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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'approche critique du néolibéralisme dans la perspective de mise en oeuvre des règles GATT/OMC pour sortir les PVD de leur dépendance économique

Prophète, Lucien 08 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des Études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit des affaires (LL.M.)" / La création du GATT en 1947 par les pays occidentaux a consacré un nouvel ordre commercial international. Son but consistait à faciliter les échanges commerciaux et poursuivre le développement économique. Pour cela, la réglementation du GATT visait surtout à l'application d'une politique commerciale qui consiste à démanteler les obstacles aux échanges, proscrire toute discrimination commerciale entre les pays membres et entre les marchandises importées et les marchandises locales. En ce sens l'article 1er du GATT de 1947 (devenu OMC en 1995) pose le principe cardinal du traitement de la nation la plus favorisée, c'est-à-dire un traitement égal à tous les pays participant au GATT. Mais l'arrivée des nouveaux pays indépendants dans les années 1960 a changé la nature juridique du GATT parce qu'au point de vue économique il y avait trop de disparités entre les pays. Il y a eu donc la nécessité de tenir compte de la réalité économique de ces pays, de faire en sorte qu'ils puissent rattraper le retard dans le processus de développement, et de pouvoir aussi équilibrer les échanges commerciaux. L'adoption en 1964 de la Partie IV du GATT, intitulée commerce et développement, consacre la non réciprocité commerciale en faveur des pays en développement, et officialise par la même occasion une dualité des normes parce que les deux catégories de parties contractantes appliquent différemment les principes du Gatt. Il devient alors pertinent d'étudier cette asymétrie juridique qui devait compenser l'inégalité de développement des pays insuffisamment développés. Selon le credo des libéraux de l'époque, les PED peuvent se développer économiquement par des échanges commerciaux. Mais, en dépit des traitements préférentiels qui sont accordés aux pays en développement, ils n'arrivent pas à se développer, leur balance commerciale est déficitaire, leur productivité est faible. En faisant une étude globale sur la situation des pays en développement, nous traiterons en particulier le cas du Niger et du Bénin. Cette recherche sert: d'abord à voir les effets du libéralisme économique sur les pays économiquement faibles, ensuite susciter l'intérêt à étudier le développement économique des pays en dehors d'une dualité des normes qui n'apporte pas de résultats escomptés. / The creation of GATT in 1947 by western countries has set a new international order trade that would facilitate trade exchanges and moves forward economic development around the world. For that reasbn GATT regulations aimed above aIl at the application of a trade policy that consists of getting rid of the hindrances to the exchanges, and proscribe discriminatory trade exchanges between countries and imported and exported local merchandizes. Indeed article 1 in GATT regulations in 1947 (became WTO in 1995) poses the cardinal mIe of treatment of the nation which is more privileged, that is an equal treatment for aIl countries that are members of GATT. But the arrivaI of the new independent countries III 1960 has changed the juridical nature of GATT because economically the gap was too huge between the countries. So it is important to take into account the economic reality of the poor countries to set a strategic policy that will help them out. With that policy they will be able to catch up with the new era of development and trade exchanges around the world will be fair. The adoption in 1964 of the Part 4 of GATT regulations entitled trade and development favours the non-reciprocity trade to developing countriesand makes official at the same occasion a duality of norms because the two categories of members put into the application the mIes ofGATT differently. This research aims at studying this asymmetrical politic that would compensate the inequality of the development of poor countries, and would also provide them an economic development by the means of trade exchanges. ln spite of the preferential treatments given to the developing countries, theyare not yet making any progress because their trade balance is deficient, and their productivity is worthless. In doing a broader research on the situation of developing countries, we will focus particularly on the situations of Niger and Benin. This research would serve first to analyse the effects of the economic liberalism on the poor countries; secondly create the interest to study the economic development of the countries out of the asymmetrical politic that do not bring any attempted results.

As relações internacionais entre os estados e a livre concorrência no mercado mundial

Morbidelli, Sidney 08 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:28:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sidney Morbidelli.pdf: 1637609 bytes, checksum: c381df8fae00912b070d6d92ff034169 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-08 / The theme of this thesis involves the analysis of international commerce since its creation and its commercial relationship in the worldwide market, after the emergence of a new universal order promoted by nations that are integrated in economic blocks. The globalization generated the interdependence among countries, forcing them to promote strategies and politics of economic development to assure the attractiveness of external investments and to extend the participation of their territories in worldwide markets. The Anti-Trust and Anti-Dumping rules that in the beginning were scattered and applied only to the internal affairs of the states, started to be systematized also in the universal scenery along the formation of GATT and OMC. With the action of this organization, there was a significant increase of protective measures to the international market pertaining to free competition in search of preservation and the access to the worldwide market. Nevertheless, the OMC have not been able to halt the trust and dumping practice regularly perpetrated by the countries. Its measures are insufficient to prevent satisfactorily in the acts of restriction to free competition and domination in the global market. In 1993, an International Anti-Trust code was created aiming to offer juridical security to the economic agents and their commercial relationship, to assure the free access to the market. The code s objective was to supplement the GATT deficiency in the absence of a universal legislation to competition regarding the question of industrial estate in the extraterritorial space in the states. The legislation was not approved, but the initiative represented a milestone in the harmonization and uniformity of the international right to competition and the legislation was embraced worldwide. Considering this perspective, the current thesis goal is to point out the need for a new international legislation of competition in order to halt the restrictive practices of commerce and the effects of concentration of markets arising with the new global economic order. Thus, it is proposed, the creation by OMC, of an anti-trust international code patterned after the code used by the European Union, which established a centralized authority to defend competition from the limiting present time practices. The code will be binding, defining universal standards and requiring mandatory enforcement by the signatory states of OMC. For the enforcement of the international rules of competition, it is suggested the formation of an international tribunal, again, patterned after the European community. Such tribunal was structured as a supranational organization, whose juridical laws are legally binding and applicable to all member countries, through the primacy of community laws concerning national rights. The international tribunal of competition will be directed by the OMC, which is the indicated forum to the treatment of worldwide competition and it will oversee the application and execution of the tribunal rules of the anti-trust international code / A temática desta tese envolve a análise do comércio internacional, desde a sua criação, e das relações comerciais no mercado mundial, após o surgimento de uma nova ordem universal protagonizada por nações que se integraram em blocos econômicos. A globalização gerou a interdependência entre os países, obrigando-os a promover estratégias e políticas de desenvolvimento econômico para garantir a atratividade dos investimentos externos e ampliar a participação de seus territórios na economia mundial. As regras antitruste e antidumping, que a princípio eram dispersas e voltadas apenas para o ambiente interno dos Estados, começaram a ser sistematizadas também no cenário universal, com a fundação do GATT e da OMC. Com a atuação desta organização, houve um aumento significativo das medidas de proteção ao comércio internacional no âmbito da livre concorrência, em busca da preservação e do acesso ao mercado mundial. Contudo, a OMC não tem sido capaz de coibir as práticas de truste e dumping, regularmente perpetradas pelos países. Suas medidas são insuficientes para interferir, satisfatoriamente, nos atos de restrição à livre concorrência no comércio global e à dominação do mercado. Em 1993, foi criado um Código Internacional Antitruste visando oferecer segurança jurídica aos agentes econômicos e às relações comerciais e assegurar o livre acesso aos mercados. O objetivo do Código era suprir as deficiências do GATT, no tocante à inexistência de uma legislação universal da concorrência, ao tratar as questões que envolviam o direito de propriedade industrial, no espaço extraterritorial dos Estados. A legislação não foi aprovada, mas a iniciativa representou um marco à harmonização e uniformização do direito internacional da concorrência, tornando-se uma bandeira defendida mundialmente. Considerando esta perspectiva, a presente tese tem por objetivo demonstrar a necessidade de se criar uma legislação internacional da concorrência, a fim de coibir as práticas restritivas ao comércio e os efeitos do fenômeno concentracionista dos mercados, surgidos com a nova ordem econômica global. Propõe-se, assim, a instituição, pela OMC, de um Código Internacional Antitruste, conforme modelo utilizado pela União Européia, que estabeleceu uma autoridade centralizada de defesa da concorrência, visando proteger os seus mercados da influência de práticas limitadoras ao livre comércio. O referido Código será vinculante, fixando normas universais harmonizadas e obrigatórias aos Estados signatários da OMC. Para a aplicabilidade das regras internacionais da concorrência, sugere-se a formação de um tribunal internacional, segundo o exemplo da Comunidade Européia. Esta foi estruturada como uma organização supranacional, cujo ordenamento jurídico é vinculativo e aplicável a todos os Países-membros, mediante o primado do Direito Comunitário sobre os direitos nacionais. O Tribunal Internacional da Concorrência será atrelado à OMC que é o foro mais indicado para o tratamento da concorrência mundial e cuidará da aplicação e execução das normas determinadas no Código Internacional Antitruste


黃科誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討主題為文化創意產業之國際化,首先透過文獻探討方式,了解文化創意產業、企業國際化、新創事業、企業核心資源能力等議題內容;第二階段則透過個案訪談與次級資料的搜集與整理,對研究個案企業之發展歷程與國際化相關策略作一介紹;第三階段則將先前探討之文獻、研究與研究個案之國際化模式作分析、比較,歸納出命題並提出本研究之結論。 2002年行政院提出「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計劃」,明確將「文化創意產業」列為台灣未來重點發展產業,然綜觀目前國內有關文化創意產業之研究多以整體產業發展、文化創意產業與地方/社區經濟發展等相關主題為多,甚少有研究以文化創意產業為主體,針對其國際化議題做探討。本研究針對此議題,選擇以獲得行政院文建會所遴選之文化創意產業成功企業之法藍瓷有限公司為研究個案。法藍瓷成立至今僅有五年歷史,然憑藉著優異的設計創意與產品品質,產品上市不久即榮獲海內外各項大獎肯定,目前在海外市場約有五千多個銷售點,遍及美國、歐洲、紐澳地區、大中華地區與日韓等市場,年營業額約一千兩百多萬美金,是目前台灣文化創意產業裡,海外市場發展相對較成功者。 本研究結論簡述如下: 一、文化創意產業進入國際市場時,應考量本身資源能力,彈性地選擇最適合的 進入方式。 二、文化創意產業國際化的過程中,仍然適用於一般產業依各地比較利益不同而 將價值鏈各環節活動安排在不同地區之模式。 三、文化創意產業進行國際化時,除了研發、創意的掌握,亦應同時強化品牌行 銷能力培養與通路的建立。 四、國際化的資源能力可以在企業經營活動的動態過程裡逐步累積,企業若能 將國際化過程所習得的知識與經驗整理吸收,未來踏入一個新的國外市場 時,對於經營業務的推動與策略的形成將有相當幫助。 關鍵字:1.文化創意產業 2.國際化動機 3.國際市場進入模式 4.新創事業 5.工藝類文化創意產業 6.核心資源能力 / The cultural industry has been considered as the most promising industry for the future economic energy sources for many countries. However, with the limited market size in Taiwan, Taiwanese cultural industry also needs to go international for a bigger market. The purpose of this research is to understand the internationalization of cultural industry in Taiwan. As an exploratory research by case study method, the research consists of four aspects:(1)the characters of cultural industry;(2)the internalization of business;(3)the newborn business;(4)the core competence of a company. Through primary data collection, such as in-depth interview and secondary data collection from other researches and publications, the research chose Franzcolletions as the study focus. Conclusions drawn from this research results are: 1. When going globalization and entering into a foreign market, the cultural industry should take account of its own resources and capability, and thus being flexible choosing the most suitable entry mode. 2. During the process of globalization, the cultural industry will arrange the value chains activities which following the comparative advantage theory like other industries. 3. In addition to R&D, the cultural industry should also strengthen marketing ability and building up the distribution channels. 4. The cultural company can accumulate its resources and train up the core competence through the internalization process. Learning from the previous experiences, a cultural company can form a thorough strategy when entering a new foreign market in the future. Key Words:Motivation of Internationalization;International market entry mode;the cultural industry;Newborn business;Core competence.

L'approche critique du néolibéralisme dans la perspective de mise en oeuvre des règles GATT/OMC pour sortir les PVD de leur dépendance économique

Prophète, Lucien 08 1900 (has links)
La création du GATT en 1947 par les pays occidentaux a consacré un nouvel ordre commercial international. Son but consistait à faciliter les échanges commerciaux et poursuivre le développement économique. Pour cela, la réglementation du GATT visait surtout à l'application d'une politique commerciale qui consiste à démanteler les obstacles aux échanges, proscrire toute discrimination commerciale entre les pays membres et entre les marchandises importées et les marchandises locales. En ce sens l'article 1er du GATT de 1947 (devenu OMC en 1995) pose le principe cardinal du traitement de la nation la plus favorisée, c'est-à-dire un traitement égal à tous les pays participant au GATT. Mais l'arrivée des nouveaux pays indépendants dans les années 1960 a changé la nature juridique du GATT parce qu'au point de vue économique il y avait trop de disparités entre les pays. Il y a eu donc la nécessité de tenir compte de la réalité économique de ces pays, de faire en sorte qu'ils puissent rattraper le retard dans le processus de développement, et de pouvoir aussi équilibrer les échanges commerciaux. L'adoption en 1964 de la Partie IV du GATT, intitulée commerce et développement, consacre la non réciprocité commerciale en faveur des pays en développement, et officialise par la même occasion une dualité des normes parce que les deux catégories de parties contractantes appliquent différemment les principes du Gatt. Il devient alors pertinent d'étudier cette asymétrie juridique qui devait compenser l'inégalité de développement des pays insuffisamment développés. Selon le credo des libéraux de l'époque, les PED peuvent se développer économiquement par des échanges commerciaux. Mais, en dépit des traitements préférentiels qui sont accordés aux pays en développement, ils n'arrivent pas à se développer, leur balance commerciale est déficitaire, leur productivité est faible. En faisant une étude globale sur la situation des pays en développement, nous traiterons en particulier le cas du Niger et du Bénin. Cette recherche sert: d'abord à voir les effets du libéralisme économique sur les pays économiquement faibles, ensuite susciter l'intérêt à étudier le développement économique des pays en dehors d'une dualité des normes qui n'apporte pas de résultats escomptés. / The creation of GATT in 1947 by western countries has set a new international order trade that would facilitate trade exchanges and moves forward economic development around the world. For that reasbn GATT regulations aimed above aIl at the application of a trade policy that consists of getting rid of the hindrances to the exchanges, and proscribe discriminatory trade exchanges between countries and imported and exported local merchandizes. Indeed article 1 in GATT regulations in 1947 (became WTO in 1995) poses the cardinal mIe of treatment of the nation which is more privileged, that is an equal treatment for aIl countries that are members of GATT. But the arrivaI of the new independent countries III 1960 has changed the juridical nature of GATT because economically the gap was too huge between the countries. So it is important to take into account the economic reality of the poor countries to set a strategic policy that will help them out. With that policy they will be able to catch up with the new era of development and trade exchanges around the world will be fair. The adoption in 1964 of the Part 4 of GATT regulations entitled trade and development favours the non-reciprocity trade to developing countriesand makes official at the same occasion a duality of norms because the two categories of members put into the application the mIes ofGATT differently. This research aims at studying this asymmetrical politic that would compensate the inequality of the development of poor countries, and would also provide them an economic development by the means of trade exchanges. ln spite of the preferential treatments given to the developing countries, theyare not yet making any progress because their trade balance is deficient, and their productivity is worthless. In doing a broader research on the situation of developing countries, we will focus particularly on the situations of Niger and Benin. This research would serve first to analyse the effects of the economic liberalism on the poor countries; secondly create the interest to study the economic development of the countries out of the asymmetrical politic that do not bring any attempted results. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des Études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit des affaires (LL.M.)"

Tarptautinė prekyba paslaugomis: tendencijos ir problemos / International trade in services: tendencies and problems

Jankauskaitė, Rasa 28 December 2006 (has links)
The sphere of services started to develop very actively in the last century. Nowadays this sector of economics gained the dominant positions: currently those services compound more than two thirties of the World’s Gross National Product (GNP). Approximately seventy percent of the GNP is obtained in sector of the services. Moreover, this sector is growing much faster (16 percent per year) than trade in services (7 percent per year only). Currently more than seventy percent of the employees are working in the sector of the services, and this part practically contains all the development of employment. According to the data of the Statistic Department of Lithuania and the Bank of Lithuania, during period 2000 – 2006 the services became the key in economical sector in the structure of the Lithuanian economy, and it compounds the biggest part of surplus. Despite this fast development of the sector of the services, many problems that limit this market are rising up, for example, obstructions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME), the problems with innovations, the efficiency of the employment, the obstacles that influence the establishment of the enterprises. It is necessary to make the comprehensive analysis of the sector of the services in order to solve those problems. The conception of the service, groups of the services traded in the international market and their accounting, the development of the services of the international market and its changes, the factors that... [to full text]

O processo de internacionalização de pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras

Melsohn, Maria Claudia Mazzaferro 29 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:51:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 145223.pdf.jpg: 16843 bytes, checksum: 216c21cdf184c9a6b45b5950edfdc082 (MD5) 145223.pdf: 915572 bytes, checksum: 0fc450607544c4b6126f1847c19d1c84 (MD5) 145223.pdf.txt: 224142 bytes, checksum: 451c52926486aef6d451bc7fbb54e232 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-29T00:00:00Z / The process of globalization of markets has inserted small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) into the international competitive environment, previously almost totally restricted to big companies. However, the way Brazilian SMEs get involved with international markets is still poorly known, due to the small volume of empirical research done on this topic. The present study reports on, and discusses, central characteristics of the process of international expansion of Brazilian SMEs. The analysis centers on critical factors that characterize this process, in particular on strategic decisions made, on the main problems faced, and on the practices adopted by entrepreneurs or managers of the companies that seek the international market. To investigate these aspects, a questionnaire was sent by mail and electronic means to 226 Brazilian SMEs with some degree of internationalization, and 52 companies returned usable filled questionnaires. Analysis of the collected data points to a set of important effects in the sample: (1) the influence of the firm’s network of relationships on its internationalization process; (2) the lack of a single theory capable of explaining all aspects of the internationalization process; and (3) a paradigmatic shift, in recent years, of the companies’ profile and behavior as compared with Brazilian SMEs investigated in the early national studies of the topic. In particular, the companies in the present sample show more proactivity and international vision. / O processo de globalização dos mercados inseriu as pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) no ambiente competitivo internacional, antes quase inteiramente restrito às grandes empresas. No entanto, o modo como as PMEs brasileiras se envolvem com o mercado internacional é ainda pouco conhecido, devido ao pequeno número de pesquisas empíricas realizadas neste campo. O presente estudo relata e discute características centrais do processo de expansão internacional das PMEs brasileiras. A análise concentra-se nos fatores críticos que caracterizam esse processo, particularmente nas decisões estratégicas tomadas, nos principais problemas enfrentados e nas práticas utilizadas pelos empreendedores ou dirigentes das empresas que buscam o mercado internacional. Para a investigação desses aspectos, um questionário foi enviado por via postal e por meio eletrônico para 226 PMEs brasileiras com algum grau de internacionalização. Destas, 52 empresas devolveram questionários aproveitáveis para a pesquisa. A análise dos dados obtidos nos questionários aponta um conjunto importante de efeitos na amostra: (1) a influência da rede de relacionamentos da empresa no seu processo de internacionalização; (2) a inexistência de uma única teoria capaz de explicar a totalidade do processo de internacionalização; e (3) uma transformação paradigmática, em anos recentes, do perfil e do comportamento dessas empresas, em comparação com as PMEs exportadoras brasileiras pesquisadas nos primeiros estudos nacionais sobre o tema. Em particular, as empresas da amostra atual demonstram mais pró-atividade e visão internacional.

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