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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fragile identities, patched-up worlds : Dementia and meaning-making in social interaction / Fragila identiteter och en hoplappad värld : Demens och meningsskapande i socialt samspel

Örulv, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Denna avhandling fokuserar på det meningsskapande och begripliggörande som fortgår vid tilltagande demenssjukdom, i det sociala samspelet, och de utmaningar för demens-omsorgen som detta innebär. Studien är aktörsorienterad och adresserar frågan om hur personer med åldersrelaterade progressiva demenssjukdomar i den vardagliga kommuni-kationen söker förstå sina situationer, omgivningen och sina liv – alltsammans inom ra-men för det dagliga samspelet på ett demensboende. Av särskilt intresse är hur dessa per-soner hanterar problem som har att göra med att handla tillsammans med andra i en gemensamt delad värld och hitta sin roll i det pågående samspelet, och hur de etablerar och upprätthåller en identitet i detta samspel. Detta trots svåra minnesproblem, desorien-tering i tid och rum, olika sätt att förstå den pågående situationen samt svårigheter att be-rätta om sina liv på ett sätt som både stämmer överens med biografiska data och har en tillfredsställande temporal organisering. Avhandlingen adresserar också frågan om hur omsorgspersonalen kan hantera det komplexa samspelet mellan de boende i den dagliga omsorgen, med avseende på att upprätthålla och respektera dessa personers värdighet. Studien ansluter till en växande tradition av att studera interaktion vid demens som meningsbaserad och situerad i en kontext snarare än enbart som beteende som orsakas av kognitiva svårigheter. Metodologiskt är studien etnografisk och bygger på observationer fördelade över en tidsperiod av sex månader. Materialet, som består av ca 150 h videoma-terial och kompletterande fältanteckningar, möjliggör att samspelet studeras både i detalj och i relation till det större sammanhang som det ingår i. Studien visar på kvarvarande kompetenser och bidrar med ny kunskap om strategier som personerna med demens använder sig av i ett aktivt, kreativt och på många sätt ratio-nellt meningsskapande i det sociala samspelet med andra människor. Detta diskuteras i termer av resurser för demensomsorgen i relation till den stora utmaning som det innebär att lappa ihop och upprätthålla en begriplig och socialt delad värld, samt upprätthålla kon-tinuitet med personernas livshistorier på ett sätt som möjliggör en önskad identitet. / This thesis focuses on the identity work and the meaning- or sense-making that continue in the face of evolving dementia diseases, in social interaction, and the challenges for care this involves. The study adopts an actor-oriented approach and addresses the question of how persons with age-related progressive dementia diseases in everyday communication make sense of their situations, their surroundings, and their lives – all within the context of daily life in residential care. Of particular interest is how these persons handle issues of joint action in a shared world and how they establish and maintain an identity in the inte-raction. This is in spite of severe memory problems, disorientation in time and space, dif-fering understandings of the current situation, and difficulties in telling “accurate” and temporally ordered stories about their lives. The thesis also addresses the question of how caregivers may handle the complex interplay between residents in daily care, in maintain-ing and respecting these persons’ dignity. The study follows a growing tradition of studying interaction in dementia as mean-ing-based and situated in a context rather than merely as behavior caused by cognitive impairment. Methodologically, this is an ethnographic study based on observations made within a period of six months. The data consist of around 150 hours of video recordings and complementary field notes. This extensive material has made it possible to study the social interaction both in detail and situated in a larger context. The findings point to remaining competences and strategies that persons with demen-tia use actively and creatively in the ongoing interaction – and, given the premises, often in a rational way. This is discussed in terms of resources for dementia care, in relation to the great challenge of patching up and putting together a comprehensive socially shared world as well as maintaining continuity with the persons’ previous life histories in a way that preserves a positive self-identity.

Berättade liv, berättat Polen : en etnologisk studie av hur högutbildade polacker gestaltar identitet och samhälle

Wolanik Boström, Katarzyna January 2005 (has links)
<p>The study takes its point of departure in the notions of life story, narrativity and context. It is based on extensive life story interviews with well-educated professionals in Poland – academics, teachers, managers, physicians, artists – during the period of transformation (or transition) from ”real socialism” to democracy and a market economy. The aim is to analyse the multilayered process of constructing a personal identity, as the narrators interweave stories about their lives with images of history and society. The central approach is narrative analysis, focusing on the interview interaction as well as the wider cultural, societal and political context in which the self-presentation takes place, and which it simultaneously creates. Concepts of cultural and paradigmatic narratives are combined with a gender perspective and selected terms from Pierre Bourdieus theory of practice. The narrators’ life experiences are shaped and evaluated in an implicit dialogue with cultural narratives of ideal biographies, professional careers, gender roles and family models in Poland during socialism and the transformation. In family background stories, the ancestors’ gendered biographies are depicted in relation to the underlying paradigm of the romantic-patriotic tradition. In childhood stories, the evaluation models used are psychological, social and based on political correctedness. The interviewees often shape their nostalgic, bitter and ambivalent memories against a background of the power relations between the family and the state, using nostalgia, dark rhetorics and a well-established genre of coping strategies during the socialism. In narratives about formal school-education during the socialist period, two paradigms are seen as highly incongruous: the intellectual-elitistic tradition and the socialistic citizen-schooling. Also stories of being a part of both formal and oppositional organisations and networks are told. In narratives about careers and working life, the pride in doing a good work is prevalent, but the narrators also depict complications in the professional paradigm due to the proliferation of politicised and informal power relations; en influence still lasting during the transformation period. The troubled issues of legitimacy, status and economy are discussed. In stories about close relationships, there is an underlying paradigm of love, marrital happiness and being a good parent, even though the stories follow a variety of plots. The evaluations become complex and sometimes contradictory. By presenting their life-experience in a proud, ambivalent, defensive or ironic way, the narrators reproduce, deconstruct and challenge the dominant cultural narratives, shaping their unique personal paradigms.</p>

Tyskar i Kalmartrakten : En etnologisk studie av berättelser om historia, identitet och tillhörighet

Johnsson, Barbro January 2009 (has links)
The study deals with the life stories of six women and four men who were born in Germany and who now live in Sweden.  Its purpose is to examine the histories of those who grew up in Germany during and after the Nazi era, their descriptions of their lives and experiences during childhood and adolescence, and how they regard their encounters with Swedish people, and the ways in which these encounters have affected their ways of describing the growth of their attachment to this country. The main approach is a narrative analysis focussing on the interview interaction and the wider social and political contexts of their life stories. When speaking of their lives in the two countries they show varying degrees of attachment to the places involved. This is why I use the term “travellers” when describing how their feelings of “belonging” change. The theoretical concepts used are those of habitus and capitals derived from Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of practice, and Marianne Horsdal’s view that people often refer to the idea of a “good life” when relating their life stories. This concept can of course vary widely from one person to another. Nine of the group emigrated to Sweden voluntarily; the remaining one came here as a refugee after the end of the second World War.  The older ones - born between 1920 and 1940 - have memories of their early years in Nazi Germany and of the wartime period. The younger ones, born after 1950, have differing memories of childhood and adolescence spent in East and West Germany. Some of them lost close relatives during the war.  Those who came to Sweden during the late 1940s and the 1950s were met with very negative attitudes from some Swedes, while the later immigrants were treated with respect. / Tyskland i Sverige och Sverige i Tyskland

Kamp om rummet : en studie av heteronormativitet i Svenska kyrkan / Struggle about the room : a study of heteronormativity within the Swedish church

Lindström, Susanne January 2005 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions concerning ongoing constructions of heterosexuality as a norm in the Swedish church. Empirically the study is based partly on interviews with thirteen homo- and bisexual priests, one district visitor and one church politician and partly on some of the church’s own inquiries and documents concerning the question of Christianity and ”deviant” sexuality. The aim for this study is to examine how norms for sexuality, coexistence and gender are repeated in the documents created by the Swedish church itself about homosexuality and Christianity and to discern how these norms are present and have sense – are reproduced, challenged and transformed in life stories of Christian homo- and bisexual individuals. To be able to see how the notion of homosexuality as abnormal is reproduced, secured and challenged I have chosen to interpret texts, observations and life stories from a critical discourse perspective. In this theoretical tradition it is central to stress how, or rather to investigate what strategies are used to produce and maintain notions of ”abnormality”. One dominating view in the discussions within the church is that homosexuals and heterosexuals have equal value but that partnership cannot be equated with marriage. This understanding is expressed in my examples of formations of heteronormativity within the church. In the interview persons’ narratives there are discourses represented that are articulated in the church’s own inquiries but the narratives also express counter discourses. They speak about themselves in relation to, for example, imperative heterosexuality, homosexual ideals, core family ideals, theological way of thinking and dichotomizing understanding of gender. I have identified several ”uses” in the narratives and all of them are contained in an overall Christian homosexual ”us”. Instead of viewing themselves as being ”wrong” some of the interview persons have moved the problem to the heteronormativity. Experiences of not being part of the norm have made them strong and willing to struggle and fight for their rights. This position, outside the norm, is by some viewed positively. The homosexuals’ experiences of oppression have led to a desire to liberate the church from homophobia and show ”the true” church, where no one is discriminated. Homosexuals are accepted within the church, but only as deviants. This way heterosexuality is being made the superior category. Its meaning and superior position cannot be questioned according to many of the church’s representatives. Still, this is exactly what is happening when homosexuals are increasingly visible to the public and when they challenge the heterosexual norm. This provocation makes the heterosexual norm visible and forces representatives of the norm to deal with it! / Författaren har bytt efternamn till Holst.

Handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling : Tre berättelser om vägen dit / Action Competence for Sustainable Development : Three Stories about the Path Leading There

Almers, Ellen January 2009 (has links)
Studiens mål är att bidra till kunskapsutveckling om hur unga människor utvecklar handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling. Med handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling avses i studien vilja och förmåga att påverka livsstil och levnadsvillkor på ett sätt sominkluderar intergenerationellt och globalt ansvar. I avhandlingen introduceras begreppet avståndsmoral för att beskriva detta ansvar, som utsträcker sig i både tid och rum, till kommande generationer och till nu levande människor globalt. En utgångspunkt för studien är att hållbar utveckling innefattar idén om avståndsmoraliskt ansvar. Studiens huvudfråga är: Hur erfar avståndsmoraliskt aktivt handlande unga människor att de utvecklat handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling? Studiens teorigrund är livsvärldsfenomenologisk. En upplevd verklighet undersöks i studien via berättelser. Genom ett strategiskt urval har tre intervjupersoner, som motiverar sina handlingar med avståndsmoraliska argument, valts att ingå i studien. Datainsamlingen har skett genom en kombination av öppna livsberättelseintervjuer ochhalvstrukturerade intervjuer. Analys och tolkning har metodologiskt stöd i berättelseforskningstraditionen och empirisk fenomenologisk forskning. Resultaten presenteras som tre citatrika levnadsberättelser om Karin, Carl och Matilda, tre unga vuxna med flera års engagemang i hållbarhetsfrågor. Syftet med levnadsberättelserna är att bidra till förståelse av det speciella i en enskild individs upplevelse av attutveckla handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling. En integrerande analys redovisar mönster i form av likheter och skillnader mellan de tre individernas berättelser om att utveckla olika aspekter av handlingskompetens i avståndsmoraliska frågor. Sex gemensammakärnpoänger framstår som betydelsefulla: känslomässiga reaktioner, upplevd kompetens, kontrasterande perspektiv och normativ grund, handlingsimpregnering, tillit från och tillit till vuxna samt social gemenskap kontra utanförskap. Som motiv och drivkrafterför engagemanget framstår känslomässiga reaktioner som initierar önskan om förändring och vilja till handling, längtan efter meningsfullhet, önskan om att komma till sin rätt och längtan efter gemenskap. Resultaten diskuteras i förhållande till tidigare forskningoch en modell av en möjlig väg att utveckla aspekter av handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling presenteras. Diskussionskapitlet utmynnar i fyra didaktiska utmaningar för enutbildning för hållbar utveckling. / The aim of the study at hand is to develop knowledge about the process of developing action competence for sustainable development. The overall research question explored is: How do young people experience that they have developed aspects of action competence forsustainable development? For the purposes of this study, action competence for sustainable development is defined as willingness and capability to act for changes in individual life style, as well as for structural changes of society, in a way that includes responsibility for present and future generations,globally. Life-world phenomenology provides the theoretical foundation of the study. Through purposive sampling, individuals have been found who, through different action strategies, engage in sustainability issues as for example climate change, bio-diversity and social justice. From a larger sample, three young adults have been selected for several life storyinterviews. Data has been analyzed and interpreted by use of narrative methodology. The result is presented as three stories, presented as thick descriptions, through whichthe winding paths towards aspects of action competence, as experienced, appear. This is followed by an integrative analysis presenting six themes that have emerged in theanalyses as relevant in the process of developing action competence for sustainable development: emotional reactions; perceived competence; contrasts and normative foundation;action permeation; trust and faith from adults and in adults; and social belonging in contrastto outsidership. Major motives and driving-forces for sustainability actions that emerge inthe stories are: emotional reactions initiating a desire for change and a desire to act; longingfor meaningfulness; a desire to feel comfortable with what you can contribute; and longing for belongingness. The findings are discussed in relationship to previous research and a modelof a possible way to develop aspects of action competence for sustainable development is introduced. This dissertation is part of a project supported by Formas, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.

Re-storying identities: Young women's narratives of teenage parenthood and educational support

Hindin-Miller, Jennifer Margaret January 2012 (has links)
Teenage parenting is widely constructed in prevailing research and public discourse as a social problem, with poor outcomes for parent and child. Teenage parents are regarded as a drain on state funds, too young to parent well, and at high risk of social exclusion, both educationally and economically. This thesis proposes that teenage motherhood is a turning point in a young woman’s life and identity, which can be an opportunity, rather than a problem, if there is adequate support for the mother and her child. It considers the role of a New Zealand School for Teenage Parents in providing this support. Using qualitative narrative methodology, ten young women, six family members and nine other members of the School community were interviewed about their experiences of its culture and practices. Six of the young women were also interviewed to gather their life stories. Informed by the narrative understanding that we story our identities from the narrative possibilities available to us within the varied discursive contexts of our lives, this thesis draws on these life stories to explore how the young women storied the fashioning of their own identities as young women, as learners and as young parents. It presents their stories of childhood and family life, teenage-hood and schooling, pregnancy and parenthood, their experiences at the School for Teenage Parents, and their lives since leaving the School, in order to consider the role of the School in supporting the positive refashioning of their identities. This thesis draws on social constructionist and narrative theories to interpret the storied contexts of the young women’s lives, and the role these often constraining and difficult contexts played in the fashioning of their multiple identities. Māori culturally responsive pedagogical theories are also drawn on to interpret the culture of the School for Teenage Parents, and its attempts to provide a supportive and affirming family or whānau environment for its students, in order to offer them more positive narrative possibilities of self and identity as young women, as learners and as young parents.

Den ofrivilligt frivillige företagaren : Starta eget-bidragsföretagande och en förändrad livssituation / The Involuntary Voluntary Entrepreneur : Subsidised Enterprise and Changes in Life Situation

Johansson, Christer January 2009 (has links)
Avhandlingens syfte är att beskriva och analysera arbetets betydelse i starta eget–bidragsföretagares liv. Material har samlats in dels genom en omfattande enkätstudie som omfattar hela populationen nuvarande och tidigare företagare från 1995 i Östergötlands län, dels genom en serie livsberättelseorienterade intervjuer med ett urval aktiva respektive före detta företagare med fokus på deras inställning till arbete. Resultaten visar bland annat att etableringsmotiven ofta utgår främst från strukturer och omständigheter utanför individen och att dennes handlande när det gäller att starta eget i mycket bygger på ett oreflekterat förhållningssätt. Analyserna lyfter också fram de identitetsskapande aspekterna av arbete och visar att den del av identiteten som är knuten till arbete i många fall mycket starkt påverkar eller omformar övriga identitetsaspekter. SeB-företagarna kan betraktas som ”nödvändighetsentreprenörer” då de skapar nya arbetstillfällen åt sig själva. Bland nuvarande företagare anser drygt hälften att deras liv tagit en positiv riktning. De mest negativa återfinns i gruppen tidigare SeB-företagare, av vilka drygt en tredjedel anser att deras liv tagit en negativ riktning. Bland fördelarna med företagande framhålls av de studerade personerna framför allt möjligheten till en upplevd egenkontroll i arbetet. Nackdelar som betonas är ekonomisk oro, kompetensbrist och brist på sociala relationer. / The thesis aims to describe and analyze the importance of work for those who start up in business through the active labour market programme – the start-up grant entrepreneur. The material was collected partly through an extensive questionnaire study covering the entire population of current and former entrepreneurs in subsidized enterprises from 1995 in Östergötland, Sweden, and partly by a series of life story-oriented interviews about attitudes to work with a sample of active or former entrepreneurs. The results show, inter alia, that the establishment motives are often essentially based on the structure and circumstances beyond the individual and that his/her actions in terms of starting their own business are largely based on a non reflective approach. The analysis also highlights the identity-building aspects of work and shows that in many cases the part of one’s identity that is associated with work significantly affects other identity issues. Start-up entrepreneurs can be regarded as ”necessity entrepreneurs” when they create new jobs for themselves. Among the current workers, just over half believe that their lives have taken a positive direction. The most negative is the group of former start-up entrepreneurs, in which just over one third indicate that their lives have taken a negative direction. The benefits of entrepreneurship highlighted by the studied subjects include the possibility of a perceived self-monitoring at work. Disadvantages indicated by the same people include economic concerns, skills shortages and lack of social relationships.

Berättade liv, berättat Polen : en etnologisk studie av hur högutbildade polacker gestaltar identitet och samhälle

Wolanik Boström, Katarzyna January 2005 (has links)
The study takes its point of departure in the notions of life story, narrativity and context. It is based on extensive life story interviews with well-educated professionals in Poland – academics, teachers, managers, physicians, artists – during the period of transformation (or transition) from ”real socialism” to democracy and a market economy. The aim is to analyse the multilayered process of constructing a personal identity, as the narrators interweave stories about their lives with images of history and society. The central approach is narrative analysis, focusing on the interview interaction as well as the wider cultural, societal and political context in which the self-presentation takes place, and which it simultaneously creates. Concepts of cultural and paradigmatic narratives are combined with a gender perspective and selected terms from Pierre Bourdieus theory of practice. The narrators’ life experiences are shaped and evaluated in an implicit dialogue with cultural narratives of ideal biographies, professional careers, gender roles and family models in Poland during socialism and the transformation. In family background stories, the ancestors’ gendered biographies are depicted in relation to the underlying paradigm of the romantic-patriotic tradition. In childhood stories, the evaluation models used are psychological, social and based on political correctedness. The interviewees often shape their nostalgic, bitter and ambivalent memories against a background of the power relations between the family and the state, using nostalgia, dark rhetorics and a well-established genre of coping strategies during the socialism. In narratives about formal school-education during the socialist period, two paradigms are seen as highly incongruous: the intellectual-elitistic tradition and the socialistic citizen-schooling. Also stories of being a part of both formal and oppositional organisations and networks are told. In narratives about careers and working life, the pride in doing a good work is prevalent, but the narrators also depict complications in the professional paradigm due to the proliferation of politicised and informal power relations; en influence still lasting during the transformation period. The troubled issues of legitimacy, status and economy are discussed. In stories about close relationships, there is an underlying paradigm of love, marrital happiness and being a good parent, even though the stories follow a variety of plots. The evaluations become complex and sometimes contradictory. By presenting their life-experience in a proud, ambivalent, defensive or ironic way, the narrators reproduce, deconstruct and challenge the dominant cultural narratives, shaping their unique personal paradigms.

Cultura lúdica docente em jogo: nos recôndidos da memória. / Teacher’s Ludic Culture at game: In the hidden places of the memory

CASTRO, Genivaldo Macário de January 2009 (has links)
CASTRO, Genivaldo Macário de. Cultura lúdica docente em jogo: nos recôndidos da memória. 2009. 144f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by Raul Oliveira (raulcmo@hotmail.com) on 2012-07-04T16:06:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Dis_GMCastro.pdf: 1434162 bytes, checksum: b14dee4b2514ae1afe995154b2ec44b0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-20T16:18:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Dis_GMCastro.pdf: 1434162 bytes, checksum: b14dee4b2514ae1afe995154b2ec44b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-20T16:18:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Dis_GMCastro.pdf: 1434162 bytes, checksum: b14dee4b2514ae1afe995154b2ec44b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / The research Teacher’s Ludic Culture at game: In the hidden places of the memory is the result of an investigation about the ludic culture of teachers in Primary School, with the aim to understand how these teachers relate their ludic culture to their practice in classroom. The methodology was based on a qualitative and phenomenological perspective and the autobiographical research was combined with the collaborative one. It involved six subjects who were teachers of Primary Education, members of the network of municipal public education of Fortaleza, teaching staff of the primary municipal school Professora Alba Frota. The fieldwork consisted of 14 meetings with the group of subjects, in which there were ludic-creative workshops, reflexive sessions, group of conversation, individual interviews, autobiographical narratives and “press conference”. Some of these meetings were dedicated to the ludic activities that made part of the memoirs of each teacher, which were moments when they made a link to their teaching practices. In this context, through stories of their own lives, the subjects rescued fragments of their ludic culture through living experiences, culminating with the drafting of a written memorial. The results were grouped into two categories of analysis: experiences founding and formative experiences. The analysis of the corpus of the research allows to affirm that the experience of the teacher’s ludic culture was initially underestimated, but revalued as it was submitted to the work with narratives, that allowed the teachers to identify institutional, personal and cultural limitations, related to their pedagogic practices that include the ludic experience. / A pesquisa Cultura lúdica docente em jogo: nos recônditos da memória, é fruto de uma investigação acerca da cultura lúdica do docente de Educação Infantil, com o objetivo de compreender como o professor relaciona sua cultura lúdica com sua prática docente. A metodologia teve por base a perspectiva qualitativa fenomenológica e a pesquisa autobiográfica, conjugada com a pesquisa “colaborativa”. Envolveu seis sujeitos, professores da Educação Infantil, integrantes da rede de ensino público municipal de Fortaleza, membros do corpo docente da Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil professora Alba Frota. O trabalho de campo constou de 14 encontros com o grupo de sujeitos, durante os quais foram realizadas oficinas lúdico-criativas, sessões reflexivas, rodas de conversa, entrevistas individuais, narrativas autobiográficas e, finalmente, uma entrevista coletiva. Parte destes encontros foi destinada às memórias lúdicas da infância de cada professor, ocasião em que estas foram relacionadas às suas práticas docentes. Neste contexto, por meio das histórias de vida, os sujeitos recuperaram fragmentos de sua cultura lúdica, mediante as experiências vivenciais, culminando com a elaboração de um memorial escrito. Os dados foram agrupados em duas categorias de análise: experiências fundadoras e experiências formadoras. As experiências vividas e atualizadas nas lembranças foram analisadas segundo a categoria de experiências fundadoras, enquanto a reflexão sobre estas experiências constituiu a categoria das experiências formadoras. A análise do corpus da pesquisa permite afirmar que a experiência da cultura lúdica do docente inicialmente foi subestimada, mas revalorizada à medida que foi submetida ao trabalho com as narrativas, o que permitiu que os professores identificassem limitações de ordem institucionais, pessoais e culturais em relação as suas práticas pedagógicas que incluem o lúdico

Les objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement : regard critique sur leur mise en œuvre par les Églises anglicanes de deux pays du Sud : Angola et RD Congo / The Millenium Development Goals : a critical look on their implementation by the Anglican churches of two countries of South : Angola and RDC

Mansita, Sangi 09 October 2014 (has links)
L’attention se focalise dans notre thèse sur la question de savoir comment la Communion anglicane en général, et l’Église anglicane de la RDC et celle d’Angola, en particulier, s’approprient des résolutions et des recommandations qui résultent de la TEAM Conférence. Le concept de la pauvreté est à l'origine de tous les maux dont souffrent les Églises dans le Sud. De nos jours, un certain nombre d'initiatives missionnaires qui exhibent les signes de piété cachent toujours une motivation liée à l’argent. Les OMD érigent la pauvreté dans toutes ses dimensions comme un défi majeur, auquel doit faire face l'humanité, un rideau de fer à briser pour le développement des nations du Sud. Vu l’ampleur de la pauvreté qui, en dépit de multiple mesures et solutions envisagées, continue de croire, nous nous rendons vite compte que c'est l’Africain lui-même, selon notre avis, qui est l’origine de la misère de son pays et de son continent. On peut en arriver à la prise de nombreuses mesures et à faire l’économie de différents facteurs pour la sortie de crise, mais le tout premier réside dans l’Homme africain lui-même. Le Sud est un peuple qui est, avant tout, à la merci des puissants internes. On assiste à la déroute de l’intelligence, à la perte de la raison et de l’autonomie de la part d'un certain nombre de politiques africains, mettant sur pied des institutions amputées de toute capacité de faire des choix libres et judicieux, œuvrant en priorité pour la «politique du ventre». / The attention is focused in our thesis on the question of how the Anglican communion in general, and the Anglican Churches of Angola and RDC in particular, have appropriated resolutions and recommandations resulting from the TEAM Conference. The concept of "poverty" in the broad sense is the root of all the problems plaguing societies and the churches of the South. Nowadays, a certain number of missionary and pastoral initiatives which appear to be based purely on piety always have unexpressed motives which have to do with the pursuit of personal material interests. The emphasis has always been placed on economic growth as a necessary factor which can be used for raising the standard of living of the poor in the South. However, there are many States that have experienced considerable economic growth, like Angola, but the income of the poor class increases so unbalanced and uneven, and stlll is, for many famillies, unsatisfactory. The Millennium Declaration declared poverty in all its dimensions to be the main challenge facing humanity, an iron curtain which needed to be breached for the development of Southem Nations. Given the extent of poverty which, despite multiple routes taken and solutions envisaged, continues to grow, we quickly realize that it is only the African who is, in our opinion, the origin of the misery of his country and his continent. Therefore, we can continue to consider many measures and the economy of different factors to end the crisis, but the main factor is the African man himself. The people of the South are, above all, at the mercy of internal forces. We are witnessing the defeat of intelligence, the loss of reason and autonomy on the part of a number of African policies, creating institutions cut off from all ability to make free and wise choices, working as a priority for the "politics of the belly".

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