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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Criminal liability of legal persons: a comparative study between Spain and Peru / La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas: un estudio comparado entre España y el Perú

Fernández Díaz, Carmen Rocío, Chanjan Documet, Rafael Hernando 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper studies the criminal liability of legal persons, which has suffered a deep reform with the organic law 1/2015, after being introduced in Spain in 2010. This reform has brought important modifications and news, as the creation of an exemption of liability through the adoption of compliance programs, which supposes a change in the so called model of transfer of liability, that existed before. Parallel to this transformation in the Spanish criminal code, in Peru recently the law 30424 has come into forth, which contents a corporate liability model, very similar to the one foreseen in Spain. Both models of liability and the possibility of its exemption raise doubts about if they really tried to penalize legal persons or not. / El presente trabajo estudia la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas en España, la cual, después de haberse introducido en el año 2010, ha sufrido una reforma de hondo calado con la ley orgánica 1/2015. Esta ha conllevado importantes modificaciones y novedades, como la creación de una eximente de responsabilidad mediante la adopción de programas de cumplimiento, que ha supuesto un cambio en el antes existente modelo de transferencia de responsabilidad. Paralelamente a esta transformación que ha tenido lugar en el Código Penal español, en el Perú recientemente se ha aprobado la ley 30424, que crea un modelo de responsabilidad para las personas jurídicas muy similar al previsto en España. Ambos modelos de responsabilidad y la posibilidad de su exención plantean la duda de si realmente se pretende responsabilizar penalmente a las personas jurídicas o no.

Lidská práva právnických osob dle EÚLP / Human rights of legal persons according to the ECHR

Veverka, Josef January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of human rights of legal persons according to the ECHR. In addition to natural persons, legal persons are holders of fundamental rights and freedoms. These rights are so important that they are worthy of protection, not only at national level, but also at regional and universal level. For 47 European countries, the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms is ensured by an international organization called the Council of Europe. Within the Council of Europe, there is a European Court of Human Rights established under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950. Natural persons and, where the nature of the fundamental rights and freedoms set out in the Convention and its protocols allow, also legal persons lodge complaints with this court. Using a descriptive, comparative, and analytical method, this thesis aims to comprehensively present the legal person in the role of an individual applicant to the ECtHR, paying special attention to the case-law of the ECtHR, specifically judgments on legal persons' applications against the Czech Republic. The work is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the concept of a legal person as such, while further describing its role as an individual applicant to the ECtHR,...

Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal proceedings against law entities

Jonák, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Criminal proceedings against law entities Summary The Act no. 418/2011 Coll., Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings Against Them came into force on 1st January 2012. Up until that point the legal entities could not have been prosecuted for crimes, because we had only personal liability in our country. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to research the procedural part of Act no. 418/2011 Coll., the criminal liability of legal entities and proceedings against them in more detailed way, especially discuss the specific differences in criminal procedure against legal entities, which differ from the general provisions in criminal procedure against natural persons. These specific differences contain provisions of provisional and protective measures, acts of legal entities, defense of legal entities and specific executions of punishments, which can be inflicted only to legal entities. This thesis mentions legal acts of international law, legal acts of European Union law and legal acts of national law. Moreover, the thesis contains references to articles and publications by notorious Czech criminal law experts, who research the problematics of the criminal responsibility of legal entities. This thesis includes some important judicial decisions, which were issued and are related to criminal...

Essai sur l’être en droit privé / Essay about beings in private law

Anciaux, Nicolas 04 December 2018 (has links)
Sous la bannière de « l’être », le discours du Droit et son interprétation rallient hommes, embryons, robots, animaux, personnes morales et entreprises : il réunit ceux qui agissent tant dans le réel que dans la sphère juridique. En mobilisant concepts et techniques de qualification, le Droit leur réserve un destin différent. Un système cohérent s’élevant de l’être émerge. L’étude de la personnalité juridique, concept analytique et fondamental, permet d’observer le destin des êtres dans le monde juridique. Elle est une abstraction tantôt d’ordre égalitariste, lorsque des hommes en bénéficient, tantôt d’ordre finaliste, lorsque des groupements en jouissent. Tous les êtres du discours du Droit ne relèvent pas de la qualification de personne. Mais parce que l’existence est, pour les hommes, une expérience corporelle, le corps humain mérite exploration : son étude complète le système de l’être. Entre personne et chose, la qualification de l’enveloppe charnelle commande de distinguer le statut du corps vivant en « entier » de celui de ses émanations. Le pouvoir de la personne sur son corps est distinct de celui qu’elle exerce sur ses émanations. / Under the banner of « beings », men, embryos, robots, animals, legal persons and firms are named as such by the law and those who interpretate it. This word unites those who act both in the reality and within the legal « world ». Through its concepts and qualification technics, private law grants them a separate fate. A coherent system arises. The study of legal personnality, regarded both as an analytical and basic concept, reveals the fate of theses beings in private law. When granted to men, legal personnality is an egalitarian abstraction ; when granted to organizations it is a specialized abstraction. All « beings » in private law do not rise to the status of « person ». But human existence is a bodily experience. Only the study of the legal status of human body will complement the system. The status on the humain body differs whether the whole body or its elements are considered : it varies between property and person.

Diplomatická ochrana a její poskytování v mezinárodním právu / Diplomatic Protection

Mervartová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of diplomatic protection and it's use in the system of international law. The goal of this thesis is to describe the legal institute of diplomatic protection and how it is exercised and to describe both the historical development of the institute and it's future direction. The thesis is divided into five chapters that gradually develop and analyse the topic. The first chapter deals with the definition of the legal term diplomatic protection and it's content. It also lists the conditions under which the diplomatic protection can be exercised. Part of the chapter deals with the history of the institute and also speaks about some legal institutes similar to diplomatic protection. The second chapter summarises the efforts taken in order to codify the institute and introduces Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection to the reader. This chapter also describes the current situation of usage of the institute. The third chapter is focused on exercising diplomatic protection on behalf of individual citizens. It's main focus is to list all the necessary conditions under which can diplomatic protection be used in those cases. The fourth chapter on the other hand deals with providing diplomatic protection to legal entities and the conditions of such provision. There is a...

La responsabilité pénale des personnes morales dans le domaine médical / The criminal responsibility of legal persons in the medical domaine

Gascon, Alice 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les personnes morales sont pleinement assujetties à une responsabilité pénale du fait de l'activité médicale à laquelle elles participent. Dotées en effet d'une personnalité morale punissable, il faut également constater que le domaine de l'imputabilité s'étend aux infractions médicales ou apparentées. Toutefois, le mode d'imputation indirect de l'infraction prévu par l'article 121-2 du Code pénal est identifié comme la principale cause du confinement de la responsabilité dans ce domaine. Il apparaît en effet que les professionnels de santé, dont les médecins, ne peuvent commettre une infraction pour le compte de l'entité, ceux-là ne disposant pas de la qualité d'organe ou de représentant requise par le texte. Le mécanisme impose également de rapporter la preuve de l'implication de la figure décisionnelle, ce qui se révèle particulièrement délicat. Aussi, la responsabilité doit être considérée comme inadaptée à la matière médicale. Le déploiement de la responsabilité passera donc par l'application d'un nouveau modèle d'imputation de l'infraction. Le premier, fondé sur une présomption d'implication des organes ou représentants, devra finalement être écarté en raison des nombreuses faiblesses qu'il comporte. Un second modèle, fondé sur une imputation directe de l'infraction et sur l'identification d'une faute médicale fonctionnelle, donnant lieu à une responsabilité fonctionnelle, sera finalement retenu. Un tel choix nécessitera cependant de modifier les termes de l'actuel article 121-2 du Code pénal. / Legal persons are fully subject to criminal responsibility resulting from their activities related to medical matters. Having a punishable legal personality, the scope of imputation covers all crimes in the medical domain and its neighboring crimes. Nevertheless, the indirect mode of liability adopted in article 121-2 of the French Penal Code is considered the main reason of limiting the responsibility in this area. It seems that professionals working in the health domain, including doctors, could not commit a crime for the account of the institution as they are not enjoying the quality of being an organ or representative which is required by the text to engage responsibility of legal persons. This mechanism requires also the proof of the involvement of a figure on the level of decision-making in the institution, something that is particularly sensitive. The responsibility, as such, is to be considered not well adapted to medical matters. The maintenance of a meaningful criminal responsibility calls for the application of a new model of imputing criminal liability for crimes in the medical domain. First to be mentioned is that this new model shall exclude any presumption of involvement of organs or representatives of the health institution ; such a model could be attacked from different angles. Second, the model to be adopted shall depend on direct imputation based on the identification of a functional mistake that leads to functional responsibility. However, it is to be noted that adopting this model requires a modification of the wording of article 121-2 of the French penal code.

Förtal mot juridisk person och bristen på effektiva rättsmedel i svensk rätt : Ett skadeståndsrättsligt perspektiv / Defamation of Legal Persons and the Absence of Effective Legal Remedies in Swedish Law : From a Tort Law Perspective

Huskanovic, Edina January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Yttrandefriheten utgör en av grundbultarna i en demokratisk rättsstat. I svensk rätt är den grundlagsskyddade yttrandefriheten, reglerad i TF och YGL, starkt förankrad. De inskränkningar som får göras i denna bygger på noggranna överväganden. Att utpeka annan fysisk person såsom brottslig, klandervärd i sitt levnadssätt eller eljest lämna uppgift som är ägnad att utsätta denna för andras missaktning utgör förtal. Förtal är såväl ett yttrandefrihetsbrott enligt 7 kap. 4 § p. 14 TF, som ett brott mot person enligt 5 kap. 1–2 §§ BrB. Det som den svenska förtalsregleringen syftar till att skydda är den objektiva äran: anseendet, det goda namnet och ryktet hos det potentiella offret.   I svensk rätt har intagits en ståndpunkt om att juridiska personer inte är berättigade till ett rättsligt skydd vid förtal, eftersom förtalet inte anses angripa någons anseende. Införandet av ett straffrättsligt ansvar vid förtal mot juridisk person har föreslagits, men avfärdats med motiveringen att det skulle utgöra en omotiverad inskränkning i yttrandefriheten. I vissa utländska rättssystem, vilka upprätthåller en stark yttrandefrihet, åtnjuter juridiska personer dock ett rättsligt skydd mot förtal genom straffrättslig eller civilrättslig lagstiftning. Juridiska personer åtnjuter därtill flertalet grundläggande ekonomiska och personliga fri- och rättigheter inom unions- och konventionsrätten. Av nämnda fri- och rättigheter är rätten till effektiva rättsmedel av särskild betydelse. Därtill är medlemsstater i Europeiska unionen (EU) skyldiga att tillhandahålla effektiva rättsmedel till enskilda för att säkra ett effektivt domstolsskydd. Det har ännu inte prövats huruvida en särskild civilrättslig skadeståndsreglering vid förtal mot juridisk person bör införas i svensk rätt, i syfte att skapa ett effektivt rättsmedel som är mindre benäget att inskränka yttrandefriheten.   I förevarande framställning konstateras att juridiska personer åtnjuter ett kommersiellt anseende och ett rykte som kan bli föremål för kränkningar genom förtal. Skadeverkningarna av förtal är i huvudsak ekonomiska. Svensk rätt, avseende bristen på rättsmedel vid förtal mot juridisk person, är oförenlig med unions- och konventionsrätten, eftersom den riskerar att direkt kränka juridiska personers grundläggande fri- och rättigheter. I svensk rätt existerar en möjlighet att reglera förtal mot juridisk person i skadeståndslagen (1972:207). Direkta ingrepp i den grundlagsskyddade yttrandefriheten undviks därigenom. Det särskilda civilrättsliga skyddet som i förevarande framställning föreslås, bör omfatta ogrundade uppgifter som utgör anklagelser om brott vilka har begåtts inom den juridiska personens verksamhet eller i dennas namn, eller eljest ogrundade uppgifter om specifik omständighet. Det nämnda skyddet mot förtal bör kunna göras effektivt genom införandet av en särskild skadeståndsregel.

Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal proceedings against legal entities

Novotná, Eva January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the criminal proceedings against legal persons. The main idea of this diploma thesis is to describe single juridical institute of criminal procedure which is specific for proceedings against legal persons. For better understanding is necessary to find and understate all the sources of law. The primary authorities which will be used in the criminal proceedings are above all Act of Criminal Procedure against Legal Persons, Rules of Criminal Procedure and also Constitution of the Czech Republic and Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. It is also important to looking the sources at international level. Fundamental source is European Convention on Human Rights. The thesis deals with institutes of criminal law specific for legal entities, like imputability, a person committing a crime or enumeration of criminal acts for which can be affected legal entities. The main chapter contains analysis of each section from special part of Act of Criminal Procedure against Legal Persons. Subchapters discuss some of elemental principles in criminal proceedings as local jurisdiction in criminal proceedings and principle of joint trial of a criminal case, then provisional and protective measures, procedure for the cancellation, termination and conversion of the legal entity during...

La circulation internationale des situations juridiques / The transnational movement of legal situations

Bilyachenko, Alexey 12 January 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse part d’une tendance de la jurisprudence européenne, destinée à influencer la jurisprudence nationale de droit international privé, et se trouve dans le prolongement d’un grand débat doctrinal d’actualité. Il s’agit de la méthode de reconnaissance des situations juridiques, qui suppose l’abandon de la règle de conflit de lois. L’objectif est de conceptualiser cette nouvelle méthode et d’en définir le domaine et les conditions de mise en œuvre. Vu les particularités du sujet, la recherche passe nécessairement par plusieurs thèmes fondamentaux du droit international privé mais aussi du droit européen, du droit privé général et de la théorie du droit. / Inspired by a trend in the European case law, which is meant to affect the national ones, the dissertation takes part to a topical debate among European academics on the putting aside the choice-of-law rules. It is about application of so-called recognition method to the foreign legal situations that haven’t been enacted in court. The purpose is to conceptualise this new method and to determine its scope and its modalities. Given the particularity of the task, the study necessarily bears on several pivotal topics of private international law but also of European law, general private law and jurisprudence.

La coaction en droit pénal / Co-perpetration in criminal law

Baron, Elisa 07 December 2012 (has links)
Le coauteur est traditionnellement défini en droit pénal comme l’individu qui, agissant avec un autre, réunit sur sa tête l’ensemble des éléments constitutifs de l’infraction. Pourtant, il est permis de douter de la pertinence de cette affirmation tant la jurisprudence comme la doctrine en dévoient le sens.En réalité, loin d’être cantonnée à une simple juxtaposition d’actions, la coaction doit être appréhendée comme un mode à part entière de participation à l’infraction. En effet, elle apparaît comme un titre d’imputation à mi-chemin entre l’action et la complicité, auxquelles elle emprunte certains caractères. Autrement dit, elle se révèle être un mode de participation à sa propre infraction. Surtout, son particularisme est assuré par l’interdépendance unissant les coauteurs : parce que chacun s’associe à son alter ego, tous sont placés sur un pied d’égalité. Ces différents éléments, qui se retrouvent dans sa notion et dans son régime, permettent ainsi d’affirmer la spécificité de la coaction tout en renforçant la cohérence entre les différents modes de participation criminelle. / In criminal law, the co-perpetrator is classically presented as an individual who, acting jointly with another, gathers all the constitutive elements of the offence. However, one may harbor doubts concerning the relevance of this assertion since both case law and legal scholars denature its meaning.Actually, far from being limited to a mere juxtaposition of perpetrations, co-perpetration must be understood as a full mode of participation in the offence. Indeed, it appears as a form of imputation halfway between perpetration and complicity, from which it borrows some characteristics. In other words, it proves to be a mode of participation in one’s own offence. Above all, its particularism is provided by the interdependence between the co-perpetrators : because each of them joins forces with his alter ego, all are placed on an equal footing. These elements, which are found both in it’s concept and in it’s regime, demonstrate thereby the specificity of co-perpetration while strengthening the coherence of the different modes of criminal participation.

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