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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Levnadsberättelser inom särskilda boenden för dementa : En kvalitativ studie om omvårdnadspersonals syn på levandsberättelser

Bosnjakovic, Amela, Nuure Halane, Ahmed January 2020 (has links)
Demens är en rad symtom som orsakas av hjärnskador och kan förklaras på olika sätt beroende på vilka delar av patientens hjärna som har blivit skadade. Patientens minne, förmågan att planera och genomföra sitt vardagsarbete försämras. Dementa människor drabbas av funktionsnedsättningar som innebär att patienten har språksvårigheter, sämre orienteringsförmåga och svårt att uppfatta tiden. Personens kognitiva förmågor blir också sämre som leder till nedstämdhet, oro och beteendeförändringar hos drabbade personer. Demenssjukdom resulterar i att personen med demens inte klarar av sin tillvaro som innebär att hen behöver stöd från vårdpersonalen och anhöriga, det vill säga att personen är beroende av stöd från sin omgivning. Syftet med studien är att beskriva omvårdnadspersonalens upplevelser av och berättelser om att använda levandsberättelse som verktyg vid omvårdnad för demensdrabbade personer som flyttar till särskilda boende. Den valda metoden för arbetet var intervjuer med personal som arbetar på demensboenden där vi bland annat frågade om hur de använder levnadsberättelser och hur de fungerar i praktiken. Efter intervjuerna kunde författarna konstatera att personalen som arbetar med dementa i särskilda boende har stor hjälp av levnadsberättelserna. Detta innebär att om patienten, till exempel, på något sätt är orolig under dagen och repeterar samma fråga hela tiden så kan personalen gå genom kopplingar med levnadsberättelsen och ge svar till den demenssjuke. Det brukar hjälpa personen att blir lugnare en stund och var nöjd med sin tillvaro. Undersköterskorna som intervjuades bekräftade att det skulle bli svårt för vårdpersonalen att vårda dementa personer utan levandsberättelse. / Dementia is a series of symptoms caused by brain damages and can be explained in different ways depending on which parts of the patient’s brain are damaged. The patient’s memory and ability to plan and carry out his or her daily work worsens. People who suffer from dementia often have language difficulties, poor orientation and difficulties of perceiving time. The person’s cognitive ability also becomes impaired which is leads to depression, anxiety and behavioural changes in dementia affected people. Dementia disease results in the persons with dementia not being able to cope with their existence, which means that they need support from the nursing staff and relatives. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the nursing staff who work in special accommodations for people with dementia use life stories as a tool in order to help their residents, but also their experiences with using life stories in practice. The chosen method for the study was interviews with nursing staff who work in special accommodations, who about how they use life stories in their work and their experiences with it. After the interviews, the authors were able to state that the nursing staff who work with dementia in special accommodations have great help from using life stories in their work. This means that if the patient, for example, somehow is anxious during the day and repeats same question all the time, then the care staff can go through the connections with the patient’s life story and give answers to the dementia patient. This usually helps the person to calm down for a while and feel content. Nurses who were interviewed confirmed that it would be difficult for the nursing staff to take care of the demented people in the best possible way without a life story.

Devenir entrepreneur : la place de l'histoire personnelle dans le processus d'apprentissage de l'entrepreneuriat / Becoming an entrepreneur : the role of personal story in the entrepreneurial learning process

Ciobanu-Gout, Varvara 22 October 2018 (has links)
L'entrepreneur, grand absent du paysage économique pendant une grande partie du vingtième siècle, est de retour. Le profil de l'entrepreneur contemporain est étroitement lié aux caractéristiques de l'individu hypermoderne : un sujet mobile, qui exige sa liberté, qui construit ses propres réseaux, qui a ses propres aspirations. La motivation dans l'acte entrepreneurial n'est pas uniquement le profit, elle peut varier entre la recherche d'épanouissement, et la création de son propre emploi. Les dispositifs d'accompagnement à la création d'entreprise se sont multipliés et l'enseignement de l'entrepreneuriat est devenu une priorité. L'objectif de cette recherche est l'étude du processus d'apprentissage de l'entrepreneuriat dans une approche biographique, mettant l'accent sur les apprentissages informels. Le groupe des entrepreneurs n'étant pas une catégorie sociale homogène, l'échantillon a été construit à partir d'un seul domaine d'activité, la cosmétique biologique. La recherche repose sur l'étude de récits de vie de six entrepreneurs spécialisés dans ce secteur. Cette étude met en évidence trois types de phénomènes qui apportent un éclairage sur le processus d'apprentissage de l'entrepreneuriat : des phénomènes spécifiques au monde de la cosmétique biologique, des phénomènes communs à tous les entrepreneurs mais qui prennent une forme différente en fonction de l'histoire personnelle de celui-ci, et des phénomènes spécifiques à chaque entrepreneur, qui montrent l'influence biographique sur la manière d'entreprendre. Cette thèse ouvre, en conclusion, des perspectives sur l'utilisation des histoires de vie comme méthode de soutien à la création d'entreprise. / The entrepreneur, who has been missing from the economic landscape for the majority of the twentieth century, is back. The profile of the contemporary entrepreneur is closely linked to the characteristics of the hypermodern individual : a mobile person demanding their freedom, and constructing their own network, with their own ambitions. The motivation behind the creation of a business is not only making profit; it can vary from the pursuit of personal fulfilment to the necessary creation of one’s own job. Mechanisms to support setting up new businesses have proliferated, and teaching entrepreneurship nowadays has become a priority.The goal of this research is to study the entrepreneurial learning process within a biographical approach, stressing informal learning. As the entrepreneurs do not form a homogenous social category, the sample was created from one activity domain : organic cosmetics. This research is based on the study of life-stories of six entrepreneurs specialising in this domain. This study shows three types of phenomena, shedding light on the entrepreneurial learning process: phenomena that are specific to the biological cosmetics domain, phenomena shared by all entrepreneurs but taking different shapes according to their personal story, and phenomena specific to each entrepreneur showing the biographical influence on the learning method. This thesis opens new perspectives on the possible uses of accounts of life as a method to assist in setting up new businesses.

Från kriminalitet till hederlighet : Att förstå vägarna ut ur den kriminella livsstilen / Transitions to a crime free life : Understanding pathways out of crime

Kuyumcuoglu, Simone January 2019 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to identify and interpret former criminal delinquents experiences of what internal, social and structual factors are contingent on the process of change in offending. Method: A qualitative method was used with a hermeneutic approach. A qualitative inquiry was conducted through three semi-structured life story interviews with former criminal delinquents working on an organization that specifically strives to help delinquents to desist from crime.  The mode of analysis utilized in this study was the concept of turning points and a life course perspective which are useful tools in understanding the crucial parts of the processes and factors in the desistance process. Results: The results identified twelve sub-interpretations which were distilled into three over-arching interpretations which lead to the following singular conceptual interpretation: Creating preconditions to promote reintegration and readaptation to society is viewed as important to successfully desist from crime, which, in turn, depends on three sets of factors: cognitive transformation, individual’s social environment and structural/external factors which are interdependent on each other. Future research areas are suggested.

Integrita u seniorů / Integrity in seniors

Demaj, Martina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis was focused on the study of integrity, its aspects, forms and resources in seniors, which we have identified as persons with a high degree of integrity based on established criteria. The aim of this work was to capture and understand the unique life experience of these seniors. The work consists of a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part consists of explanation of concepts of integrity and old age, in particular we focus on Erikson's conception of integrity and concept of successful aging. The empirical part consists of qualitative research aimed at finding sources and manifestations of integrity in three unique life stories of seniors aged 75-91. We obtained data for our research in a home for the elderly through semi-structured interviews, which we then analyzed using the method of interpretative phenomenological analysis. The results are presented from two perspectives. The first is an analysis of the experience of individual seniors, the second represents the perspective of themes that are important for integrity and appeared in most of our respondents. These themes are: Activity, Moral Integrity, Trust - Acceptance - Surrender, Ways of Living, Modesty, Relationship Orientation and Spirituality. We also created a category for unique qualities, which appeared...

The potential use of a personal portfolio for identity development of an adolescent

Quinn, Magdalena Katarzyna 15 June 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on how a Personal Portfolio can facilitate the narration of an adolescent’s life story and the outcome on self understanding. An instrumental case study that was exploritative and descriptive in nature was used to gain insight into the potential value of using a Personal Portfolio to reflect an adolescent’s quest for identity development. Data were collected by means of Personal Portfolio activities, open-ended interviews, tape-recordings of participant interviews, reflective reports written by the research participant as well as observations and field notes recorded in a diary by the researcher. The thematic analysis of the data was done within a constructivist-interpretivist framework. Five core categories: Identity Crisis/Confusion, Identity Exploration,Identifying Developmental Assets, Unresolved Past Issues, and the Experience of Compiling a Personal Portfolio emerged. These core categories were further linked to sub-categories and related themes. This study found that compiling a Personal Portfolio supported the research participant’s quest for identity. In particular, it facilitated a process of self exploration regarding career choice and sexual identity and resulted in increased self-knowledge, an awareness of personal assets and an overall improved sense of self-worth and self-confidence. This study also provided the research participant with a platform to work from and the means to solve some personal problems. The study further more concluded that a Personal Portfolio is a cost effective method that is suitable for use in a diverse South African context which could be utilised by counsellors and educators with their task to assist adolescents with their identity development. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Displacement Stories: An Ethnographic Account of Seven Lives in Transit

De Gryse, Delphine M. 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

L'expérience de la parentalité de parents d'enfants placés de façon permanente auprès d'un membre de la famille élargie par les services de protection de la jeunesse au Québec

Dorval, Amilie 09 1900 (has links)
Dans l’ensemble de la littérature sur le placement, peu d’attention est accordée aux parents d’origine et ce constat n’est que plus saillant dans les écrits portant plus spécifiquement sur le placement auprès de membres de la famille élargie. L’examen critique des écrits sur le sujet montre que les parents vivent différentes émotions complexes, parfois même contradictoires suite au placement de leur enfant. Il ressort notamment des études recensées que plusieurs parents expriment ne pas se sentir entendus et considérés par le système de PJ. La thèse a pour objectif de comprendre l’expérience des parents ayant au moins un de leur enfant confié de façon permanente à un membre de la famille élargie par les services de protection de la jeunesse, et ce, en leur donnant une voix réelle dans la recherche. La thèse mobilise une théorisation de la parentalité proposée par Houzel (1999) et Sellenet (2007). Les auteurs définissent la parentalité selon trois axes: l’expérience, la pratique et l’exercice de la parentalité. Ces trois axes ne peuvent être complètement dissociés et sont étroitement liés les uns aux autres. Bien que ce cadre n’ait pas été développé au départ pour appréhender la parentalité d’enfants placés, il semble pertinent et approprié pour la thèse. La perspective de la thèse est de nature qualitative et exploratoire puisqu’aucune étude n’a été réalisée sur la pratique et l’expérience vécue des parents à qui l’on a retiré un enfant pour le confier à un membre de la famille élargie. La posture méthodologique de la thèse repose sur le récit de vie. Ainsi, neuf parents d’enfants qui ont été confiés à un membre de la famille élargie par les services de PJ du Centre Intégré Universitaire de Santé et Services Sociaux-centre Sud de l’île de Montréal (CCSMTL) ont été rencontrés à deux reprises. La première rencontre vise à recueillir le récit du parent alors que la deuxième rencontre permet de faire une restitution du récit au parent et permet à ce dernier de valider le récit et d’aller un peu plus loin dans certains thèmes. Il s’agit d’une approche méthodologique qui requiert un engagement important du chercheur et plusieurs étapes d’analyses. Les résultats de la thèse font ressortir l’importance de considérer l’expérience du placement dans une perspective plus large et inclusive de la trajectoire de vie des parents. L’analyse des récits des parents fait ressortir plusieurs thèmes qui rejoignent la théorisation de la parentalité mobilisée pour la thèse. Les récits des parents témoignent du parcours parfois très difficile de certains parents et de leur entrée dans la parentalité comme une expérience bien souvent peu préparée et qui se produit dans des contextes plutôt défavorables. De plus, une typologie exploratoire émerge et montre que l’expérience vécue est, certes variée, mais également grandement influencée des enjeux relationnels passés et présentes dans les situations familiales. L’hypothèse du trauma complexe vécu par plusieurs parents émerge des analyses des récits et avance ainsi certaines réponses au vécu de la parentalité des parents rencontres. La thèse propose trois angles d’intégration de la parentalité vécue dans le contexte du placement permanent de leur enfant auprès d’une FAP. Le premier angle réitère l’aspect central des relations dans la construction de la parentalité et de manière considérable dans le contexte de placement en FAP. Le deuxième intégrant la temporalité et l’histoire de vie des parents. Enfin, le troisième angle propose une lecture critique de la parentalité en soulevant les inégalités sociales qui sous-tendent la construction sociale de la parentalité. En définitive, les résultats de la thèse révèlent les besoins prépondérants des parents et l’importance de bonifier l’offre de services destinés aux adultes autant par le réseau public de santé que par le communautaire. / In the placement literature as a whole, little attention is paid to the parents of origin, and this finding is only made more salient in the literature that focuses on placement with extended family members. A critical review of the literature shows that parents experience a variety of complex and sometimes conflicting emotions following their child's placement. In particular, the studies reviewed indicate that many parents express that they do not feel heard and considered by the youth protection system. The goal of this thesis is to understand the experience of parents who have at least one of their children permanently placed in extended family care by child welfare services by giving them a real voice in the research. The thesis mobilizes a theorization of parenthood proposed by Houzel (1999) and Sellenet (2007). The authors define parenthood along three axes: experience, practice and the exercise of parenthood. These three axes cannot be completely dissociated and are closely linked to each other. Although this framework was not originally developed to understand the parenting of children in care, it seems relevant and appropriate for the thesis. The perspective of the dissertation is qualitative and exploratory in nature as no studies have been conducted on the practice and lived experience of parents who have had a child removed from their care and placed with an extended family member. The methodological posture of the dissertation is based on life stories. Thus, nine parents of children who were entrusted to an extended family member by the youth protection services of the Centre Intégré Universitaire de Santé et Services Sociaux-centre Sud de l'île de Montréal (CCSMTL) were interviewed twice. The first meeting aims to collect the parent's story, while the second meeting allows the parent to validate the story and to go a little further into certain themes. This is a methodological approach that requires a significant commitment from the researcher and several stages of analysis. The results of the thesis highlight the importance of considering the placement experience from a broader, inclusive perspective of the parents' life trajectory. The analysis of the parents' narratives highlights several themes that align with the theorization of parenthood mobilized for the thesis. The parents' narratives attest to the sometimes very difficult journey of some parents and their entry into parenthood as an experience that is often unprepared and occurs in rather unfavorable contexts. Moreover, an exploratory typology emerges and shows that the lived experience is certainly varied, 8 but also greatly influenced by past and present relational issues in family situations. The hypothesis of complex trauma experienced by many parents emerges from the analyses of the narratives and thus puts forward certain answers to the lived experience of parenthood of the parents encountered. The thesis proposes three angles of integration of the parenthood experienced in the context of the permanent placement of their child with a family member. The first angle reiterates the centrality of relationships in the construction of parenthood and considerably so in the context of placement in a kinship care placement. The second integrates the temporality and life history of the parents. Finally, the third angle proposes a critical reading of parenthood by raising the social inequalities that underlie the social construction of parenthood. Finally, the results of the thesis reveal the predominant needs of parents and the importance of improving the services offered to adults by both the public health network and the community.

”Att jag förstår, jag förstår dig, jag vill förstå dig” : Förskollärares livsberättelser av att arbeta med de yngsta barnens lärprocesser

Isaksson, Johanna, Lindwall, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en förståelse för hur förskollärare arbetar med att synliggöra de yngsta barnens lärprocesser och hur detta har betraktats i förskolan. Frågeställningarna som ligger till grund lyder; Hur beskriver förskollärarna den pedagogiska verksamhetens utformning och dokumentation med de yngsta barnen?         och Hur har arbetssättet kring att synliggöra de yngsta barnens lärprocesser förändrats över tid ur förskollärares perspektiv? Studiens empiri har samlats in genom tre förskollärares livsberättelser som tolkats och analyserats utifrån narrativ teori med en hermeneutisk ansats. En utgångspunkt är att det krävs förförståelse för att kunna få ny förståelse, vilket utifrån förskollärarnas beskrivningar har ökat vår förståelse för förskollärarprofessionens utveckling i relation till samhällets utveckling. Studiens resultat lyfter hur förskollärarna arbetar med att synliggöra de yngsta barnens lärprocesser där framförallt konkreta och fysiska föremål framkommer som betydelsefulla. Arbetssättet kring att synliggöra barns lärprocesser har förändrats från att det inte var en del av uppdraget till att förskollärarna idag dokumenterar, reflekterar och analyserar kring barns lärande.  Slutsatsen som dras är att med hjälp av de strategier som lyfts i studiens resultat, i relation till förståelsen för förskolans utveckling, kan förskollärare möjliggöra för att tolka, förstå och synliggöra de yngsta barnens lärande. / The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of how preschool teachers work to make visible the learning processes of the youngest children and how this has been viewed in preschool. The underlying questions are; How do preschool teachers describe the desgin and documenting with the youngest children? and How has the approach to making the youngest children's learning processes visible changed over time from the preschool teachers' perspective? The empirical data was collected through three preschool teachers' life stories, which were interpreted and analysed using narrative theory with a hermeneutic approach. A starting point is that prior understanding is required to gain new understanding, which based on the preschool teachers' descriptions has increased our understanding of the development of the preschool teaching profession in relation to the development of society. The results of the study highlight how preschool teachers work to make visible the learning processes of the youngest children, where concrete and physical objects in particular emerge as significant. The approach to making children's learning processes visible has changed from not being part of the mandate to preschool teachers now documenting, reflecting and analysing children's learning.  The conclusion drawn is that using the strategies highlighted in the study's findings, in relation to understanding preschool development, preschool teachers can enable the interpretation, understanding and visibility of the youngest children's learning.


RODILON TEIXEIRA 21 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] O propósito central deste estudo, desenvolvido na área de Administração e, especificamente, no campo dos estudos de carreiras, foi compreender e analisar as influências da origem social no desenvolvimento da carreira médica, tendo como base os relatos das experiências vivenciadas por médicas ginecologistas e obstetras com carreiras consolidadas, atuantes na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O método de pesquisa história de vida foi empregado para obter as narrativas biográficas das médicas com o intuito de alcançar aspectos subjetivos, culturais, sociais e relacionais de suas vidas e carreiras. As contribuições da abordagem de Pierre Bourdieu aos estudos de carreira alicerçaram o referencial teórico. Os achados sobre o campo médico demonstraram sobreposição de fenômenos sociais que se relacionaram com raça, classe e gênero, além da percepção das entrevistadas sobre as mudanças que vêm ocorrendo nesse campo. Além disso, os relatos evidenciaram que, neste grupo de médicas, as diferenças das origens sociais influenciaram o desenvolvimento de suas carreiras. Os capitais econômico e cultural foram os principais que delinearam as trajetórias — de vida e de carreira — e contribuíram em maior nível para aumentar ou diminuir as oportunidades no campo médico. O capital econômico delimitou as escolhas e os caminhos durante a graduação e no desenvolvimento da carreira, evidenciado em escolhas motivadas pelo aperfeiçoamento profissional ou premidas pela necessidade financeira, que resultaram, por exemplo, no maior ou menor tempo dedicado à educação médica, ou, ainda, na abertura do consultório próprio na fase inicial ou intermediária da carreira. O capital cultural herdado e adquirido nas trajetórias de vida, conexo ao capital social, tornou-se, no contexto do campo médico, capital de carreira, visto que contribuiu para aumentar as oportunidades que as médicas tiveram em suas carreiras e observado nas diferentes posições ocupadas que refletiram os volumes desiguais desses capitais. Os achados do estudo revelaram aspectos do habitus de carreira que podem restringir ou ampliar as estratégias e investimentos relacionados à carreira, sobressaindo-se a herança do habitus da carreira médica, recebida de familiares médicos, aliado ao capital cultural dos pais quando se tornou evidente a importância das relações sociais, das estratégias e das táticas que seriam mais adequadas para se desenvolver e alcançar uma carreira sólida e de sucesso na medicina, antes mesmo da entrada no curso. Os capitais de carreira médica destacados nas trajetórias foram: relações e interações sociais (capital cultural e social); tempo de educação médica (capital cultural e capital econômico); diplomas de instituições (capital cultural e simbólico); experiência acadêmica internacional (capital cultural e econômico). Por fim, destacamos que os contextos das origens sociais das médicas tornaram os caminhos mais ou menos fluídos, reflexo da influência dos distintos volumes e estruturas dos capitais que potencializaram ou atenuaram o mérito individual. / [en] The central purpose of this investigation, developed in Management studies, specifically, within the field of career studies, was to understand and analyze the influences of social origin on the development of the medical career, based on the reports of experiences lived by gynecologists and obstetricians with consolidated careers, working in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The life history research method was used to obtain the biographical narratives of the doctors in order to reach subjective, cultural, social, and relational aspects of their lives and careers. The contributions of Pierre Bourdieu s approach to career studies underpinned the theoretical framework. The findings of the medical field demonstrated an overlap of social phenomena that were related to race, class, and gender, in addition to the interviewees perception of the changes that have been occurring in this field. Furthermore, the reports showed that, in this group of doctors, differences in social origins influenced the development of their careers. The economic and cultural capitals were the main ones that outlined the trajectories —life and career— and contributed most to increase or decrease opportunities in the medical field. Economic capital delimited choices and paths during graduation and career development, evidenced in choices motivated by professional improvement or pressured by financial need, which resulted, for example, in more or less time dedicated to medical education, or even more, in opening their own practice in the initial or intermediate phase of their career. The cultural capital inherited and acquired in life trajectories, connected to social capital, became, in the context of the medical field, career capital, as it contributed to increase the opportunities that doctors had in their careers and observed in the different positions occupied that reflected the unequal volumes of these capitals. The study findings revealed aspects of the career habitus that can restrict or expand career-related strategies and investments, highlighting the inheritance of the medical career habitus, received from medical relatives, combined with the cultural capital of the parents when it became evident the importance of social relationships, strategies, and tactics that would be most suitable for developing and achieving a solid and successful career in medicine, even before entering the undergraduate course. The medical career capitals highlighted in the trajectories were: social relationships and interactions (cultural and social capital); medical education time (cultural capital and economic capital); diplomas from institutions (cultural and symbolic capital); international academic experience (cultural and economic capital). Finally, we highlight that the contexts of the doctors social origins made the paths more or less fluid, reflecting the influence of the different volumes and structures of capitals which enhanced or mitigated the individual merit.

Exploring Hybridity in the 21st Century: The Working Lives of South Asian Ethnic Minorities from a British Born Generation in Bradford.

Rifet, Saima January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the working lives of British Born South Asian Ethnic Minorities (BB SAEMs), critiquing the homogenous identities ascribed to them in previous research. Its methodology is life-story interviews analysed using Nvivo. This identified four hybrid categories emerging from two cultures. I fitted myself neatly into just one. However the reflexive analysis required in good qualitative research led me to realise that I fitted into not one, but all four categories, and into others not yet recognised. At this point, my thesis had to take a new turn. An auto-ethnographic, moment-by-moment study led to an ‘unhybrid categorisation of hybridities’ acknowledging ‘fuzziness and mélange, cut ‘n’ mix, and criss and crossover’ where identity is a complex-mix, always in flux. I conclude not only with this new theory of identity formation in the working lives of BB SAEMs, but also by arguing that by imposing the requirement to categorise, research methods lead to over-simplification and misunderstanding. / University of Bradford

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