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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution to the physical interpretation of characteristic mode resonances. Application to dielectric resonator antennas

Bernabeu Jiménez, Tomás 01 September 2017 (has links)
The Theory of Characteristic Modes is being adopted by many research groups around the world in the last decade. This topic and their use in different metallic antenna design is growing very fast. However, most of the applications has been only concentrated on conducting surfaces without any physical knowledge about its limitations and its physical interpretation. As far as dielectric bodies are concerned, there have not been so many published articles. The reason is that there are different integro-differential formulations and the interpretation of their solutions is not as obvious as in conducting bodies. Here, a theoretical interpretation considering loss-less conducting and dielectric bodies is presented. The conclusions drawn in this thesis will allow us to better understand the solutions of the Theory of Characteristic Modes and their limitations. This is important for antenna engineering. In addition, this analysis will allow to develop a novel method for the design of antennas based on dielectric resonators, DRA. This method is called Substructure based-PMCHWT method, and is based on the implementation of the Schur complements of the method of moments matrix operator. This study permits to optimize the radiation bandwidth in the same analysis process for both, the dielectric and the feed, e.g. slot. Moreover, it allows to understand how the slot behaves in the presence of the dielectric resonator and vice versa. This method can also be used to design DRA using low permittivities. This is important in the design of DRA because the feed perturbs the system and produces a shift in the resonances of the characteristic modes. So, therefore, by considering the feed system in the characteristic modes analysis a more realistic results than a conventional analysis is obtained. On the other hand, the resonances of the characteristic modes at low permittivities are displaced from what are the natural resonances of the dielectric resonator and also the corresponding S11 resonance. Thus, designing with this new method it can draw new conclusions about the design of DRA using the Theory of Characteristic Modes. / En la última década, la teoría de los modos característicos está siendo utilizada por muchos grupos de investigación en todo el mundo. Este tema y su uso en diferentes diseños de antenas metálicas está creciendo muy rápido. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las aplicaciones se han concentrado únicamente en antenas metálicas sin ningún conocimiento físico acerca de sus limitaciones y su interpretación física. En lo que se refiere a cuerpos dieléctricos, no han habido tantos artículos publicados como en metales. La razón es que existen diferentes formulaciones integro-diferenciales y la interpretación de sus soluciones no es tan obvia como en cuerpos metálicos. En esta tesis se presenta una interpretación física de las soluciones de la Teoría de Modos Característicos al considerar cuerpos metálicos y dieléctricos sin pérdidas. Las conclusiones de esta tesis nos permitirán comprender mejor las soluciones de la Teoría de Modos Característicos y sus limitaciones. Esto es importante en ingeniería de antenas. Además, este análisis permitirá desarrollar un nuevo método para el diseño de antenas basadas en resonadores dieléctricos, DRA. Este método está basado en la formulación PMCHWT y la función de Green multicapa utilizada en el método de los momentos (MoM). A este nuevo método se le ha denominado "Substructure Characteristic Mode method", y está basado en la implementación de los complementos Schur sobre las submatrices del operador del MoM. Este estudio permite optimizar el ancho de banda de radiación de un DRA en el mismo proceso de análisis tanto para el dieléctrico como para la alimentación, como por ejemplo una ranura. Además, este método permite comprender como se comporta la ranura en presencia del resonador dieléctrico y viceversa. Este método también puede usarse para diseñar DRA usando permitividades bajas. Esto es importante en el diseño de DRA porque la alimentación perturba el sistema y produce un cambio en las resonancias de los modos característicos. Por lo tanto, al considerar la alimentación en el análisis de modos característicos se obtienen resultados más realistas comparándolos con los obtenidos mediante un análisis convencional. Así, diseñando con el "Substructure Characteristic Mode method" se pueden extraer nuevas conclusiones sobre el diseño de DRA mediante la Teoría de Modos Característicos. / En l'última dècada, la teoria dels modes característics està sent utilitzada per molts grups d'investigació en tot el món. Este tema i el seu ús en diferents dissenys d'antenes metàl·liques està creixent molt ràpid. No obstant això, la majoria de les aplicacions s'han concentrat únicament en superfícies conductores sense cap coneixement físic sobre les seues limitacions i la seua interpretació física. Pel que fa a cossos dielèctrics, no hi ha hagut tants articles publicats com en metalls. La raó és que hi ha diferents formulacions integro- diferencials i la interpretació de les seues solucions no és tan òbvia com en cossos conductors. En esta tesi es presenta una interpretació teòrica considerant cossos conductors i dielèctrics sense pèrdues. Les conclusions d'esta tesi ens permetran comprendre millor les solucions de la Teoria de Modes Característics i les seues limitacions. Açò és important en enginyeria d'antenes. Açò és important en enginyeria d'antenes. A més, esta anàlisi permetrà desenrotllar un nou mètode per al disseny d'antenes basades en ressonadors dielèctrics, DRA. Este mètode està basat en la formulació PMCHWT i la funció de Green multicapa utilitzada en el mètode dels moments (MoM) . A este nou mètode se li ha denominat "Substructure Characteristic Mode method", i està basat en la implementació dels complements Schur sobre les submatrius de l'operador del MoM. Este estudi permet optimitzar l'amplada de banda de radiació d'un DRA en el mateix procés d'anàlisi tant per al dielèctric com per a l'alimentació, com per exemple una ranura. A més, este mètode permet comprendre com es comporta la ranura en presència del ressonador dielèctric i viceversa. Este mètode també pot usar-se per a dissenyar DRA usant baixes permitivitats. Açò és important en el disseny de DRA perquè l'alimentació pertorba el sistema i produïx un canvi en les ressonàncies dels modes característics. Per tant, al considerar l'alimentació en l'anàlisi de modes característics s'obtenen resultats més realistes comparant-los amb els obtinguts per mitjà d'una anàlisi convencional. Així, dissenyant amb el "Substructure Characteristic Mode method" es poden extraure noves conclusions sobre el disseny de DRA per mitjà de la Teoria de Modes Característics. / Bernabeu Jiménez, T. (2017). Contribution to the physical interpretation of characteristic mode resonances. Application to dielectric resonator antennas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86177

Field reconstructions and range tests for acoustics and electromagnetics in homogeneous and layered media / Feld-Rekonstruktionen und Range Tests für Akustik und Elektromagnetik in homogenen und geschichteten Medien

Schulz, Jochen 04 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Fast algorithms for frequency domain wave propagation

Tsuji, Paul Hikaru 22 February 2013 (has links)
High-frequency wave phenomena is observed in many physical settings, most notably in acoustics, electromagnetics, and elasticity. In all of these fields, numerical simulation and modeling of the forward propagation problem is important to the design and analysis of many systems; a few examples which rely on these computations are the development of metamaterial technologies and geophysical prospecting for natural resources. There are two modes of modeling the forward problem: the frequency domain and the time domain. As the title states, this work is concerned with the former regime. The difficulties of solving the high-frequency wave propagation problem accurately lies in the large number of degrees of freedom required. Conventional wisdom in the computational electromagnetics commmunity suggests that about 10 degrees of freedom per wavelength be used in each coordinate direction to resolve each oscillation. If K is the width of the domain in wavelengths, the number of unknowns N grows at least by O(K^2) for surface discretizations and O(K^3) for volume discretizations in 3D. The memory requirements and asymptotic complexity estimates of direct algorithms such as the multifrontal method are too costly for such problems. Thus, iterative solvers must be used. In this dissertation, I will present fast algorithms which, in conjunction with GMRES, allow the solution of the forward problem in O(N) or O(N log N) time. / text

A Hybrid Method for Inverse Obstacle Scattering Problems / Ein hybride Verfahren für inverse Streuprobleme

Picado de Carvalho Serranho, Pedro Miguel 02 March 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Theory and Numerics for Shape Optimization in Superconductivity / Theorie und Numerik für ein Formoptimierungsproblem aus der Supraleitung

Heese, Harald 21 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Méthode d'éléments finis d'ordre élevé et d'équations intégrales pour la résolution de problème de furtivité radar d'objets à symétrie de révolution / High order finite element methods and integral equations to solve scattering problems by axisymmetric bodies

Cambon, Sebastien 02 July 2012 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la modélisation des phénomènes de diffraction d’ondes électromagnétiques par des objets à symétrie de révolution complexes et fortement hétérogènes. La méthode que nous développons ici consiste en un couplage entre équations aux dérivées partielles (EDP) et équations intégrales (EI). Cette idée est essentiellement connue pour avoir deux avantages. Le premier est que les hétérogénéités de l’objet sont prises en compte naturellement dans la formulation du problème. Le deuxième est dû à l’utilisation des équations intégrales qui donnent une représentation exacte des solutions dans le milieu extérieur en fonction des courants surfaciques. Le domaine de simulation peut ainsi être ramené à l’objet lui-même. L’utilisation de développements en séries de Fourier combinés à la propriété d’invariance par rotation de l’objet permet alors la réduction du problème global 3D à un ensemble dénombrable de problème 2D.L’étude de ces problèmes nous a conduit à décomposer notre analyse en plusieurs parties,chacune ayant à traiter une partie du problème complet ou les méthodes d’intégrations numériques. Ces dernières étant difficiles à réaliser dans le cas des équations intégrales.Nous avons tout d’abord étudié un problème de Maxwell intérieur pour lequel nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode d’éléments finis d’ordre élevé dont nous avons montré l’efficacité et la précision sur de multiples exemples. Puis, nous avons étudié le problème de diffraction d’ondes planes pour des objets parfaitement conducteurs. La méthode d’éléments finis de frontière employée est alors construite par extension de la méthode précédente via l’opérateur de trace tangentielle. En combinant ces deux études, nous avons résolu le problème couplé en introduisant la propriété de symétrie de révolution dans une formulation variationnelle bien choisie. Par construction, les éléments finis qui y sont utilisés sont alors naturellement adaptées. L’algorithme de parallélisation de la méthode de couplage est finalement présentée et des comparaisons entre notre code AxiMax et un code 3D sont illustrées. Dans tous les cas, nous montrons que la méthode d’éléments finis d’ordre élevé permet d’obtenir des résultats d’une grande précision en fonction de la qualité des paramètres de simulation. / In this thesis, we are interested in modeling diffraction of electromagnetic waves by axisymmetric and highly heterogeneous objects. Our method consists in a coupling between partial differential equations and integral equations. This idea is mainly interesting for two reasons : heterogeneities are handled naturally in the formulation and integral equations give an analytical representation of solutions outside the object based on surface currents.These advantages allow us to limit the domain of simulation to the object itself. In addition,using Fourier series combined with the rotational invariance property of the object, the 3D problem is reduced to a countable set of 2D problems. The study of these problems is split into several parts. Each part has to deal with aspecific problem as for example the numerical integration of singular integrals which is difficult to achieve. As a first step, we study time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations in a bounded domain for which we develop a new high-order finite element method and present its efficiency and accuracy on many examples. Secondly, we consider the diffraction of plane waves by perfect electric conductors to analyse integral equations for these kind of object.The boundary finite element method applied is defined by extension of the previous one via tangential trace operator. Then, we solve the coupled problem using a well chosen formulation based on the previous studies for which our finite element method is naturally adapted by construction. In order to evaluate its efficiency, a comparison is performed between our program « AxiMax » and one based on a purely 3D model. To conclude, in the last two chapters, we present the numerical integration method and the multi-processing algorithm developed in AxiMax. In all cases, we put forward the fact that our finite element method provides accurate results depending on the quality of the simulation parameters.

Equações integrais via teoria de domínios: problemas direto e inverso / Integral equations in domain theory: problems direct and inverse

Antônio Espósito Júnior 23 July 2008 (has links)
Apresenta-se um estudo em Teoria de Domínios das equações integrais da forma geral f (x) = h(x)+g Z b(x) a(x) g(x, y, f (y))dy com h, a e b definidas para x ∈ [a0,b0], a0 ≤a(x)≤b(x)≤b0 e g definida para x, y ∈ [a0,b0], cujo lado direito define uma contração sobre o espaço métrico de funções reais contínuas limitadas. O ponto de partida desse trabalho é a reescrita da Análise Intervalar para Teoria de Domínios do problema de valor incial em equações diferenciais ordinárias que possuem solução como ponto fixo do operador de Picard. Com o conjunto dos números reais interpretados pelo Domínio Intervalar, as funções reais são estendidas para operarem no domínio de funçoes intervalares de variável real. Em particular, faz-se a extensão canônica do campo vetorial em relação à segunda variável. Nesse contexto, pela primeira vez tem-se o estudo das equações integrais de Fredholm e Volterra sobre o domínio de funções intervalares de variável real definida pelo operador integral intervalar com a participação da extensão canônica de g em relação à terceira variável. Adicionando ao domínio de funções intervalares sua função medição, efetua-se a análise da convergência do operador intervalar de Fredholm e Volterra em Teoria de Domínios com o cálculo da sua derivada informática em relação à medição no seu ponto fixo. Com a representação das funções intervalares em função passo constante a partir da partição do intervalo [a0,b0], reescrevese o algoritmo da Análise Intervalar em Teoria de Domínios com a introdução do cálculo da aproximação da extensão canônica de g e com o comprimento do intervalo da partição tendendo para zero. Estende-se essa abordagem mais completa do estudo das equações integrais na resolução de problemas de valores iniciais e valor de contorno em equações diferenciais ordinárias e parciais. Uma vez que para uma pequena variação do campo vetorial v ou do valor inicial y0 da equação diferencial f ′(x) = v(x, f (x)) com a condição inicial f (x0) = y0, pode-se ter uma solução tão próxima da solução f da equação quanto possível, formaliza-se pela primeira vez em Teoria de Domínios um algoritmo na resolução do problema inverso em que, conhecendo a função f , determina-se uma equação diferencial ordinária com o cálculo de um campo vetorial v tal que o operador de Picard associado mapeia f tão próxima quanto possível a ela mesma. / We present a study in Domain Theory of integral equations of the form f (x) = h(x)+g Z b(x) a(x) g(x, y, f (y))dy for a0 ≤ a(x) ≤ b(x) ≤ b0 with h, a, b defined for x ∈ [a0,b0] and g defined for x, y ∈ [a0,b0], in which the right-hand side defines a contraction on the metric space of continuous realvalued functions on [a0,b0]. The starting point of this work is to revisit Interval Analysis in Domain Theory for the initial-value problem in ordinary differential equations where a solution is expressed as a fixed point of the Picard operator. With the set of real numbers interpreted as the interval domain, real-valued functions are extended to work in the space of interval-valued functions of the real variable domain. In particular, the vector field is extended in the second argument. Under these conditions, for the first time Fredholm and Volterra integral equations have solutions expressed as fixed points of a contraction mapping in terms of the splitting on interval-valued functions of the real variable domain. The measurement for interval-valued functions of the real variable domain is considered where we can asssess the convergence properties of the interval integral operator by means of the informatic derivative. The proposed techniques are applied to more general methods in ordinary differencial equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs). For the first time, an algorithm is proposed to provide solutions to the inverse problem for Odinary Differential Equation where, given a function f , it is found a vector field v that defines a Picard operator which maps the solution f as close as possible to itself, such that the ODE f ′(x) = v(x, f (x)) admits f as either an exact or, as closely as desired, an approximate solution.

Equações integrais via teoria de domínios: problemas direto e inverso / Integral equations in domain theory: problems direct and inverse

Antônio Espósito Júnior 23 July 2008 (has links)
Apresenta-se um estudo em Teoria de Domínios das equações integrais da forma geral f (x) = h(x)+g Z b(x) a(x) g(x, y, f (y))dy com h, a e b definidas para x ∈ [a0,b0], a0 ≤a(x)≤b(x)≤b0 e g definida para x, y ∈ [a0,b0], cujo lado direito define uma contração sobre o espaço métrico de funções reais contínuas limitadas. O ponto de partida desse trabalho é a reescrita da Análise Intervalar para Teoria de Domínios do problema de valor incial em equações diferenciais ordinárias que possuem solução como ponto fixo do operador de Picard. Com o conjunto dos números reais interpretados pelo Domínio Intervalar, as funções reais são estendidas para operarem no domínio de funçoes intervalares de variável real. Em particular, faz-se a extensão canônica do campo vetorial em relação à segunda variável. Nesse contexto, pela primeira vez tem-se o estudo das equações integrais de Fredholm e Volterra sobre o domínio de funções intervalares de variável real definida pelo operador integral intervalar com a participação da extensão canônica de g em relação à terceira variável. Adicionando ao domínio de funções intervalares sua função medição, efetua-se a análise da convergência do operador intervalar de Fredholm e Volterra em Teoria de Domínios com o cálculo da sua derivada informática em relação à medição no seu ponto fixo. Com a representação das funções intervalares em função passo constante a partir da partição do intervalo [a0,b0], reescrevese o algoritmo da Análise Intervalar em Teoria de Domínios com a introdução do cálculo da aproximação da extensão canônica de g e com o comprimento do intervalo da partição tendendo para zero. Estende-se essa abordagem mais completa do estudo das equações integrais na resolução de problemas de valores iniciais e valor de contorno em equações diferenciais ordinárias e parciais. Uma vez que para uma pequena variação do campo vetorial v ou do valor inicial y0 da equação diferencial f ′(x) = v(x, f (x)) com a condição inicial f (x0) = y0, pode-se ter uma solução tão próxima da solução f da equação quanto possível, formaliza-se pela primeira vez em Teoria de Domínios um algoritmo na resolução do problema inverso em que, conhecendo a função f , determina-se uma equação diferencial ordinária com o cálculo de um campo vetorial v tal que o operador de Picard associado mapeia f tão próxima quanto possível a ela mesma. / We present a study in Domain Theory of integral equations of the form f (x) = h(x)+g Z b(x) a(x) g(x, y, f (y))dy for a0 ≤ a(x) ≤ b(x) ≤ b0 with h, a, b defined for x ∈ [a0,b0] and g defined for x, y ∈ [a0,b0], in which the right-hand side defines a contraction on the metric space of continuous realvalued functions on [a0,b0]. The starting point of this work is to revisit Interval Analysis in Domain Theory for the initial-value problem in ordinary differential equations where a solution is expressed as a fixed point of the Picard operator. With the set of real numbers interpreted as the interval domain, real-valued functions are extended to work in the space of interval-valued functions of the real variable domain. In particular, the vector field is extended in the second argument. Under these conditions, for the first time Fredholm and Volterra integral equations have solutions expressed as fixed points of a contraction mapping in terms of the splitting on interval-valued functions of the real variable domain. The measurement for interval-valued functions of the real variable domain is considered where we can asssess the convergence properties of the interval integral operator by means of the informatic derivative. The proposed techniques are applied to more general methods in ordinary differencial equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs). For the first time, an algorithm is proposed to provide solutions to the inverse problem for Odinary Differential Equation where, given a function f , it is found a vector field v that defines a Picard operator which maps the solution f as close as possible to itself, such that the ODE f ′(x) = v(x, f (x)) admits f as either an exact or, as closely as desired, an approximate solution.

Méthodes d'accéleration pour la résolution numérique en électrolocation et en chimie quantique / Acceleration methods for numerical solving in electrolocation and quantum chemistry

Laurent, Philippe 26 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde deux thématiques différentes. On s’intéresse d’abord au développement et à l’analyse de méthodes pour le sens électrique appliqué à la robotique. On considère en particulier la méthode des réflexions permettant, à l’image de la méthode de Schwarz, de résoudre des problèmes linéaires à partir de sous-problèmes plus simples. Ces deniers sont obtenus par décomposition des frontières du problème de départ. Nous en présentons des preuves de convergence et des applications. Dans le but d’implémenter un simulateur du problème direct d’électrolocation dans un robot autonome, on s’intéresse également à une méthode de bases réduites pour obtenir des algorithmes peu coûteux en temps et en place mémoire. La seconde thématique traite d’un problème inverse dans le domaine de la chimie quantique. Nous cherchons ici à déterminer les caractéristiques d’un système quantique. Celui-ci est éclairé par un champ laser connu et fixé. Dans ce cadre, les données du problème inverse sont les états avant et après éclairage. Un résultat d’existence locale est présenté, ainsi que des méthodes de résolution numériques. / This thesis tackle two different topics.We first design and analyze algorithms related to the electrical sense for applications in robotics. We consider in particular the method of reflections, which allows, like the Schwartz method, to solve linear problems using simpler sub-problems. These ones are obtained by decomposing the boundaries of the original problem. We give proofs of convergence and applications. In order to implement an electrolocation simulator of the direct problem in an autonomous robot, we build a reduced basis method devoted to electrolocation problems. In this way, we obtain algorithms which satisfy the constraints of limited memory and time resources. The second topic is an inverse problem in quantum chemistry. Here, we want to determine some features of a quantum system. To this aim, the system is ligthed by a known and fixed Laser field. In this framework, the data of the inverse problem are the states before and after the Laser lighting. A local existence result is given, together with numerical methods for the solving.

On Ill-Posedness and Local Ill-Posedness of Operator Equations in Hilbert Spaces: On Ill-Posedness and Local Ill-Posedness of OperatorEquations in Hilbert Spaces

Hofmann, B. 30 October 1998 (has links)
In this paper, we study ill-posedness concepts of nonlinear and linear inverse problems in a Hilbert space setting. We define local ill-posedness of a nonlinear operator equation $F(x) = y_0$ in a solution point $x_0$ and the interplay between the nonlinear problem and its linearization using the Frechet derivative $F\acent(x_0)$ . To find an appropriate ill-posedness concept for the linarized equation we define intrinsic ill-posedness for linear operator equations $Ax = y$ and compare this approach with the ill-posedness definitions due to Hadamard and Nashed.

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