Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kadett"" "subject:"vadett""
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Allt för laget : Kårandans betydelse för kadetters identifikationsprocess i militära sammanhangSundwall, Elsa, Jolby, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
I militär verksamhet brukar kåranda, det vill säga en nära gemenskap och delade normer, beskrivas som centralt för arbetet. Både positiva och negativa aspekter av kåranda diskuteras i olika sammanhang. Fokus ligger då på hur grupper påverkas av kåranda, till exempel genom att bli mer effektiva men också exkluderande. Mindre utforskat är dock hur individer i grupper som kännetecknas av kåranda berörs av denna. Därför undersöker denna studie vilken betydelse kåranda har för identifikationsprocessen i militära sammanhang. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tio kadetter har kårandans funktion undersökts. Studien visar att de extremförhållanden som soldatyrket innefattar förstärker kårandan, vilket skapar en miljö där den sociala identiteten i större utsträckning formas av den militära gruppen. Gruppen och relationerna mellan gruppmedlemmarna blir särskilt viktiga under dessa förhållanden och de vänskapliga relationer kårandan gynnar influerar den sociala identifikationen. Likheter inom den egna arbetsgruppen, regementet och vapenslaget betonas som ett resultat av kårandan, där den egna tillhörigheten framhävs medan skillnader till andra grupper betonas. Symboler, såsom uniformen, utbildningstecken och förbandstecken, tillskrivs egenskaper som bidrar till identifikation till det militära. Distinktionen mellan den egna gruppen och andra grupper betonas, vilket skapar tendenser till subkulturer där kårandan kan skilja sig åt även inom militära grupper. Detta bidrar till att kadetternas identifikationsprocess i större utsträckning influerades av kårandan inom dessa mindre grupperingarna än av den generella kårandan inom Försvarsmakten.
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Kadetter och anhöriga : En undersökning angående kadetter, deras anhöriga och inställning till utlandstjänstOskarsson, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilken inställning kadetter och deras anhöriga har tillutlandstjänst och diskutera möjliga orsaker till de olika åsikterna. Andra frågor som belyses är omde som genomfört utlandstjänst innan de börjat utbildningen upplevt några men efter sintjänstgöring och hur de anhöriga sett på denna tjänstgöring. Då tidigare forskning rörandekadetters och deras anhörigas syn på utlandstjänst saknas, utgör uppsatsen ett begränsat menviktigt empiriskt bidrag. Kring denna empiri förs ett resonemang om hur den nya sortensofficerare kan tänkas fundera i dessa frågor.Bland de resultat som kan utläsas är att kadetterna i OP 08-11 ser sina anhörigas åsikt som enviktig del i sin motivation för att göra utlandstjänst. Större delen av de svarande ser också självapositivt på en framtida utlandstjänst. Bland de anhöriga är inte bilden lika positiv, och enövervägande del av kadetternas anhöriga har en negativ inställning. / What this paper aims to investigate is what attitude cadets and their families have for overseasservice and what this may be due to. Other issues presented is if those who performed serviceabroad before they started officers training had experienced any negative personality changes(after their service and if their relatives have seen any changes after the service). There is noprior research in the area that focus on cadets and their relative’s stance on overseas servicehence this essay is a limited, but an important contribution. A discussion concerns how thenew kind of officers is likely to reflect on these issues.The findings indicate that the cadets in OP 08-11 view their relatives' as an important part oftheir motivation for service abroad, and that most of the cadets welcome a future overseasservice. The relatives on the other hand, does not share this positive view, in fact, the vastmajority of the cadets relatives have an attitude that is negative.
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Farväl. Men varför? : Vem är att skylla: Försvarsmakten, Försvarshögskolan eller individen?Öfver, Axel January 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents an interview-based study that seeks to map the various reasonings regarding what motivates aspiring officers, cadets, to end their military service in liaison to studies conducted at the Swedish defense college. This in order to provide a brief overview of the, seeming major, causes as to why some cadets chose to end their affiliation to the military context. This study utilizes Fabrizio Battistelli’s and Martin V. Covington’s respective theories regarding motivation. These theories provide the structure and serves as main focal points when constructing and conducting the interviews. The findings in the paper suggests multiple motivational factors as to why the cadets, enrolled in this essay, chose to quit the military context. The most prominent thematic is closely affiliated with the individual’s intrinsic interest and desire for more reliable control over his, or her, time. It is also clear that the respondents deem the military’s personnel policy to be severely lacking in many different aspects which in turn results in an external factor that further motivates the individual to seek a career outside of the military context.
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Att bli utbildare : En studie av kadetters syn på hur de formas till utbildare / Becoming an educator : Cadets views on educational science in the Swedish armed forcesLöfgren, Ulrika January 2010 (has links)
<p>Background: Officers in the Swedish Armed Forces educates their soldiers in various skills and arenas. The Officers get their educational training in officer training courses conducted by the Swedish Armed Forces or the Swedish national defence college. The aim of this study was to find out how the cadets, belive that they are formed into educators, their views on the literature being used in the Swedish armed Forsces, and their views on leadership and educational science.</p><p>Methods: The data for analysis were collected in spring 2010, by use of a questionnaire among cadets studying the tactical/operational program Ta/Op 07/10 at the Swedish national defence college. The respons rate was 69, 6 %.</p><p>Results: The majority of the cadets thought that experience was the most important factor in becoming a good educator. Most of the cadets also thought that the literature being used by the Swedish armed forces was good, however, few cadets stated that they will use the material for reflection on their own teaching when working as officers.</p><p>Conclusions: The Cadets had a positive attitude towards the educational philosphy and literature being used, but few will use the literature in reflecting on themselves as teachers. Cadets belive that they mainly will become good educators through experience, and that it is important that leaders and managers in Swedish armed forces have knowledge about educational science.</p>
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Att bli utbildare : En studie av kadetters syn på hur de formas till utbildare / Becoming an educator : Cadets views on educational science in the Swedish armed forcesLöfgren, Ulrika January 2010 (has links)
Background: Officers in the Swedish Armed Forces educates their soldiers in various skills and arenas. The Officers get their educational training in officer training courses conducted by the Swedish Armed Forces or the Swedish national defence college. The aim of this study was to find out how the cadets, belive that they are formed into educators, their views on the literature being used in the Swedish armed Forsces, and their views on leadership and educational science. Methods: The data for analysis were collected in spring 2010, by use of a questionnaire among cadets studying the tactical/operational program Ta/Op 07/10 at the Swedish national defence college. The respons rate was 69, 6 %. Results: The majority of the cadets thought that experience was the most important factor in becoming a good educator. Most of the cadets also thought that the literature being used by the Swedish armed forces was good, however, few cadets stated that they will use the material for reflection on their own teaching when working as officers. Conclusions: The Cadets had a positive attitude towards the educational philosphy and literature being used, but few will use the literature in reflecting on themselves as teachers. Cadets belive that they mainly will become good educators through experience, and that it is important that leaders and managers in Swedish armed forces have knowledge about educational science.
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Fartygsförlagd utbildning - Arbetsmiljö och LedarskapsstilarLundberg, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to, with systems theory, explore how a mentor’s possible leaderships-style affected the perceived occupational safety and health, and learning experience of sea captain students during their internship. The internship is an obligatory course where the students get the opportunity to practically apply theoretical knowledge. The only prior reports in this field focused on the perspective of the mentor and not the student. Two types of systems-theoretical leadership-styles are examined through the experience of the students, and which effect those leadership-styles have in a closed system. The methodology in the gathering of data used in this report was led interview with a set form of questions. Ten students from a maritime academy were interviewed, with the subject based in systems theory and workplace environment. The results of the interview were analysed with the help of system theory. The result of the study concluded that one of the leadership styles could partly be connected to a positive experience of their mentor and learning experience, but neither of the leadership styles could be connected to discomfort or insecurity during the time on-board. Also, other factors, such as the mentor’s experience and background, and chemistry between the parties, affected the students experience. / Arbetets syfte var att med systemteori undersöka hur handledares eventuella ledarskapsstilar påverkade sjökaptensstudenters upplevda arbetsmiljö och lärande under den fartygsförlagda utbildningen. Den fartygsförlagda utbildningen är ett obligatoriskt moment där studenterna får möjlighet att praktiskt tillämpa teoretisk kunskap. Den enda rapport som fanns inom detta fält fokuserade på handledarens, och inte studentens, perspektiv. Två systemteoretiska ledarskapsstilar granskas mot studenternas upplevelse och vilken gränsöverskridande effekt de kan ha i ett slutet system. Datainsamlingsmetoden i denna rapport var en planerad intervju efter ett intervjuformulär. Intervjuerna genomfördes med tio studenter från en sjöfartshögskola med basis i systemteori och arbetsmiljö. Intervjuernas resultat granskades med hjälp av systemteori. Resultatet av studien visade att en av ledarstilarna kunde delvis kopplas med en positiv handledarupplevelse och gott lärande, men en ingen av ledarstilarna kunde heller kopplas till vantrivsel eller osäkerhet under tiden ombord. Även andra faktorer, såsom handledarens erfarenhet och bakgrund, samt personkemi påverkade studentens upplevelse.
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MOTIVATION TILL ATT LÄSA OFFICERSPROGRAMMET : en kvantitativ enkätstudieHallgren, Josefin January 2019 (has links)
In the next few years, the Swedish armed forces will have a major shortage of officers. This is due to a combination of high numbers reaching pensionable age and low numbers graduating from the Officers’ Programme.The lack of newly qualified officers is a major problem for the Armed Forces personnel supply. This paper investigates what motivated current cadets to study to become an officer in order to gain a greater understanding of why people choose a profession that has become less and less popular. This study applies Battistellis theory about motivation in a survey among the Swedish cadets at the military academy during the spring of 2019. Battistellis theory is built on three different categories, paleo modern motivation, modern motivation and postmodern motivation. The theory is used in a quantitative survey. The study examines which motivation category the cadets are most familiar with and if there are any differences between cadets. The survey results indicate that the Swedish cadets mostly applied to the officer program because of paleo modern and postmodern motivations. The analysis concludes that depending on if the student had been working as a soldier or not before becoming a student, their motivation varied.
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Kadetten och hennes motivation : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kvinnliga förstaårskadetters motivation att söka officersprogrammetOlsson, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish armed forces are currently experiencing difficulties with the recruitment and further maintaining of women and their competences within the organization. This due to a lack of traceability and understanding of women's motivation within an military organization. This paper investigates female first-year cadets' motivation to study to become an officer in order to gain wider understanding of women's choice to engage in a military organization on a higher level. This study is performed with a thematic analysis with support from Fabrizio Battistellis theory about motivation, which then applies to the material from interviews with four female first-year cadets at the Swedish Defense University, which were held during the spring of 2024. The study examines how the female cadets' described motivation can be explained with Battistellis theory and thematic analysis. The results of this study indicates that the female first-year cadets are mostly motivated by Battistellis postmodern category and second the paleomodern. Aside from the theory another category was formed by the female cadets' descriptions which were social, this category appeared by thematic analysis and was constructed by the themes fellowship and social connection.
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Utbildning av framtidens ledare : En studie av förutsättningarna för utvecklande ledarskap vid officersutbildningenAx, Johan, von Essen, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Försvarsmaktens viktigaste resurs är personalen, vilken påverkas i stor utsträckning av officerarnas ledarskap. Utvecklande ledarskap är ledarskapsmodellen som tillämpas i Försvarsmakten och den karaktäriseras av att ledaren uppträder som ett föredöme som inspirerar och motiverar. Ledaren stimulerar delaktighet, ger stöd och konfronterar i ett gott syfte. Den gemensamma och viktigaste tiden i en officers ledarskapsutveckling torde vara de tre år individen studerar vid Officersprogrammet (Försvarshögskolan) och genomför Försvarsmaktstid (MHS Karlberg, Försvarsmakten). I denna uppsats utreds under vilka betingelser en blivande officers ledarskap utvecklas under officersutbildningen. Kadetterna läser ledarskap i officersutbildningen dels genom akademiska studier vid Försvarshögskolan, dels genom ledarskapsutbildning i Försvarsmakten. Ledarskapet utvecklas även genom handledning och feedback av mentorer samt egen reflektion. Dessutom träffar kadetterna många föredömen att ta efter, i form av chefer, lärare och mentorer. Vår empiri visar att ledarskapskurserna vid Officersprogrammet ger en bra teoretisk kunskapsgrund för att förstå ledarskapsteorier och modeller. Dock innehåller utbildningen för lite praktisk tillämpning och övning, särskilt med extern trupp. Den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen ger kadetterna möjlighet att sätta teoretisk utbildning i en militär kontext, men möjligheterna skiljer sig åt mellan olika VFU-skolor. Handledning från mentorer är ett viktigt verktyg i kadetternas ledarskapsutveckling och kvaliteten på denna håller inte alltid önskad nivå, på grund av personalbrist, personalomsättning eller att mentorn inte är lämplig. Det finns bra föredömen vid officersutbildningen, men även exempel på motsatsen. Ledarskapsutbildningarna håller hög kvalitet och ger en bra teoretisk grund, men vi rekommenderar att det genomförs en översyn av officersutbildningen i syfte att öka praktisk tillämpning av ledarskap. Mentorernas roll är viktig och vi anser att Försvarsmakten bör prioritera bemanning vid Kadettbataljonen och även bibehålla den förberedande utbildningen ”termin 0”. Vi rekommenderar att mentorernas roller och arbete utvärderas samt att arbetsuppgifter och ansvar tydligare dokumenteras. Vad avser kopplingen mellan Försvarshögskolans och Försvarsmaktens utbildningsdelar inom ledarskap, rekommenderar vi att det införs löpande samordningsmöten. Vår slutsats rörande kadetternas medinflytande över utbildningarna är att man bör fortsätta genomföra utveckling av kurser med stöd av de studerandes kursvärderingar och studeranderepresentanter, men att den begränsade möjligheten att påverka kursers innehåll innevarande år, är i sin ordning. / The Swedish Armed Forces’ most valuable resource is personnel, which is greatly influenced by the officer’s leadership. Transformational leadership is the leadership model applied in the Armed Forces and it is characterized by the leader acting as a role model who inspires and motivates. The leader stimulates participation, provides support, and confronts for a good cause. The common and most crucial time in an officer's leadership development is probably the three years the individual studies at the Officers' Programme majoring in War Studies (The Swedish Defence University) and completes the Armed Forces period (Military Academy Karlberg, Swedish Armed Forces). This essay investigates the conditions under which a prospective officer's leadership is developed during officer training. The students study leadership in officer training, partly through academic studies at the Swedish Defence University, and partly through leadership training in the Armed Forces. Leadership is also developed through self-reflection and development with the support of mentors who supervise and provide feedback. In addition, the cadets will gain many role models to follow, in the form of managers, teachers and mentors. Our empirical evidence shows that the leadership courses at the Officers’ program provide a good theoretical knowledge base for understanding leadership theories and models. However, the training includes too little practical application and practice, especially with external squads. The company-based training gives the cadets the opportunity to put theoretical training in a military context, but the possibilities differ between different schools. Supervision from mentors is a useful tool in the cadets' leadership development and the quality of this varies, depending on staff shortages, staff turnover or that the mentor is not suitable. There are good examples in officer training, but also examples of the opposite. The leadership training is of high quality and provides a good theoretical basis, but we recommend that a review of the officer training be carried out to increase the practical application of leadership. The role of the mentors is important, and we believe that the Armed Forces should prioritise staffing at the Cadet Battalion and also maintain the preparatory training "semester 0". We recommend that the mentors' roles and work are evaluated, and that tasks and responsibilities are documented more clearly. About the connection between The Swedish Defence University’s and the Swedish Armed Forces' training parts in leadership, we recommend that ongoing coordination meetings be introduced. Our conclusion regarding the cadets’ co-influence over the educations is that the development of courses should be continued with the support of the students' course evaluations and student representatives, but that the limited opportunity to influence the course content this year is in order.
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Vem skall fylla uniformen? : Generation OfficerArklöf Grande, Marcus, Werner, Anders January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish Armed Forces must double its personnel volumes with 50% within the next 15 years period. With already existing challenges to procure new personnel and to keep those already serving in the current organizational structures this mission comes with some problems. The numbers leaving the Armed Forces are for the moment at a higher rate than what is recruited. This study sets out with the aim of finding what directions the Armed Forces can take to turn this trend around. The research has, by asking already serving commissioned and noncommissioned officers, examined what factors and motivators made them choose the profession and what factors makes them stay in the service. Further, to examine these factors and motivators deeper, interviews with cadets were made with the aim to find out what attracted them to serve. The data emerging consisted of seven categories each one giving a deeper understanding of what attracted the individual to the Armed Forces and what made them take the step to join. These categories are responsibility, leadership, stimulation, purposefulness, development, security and belonging. To put these factors in to a generational perspective, and to give them a wider meaning, third grade high school students were asked to explain their interpretation of them and how important they are. This secondary empirical gathering gave the researchers the opportunity to compare already existing theories about generations with the actual motivating factors of those already serving. What emerged was the combining factors of motivation to attract individuals to the Armed Forces, purposefulness, stimulation and belonging. This consists with the use of normative power when it comes to controlling the personnel in the organization and how important the use of the right organizational powers is to attract and get compliance from individuals. The Swedish Armed Forces cannot in its aim to expand depend on general knowledge about what attracts individuals from a particular generation. Instead a deeper more purposeful examination of what drives an individual to serve must be developed, something this study has tried to accomplish. The result of this study concludes that belonging to an organization with a purpose creates individual stimulation and allows the organization to use normative powers. / Försvarsmakten skall under de närmsta 15 åren nästan fördubbla sin personal ram. Men hur skall man kunna öka i personalvolymerna när man redan nu har svårt att behålla personalen. Utflödet av personal är större än inflödet just nu. Denna forskning inledde med att intervjua officerare som redan tjänstgör i myndigheten. Detta för att undersöka vilka faktorer som för dem är viktiga till varför de valde att söka till Försvarsmakten efter den gamla värnplikten och varför individen fortfarande är kvar i Försvarsmakten. Den andra respondentgruppen bestod av kadetter som är i början av sin karriär. Data från dessa intervjuer kodades och sju kategorier utkristalliserades. Ansvar, ledarskap, stimulans, meningsfullhet, utvecklande, trygghet och tillhörighet. Dessa kategorier användes vid framtagningen av breddstudieenkäten som ställdes till två gymnasieklasser som studerar på ett högskoleförberedande program. Gymnasieeleverna fick svara vad de framkomna kategorierna betydde för dem och deras svar utgör grunden i denna forsknings empiri. För att kunna förstå officerarna, kadetterna och gymnasieeleverna så analyserades empirin ur ett generationsperspektiv. Denna jämförelse visade att oberoende vilken generation som individen tillhör så är stimulans, meningsfullhet och tillhörighet de kategorier som är starka faktorer som har fått individerna att söka till Försvarsmakten. Meningsfullhet skapar förutsättning för den normativa styrformen som också är den mest lämpliga styrformen för att skapa motivation samt efterlevnad för organisationens mål. Försvarsmakten kan inte i sin eftersträvan att öka personalmässigt endast förliga sig på kunskapen kring generationsforskningen. Försvarsmakten måste skapa sig en djupare kunskap om vad som driver individen och vilka förutsättningar myndigheten har att bidra till individens utveckling.
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