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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Språklig förlust i främmande framtid : Nyspråk och språkkontroll i svenska dystopier 1958–1979 / Estranged Futures and Language Lost : Newspeak and Language Control in Swedish Dystopian Fiction 1958–1979

Järpedal, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
Dystopian fiction seeks to make conscious the faults of contemporary society through estrangement. Newspeak plays an important role in this estrangement, being a euphemistic and propagandistic language meant to distort the characters' perception of the fictional world. This type of language, however, has two different functions: one fictional and one didactical, where the latter seeks to emphasize the negative aspects of the fictional world to the reader. In this thesis I analyze the use of newspeak and language control as a means for social criticism in five Swedish dystopian novels published from the late 1950s through to the late 1970s. The novels analyzed are: Strålen (1958) by Ann Margret Dahlquist-Ljungberg, De sista (1962) by Arvid Rundberg, Elektra. Kvinna år 2070 (1967) by Ivar Lo-Johansson, Klotjorden (1970) by Kerstin Strandberg, and Järnblommorna (1979) by Jenny Berthelius. Apart from newspeak and language control I also examine the use of obsolete language and literary onomastics. Additionally, the thesis contains a smaller bibliography of Swedish utopian and dystopian novels published from 1950 to 1979. Language plays a central role in the novels analyzed: they contain different forms of newspeak and whilst these languages only figurate sporadically, their function is clearly didactic and meant for social criticism. Language control on the other hand, is a common theme that is often used to accentuate a totalitarian threat towards society. Most of the novels, however, primarily deal with obsolete language. It is the lost and forgotten that produces anxiety. This type of language emphasizes a loss of normative values that makes the reader question the fictional society as well as their own.

La tradición del Humanismo mediterráneo: "Lo Somni", el diálogo de Bernat Metge. Estudio y traducción anotada al griego

Oikonomopoulos, Ilias 14 November 2017 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral surge a partir del hecho de que, aunque los estudios hispánicos son muy conocidos hoy en Grecia, la literatura catalana medieval no resulta particularmente reconocible, lo cual sorprende si tenemos en cuenta, por un lado, la presencia de los catalanes en Grecia y las relaciones culturales en el siglo XIV, y por otro, el alto nivel de la producción literaria en aquella lengua. Aquí presentamos traducida al griego la considerada principal obra medieval en catalán, Lo somni (1399) de Bernat Metge, diálogo que atrae con particularidad al entorno helenístico por tratarse de un importante representante de la tradición del Humanismo mediterráneo y por suponer la introducción del movimiento humanista en la península Ibérica. Acompañan a esta traducción, en primer lugar, un estudio histórico-literario y una investigación detallada de las fuentes, y a continuación, unas notas aclaratorias y unos apéndices para facilitar su uso.

Evaluation of User Interface to Improve Documentation within the Elderly Care System

Lindqvist, Sheila January 2019 (has links)
The usability of a software product is dependent on the end-user and the context of use. Having a user-friendly user interface that is appealing and easy to learn and use is essential for improved human productivity. However, this is not always the case. For instance, the computer-based documentation system Siebel used within the elderly care system; is perceived by most nursing assistants as complicated. The goal here is to evaluate the usability of the system's user interface, applying the usability metrics stated in the ISO/IEC-9126-1 standards to quantify the effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of Siebel’s documentation system. A prototype user interface was developed for comparison with the current system. Likert-scale five-point scale; System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaires were used to measure User satisfaction. The results mirrored that the participants preferred the newly developed prototype user interface to the existing user interface

En genusstudie om språkval och könsroller : En komparativ analys av modern i Moa Martinsons Mor gifter sig och Ivar Lo-Johanssons Bara en mor / Language choices and gender roles on motherhood : A gender study of Moa Martinsons Mor gifter sig and Ivar Lo-Johanssons Bara en mor

Olausson, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
No description available.


岩田, 佳也 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18948号 / 工博第3990号 / 新制||工||1614(附属図書館) / 31899 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電子工学専攻 / (主査)教授 川上 養一, 教授 野田 進, 教授 木本 恒暢 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Tyst stad : En studie om god ljudmiljö och blandstad vid planeringen av högljudda kulturaktiviteter

Wallenius Kral, Martin January 2023 (has links)
I Stockholm pratades det om klubbdöden under 2019 eftersom flera högljudda kulturaktiviteter behövt stänga i innerstaden. Den huvudsakliga anledningen var konflikter mellan boende och kulturaktiviteter om bullerstörningar som naturligt uppstår när människor ska bo, verka och leva i en tät blandstadsmiljö. I Slakthusområdet ska denna problematik bemötas för att bli en nöjes- och evenemangsknutpunkt tillsammans med höga målsättningar om bostadsbyggande i blandstad. Den tidigare forskningen visar på att god ljudmiljö är mer komplext än endast reduceringen av önskade ljud utefter mätbara decibel. I Kulturkvarteren möts förståelsen av god ljudmiljö och blandstaden vid planeringen av högljudda kulturaktiviteter och utgör därför fallet i denna studie. I form av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys studerades planeringens förutsättningar, intentioner och åtgärder för att svara på om god ljudmiljö och blandstad är förenligt vid planeringen av högljudda kulturaktiviteter. För att studera det tillämpades teorin om ljud som en resurs och ljud som oönskat buller tillsammans med teorier om vad som utgör blandstaden. Dokumentstudier innefattade Slakthusområdets planprogram och Kulturkvarterens olika plandokument. Övergripande dokument från myndigheter studerades också för att skapa en större förståelse för planeringens förutsättningar. Intervjuer utförde med en planarkitekt, miljöutredare, nationell bullersamordnare, jurist och akustiker på Boverket, Naturvårdsverket, Miljöförvaltningen och Stockholms stad. Resultaten visar på att, i Kulturkvarteren, har ett defensivt förhållningssätt utgåtts ifrån där kulturaktiviteters ljudnivåer begränsas för att möjliggöra blandstadskvaliteteter. Möjliggörandet av en större variation i funktioner, människor och aktiviteter på den lilla skalan underbygger planeringens intentioner och åtgärder för en ljudmiljö där ljudkällor ska vara i balans med varandra för att inte maskera andra ljud. Bostadens riktvärden för ljud är den centrala faktorn i förutsättningarna för ljudmiljön i blandstaden och planeringens intentioner för den urbana ljudmiljön kunde därför ses som en funktion av bulleråtgärder snarare än direkta intentioner och åtgärder. Planeringen av kulturaktiviteter innebar därför inte en god ljudmiljö där högre kulturella ljud konsolideras i blandstadsmiljön utefter ljudets mening och sociokulturella kontext. Kulturkvarteren som en plats där högre kulturellt ljud görs möjligare, i högre grad, än i resten av innerstaden kunde därför ifrågasättas. Förenligheten i god ljudmiljö och blandstad vid planeringen av högljudda kulturaktivitet i Kulturkvarteren är hög i många aspekter. Högre ljudnivåer i lokaler möjliggörs och en god ljudmiljö utomhus och i bostäder säkerställs baserat på effekten på människors fysiologiska hälsa. Det förutsätter däremot en förståelse av god ljudmiljö som tystare där högre ljud, oberoende av dess subjektiva uppskattning, ska reduceras eller kontrolleras. Förenligheten i god ljudmiljö och blandstad är därför kontextuell. Högre ljudnivåer som en resurs kan innebär goda ljudkvaliteter utifrån platsens sociokulturella aspekt och ljudets mening men det är mindre förenligt med blandstaden på grund av riktvärdenas tillämpning men även planeringen intentioner för blandstadskvaliteter på den lilla skalan. Möjliggörandet av högre kulturljud i Kulturkvarteren innebar en reglering som säkerställer att riktvärden inte överstigs och inte att högre ljudnivåer möjliggörs i den urbana miljön. Jag anser därför att god ljudmiljö måste lyftas i bredare mening för att möjliggöra en större variation av ljudmiljöer som kan skapa platser i innerstaden för de kulturaktiviteter som inte ryms under riktvärdenas mätbarhet men som tillför andra goda ljudkvaliteteter. / In Stockholm, there was a discussion about the death of clubs in 2019 due to the closure of several vibrant cultural activities in the city centre. The main reason behind this was conflicts between residents and cultural activities regarding noise disturbances that naturally occur when people live, work, and coexist in a densely populated urban environment. In the Slakthusområdet area, efforts are being made to address this issue and transform it into a hub for entertainment and events, while also setting ambitious goals for mixed-use residential development. Previous research indicates that a good sound environment is more complex than simply reducing the desired sounds based on measurable decibels. In one of Slakthusområdets areas, Kulturkvarteren, the understanding of a good sound environment meets mixed-use urban development when planning for loud cultural activities, thereby making it the case of the study. Using a qualitative content analysis approach, this study examines the conditions, intentions, and measures taken in the planning process to determine whether a good sound environment and mixed-use urban development are compatible when planning for loud cultural activities. To study this, a theoretical framework consisting of sound as a resource and sound as unwanted noise was applied. This was then studied by applying theory regarding what constitutes the mixed-use city. The study involved examining documents such as the Slakthusområdet's master plan and various planning documents related to the Kulturkvarteren. Additionally, overarching documents from relevant authorities were also studied to gain a better understanding of the planning conditions. Interviews were conducted with a planning architect, environmental assessor, national noise coordinator, lawyer, and acoustician from Boverket, Naturvårdsverket, Miljöförvaltningen, and the City of Stockholm.  The findings demonstrate that, in Kulturkvarteren, a defensive approach has been taken, wherein the sound levels of cultural activities are limited to enable mixed-use qualities. Facilitating a greater variety of functions, people, and activities on a small scale supports the intentions and measures of the planning process aimed at achieving a sound environment where sound sources are balanced to avoid masking other sounds. The residential sound standards serve as a pivotal factor in shaping the acoustic conditions in the mixed-use city, and the planning intentions for the urban sound environment can therefore be viewed as a function of noise control rather than direct intentions and measures. Consequently, the planning of cultural activities does not result in a good sound environment where higher cultural sounds are integrated into the mixed-use environment based on the meaning of sound and sociocultural context. Therefore, the notion of the Kulturkvarteren as a place where higher cultural noise levels are enabled compared to the rest of the city could be subject to scrutiny. The compatibility between a good sound environment and mixed-use in the planning of loud cultural activities in Kulturkvarteren is favourable in several aspects. Higher sound levels indoors are made possible, and a favourable sound environment is ensured outdoors and in residential areas based on the impact on people's physiological well-being. However, this presupposes an understanding of a good sound environment as being quieter, where higher sounds, regardless of their subjective appreciation, should be reduced or controlled. Therefore, the compatibility between a good sound environment and mixed-use is context dependent. Higher sound levels, as a resource, may provide favourable sound qualities based on the sociocultural aspect of the location and the meaning of sound. However, it is less compatible with the mixed-use city due to the application of sound standards and the planning intentions for mixed-use qualities on a small scale. The facilitation of higher cultural sounds in the Kulturkvarteren entailed regulation to ensure that sound standards are not exceeded, rather than enabling higher sound levels in the urban environment. Hence, I argue that a broader understanding of a good sound environment is necessary to allow for a greater variety of sound environments that can create spaces in the city centre for cultural activities that fall outside the scope of measurable sound standards but contribute to other favourable sound qualities.

Advanced Channel Engineering in III-Nitride HEMTs for High Frequency Performance

Park, Pil Sung January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

(Not) Drawing The Line: Technology Reexamined

Liguori, Elizabeth Angela 07 June 2017 (has links)
(Not) Drawing The Line: Technology Re-examined is the culmination of interdisciplinary research exploring the nature of materiality and process in the fields of art, science, and technology. Exploration and experimentation in these diverse disciplines have helped to illuminate many of the ideas and concepts that have guided the overall research process. These explorations have also honed the ability to critically examine how technology is perceived and represented, post-internet.   This document illustrates the processes involved in the conception and creation of a body of work manifested through visual and technological problem solving, investigative research of materials and technologies, and the fundamental concerns of art, technology, form and pattern. These empirical areas of research are punctuated by literary texts on the philosophy of art and technology that have informed many of the visual comparisons represented. This body of evidence is an exploration of the idea that the evolution of technological developments can often be attributed to the creation of art through the heuristic experimentation and visual explorations of the artist. / Master of Fine Arts

L'étude du "cross-talk" des voies de synthèse des prostaglandines E₂ et des leucotriènes B₄ dans le fonctionnement altéré des ostéoblastes sous-chondraux humains arthrosiques

Maxis, Kelitha January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Genes involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and risk for Crohn's disease in children: a candidate gene study

Costea, Irina C. 02 1900 (has links)
Contexte - La prévalence de la maladie de Crohn (MC), une maladie inflammatoire chronique du tube digestif, chez les enfants canadiens se situe parmi les plus élevées au monde. Les interactions entre les réponses immunes innées et acquises aux microbes de l'hôte pourraient être à la base de la transition de l’inflammation physiologique à une inflammation pathologique. Le leucotriène B4 (LTB4) est un modulateur clé de l'inflammation et a été associé à la MC. Nous avons postulé que les principaux gènes impliqués dans la voie métabolique du LTB4 pourrait conférer une susceptibilité accrue à l'apparition précoce de la MC. Dans cette étude, nous avons exploré les associations potentielles entre les variantes de l'ADN des gènes ALOX5 et CYP4F2 et la survenue précoce de la MC. Nous avons également examiné si les gènes sélectionnés montraient des effets parent-d'origine, influençaient les phénotypes cliniques de la MC et s'il existait des interactions gène-gène qui modifieraient la susceptibilité à développer la MC chez l’enfant. Méthodes – Dans le cadre d’une étude de cas-parents et de cas-témoins, des cas confirmés, leurs parents et des contrôles ont été recrutés à partir de trois cliniques de gastro-entérologie à travers le Canada. Les associations entre les polymorphismes de remplacement d'un nucléotide simple (SNP) dans les gènes CYP4F2 et ALOX5 ont été examinées. Les associations allélique et génotypiques ont été examinées à partir d’une analyse du génotype conditionnel à la parenté (CPG) pour le résultats cas-parents et à l’aide de table de contingence et de régression logistique pour les données de cas-contrôles. Les interactions gène-gène ont été explorées à l'aide de méthodes de réduction multi-factorielles de dimensionnalité (MDR). Résultats – L’étude de cas-parents a été menée sur 160 trios. L’analyse CPG pour 14 tag-SNP (10 dans la CYP4F2 et 4 dans le gène ALOX5) a révélé la présence d’associations alléliques ou génotypique significatives entre 3 tag-SNP dans le gène CYP4F2 (rs1272, p = 0,04, rs3093158, p = 0.00003, et rs3093145, p = 0,02). Aucune association avec les SNPs de ALOX5 n’a pu être démontrée. L’analyse de l’haplotype de CYP4F2 a montré d'importantes associations avec la MC (test omnibus p = 0,035). Deux haplotypes (GAGTTCGTAA, p = 0,05; GGCCTCGTCG, p = 0,001) montraient des signes d'association avec la MC. Aucun effet parent-d'origine n’a été observé. Les tentatives de réplication pour trois SNPs du gene CYP4F2 dans l'étude cas-témoins comportant 225 cas de MC et 330 contrôles suggèrent l’association dans un de ceux-ci (rs3093158, valeur non-corrigée de p du test unilatéral = 0,03 ; valeur corrigée de p = 0.09). La combinaison des ces deux études a révélé des interactions significatives entre les gènes CYP4F2, ALOX et NOD2. Nous n’avons pu mettre en évidence aucune interaction gène-sexe, de même qu’aucun gène associé aux phénotypes cliniques de la MC n’a pu être identifié. Conclusions - Notre étude suggère que la CYP4F2, un membre clé de la voie métabolique LTB4 est un gène candidat potentiel pour MC. Nous avons également pu mettre en évidence que les interactions entre les gènes de l'immunité adaptative (CYP4F2 et ALOX5) et les gènes de l'immunité innée (NOD2) modifient les risques de MC chez les enfants. D'autres études sur des cohortes plus importantes sont nécessaires pour confirmer ces conclusions. / Background - The rates of Crohn’s disease (CD) a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, among Canadian children are the world’s highest. Interactions between the host microbial–innate-immune-responses are thought to underplay transition from physiological to pathological inflammation. Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is a key modulator of inflammation and has been shown to be associated with CD. We postulated that key genes involved in the LTB4 metabolic pathway could confer susceptibility for early-onset CD. In this study we implemented a candidate gene approach to test for associations between DNA variants in the ALOX5 and CYP4F2 genes and early-onset of CD. We also explored whether the selected genes demonstrated parent-of-origin effects, influenced CD clinical phenotypes and whether there were gender-gene and gene-gene interactions that determined CD susceptibility. Methods – The study consisted of an exploratory phase (case-parent design) followed by a replication phase (case-control design). Confirmed cases, parents and controls were recruited from three tertiary gastroenterology clinics across Canada. Associations between tag-single nucleotide polymorphisms in the CYP4F2 and ALOX5 genes were examined. Allelic and/or genotype associations were examined using conditional on parental genotype (CPG) analysis for the case-parent data and contingency table and logistic regression for the case-control data. Gene-gene interactions were explored using multi-factor dimensionality reduction (MDR) methods. Results – The first phase of the study was based on 160 trios (case-parent design). CPG analysis for 14 tag-SNPs (i.e. 10 in the CYP4F2 and 4 in the ALOX5 gene, respectively) revealed significant allelic or genotypic associations between 3 tag-SNPs in the CYP4F2 gene (rs1272, p=0.04, rs3093158, p=0.00003, and rs3093145, p=0.02). No associations with ALOX5 tag-SNPs were evident. CYP4F2-haplotype analysis showed significant associations with CD (omnibus test p-value=0.035). Two specific haplotypes (GAGTTCGTAA, p=0.05; GGCCTCGTCG, p=0.001) showed evidence for association with CD. No parent-of-origin effects were observed. The second phase of the study retested the three CYP4F2 SNPs that showed association in the first stage and was based on 223 CD cases and 330 controls. Some indications of association with one SNP i.e. rs3093158 were present (genotypic uncorrected 1-sided p-value=0.03); however this genotype association did not withstand correction. Combining cases from the two phases of the study revealed significant interactions between the CYP4F2, ALOX and NOD2 genes. No gene-gender interactions were obvious nor were the study genes associated with specific clinical phenotypes of CD. Conclusions - Our study suggests that the CYP4F2, a key member of the LTB4 metabolic pathway is a potential candidate gene for CD. Furthermore there was evidence that interactions between adaptive immunity genes (CYP4F2 and ALOX5) and innate immunity genes (NOD2) genes modify risk for CD in children. Further studies on larger cohorts are required to confirm these findings.

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