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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad gör jag om piraten stör min GPS? : En studie av hur marinen påverkas taktiskt vid störning av GNSS-system / What to do if the pirate jams my GPS? : A study of how the Swedish marine is affected by interference in GNSS-systems

Resare, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Den svenska marinen likväl som världens handels sjöfart nyttjar alltmer satellitnavigering för sin positionering. Enligt totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut kan sådana system störas med förhållandevis enkla medel. Nu när den svenska marinen alltmer engagerar sig i insatser utomlands mot irreguljära motståndare väcks frågan om hur en irreguljär motståndare kan påverka den svenska marinen och den svenska marinens taktik. I denna uppsats kommer frågor kring en irreguljär motståndares förmåga att påverka GNSS att ställas. Samt frågan om vilken påverkan detta har för såväl den svenska marinens fartyg som handelssjöfarten. Uppsatsen kommer även att behandla möjligheterna till skydd mot störning samt hur den svenska marinens taktik kommer påverkas om en irreguljär motståndare försöker störa ut GNSS-system. / The Swedish Navy as well as the worlds shipping industries use more and more satellite navigation for positioning purposes. According to the Swedish Defence Research Agency, those types of systems can relatively easily and at a low cost be jammed. With the Swedish Navy becoming more and more involved in missions overseas against insurgents, the question is whether an insurgent can affect the Swedish Navy and its tactics. This paper investigates the questions about what opportunities an insurgent have to affect the GNSS-system and how that can affect the Swedish Navyas well as the shipping industries. This paper is also about how the tactics of the Swedish Navy will be affected if an insurgent attempts to jam the GNSS-systems and the possibility of protection against jamming.

Revolutionär gerillakrigföring i mellanstatliga konflikter

Ottosson, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
In today's modern society western countries have adopted a regular doctrine for future wars, even though an irregular method have been proven effective against the modern regular army. Due to a balance between the superpowers the doctrines stay the same, but for smaller nations the balance is of lesser importance. The aim of this thesis is to shine light on the problem, and try to give argu-ments for a discussion about how Sweden and other smaller nations can use irregular warfare in order to defend themselves against bigger nations. In order to do that this thesis will investigate how revolutionary guerrilla warfare theory can be applied on international conflicts. Guerilla warfare is the tactic of choice primarily since history show that small numbers can win against overwhelming-ming odds. By Using Robert Tabers theory about successful guerilla warfare, this thesis will compare the war in Vietnam and the second Boer war in order to see how Tabers theory was used or not. The research shows that Tabers theory indeed was used in both conflicts and can somewhat be used to describe the outcome of each conflict.

Irreguljära metoder i marina konflikter : En teoriutvecklande studie om Guerre de razzia i modern kontext

Watsfeldt, Erik January 2020 (has links)
This paper examines naval irregular warfare by developing the theory Guerre de razzia written by Benjamin Armstrong. In its ambition to develop Guerre de razzia this paper analyses recent events of maritime conflicts containing at least one state actor. The analysis is based on the three main categories described in the theory: methods, goals, and success factors. Past research on naval irregular warfare determines it as warfare conducted by non-state actors. Events as recent as April 2020 shows the use of irregular methods in maritime conflicts by state actors when Iran employed swarming attacks against the US Navy. Contemporary research emphasizes that irregular methods are no longer reserved to rebels and guerrillas but a way for state actors to reach their goals more efficiently. The analysis establishes Guerre de razzia as a theory with high level of explanatory value for naval irregular warfare used in recent maritime conflicts. In terms of developing Guerre de razzia the analysis makes the following conclusions: -Methods used in naval irregular warfare utilizes a higher degree of nonviolent approaches with the ambition of keeping the conflict from escalating -Partnership as a mean of receiving logistics enables a small actor to expand its area of operation -The specialized equipment required to undertake naval irregular warfare should increase mobility as a way of approaching the opponent with greater diversity

Uppror och Irreguljär Krigföring i Efterkolonial Kontext - Rhodesia och Kongo

Eriksson, Ivar January 2019 (has links)
The struggle to usurp the reign over nations amongst local africans in the post-colonial era was affecting countries all over the continent. Some times the transfer of power were conducted in the absence of war. In some countries the end of colonialism brought with it bloody conflicts that would battere the stability for a nation in years to come. Some countries fought the colonial empire for independence and other was granted the freedom. Some european settlers hade made their colony their home and a source of income, and though the empire that onces conquer the land no longer had means to rule it, some of its settlers did. Whilst in other cases, tribes native to the once colonized land created unrest due to their lack of believe in the new regim and had a wish for governance over their own lands. Noriyuki Katagiri’s theory on how insurgents win wars against a state is based mainly on studies conducted on conflicts between colonial empires and insurgents. This study aims to examine wether Katagiris theory is applicable in conflicts between previous colonies which gained independence but still is ruled by an unpopular government rather than the local natives. The results of this study will perhaps bring new understandings of the outcome of conflicts by examining the rebellion in the region Katanga in Congo in the early 1960s aswell as the conflict in Rhodesia between 1965 and 1979.

Papperslöst motstånd : Om strategier och praktiker i post-välfärdens marginaler / Undocumented resistance : On strategies and practice in the margins of a post-welfare society

Matsdotter Henriksson, Moa January 2008 (has links)
<p>The post-modern western city is going through two central changes in the organization of paid labour. One is the switch from production of goods to production of services, and the other is the increasing rift between well-paid labour with permanent jobs, and temporarily employed workers with low wages. Both of these processes are rasified and gendered, and strike harder against women, young persons and people of emigrant background. The flexible capitalism creates an informalization of the economy, breaking with earlier regulations of the labour markets, in which workers also need to find informal strategies in their individual and collective struggles. In this paper, I search for these “new” experiences of living and working in late capitalist society, by doing open interviews with three women of Latin-American origin, working without official permission (without documents) in the informal economy of Stockholm. Analyzing their narratives, I look for the agency and resistance that, according to my theoretical perspective, is part of everyday life of all suppressed subjects. I come to the conclusion that irregular systems of recruitment and other forms of interdependency could be useful for other groups of precarious workers. The interviewed women also use strategies such as fantasizing about a reversed world or focusing their thoughts on the future, and deceiving or avoiding the power(full), to cope with their everyday work situations and the contradictory class mobility they experienced in the migration. However, these strategies often reproduce an acceptance of power more than a resistance to it, and show us how the capitalism works as an hegemonic ideology incorporated in us all.</p>

"Warden och den irreguljära konflikten" : Har Wardens teorier spelat ut sin roll? / "Warden and irregular warfare" : Have Warden played out his role?

Rapp, Joel January 2011 (has links)
Johan A. Warden tog fram sin modell om motståndaren som ett system för att genom denna hitta dess svagheter. Modellen visade sig vara mycket användbar inom mellanstatliga konflikter och var mycket effektiv vid planerandet och genomförandet av USA:s offensiv mot Irak under inledningen av Gulfkriget. Men kopplat mot irreguljära konflikter har Wardens modell stött på mycket kritik då den anses spelat ut sin roll och därför inte längre kan anses applicerbar vid planerandet av luftoperationer inom denna typ av krigföring. Denna uppsats skall se om det är precisionsvapen och användandet av dessa som räddar kvar Warden inom planeringen av luftoperationer inom irreguljär krigföring. / John A. Warden developed the Five ring model and the enemy as a system. These models where used as a tool to find the enemies weak points. These models proved useful in a conventional conflict, and where very effective during the planning and execution of Operation Desert Storm. In recent times Wardens theories has been a subject of a debate, stating that they have played out there role as an effect of irregular warfare. This essay is going to try to see if it is precision-guided munitions that save Wardens theories in the fields of modern air-warfare planning in irregular warfare.

Skuggsamhällets välfärdssystem : Papperslösa som välfärdsstatens blinda fläck och den ideella sektorns byråkratisering

Thoor Juhlin, My January 2015 (has links)
This study explores undocumented migrant’s access to social welfare and income support distributed by the non-profit and public sector in Stockholm. The study is conducted through interviews with representatives from the non-profit sector whose organisations and networks come in contact with undocumented migrants. According to Swedish law the social services have a responsibility to assist everyone who temporarily resides within the county. Consequently undocumented migrants have the right to assistance in acute situations. According to the testimonies given from the non-profit sector undocumented migrants have much difficulties acquiring all forms of aid from the social services. The respondents experiences show a multi-layered complex of problems giving reason for bureaucrats representing the public authority narrowing their services to undocumented migrants. The main focal points presented in this study are bureaucrats confusion regarding their own mission in relation to the migration board as well as the services restricted resources. Since undocumented migrants have difficulties claiming their rights in regard to the public sector, many turn to the non-profit sector for support. The result in the study shows that the non- profit sector functions as an informal social service bureau without the economical or legal framework to support it.

Räven och Lejonet : En jämförelse av Machiavelli och Kilcullen avseende att nå framgång i irreguljär krigföring

Donati, Gabriel January 2013 (has links)
Studien jämför de råd som Niccolò Machiavelli presenterar i "Fursten" med David Kilcullens handledning "Twenty-Eight articles" avseende en framgångsrik förvaltning av makten i ett insatsområde som präglas av en konflikt med irreguljär prägel. Jämförelsen fokuserar främst på hur lokalbefolkningens stöd erhålls men tar även upp andra aspekter på förvaltarskapet såsom flexibilitet och tillfälligheters inverkan på dess dynamik. Studien är genomförd som en kvalitativ, jämförande textanalys där resultatet påvisar ett flertal likheter mellan de två teoretikernas alster rörandes hur framgång erhålls i en irreguljär konflikt.

Hybridkrigföring- allt eller inget? : En militärteoretisk studie av begreppet hybridkrigföring

Carne, Anders January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Brittisk bekämpning av Mau Mau : hade fransk upprorsbekämpningsteori fungerat?

Jakobsson, Philip January 2014 (has links)
Mau Mau var en illegal upprorsmakande organisation i Kenya, sprungen ur det Afrika främjande partiet Kenya African Union under mitten av 1900-talet då Kenya var en brittisk koloni. Mau Maus anhängare kom från den etniskt kenyanska folkgruppen kikuyu som medelst våld ville uppnå målet att skapa ett kikuyukontrollerat Kenya fritt från vita européer. Britternas svar på Mau Mau blev upprorsbekämpning vilken av britterna anses lyckad och präglades av deportering av civila. Undersökningen besvarar frågan huruvida Galulas teori om upprorsbekämpning hade varit tillämpbar på konflikten i Kenya genom en fallstudie på britternas agerande utifrån Galulas teori. För att identifiera likheter och skillnader mellan empiri och teori används textanalys samt Gordon McCormicks Magiska Diamant som ett analys- och operationaliseringsverktyg. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att Galulas teori hade kunnat tillämpas av britterna och genererat en, för britterna, framgångsrik upprorsbekämpning.

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