Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1earning design"" "subject:"1earning 1design""
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Learning design baseado em padrões pedagógicos para a elaboração de objetos de aprendizagem generativos : uma aplicação no ensino em designBruno, Fernando Batista January 2011 (has links)
As disciplinas de projeto requerem uma grande variedade de conhecimentos para sua realização. Para atender às necessidades didático-pedagógicas do ensino de projeto de produto, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem deve contar com material educacional capaz de fornecer ao aluno todas as informações necessárias para o seu desenvolvimento. A utilização de objetos de aprendizagem pode facilitar o processo de produção e entrega de materiais educacionais, assim como sua reutilização e recontextualização em diferentes cenários. Tal processo é possibilitado pelo atual estágio de desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs), que permitem fácil acesso a produtos e serviços a elas relacionados. As TICs, aliadas às teorias de design instrucional, proporcionam o surgimento de novas gerações de Ensino a Distância (EaD), que agregam conteúdos educacionais a serviços baseados na web. Tal combinação dá origem a uma modalidade híbrida de ensino, unindo ferramentas de ensino presencial e a distância (Blended Learning). Este trabalho propõe uma ferramenta para a elaboração e a disponibilização de objetos de aprendizagem generativos integrada ao sistema HyperCAL online (sistema de comunicação e distribuição de conteúdo, baseado na web, desenvolvido e utilizado pelo Departamento de Design e Expressão Gráfica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul — DEG-UFRGS). Desta forma, estes objetos podem ser reutilizados e recontextualizados para a elaboração de materiais educacionais. Nesta ferramenta, os objetos de aprendizagem generativos são estruturas construídas em XML, baseados no conceito learning design, funcionando como uma camada de interação entre os outros tipos de objeto de aprendizagem, organizando o conteúdo a ser disponibilizado. Para fins de validação da ferramenta criada, foi proposto um protótipo de unidade de aprendizagem de Projeto de Produto. Este protótipo teve como base um leaming design elaborado a partir de Padrões Pedagógicos levantados na fundamentação teórica do presente trabalho. Estes Padrões foram analisados, selecionados e organizados dentro de uma Linguagem de Padrões construída por um grupo de professores que atuam em disciplina do DEG-UFRGS, ligadas às linguagens e práticas de projeto, através das técnicas de cardsorting e grupo focal. / Design courses require a wide range of knowledge for its realization. To meet the needs of the didactic and pedagogical teaching of industrial design, the teaching-learning process must have educational material able to provide the student with all the information necessary for their development. The use of learning objects can facilitate the process of production and delivery of educational materials and their reuse and recontextualization in different scenarios. Such process is due to the current development stage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which allow easy access to products and services related to them. ICTs, combined with instructional design theories, lead to the emergence of new generations of distance learning, which add educational content to web based services. From this combination rises a hybrid mode of education, which combines tools for face-toface and distance learning (Blended Learning). This research proposes a tool for the development and provision of generative learning objects integrated into HyperCAL online (a web-based system of communication and content distribution, developed and used by the Departamento de Design e Expressão Gráfica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - DEG-UFRGS). Thus, these objects can be reused and recontextualized for the development of educational materials. In this tool, the generative learning objects are structures built on XML, based on the learning design concept, running as an interaction layer between the other types of learning object, organizing the content to be available. For the validation of the tool set, a prototype unit of learning of industrial design was proposed. This prototype was based on a learning design made upon pedagogical patterns raised in the theoretical foundation of this work. These patterns were analyzed, selected and arranged in a pattern language, built by a group of teachers who work in the disciplines of the DEG-UFRGS linked to the industrial design activity, through the card sorting and focus group techniques.
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Helklasskommunikation i problemlösning : En designstudie kring utformningen av en helklasskommunikation av hög kvalitet / Whole-class communication in problem solving : A design study about the design of a high quality whole-class communicationFrisk, Hanna, Johansson, Emma, Karlsson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Denna designstudie fokuserar på helklasskommunikation kring problemlösning. Syftet med studien är att praktiskt pröva designprinciper för hur en helklasskommunikation bör utformas för att uppnå en hög kvalitet samt hur elever synliggör ett teckenskapande. Studien bygger på den multimodala socialsemiotiska teorin och modellen Learning Design Sequences. Denna designstudie innehåller tre cykler som bygger på varandra, vilket innebär att en process upprepas på liknande sätt i varje cykel. Cyklerna är inriktade på lektioner med fokus på helklasskommunikation. En cykel innefattar en planeringsfas, ett genomförande och en analys kring designprinciperna. Studiens inledande designprinciper utformas utifrån tidigare forskning. Lektionerna planeras och genomförs av studiens författare i en årskurs tre. För att kunna analysera lektionerna och eventuellt ta fram nya designprinciper genomförs observationer. I studiens resultat presenteras prövandet av designprinciper för utformningen av en helklasskommunikation av hög kvalitet som resulterar i sex slutgiltiga designprinciper. I resultatet presenteras även hur eleverna genom arbetet med problemlösningsuppgifter och helklasskommunikation synliggör ett teckenskapande. Resultatet stärker den tidigare forskningen i stor omfattning eftersom den genom denna studie visats fungera i praktiken. Däremot synliggör resultatet även faktorer som inte berörts i den tidigare forskningen. Denna designstudie kan användas som en utgångspunkt vid utformningen av helklasskommunikation kring problemlösning. Resultatet går däremot inte att generalisera i en ny kontext eftersom flera aspekter kan skilja elever och lärare jämfört med de som deltagit i denna studie.
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Designing for students’ self-reflection in online learning settings : A mixed method studyCarrasco Ringmar, Gabriel January 2021 (has links)
Shifting from traditional face-to-face education to online mode of education (or online learning) presents several challenges, such as increased difficulty for students to get immediate feedback and lack of social interaction. To tackle these challenges, supporting learners' self-reflection process is seen to be crucial to help students achieve academic success. Students in higher academic institutions are generally not exposed during their education to self-reflection, and it is a skill that teachers consider many students lack. However, there is a lack of studies that focus on self-reflection in online environments. In this paper we aim to investigate in what ways can online learning platforms support university students’ self-reflection. In this study a self-reflection tool was developed for an online environment and evaluated through a set of iterations in a mixed method approach. A total of three iterations were conducted, with their respective evaluations. Results show that participants perceived a clear improvement of their learning process through self-reflection. Findings also show that there are a few requirements not present in traditional self-reflection tools, which suggest a clear need for self-reflective methods tailored to learners' needs. / Skiftet från traditionell salsundervisning till nätbaserad kunskapsförmedling innebär många utmaningar, t.ex. det är svårare för elever att få omedelbar feedback och de saknar socialt utbyte. För att komma tillrätta med de här utmaningarna anses det viktigt att den som studerar får stöd genom självskattning, för att målen för studierna ska kunna uppnås. Den som studerar på högre nivå får sällan tillfälle till kunskapssjälvskattning under sin utbildning och lärare anser att det är kunskaper som många studenter inte besitter. Samtidigt saknas det studier som fokuserar på självskattning i en nätbaserad studiemiljö. I den här uppsatsen så undersöks hur utbildningsplattformar online kan främja universitetsstuderandes självskattning. För undersökningen har ett verktyg för självskattning inom nätbaserad undervisning utvecklats, ett verktyg som utvärderats genom en serie iterationer och tillämpning av mixad metod. Totalt har tre olika iterationer genomförts med respektive utvärdering. Resultaten visar att deltagarna upplevde att deras inlärningsprocess tydligt förbättrades med hjälp av självskattningen. Svaren visar också att vissa förutsättningar saknas i traditionella självskattningsverktyg och det i sin tur pekar tydligt på att det behövs metoder för självskattning som är anpassade efter elevernas behov.
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Design of a learner-directed e-learning modelLee, Stella January 2014 (has links)
How can one create online educational material that support and motivate students in guiding their own learning and make meaningful instructional decisions? One of the main focuses on designing e-learning is about creating an environment where learners can actively assume control and take responsibility for their own learning with little or no guidance from the tutors. This research aims to discover a new way to design learning that would cater to individual choices and preferences. The idea goes beyond learner-centred design; it is about learner control and direction. As an option, learners should be able to choose to be in the driver’s seat, to direct their own learning journey. As a starting point, this research explores the use of two educational theories - Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) theory as the underpinning instructional design for a Learner-Directed Model to support students’ online learning in both domain knowledge and meta knowledge in the subject of computer programming. One unit material from an online Introduction to Java Programming course has been redesigned based on the proposed Learner-Directed Model for the experimental design study. The study involved a total of 35 participants divided randomly into one Experimental Group and one Control Group. They were assigned to either a Learner-Directed Model (Experimental Group) or a linear model (Control Group). Pre/post tests, survey, follow-up interview as well as log file analysis were instruments used for assessing students’ domain knowledge, meta knowledge and their attitudes for their overall learning experience. Learning experience is further broken down into perceived ease of use and user satisfaction; system usability; learner experience; and perceived controllability. The results of the study have revealed that there is statistically significant difference between the survey results for the Experimental Group and the Control Group. The Experimental Group reported a higher level of overall learning experience and better attitudes in general. However, there was no statistically significant difference existing between the two groups on the domain and meta level knowledge improvement. Based on these results, I have proposed further research directions and put forward a number of recommendations and suggestions on learner-directed e-learning design.
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A contribution to the process of designing for learning in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) / Uma contribuição ao processo de design de aprendizagem em Cursos Online Abertos e Massivos (MOOCs)Fassbinder, Aracele Garcia de Oliveira 03 July 2018 (has links)
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) hold the potential to open up educational opportunities and learning experiences to a global audience by combining recent technological advances with technology-enhanced learning. In general, MOOCs are considered online courses that require no prior qualifications for entry, can be accessed by anyone, and attract a diverse audience from a variety of learning and professional backgrounds. However, MOOC teams (including instructors and learning designers, among others) face several challenges when designing for learning in this context. In this work, two main challenges are investigated and approached, namely the lack of well-defined and validated learning design strategies to support practitioners in the MOOC development, and the poor pedagogical design models adopted in MOOCs, which are generally based on traditional classroom formats, such as teacher-centered approaches and content-based learning. Thus, the purpose of this work is to propose a learning design strategy, named Learning Design Framework for MOOCs (LDF4MOOCs), which is grounded on Software Engineering mechanisms and systematic procedures to ensure the standardization and the productivity of all the aspects involved in the MOOC development process. LDF4MOOCs consists of: (i) a MOOC Life Cycle process, which describes fundamental steps to plan, offer, and evaluate a MOOC; (ii) an Educational Design Pattern Language for MOOCs, which is based on problems and recurring solutions to solve the main activities described in the life cycle; and (iii) the related supporting resources. LDF4MOOCs is also pedagogically informed by Flipped Learning ideas, including active learning strategies, self-regulated learning, competency-based design, learner-centered learning, among others. LDF4MOOCs and its elements were evaluated through an experimental study, three case studies, and two expert reviews as internal evaluation methods. Additionally, a field evaluation with educators using the framework as a guide to design their MOOCs was considered as an external evaluation method. The obtained results indicated that LDF4MOOCs has a positive impact on the design for learning in MOOCs, suggesting that our strategy can be effectively applied to support and enhance MOOC development. / Cursos Online Abertos e Massivos (MOOCs) possuem o potencial de abrir oportunidades educacionais e experiências de aprendizado para um público global, combinando os avanços tecnológicos recentes e a aprendizagem mediada pela tecnologia. Em geral, eles são considerados cursos virtuais que não exigem qualificações prévias para a entrada, podem ser acessados por qualquer pessoa e atraem um público diversificado, com uma variedade de experiências e qualificações profissionais. No entanto, equipes responsáveis por desenvolverem MOOCs (incluindo instrutores e projetistas de aprendizagem, entre outros) deparam-se com vários desafios ao projetar para a aprendizagem nesse contexto. Neste trabalho, duas lacunas principais são investigadas e abordadas: a falta de estratégias de projeto de aprendizagem bem definidas e validadas para apoiar os profissionais no desenvolvimento de MOOCs; e as limitações nos modelos de projeto pedagógico adotados, geralmente baseados em formatos tradicionais de sala de aula, tais como abordagens centradas no professor e a aprendizagem baseada em conteúdo. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor e validar uma estratégia de projeto de aprendizagem denominada Learning Design Framework for MOOCs (LDF4MOOCs), baseada em mecanismos de Engenharia de Software e procedimentos sistemáticos para garantir a padronização e a produtividade de todos os aspectos envolvidos no processo de desenvolvimento de MOOCs. LDF4MOOCs consiste em: (i) um processo do ciclo de vida para MOOCs, que descreve etapas fundamentais para planejar, oferecer e avaliar um MOOC; (ii) uma Linguagem de Padrões de Projeto Educacional para MOOCs, baseada em problemas e soluções recorrentes para resolver as principais atividades descritas no ciclo de vida; e (iii) recursos de apoio relacionados. LDF4MOOCs também é pedagogicamente informado pelas ideias de Flipped Learning, incluindo estratégias de aprendizagem ativa, aprendizado autorregulado, projeto baseado em competências, aprendizado centrado no aluno, entre outros. O framework e seus elementos foram validados internamente por meio de um estudo experimental, três estudos de caso e duas revisões por especialistas. Adicionalmente, um estudo de campo envolvendo educadores que usaram o LDF4MOOCs como uma guia para desenvolver seus MOOCs foi utilizado como método de validação externa. Os resultados obtidos indicam que LDF4MOOCs apresenta um impacto positivo no projeto de aprendizagem para MOOCs, sugerindo que tal estratégia pode ser efetivamente aplicada para apoiar e melhorar o desenvolvimento de MOOCs.
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A contribution to the process of designing for learning in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) / Uma contribuição ao processo de design de aprendizagem em Cursos Online Abertos e Massivos (MOOCs)Aracele Garcia de Oliveira Fassbinder 03 July 2018 (has links)
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) hold the potential to open up educational opportunities and learning experiences to a global audience by combining recent technological advances with technology-enhanced learning. In general, MOOCs are considered online courses that require no prior qualifications for entry, can be accessed by anyone, and attract a diverse audience from a variety of learning and professional backgrounds. However, MOOC teams (including instructors and learning designers, among others) face several challenges when designing for learning in this context. In this work, two main challenges are investigated and approached, namely the lack of well-defined and validated learning design strategies to support practitioners in the MOOC development, and the poor pedagogical design models adopted in MOOCs, which are generally based on traditional classroom formats, such as teacher-centered approaches and content-based learning. Thus, the purpose of this work is to propose a learning design strategy, named Learning Design Framework for MOOCs (LDF4MOOCs), which is grounded on Software Engineering mechanisms and systematic procedures to ensure the standardization and the productivity of all the aspects involved in the MOOC development process. LDF4MOOCs consists of: (i) a MOOC Life Cycle process, which describes fundamental steps to plan, offer, and evaluate a MOOC; (ii) an Educational Design Pattern Language for MOOCs, which is based on problems and recurring solutions to solve the main activities described in the life cycle; and (iii) the related supporting resources. LDF4MOOCs is also pedagogically informed by Flipped Learning ideas, including active learning strategies, self-regulated learning, competency-based design, learner-centered learning, among others. LDF4MOOCs and its elements were evaluated through an experimental study, three case studies, and two expert reviews as internal evaluation methods. Additionally, a field evaluation with educators using the framework as a guide to design their MOOCs was considered as an external evaluation method. The obtained results indicated that LDF4MOOCs has a positive impact on the design for learning in MOOCs, suggesting that our strategy can be effectively applied to support and enhance MOOC development. / Cursos Online Abertos e Massivos (MOOCs) possuem o potencial de abrir oportunidades educacionais e experiências de aprendizado para um público global, combinando os avanços tecnológicos recentes e a aprendizagem mediada pela tecnologia. Em geral, eles são considerados cursos virtuais que não exigem qualificações prévias para a entrada, podem ser acessados por qualquer pessoa e atraem um público diversificado, com uma variedade de experiências e qualificações profissionais. No entanto, equipes responsáveis por desenvolverem MOOCs (incluindo instrutores e projetistas de aprendizagem, entre outros) deparam-se com vários desafios ao projetar para a aprendizagem nesse contexto. Neste trabalho, duas lacunas principais são investigadas e abordadas: a falta de estratégias de projeto de aprendizagem bem definidas e validadas para apoiar os profissionais no desenvolvimento de MOOCs; e as limitações nos modelos de projeto pedagógico adotados, geralmente baseados em formatos tradicionais de sala de aula, tais como abordagens centradas no professor e a aprendizagem baseada em conteúdo. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor e validar uma estratégia de projeto de aprendizagem denominada Learning Design Framework for MOOCs (LDF4MOOCs), baseada em mecanismos de Engenharia de Software e procedimentos sistemáticos para garantir a padronização e a produtividade de todos os aspectos envolvidos no processo de desenvolvimento de MOOCs. LDF4MOOCs consiste em: (i) um processo do ciclo de vida para MOOCs, que descreve etapas fundamentais para planejar, oferecer e avaliar um MOOC; (ii) uma Linguagem de Padrões de Projeto Educacional para MOOCs, baseada em problemas e soluções recorrentes para resolver as principais atividades descritas no ciclo de vida; e (iii) recursos de apoio relacionados. LDF4MOOCs também é pedagogicamente informado pelas ideias de Flipped Learning, incluindo estratégias de aprendizagem ativa, aprendizado autorregulado, projeto baseado em competências, aprendizado centrado no aluno, entre outros. O framework e seus elementos foram validados internamente por meio de um estudo experimental, três estudos de caso e duas revisões por especialistas. Adicionalmente, um estudo de campo envolvendo educadores que usaram o LDF4MOOCs como uma guia para desenvolver seus MOOCs foi utilizado como método de validação externa. Os resultados obtidos indicam que LDF4MOOCs apresenta um impacto positivo no projeto de aprendizagem para MOOCs, sugerindo que tal estratégia pode ser efetivamente aplicada para apoiar e melhorar o desenvolvimento de MOOCs.
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Filmens roll i svenskundervisningen : En studie av lärares förhållningssätt till mediet i gymnasieskolanDahlin- Jones, Annelie, Janusiewicz, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är en fördjupning i och undersökning av filmens potential som didaktisk redskap i gymnasieskolans svenskundervisning och i vilken utsträckning mediet används. Multimodal teoribildning har studerats och en extensiv litteraturgenomgång genomförts för att identifiera möjliga användningsområden för film. Kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare som är verksamma i svenskämnet i gymnasieskolan idag har utförts. Det huvudsakliga resultatet från studien belyser att lärare är positivt inställda till att använda film i sin undervisning och gör det till viss del, men att det behövs mer vägledning och struktur runt både konsumtion och produktion av film för att lärarna ska kunna nyttja dess fulla multimodala och didaktiska potential i klassrummet.
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Investigating the Role of Student Ownership in the Design of Student-facing Learning Analytics Dashboards (SFLADs) in Relation to Student Perceptions of SFLADsJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Learning analytics application is evolving into a student-facing solution. Student-facing learning analytics dashboards (SFLADs), as one popular application, occupies a pivotal position in online learning. However, the application of SFLADs faces challenges due to teacher-centered and researcher-centered approaches. The majority of SFLADs report student learning data to teachers, administrators, and researchers without direct student involvement in the design of SFLADs. The primary design criteria of SFLADs is developing interactive and user-friendly interfaces or sophisticated algorithms that analyze the collected data about students’ learning activities in various online environments. However, if students are not using these tools, then analytics about students are not useful. In response to this challenge, this study focuses on investigating student perceptions regarding the design of SFLADs aimed at providing ownership over learning. The study adopts an approach to design-based research (DBR; Barab, 2014) called the Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF; Bannan-Ritland, 2003). The theoretical conjectures and the definition of student ownership are both framed by Self-determination theory (SDT), including four concepts of academic motivation. There are two parts of the design in this study, including prototypes design and intervention design. They are guided by a general theory-based inference which is student ownership will improve student perceptions of learning in an autonomy-supportive SFLAD context. A semi-structured interview is used to gather student perceptions regarding the design of SFLADs aimed at providing ownership over learning. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Educational Psychology 2019
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Att arbeta med matematiska representationer : Hur funkar det? / To work with mathematical representations : How does it work?Jonasson, Amanda, Nilsson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna empiriska studie är att undersöka utvecklingen av elevers förmåga att använda och transformera olika matematiska representationsformer genom att skapa en sekvens av lektioner. De matematiska representationsformerna som presenteras och analyseras i denna studie är bilder, laborativt material, text, matematiska symboler och verklighetsförankring. Learning Design Sequences är en modell som i den här studien ligger till grund för arbetet och används som både planerings- och analysverktyg. Lektionerna har planerats utifrån de tre stadierna i Learning Design Sequences, förutsättningar och iscensättning, första transformationscykeln och andra transformationscykeln. För denna studie har tre cykler skapats som bygger på varandra, där varje cyklisk process består av planering, genomförande och analys. Cyklerna består av lektioner utformade för att synliggöra transformering och formering i arbetet med matematiska representationsformer. Lektionerna planerades och genomfördes av författarna i en årskurs ett med 12 elever där undervisningsmaterial och ramar anpassades till den specifika kontexten. För att analysera och kunna dra slutsatser spelades lektionerna in på film i kombination med observation. Elevernas dokumenterade lösningar ligger också till grund för analys och slutsatser. Resultatet stärker tidigare forskning då de lektionssekvenser som skapats och genomförts i den här studien visats fungera i praktiken. Resultatet visar att lektionsstrukturen, utifrån Learning Design Sequences, varit till stor nytta och skapat möjligheter för eleverna att transformera och formera mellan olika matematiska representationsformer. Då resultatet visat att eleverna fått möjlighet och att de klarat genomföra transformeringar och formeringar kan slutsatsen dras att eleverna även visat tecken på lärande. En annan viktig slutsats som kan dras utifrån resultatet är att ett interaktivt arbete med matematiska representationsformer gynnar elevers lärande.
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Designprocessen och maskininlärning: Framtiden för användarcentrerad designGärdhammar, Lisa Marie Karin January 2024 (has links)
Artificiell intelligens (AI) och i synnerhet maskininlärning (ML) har inom UX-design visat potential att förbättra designprocessen genom att exempelvis identifiera användargrupper från stora datamängder, effektivisera idégenerering och automatisera repetitiva uppgifter. Det råder dock oenighet kring hur tekniken kan integreras i designprocessen. En viktig del av en designers arbete är att konsekvent prioritera användarbehov och därigenom förbättra användartillfredsställelsen. Därför försöker designers empatiskt sätta sig in i användarnas situation genom att identifiera deras behov och noggrant utforska potentiella problemområden. En visualiseringsteknik som ofta används av designers för att utveckla och förstå användarupplevelsen är journey mapping (JM). JM är dock en mycket resurskrävande process då den förutsätter nära samarbete mellan olika avdelningar och team. Trots detta visar forskning att de flesta designers inte integrerar element relaterade till insikter i sina kartor, vilka ofta är avgörande för att omvandla JM från visuell berättelse till handlingsplan. Integreringen av ML i JM-processen skulle potentiellt kunna möjliggöra en snabbare, mer datadriven och anpassningsbar designprocess som fokuserar mer på användarnas behov och önskemål. Utmaningen ligger i att smidigt integrera tekniken utan att förlora mänskliga perspektiv och tolkningar, vilka är grundläggande för användarcentrerad design. Denna studie fokuserar på att utforska sätt att integrera ML i delar av designprocessen för att möta utmaningarna som uppstår vid strävan efter användarcentrerad design i en resurskrävande miljö. För att uppnå en djupgående och strukturerad förståelse av samspelet mellan designprocessen, empatiskapande samt ML valdes en systematisk litteraturgranskning som den primära datainsamlingsmetoden samt tematisk analys som dataanalysmetod för denna studie. Målet är att utifrån detta resultat presentera praktiska rekommendationer, baserat på sammanställning av befintlig forskning, för hur JM-processen kan omformas och göras mer ML-driven. Genom en omfattande litteratursökning inhämtades data, vilken genomgick kvalitetsbedömning. Därefter genomfördes en inkludering- och exkluderingsprocess i enlighet med förutbestämda kriterier. Detta resulterade i 13 utvalda dokument, från vilka mönster och teman extraherades genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet visade på vikten av samskapande mellan människa och maskin för att möjliggöra en ansvarsfull designprocess. I resultaten presenteras även tekniska möjligheter och dilemman, där ML exempelvis kan automatisera repetitiva uppgifter och möjliggöra kontinuerlig övervakning och utvärdering av användarupplevelsen över tid. Dock kräver detta omfattande och representativa träningsdataset för att konstruera ML-modeller med hög generaliseringsförmåga gentemot nya och komplexa data. Resultaten belyser också bristen på förståelse för ML bland UX-designers och betonar vikten av samarbete med datavetare för att skapa en effektiv designprocess. Utifrån dessa resultat presenteras rekommendationer för en ML-driven JM-process. Även om UX-rollen troligtvis behöver omdefinieras, framhåller resultaten att kulturen inom UX-designprocessen snarare är "dataaktiverad" än helt datadriven. Detta perspektiv understryker det fortsatta behovet av mänsklig intuition och förståelse trots den ökade inriktningen på datadrivna metoder. Slutligen diskuteras hur framtida forskning skulle kunna inrikta sig på att utvärdera rekommendationernas praktiska tillämpbarhet. / Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Machine Learning (ML), has demonstrated potential within UX design to enhance the design process by identifying user groups from extensive datasets, streamlining idea generation, and automating repetitive tasks. However, there is ongoing debate about the integration of this technology in the design process. A crucial aspect of a designer's work is consistently prioritizing user needs to enhance user satisfaction. Designers strive to empathetically understand user situations by identifying their needs and meticulously exploring potential problem areas. One commonly used visualization technique employed by designers to develop and understand user experiences is Journey Mapping (JM). However, JM is a resource-intensive process, requiring close collaboration across different departments and teams for extensive data collection. Despite this, research indicates that most designers do not integrate elements related to insights into their maps, crucial for transforming JM from a visual narrative to an actionable plan. Integrating ML into the JM process could potentially enable a faster, more data-driven, and adaptable design process, effectively focusing on user needs and desires. The challenge lies in seamlessly integrating the technology without losing the human perspectives and interpretations fundamental to user-centered design. This study focuses on exploring ways to integrate ML into parts of the design process to address challenges in pursuing user-centered design in a resource-intensive environment. A systematic literature review was chosen as the primary data collection method, with thematic analysis employed as the data analysis method. The aim was to present practical recommendations based on a compilation of existing research on the design process, making the JM process more MLdriven. Through an extensive literature search, data was gathered and subjected to quality assessment. Subsequently, an inclusion and exclusion process were conducted according to predetermined criteria, resulting in 13 selected documents. Patterns and themes were extracted through thematic analysis. The results emphasize the importance of co-creation between humans and machines to enable a responsible design process. Technical possibilities and dilemmas are also presented, highlighting ML's ability to automate repetitive tasks and facilitate continuous monitoring and evaluation of user experience over time. However, this requires comprehensive and representative training datasets to construct ML models with high generalization ability to new and complex data. The results also underscore the lack of ML understanding among UX designers and emphasize the importance of collaboration with data scientists for an efficient design process. Recommendations for an ML-driven JM process are presented based on these findings. While the UX role may need redefinition, the results emphasize a "data-activated" culture within the UX design process rather than being entirely data-driven. This perspective underscores the ongoing need for human intuition and understanding despite the increased focus on data-driven methods. Finally, the discussion explores how future research could evaluate the practical applicability of the recommendations.
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