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Att utmana en mansdominerad organisationskultur : En kvalitativ studie av Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionens värdegrundsarbete / Challenging a male-dominated organizational culture : A qualitative study of the corporate value system at a Swedish fire stationMorrison, Samantha, Andrén, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka om det går att förändra en organisationskultur genom värdegrundsarbete, samt om det är en metod som kan användas för att utmana den mansdominerade kulturen inom räddningstjänsten. För att uppfylla detta syfte har vi utgått från frågeställningarna Hur tolkar brandmännen värdegrunden på Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen? samt Kan värdegrundsarbete vara ett sätt att utmana den mansdominerade kulturen inom Räddningstjänsten?. Den tidigare forskning som gjorts kring värdegrunder är inriktad mot skolverksamhet i första hand vilket gör det intressant att undersöka möjligheten att använda detta som en metod även inom andra verksamheter. Uppsatsen inleds med en teoretisk bakgrund kring organisationskultur, värdegrund samt mansdominerad kultur. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och innebär att vi har utfört åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med brandmän på Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen. Att valet föll på denna organisation beror på att de nyligen har tagit fram en värdegrund som styrdokument och har sedan 2012 arbetat med att implementera den i organisationen. Med hjälp av vår teoretiska referensram har vi analyserat resultatet som framkommit av intervjuerna. Resultatet av vår studie visar att det finns en tvetydighet i tolkningen av värdegrunden som delvis kan bero på att ledningen brustit i sitt arbete att förmedla värdegrunden på ett framgångsrikt sätt, samt delvis för att det finns en ovilja bland brandmännen att ta den till sig. Vår undersökning har visat att värderingarna i organisationen behöver synliggöras för att värdegrundsarbete ska kunna användas som en del i arbetet för att förändra en organisationskultur. Inom en mansdominerad kultur som räddningstjänsten är det även viktigt att synliggöra och problematisera den jargong som finns för att kunna nå en förändring.
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"Play ball!" : A Study of Speech Variations and Characteristics of UK Sports Commentary / "Play ball!" : A Study of Speech Variations and Characteristics of UK Sports CommentaryBergström, Liisa January 2020 (has links)
This study uncovers how and to what extent UK sports commentaries vary in terms of speech variations and other sociolinguistic factors, such as social class and gender, in relation to the social status with which different sports are associated. It also analyses how the use of jargon, slang, colloquial forms of English, and other linguistic features are incorporated in the commentaries of the sports and how it affects the information expressed by the commentators. In order to do this, theories and scholarly work on variations in speech, phonological and sociolinguistic features will be applied to examples of recorded commentaries made during matches in five popular televised sports, namely football, cricket, rugby union, netball, and tennis. The primary data will consist of two-minute transcriptions made from matches from each sport. The study finds that there are speech variations in the commentators’ ways and that they relate, to some extent, to the social class associated with the sport which the commentators are commenting on. The variations also depend on the commentator’s role in the broadcast, whether or not they feature as the general commentator or as an expert in the particular sport. It also reveals how commentators rely on the use of jargon, slang and, colloquialisms to make the communication to the spectators/listeners efficient and entertaining.
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Idrotten som (o)hälsofrämjande arena? : En intervjustudie om kroppskultur, jargongen och social struktur inom ishockey / Sport as an (un)healthy arena? : An interview study investigating, physical culture, jargon and social structure in hockey.Angelin, Mathias January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Främjande av fysisk aktivitet är ett av de elva folkhälsopolitiska målen i Sverige. Ishockey är en av Sveriges största idrotter med över 90 000 utövare. Även om ishockey kan ses som en god fostringsarena för barn och unga har det under det senaste decenniet förekommer kritik mot jargongen i denna idrott som kan anses homofobisk, kvinnoförnedrande och våldsuppmuntrande. Mäns våld mot kvinnor kostar samhället stora summor utöver det fysiskt och psykiskt lidande som de utsatta utstår. Det har visats sig finnas kopplingar mellan idrottsutövande, alkohol och våld. Forskning indikerar att den hegemoniska maskulinitet som spelare förväntas leva upp till från tränare, publik och medspelare har en betydande faktor till det våldsbenägna beteendet även utanför arenan Syfte: Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka kroppskultur, jargong och social struktur bland manliga ishockeyspelare, samt hur detta upplevs påverka deras syn på sexualitet, aggressivitet och handlingar utanför arenan. Metod: Sex manliga aktiva spelare från olika divisioner i svensk hockey intervjuades. Resultatet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Spelarna såg idrotten som en viktig del av livet där de kunde vara sig själva och bilda starka vänskapsband. Jargongen kunde utöver de positiva sidorna bidra till skapandet av en destruktiv syn på våld, kvinnor och homosexuella jämfört med vad som kan anses normalt i dagens samhälle. Objektifiering, våld och nedvärdering normaliserades inom idrotten. Slutsatser och implikationer: Mäns våld mot kvinnor kostar samhället stora summor pengar och personligt lidande. Den sociala strukturen inom ishockey är djupt rotade och svårföränderlig. Jargonen och det våldsamma beteendet som kan ses inom sporten kan sprida sig till andra situationer i livet. Utifrån ett folkhälsovetenskapligt synsätt har det visat sig behövas insatser för att belysa och förändra jargongen. / Background: Promotion of physical activity is one of the eleven public health policy objectives in Sweden. Ice Hockey is one of Sweden’s biggest sports with over 90 000 practitioners. In the recent decade, the sport has been seen with a more critical approach. Although sports are a good place for joy and social education for children and adolescents, there is criticism of the jargon in the sport. It can be homophobic, degrading to women and a violence enhancer. Men’s violence against women costs society large sums in addition to the physical and mental suffering they face. Connections between sports, alcohol and violence has been seen in studies. Research indicates that the hegemonic masculinity that players are expected to live up to from coaches, audiences and team players has a significant factor in violent behavior outside the arena. Aim: Investigate body culture, jargon and social structure among male ice hockey players, as well as how this is perceived to affect their views on sexuality, aggressiveness and actions outside the arena. Method: Six male players from different divisions in Swedish hockey were interviewed. Qualitative content analysis was used as method. Result: The players saw their sports as an important part of their life where they could be themselves and form friendships for life. The jargon contributed beyond the positive sides to create a twisted view of violence, women and homosexuals as contrast to the usual view in today’s society. Objectification, violence and impingement are somewhat normalized in the sport. Conclusions and implications: Men’s violence against women cost society a lot of money and personal suffering. The social structure in hockey is deeply rooted and difficult to change. The social structure of ice hockey is deeply rooted and difficult to change. The jargon and the violent behavior that can be seen in sport can spread to other situations in life. Based on a public health science approach, efforts are needed to highlight and change the jargon.
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Science text: Facilitating access to physiology through cognition-based reading interventionWesso, Iona January 1995 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Reading and understanding science text is the principal means by which students at tertiary level access scientific information and attain scientific literacy. However, understanding and learning from science texts require cognitive processing abilities which students mayor may
not have. If students fail to understand scientific text, their acquisition of subject knowledge and expertise will be impeded and they will fail to develop into thinking and independent learners, so crucial for academic progress and achievement. A major assumption in this study
is thus that in order to increase access to science subjects there is a need to explicitly teach the thinking abilities involved in learning science from text. A review of the literature showed that while reading to learn from scientific text poses special challenges to students faced with this unfamiliar genre, little is known about reading (and thinking) for science learning. A synthesis of current research which describes the
neglected interface between science learning, science reading and cognition is given in the literature review of this study. This synthesis highlights, in particular, the parallel developments in research into science learning and reading; the lack of integration of research in these areas; the absence of investigations on science reading located within the cognitive domain; and the absence of research into reading as it affects cognition and cognition as it affects reading in subject-specific areas such as physiology Possibilities for improving students' cognitive performance in reading to learn through intervention were considered from a cognitive perspective. From this perspective, students'
observable intellectual performance can be attributed to their underlying knowledge, behaviour, and thought processes. Accordingly, the mental processes involved in comprehending scientific concepts from text and the cognitive processes which the students bring to the learning situation become highly relevant to efforts to improve cognitive skills for learning science Key questions which were identified to serve as a basis for intervention included: a) What cognitive abilities are needed for competent reading comprehension as demanded by
physiology text?; b) How adequate is the cognitive repertoire of students in dealing with physiology text? With regard to these questions a catalogue of cognitive functions as formulated by Feuerstein et al (1980) was identified as optimally suited for establishing the cognitive match between reading tasks and students. Micro-analyses of the cognitive demands of students' textbook material and the cognitive make-up of second-year university students revealed a profound mismatch between students and their learning material. Students lacked both comprehension fostering and comprehension monitoring abilities appropriate to the demands of the learning task. The explication of the cognitive requirements which physiology text demands served as a basis for systematically designing instruction whereby appropriate intellectual performance for scientific comprehension from text may be attained Subsequent intervention was based on the explicit teaching of thinking abilities within the context of domain-specific (physiology) knowledge. An instructional framework was developed that integrated cognitive learning theories and instructional prescriptions to achieve an effective learning environment and improve students' cognitive abilities to employ and extend their knowledge. The objective was that the instructional model and resultant instructional methods would ensure that students learn not only the desired kinds of knowledge by conceptual change, but also the thought processes embedded and required by reading scientific material for appropriate conceptual change to take place. Micro-analysis of the cognitive processes intrinsic to understanding physiology text illuminated cognitive demands such as, for example, the ability to: transform linearly presented material into structural patterns which illuminate physiological relationships; analyse conceptually dense text rich in "paradoxical jargon"; activate and retrieve extensive amounts of topic-specific and subject-specific prior knowledge; to visualise events; and contextualise concepts by establishing an application for it. Within the above instructional setting, the study shows that the notion of explicitly teaching the cognitive processes intrinsic to physiology text is possible. By translating the cognitive processes into cognitive strategies such as assessing the
situation, planning, processing, organisation, elaboration, monitoring and reflective responses, the heuristic approach effectively served to guide students through various phases of learning from text. Systematic and deliberate methods of thought that would enhance students
problem-solving and thinking abilities were taught. One very successful strategy for learning from physiology text was the ability to reorganise the linearly presented information into a different text structure by means of the construction of graphic organisers. The latter allowed students to read systematically, establish relationships between concepts, identify important ideas, summarise passages, readily retrieve information from memory, go beyond the given textual information and very effectively monitor and evaluate their understanding In addition to teaching appropriate cognitive strategies as demanded by physiology text, this programme also facilitated an awareness of expository text conventions, the nature of physiological understanding, the value of active strategic involvement in constructing
knowledge and the value of metacognitive awareness. Also, since the intervention was executed within the context of physiology content, the acquisition of content-specific information took place quite readily. This overcame the problem of transfer, so often experienced with "content-free" programmes. In conclusion, this study makes specific recommendations to improve science education. Inparticular, the notion of teaching the appropriate cognitive behaviour and thought processes as demanded by academic tasks such as reading to learn physiology seems to be a particularly fruitful area into which science educational research should develop and be encouraged.
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Bortom "att göra pojkar till män" : – En diskursiv studie om jämställdhetsarbetet i Försvarsmakten med fokus på kvinnor i det militära / Beyond ”making boys into men” : – A discursive study of the gender equality work in the Swedish armed forces with a focus on women in the militaryBeroun, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Sedan lång tid tillbaka har det ansetts att lumpen är något av det manligaste som kan göras, för det är då ”pojkar blir till män”, och det har funnits en föreställning om att kvinnor inte hör hemma i den militära sfären. Detta med anledning att kvinnor setts som fysiskt svagare och i behov av skydd från män, vilket har medfört ett hinder för kvinnor att positionera sig i det militära. Försvarsmakten är ett av Sveriges sista manliga yrkesmonopol som avsattes först år 1989 och det har ställts många krav på kvinnor för att de skall kunna etablera sig i myndigheten. Historiskt upplevdes Försvarsmakten ha en ”grisig” jargong, kvinnor ansåg sig bli illa behandlade av befäl och sexism var något som tycktes ”sitta i väggarna”. Sverige är ett av de länder i världen som har högst andel kvinnor i arbetslivet. Trots detta har Sverige en av de mest könssegregerade arbetsmarknader i världen. Försvarsmakten arbetar idag med jämställdhet i form av handlingsplaner för jämställdhetsintegrering och mål för att uppnå en jämnare könsfördelning men det är endast 17 procent av de anställda som är kvinnor, vilket gör Försvarsmakten till en av Sveriges mest könssegregerade arbetsplatser. Syfte och metod: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att medvetandegöra samt öka förståelsen för hur socialt konstruerade könsnormer upplevs påverkar kvinnors möjligheter att arbeta i, utveckla sin karriär och stanna kvar i mansdominerade organisationer, i detta fall Försvarsmakten. Nio semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes på Trängregementet där respondenterna bestod av både kvinnor och män som är officerare. Utöver intervjuerna har även flertalet olika dokument granskats som primärt underlag för den diskursanalys som utfördes i studien samt att dokumentationen och empirin verkade som supplement till varandra. De diskursanalytiska metoderna som använts var delar av diskurspsykologi och Bacchias WPR-ansats. Intervjuerna och de granskade dokumenten utgör även studiens triangulering i syfte att erhålla ett bredare perspektiv och därmed gavs möjligheten till en djupare, mer träffsäker och fullständig bild av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete. Resultat och slutsatser: Utifrån den diskursanalys som gjordes gick det att finna att Försvarsmakten ser på individen som problemet snarare än att det är organisationen som behöver åtgärdas samt att det även är individen som skall utgöra eller skapa lösningen. Kvinnor har formellt sett goda möjligheter till att göra karriär i Försvarsmakten. Karriärutveckling upplevs däremot som allt för snabb så att relevanta kunskaper och erfarenheter inte erhålls i den mån som upplevs behövas. Kvinnor har dessutom utmaningar med sin identitetsutveckling där de slits mellan att inte vara för ”kvinnliga” men inte heller för ”manliga”. Därmed upplever kvinnor att de inte når upp till de förväntningar som sätts på dem eller så väljer de att anta en mer ”maskulin” form för att försöka anpassa sig till normen. Stereotyper och jargong påverkar således kvinnor ur en negativ aspekt i deras arbete. / Background and problem: For a long time, it has been considered that the military service is one of the manliest things that can be done, because that is when "boys become men", and there has been a notion that women do not belong in the military sphere. This is because women were physically weaker and in need of protection from men, which has led to a barrier for women from positioning themselves in the military. The Swedish armed forces are one of Sweden's last male occupational monopolies and was first set aside 1989 and many demands have been made for women to be able to establish themselves in the authority. Historically, the armed forces were perceived to have a "grubby" jargon, women felt they were badly treated by command and sexism was something that seemed to be deeply rooted. Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest proportion of women in working life. Despite this, Sweden has one of the most gender-based segregation of the labor market in the world. The Swedish armed forces are currently working on gender equality in the form of action plans for gender mainstreaming and targets for achieving a more balanced gender balance. But only 17 percent of their employees are women, which makes the armed forces one of Sweden's most gender segregated workplaces. Purpose and method: The purpose of this study was to raise awareness and increase understanding of how socially constructed gender norms are perceived affecting women's opportunities to work, develop their careers and remain in male-dominated organizations, in this case the Swedish armed forces. Nine semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted at Trängregementet where the respondents consisted of both women and men who are officers. In addition to the interviews, several different documents have been examined as the primary basis for the discourse analysis that was carried out in the study. The reviewed documentation and the interviews also appeared as a supplement to each other. The discourse analytical methods used were parts of discourse psychology and Bacchias WPR approach. The interviews and the reviewed documents also form the triangulation of the study in order to obtain a broader perspective and thus the possibility of a deeper, more accurate and complete picture of the armed forces gender equality work. Results and conclusions: Based on the discourse analysis that was done, it was to be found that the armed forces see the individual as the problem rather than that the organization needs to be addressed. The individual should also form or create the solution. Women have formally good opportunities to make careers in the armed forces. Career development, however, is perceived as too fast so that relevant knowledge and experiences are not obtained to the extent that is felt needed. In addition, women have challenges with their identity development where they are torn between not being too "feminine" but also not to "masculine". Therefore, they feel absence of achieving the expectations that are put on them or they choose to adopt a more "masculine" forms to adapt to the norm. Stereotypes and jargon thus affect women from a negative aspect of their work.
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Den kriminella jargongens normalisering : En undersökning av ryska ungdomars attityder till kriminell jargong / The Normalisation of Criminal Jargon : A Study of the Attitudes of Russian Youth Towards Criminal JargonLundgren, Midas January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship and attitudes of 152 young Russians, between 13 and 20 years of age, towards words derived from criminal jargon that have become a part of colloquial Russian; more specifically how they explain their usage of these words, what they think of criminal jargon, where they have learnt it from, and whether or not they are aware of the origins of the words they are using. In order to analyse these aspects, 20 words from criminal jargon were chosen and used as the basis for a survey. The results of said survey show that a majority of the Russian youth that took part in the study is either neutral or positive (82,9%, in total) towards such loan words, that they mostly learn the words from friends, social media and movies, and that it is perceived, at least marginally, more positive when boys use words derived from criminal jargon, than if girls do. It remains unclear, however, whether or not young Russians are truly aware of the origins of all the words they are using. / В данной дипломной работе рассматривается отношение молодых россиян к словам криминального происхождения, которые вошли в разговорно-обиходную речь. В частности, как молодёжь подросткового возраста объясняет своё использование подобных слов, что думают подростки об уголовном жаргоне, откуда они узнали эти слова, и осознают ли они происхождение используемых ими слов этой группы. В этих целях было отобрано 20 слов криминального происхождения и проведён опрос среди 152 молодых людей в возрасте от 13 до 20 лет. Результаты исследования показывают, что отношение большинства опрошенных к заимствованиям подобного рода либо нейтрально, либо положительно (итого 83,9%). Анализ опроса выявил также, что знакомство подростков с этой группой лексики происходит, чаще всего, в их контакте с друзьями, из социальных сетей и из фильмов. Более отрицательно использование данных слов воспринимается в речи подростков женского пола, тогда как у противоположного пола подобный узус воспринимается окружающими менее негативно. Однако остаётся неясным, осознают ли молодые россияне происхождение используемых ими слов.
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Writing Chinuk Wawa: A Materials Development Case StudyHamilton, Sarah A. Braun 01 January 2010 (has links)
This study explored the development of new texts by fluent non-native speakers of Chinuk Wawa, an endangered indigenous contact language of the Pacific Northwest United States. The texts were developed as part of the language and culture program of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon for use in university-sponsored language classes. The collaborative process of developing 12 texts was explored through detailed revision analysis and interviews with the materials developers and other stakeholders.
Fluent non-native speakers relied on collaboration, historical documentation, reference materials, grammatical models, and their own intuitions and cultural sensibilities to develop texts that would be both faithful to the speech of previous generations and effective for instruction. The texts studied were stories and cultural information developed through research-based composition, translation from interlinear and narrative English in ethnographic sources, and editing of transcribed oral narrative.
The revision analysis identified points of discussion in the lexical development and grammatical standardization of the language. The preferred strategy for developing new vocabulary was use of language-internal resources such as compounding although borrowing and loan translation from other local Native languages were also sometimes considered appropriate. The multifunctionality of the lexicon and evidence of dialectal and idiolectal usage problematicized the description of an “ideal” language for pedagogical purposes. Concerns were also expressed about detailed grammatical modeling due to potential influence on non-native speaker intuitions and the non-utility of such models for revitalization goals.
Decisions made in the process of developing texts contributed to the development of a written form of Chinuk Wawa that would honor and perpetuate the oral language while adapting it for the requirements of inscription. The repeated inclusion of discourse markers and the frequent removal of nominal reference brought final versions of texts closer to oral style, while inclusion of background information and the avoidance of shortened pronouns and auxiliaries customized the presentation for a reading audience.
The results of this study comprise a sketch of one aspect of the daily work of language revitalization, in which non-native speakers shoulder responsibility for the growth of a language and its transfer to new generations of speakers.
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Ordningsmakter inom ordningsmakten : Diskurskamp, dilemman och motstånd i blivande polisers samtal om mångfald / Forces in the Police Force : Discursive Conflict, Dilemmas and Resistance in Police Trainee Discourse on DiversityWieslander, Malin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis identifies and describes the diversity aspects of police discourse based on the accounts of police trainees in their final year. Specifically, the focus is on culture, religion and ethnicity, and four main questions are addressed: What is said about diversity? How is it articulated? What subject positions are offered and assumed? In what ways are discourses of diversity sustained and challenged? The analysis of discourse in use is based on field studies conducted at the Swedish National Police Academy and focus group interviews with police trainees in the educational setting and during their trainee placement period. The analytical concepts of interpretative repertoire, ideological dilemmas, subject positions and discursive devices are employed to identify how different meanings are ascribed to diversity. Three central discourses of diversity are presented: diversity as inescapable difference (a hegemonic practice), diversity as political goal (recognition of diversity) and diversity as potential likeness (regulation of diversity). These are competing discourses on how police officers should be and how their role is understood in relation to a pluralistic society. The study shows that the contradictory diversity discourses reflect a struggle of different ‘us’, which regulates the conception of the ideal police officer, professional conduct and the performance of policing. In addition, five dilemmas originating in the tension between the discourses are outlined. Diversity is found to involve ideological dilemmas regarding how policing should be conducted in relation to profiling and social categories, how humour and jargon are viewed and handled, and how lack of knowledge may mean attributing subject positions to others with discriminatory implications. The thesis contributes to showing how diversity discourses reproduce the social order by affirming the social categories that the representatives of diversity are assumed to embody. It closes with a discussion of some practical and theoretical implications of its findings. / Ordningsmakter inom ordningsmakten visar hur mångfald, med fokus på kultur, religion och etnicitet, ges skilda betydelser i blivande polisers samtal och att det pågår en kamp om hur samhällets mångfald ska förstås i relation till polisens sammansättning och arbete. Kampen mellan diskurser är vare sig en ny kamp eller exklusiv för polisen. Däremot kan striden om hur mångfald ska förstås ses som en modern företeelse, som ställs på sin spets inom polisen vars uppdrag är att skydda demokratiska värden och lagar om människors rättigheter. I denna avhandling beskrivs hur kampen tar sig uttryck inom ordningsmakten. Hur kan vi förstå det paradoxala i att polisen har som uppgift att arbeta mot fördomar, samtidigt som vissa arbetsuppgifter motiveras av fördomar? Vad innebär ett behov av ökad kunskap om olika grupper, som samtidigt sätter dessa grupper i en diskriminerande utgångspunkt? Varför förekommer en diskriminerande humoristisk jargong i ett yrke som har i uppdrag att främja rättvisa och motverka diskriminering? Detta är några av de frågor och dilemman som mångfald aktualiserar i en polisiär kontext. Avhandlingen synliggör hur mångfaldsdiskurser återskapar social över- och underordning och att kampen mellan diskurser är en kamp om olika ’vi’.
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Responding to Alienating Trends in Modern Education and Civilization by Remembering our Responsibility to Metaphysics and Ontological Education: Answering to the Platonic Essence of EducationKarumanchiri, Arun 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the most basic purpose of education and how it can be advanced. To begin to analyze this fundamental area of concern, this thesis associates notions of education with notions and experiences of truth and authenticity, which vary historically and culturally. A phenomenological analysis, featuring the philosophy of Heidegger, uncovers the basic conditions of human experience and discourse, which have become bent upon technology
and jargon in the West. He draws on Plato's account of the 'essence of education' in the Cave Allegory, which underscores human agency in light of truth as unhiddenness. Heidegger calls for ontological education, which advances authenticity as it preserves individuals as codisclosing, historical beings.
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Responding to Alienating Trends in Modern Education and Civilization by Remembering our Responsibility to Metaphysics and Ontological Education: Answering to the Platonic Essence of EducationKarumanchiri, Arun 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the most basic purpose of education and how it can be advanced. To begin to analyze this fundamental area of concern, this thesis associates notions of education with notions and experiences of truth and authenticity, which vary historically and culturally. A phenomenological analysis, featuring the philosophy of Heidegger, uncovers the basic conditions of human experience and discourse, which have become bent upon technology
and jargon in the West. He draws on Plato's account of the 'essence of education' in the Cave Allegory, which underscores human agency in light of truth as unhiddenness. Heidegger calls for ontological education, which advances authenticity as it preserves individuals as codisclosing, historical beings.
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