狀況,提出資訊型行動內容服務經營模式之建議。   本文以參與觀察與深度訪談的方式,總共訪問了七位行動電話系統業者加值服務業務承辦人,以及五位中央通訊社負責行動內容服務網站的編輯及程式工程師,以瞭解面對行動電話加值服務快速成長及演變下,中央社如何設定及調整其行動內容服務的經營模式。   研究結果顯示,「資訊好用、操作簡單」是資訊型行動內容服務最重要的特質;反映時事變化製作專題報導與有效編輯、整理內容重點,則是吸引用戶使用服務的守則;而專責團隊經營則是因應行動內容市場多變的重要經營要素。   本文雖然指出中央社發展行動內容服務業務面臨許多內外環境障礙之衝擊,但中央社行動內容服務憑藉「即時資訊」的優勢,配合行動電話「隨身」及「隨時隨地」的特性,讓資訊傳播有了更大的想像空間,也更加凸顯資訊型行動內容服務的重要性。由於資訊型行動內容服務網站之經營模式,至今尚未見具系統性研究,本研究之分析訪談不僅試圖填補過去研究的缺憾,也指出未來研究值得探討的方向。 / The functions of mobile phones have continued to evolve, most significantly from simple tools for communications to ones that provide up-to-date information. Informational mobile content services are especially remarkable in that they bring any amount of data to the user at any time, anywhere – the essence of valued-added service. This is certainly important in Taiwan given that the penetration rate for mobile phone subscribers is 100 percent – the highest in the world. This study focuses on the business model of the Central News Agency(CNA)'s informational mobile content services. Discussions range from a global view to management in the domestic market. This study looks at the practical experiences at CNA with regard to informational mobile content services and how best to optimize them. Through observations and extensive interviews, 12 key people involved in informational mobile content services were contacted for this study. Seven of them are mobile content service product managers of mobile telecommunications companies and five are editors and programmers from the Multimedia News Center of the CNA. This was done to understand the operational model of CNA's mobile content services given the rapid changes being made in mobile phone value-added services. The study results show that on-demand, real-time data that is easy to access is the key to quality informational mobile content services, and that special news projects are attractive to potential subscribers. Moreover, a professional team is the cornerstone of operations to ensure the success of these services. Although the study found that CNA faces internal and external challenges for its mobile content service operations, it has made significant strides in bringing the message to the people of the importance of real-time mobile content services. Since there have been few studies on the subject, this analysis will break new ground and set the stage for further discussions on the issue.

Selection and moral hazard in health insurance : taking contract theory to the data

Grönqvist, Erik January 2004 (has links)
Asymmetric information is a large potential problem for insurance markets, especially for markets insuring health risk. Despite a large theoretical attention over the last 30 years, the empirical evidence of the extent of the problem is still limited. In part this is due to methodological problems. The fundamental problem being that the private information, on which agents' act, is generally not observable to the researcher. This thesis provides empirical evidence on selection and moral hazard, using a private dental insurance natural experiment that solves many of the methodological problems. The initial decision to select into the insurance is analyzed in the first paper. Interestingly, results indicate both adverse selection and its opposite, advantageous selection, in different parts of the sample. These results are captured in a theoretical model where agents differ in their degree of risk aversion. In the second paper the decision to opt out of insurance is related to new information on risk. Results indicate that updating is asymmetric. Agents do not take the insurer's information fully into account, even though it is public. Finally, the moral hazard effect of dental coverage is analyzed in the last paper. The treatment effect of insurance coverage is separated from self-selection, using propensity score matching, IV and difference-in-differences. The results give strong empirical evidence of moral hazard. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk., 2004 xii s., s. 3-12: sammanfattning, s. 13-104: 3 uppsatser

Digital dilemmas: the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and interactive multimedia publishing, 1992 – 2002

Martin, Fiona R Unknown Date (has links)
From the 1990s onwards the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) adopted a range of interactive multimedia activities: CD-ROM, web publishing, datacasting and interactive television. Drawing on extensive primary research, this thesis explores why the ABC pursued an interactive multimedia program under a neo-liberal rationality and how online publishing in particular has impacted on its role as a public service broadcaster. Drawing on neo-Foucauldian governmentality theory and Scott Lash’s critique of information, the thesis examines how the ABC operates as a technology of government in the transition to an informational society. While it considers the ABC as a localised, specific form of public service broadcasting, many of the findings have importance for analysis within the broader field of state intervention in media markets. It demonstrates that networked interactive multimedia are a communications strategy appropriate to the governance of a globally implicated market-state during a period of informationalisation – characterised by increased symbolic flows, spatial and temporal compression, decontextualised and disorderly relations of information. Public service media will transition this period, characterised by rapid social change and institutional upheaval, where they can incorporate and exploit the informational relations that threaten to diminish their utility as governmental assemblage. It finds that while ABC executives used technological change to adapt to the enterprise focus of neo-liberal government, the corporation was simultaneously transformed by disorganisational influences pursuing an ethics of internetworking. Contrary to Lash’s ideal schema of institutional decline, disorganisation – embodied in the ad hoc, program-maker led push for internet access and publishing – can become a force for organisational renewal. This is observable in the development of ABC Online, a public access web service. The conclusion drawn from ABC Online’s emergence is that the era of digitalisation exposes the ABC as a mutable object, a flexible strategy of national communications governance. It is not exclusively tied to a technical system, such as radio or television, or a practice such as broadcasting. Interactive multimedia such as ABC Online may help the ABC to readdress its contradictory political rationale – the call to represent a coherent national identity in the face of infinite lived diversity – and play a new role in connecting and engaging its users.This thesis re-examines that role in light of Lash’s observations about the nature of informational power. It explores at length the response to a new self-governing, performative subject, the user of interactive multimedia technology. The user, unlike the audience, is visible, often vocal and social. She negotiates both the space of a multimedia object and dialogic interactions within that space. Her exemplary expertise may rival that of the ABC’s program-makers. This analysis indicates that in response to informational phenomena, the ABC has reconceived its space of government, its pedagogy and its production of citizenship in order to remain an effective expression of governmentality. An online ABC may act as a mediatory, contextualising strategy that helps users negotiate the construction and function of difference. It may also be altered by user knowledge. These relations are possible, although preliminary in this research, while the ABC remains wedded to the more disciplinary relations of broadcasting. The implication is that a digitally networked ABC should not be a self-enclosed institution. It is part of an informational network: a multi-sector innovation system. It should not be divorced from its public or the market except in its ethics of exchange. It is a technology that through its technocultural relations socialises, is shaped by and melds with its sometimes unruly user/citizens. It influences, is influenced by and is part of a volatile mediascape. The ABC is organisation and disorganisation, the rigidity of the one generating the other and then being reincorporated, in a cycle of institutional and industrial change.

Digital dilemmas: the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and interactive multimedia publishing, 1992 – 2002

Martin, Fiona R Unknown Date (has links)
From the 1990s onwards the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) adopted a range of interactive multimedia activities: CD-ROM, web publishing, datacasting and interactive television. Drawing on extensive primary research, this thesis explores why the ABC pursued an interactive multimedia program under a neo-liberal rationality and how online publishing in particular has impacted on its role as a public service broadcaster. Drawing on neo-Foucauldian governmentality theory and Scott Lash’s critique of information, the thesis examines how the ABC operates as a technology of government in the transition to an informational society. While it considers the ABC as a localised, specific form of public service broadcasting, many of the findings have importance for analysis within the broader field of state intervention in media markets. It demonstrates that networked interactive multimedia are a communications strategy appropriate to the governance of a globally implicated market-state during a period of informationalisation – characterised by increased symbolic flows, spatial and temporal compression, decontextualised and disorderly relations of information. Public service media will transition this period, characterised by rapid social change and institutional upheaval, where they can incorporate and exploit the informational relations that threaten to diminish their utility as governmental assemblage. It finds that while ABC executives used technological change to adapt to the enterprise focus of neo-liberal government, the corporation was simultaneously transformed by disorganisational influences pursuing an ethics of internetworking. Contrary to Lash’s ideal schema of institutional decline, disorganisation – embodied in the ad hoc, program-maker led push for internet access and publishing – can become a force for organisational renewal. This is observable in the development of ABC Online, a public access web service. The conclusion drawn from ABC Online’s emergence is that the era of digitalisation exposes the ABC as a mutable object, a flexible strategy of national communications governance. It is not exclusively tied to a technical system, such as radio or television, or a practice such as broadcasting. Interactive multimedia such as ABC Online may help the ABC to readdress its contradictory political rationale – the call to represent a coherent national identity in the face of infinite lived diversity – and play a new role in connecting and engaging its users.This thesis re-examines that role in light of Lash’s observations about the nature of informational power. It explores at length the response to a new self-governing, performative subject, the user of interactive multimedia technology. The user, unlike the audience, is visible, often vocal and social. She negotiates both the space of a multimedia object and dialogic interactions within that space. Her exemplary expertise may rival that of the ABC’s program-makers. This analysis indicates that in response to informational phenomena, the ABC has reconceived its space of government, its pedagogy and its production of citizenship in order to remain an effective expression of governmentality. An online ABC may act as a mediatory, contextualising strategy that helps users negotiate the construction and function of difference. It may also be altered by user knowledge. These relations are possible, although preliminary in this research, while the ABC remains wedded to the more disciplinary relations of broadcasting. The implication is that a digitally networked ABC should not be a self-enclosed institution. It is part of an informational network: a multi-sector innovation system. It should not be divorced from its public or the market except in its ethics of exchange. It is a technology that through its technocultural relations socialises, is shaped by and melds with its sometimes unruly user/citizens. It influences, is influenced by and is part of a volatile mediascape. The ABC is organisation and disorganisation, the rigidity of the one generating the other and then being reincorporated, in a cycle of institutional and industrial change.

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