Spelling suggestions: "subject:"innehållsanalys."" "subject:"nnehållsanalys.""
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Tre biblioteksbloggar i fokus : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys / Focus on three library weblogs : A qualitative content analysisNedgården, Sofia, Svengård, Karin January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the content in Swedish library weblogs. We want to examine what the posts contain, especially on the subject knowledge organization. Which themes do the weblogs have in common? How the weblog authors categorize their posts and how the readers use the comment function, are other questions we seek answers to in the thesis. We have performed content analysis where we created the code units during the process. Regarding the content in the analyzed weblogs we have come to the conclusion that it is not as closely tied to the specific libraries as we had thought. We can also see that the themes are reoccurring with minor variations. The number of categories differs between the analyzed weblogs. In many cases the category names are very similar. When it comes to the readers’ usage of the comment function it is clear that the posts seldom end up being commented. We have seen that the library weblog often is perceived as an excellent communication channel where the library can interact with their patrons. At the same time we feel that the potential of the library weblog is not fully used. The future of library weblogs is yet unknown and there are still many functions of the library weblogs left to explore. We believe that the most important thing for the survival of the library weblog is to get readers to the blog and to encourage them to interact. For what is a weblog without its readers? / Uppsatsnivå: D
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BOI och litteratursociologi, En undersökning av litteratursociologiska uppsatser skrivna inom Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap 2005-2008. / LIS and sociology of literature. A study of sociological literature theses within the subject Library and Information Science 2005-2008.Birgersson, Lina January 2010 (has links)
This study is a text analysis of 30 master’s theses, written by students at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science in Borås 2005-2008, concerning the subject sociology of literature. The aim is to twofold; to show how the subject sociology of literature manifests itself within these LIS theses and to produce discourse arguments concerning sociology of literature as an LIS subject. The theorists I refer to in my study are Thomas. S Kuhn, Frickel & Gross and Richard Whitley, who devoted themselves to the theory of science. Their theories are used to explain how and why a subject, in this case sociology of literature, develops and why it is important to be able to justify and define limits vis-à-vis other academic subjects. Since LIS is an interdisciplinary based subject, it is interesting to try to find out what purpose and field of application the subject sociology of literature in specific has within the LIS field. This study has found that there are some common denominators in the analyzed theses concerning perspective, empirical material, theory and method. For example, a number of the authors used a gender perspective in their theses. If you choose to believe the authors of these theses, sociology of literature within Library and Information Science is necessary in order to remember the deeper meaning in literature.
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Förmedling av skönlitteratur via bibliotekets webbplats / Fiction mediation on library websitesBerling, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
Mediation of fiction has always been one of the main tasks of the public library. The focus on information technology is often seen as a threat and competitor to this task. But technology can also offer new ways to mediate fiction, and the aim of this thesis is to examine how library websites and blogs can be used for this purpose. The research questions are:• What forms of fiction mediating material exist on library websites and blogs?• How is the fiction mediating material presented?• Are there any differences between the fiction mediating working methods on websites and blogs compared with those in physical libraries?The thesis is based on a qualitative content analysis of eight Swedish public library websites and three blogs, and on a theoretical frame work including literature and research on mediation of fiction, library websites and blogs, web design and usability. The result shows many similarities between mediation of fiction in physical libraries and on the Internet. The advantages of the medium could be better used. Old systems and non-integrated catalogues cause problems and make it difficult to develop the library websites and allow users to contribute. On most of the examined websites users and librarians are not yet involved in an active conversation about literature. Library websites has potential to create a positive image of the library, attract new users and increase the interest in literature. But a high quality website demands resources. Regional and national cooperation is probably necessary.
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Läsfrämjande i förändring : Om bibliotek 2.0:s läsfrämjande redskap / Reading promotion in change : About library 2.0:s reading promotion toolsKarlsson, Fabian, Nordlöf, Jonatan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how libraries use thetools and ideas from library 2.0 in their reading promotionwork. We also want to include how librarians motivate thisuse and whatever merits and faults they encounter. We haveperformed document studies and interviews which we thenanalyzed with qualitative content analysis. Our theoreticframework in this study which we also used as a part of ourcoding scheme in the analysis was a model over the conceptlibrary 2.0 developed by Holmberg, Huvila, Kronquist-Bergand Widén-Wulff. This model describes seven aspects oflibrary 2.0 which is users, participation, library and libraryservice, web and web 2.0, social aspects, technology andinteractivity. We can see that there is a multitude of toolsthat can be connected to library 2.0 and reading promotionbeing used by the libraries we investigated. The library toolswe found most relevant for our study where blogs, useradvice, catalogue and chat. Even if the libraries could offerthese tools there were widespread issues with low userparticipation. We think this may remove the possibilities forthe tools. The web sites with high user participation had astrong focus on the social aspect among the users andlibrarians. We think this may be of importance but requirefurther research. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Ett kaos av tusen tankar; närståendes upplevelse av att närvara vid hjärt-lungräddning : En litteraturstudieKarlsson, Natalie, Eriksson, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Hjärt-lungräddning (HLR) utförs då en person drabbas av plötsligt hjärtstopp. Snabb insatt HLR ökar chansen att rädda liv. Närstående beskriver en god död som att vara omringad av sina nära, det är dock inte självklart att närstående får närvara vid HLR. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva närståendes upplevelse av att närvara vid HLR. Elva kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med manifest ansats. Analysen resulterade i sex kategorier; plötsligt hamna i en oväntad och kaotisk situation, återupplivningen är oerhört traumatisk, förstå allvaret i situationen, behöva utomstående hjälp för att hantera situationen, känna delaktighet i personens överlevnad och känna utanförskap i vårdmiljön. Kunskap och fördjupad förståelse för närståendes upplevelser vid HLR är viktigt för att identifiera och möta närståendes behov. Fortsatt omvårdnadsforskning kan bidra till att vidareutveckla riktlinjer och rutiner för hur närstående kan involveras vid HLR.
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Tillgänglighet, Läsförståelse och Skapande förräderi, eller, Den nutida svenska läsarens möjligheter att förstå de litterära allusionerna i Jane Austens romaner / Availability, Reading comprehension and Creative treason, or, The modern Swedish reader’s possibilities to understand the literary allusions in Jane Austen’s novelsEronson, Emma January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to investigate the modern Swedishreader’s possibilities to understand the literary allusions in Jane Austen’sfirst three novels in light of young people’s decreasing readingand understanding of classic literature. This is done by examining historicaloverviews of literature written in Swedish, curriculums forliterature courses at three Swedish universities and library holdings inSwedish libraries, both public and academic.In the thesis three different elements are combined – informationabout the alluded authors and texts, a comparison between the Swedishand the English versions of the novels and the result from theabove mentioned investigation. The description of the alluded authorsand texts provide information about the connotations that can be madeby an allusion to them. The comparison between the English and theSwedish novels show whether or not the allusions still exists in thetranslated text and if there are any differences that might affect theunderstanding of the novels.The theoretical framework is based upon literary sociology, especiallythe work of Escarpit. His concept creative treason is an inspiration forthe thesis. The hermeneutic theory of understanding is also consulted.That previous understanding effect the interpretation of a text is afundamental idea upon which the importance of the three chosen resources(curriculums, historical overviews of literature, library holdings)are based. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Det öppna vardagsrummet : Folkbiblioteket som mötesplats i den svenska dagspressen. / The open living room- The public library as a meeting place in the Swedish daily press.Iburg, Malin January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of my essay is to study the current debate on public library as a meeting place in the Swedish daily press. I have examined how the meeting function is used and how it is perceived and what it might mean to the public library. Through a selection process, I chose 18 relevant newspaper articles from the year 2006 to 2012. By implementing a content analysis, three themes were distinguished; “the meeting place as a place to reside on”, “the meeting place as an inclusion” and “the meeting place as a culture and activity house” I have used Andersson, Scot-Hansen and Rabers theoretical models of the library's roles for my analysis. My study shows that the library's function as a meeting place is appreciated by the majority of the people. The library facilities are used for socialization as well as for the individual to be at peace. Many library users find social interaction through the cultural activities. The results indicate a development towards a library with sofas, cafeterias and scenes. The literature, however, has a secondary role in the modern library. Idea stores and hybrid library occurs in collaboration with other recreational activities to generate local hot spots. Ideologically, the library tends to give the market what it wants; it’s a populist strategy to ensure the library's benefit to the society. But the library´s social centers also remain a strong position among the library users. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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När livet förändras : upplevelsen av att vara närstående till en person som drabbats av traumatisk hjärnskada / When life changes : the experience of being related to a person who has suffered traumatic brain injuryEngelmark, Hanna, Bergvall, Nathalie January 2019 (has links)
Abstrakt Traumatisk hjärnskada uppstår helt utan förvarning och medför stora livsförändringar både för den drabbade och för de närstående då en helt ny okänd tillvaro kommer att inledas. Att vara närstående till en person som drabbats av sjukdom kan medföra påfrestningar inom grundläggande faktorer i livet, såsom psykiska, fysiska och sociala aspekter. Syftet med vår litteraturstudie var att beskriva upplevelsen av att vara närstående till en person med traumatisk hjärnskada. Studien utfördes i form av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med manifest ansats där 11 vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades och analyserades, vilket resulterade i fem slutkategorier; Att förlora sitt tidigare liv och behöva anta en ny roll, Att plötsligt leva med en “ny” person, Att vilja bli sedd som en samarbetspartner i vården, Att behöva en stödjande omgivning och Att lägga stora krav på sig själv var påfrestande. Resultatet visade att närstående behöver både stöd och information från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal samt att de har ett behov att bli inkluderade i omvårdnaden av den drabbade. Många känslor uppdagades efter olyckan och de närstående upplevde en förlust av sitt tidigare liv samt personen de en gång känt. Sjuksköterskor behöver kunskap i hur det är att vara närstående och behöver ha en förståelse för deras upplevelse för att kunna bemöta dem på ett adekvat sätt, genom god kunskap kan närstående få en förbättrad upplevelse av vården samt få hjälp i sin situation.
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Särskilt begåvade elever : En studie kring samarbete och anpassningBerger, Robert, Lehrberg, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur arbetet med att stödja och utmana särskilt begåvade elever är organiserat samt belysa eventuella skillnader i skolor som är placerade i olika socioekonomiska områden. Med begreppet särskilt begåvad menar vi elever som besitter förmågor utöver det vanliga, som de resterande elever inte besitter. Metoden som användes för att kunna besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar var intervjuer. Sju stycken intervjuer genomfördes. De frågeställningar studien har är Hur organisera arbetet kring särskilt begåvade elever? Vilka metoder och resurser/verktyg använder skolan för att kunna bemöta elever med särskilda begåvningar? Vilka utmaningar har skolans personal identifierat när det gäller att inkludera särskilt begåvade elever i den ordinarie undervisningen? När dessa frågeställningar sedan besvarades användes metoden innehållsanalys. De teoretiska ansatserna i denna studie är det sociokulturella perspektivet samt ramfaktorteorin. Med hjälp av dessa kunde vi analysera om den sociala aspekten av lärandet var en stor del av de särskilt begåvade elevers lärande samt det mer praktiska som tid, kunskap och resurser var tillräckliga. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att det socioekonomiska området skolan är placerad i inte är en avgörande faktor ifall särskilt begåvade elever fått det stödet skollagen kräver.
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Transkulturell omvårdnad vid psykisk ohälsa - ett sjuksköterskeperspektivBlomdahl, Kristoffer, Onyekwere, Chukwuma January 2019 (has links)
Background: Mental illness can aggravate difficulties in transcultural nursing. Migrants often have one form of mental illness or another depending on their past experiences. They might understand the healthcare systems in their homelands and also have expectations from the system in their host country. Distrust for both staff and the system might arise when these expectations are not met. Underlying cultural perceptions of mental illness can be one of the reasons why these issues are not addressed which can create more suffering for these patients. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses’ experiences of transcultural nursing in connection with care of patients with mental illness in a closed ward setting. Method: Personal interviews with eight nurses at a hospital in mid-Sweden. The interviews were processed using qualitative content analysis. Findings: Nurses identified a number of difficulties in the care of mentally ill patients whose cultural background differed from theirs. These emanated from language barriers, cultural perceptions and the nurses’ approach. Conclusion: The nurses needed to approach every patient individually to overcome cultural difficulties and mental illness. By doing this, they were able to establish individual focus and a sense of security required to reach patients and offer good care.
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