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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trakasserier och våld gentemot personalen på svenska folkbibliotek : En enkätstudie om problembild och förebyggande åtgärder på folkbibliotek och integrerade bibliotek / A study of the problem areas and possible preventative measures with regard to the harassment of and violence towards staff in Swedish public libraries

Johansson, Helena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of violence and harassment towards staff in Swedish public libraries as well as the preventative measures used by the libraries. A link to a web survey was distributed to 60 libraries and answered by 38 respondents. The study included regular public libraries and public libraries integrated with school libraries. The survey regarded their situation in 2012. Three questions were used as a starting point:- What sort of problems exist in Swedish public libraries concerning violence and harassment towards library staff?- How do Swedish public libraries seek to prevent violence and harassment towards their staff and how could this preventative work be further evolved?- Is there a difference between the two types of libraries with reference to the problems with workplace violence and the preventative measures taken?The answers of the survey were structured and analyzed by using different theories and approaches to crime prevention and thereafter compared with the outcomes of another study on crime in a library setting. The results of the study showed that although the problems with violence and harassment were limited, quite a wide range of preventative measures were already in use. The integrated libraries in the study were less affected by these problems and used fewer security measures than the regular public ones.

Mått på brott : Självdeklaration som metod att mäta brottslighet / Measuring Crime : Self report as a crime measurement methodology

Andersson, Lina January 2011 (has links)
Measuring crime is one of criminology’s most central tasks. Self-report studies constitute one means of doing so. By asking people, primarily youths, about their experience of involvement in criminal acts, self-report studies are intended to provide knowledge on the extent and structure of crime and on crime trends over time, while also providing opportunities to study the causes of crime. The dissertation’s objective is to examine the use of self-reported crime as a research method. It problematises the use of self-report studies as an instrument for measuring both the extent and structure of youth crime, and also trends in youth crime over time. Problematising the method in this way both illustrates the significance of methodology and measurement instruments for the production/construction of criminological data and makes possible a more nuanced and aware approach to the use of such data. The dissertation comprises a discussion of the basic assumptions of the self-report method viewed from the perspective of theory of science, a review of Swedish self-report studies and a detailed study of the Swedish School Survey on Crime, Sweden’s nationally representative self-report study of youth in year nine (aged 15). The dissertation’s most important conclusions are that researchers, when designing a self-report study, should consider both how crime is viewed and what the study is intended to examine. It is also important, when using self-report data, to consider what the data represent. This is of significance in relation to both how questions might best be formulated and to what extent the mechanisms that affect the results will involve problems for the quality of the measures obtained.

Ungdomsbrottslighet som samhällsproblem : Utveckling, uppmärksamhet och reaktion / Juvenile delinquency as a social problem : Trends, media attention and societal response

Estrada, Felipe January 1999 (has links)
The principal aim of this doctoral thesis is to describe the evolution of juvenile delinquency as a social problem during the post-war period. Through its four empirical studies the thesis advocates an understanding based on a contextual constructionism, which represents a compromise position between the objectivist and constructivist perspectives that dominate the field of social problems. The first study (Chapter 2) comprises an analysis of the development of juvenile delinquency in Sweden after 1975. The study is based on official crime statistics, victim surveys, insurance statistics and surveys of the alcohol and drug habits of young persons. The analyses do not allow for an exact determination of the actual trends in juvenile crime, but the indicators suggest that at worst the number of juveniles offenders has remained more or less stable since the mid 1970s, whilst at best the number has diminished. Chapter 3 describes the trends in juvenile crime in ten European countries during the post-war period. The data comprise reports, articles, statistics and personal information from researchers in the countries analysed. The study concludes that in all the countries examined, juvenile crime increases sharply during the first decades of the post-war period (1950-75). After this point, however, these trends level off in most countries. By means of a content analysis of editorials, Chapter 4 deals with the attention focused on juvenile delinquency in the Swedish daily press during the post-war period (1950-1994). The study shows both qualitative and quantitative changes in the way the press portray juvenile crime. Most importantly, 1986 saw the problem of juvenile violence suddenly becoming the dominant issue. Chapter 5 deals with the development of, and the societal response to, violence in schools (1980-1997). A content analysis of a journal for school employees indicates that responses to problems of violence in school underwent a transformation at the end of the 1980s. A study of police reports shows that reported cases of violence in schools have increased considerably. The explanation for this rise is to be found in a change in the size of the dark figure. Besides the response-sensitive official crime statistics, there is very little to indicate any substantial change in the number of juveniles being subjected to, or subjecting others to violence. Chapter 6 discusses the main finding produced by the thesis – namely that there has been a change in the way society reacts to juveniles who commit criminal offences that cannot be explained by the crime trends. Three alternative explanations are discussed: the media and moral panics, the ”racialisation” of the crime problem and the structural crisis of legitimacy faced by the welfare state.

Mord, Mosse, Människor : Mors Ianua Vitae

Jahrehorn, Tea January 2017 (has links)
What happened to the people in the bogs, and will we ever know why? This paper will try to answer this by studying cases from the bronze-to-Iron age in the North of Europe, by applying forensic, historic and criminological methods. In my paper I have conclu- ded that there is not a single motive to why the people in the bog were murdered. Ho- wever I have determined that they were all murdered.

"Trygga trappan" - en brottspreventiv arbetsmodell mot olaga intrång

Nilsson, Emma, Nezirevic, Azemina January 2018 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är skrivet på uppdrag av Utvecklingscentrum Syd i Malmö och kommer att beröra en brottspreventiv arbetsmodell, vid namnet ”Trygga trappan”. Denna arbetsmodell har tillämpats vid tre adresser i Malmö som hade problematik med olaga intrång och skadegörelser. Denna arbetsmodell utformades genom ett samarbete mellan kommunen, fastighetsföretaget och Polismyndigheten med syftet att eliminera olaga intrång berörande trappuppgångar. Gärningspersonerna var ungdomar som bland annat vandaliserade trappuppgångarna och hanterade narkotika där. Detta genererade otrygghet för de boendena vid de tre aktuella adresserna. Därav utformades två frågeställningar för att besvara huruvida tryggheten har ökat alternativt minskat efter tillämpningen av ”Trygga trappan” samt huruvida arbetsmodellen har varit effektiv för de tre involverade parterna. För att besvara frågeställningarna har en flermetodsforskning brukats i form av intervjuer, sekundärdata samt brottsstatistik. De centrala resultaten har påvisat att tryggheten har ökat bland de boendena sedan arbetsmodellens tillämpning. Resultaten har även antytt att arbetsmodellen har varit effektiv för kommunen, Polismyndigheten samt fastighetsägaren. / This degree project is a task assigned by the Development Center South in Malmö, Sweden and concerns a crime-preventive work model, called "Trygga trappan". This work model has been applied at three addresses in Malmö that had problems with unlawful intrusion and vandalization. This work model was designed through a cooperation between the municipality, the property owner and the police authority with the aim of eliminating unlawful intrusion in the stairways of the buildings. The offenders were adolescents who, among other things, vandalized the stairways and handled drugs there. This generated a lack of safety for the accommodations at the three current addresses. Hence two questions were formulated to answer whether the safety has increased or decreased after the application of "Trygga trappan" and whether the work model has yielded positive results for the three involved parties. To answer these questions, a multi-method approach has been used and data has been collected through interviews, questionnaires and crime statistics. The central results have shown that the safety has increased among the residents since the work model's application. The results have also suggested that the work model has been positive for the municipality, the police authority and the property owner.

Kronvittnessystemet : En stärkt rättsprocess eller ett ogenomtänkt politiskt krafttag? / The crown witness system : - A strengthened legal process or an ill-considered political force

Grelsson, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
No description available.


Törnhage, Robert January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att titta på kriminalitet, brottsutsatthet och narkotika ien ungdomsgrupp. Även samband mellan dessa tre variabler studerades. Dettagjordes genom en enkätstudie som besvarades av gymnasieungdomar i åldrarna16-21 år. Tidigare forskning på området visar att den mest förekommandenarkotikasorten som ungdomar provar är marijuana. Lindrigare stöldbrott, somsnatteri, är enligt tidigare studier det vanligaste brottet. 12,7 % av deltagarna idenna studie har någon gång provat narkotika och det vanligaste brottet somungdomar har begått är lindrigare stöldbrott. I studien kommer vi fram till att detfinns ett samband, både mellan kriminalitet och narkotikaanvändning, ochbrottsutsatthet och narkotikaanvändning. Sambandet med att ha provat narkotikavar starkare för den egna kriminaliteten jämfört med brottsutsattheten. Socialtumgänge hade en korrelation med narkotikaanvändning där de som umgicks mermed sina vänner och ”driver runt” oftare hade provat narkotika. / The purpose with this study was to look at crime, victimization and narcotics in ayouth group. The correlation between these three variables was studied as well.This was done by doing a survey that was answered by high school students in theage between 16-21 years old. Previous research in this area has come to theconclusion that the most frequent kind of narcotics being used by youths ismarijuana. Kinds of larceny, like shoplifting, is according to previous research themost common crime performed by youths. 12, 7 % of the participants have usedsome type of narcotics and the most common crime in this youth group waslarceny. In the study we find a correlation, both between crime and use ofnarcotics, as well as between victimization and having tried narcotics. Thecorrelation between narcotic use and victimizations was stronger then the onebetween narcotics and crime. Social company had a correlation with usingnarcotics where the ones that spent more time with their friends “doing nothing”more often had used narcotics.


Milovic, Aleksandar, Sadikovic, Mladen January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats innehåller en kvantitativ studie som syftar till att undersöka det kriminologiska fenomenet edges enligt Brantingham & Brantingham (1993). Edges är förklarade som en kriminogen miljö som attraherar ett högt antal predatory crimes (a.a.).Studien var utförd i en svensk kontext i staden Malmö, där nio centrala delområden inkluderades, bestående av totalt 218 gator: Gamla Staden, Lugnet, Möllevången, Norra Sofielund, Rådmansvången, Södervärn, Södra Sofielund, Västra Sorgenfri och Östra Sorgenfri. Antalet anmälda personrån under en treårsperiod (2013-2015) jämfördes med edges, bestående av de nämnda 218 gatorna som via observationer blivit indelade i tre kategorier (ingen edge, svag edge och skarp edge). Syftet med studien var att undersöka om där existerar ett signifikant samband mellan predatory crimes och edges.Resultaten visade att där finns ett svagt signifikant samband mellan antalet personrån och edges. Forskarna för studien upptäckte även att där kanske existerar ett samband mellan längden på en gata och huruvida gatan är en edge eller inte. Studiens slutsats är att mera vetenskaplig forskning rörande edges i en svensk kontext behövs i syfte att kunna fastställa ifall fenomenet är av vikt för svensk kriminologi. / This paper contains a quantitative study which aims to examine the criminological phenomena edges according to Brantingham & Brantingham (1993). Edges are explained as a criminogenic environment, which attracts a high number of predatory crimes (a.a.).The study was performed in a Swedish context in the city of Malmö, including nine central districts consisting of a total of 218 streets: Gamla Staden, Lugnet, Möllevången, Norra Sofielund, Rådmansvången, Södervärn, Södra Sofielund, Västra Sorgenfri and Östra Sorgenfri. The number of reported person robberies during a three year period (2013-2015) were compared to edges, consisting of the mentioned 218 streets who trough observations were split into three categories of edges (no edge, weak edge and sharp edge). The aim with the study was to examine if there exists a significant relation between predatory crimes and edges.The results showed that there is an existing but weak significant relation between the number of reported person robberies and edges. The scientists of the study also discovered that there may exist a relation between the length of the streets and whether the streets are an edge or not. The conclusion from the study is that more scientific research concerning edges in a Swedish context is needed in aim to have the ability to conclude if the phenomena is of real importance for Swedish criminology.

Mellan det osynliga och påtagliga : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om yrkesverksammas narrativ om våldsbejakande extremism inom Stockholms stad / Between the invisible and the tangible : A qualitative interview study on proffesionals' narratives about violent extremism within the city of Stockholm

Tanoukhi, Nour January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Politiken och knarket : En kvalitativ jämförande studie om hur Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna skildrat narkotikafrågan under 1970- och 2020-talet

Petters, Hans, Holst, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

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